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Sinjar Mountain Range are fewer than five. The first visit to asia in 20 years. Pope francis visits south korea, home to a growing catholic community. Were going to start this addition with gaza stories. Israeli jets have bombed a number of targets in gaza, a response, they said come to rocket fire. The missiles flew just before the extension of a ceasefire of five more days. Talks on finding a solution continue. Israel wants gaza disarmed, on wednesday, hamas said that was not an option. For hamas, israel has to lift the blockade on the enclave. No final agreement but a five day extension. As the previous 72hour deadline came to an end, hamas and israel prolong the truce to continue negotiations. We agreed on most of the points. Some of the details. Points here, points there. Some related to security and some to construction and lifting of the embargo. We do not wish to go into anymore detail. During the negotiations, the key palestinian demands have included the lifting of an eight year long blockade on the strip and the release of thousands of prisoners. The palestinians would like an increase in civilian permits to enter israel on an extension of the fishing zone, and greater access for trucks turning supplies to gaza. The key israeli demand and major stumbling block in the negotiation is the complete disarmament of hamas. Israel has demanded that systems be put in place to ensure border crossings are not misused by hamas for importing arms. Significant gaps remain between both sides. The ceasefire will be welcomed in gaza, which has been battered by a monthlong conflict that has seen the death of nearly 2000 people and the distraction of vital urban infrastructure. Far fewer than previously thought conditions not as dire. The u. S. Says it will probably not go ahead with a mission to evacuate yazidis refugees stranded in the sinjar iraq bounds of iraq. Thousands fled homes weeks ago. Some of them have been telling france 24 the horror they have been subjected to. In northern kurdistan on the road to syria, many hundreds of internally displaced people are devastated because they have received no assistance from the international community. Not even bread and water. Most of these people are yazidis from sinjar. They have accused peshmerga of abandoning sinjar, leaving them to isis. After they took the women and the young girls, the men were killed with butcher knives. They cut off their arms and their legs and killed my family. I have no one now. They took the woman to mosul. \ we are on the border between syria and iraq. Many thousands of people have used this bridge to flee to relative safety and under the protection of kurdish fighters. Most of them were yazidis who endured a journey to get there. We found this woman and a child who were lost, we took them with us. 10 days we have been on the run. First we went to a village and we had to go back because jihadists were there. We tried another route and got blocked again. It has taken us 10 days to get here. All of them, they are my family. Some will not cross this bridge alive. In this ambulance, the body of a young man who died of dehydration in the desert. Perhaps an irony that so many people are fleeing for safety to syria, which is embroiled in a three year civil war. An indication of how desperate the situation for those fleeing the violence of isis. Reports of shelling in Eastern Ukraine. Explosions have been heard in donetsk the city held by rebels. Shortly after a local official in luhansk announced that 22 people have been killed in fighting this thursday. Violence in Eastern Ukraine has been on the increase in recent weeks as the Ukrainian Military tries to retake control of the region. Another movement, a convoy of military and aid from russia turned south thursday, opting not to cross at a checkpoint controlled by the Ukrainian Government as had previously been planned. The detour added to concerns in kiev moscow is using the humanitarian mission as a ruse to bolster rebels with weapons or truth. Or troops. Something russia denies. Shaun walker is driving behind the convoy and joined us a short while ago. As the convoy heads south and the russian town of voronezh it set off again at daybreak this morning. It is now about going along parallel to the border with ukraine. It is quite possible in about an hour it will take a righthand turn and will head west towards ukraine. That would be the most obvious route into luhansk, the most affected of all the cities in Eastern Ukraine. That is controlled by the ukrainian army, a controversial crossing if it does happen. We have got the red cross saying they are going to talk with moscow and kiev, if this convoy keeps going it is going to be at the border and a matter of hours. It seems unlikely that the joint International Red cross led mission we have heard about from ukrainians could be in place by this afternoon. Hearing that the leader of the prorussian separatist rebels in luhansk has resigned, according to russian television. Valeri voltov would be the second of the rebel leaders to resign in the last seven days, following chief in the donetsk region. Anger in missouri has yet to simmer down with more violent protests over the Fatal Shooting of 18yearold Michael Brown by police. Molotov cocktails and other objects were hurled at Police Wednesday night. They responded with smoke bombs and tear gassed and arrested 10 people. [explosions] police fired tear gas towards hundreds of protesters. The fourth night of demonstrations after local authorities killed an unarmed black teenager in ferguson, missouri on saturday. 18yearold Michael Brown was shot after police claim he tried to take an officers weapon. Earlier on wednesday, residents of the st. Louis suburb faced off against Security Forces in riot gear and armored vehicles. Very discouraging, this was supposed to be a peaceful rally. We want peace and unity, not an adversarial relationship. We want to find out what happened and bring justice for Michael Brown. [over intercom] continue disbursing in a peaceful manner. The crowd was ordered to disperse. We must figure out why this is happening and stop the racist extermination racist discrimination. Everything needs to stop. Ferguson Police Say One officer was injured in saturdays shooting. Hacking Group Anonymous has threatened to release the name of the officer involved. Time to take a look at other news. Calling on the human for help, libya asks for intervention to help authorities dismantle Militia Group behind the worst violence in the country since moammar qaddafi was ousted in 2011. Thousands of antigovernment protesters gather in the pakistani city of lahore, preparing to march to the capital. Two politicians their supporters to take to the streets, claiming there was vote rigging in last years election and calling on Prime Minister sharif to resign. Russian minister navalny back in court. Navalny says the case is likely motivated. He led protests that put pressure on the kremlin in 2011 and 2012. The first papal visit to asia in 15 years, pope francis arrived in south korea. South korea has one of the Fastest Growing Roman Catholic communities. It is still just 10 of the 50 million population. On his arrival, the pub called for peace between the two koreas. It is my hope that korean democracy will continue to be strengthened and that the nation will grow to be a leader in the globalization of solidarity which is so necessary today. One that looks to the integral development of our human family. With us now in studio is a special advisor to the archbishop in paris. Thank you for taking time out of your holiday to talk to us here on france 24. South korea has one of the Fastest Growing Roman Catholic communities. Why . The reason, perhaps christianity has been making progress in korea for over a century now. In recent years, there have been more and more conversions to Roman Catholicism. The reason, perhaps, is that catholics and south korea have insisted much on social justice. It has been growing fast. People working a lot, it has been something of a rat race. It seems that the Catholic Church, in the sense of justice and a sense that perhaps people, everyone ought to be taken care of them look after. Not just the people who are successful. Has the church been involved in south korea . Sending missionaries and all that to generate awareness . It would be a largely buddhist and atheist country and origin. Christianity in korea is nearly two centuries old. It was imported by korean intellectuals who have heard about the jesuits who went to china in the 17th century. It was imported, there were very severe persecutions and executions, hence the number of people that the pope is going to canonize. It has always been present. Now, the situation is quite amazing. Korea does not import missionaries, it exports missionaries. There are korean missionaries everywhere in asia. It is spreading, the one i think of the Catholic Church i do not necessarily think of asia. Out of the 1. 2 billion catholics in the world, only 3 of those live on that side of the globe. The church is looking at this china is a very atheist country and has been quite hostile to the Catholic Church. Is there a plan the current chinese regime has yielded on capitalism, why not religion . Whether a country like china that is growing so fast, so much is going to be able to live without meeting the spiritual needs of the people, that is a great question we might ask. The pope is clever to go to south korea between the asian tigers japan and knocking at the door of the most powerful chinese giant now. The first visit to asia in 15 years for a pulp. The first time in south korea in 25 years. Anything to read into the timing . That is due to the situation in korea. Theres a catholic president. An embattled one. The Catholic Church is growing it is still a minority, 10 . Gaining more and more weight. This reflects pope francis worldview. He knows that the center, the Pivotal Point is no longer europe. It is not north america, either. He knows south america and he knows a lot things are going to take place in asia. This is where the balance is going to tip one way or the other. It is worth going there and seeing what he can do and trying to assess the situation. You mentioned there will be a number of marches in south korea. What else is on the agenda . Visits with a lot people. A meeting with the korean church. He goes there to preach and also to listen. He gets reports from everywhere. Nothing like meeting with the people and listening to them. What it is like, the problems and the hopes people have. We will have to leave it there, thank you for speaking to us in the france 24 studios. Special advisor to the archbishop in paris. A quick reminder of our top stories here on france 24 if you are just joining us. A ceasefire extension of five days for gaza gets off to a shaky start. A number of rockets and missiles being fired. If it holds, ill be the longest period of calm in over a month, allowing negotiations to continue. A u. S. Evacuation mission in iraq is unlikely to happen. Far fewer refugees stranded in the sinjar downrange than previously thought and conditions are betterthanexpected. The first visit to asia and 15 years, pope francis arrives in south korea, home to one of the fastestgrowing catholic communities. Time to take a look at what is cutting headlines in the weekly news magazines. Hi to you. I imagine one of the things we have been covering a lot and is getting a lot of coverage is the situation in iraq. Last week, barack obama authorized targeted airstrikes to stop isis from continuing to advance in the country. We have seen the u. S. And other western countries sending arms and supplies to kurdish fighters to try to stop isis on the ground. This is an article that talks about the great fear of the kurds. A lot of hope has been put on these kurdish fighters, the peshmerga. They are seen as the best hope of stopping isis. Their capability to resist isis was put in question this week when it seemed they were going to lose control of their capital, arbil. They managed to get hold of that capital at the last minute thanks to u. S. Air strikes but the magazine asks what does this mean for the future . Are we going to be able to count on them . This is a well armed and wealthy group. Another conflict that was in the papers a lot during the week is the situation in ukraine. One of the french magazines has traveled to crimea. What is life like now . Under the russian flag. They have given a nod to james bond, from russia with love. It is crimeas first summer since it was reattached to russia. They report from the shores of the black sea that locals might be working on their tan life is not a beach quite yet according to lexpress. A struggling economy and the negative impact of fighting in Eastern Ukraine. Near crimea. A large majority of locals say they are very happy to be under the russian flag. Lexpress describes the situation in yalta. Yalta likens itself to the nice of russia. You can see locals mixing with rich russian businessman sunbathing and dancing the night away as they wait for the russian papers to come through. A fascinating report. Next up, a growing population in the african continent the wealthy. The life of the affluent. How do rich africans live . They might be leaders of countries where large parts of the population struggle to get by. They have no money problems, according to jeuneafrique. There are five chapters. Chapter one, no limit to how much money they spend. They vary among themselves. They like to have a good time. They tell you all their favorite places. Chapter four, they keep a close eye on their money. Chapter five, they share a part of their wealth a lot of these wealthy elite like to donate money and set up charities, etc. This has been quite a trend among the elite. Not a bad trend. Next another french magazine with a bit of history, looking at the fall of the roman empire. The front page this week. The follow from happened over 1500 years ago, still fascinating today. What led to the downfall of one of the most powerful empires in the history of the world . Le point talks about religious tensions, and economy in decline, corruption, identity crisis hint, hint, hint many things that led to the downfall of the room we can see in our western societies. Sad week in hollywood. The death of Lauren Bacall a day after we woke up to the shock of the passing away of Robin Williams. An outpouring of emotion in the media across the world. We can see Robin Williams on the front page this week. Focusing on the fact that williams struggled with alcoholism and depression. Robin williams, taken away by his demons. Police have confirmed that the 63yearold actor committed suicide. Theres been a lot of focus in the media on Mental Illness and suicide. I pulled out an article from the new yorker, suicide a crime of loneliness. Some pretty incredible statistics. In the world every 40 seconds somebody commits suicide. In the u. S. , the 10th most common cause of death in people over the age of 10 years old. The suicide rate is going up in the u. S. , especially among middleaged men. There is been a lot of criticism about how the press has been reporting about suicide. Trying to find a reason and bringing some logic to suicide. On the other hand, calling it selfish and cowardly. There has been this rampant idea in the press that comedians are really dark people. The new yorker says it seems as though those who are most exuberant experience despair in proportion to their joy. One should be careful about how one reports an event and under the humanity. To quote the article, the disappearance of Robin Williams makes this planet a poor place. With all the International Weekly magazines, thank you. Time to look at all the latest headlines in the world of sports. French winger has announced he is retiring from international football. 31yearold who missed the 2014 world cup through injury said he wants to focus on playing for his club in munich and that way for the next generation of frenchtown. The former marseille man is a threetime winner of the french player of the year. The first footballer to hold two honors. 16 goals for the French National side. Retaining the german super cup after convincing 20 win against bayern munich. The Armenian International firing from 20 yards. Womens Rugby World Cup in canada. Thriller againstt the host. The secondhalf delivered more action, an exceptional piece of brilliance from winger harvey, canada 8. The french forward started to hit top gear. Trying to make it 1618 with a conversion to make it equal. Stepping up but buckling under pressure. Now to the european athletic championships in zurich, france clinches their first goal after lesueur won the long jump. The world indoor champion producing the best lead in the first round. Russias klishina completed the podium. The netherlands claimed gold last year, this year, a slow start and beat the specialists with a strong finish. Relegating soumare to silver. Nelson took the bronze. Moving up the gears brilliantly to take the European Championship hundred meter gold medal, 10. 06 seconds. Laemaitre was favored, harry clinched bronze. If there is a goldmedal that france expects to win it has got to be mens pole vault. After the olympic champion broke one of the most iconic world where kurtz World Records in february, chasing a Third Straight european title in zurich. For me, the europeans are important. First of all, and the p ole vault, the level is the same. You cannot tell yourself it is only the European Championships. Maybe you have to succeed in the europeans even more so so it puts you on the right path. I have a feeling about this competition because i am the twotime defending champion. While i want to defend, i want to win another title. To be honest, i just want to continue to add more medals to my collection. Renaud lavillenie claimed the 21yearold world record this year, missing the world indoor in march. Since then, hes been unbeaten. Already come at the time of my comeback from a foot injury, i have moved on from the world championship

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