Factories and facilities not living up to standards Ethiopian prime minister has been formally awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in Oslo N.P.R.'s atr Peralta reports Oxman has promised to toil for peace in his country despite the challenges they face ever since he was announced the winner in October the accident has faced headwinds that home dozens have been killed in ethnic clashes in his rule has been challenged even by close allies in his lecture Abby made it clear that peace is hard but war he says is only glorified by those who have lived it this is the oil for life war a form of it is an destruction Abby was awarded the Peace Prize because of the huge democratic reforms he has made in Ethiopia and because he brought a decades long war with Eritrea to an end be admitted that in the past Ethiopia has been ruthless with its people but he promised that he is committed to protecting human rights and to conducting the 1st free and fair elections in Ethiopia's history in a proper n.p.r. News Nairobi on Wall Street the Dow Jones Industrials are down 40 points at 27877 The Nasdaq is up 7 points this is n.p.r. And valley Public Radio News Californians must carry health insurance in 2020 or face a state imposed penalty on their taxes in 2021 the fine is a replacement for a federal penalty as Camp radio's shammy kale legs planes when the traffic ministration eliminated the fine for not carrying health insurance some people dropped their coverage experts say more uninsured people means higher premiums for everyone that's why Governor Gavin Newsome pushed for a state mandate the California penalty starts at $695.00 for individuals who go more than 3 months without insurance in 2020 it gets assessed during the 2021 tax season Newsome says he'll use any revenue from people paying the penalty to. Help low and middle income patients afford health insurance roughly 3000000 Californians remain uninsured in Sacramento I'm Sam. Cal Fire is making substantial progress on fire prevention projects fast tracked by Governor Gavin Newsome at the start of 2019 Scott McLean as a deputy chief of Cal Fire will have $33.00 Of the 35 projects done by the end of the year and then the remaining 2 will be done before the fire season develops next year in January Newsham asked the agency to identify a priority projects including prescribed burns and vegetation management in June camp radio reporter only 2 of the 35 projects were complete most of them were just getting underway Maclean's has Cal Fire will continue to identify new projects as the 1st set is completed this is Valley Public Radio News support for n.p.r. Comes from Ab Scotto celebrating 75 years of supporting libraries their communities and the role librarians play in making a difference learn more about abscond at ab Skoda dot com and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation at our w j f dot org. This is Morning Edition on vallée Public Radio that time hours 8 o 6 on a Tuesday morning just ahead the Democrats have released 2 articles of impeachment against President Trump saying he abused his power and obstructed justice Just ahead we'll hear more local funding for f m 89 provided by education Employees Credit Union serving Valley families and professional since 1904 information is available online at my e.c.u. Daughter org Why these pets in Fresno with hamsters rabbits and rats to complete your home habitats online and White House pets dot com support for f.m. 89 also come from the Tower Theater in Fresno welcoming the Kingston Trio on Saturday January 11th at 8 pm this trio is known for songs such as Tom Dooley and Where Have All The Flowers Gone and with the holiday gift giving now in full swing tickets are now available at 559485950 or the Tower Theater Fresno dot com Good morning this is the California report. You're listening to Barry Public Radio f.m. 89 and I'm Margaret Allen. This is Morning Edition from n.p.r. News I'm Rachel Martin and I'm Steve Inskeep it is arguably a normal day in Congress Tuesday December 10th 2019 normal at least in the time of President Trump in that so much is happening that it's hard to follow but the things happening on this day are momentous in the space of an hour House leaders announced 2 articles of impeachment against the president they also announced they have agreed with the president on terms of a new North American Free Trade Agreement the agreement puts the rename to deal with Mexico and Canada on a path to passing Congress let's begin with impeachment n.p.r. Congressional correspondent Kelsey Snell is at the Capitol Hi there Kelson I think the morning and let's listen together to Jerry Nadler He's the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee which is the committee that's producing the 2 articles of impeachment throughout this inquiry he has attempted to conceal the evidence from Congress and from the American people. Our president holds the ultimate public trust when he betrays that trust and puts himself before country he endangers the Constitution he endangers our democracy and he endangers our national security what are the ways in which Ned lawyers says the president put himself before the country well actually they just released the Tax Justice just this moment of the 2 articles of impeachment they it is a 9 pages in of publicly available now and they detail abuse of power and obstruction of Congress as 2 separate articles of impeachment now the abuse of power focuses on President Trump's conduct with regard to Ukraine and his attempts to pressure the Ukrainian government to launch investigations into Trump's political rivals and into the deep bunked theory that Ukraine not Russia meddled in the 2016 election now obstruction of Congress is focused on Trump's conduct with regard to the investigation itself and efforts that his administration took to prevent Congress from getting the information they need to investigate his conduct when it comes to Ukraine we heard Mara Liasson during our coverage earlier today say that in many ways the obstruction of justice charge is more serious even though it's a little harder it seems a little more abstract to the average person as he clears obstruction of Congress which is a little bit different and this is really important because it is about the relationship between Congress and the White House and Congress's constitutional duty to perform oversight of the White House Democrats say that if they don't move forward with this article in particular they are essentially ceding their power of oversight for decades to come and makes it so much harder for the president to ever be accountable to the other branches of government I have now got one of the resolutions in front of me I'm just going to read a little tax to that has just come out from the House Judiciary Committee so that we have an i.d. . Flavor of this the formality of it it's a legal looking document resolved that Donald j. Trump president of the United States is impeached for high crimes and misdemeanors and that the following articles of impeachment be exhibited to the United States Senate which is what would happen here right the full House would vote on these 2 articles and if they are passed they go on to the Senate yeah just to give people kind of a lay of the land the 1st thing that needs to happen is the House Judiciary Committee needs to vote on these articles and we're expecting that to happen maybe as early as Thursday though if that is not set in stone once that's done it will move to the full house where they will take a vote and if it does if these articles are approved by the house then it will go on to the Senate where technically they're required to start the process of an impeachment. Trial in the Senate immediately though there's a little bit of wiggle room there but at the end of the day we're talking about of a very rapid process going forward yeah now let's go back to that 2nd article the obstruction of Congress article and the importance of that there is of course a 3rd branch of government they can sometimes be asked to referee disputes between the other branches the White House and Congress none of this is abstract it's the heart of the American system it's the way you avoid having a dictator it's a big deal Adam Schiff the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee was asked today why not wait for the courts there are court cases being heard now about who should testify and what documents should go over why not wait he said he was facing snuffing but delay and obstruction even in the courts from the administration let's listen it has taken us 8 months to get a lower court ruling that Donegan has no absolute right to defy Congress 8 months for one court decision. If it takes us another 8 months to get a 2nd court or maybe a Supreme Court decision people need to understand that is not the end of the process it comes back to us and we ask questions because he no longer has absolute immunity and then he claims something else that his answers are privileged and we have to go to back to court for another 8 or 16 months the argument why don't you just wait amounts to this. Why don't you just let him cheat in one more election why not let him cheat just one more time Kelsey Snell sometimes Republicans or the members of the president's party either one will defend the rights of Congress even against a president of their own party are there any Republicans inclined to see things as shift does well that that is what the vote that we're expecting in the next week or so will show whether or not Republicans have is not discomfort or you know agree with Democrats that the president's. Willingness to go along with the rules norms and constitutional duties his lack of willingness I should say rises to an impeachable offense there have been Republicans who are uncomfortable with the fact that the president doesn't always go along with the way things are normally done even when it comes to things like approving a cabinet positions and then putting people in acting jobs instead of having them confirm those kinds of things have bothered not just Democrats but Republicans for some time the question is what do they do about it and this this this question about the Ukraine situation is much more intense and is at a much higher level than that so they will have to answer that question when they go to the floor to vote although it does seem unusual I mean President sometimes flout Congress in certain specific ways but they will overall acknowledge the rights of Congress here we have a president who says what you're doing is a legitimate I don't have to follow you with all. Let's see here one Republican voice on this Doug Collins he is the top Republican on one of the committees that has been considering impeachment over the last number of weeks he spoke on Fox News Adam Shift your analysis will go down in history along with the speaker of having the most partisan paper on the most list bags of any we've seen simply because they have issues with the president these are going to be vital to the president's defense that he keep Republicans united Kelsey that no Republicans defect and make the impeachment more bipartisan you know that's absolutely a big part of what he's going to try to do here in you know it I think it's very important to watch the. The way that Republicans and even many Republicans do side with Democrats how they frame that if they pick out you know just a small portion of it that they can agree on that is going to really tell us a lot about what may come in the Senate trial as well because it talks a lot about where the party is as a whole briefly what's it like to also be at the Capitol on this day when Democrats are saying they've agreed with the White House on the u.s. Mexico Canada Free Trade Agreement the your as the u.s. M.c.a. Do I have that right there is the u.s. Mexico Canada agreement Yes that's right and you know it's like being a little bit of whiplash earlier today Speaker Pelosi was asked about it and she said that the day is young and I think that that is that that speaks to a creditable with that were in there is still much that needs to get done and Congress is feeling this incredible pressure to get everything done as quickly as possible and as much legislating done as possible before they vote on impeachment Well N.P.R.'s gems are rolling joins us next he covers business and trade has been covering this agreement Hi there Joe good morning so what did Democrats get that made it acceptable for them to make a deal with the White House well they got some. More than a year ago President Trump in the leaders of Canada and Mexico stood up and presented this u.s. M.c.a. Which some people call NAFTA 2.00 and it's changed some things about NAFTA. There was always this question about whether it was really going to get through Congress now it appears that it will it's going to be signed today the new text is going to be signed today by the leaders of the country 3 countries and I think what Democrats have done is basically. Change some of the provisions in the tax that President Trump and the others unveiled last year there are stronger monitoring standards for labor and environmental rules are essential and this will allow inspectors to go into Mexican factories for instance to make sure that they're living up to Labor Party. Actions that are that are in the agreement also as removal of patent protection for some kinds of drugs and that was a big issue for Democrats so you know Democrats say they've tweak this made it a lot better it's a much better and different deal and here's what Nancy Pelosi had to say there are some people who said Why make it look like he has a bit well we thought we we're declaring that the thing American worker and what is in this and bring it but we would never not any one of us is important enough for us to hold up exchange and that is important for America workers because any collateral benefit that made it through to any one of us Jim's Rollie it's politically meaningful what Palosi is saying there because there have been some Democrats since the beginning of the Trump presidency who have said this person is such a danger to the republic we need to oppose him on any everything full stop it and I think Nancy Pelosi is trying to show that even though they're trying Democrats are trying to impeach the president that when there's something comes along that will make life better for Americans they will go along with it they will participate and cooperate it was interesting to me that. You know both sides in this both the Democrats and the trumpet ministration are trying to pretend this is a big victory you know Nancy Pelosi says this was much much better than what was proposed Richard Trumka the head of the a.f.l.-cio said this was a vast improvement over the original NAFTA and the flawed proposal from last year and then you had Vice President Mike Pence today saying Democrats had acquiesced porting the deal and of course President Trump is saying this is a huge victory that this is symbolic in symbolic indication of the moment isn't it Jim nobody can stand up and said we have bipartisan cooperation the only way they can make a compromise is if they both stand up and say we want the other side even even though they are actually cooperating and have found common ground on at least this one big issue Ok so now it goes through Congress most likely Republican. Mostly like this deal Democrats have signed on so it goes to the president yes that's that seems to be the case some Republican opposition but generally it's expected to be approved Ok N.P.R.'s Jim drolly Thanks for the update on this morning when Democrats also spoke of articles of impeachment This is n.p.r. News and valley Public Radio News California health officials say identifying childhood trauma could be key to preventing chronic disease later on the state is now giving doctors training tools to do that it has kept radio Samake ala explains everyone has an a score it stands for adverse childhood experience it's sort of a tally of all the bad things that can happen early in life think abuse neglect or exposure to drugs and alcohol the more aces you have the higher your risk for depression addiction obesity and other diseases but state surgeon general 19 Burke Harris says doctors often forget to ask about trauma and that means that biological process particularly that overactive stress response may be ongoing in a way that can be harming health so in January Medicare will start paying providers to test patients for races the state just released an online training for health professionals who want to perform the screenings and Martin is a San Diego nurse who took the course she says it taught her a little more about when and how to suggest things like their p. Meditation or exercise it just means that we're going to keep our eyes open for you know certain other product health conditions come up in the future Governor Gavin Newsome allocated more than $40000000.00 in this year's budget to pay for these screenings in Sacramento I'm Sam according to forecasts California's 3 percent g.d.p. Growth is expected to soften in 2020 but its economic growth will still be faster than the nation's governors Gavin Newsom's chief economic adviser Lenny Ben dontcha says this stage tech industry is a big reason for a check anomic held. Help one's concentration industries of the future not just the technology industry but cation of apology to other industries and they think from what just it's culture helps with growth the nation's g.d.p. Growth is expected to drop below 2 percent next year but California has to remain hire support for n.p.r. Comes from this station and from Jan's day and integrated partnerships collaboratively providing legal services for more than a century $43.00 offices 5 continents serving clients as one firm worldwide learn more it Jones Day dot com from Drexel University recognizing 100 years of a cooperative education program that prepares students to address the challenges of a changing world more at Drexel dot edu slash ambition can't wait and from Subaru with their Subaru share the love event now through January 2nd details on the not for profit organizations that it supports are at Subaru dot com slash share love it's what makes Subaru Subaru. It's Morning Edition from n.p.r. News I'm Steve Inskeep And I'm Rachel Martin attorney general William Barr has turned out to be one of President Trump's most loyal defenders it was out in front again yesterday after a Justice Department inspector general report found that the f.b.i. Had adequate reason back in 2016 to open an investigation into the Trump campaign's ties with Russia in a statement Barr pushed back saying the f.b.i. Launched an investigation on quote the thinnest of suspicions when Barr was nominated a little more than a year ago many speculated he would be sort of moderating force within the administration instead Barr has embraced many of the most divisive aspects of Trump's agenda Marie Brenner writer at large for Vanity Fair wanted to better understand William Barr by looking at his past and she tells me she did that in part by talking with many of his former classmates one thing that struck me was the absolute recall that his classmates had about how so deeply he believed in the power of the Constitution and executive authority from the time he entered Horace Mann and high school now I don't know what you were like at 14 but certainly when I was going into high school in the middle of the Vietnam War I wasn't debating the president's power to be able to declare war without going through Congress right there was that something that was happening in his kitchen table late that was happening at his kitchen table and they were a family the bars of contrarians they were you know absolute you know doctrinaire Goldwater Republicans at this period in this world of a sort of a larger liberal culture that liberal culture was playing out at both Columbia University where William Barr was attending college and at the progressive Dalton School where his father Donald bar served as had master Brenner says 2 key moments at those schools influenced Williams career defining out lack outlook on executive power and the fierceness toward progress of politics. What we're seeing now is an extremely interesting cultural moment that is being re translated during the late 1960 s. And early seventy's Donald Barr began running afoul of many of the parents at the Dalton School because he became progressively more conservative and really double down on a lot of the students who were the straight a students at the Dalton schools desired to be out protesting for the Vietnam War So what you see I believe in William Barr at the Justice Department is a kind of re filtering of the protests that started against his father Bill Barr was in high school in college when the Dalton parents and trustees began an immense pushback against what many of them called the Captain Queeg who was running the Dalton School and so he watches in absorbs his father being criticized quite publicly in the New York Times in New York Magazine in the early 1970 s. As he goes into college for his father's doctrinaire conservative views one of the things that so interested me in learning about his early education was our current attorney general attended Columbia University and he entered in 1968. That is the time that the during his freshman year that the campus erupted into this large protest and quite fascinatingly he was against all 'd of this and has told people very close to him that he was barred from entering the Columbia University library to pursue his Chinese studies work and because these anti anti-war protests civil rights protests are happening he you know he felt that this was an arche and at the same time his father was writing quite tough really in retrospect pretty shocking editorials and essays in vogue and in McCall Zz saying that these were kind of limousine liberal protesters who would go to these protests by taxi you know at one point going after the growing black power movement this this kind of language and this kind of dinner table conversation you can only imagine having a certain imprinting on a son when William bars father was really fired from the Dalton School I mean he was allowed legally to resign but there's this was for a young man who had just graduated from Columbia this had to be a kind of emblematic moment and you always wonder you know is this score settling one of the teachers I interviewed who taught at the Dalton School through the Donald Barr tenure said when I watched Billy testifying before sent the Senate in May I thought this is his father revisited Bill Lee has a score to settle. You spoke with several of Bill bars friends from from childhood I mean did you talk about today with them and do any of them see the same man heading the Justice Department today that they knew back then the Billy bar they went to school with. Of they admired they found him so decent they found him never be little laying anyone he was a really good guy and what really struck me was their disappointment you know one of them said to me it's an American tragedy you start off in one way and life and you're going along and you veer into another and it becomes very dark and I did want to say that did they say that because they just don't share his political leanings or are they pointing to something that they see changed from say the 1st time he was attorney general to the time now that he's serving under the trumpet ministration But you know they'd see a change you know because many of them said to me that when he was 1st appointed under Bush as the attorney general that he was obviously a conservative but again a very decent very you know moderate thinking strict constitutionalist and when Trump appointed him they believed that we would have a surprise you know that he would be operating on that high level when he 1st started under Trump they were again mystified Marie Brenner is a writer at large for Vanity Fair she writes the Attorney General William Barr for the magazine's December issue Maureen thanks for sharing your reporting We appreciate it thank you Rachel. This is n.p.r. News. Many Democrats views on Medicare for all are drawn from their personal experiences with the health care system. Cover them some insurance is. The sensor that I have. Is not covered by Medicare I don't have any health care at all the divide on Medicare for all this afternoon on All Things Considered from n.p.r. News. You can enjoy all things considered each weekday afternoon from 4 to 7 on valet public radio support for f.m. 89 come from Kern Medical whose role has been to serve heal and educate the community of over 150 years. To trauma center in Kern County 12 clinical locations throughout Bakersfield with 45 physicians specialty. Train Job or 200 residents family and medical students each year Kern Medical dot com. The news next. Live from n.p.r. News in Washington I'm Lakshmi saying standing in front of a towering portrait of George Washington on Capitol Hill Democratic leaders in the House have solemnly announce 2 articles of impeachment against President Donald Trump abuse of power and obstruction of Congress Trump is accused of encouraging a foreign power to meddle in the 2020 Alexion by leveraging military aid to get Ukraine to investigate a political rival tribes Republican allies argue the Democrats have rushed to impeachment failing to exhaust other avenues to make their case Intelligence Committee chairman Adam Schiff said the country's democracy and national security are at stake the argument why don't you just wait amounts to this. Why don't you just let him cheat in one more election. Why not let him cheat just one more time. Why not let him have foreign help just one more time that is what that argument amounts to however the Republican leadership accuses the Democrats have tried to up and the votes of those who put Trump in office in 2016 Trump predicts he will be cleared in a trial in the u.s. Senate which is controlled by the Republicans Russia which is accused in the 2016 election other Us political breaches has sent its foreign minister to meet with the president and secretary of state Syria arms and Ukraine are on the agenda from Washington this is n.p.r. News. A high level North Korean officials warning of a possible military confrontation with the u.s. Should both countries remain at a nuclear impasse in Seoul Jason Strother reports said John Young has given the Trump administration until the end of the year to offer concessions North Korea's former nuclear talks envoy says his country has nothing more to lose opinions official media carried comments which appear to be in response to a tweet from President Trump over the weekend Trump wrote that ruler Kim Jong un could lose everything if he resumes hostilities Kim the envoy called the president on a radical and indicated that the threat to u.s. Security is growing North Korea says it wants Washington to come up with a better deal by the end of this month in order to resume a denuclearization talks for n.p.r. News I'm Jason Strother in Seoul Aung San Suu Kyi the former pro-democracy icon turned me and Maher foreign minister has a front row seat at the International Criminal Court where her Buddhist majority country stands accused of genocide against the Muslim or Hindu minority during a 2017 military crackdown today the Justice Minister of Gambia urged the UN's top court in The Hague to recognize we're think of men women and children were massacred many thousands more displaced when their homes in Iraq and state were destroyed Gambia filed a case on behalf of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation me and Maher denies the allegation you're listening to n.p.r. News and this is Morning Edition on badly Public Radio the time I was 833 local funding for f m 89 provided by the law firm of Miranda one Miranda 0 providing legal guidance during difficult marital transitions for nearly 3 decades present a Family Law dot com for 10 years place in the heart of Fresno's Opus one center offering fine books for children teens and adults petunias Books dot com should portray f.m. $89.00 hole come from world records in Bakersfield hosting a concert by Los Lobos Friday Jan. Wait 3rd Los Lobos will be performing a mix of songs from their 30 years of recordings including schelm from their latest release of holiday shawms take a chain information and shop World Records dot com. Support for n.p.r. Comes from this station and from little passports their new science junior subscription for kids aims to inspire curiosity designed to bring projects to life while utilizing new science concepts more at little passports dot com and from Capital One offering a variety of credit card options with features for a range of customers from foodies to travelers Capital One what's in your wallet credit approval required capital one bank USA and. This is Morning Edition from n.p.r. News I'm Rachel Martin and I'm Steve Inskeep good morning Russia's foreign minister drops by Washington today he meets President Trump whose story touches Russia again and again investigators establish that Russia assisted trumps 2016 election Russia's war with Ukraine is the backdrop of an impeachment inquiry President Trump took a dim view of Russia's enemy and withheld u.s. Military aid to Ukraine while seeking political favors now the war in Ukraine could pause the presidents of Russia and Ukraine met yesterday and agreed to a cease fire the meeting was in Paris which is where we find N.P.R.'s Eleanor Beardsley either our Good morning Steve what was this meeting like. Well you know it went on for hours and hours and didn't break up until after midnight so here's this press conference you know after midnight you had this young neophyte politician followed Amir's Alinsky meeting with the strong man who's run Russia for 20 years without a mere Putin and continues to create havoc in Ukraine so everyone is watching body language and faces and Zelinsky and Putin were at the far end of the table separated by their mediators German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French president. Solecki spoke 1st right after the host my call and he appeared nervous but what he said seemed heartfelt Here he is you can hear him. She was green she is. So he said he had all of Ukrainians with him in Paris and he felt their support he said he also had truth with him and the desire for justice and peace in his own country he said the meetings were long but they were concrete and important and that the dialogue had been unblocked Selenski also asserted that Ukraine is an independent and free country and its future will be decided by Ukrainians and he asserted that Donbass that's eastern Ukraine and Crimea are part of Ukraine Remember Russia took Crimea 5 years ago and still destabilizing eastern Ukraine Well what exactly did they agree on then given that Russian forces still control a lot of Ukraine right well they agreed on a ceasefire before the end of the year but I might add that there have been 20 cease fires in this war so will it hold but what was really important and is very concrete in measurable is they agreed to exchange all prisoners before New Year's Eve So that will be measurable and also they agreed by next March to withdraw forces from 3 major conflict zones and this Crisis Group is going to meet again in 4 months when you say crisis group that includes a man the president of France the host of this meeting in Paris where you are what is his perspective on all this while France has taken a lead role in trying to to solve the situation has actually spoken recently of a getting a new done. Between the rest the West and Russia you know retiring Russia to Europe he wants a reset and it's actually one of the things that macro and President Trump agree upon also you know what Steve Michael needs a win and he needs a win on the international stage he's not in good shape at home I don't know if you have her but there's huge strikes and protests and Paris and huge protests today against his pension overhaul So I spoke with analyst Chris John McAfee He's editor of L'Express magazine and here's what he said about the talks micro it's something very concrete about Ukraine and. There is someone who can help him it's Zelinsky because he's also in a corner because of the tramper fair. So you know he said they need each other and you know what you could see that the while the length he spoke he would look down the table over at my call and Michael would look at him and smile is almost like a smile of encouragement his his guide it was buttressing Zelinsky you know encouraging him to keep going it was very interesting appreciate your observant eye on our thanks so much thank you Steve That's N.P.R.'s Eleanor Beardsley in Paris President Trump has long complained that the United States is a loser on the playing field of global trade now his administration is going after the raf the United States is taking action to sideline the World Trade Organization which has been the chief enforcer of global trading rules allies say the president simply wants to reform the organization critics say he is tearing it apart here's N.P.R.'s Scott Horsley you might not think the World Trade Organization would have much to say about solar rooftops in Connecticut but it does for years Connecticut like other states has offered rebates to homeowners who invest in solar panels the goal was really to encourage adoption of residential solar projects sell your prizes with Connecticut's Green Bank which runs the program for a while the state offered an extra incentive to homeowners who bought solar Quitman that was made in Connecticut not many did nevertheless India challenge that provision along with similar by local measures in other states and the World Trade Organization ruled in India's favor saying it's illegal for the u.s. To champion domestic products over foreign imports President Trump complains that as an international trade referee the deputy yo is taking advantage of the u.s. We know he's too ready for me because before only the United States is a sucker in fact since the founding the u.s. Has enjoyed a good track record of winning cases there but as of today the appellate body that the sides those cases and rules on trade disputes between countries is losing its power term limits have left 6 out of 7 seats on the appellate body vacant and the Trump administration is by. Hocking the appointment of replacements u.s. Trade representative Robert light hisor says the administration is fed up with an appellate body that drags its feet makes its own rules and fails to deal with trade challenges posed by countries like China we clearly need reform every other country or almost every other country has made the same point previous administrations have raised similar complaints but none has gone so far as to cripple the enforcement body Carly Hills who had lighthouses job in the 1st Bush administration acknowledges the w t o needs modernising to deal with 21st century challenges like digital trade and powerful state subsidies in China it's kind of like having an old house that didn't have a washing machine and a to be upgraded that doesn't mean you're knocked down the house Hills warns that without a functioning appellate body to decide cases countries may be tempted to ratchet up tariffs and make other hostile trade moves I think it's a law of the jungle from its inception in the 1990 s. The w t o is designed to prevent big powerful countries from throwing their weight around Trump However like the freedom to squeeze other countries and drive a hard bargain just as he did in his business career veteran trade lawyer Scotland succumbs says whatever the shortcomings of the deputy o. Trump is wrong to hamstring its enforcement arm the United States as long been a champion of the deputy not only because it wins case but because it's used tremendous value in having a functioning multilateral trading system and a dispute settlement other observers are more saying what about the president's tactics Thomas used to Burke who is a senior fellow at the Hudson Institute says with the trade referee sidelined countries will simply have to negotiate their own agreements and perhaps work together to build a new trading framework I think in the long run the interests not only of the United States and Europe but also like minded countries like Japan Australia Korea will lead us to a point where we'll find a way in the meantime the press. Don't We'll have more leeway to pursue trade policies he calls America 1st Horsley n.p.r. News Washington. You're listening to n.p.r. News and this is Morning Edition on Valley Public Radio on a Tuesday morning time is 843 now in the weather a lot of things are happening at various layers of the troposphere That's the lower part of the atmosphere where what we call weather takes place this is complicating the forecasting But here's what's most likely there are areas of dense early morning fog in much of the Valley this morning this is expected to lift into was Stratus layer by late in the morning that will trap colder near the surface or warmer air above it that will give us an overcast day today and overnight drizzle and daytime and nighttime temperatures almost the same high fifty's to low sixty's or and more fog tomorrow morning basically repeating the process with May so far well a complication is a foot a week cold front is forecast to move through central California overnight tonight that could make up the layers if this happens it would mean that potentially drizzling Stratus layer would be broken up leaving us with high clouds overnight and tomorrow maybe bring us last fall and maybe clearing and partial sunshine tomorrow this is family Public Radio and i'm our local funding for f m 89 provided by. A logical consultant helping clients comply with the Endangered Species Act and other environmental laws Calabria college you dot com The employees of the Charles Murray company in Fresno family owned and operated since 1906 in support of public radio for this. Sure port for f.m. 89 also come from Kings river Conservancy a nonprofit organization dedicated to help protect in hands and educate more about the king's river k.r.s. He appreciates their support of organizations and individuals who also want to improve the ecology and anxious to the king's river more information at King's river Conservancy dot org. Remember only the head that happened in 2019 but what about the good things like these churches who paid the medical bills of thousands of Chicago residents I knew. From n.p.r. News 20. But there's still time for more good to happen give to. Donate . Org or p.r. App. Support for n.p.r. Comes from this station and from the John d. And Catherine team MacArthur Foundation recognizing exceptionally creative individuals this year's MacArthur Fellows and more information are at mac found dot org And from the George Lucas Educational Foundation creator of Edutopia and online resources dedicated to improving the learning experience for America's students with information and strategies about what works in case through 12 education learn more it Edutopia dot org. It's Morning Edition from n.p.r. News I'm Steve Inskeep And I'm Rachel Martin we turn to art to try and process the world around us the joys and the tragedies tonight the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater will premiere a new dance piece in New York it is called owed the choreographer says the work is an ode to gun violence in America and it was inspired by the deaths of Trayvon Martin and others Jeff Lunden reports there are no gunshots in oh do but it begins with one dancer long motionless on the floor as a piano place start detached chords. The dancer gets up and is eventually joined by 5 other dancers in flowing circular motions they dance together is an ensemble but then one dancer falls and crumples to the floor he's picked up by another dancer but then 2 of them full of inspiration for the piece it was a couple years ago when there was this long stand of what appeared to be racially biased shootings by the police Jim or Robert is the 1st resident choreographer for the elite company and created this stance and that really disturbs me and I start to think about what does it mean you know what does it mean to me what does it say about our world was that say about our community to a solo jazz piano score by the late Don Poland called Sweet sweet Malcolm Part One memories and gunshots you know piano and bodies the beautiful the celestial sublime but it also has like this process of ness about it that I really like. The piece has 3 distinct sections one being a life the middle section being despair and the end section being an afterlife or some type of resolution when I would premieres tonight 6 men will perform it but in a couple of weeks the same dance will be performed by an all female cast gray divorce Stokes is the solo. I had questions for the choreographer about the casting and he told us what it was about about victims and families and survivors of that violence in America we kind of understood the 2 dynamics of course where mothers were sisters were on their daughters and also sometimes victims but it is a predominantly male centric issue dancer Jiro a bomb Bozeman does the same steps with the all male cast he says some of the movement particularly during the per customer middle section is angular an intense and some is in slow motion but it's all very personal these things impact me as a black male and I dance and living in America so having small imagery of bodies laying down slowly I think of it as playing bodies to rest and kind of giving them back closer for them to ascend. As he's worked on more Roberts's not only coached the dancers on the steps but the meaning behind them paying homage to the lives lost in those survivors who carry on I think has power has the power to bring things to lie you know and have people see the world in ways that they may not have seen and then says it without words and I think that that is one of the most beautiful things about this art form and. We don't use or words but everybody knows exactly what the feeling is and audiences across America will be able to feel the power of this winter as the Alvin Ailey Company takes it on tour for n.p.r. News I'm Jeff Lunden in New York. This is n.p.r. News. And Robin Young a new chapter in the impeachment inquiry unfolds this week as Democrats begin drafting articles of impeachment of historian Julian Zelizer How does this inquiry compared to others in u.s. History next time here and now. Here and now starts this morning at 11 on Valley Public Radio. Time now is 10 minutes report 9 o'clock again a California Report is coming up next local funding for f m 89 provided by central distributing a participating retailer in the burn cleaner program details at Central distributing dot com Paul seach an accountancy corporation reminding listeners of a power and importance of tax planning online a peach and c.p.a. Dot com support for f.m. $89.00 also comes from solar negotiators a veteran owned company providing full service solar solutions with panel cleaning inspection and monitoring included with your solar installation estimates and information are available by calling 84 for own solar or by visiting Scholer negotiators dot com. Sim daily aside to imitate the majestic call of swans in his 5th symphony after seeing 16 of them take flight on a spring day next time with the Chicago Symphony Orchestra name the year he will conduct this remarkable work along with music Piper coffee and Glazunov next time with the c.s.o. I'm Lisa Simeone. Tonight at 8 I'm the only public radio. Good morning this is the California report and I'm Saul Gonzales in Los Angeles. Yes Pacific Gas and Electric has released new details about its settlement with the victims of fires caused by the utility the terms include letting the company avoid an upcoming civil trial to determine liability for the 2017 tub's fire that killed $22.00 people as my California Report co-host Lily Jamali reports all odds are now on Governor Gavin Newsome any agreement announced Friday wildfire survivors would get 13 and a half $1000000000.00 more than half of it in stock that means wildfire survivors could end up with a sizable stake once the utility emerges from bankruptcy but it's not a done deal yet you see Hastings bankruptcy law professor Jared Elias says it still needs approval by Governor Gavin Newsome it seems that the governor really has until next Tuesday to decide if he wants to support the plan if he doesn't support the plan in his soul judgment than the settlements that was announced goes away Newsome has been one of p. Genies loudest critics since taking office for the California report I'm merely Jamali yesterday the u.s. Centers for Disease Control issued another e-coli warning to consumers and retailers the message stay away from packages of chop salads produced by the Salinas based company Fresh Express 8 people in 3 states fell ill after eating the salads the c.d.c. Doesn't know yet at the new outbreak is related to an ongoing eco lie warning focused on romaine lettuce grown in the sleen this area when you call the 800 number for Fresh Express this is what you hear precious salad products sold in the United States and Canada do not contain Romaine from some lima they can pay Romaine from other growing regions that regulators agree are not implicated in the outbreak some strains of e. Coli bacteria can cause severe stomach cramps and vomiting and even death and then more news about microorganisms some interesting research out of us. Science Conference in San Francisco this week we know that wildfires smoking carry ash and pollution or for hundreds of miles but fire scientists say there are also living things in all that smoke k.q.e.d. Science reporter Danielle Benton explains fire ecologist leader was thinking about how bacteria travel in the atmosphere when she went on a prescribed burn with her students and I just started thinking about the smoke in a new way and just wondering if there might be anything living in it of the University of Idaho presented her research at the American Geophysical Union conference in San Francisco it turns out there is an astounding amount and diversity of bacterial cells and fungal spores lofted into wildfire smoke during a fire the more severe the burn the more cells transported this is a new area of research but cozy are things these microbes may impact human health there are numerous allergens that we've found in the smoke and so it may be that some people who are sensitive to smoke have that sensitivity not only because of the particulate matter in the smoke but also because there are some biological organisms in it she believes these microbes may also be seeding snowflakes and affecting precipitation for the California report I'm Danielle Venton support for the California report comes from the California Earthquake authority a not for profit offering earthquake insurance to help Californians protect their financial futures for more information go to earthquake authority dot com water hints his water infused with fruit essences including watermelon in Black Berry no sugar no sweeteners no calories available in grocery stores hint mouth watering water and Eric and Wendy Schmidt who is fun for Strategic and evasion supports transformative ideas that benefit humanity while protecting the natural world recognizing through science the interdependence of all living systems new numbers released yesterday by u.s. Customs. Border Protection show the number of people caught crossing the southwest border illegally last month fell by a 3rd compared to a year earlier that's a drop from over 60000 people to about 40000 in the San Diego sector the c.b.p. Report said 40 percent decline in the number of apprehended families in Washington c.b.p. Acting commissioner Mark Morgan credited a host of trump a ministration get tough immigration policies for the fall that area of catch and release is done you come into this country with a child is no longer going to be a passport in the United States that is done thousands of migrants though continue to travel north only to find themselves living in squalid conditions while waiting on the Mexican side of the border and another immigration story a day area woman with a life threatening condition who face deportation has been allowed to remain in the u.s. The reversal comes after more than 400 sick immigrants were told to leave the country by the the job reports many said boy still has a rare genetic condition and the medicine she needs to survive is available here but not in her native Guatemala back in August the u.s. Citizenship and Immigration Services and now it was no longer reviewing requests for temporary humanitarian relief known as medical deferred action but last week the government finally allowed bless you and her immediate family to stay you know it will have you will really she says through her deal she's learned not to be afraid to speak up and you know that boy. U.S.D.A.'s for some consideration of the 1st action in September after public outcry and a hearing called for by Bay Area Congressman Mark to Sonya in which boy said testified for the cow for a new report on Friday that. Speaking of refugees seeking shelter on the to be seen at a Southern California church featuring the baby Jesus in a cage is stirring. Reversi sees Eric has the story outside of Claremont United Methodist Church there are 3 large teaches instead of a manger baby Jesus isn't one king swaddled in a foil blanket the Virgin Mary is in another cage with her arms outstretched toward her child Joseph is in the 3rd cage Reverend Karen Clarke wristing says the scene is meant to represent migrant families separated at the border we see the Holy Family standing in for nameless families and we hope it inspires people to think about compassion the church has a long tradition of using its nativities seen as social commentary photos of this year's scene when viral causing people like Steve Hampton to come on Monday morning to see it he was not a fan I believe people have a right to say and do what they want to do but I think this is inappropriate but others said they came to see them 870 because they were impressed by the powerful message from the California report a merry go and going Claremont. California Report for Tuesday December 10th a production of. Have a good day. And if. You're listening to a public radio and family 89 n.p.r. For central California Kavi p.r. Fresno k p r x Bakersfield online at k.v. Dot org And you can listen to us on your smart speaker you can also listen on the ballet public radio app local funding for f.e.m.a. The 9 provided by one financial providing investment management a company retirement account since 1988 information available at Wayland Financial dot com Fresno Mazda Fresno's only Mazda be are now in its new location on Blackstone north of Barstow my friends know Moscow dot com support for f.m. . $89.00 also comes from Kos of Fresno and Madeira counties announcing a partnership with Fresno Lexus Broadway in Fresno for lame is yet there's Iranian theater April 28th through May 3rd a portion of proceeds from tickets offered through Casa benefits because of Fresno and Madera County tickets are available at cons of Fresno dot org. Belly public radio isn't just a number on a dial it's the news you rely on the moment you need it it's the music you seek out to decompress from the day it's streaming it's on demand it's everywhere you are Live from n.p.r. News in Washington I'm Lakshmi saying a historic moment today on Capitol Hill u.s. House Democrats have unveiled the articles of impeachment against President Donald Trump abuse of power and obstruction of Congress we have more from N.P.R.'s Claudio he ses the House Judiciary Committee could approve the articles of impeachment later this week that would be followed by a historic floor vote on impeachment as early as next week House Speaker Nancy Pelosi joined the chairs of committees leading the impeachment inquiry to make the announcement on this solemn day and I recall that the 1st order of business for members of Congress. This is the solemn asked to take an oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States the plans come on the heels of a daylong hearing laying down the groundwork to draw up articles of impeachment Clottey Selous n.p.r. News the Capitol the White House and Trump's allies in Congress are denouncing the process as a partisan sham N.P.R.'s Amy Held has the latest reaction White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham said President Trump expects to be fully exonerated of the false impeachment charges in a Senate trial Grisham and House Minority leader Kevin McCarthy said House Democrats are just trying to overturn the votes of the Americans who elected Trump but in announcing the impeachment charges Democrat Adam Schiff said Congress could not wait to act because doing so would allow Trump to quote cheat in the next election N.P.R.'s Amy Held reporting or roughly one hour after announcing articles of impeachment against President Trump House Democrats have announced an agreement with him on trade Speaker Nancy Pelosi says the chamber will move forward on a new pact among the u.s. Mexico and Canada that she says is better than NAFTA which President troubling for the loss of American jobs it has the backing of the a.f.l. C.i.a.o. The Democrats say enforcement is central in the new to.

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