Big star of Star Wars she's British I believe. You know painting with such a broad brush is kind of tough there's an interesting bit about this by Frank vi and Walt over at Daily Koz but he points out all the Republicans believe are lies and b.s. That they're rife with the disease a delusion that the Republicans have lost their damn Mayan's Donald Trump for example derisively speaks about people who disagree with him he's a serial liar he's a war he's an admitted sexual assault or he says very fine people agree with Nazis or are Nazis he has separated or 5000 children from their parents 7 of them have died our internment camps are now leading to death. How long before we start building cremation chambers in them. You know Trump was in communication with the Wiki Leaks and goose of her through Roger Stone during the election coordinating the release of these mails he falsely claims that Ukraine has possession of the d.n.c. Server he and Giuliani are doing the sham investigation of Joe Biden. This is all serious stuff. And I told this story a while ago in our neighborhood or down the road from a friend at a dinner party and somebody mentioned that somebody committed suicide with a gun and said guns should be regulated and the person freaked out and stormed out and said liberals want to take away your guns from supporters like they got triggered these people are like. Snowflake's But is that because they're badly misinformed I mean this person is I know him I think he's a decent person but it was no right or. Far. Or all or a majority of the tribe supporters you know merely people who are like in the ride for the sadism. You know they go along with this because they think yeah sure hey. a decent person underneath. The back so you know the question. Really deep down inside are these Trump supporters or should we trust in the essential goodness of all humanity or are there. Some associate out some sadists among us and are they that the core of the hardcore trump support much as happened with the early fascist movements in Franco's Spain in Miscellanies Italy and of course Hitler's Germany last night Louise I watched that documentary over on Amazon Prime Your It's called European fascism Steve somebody or other approached the thing up it's fascinating and also I wanted to mention the reason I went to see the movie area is about Harriet Tubman the woman whose picture was supposed to be on the $20.00 bill this year and. Canceled out remember. Harriet this movie is absolutely mind boggling you've got to go see this movie I mean I thought I knew the history of Harriet Tubman Boy do I It is so moving this is such a powerful movie it's called Harriet and it's in theaters right now and take your family you know take your kids I mean it's it's got some tough parts but it's not there's nothing obscene about it or I'm not sure what its readiness but I would feel comfortable having anybody go to it so I am I can hope Sound Florida Hey Mike thanks for list of service like someone. Thanks so much and I like the question I consider myself an expert on the Trump reporter because I have friends and family when you talk about what kind of people these are they basically mean spirited Yeah are they sadistic Yeah you can make a list but I could say you know they did them special in Christian terrorism and. You could probably pin every one of them to one or more of the and even the ones who don't match. My bottom line is these people will vote for those traits they may or may not think they're good people they definitely think they're good people believe me tell you something they are not now you're talking about is friends and family here. That's right I have a brother who I don't speak to any more let me give an example the reason I don't speak to him anymore not because of 2 or 3 years of trumpet which he is but because of 20 or 30 years of can be reminded this in other words the trumpet of them didn't surprise me but after 20 or 30 years dealing with lies and dealing with this kind of mean spirited not actually loading because the hurting now by supporting that none. If you don't shun nice people if you don't confront them if you don't walk away from what we're going to end up in this country and I honestly fear that. That we're going to have to make a decision and I'm talking about Truth Seeker's we're going to actually talk about dividing this country up and I don't say that in a depressed way or trying to solve it but we've let them run all over the country we've let Mitch McConnell he'll go to once you lead them in like that you better start talking about dividing the country. You can't physically divide the country up Mike if you feel 10 percent of the population are deep down inside sadists and now they have a political expression for it used to be they just acted out their sadism in the workplace by snarling at their fellow workers living where they were or being brutal to their spouses excuse me let me say that you cannot divide the country I don't think that realistically what you can't let happen to let them into the culture and into the end to gain power until there is no country left in the Constitution and no well that's the story of Victor Obama's Hungary that's the story of 2 charities the Philippines that's the story of of Olson Aros Brazil although he's starting to get some pushback certainly you know the story of war bonds hunger if I didn't start there yeah you know yeah and of course that's the story of the rise of fascism in the thirty's in Europe. Well let me remind every listener out there to what we have today is not something to compare to McCarthy I will say that if McCarthy had been seen day humiliated Would he was also aware they were going to that's right and let's pretend that then he went on to run for president we own or Richard Nixon and the vice president anyone that's what happened in 26 we had a man who was humiliated and continued Of course you know were ignorant and none then and was elected by the people in 19 to America knew that McCarthy would be a joke and 20 in America doesn't realize that trying to be dangerous and joke we are in a lot of trouble like you said about the election Jim. I'm agreeing with you Mike there were a lot of trouble I know and it's the question is what to do about it I mean you know traditionally was there simply wasn't a space in either major party for bigots and hateful people by and large I mean there was a kind of it was there and it was suppressed about obviously the segregation of some people like that but their rhetoric at least was sounded it was like they were celebrating say it is and it was almost like they were apologizing for it or something like that it's just doesn't mean celebrated which means that young people or people who are just like on the edge just a little marginally sadistic They just like to kick their dog now suddenly they feel empowered and they've come out fully and they're out on the streets and they're everywhere and and it's turned into a movement basically like I got a more I want to thank you for the call thanks for your accusations good talking to you Dave in Federal Way Wash in a day of what's up. To much unopposed supporters politically so much almost reluctant to tell them but I could really help them if they would listen because I kind of went through the same thing in my career when George Bush was president you're talking about the 25 years you served in the. Intelligence Yes and it was during Bush's 2nd term my career really plummeted downhill but luckily I had enough time and I could retire because they're going to see what it's like I know you're familiar with the Stanford Prison Experiment and I want to recap it in a sentence or 2 for our listeners you know you don't either Miller an experiment the professor shocks Stanley Miller I'm talking about no no no I'm talking about building Bardot and where he he argued just happened to the environment is right by me is correct people will tend to go towards what we call fascism or work here and it requires a healthy dose of fear and poor economic circumstances Yes Long story short Trump voters would be the prison guard Ok and they would prefer. For survival reasons here right now having to listen to a lot of right wing radio now I heard a guy I don't like to see the show but he was a climate science denier and a trump supporter Ok he said he wouldn't start this now I kind of think you just had a college education in chemistry I don't think you than actual scientists but anyway he was going through the typical talking points right wing talking points right and he was doing a great job really you know but then the caller called in about credit. And discussed off the rails and now he started becoming very agitated and it's sort of saying Poor pinned he started to work trimmed more trim and he heard wrong he was just saying it correctly the war and I'm like I know what that's about it what it is it comes down to what we call the online inhibition now there is but 9 online it's inhibition and I think I have that I have no problem disinhibition is what happens when you drink too by Sherry in the minds of most people as do you lose your inhibition you're more likely to behave in ways you wouldn't normally that's that's what we're talking about here. Yes And in addition to Lucia Mary all right without getting into the whole you know anthropology You know it also has to do with growing up the point of maturing and the early twenty's is when you learn how to inhabit impulses and behaviors fully and that's typically an adult. Yes and it's a survival mechanism we have inhibitions even though we don't like him for reason now when he started rejecting his inhibitions that inhibition and he started making vocal errors and mistakes are right now you know I was thinking about that because great a film bird What is it about her that advocates Trump Trump supporter so much it's because she is not right she suffers from autism and their mind in the Stanford Prison Experiment she is not accepting her place she is being uppity for Russia is also a woman and she's 16 years old and she's not a u.s. Citizen she is a harder. Well they're attacking her in deep down inside they know it's wrong now I will come to my main point I would love to get your take on there's a lot for him to our rich who live Nazi Germany Ok she said in America we have fire wall against tyranny she said basically things that motivate called a minute actually we have people that will act on things other people around the world won't act on what these concepts of individual liberty and well a neutron supporters would be more inclined to take action right now they're acting under an authoritarian impulse my question to you is you believe push comes to shove or like I said look I fear Russia and China will take advantage of this if things really do you think they will default back to preservation of liberty and the tenets this country was founded upon. They will. You know or do I believe that will the slide into fascism as a where you are going. You know. Look at all my ass you know I'm going to go towards we're carrying it. That's going to be the big question and you know I keep reminding people of 933 the Great Depression hit the United States and Germany equally hard Germany maybe even a little harder because they had lost World War One and they had reparations of the Treaty of Versailles but basically you know we were both being hurt economically we had f.d.r. They had paid off it war and you know we all know there that worked out that it was hitting Italy too and they had most Elaine So I think that leadership matters I a authoritarian are they at their. Nicolas and same crystal ball in Mexico. They were both very very much. A large number of people in the. Point where the people in the world support it you know right this is the cancer stage of capitalism this is the endpoint of Reaganism and this is what people were predicting when Reagan came along and cut the top tax rate from 74 percent to 25 percent and massively. Harper Texas and here we are 40 years later the experiment has been proven so Reaganomics is an absolute or a libertarian economics serve trickle down economics or conservative economics or whatever you want to call it is a complete disaster for average Americans simply and a spectacular success for the people who put Ronald Reagan in the White House and who continue to basically control most of our political system certainly all of the Republican Party. Necklace Thank you. For the better with. Nicholas thanks a lot for the call. Any time. Excellent question that you raised I should say a set of questions that ideally if we survive long enough over the next 5060 years probably hundreds if not thousands of books in treatise lives will be written occurring all angles of this obviously in brief comment I can just cover a few and I would put it it slightly different way. To really question the idea of what we're going to see and to be evil can even more actually be truly conscious in the full sense of the word conscious and I would play the answer is No and I'm not the 1st to say that and so the old kind of it go back and read around you know in the banality of you go there you go it did good thing is this the way I see it is that I mean motivated active a minority of will always dominate the spirited passive and frightened majorities so just because crime has a relative minority to population with him doesn't mean that they can't actually quote win in terms of the politics and economics of our society so the solution to that is not for us to become angry or April or afraid the answer is brought all of us to understand that the. To defeat and to I don't use the word fight the way to respond to trump to trump it is not it's actually with love and it's not easy you know it in the Christian theology to the concept of Love Line enemies and it's not easy but that's what's really needed because the more they drag us in to their world of anger and fear and hatred they feed companies and speeds off of that it was one of the things I get that and I and in principle I completely agree with you during the rise and fall of 3rd Reich by William sure. Yes long long long time ago when I was there there's at least 100 pages in that book I mean scattered through the book of his talking about the months that rose up not to fight against Hitler and the Nazis but to try to to to reform them and to try to appeal to them to try to moderate them to try to get along and go along for a little while in the hope that they could be reformed and the and as most of those people were put to death. I think that point and when I talk about love I'm not talking about I don't know how to put this I'm not talking about something weak or trying to like you say moderate them so how do you fight if you want coddle with love for example that we're fighting by promoting a McGrath The woman who's running against him in the you know for the Senate in Kentucky right pragmatic progressivism actually become increasingly involved politically actively and asserting the evolutionary older. Reacting to the people who she married to Seems like that's the strongest practical turn to hard core politics I think that every one of us has unique things that each one of us can do dinner homeopathically powerful No nothing is too small everything counts if you see somebody at the supermarket line that you know and was in high school with you when they start you know when they're wearing a bag a cap and you talk to them you know just let them know that you don't approve in a loving way in a kind way and go a little actions cutely will end up winning so if you see somebody say something like you know you know I'm sure you're probably a really nice person but that that that had never thing that it stands for. Is something that I find really offensive is that you very much are going to if you notice nobody uses bumper stickers anymore you did. Approach trouble in a choice because people are afraid of their cars getting keener or you know rear ended or whatever it's I mean that's what that's what it has come to Nick I got to move along I want to get another caller and he thank you for the call you made some great points Mike and let me to California Hey Mike. You've got a couple of universal tendencies when I was a child we had chicken soup and. Foremost sort of going and I noticed that when one of the chicks in the router house would get a little speck of blood on them all the other checks would start to peck at it until the pick was who no more and it being it's elementary school. Aged child I sort of notice how similar that was to kids and I know when one person is an outcast all the rest of the kids will tend to paying up on them because they want to be on the winning side so that's a universal potential for everyone which plays very well into Nancy's and trumpeters and all and what you're describing is something that we call bullying. Yes but it's. A group dynamic. Right and I point out you know I remember Dennis the bully in my elementary school you know and and you know used to terrorize me and a bunch of other kids but there was this crowd of people who followed him and ride it out with him and in fact I got with him for a couple of weeks and then he turned on me I mean it was just it was weird you know the other tendency is to lie and people who don't work at being honest and know that they are dishonest who will tend to worship somebody who keeps a position of great respect for authority through lying by the way to everybody move on toward impeach from probably 30 in the absolute 530 and not just move on Public Citizen I mean there's you know this. Is not to ya. What About Our been here with you so the question I'm asking is are trump supporters deluded misinformed good and decent people or are they by and large the authoritarians among us you know John Dean wrote this book called conservatives who are conscience it was based on the work of a previous psychologist a written book called the authoritarians and John Dean pointed out that about 20 percent of the population are authoritarians most are petty authoritarians they rule their hosts holds like tyrants for their work places or things like that and many of them are authoritarian followers like you know in their workplaces They're like the middle manager who constantly is yelling at people and shutting them down and making them feel terrible and humiliating them in front of big meetings and things like that some people just get joy out of it but the authoritarian leaders that's actually a very small percentage it's maybe one percent of people who become become authoritarian leaders essentially and they seek typically positions of power whether they become police officers or politicians or whatever it may be politicians as Trump would fall into that category although he was a petty to I'm sure with his family you know a petty authoritarian Joshua in Hollywood listening to a k p f k Joshua what's up. Borders but definitely under threat of. You can be what presidents do or not to. Anybody And I want to say also that I've got good morning green so no mixed Ok no mixed it's been researched and you know that but more to the feet it's not going into the food so I want to say Ok. I don't know if I'm being point I'm assuming I am. But there actually is this thing called human composting and they're about to legalize it in Washington state maybe Aerie have which is what burials used to be basically you know grass or you know grew really well in graveyards but now you can be compost and and you know if somebody uses their composting grows vegetables. Anyway Jeffrey in Des Moines Iowa Jeffrey with thanks for watching Free Speech see what's up the president's a Republican especially in Africa and South America often turn into executive dictatorships and personality cold and so on so I don't know as well yeah that the g.o.p. You know what I hear too much about I mean that's you know or a bonnet hungry and. Want Yeah absolutely yeah and it's not just for 4 presidents Republican I think the alarming thing though if you read you know the fall of democracy the book about the the fall of Moammar by Benjamin Carter head is 2 things that the g.o.p. a Few years ago realized that they could just lie they could just sort of invent reality and they could say anything then they would have the whole artillery of talk radio and also Fox News behind them but they would also have corporate media in n.p.r. In the so-called liberal media consistently presenting stories this point relativism to sides as only Bush floor into post 2 equals 5 and that's a toxic combination because if our corporate media even our so-called liberal media . Are not looking and digging for facts rather than presenting everything. You know it's so opinion. You know this kind of. Toxicity you know spreads even even further so I think but you know Chris quick question for you I try to say you know Khadafi. Part of a there's some other leaders but I'm not sure really who would compare in truth because there's also an element of celebrity culture that is unique to us. So what was the question. In terms of like who you might compare troops in he used his personality cool to like did another leader or a leader or somebody in history who behaved like him because I mean he had a I wouldn't I wouldn't go to I would compare him to Modi or do Tara to a or or a bond the difference then orbán is still holding rallies the whole thousands of people and he his rallies are very much like Trump's rallies but the difference is that Trump is not as competent as those guys. Which is I say it a weird kind of way the one thing that's probably saving our republic or at least some fragments of our republic if Trump had been a competent administrator in addition to being a sociopath and having our system personalities sort of like these other guys are. We would be much farther down the road of fascism right now than we are and my concern is that if he gets reelected basically the Republican Party is going to close ranks around him and you're going to end up now with incompetent bombers in the White House. Rather with some very very competent people who are just going to rest of waste are stripping the institutions of this country Jim in Bellingham Washington a Jim Watson in Montreal. I'm calling because I think you you know. Mis understanding of. Some of the dream supporters I'm thinking of some nearby neighbors where Obama supporters. Had turned. And meanly there's a couple of argument. Ring hollow with you know what women only make 75 percent or something of what man makes their wives are making more than they are now. So on the lower income scale I think parity has been reached you know and that's a win but it's not being treated accurately and so when you say privileged white males are money it's not. That it's not a big enough you know the fact that a government policy may try to reduce discrimination against women in the workplace is not the kind of thing that turns an election Cham Well I'm only talking about like the things that you say on your program you know women all the big sort of the money but. They listen to your program and. I mean I believe that one talking point I mean you know I had a lot of conservatives say well it's because Ron have babies and they get their Internet of the workforce and want it and there's actually some truth to that but there's but you know the simple reality is that broadly speaking are an industry after industry women not only make less than men but women are less likely to end up in senior management. Will lose more women graduating. Yes and that's been the case for almost a decade. You know a student highlight that as well but again. So that's one talking point but I mean the other one I think you brought up in your so earlier which is never mess with us life expectancy is going down and there's one demographic that accounts for that it tired otherwise you know other ones are going up or it's right. Turns out to be here Peter Mares. In particular men in red states. I mean there's 4 states that account for almost 90 percent of the drop and mortality in the United States and. They're al all former Republican states where they have expanded Medicare Medicaid. Well so yeah I mean there's a point but they know that it's not being addressed. By the Democratic Party. Well they're there and their life expectancy is going down because 40 years of neoliberal policy have shifted the social safety net away from them have shifted the jobs overseas they're left with basically nothing and Republicans come along and say it's Democrats have done this to you when in fact it's Reagan some of this is just pure Reaganism has produced so you know I mean Reagan did the 1st NAFTA I mean it was all the George Herbert Walker Bush you know go she finalized all trade deal this is Republican policy Jim thanks a lot for the call. On the science of evolution this week is the real science of Santa Claus would you believe it if I told you this and it was on a psychedelic I post Ron Jackson is here about the carbon project you should know about behold the Trump crime families disrespect of life and humanity and science and don't miss the good the bad and the very very ugly plus the fact of the week letting us know about the end of fish I want to bring you up to date on just a couple of news things the former Deutsche your bank executive who oversaw Donald Trump's loans this is from the law on crime dot com website has died by suicide his name was Thomas Bowers he was the executive who excited off on the controversy loans to Donald Trump back in the day and more recently federal investigators have been asking about documents that he may have over a door he would have in the gate keeper for all the financial documents of all the banks really really rich people and he was the head of the joint u. Banks u.s. Private Wealth Management Division this is the guy that Donald Trump and George cushion are were getting money from and he just hanged himself meanwhile we had this election in the u.k. Or actually the press had this election in the u.k. And Germany. Who some have described as Britain's Bernie Sanders I don't agree with that description but he is to the left part of the left last and so people are saying oh well you know in Arkansas really need to be going with the center because you know if the Bernie guy lost then it would be the Joe Biden guy who would win right well it turns out that the Joe Biden party is called the Liberal Democrats not the Labor Party the Labor Party is sort of like a progressive party and the party would be closest to the us Democratic establishment would be called the Lib Dems a liberal dems they are wiped out leader Joe Swenson lost her own seat from Kate are an awful for the Guardian last spring Nancy Pelosi met with members of change u.k. a Collection of Labor M.P.'s who. At the party over opposition to its leftward shift 2 of the 3 members of parliament with whom Palosi met lost their seats last night let's not forget Democrats lost over a 1000 seats under Obama and had a rash of state legislatures to Republican trifectas. Wake up. Labor policies 6 in 10 people in the u.k. Support Labor's policy of free broadband for all 64 percent support renationalisation of the country's railways and a false 56 percent back a total the carbon is Asian but of the 203063 percent support a green new deal and those numbers are similar numbers in the United States and finally the Judiciary Committee's report is out and the Judiciary Committee's report not only says Trump should be impeached but says he actually committed crimes his behavior was both constitutional and criminal and character they report covers multiple federal crimes including criminal bribery and wire fraud. So serious stuff Randi and I don't know I way Randi what's on your mind that a. Recurring thought I mean exactly what you're talking about only you're going to open another deal I've come to the point that a metaphor for the propaganda of the right wing news so the powering and swallowing so easily is Soylent Green and they will be going to sort of for people who don't know what you're talking about Soylent Green comes from a novel back in the sixty's go through my me the title of it that the only slightly green was a title that I will thank you and you know at the end of the book you discover that the food that everybody was eating which is called Soylent Green was actually people it was people ground up and made into food so Anyhow back to you. Information an ideology that is consuming them and consuming our democracy and it's just so doggone sad there's no the point I'd like to make about Alan Dershowitz that you see. She's been a story by and. No I mean other than freeze the car is show on c.n.n. Yesterday morning I have not watched t.v. All weekend and I just watched a little bit of one of the new shows this morning I think it was the always the Poppy Harlow show I watched about 15 minutes of it so. It's Go ahead Dershowitz was saying that he's not Trump's lawyer and he's not paid to be sure good American with a good reputation and a good mentality of doing good is why he would represent Trump and why East standing up for Trump but then he turned around to say pander black voters in saying that black voters should get out and vote well when he's supporting Trump he's for denying black voters in the poor to vote when it comes to you know what I'm saying the voter suppression was a Dershowitz who said that when he was getting massages the girls the Jeffrey Epstein had a solicitor had brought into his house that he always kept his underwear on. My God I didn't know that well I'm not sure if it was their shorts or if it was some other famous lawyer it might have been somebody else you know Jeffrey Epstein did come up today in that conversation he did about an hour on C.-Span so he really doesn't have credibility Tom he speaking for all this freedom and I think basically what it boiled down to is he didn't use these words but it's an illegal search and seizure that there's this is a violation of the president's rights and he's so wrong because he doesn't recognize the wrongs that come with the right wing and there. Their ability to shape our political future with the deeds from the past like Powell doctrine and whiskey and all these other can't so I don't want to take up too much time sir I just thought I'd touch base with you I'm a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year thank you for Christmas to you too Randy and I appreciate the call and I think you're spot on your observations it's always nice to hear from. Corky in Rochester New. Thanks for watching free speech to your ears and your mind. Oh oh yeah. We're going to grow bag bigger doubt you could you kind of mean. Lower middle class is still great. And all the time that the. Tree keep dragging in more people yeah yeah whenever anybody says you know supporters as the economy is great I think the other pro for bottle is while you're trying to pay for your medications and your red is going up and your pay is not the stock market sure has exploded do you get a piece of that action and typically I think the answer would be no. You know when I had a problem be trying to we don't get out you know and he. Knew she didn't . You know well you know I want to. Thank you thank you good points all Robbie and coral and a Robin Wright So here's what you brought up at the beginning of the show the lawyer Donald Trump who didn't tell you I think you forgot to mention he was also at Reuters for those that don't believe in conspiracy really. Yet but he was you know isn't he worked as a banker I mean you know he worked for huge one big Yeah exactly he was clear and I think he would do that himself about a week or we could have a go but. Oh so very exciting it is kind of but I want to say another caller brought up you know the conspiracy that it's weird that in our day and age in our world the word conspiracy if I were to bring up just the work experience the people kind of automatically think it's not real but it's really weird to me because it may be a crime I mean I think Korean tromping geisha a criminal conspiracy to defraud the American people and the Ukrainians. Exactly to the very notion of that word it been altered to all you know the mass media you know you attach the word scenery to the end of it and yeah here you're right it becomes a pejorative. When you are a place to get to the question I get to the question trumps the voters are they all that I actually speak a lot I think I mentioned before I can run Joey get a trip where every time they come down to one of the rally I always make it an effort to go down there and basically and this is what I wanted to tell you I don't think all of them are bad I don't believe all Trump voters are bad I think a lot of them are misled I think a lot of them you know as you know who you know a lot of them to come to hear a lot of them are just working class people that you know you have a person like Joey Gibson come out on a stage and say you know hey this person you're taking your job this is why you're working hard this is why you don't get money you know and David. Getting it right so that's why I think it's actually really critical to engage with the Trump voters and what I use and I don't expect everybody to believe in God or preach Bible but I do I would recommend anybody you know who has that trump uncle or the Trump family members that are going to have to encounter go read off some quick Bible verses radical Christianity is read it you can learn so much which point though you know word for word hypocrisy up that right when they claim just before either of patriotism or American freedom you know we can use the tools and the ideology that they have against them to wake them up just a little bit and find those people who are just the just are in Matthew 5 percent of the Matthew 25. And spin scholar and the Sermon on the mountain you know the story of the turmoil of the gross machine Robby thank you for the call it's great to hear from. Michael in Denver and Michael what's on your mind today. Good morning Tom. Yeah I called up I just said that it's a question of memory for me in my opinion it has a lot to do with memory what are you talking. Well. I'll pose this to you I have a relative move Cubano amongst others nationally on these descent after the revolution my family took in 6 or 8 of our relatives that fled Cuba and in particular there's one who's a little older than I am 70 years old he came here basically with the shit on his back. Over the course of time living here living in Florida he rose to great heights and at this point in time. He's a multimillionaire maybe a billionaire I really know but when he started he came here and he took advantage of of just about everything in public education his health everything and also work he started off modestly and he rose the ladder at the beginning I think just like anybody that says the American dream you know will give me this opportunity to get that right he forgot about it completely he has forgotten about it he has grandchildren he literally has shrunk to them away from the family because they're progressives they're Democrats they work in elections to try to get people elected in Florida so are you saying Michael when you say the people who are trump supporters have a problem with memory that they don't remember all the good things the Democrats have done for America you know if I'm so scared in Medicare and Medicaid to the 8 hour day to long term unemployment insurance to is that we're talking about you know public universities and education are not exempt in schools now because. Actually they have chosen to forget that they have chosen because of their success their affluence and the influence that they now have they have decided to forget all of that laid aside this is not the world that I'm from anymore I'm from this world and I'm I'm going to I'm going to be entrenched here I'm going to plant my flag here this is what I believed there was a book called True Believers and I read it a long time ago in the book I remember similar things that were in that book that I've seen happen within our family because of this overriding we you know we're not part of this anymore we don't care we don't donate to this mindset out of a way society and into believing in the the ideal of a me society which has never worked anywhere in the world a libertarian society seems to me society and I'll tell you authoritarian in his business is you know everything when I went to visit I would go to a bank that he owned several car dealerships that he owned and I could see that the employees when he was there were really really just boxed in and do not create terrified come up with anything yeah passionately terrified because of course they have smiles on their face and he's the boss and well known for Nando has meant it was for now much as you know not his lesson and so it you know you mentioned the Russian for the 3rd Reich that to me is like the Bible you know it's an amazing book and too many Americans have not read it I mean it was back in the fifty's sixty's seventy's it was it was typically part of high school curriculum I don't think anybody is reading anymore I guess in the eighty's it gets stripped out of our schools along and all the other or so I sort of Leslie Leslie did you know isn't he doesn't know math you watched you know if you read it I'd be surprised yeah yeah there you go so right. Thank you if your you and your family have have a very healthy and safe holiday for all of us but you know thank you for every do you do to thank you Michael and Happy Holidays Merry Christmas whatever whatever is appropriate for you thank you so much for the call Devon in Houston Texas what's up . Some are you doing great it was always thank you. For the Republican Party their ads have lit is right wing nationalism you know that part is a story Terry in Neil Cabaniss who want to be ruled by the very rich people we're criticizing Bill but I think you have to show them that the majority we have to come out in such a wave encourage them politically I don't think you can still that Mileva be nice or compromise with them they seat is weakness they have to be shown politically to be stronger than us imo if you know the only way to change them I think you may be right Devon and if you look at other call personalities you know and other cults of person personality for example the Nazi color on Hitler the emperor worship Calderon Hirohito in World War 2 their followers the their true believers did not wake up as a before until the movement was just absolutely politically smashed Now of course it was smashed with a war but it was smashed and they woke up in a disillusioned state but that's that's what it took and. You know the problem that I see is you know in in the twenty's you have Harding and then Coolidge and then over all preaching this basically trickle down economics Reaganism they were preaching that the government be unregulated a hearting ran in 1920 for president. Platform of war more business and government less government and business in other words privatizing deregulated and and cutting taxes the top tax rate when he came into office was 91 percent he cut out the 25 percent just like Reagan did that ideology during the roaring twenty's was widely adopted across the United States and it took the crash of $929.00 to wake people up to how toxic that Republican ideology was and as a result the Republican Party didn't hold the United States House of Representatives for more than a 2 year period twice but they basically had nobody Jordi in the House of Representatives from $933.00 until 1905 I mean you know for 3 generations of to arguably 4 generations and they had been the Republican Party had been crushed had been smashed by by the good by the Great Crash of 1929 when when Reagan came into power he flipped our party our power our country both economically and politically and we have been living in this Reaganism era it's been an even a large aspects of the Reagan agenda were adopted by by 2 of our Democrat to our 2 Democratic presidents since then and it has led to this you know to Trump among other things but also you know it's wiping out the middle class but but there hasn't been a smash in I mean you know the Reagan revolution was kind of in the background it was it was soft it was largely the result of the Supreme Court in 76 and 78 allowing massive amounts of cash to flow into the political system which put Reagan into the White House you know along with the deal the illegal deal with the Iranians to hold the hostages to hurt me Carter but you know none of that was publicly known until years later and then when Bill Barr and then he too was attorney general he covered up the entire Iran Contra investigation by counseling President Bush the elder to pardon you know all of the all of the Iraq Iran Contra conspiracy conspirators So we haven't. Another great shock like we had in 1929. After the Civil War when they were like No don't execute these people not critically executed but politically we have to finish them you can't just say Ok Ok those guys learn a little lesson No you have to destroy them those who. Come back to are in here with you and pick up your phone calls Jane in Joshua Tree California. He come I got 2 things I want to talk about one going back to your original question that you posed about whether the fervent Trump supporters are really badly misinformed or basically bullies I would say obviously the people like Jim Jordan the matt get of the world or the kava knowledge those would be bullies but I take the example of my republican very political stepmother and the conversation God had worked her just. I think there's fear based she's been railing against taxation and yet she with an e.s.l. Teacher teaching you know in here in California you know Hispanic spoke English. And he was they loved her and she was so lovely but but she has this odd notion I tried to talk to her about she's got retirement benefits wonderful health care and I tried to reason with her that you wouldn't have had you not been in California part of the teachers credit teachers and you know so she'd been following this for a long time she follows a guy named Mark of being who thought of Democrats hate America and huge you have been brainwashed I mean she should my dad with was also or. But he was a Harvard guy I mean he he loved black you know he really he was a good guy that by the time they start watching Fox together I mean they're both they were both you know they're basically you cannot reason with him and she admires him. And that sort of thing so you know she's good hearted but she just badly misinformed and I think it's weird but you know I don't talk to her that much about it. You know seem like I'm hitting a brick wall so that being said you know there are bullies and then there's the badly badly misinformed but I want to also go back to an earlier caller who talked about Washington Journal I'm on the. Washington journalists 3 hours a day 7 days a week this is one of the few spaces in America that we have where we can actually have Republicans and Democrats here come into the same base together and I would like to add to encourage. Courage your viewers we've got to get out there and get the message out we have so few public spaces where the 2 come together and I want to tell them they hate you call Tom Hartman we'll put you to the top of the line because that they obviously love to you know love to hear their voice but they are just so badly misinformed the arguments out there are just so you have a lovely older black woman who's you know with a few people but a black lady the. Start of the story so that that's my mission I really encourage people to call and journal and give our side of the story were badly misread represented and thank you for all you do Tom. And your family. You have to really take what you have been. Regular people. Repugnant his cable the nerdy cable never get it out of cable and they feel like. It was from the other tables because they didn't like people like rock Obama looks big words they couldn't understand what didn't you know he wanted to yell he wanted to get to hard going to what he got to do with me but words like get him out of here you know. Get on him and dance and understand old lard and he did make it all finally like someone got off. It at the level of what they call the average American Carson and they don't want to let go of that because they become a dumbed down education and nobody can understand about you know what their grade reading level you know in a lot of way and I think some see supporting battery actually increases that sense among those people that he's one of the he's just an average guy. Right to Buy make it gotta stick with me because I'm going to go back to people that don't understand the rich they're going to Harvard this is only. What they don't get is that Trump is actually supported by the elites by the billionaires by you know Robert Mercer and Shelley Adelson and and you know his entire party and all his efforts supported by Charles Koch even if you don't know they don't know anything and I'm a billionaire and I funded it all myself when you try to tell them oh no he's not he did and he said it not even on the funding and another that's making the list so I want to see what looms the paper out that everything that when it's fake knows it I mean you can show me your holdings and I'm going to party when I want I mean I don't want to speak there but I don't and they are a little or have a word for that he invented this Word Press the lying press right we would call Your team decays e y. X. Pilot 90.7 f.m. K.z. Wise eat well let's educate that 1.5 f.m. K 201 h.r. Fort Bragg at 8 point one f.m. Mendocino County Public Broadcasting we are members supported community radio we also stream on the web at k.c. Why heck stuck oh ard. After the Great Recession private investors bought millions of American homes. And today on the take a look at who really controls the real estate market in the United States on the show Republicans and Democrats are finding common ground on an issue that everyone can agree is just plain annoying. But one thing that Lisa. On both sides agree on is that have become a big problem we continue our series. Never had a problem confronting stereotypes and we have so little representation that we have . To make fun of that I think is really empowering and that's all coming around the takeaway will be right back after these headlines. From n.p.r. News in Washington the House Rules Committee is meeting.

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