Yes and come back and vote tomorrow now this will be the 3rd day of a markup session a markup session session this is really the sausage making process on Capitol Hill that they do it on almost every bill and they certainly do it on Oracle's one page but where they consider amendments and amendments become the actual legislation the same thing here Fox's jet program on Capitol Hill the unexpected recess just before midnight angering Republicans including ranking member Doug Collins a chairman just ambushed the entire committee did not have any consultation with a ranking member said I will have votes at 10 am in the morning I guess they didn't think enough today of spreading their very paper thin impeachment process for over 12 or 14 hours is enough Fox's Davis but with more on that grueling session we must impeach Donald j. Trump this is gonna stop before it goes too much for the Democrats are pushing forward with 2 articles of impeachment the 1st abuse of power Democrats say the president pressured Ukrainian president for a lot of mirrors Alinsky to investigate Joe Biden's son in order to receive millions in military aid Republicans argue the president held up aid because he was concerned about corruption in Ukraine the 2nd article of impeachment is for obstruction of Congress and Congress did make some progress Thursday top lawmakers said they reached a tentative spending deal to avoid another government shutdown it must be finalized though by December 20th though the government runs out of money America's listening to Fox News. In the breeze is up a guest hosted by Fox News Channel's Shannon Bream sharing inspirational stories are still in the codes and an insider's perspective on the actions and rulings from the High Court subscribe and listen out by going to Fox News Digest stuck on America's listening to a Pox News Sox Nation is the streaming service that celebrates America every day and all through Christmas we're giving new members 35 percent off nearly plans to enter the promo code celebrated Fox Nation dot com to become a member of Fox Nation Now that's a promo code celebrate for 35 percent off Fox Nation start streaming today it's the holiday season and it's the perfect time to give that Fox News fan in your life the greatest gift of all the exclusive Fox News gear go to shop on Fox News dot com and use code radio and check out for free shipping on your 1st order Fox News that's t. Shirts mugs jackets travel mugs and so much more that shopped on Fox News dot com And be sure to use killed radio it check out for free shipping on your 1st order for the holidays from Fox News Channel. Version prime minister boars Johnson celebrating our sounding election victory this morning his conservative party crushed the opposition which gives him the power to end the 3 years of political paralysis over brooks and I'll put it to all that but it's a good read on all sides by the 31st of January though it's led by it's a very nice present from quickly congratulating Johnson's waiting celebrate Boris and that Britain in the u.s. Are now free to strike a massive new trade deal after Brock's at that place in the Houston area arrest a rapper who goes by the name of kill a driveway on charges of killing the shoes to marry area police sergeant with his car earlier this week 21 year old to Morris Henderson surrendered yesterday after deputies tracked him down and say that he hit Sergeant Kayla Sullivan and left her to don Director Cliff Eastwood draws criticism from the media and the f.b.i. And how he portrays a key. Character in his film about the Atlanta Olympics Clint Eastwood tells the story of the 1996 Atlanta Olympic bombings through the eyes of Richard Jewel the man who was at 1st how the hero then became a suspect frustrated white man who is a police want to be who seeks to become a hero for many of these we've called what happened to Joel tragic there has been pushback from the Atlanta Journal Constitution a central character in the film and one of its reporters for her sexual exchange for information with an f.b.i. Agent Olivia Wilde who portrays her tweeted out contrary to us swath of recent headlines I do not believe that Kathy traded sex for tips Michelle police know Fox News and former n.b.a. Commissioner David Stern undergoes emergency surgery for a brain hemorrhage he collapsed yesterday at a restaurant in New York said he was rushed to a hospital I'm Carmen Roberts and this. All of us want to make a difference as veterans we committed to protect our country we served and sacrificed for the things that mattered most those experiences shaped our lives now we're husbands wives parents and friends and sometimes we forget that the biggest challenge can be asking for support for better Rense crisis line is here for about . 10273255 press one. If matters. Now among our kind of sounds to me like a whip he wrote this letter to Bob Barr he's the attorney general and he said I wrote this 400 page report and he wrote a 4 page summary and I don't think you properly captured what I was trying to get out in a 4 page summary of something that is supposed to say this is what the bottom line is of course you're not going to capture every jot and tittle from a 400 page report Saturday afternoon as for its Lars Larssen on the news 14 died and one of 3.5 f.m. K.y. Ca. I'm John batt So this is the John that's the show Malcolm headline conference the president's major American Jewish organizations is here with me welcome and I are celebrating as is probably the known world in the defeat of the and he said. Jeremy Corbett the overwhelming victory of the conservatives and the. Heroic British people for voting for the right saying when there was doubt shame on us for doubting about Jeremy Clarkson has announced that he will no longer stand as Labor leader Labor has a lot of work to do part of the success tonight of course is one more message to the Islamic Republic of Iran and the bully boys that are now persecuting the Iranian people. That there is no safe place in Europe for a rainy and anti semitism and Mr Zarif checked off road not invited Chekhov London not invited I think all that's left for him is Paris Malcolm. As as as as we go to Parisian who has been once said will always have to herald the rise heiress series we welcome other resonator of the Foundation for the Defense of Democracy a senior fellow thank you for joining us beg pardon for celebrating carbons defensed ration Malcolm and I are expecting him to know that he has a warm place in 8 East tonight however there are other in the Semites running the brutality in Iran that the puzzle I have is getting good reporting we've been following this story for weeks we don't have a good casualty count we only have guesses people in prison people tortured people fleeing can you help us salaries to one of the numbers looks like to you good evening to you good evening thanks for having me you out cover man you are the special envoy for Iran fry and I made it that it wasn't Iranians or our marker but as Lot Of course public in the last few weeks and I think goes out to Mr credible we know that the regime gave the Revolutionary Guards of these paramilitary force says she to order kit shoot to kill orders we know that the soldiers were ordered to shoot at people vital Oregon I've been on Ireland protesters that were shot and I hadn't the heart. So. I think. That a 1000 plus people were killed as credible it could be higher than that thousands have in Iraq. Torch heard of rape. And many are and danger of eminent execution could of the regime that's conducted after situations in the. So David numbers are horrific we're not getting any reporting we're sometimes good at reporting from Western media outlets for a number of reasons and what they were a lot of public tried to do was shut down the n. Are not. Protesters came into the streets and crouch. Protests through brutal force and the leader of Iran Ayatollah harmony stated that he believed his regime had faced a widespread conspiracy and had crushed so do you can you compare these protests to the early ones I understand from people in Iran that the demonstrations are continuing and I'd like to know whether you have similar reports and does this what does this portend for the developments in terms of how many health and age become a greater factor in the calculations of the opposition in the regime I don't think we've seen anything like this for 40 years since the 1979 revolution the most widespread and and. Regime that we've seen it really started in late 2007 in. Front of the Iranians want to see the streets income our cities pound calling for the overthrow of the Islamic Republic and adds come to the big cities. The share level of violence as I'm president when you compared to 2000. And contested a presidential election I were bought by Pharma who want to reform the logical public this time around Iranians showed that they want to get rid of the bomb and they're even willing to die and math to get rid of it with their bare hands. The puzzle then now that we have an understanding that the rebellion is widespread does the regime have a plan b. Are they digging in and going to sandbag the castle while the mob approaches is that their plan. That based their basic plan to stay alive at all costs that Qana me they were Iran is collapsing because of the regimes and Capa town and 40 years of corruption and terrible foreign policies that have brought on us sanctions and the regime knows unless they get. A deal from President Crump or. The next Democratic president if that's the case goes back to the j p o a which I think. Not going to happen on a certain measure negotiations Regardless the regime is counting on time sort of reprieve and it's very much indicated that it's willing to use brutal force not just what the new on our side of your on throughout the region in Iraq and Lebanon as well that it's wrong to use force to stamp our it's there is a several issues that many issues that come to mind one is the reports that the Iranians are going to turn to be in Japan to mediate with us because they're under the pressure want to find some way of making a deal maybe another deal on hostages and as to build up to some sort of a relief for them from from the sanctions regime and the Europeans on the other hand instituting Xin sticks does this in any way impact Iran's perception of their chances. The Europeans are pushing for and that at a very terrible time I think their. Choice to do so really the port case given a 1000 people were just slaughtered and they have every kind. And that sets a sanction of all by the United States or the entities the floated with and it's going to work out the way of providing European relief for the violent Republic when it comes to the nuclear agreement that the regime in Iran is exiting the program anyhow and it's violated that and I think at this point European countries really need to recognize the reality on the ground I. Mean who recognize that this is a regime that has conducted crime and crimes against humanity. And that Iran is changing and will change. In a very dramatic manner and you think it's just our policies like umps Iran because they're still what very much nuclear agreement I will raise a question outside of Iran the support for Assad and the Syrian violence has to stay in that collapse these last years with the Arabians in retreat with the Islamic Republic in retreat the i.r.g.c. Shrinking in does Assad need a plan b. Is he acting nervous is you looking for refuge in Paris like Zarif if I were or are not so I love. I would be very nervous because their main funder is going broke and of they're going to be able to fund for that regime in Iran has to make a decision whether. It's going to use its money. To maintain power within Iran never mind feed to people because this now concerned about. Whether it will use the funds to have power or keep projecting our across the region including in places like Syria but yeah. Regimes proxies everywhere including Assad should be Nara because their main Carus feeling very shaky these days why did they burn the banks during the demonstrations who's responsible we have about a minute all of us in. The regime itself actually sent the curator to damage a lot of property and banks 5 people in Iran see that banks as a major source of corruption because it only takes loans out of it never repay am and the banks that I don't should have gone under and so the people vented their anger at regime targets including regime banks. I'll raise that Nader is a senior fellow at the Foundation for the Defense of Democracy reporting and that's the best information anyone has about what's going on inside Iran even Malcolm's extremely good anecdotes coming out from people who are familiar do not we do not have better information right now which I mean to say is scary we don't know what's going on in there. That's on purpose the is as the regime has shut out the ability of the Iranian people to transfer information out there what that will be corrected will hear the horror stories in weeks to calm the alcohol non-conference the president's major American address organizations is still a good knife Karpen good bye I'm John Basheer. Balance of nature changing the world one life in a time as a retired I know 2 important recursion I always have great. Actually hearing even if there are you or. I might be. 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It is the lowest it has been since 1969 that is 49 years 3.6 per cent Rush Limbaugh this report is so good that the Drive-By is can't spin it last time unemployment rate was this low most Americans were not even born in the United States is the envy of the world rise Lambach get is enjoying to listen to William Barr testify rush all of these senators most of them think that they're going to outsmart am and that they're going to trick him into a admitting that there was collusion and that he's covering it up that he is simply running a front operation for the president it's refreshing to see somebody in official Washington that can actually be simply factual in their answers Rush Limbaugh weekdays at 10 am on the news 149103 point 5 at that k y c a You're listening to the John Bachelor show. I'm John that's with Malcolm The whole line since we're celebrating carbons victory tonight let's also as speculate that Hamas the Devils can join him in a hades soon enough we're going to let me Ben David just some center's director for publications. Lending a very good evening to you thanks for joining Hamas Malcolm must know about their weapons Malcolm Yeah so how are they getting the weapons now that Israel need to cooperate Have they found new ways of getting the parts in and to what degree are they manufacturing within Gaza some of these more sophisticated weapons. 1st of all Gaza will remain a hot spot for Israel it will be no long term. Peace talks were calm and Hamas is going to maintain a low flame and that also includes the work and the militant work of the Palestine Islamic Jihad. They are still supported by Iran and with that support they get money they also get money from to build weaponry or to buy weaponry from Qatar . And so there are several ways to get the weaponry they used to get them from tunnels from Egypt we believe they are still getting. Through the tunnels they make their own they have workshops practically little factories these are little workshops sitting in somebodies garage where they produce the some of the rockets. And believe it or not they even look for sophisticated equipment as well such as drills. It's a very ironic they can use balloons they can use. Kites but they can also get hold of very good technology where do they get it from Iran how do they get it is a different story some through the smuggling and I also believe that in El smuggling more from the sea and is to be specific under the sea. There is evidence that the naval bases where they have command and where they have frogmen they will commandos may be used for smuggling weaponry from under the sea with what they're called submersibles. Little submarines and that's very worrisome where they get these Wong range missiles from well I speculated some of them may be coming from under the sea. So what let me ask you something what is your assessment about the call for elections that the Palestinians have announced and what will be the role of Hamas Fatah all of them in the in case they really do one of the reasons why Hamas does not want a major conflagration and all of the Iranians may be pushing for is that they want to run in this new elections. Like they did in. 13 years ago and then they won big and they want to run for elections in the West Bank and they are looking to replace the current leadership of the Palestinian Authority Mahmoud Abbas and it's probably. A issue to whether Israel will allow them to run the Palestinian Authority is pushing also to give to make it available big elections available to Arabs in Jerusalem it's a very dangerous scheme don't forget that the Palestinians are 10 years late in running their new elections. A bus was elected 1314 years ago with a 4 year term and an avid calendar so it. Fits What does this relate to a new year's trip to Turkey and the other Russia Malaysia is that in pre-election move is it still letting money move its all collecting money I believe but also on some of these places you mention Malaysia they have workshops and they have. Weapon laboratories and Israel has had or is suspected of. Assassinating some of their top engineers in places as far away as Tunisia and Malaysia because these people were building weaponry. For money. He's looking for money and that's why he will try to keep the. The fighting in. Gaza and Gaza on a low flame. And whether he has elections or not it's a big question there were they are supporting it. But Israel has to decide whether they will stop these elections or permit them because last time around under u.s. Pressure to hold elections we saw the terrible consequences. I want to connect what's going on in Europe right now with all the leadership it's early in the morning but they're all getting the results from Great Britain the rejection of Corbett more than the success of Boris Johnson the rejection of carbon is this something that is understood and will be acted upon in Ramallah in Gaza in Amman in Beirut you understand the question Leonie will they look at this and know that the future is not their hatred. That they want to make that connection they know that they lost a threat they had I'm sure falso Corben who is hosted his. Then has called for assistance to them they know that they lost a friend I don't think they'll connect that step that they think change their ways do you think that the Iranians are angry that come OS has diverted from temporarily at least from the school to Tory priorities. Is the shift one that is tactical for them how will they respond to it in terms of support will they step it up to page in contrast to to them or do they not have money for either. I think they have them they'll find money for both in terms of let's see and why and whether he makes it to Amman and he is the leader of Hamas I bet with a leader of the Islamic Jihad will stop in Tehran to give his fealty. To be rainy and can play the 2 sides. Have a active militant proxy and a less militant proxy. It just serves their interests. And so I don't see any break. I was considering some type of distancing from Iran but if they focus on the fact that Hamas is a member of the Muslim Brotherhood and that's why Turkey support Hamas that like car support Hamas. Will continue to support Lanny Ben-David as the jersey some center's director of publications Malcolm hall non-conference the president's major American Jewish organizations I'm John bashing. Have you been hurt or embarrassed by a drinker's behavior do you tell lies to cover up for someone else's drinking our plans frequently upset or cancelled or meals delayed because of the drink or you are not alone Allen on family groups are for relatives and friends who have been affected by a loved one's drinking there are over 15000 Al Anon family groups that meet every week throughout the us and Canada people who have been in the same situations and felt the same frustration disappointment and embarrassment will share what works for them there is hope for anyone who has been a fact. 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Did you know there are other signs of rosé show besides facial redness bumps and pimples and visible blood vessels other signs include burning stinging or swelling of the face even enlargement of the nose Rosie she can also affect the eyes causing a blood shot appearance and irritation that could lead to vision loss if you have any sign of or is a shock see a dermatologist and ask about advances in treatment or visit the National Rose Aisha society at Rose Aisha dot org. Start your day with America in the morning your daily radio news magazine I'm John trout and weekday mornings we bring you the top stories and the latest breaking news from our correspondents around the country you'll get sports highlights a business update the nation's weather the Hollywood minute and much more so join us for America in the morning right here still here America in the morning at 5 am weekdays on the news 1490. The Bachelor show. I'm job outsourced this is the job out to show Sebastian Garcon the host of America 1st on Salem Radio Network and the author of the book about the division in America which we can see these last weeks. Because of Ukraine gate right now we have to rush through Ukraine gate before it disappears the Wall Street Journal editorial page has called this the incredible shrinking impeachment we do not know the final articles of impeachment they are still debating and the say in the Judiciary Committee however there is surrounding language that looks in itself to be a substitute a substitute of a substitute you will recall that it started out with the idea of quid pro quo well Latin is not a strong suit in America so they switched to bribery that didn't work even though Adam Schiff is eloquent in his creation his ability to create facts so they fell back on the position of abuse of power then abuse of Congress and now it's back and forth adding obstruction because the president has challenge the ability of Congress the 1st branch of government to demand the counsellor's of the 2nd branch of government the chief executive the president of the United States known as executive privilege I go to sad because he's been in Washington all week while this incredibly sleepy affair the Judiciary Committee spins out Sept is there a sense of alarm in Washington because here in New York this feels like a very very casual impeachment of an elected President good evening to step. Quarter that it inside the d.n.c. Even I am surprised with with haste with which they are pushing through of 8 impeachment articles and also the fact that it's such a pain Grewal we've been lectured it for years now all kinds of criminal charges to do with collusion conspiring with foreign intelligence agencies bribery extortion and then of course the less than popular Didn't Paul too well in the battleground states the quid pro quo and none of them none of them made it into the Articles of Impeachment How is that possible and the I did it that you are going to remove the president from office because he obstructed Congress it seems as if Nancy and Adam and Jerry familiar with the concepts of separation of powers and checks and balances that this Congress Congress have universal writ that the I did a president can challenge a request from Congress and take it to the courts the Democrats are in trouble John what when you lose the independent vote on impeachment simply because you'll star witnesses have nothing to testify to but I have to jam this through and the question is right now can Nancy maintain the 18 votes she needs all cooled Could it be enough defections to even make the house's vote untenable sad just because there's was very around the edges you mentioned the 18 votes the majority looks sizable after the last election I have heard here in New York and you're closer to the whispering that the Democrats are now anxious about maintaining the majority come the 2020 Alexion they have extremely challenge those Democrats the moderates who ran as a Republicans in. In Trump districts they challenge them and at this point this is what I took to be a tip off today I read that Mrs Pelosi is bragging she's not whipping the vote when they tell you you're not whipping the vote sab it means they've whipped it and they're not there on certain. Exactly where a well put out there are stories that there is a letter going around Capitol Hill with at least 10 the members of the Democratic caucus who are very very queasy and they have every right to be if you are one of those 31 districts that the president wants that are in Democrat hands and you look at what's happening with the economy with ISIS with the border you look at the fact that in 3 years this is ministration as a help to add more than 11 trillion dollars to the u.s. Economy and this is what you wish to remove from office the person who helped to destroy the Caliphate of ISIS in 5 months the individual who's created an economic situation the likes of which we haven't seen since at least in my $169.00 it's in those swing states it's got to be very difficult to convince your constituents that it's a good move in a Trump district to remove the president that has brought peace and prosperity to America the likes of which we haven't seen for at least 2 generations job we moved to Russia Kate because it was dominant to end the story of Mr Horowitz earlier in the week Mr Howard sat before the Senate Judiciary Committee and and responded to questions about the especially the summary position where he says there was a low threshold for the predicate of the investigation and then he moved on to explicate the errors the distortions exaggerations the omissions the sloppiness and there are other words but that's enough of the Feis application abuse what I took from this sab is that everything the House majority Republican Intelligence Committee told us in the winter of 2018 the memo that is called The known as memo although it was a collective effort by the committee and its staff is proved out in Horowitz's report. Chiefly that they still Das Yay unverified salacious and Attack of the maj unary Vic I think yours was the fundamental document used to obtain the face of war to spy on an American citizen everything the newness memo said was accurate and everything the shift memo said in response was without evidence and put it that way. Yes we owe the Vanunu so very very much I did not expect much from inside the report of course most reports are written by bureaucrats to protect democracy but the 500 pages of documentation with regards to the let's let's just be charitable the irregularities concerning the fifes reports the files of warrants and it's not just the 17 most egregious ones there's another $33.00 irregularities to do with those warrants and the I did it there's no political predicate or no political bias but if there's one issue with that statement job you can't make $51.00 mistakes or irregularities in $35.00 So one applications which all benefit Hillary Clinton and the Democrats that if it would just you know a miasma dozens of mistakes then they would be mistakes that would favor the president as well as the Democrats not one of the more than 50 listed did in any way favor the president so you know this is this is just a stage this is of course not a criminal referral it's an i.g. Report but you can bet that USAID John Durham and William will be using the information found in that report to make criminal referrals the he attorney general and the Connecticut u.s. Attorney Mr Durham are looking at the origin save told us this repeatedly for some time now and they say criminal inquiry going on now. Remarks This week about disagreeing with Horowitz's rim observation that there was a predicate an adequate predicate for the Crossfire Hurricane met with repudiation by attorney former attorney general Eric Holder repudiation is a polite word he said that the attorney general was unfit for office this is Eric Holder the wing man for Barack Obama. One way to interpret this is that Mr Holder is unhappy with his successor another way to think is that bar and Durham must be on to something that has to do with the Barack Obama administration and its doubts about Russia great doubts about how business was conducted in 20152016 I don't have evidence for that but how a whole Holder is is complaining way too much he does let's not forget this is the man who as you said called himself President Obama's a wing a man a loyal loyal supposed supporter of the president in a political sense as well let's be very clear about the fact that the statements made this week by u.s. Attorney and a.g. On the release of the i.g. Report are really quite historic and absolutely right the i.g. Was tough to look into fights abuse and not the origin of operation crossfire our Caney counterintelligence so playlands operation multi agency operation against the Trump campaign and administration a White House he doesn't he didn't have the mandate he didn't have the scope the fact is that the investigation is now a criminal investigation that means that I have found evidence of felony crimes and he can subpoena those outside of the d.o.j. Including the CIA and the n.s.a. And others and it also means that I. A secret grand jury can be impaneled to bring charges against those who abuse the intelligence community we also heard from the agency that spring or summer is the expected delivery date of Darren's final decisions I'm just going to say one thing John time to buy stocks and popcorn I'm glad you mentioned stocks we're going to get to Qana may soon enough but sab you had the great success of having parents from Eastern Europe you were born in Great Britain and you are an American citizen so I can ask you to be a triple threat here all right I'm going to ask you 1st of all about growing up in London London that was bitterly divided about. The socialist trends of the 19 sixty's in 1970 s. In Britain I was there the lights were out in London because the because of the OPEC and Bargo you grew up in an environment where labor was always in a close contest with the Tories and often was successful as we know in the ninety's the preliminary results and they're not fair show an overwhelming victory for the conservatives for the Tories and Boris Johnson but more particularly they show a complete repudiation of labor what's happened to labor sab since the seventy's and since Tony Blair in the ninety's how has it shrunk to this. Coben we've seen this. Completely new trade radicalized variation of left wing politics when you have you know socialists like Bernie Saunders who honeymooned in the Soviet Union leading candidates for a Democratic presidential nomination when we have a Yossi who actually ran as a socialist a democrat socialist to get the Democrat seat this is an international fall for nobody. My best friend from the u.k. Is here right now in a way just celebrating this this could be 1979 again John the idea that not only is Jeremy Corbin never going to be prime minister they've lost more than 70 seats of the Labor Party this is the greatest defeat crushing defeat of Labor since the 19th that Boris Johnson now has $368.00 seats. Safe breaks it movement on it and it is I think you know it is an after effect of Bracks it the trial phenomena will have to call it the boat of phenomena I just mentioned that this success in Great Britain is a completely different system than the United States system but if you had to connect 2 world leaders who have what you have to say is extremely exciting hair it would be Boris Johnson and Donald Trump down to graze sap. But little bit more on really than my former boss so there is a connection but it needs to get a little in control of his head well I'm a senior citizen who had Myers exciting hair. For the for America 1st is the program and we're going to turn the American economy next because the Trump administration is all about winning and boy are we winning at years and I'm John this is the John better show. Bibles for America is offering absolutely free unique study Bible called the New Testament recovery version New Testament recovery version has over 9000 footnotes that explain what the Bible says verse by verse helping you to know God and the meaning of life for your free copy from Bibles for America Now go to free study bible dot com That's free study bible dot com study Bibles. 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And we work together to make sure we keep their bodies and. We do this not because it's our job but because this is about our veterans and this . This is our mission. More than 300000 of us working as hard. To get their families and loved ones. To matter where they live in this country will be there we all come together and stand together to serve our country. We stand strong united. Stand with us in caring for our veterans. Honestly true book of talk radio on the lawyers Larson Show use it fun constitutional to clear out homeless scams now I think that's nuts you know there are so many cities that have tried to get a handle on the so-called homeless if you could simply supply a place to live and try to broadly enforce a no trespassing laws to clear out all those people it would be unconstitutional fallen asleep drilled bookit of talk radio on the lawyers Larson shows Social Security is a Ponzi scheme. The money you're paying now is going to people who are collecting now you're hoping that by the time you head for Social Security age the people paying you then will be paying the checks you receive then the monies you paid out those monies have long since been sent out in the form of checks to retired American Social Security checks Saturday afternoon at 4 it's Lars Larssen on the news 14 died at one of 3.5 that k y c. Your listening to the John Bachelor show. I'm job out for this is the job out to show Sebastian talk of my colleague and friend he is the host of America 1st across the nation radio program and he's a former member of the trumpet ministration early days we now observe the trumpet ministration not on the basis of its conduct before Congress in these hearings called impeachment but on the hard numbers of the American economy we had a jobs report that surprised even Senekal watch as a set of caution and extremely hard nosed New York plus 266000 jobs a jobless number that matches 50 years when I I'm young enough to remember 969 and not since 69 if we had a jobless number like this in especially the lowest numbers ever for the most vulnerable members of the society the minorities and women but in addition to that we have the 5th the prime working age of workers are rising for 17 months now we have all categories going up and higher sab this is said to be the tax cut and jobs act of 2017 this is said to be the trumpet ministration that's what we think in New York do they think that in Washington as well. If they live in the real world if they do I had Stephen Moore on my show today and I have never seen him so exuberant You know economists thought usually very exciting for us it was paid a number of individuals but everybody have to celebrate especially because remember we have been told that the manufacturing jobs are never. Coming back the last president told us you have to have a magic wand and which sector jobs is growing the most it is the blue collar the amount of fighting that we were told would never ever come back from Asia the fact that we have a mold jobs available and people looking for work means we have functional 0 unemployment and it's not just conservatives it's not that Donald Trump is creating jobs he's getting the government out of the way and that's what you see every single time the backbone of the medium sized industries the medium sized companies and they are just flourishing and the shocking the sad thing is this is happening in the space of just 3 years could you imagine if we'd had this kind of attitude to the to economics in the 8 years of Obama but finally we do we have remarks again from the White House about China and the trade deal pending we did have confirmation earlier this week there was a there was a ceremony in Mexico City I believe with Mr Light has are they trade negotiator attending so did the foreign minister of Canada so did the president of Mexico the new NAFTA which is called u.s. Embassy air believe is the added him for it that is confirmed that means that North America is now united in a trade relationship that is positive for the American people and for Mexico and Canada the same time that's fixed and that's all very good news I have to believe that one of the reasons for that. Acknowledgement by. Our immediate neighbors that the Trump cat at the Trumpet ministrations offered a better deal is our jobs number everybody's watching that jobs number now Beijing's watching that jobs number Beijing's watching our g.d.p. Grow while there shrinks do you believe that suggested Beijing is ready to surrender because the president's making remarks again about a phase one that he signed off on is is Beijing ready to quit its its intransigents Well what the president demonstrated is real economics of the pie can always be made because that's what kind of Mexico want to slice off with regard to trying to . I'm not so sure I think there will be a phase one deal signed but I if I look at the statements coming out of China they still think that still 20 percent of these individuals think they can play Donald Trump but he's he's the Coquet JD rupie think they can play they're wrong to try once again to mess with this arrangement and they will pay a penalty but by the end of the next phase I think they will be in such a position that they will have to acquiesce to the to models of free trade but are going to try going to try and mess with us one more time but the regatta job the Iran rebellion continues the sanctions remain severe towards the Revolutionary Guard Corps the military dictatorship there that trump administration the Hong Kong rebellion remains I talked to were frequently and the indorsement of the Hong Kong protesters for democracy by the Congress signed into law by the president is very sick the significance of the protesters North Korea sab the undistinguished dictator of the failed state of North Korea is provoking as again and we're not paying any attention to him I have no reason to believe at this point that the trumpet ministration is going to lift sanctions whatsoever I would say that they're biting North Korea very high. Oh yes indeed. It's the spoiled little child that once attention they think they can rattle a rusty say but at something will happen but this president is the deal maker I was there in Singapore when they think the 1st deal with Little Kim this is par for the course it's going to be a little bit of threatening noises but at the end of the day that regime is also walking a nice age just like Iran just like Russia with America as powerful as we are today as a net exporter with NATO revitalised sooner or later you have to submit to the tribe doctrine the only question is how long will it take you Sebastian He is the host of America 1st on the Salem network coast to coast here at years and where summarizing 29000 a very good year for the trumpet ministration but there's an election at hand and there are always surprises not the least of course that Joe Biden has indicated to an advisor that he'll serve one term one term Joe how about half a term sab I'm John Bachelor. Looking for a future leaders we can believe in look no further than the high school student athletes here in Arizona. Or to teach young people how to. Lose learning to listen to responsibility being good role model it's about respect the result transcends for it gives us hope for the future this message presented by the Arizona Interscholastic Association and the Arizona Interscholastic Athletic history. Says Lee Sean Hannity. Want to beat Russia I know how to do it Russia's economy is based on one thing energy we have more than a half there's a single largest oil and gas reserves in the entire world you want to make America rich clip for Deuce more natural gas and energy Sean Hannity weekdays at one on the news 149103 point 5 f.m. K y Ca This is the news 1490 and one of the 3.5 f.m. K y c a press kit and k 278 c and Prescott It's 2 o'clock. Impeachment vote delayed on Carmen Roberts Fox News after 14 hours of heated debate over the 2 articles of impeachment House Judiciary Committee chairman Jerry now or postpone the vote I want the members on both sides of the aisle to think about what has happened over these last 2 days and to search their consciences before we care so final votes and that angered Republicans who called out the decision and said it was outrageous and dictatorial during the day long clash over the articles Republicans argue the President Trump held up aid to Ukraine not for political favors but because he was concerned about corruption in that country republican my ranking member Doug Collins making the point that the president asked for a u.s. Favor not a personal one and democrat from Isla ya Paul Callan toward the folks who study drama also understand you read the lines they can read the transcript quickly I want you to do me a favor is not in the transcript it's my must be our greed I guess Leno's gets confused when you're trying to make up facts you cannot argue sayings both ways you cannot say that the president was so concerned about Ukraine that he released 8 which is true he released $8.20 he released 8 in 2018 and then suddenly he became concerned in 2019 right after Vice President Biden announced that he was going to run a stunning victory for British Prime Minister Boris Johnson in yesterday's general election one that will likely decide the fate of rocks at this place he does thank you for us my friends this is good stuff. Johnson pledging to get Britain out of the European Union by January 31st as sources tell Fox News the u.s. And China have reached a tentative trade deal.

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