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Senior hamas figures in its strike, but amidst todays bloodshed were for palestinian boys aged between nine and 11, who were killed whilst playing on a beach to the west of gaza city. Activists say the strike came from an Israeli Naval vessel, which was operating offshore. The Israeli Military says it is looking into the deaths of the Young Children. Is on the ground with the latest. Remains of what seemed to be targets of the israeli army. The body of the first victim is pulled out of the wreckage. Some 30 meters away from the point of impact with the corpses of three more children were found. It begs the question, given that israel has been communicating at ariel surveillance capacities, which allowed civilians to avoid casualties, why does the first strike not refrain from conducting the second strike, which killed these children, which were clearly visible from a distance and can be clearly seen running away from the point of impact. For more, we speak now to an Israeli Foreign Affairs Ministry spokesperson. Thank you very much for speaking to us. Israeli national has been killed during the last nine days. More than 200 palestinians. Not today the tragic news of four innocent children. Israel says all along it is inng precision equipment targeting specific individuals, so how do you explain these deaths . Let me start by saying that this is a tragedy that is being brought down on both sides of this conflict by hamas, who dragged us into a conflict that we did not want to be in, and who refused to enter into a , which we accepted without any hesitation. A little bit duplicitous of your correspondent to present it as if there is a guarantee that everything will work according to plan. We are taking as much care as we possibly can to avoid civilian does nots, but that mean there are not civilian casualties. There are civilian casualties in every conflict, and that is the tragedy about it. You may have heard already we have announced a sixour humanitarian ceasefire at the request of the United Nations. This is the second time in 36 hours we are doing that. Hopefully, it will not be responded to the same way as the last these fire the last ceasefire in which hamas fired 47 rockets indiscriminately into israeli cities. But this is Young Children playing on a beach. The argument we heard from all along was that you are targeting people in a complex situation in the most densely populated area in the world, and therefore its difficult to strike with precision the militants you are trying to strike him a but how can people playing on a each in a broad open area witnessed by dozens of International Journalists be argued as being such a strike . They were not. They were children. They were children. They were not targeted. They, of course, are in the line of fire. In this example of hamas easing , thee as human shields Israeli Military only targets legitimate military targets. Weve gone through multiple layers of intelligence with Legal Counsel and advice and oversight throughout the process, with significant operation, but again, we are talking about combat. I do not know if you have been in combat. It is complex, difficult, and agony. Precisely what we did not want to be in. We have said or three weeks openly, loudly, through public channels, through private. Iplomatic channels for three weeks, they increased the missiles into israel. They said without any hesitation that they rejected this call. We were dragged into a conflict that we did not want to be in, but we do have an obligation to protect our citizens, to bring a sense of calm, and the best way to do that in the long run is to dismantle the terror mechanism that has been developed in gaza. These guys are the ideological syria andf isis in iraq and the spiritual brothers of boko haram in nigeria. This is one of the darkest political schools in history. You mentioned the humanitarian situation there. There is a humanitarian disaster, as some agencies are describing in that area. Things were not very good to begin with for ordinary residents of the gaza strip. Things were pretty tough in any case, but are you worried about the effect that invents like today, that tragedies for small children, and other traumatic events on Young Children will mean that another generation of young, traumatized palestinians is growing up . Clearly, that represents something of a time bomb for israel later on down the line do you over to future generations of israelis to find a better way of solving this problem than merely carpet bringinghe area and into the death toll all of these innocent individuals . If i may, two things first of all, you know very well that israel is not carpet bombing anywhere. But two things first, there is no humanitarian crisis in gaza, and we will do everything we possibly can to avoid it. Third, medical supplies, fuel, through an is going unlimited quantities. Whatever is brought is allowed in. There is zero limitation on this. There is no humanitarian crisis in gaza. Secondly, i agree with you there is also a younger generous ration of israelis who are traumatized. We have are the percent of children in southern israel diagnosed with posttraumatic stress disorder we have 30 of children in southern israel. We owe it to the children to find a way through the cycle of violence, and hamas is the primary obstacle to our finding a way out. All right, we leave it there. Thank you very much indeed for. Peaking to us for more analysis on the diplomatic effort to find a solution to the crisis in the middle east, we speak now to the director of british think tank the Henry Jackson society. He joins us on the line from london. Thank you for speaking to us. A little earlier on, i spoke to a palestinian in p who told me that the egyptians brokered the egyptianbrokered ceasefire was something of a trap for hamas in that they were not consulted about it, they were negotiation in the of it. What do you think of that as an adjective to describe that way of describing it, as a trap for hamas . It was a trap in the sense that hamas has clearly not achieved its objectives thus far in the conflict and wishes for it to continue. It was a trap in the sense that the israelis had agreed to stop any activities on their side and all hamas had to do on the other side was agree not to do that, meaning that they would surrender the model that they have perfected in this campaign and would also seize control within Palestinian Affairs to Mahmoud Abbas again. He was to remember there are lots of things going on in this battle, although superficially it appears to be hamas and israel. Theres also a parallel battle. Etween hamas and fatah that has not come through at the moment, but thats why they do not want to agree to a ceasefire at that time. They clearly do not care about civilian casualties since they are continuing the conflict even though a ceasefire was on offer. They want to progress this for a bit longer in order to get political gains from it. There is clearly a bit of a trust issue, is there not, between hamas and the egyptian brokers . Things have changed rather dramatically in eastern egypt since the last time there was a conflict of this nature. That is absolutely correct. You have highlighted yet another game being played, which is a game between egypt and hamas as well in terms of relations between hamas and the muslim brotherhood. Of course there is a trust issue going on, but at the same time, if a ceasefire was offered, if it was claimed, this is what hamas is after in terms of not war, why would you not take it . Just because egyptians offered it . Who would they rather offer it . Earlier saidoke to they simply were not consulted or involved, so they could not possibly agree to a set of proposals that they had zero involvement in. The proposals seem very clear and simple in terms of what was put out. The idea they were not involved i do not know the background whetherpoke to whom, there were consultations. I cannot comment on that, but i can comment that when you receive a set of proposals, you can see yourself if they are something you can accept or not. To reject something that is a good idea just because of who proposed it in the manner it was proposed seems to me to be a ridiculous argument. Are you hopeful that anything can be achieved in cairo . After all the focus on all the diplomatic homes seems to be invested in what is happening there in cairo do you think thereng will be achieved at all . I think a lot depends on hamas stopping its activities. The israelis quite clearly are happy to cease if it is on offer, but hamas is not. The question really is can sufficient pressure be applied end the violence . Thats all they have to do. And the violence, and then it goes away. There has to be a consummate political pressure the other way to make them realize that this cannot continue. Thank you for speaking to us. In other world news, European Union leaders have gathered in brussels for a summit which is under way right now, during which the deployed deployments of various key figures are set to be announced. Jeanclaude juncker has already been approved as president of the commission, but other top posts including president of the European Council and foreignpolicy chief are expected to be filled in the hours ahead. European leaders are considering also whether or not to slap more sanctions on russia. France 24s urine Affairs Editor tells us more. Some countries are calling a very robust answer. Thats the case with poland and the Baltic States once again. They would like europe to trigger the third phase of sanctions, sectorial economic sanctions, but a number of other countries are resisting the move , as is the case with france, italy, greece. The most likely outcome, i believe, at this stage is that they will upgrade the second level of sanctions. We will see more names, more individuals who are suspected of having close ties with the rebels in Eastern Ukraine put on the european blacklist. This will be announced later tonight during the press conference. In ukraine itself, deadly violence between Government Forces and separatist rebels continues in the east of the country. One rebel militiamen is reported to have been killed today and 15 others injured in fighting. Hot then forces have territory held by separatists since the beginning of july Ukrainian Forces have halved the territory held by separatists since the beginning of july. Acted peacekeepers unlawfully at turbinates a that was the verdict where the judge ruled that the netherlands is liable for 300 of the 8000 deaths during the 1995 massacre the United Nations peacekeepers acted unlawfully at srebrenica. It had been designated as a safe haven by the United Nations. Negligence. A court in the hague ruled dutch United Nations peacekeepers were responsible for the deaths of 300 bosniak men and boys in the srebrenica massacre. That was considered unlawful knew orthe dutch men should have known that a genocide was taking place. There was a serious risk that those men would be killed. Under United Nations protection when the killings took place. Overran thisorces green zone and systematically slaughtered some 8000 muslim men and boys, their bodies dumped in mass graves. The case against the dutch state was brought to court by the Association Mothers of srebrenica. Almost two decades on, the pain still raw for these relatives of the victims. They were at the hague on wednesday to hear the verdict. They recognize that they are responsible for what happened in 1995, but how to you explain to a mother the dutch are responsible for the death of one son who stood on one side defense and not for the sun and the other side . The dutch compound was so big that everyone should have been let in. For them, it is only a small victory. The group says they will appeal this latest judgment for the hundreds of family members not affected by the verdict, and thats not entitled to compensation. The war in bosnia claimed some 100,000 lives in total with the genocide at srebrenica often referred to as the worst atrocity on european soil since the second world war. Time now for a check of the top is this new stories. We can begin with the airshow because of course, the two industry giants, the two big players are battling out, as always, or orders. Thats right, thats airbus and boeing, the giants we are talking about. They always have sort of a rivalry going at any of these industry shows. Europeanbased airbus had been edging ahead with nearly three times as many new orders, but u. S. Boeing has gotten a little boost today. Qatar airways has finalized the generation 50 new planes made by boeing. The deal, worth 18. 9 billion. Chinas hine on airline has agreed to purchase 5 billion worth of aircraft. Planes are for those made by a transatlantic joint. Enture it is obviously a battle for domination of the market playing out both on the ground and in the skies. This report from our correspondent from the airshow. Its one of the stars of the airshow. Just a year after its first flight, it is already in the final testing phases. This longhaul air carrier is on a mission to take on boeing. Since its launch, the 350 has been pitched to compete against and triples 787 seven fleets. So far, this positioning has been successful. We already have 740 orders and 38 customers for the day350 before delivery has even begun. Delivery will start before for clientthe year qatar airways, but this is not cause for concern. During a press conference, the competition was clearly defined, and they are on the defensive. Faster,fly further, higher, more efficiently, and they have lower operating cost. Planes like the 78 73liner, which arrived on the market in 2011 three years behind schedule and with battery problems, but that has done little to dim boeings confidence. We get more orders, deliver more airplanes, so i think we are well positioned. Boeing is Market Leader for longrange carriers and intends to remain there. Its the most important market not in terms of the number of lanes sold but in terms of the high Profit Margins for airlines. The battle between longhaul carriers is only just beginning. Time warner has rejected an initial takeover bid by Rupert Murdoch First Century fox or a reported 80 billion. The merger of the two entertainment and News Companies could have created a media giant with a total revenue of 65 billion a year controlling a number of tv networks, channels, two movie studios, and much of the countries sports broadcasting. 21st century fox confirmed the bit in a statement, saying it would have told off time warner s cnn, a direct competitor to its own fox news channel, to help allay regulator concerns. Here is what one industry analyst had to say about it. Seems to be a lowball offer, even though the premium that was suggested was over 20 . A company like time warner is kind of a onceinalifetime opportunity. These kinds of deals rarely come around. That brings us to a look at the market. Time warner shares jumped 16 on the news. Wall street is trading in the green. The dow once again passing into uncharted territory, above the 17,000 mark. Tech firms are leading the way with strong results from the likes of apple and intel. The major indices in europe offered up over 1 on wednesday boosted by stronger than expected growth in china. Beijing said the economy had grown at a rate of 7. 5 in the second quarter, up from 7. 4 . The Chinese Government has been trying to encourage domestic consumption and rebalance the economy. Days other the business headlines now unemployment in the u. K. Has fallen to its lowest level since 2008. Official figures show the number of jobless fell by 121,000 to 2. 1 million in the second quarter. Prices the gap between rises and wage rises bank of america has gone 43 from a year earlier as it struggled with massive legal expenses. It has agreed to pay over 10 billion to settle various accusations of wrongdoing surrounding mortgage purchases and Identity Theft insurance. And a merger between articles telekom in brazils only has been threatened by financing problems. It has been revealed that one company failed to repay a loan from 900 Million Euros to the group. To renegotiated terms, Portugal Telecom will now control just a quarter of the new combined entity instead of a 40 stake as planned. Ill be back with a little more Business News in just over an hours time. Thank you for that business update. Time now for what is happening with news. Hello there. Welcome to the web news with our pick of the stories making the online headlines. Show, an on today american basketball star criticized for a propalestine tweet. Selfies posing a problem at the tour de france. Namibia. Ng a wave in i apologize if i offended anyone with my previous tweet it was a mistake. I have never commented on International Politics and never. Ill american basketball player Dwight Howard posted these shortly after tweeting and then deleting a message that the conflict between israel and palestine. The nba star had tweeted free palestine. It sparked lively debate among web users in the u. S. Many have taken to social networks criticizing the Houston Rockets player for his propalestine tweet. His critics, mainly proisrael, say he should have kept his thoughts to himself, instead of commenting on an issue he knows nothing about. An opinion challenged by some like the people who posted these tweets dozens of web users say Dwight Howard was right to voice his point of view about the israelipalestinian conflict and say it is a shame he did not have the courage of his convictions. They have blasted the player for deleting the offended tweet. Some are even calling him a coward. Although the basketball champ has been on the end of harsh criticism, some wonder if howard pressured into removing his comment. A number of twitter users suggest the u. S. National Basketball Association forced him to withdraw the tweet and post an apology. The nba has yet to respond to these claims and is remaining tightlipped for now. The selfies craze has reached the tour de france. A growing number of spectators are lining the roof of the tour to catch a glance of writers that often lasts a second, and then turning their backs to take something that is receiving strong criticism online. It addslem is that danger to an already somewhat. Recarious sport some users are standing on the course to get as close to the writers as possible. This young lady, for instance, said she nearly died whilst taking the shot. The snap has been widely condemned by web users, who say she is showing a great lack of respect for the competitors. Some have taken to social networks to comment on the controversial craze. Tour organizers have been promoting a code of good conduct advising networks, fans on safety when coming to support the writers. Although selfies are not forbidden, there are a number of rules to respect so as to avoid disrupting the writers. Web users in singapore have been posting under the freemylibrary, following a decision to withdraw childrens books for sale at the feature samesex parents. The group hopes campaigning will prompt authorities to revoke the controversial measure. What would disney heroines like cinderella or the Little Mermaid or Sleeping Beauty look like if they were victims of Domestic Violence. This collection called happy never after was created by saint hoax, and art an artist from the middle east. The aim is to spread the message that Domestic Violence is never ok. It also hopes to encourage victims to report their abuse to authorities. Over 130 8 million emails are sent across the world in one minute, and around 3 million searches are carried out on google. Those are just a couple of the staggering statistics put. Ogether in this info graphic 571 websitegg99nnwcca7guc 07 16 14 07 16 14 [captioning made possible by democracy now ] from pacifica, this is democracy now two blasts happened here. One here in the second one there. Some people are still missing. We are still searching for them. We hold parliament, the government, and Prime Minister a leaky responsible. At least 27 people dime bag that as lawmakers moved toward forming a Power Coalition by naming a moderate semiislamist as speaker of pa

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