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The wall street journal has an interesting look into petraeuss final days in the agency including reports of interagency finger points and rising tensions. Kelly odonnell is on the hill, and kelly, two months since the attack and finally top intel players are on the hill. Frustration seemed to really be boiling over. Whats going on . That public hearing that you showed some clips from really showed how politically charged this is. That is not where the secret briefings are taking place. Thats a separate thing. It was a show place for the partisan divide over benghazi. When you talk to those on the intelligence committees in the house and senate, theres a sober approach to this as far as getting to the fact finding. David petraeus will be here tomorrow. He did voluntarily come to testify, meaning theres no subpoena involved. Today they hear from the top intelligence folks from the cia, the fbi, the National Intelligence office and they are learning some of the time line. We are told theyre getting a sense of what was known, and why did this whole controversy bubble up about a video, a spontaneous protest or an intentional act of terror, which is such a part of the political dynamic here. What we hear from members who were in the earlier briefing, the Senate Briefing is happening right now, is that there was a difference in the nature of the attacks. The first wave of the attack appeared more chaotic. The Second Attack went on over a period of seven hours appeared far more coordinated with command and control, the ability to bring weaponry, things like that, that cause some of this unease about how to decide who was behind it and what was going on. When you talk about frustrations, there are those political frustrations but also a lot of frustrations here about wanting to get to the bottom of it to know what happened, why chris stevens, the ambassador, his pleas for additional security, his warnings about dangers in the area may not have been addressed properly. Theyre trying to look at this to try to put an end to what happened here, to understand it, and to provide for those who are in diplomatic posts in other dangerous parts of the world to make sure this kind of thing cannot happen again. So, kelly, this is steve kornacki. Part of this story, then, involves the potential nomination of susan rice, the u. N. Amambassador, to replace Hillary Clinton at the state democratic. Its susan rice who a lot of republicans have decided lied to the public. They allege was executing some kind of intentional coverup plot by the administration. I dont know how that would work or what the coverup would be. Be that as it may, thats what republicans are saying. You have john mccain and Lindsey Graham both saying if her nomination is put forward, they will filibuster it. Are there any indications that that would become an official Republican Party position, because if the republicans unite, they would have the 40 votes to kill it by filibuster. There is a lot of opposition among republicans to a potential susan rice nomination. People are not actively talking about filibuster, although thats the obvious presumption if you talk about members trying to block Something Like this. In some was they are saying that she was schoezen bied white house to be the public face in the early days after the attack to talk about what happened. If she were to become secretary of state, she would need sort of a greater sense of recognizing that the story that was being put forward might not be accurate. Theyre sort of compelling her to have Greater Knowledge than what was given to her by the intelligence community. She has become a political focus here. Whether they actually go forward with that or not is a matter to be decided later. What it has done in the moment is to bring greater focus to benghazi. That may be part of the strategy in talking about susan rice so publicly, to get the president involved and have him comment in the News Conference to get democrats certainly wanting to talk about as well and putting a National Spotlight on it, when theres a lot of frustration here among both parties that the benghazi story and the incident there has not gotten sufficient attention over time. By making susan rice such a front and center personality in this, it has attracted more interest and more information and perhaps more action from the administration to provide answers. Nbcs kelly odonnell, thanks so much. Good to be with you. For more on benghazi, we turn to nbc news terrorism analyst, evan coleman, senior partner for flash point global partners. Thanks for being with us. We heard the public hearings today. Tomorrows hearings are closed. General petraeus is scheduled to testify. What do you think will be said in those hearings . Unfortunately, i think its a lot of politics. Part of the problem here is that you have two inquiries going on right now. You have the congressional inquiry, which is a media circus, and a judicial inquiry going on inside the department of justice and fbi looking aat the people who actually carried out the attack in benghazi. What im concerned at is all this media circus is taking away from what we need to do, hunting down the people that killed our ambassador and the individuals and bringing them to justice. The only justice these folks are going to see is maybe the wrong end, the business end of a hellfire missile. Its doubtful if theyll see a court of law. Evan, if we can turn to the middle east, the situation this week is that israel has opened an attack on gaza because of continuing rocket fire from gaza into southern israel. This is an ongoing story. It goes back years. There was a big attack from israel four years ago. I guess my question is this. How much credibility does netanyahu, who sort of ordered this attack, have saying this is the last and only available recourse for israel when there wasnt much of an effort to engage egypt trying to act as a middle man or not much of a concerted effort to the netanyahu governments part to build up the Palestinian Authority in the west bank. Was this really necessary at this point for israel to act like this . The israelis were getting hit by quite a number of rockets, and its within their judgment to defend themselves and take actions to defend themselves. There are facts here that make you wonder whether or not the israelis may have acted hastily . Namely the fact that in addition to hamas there are other actors in the game here. A lot of people are al qaeda types firing the rockets. They consider themselves enemies of hamas. They are firing lots of rockets at israel, and israel is blaming those attacks on hamas because hamas is the Regional Power broker. I dont know if thats really going to progress ourselves forward. These kind of al qaeda splinter groups never stop firing rockets. Hamas has no control over them. If theres a constant cycle where these groups fire a rocket to become a spoiler, israel retaliates and theres a clush of forces and nothing gets resolved. Its hard to see where the progress is there. Evan, lets broaden it out and see where progress could happen or be kept from happening, because this week a hamas commander was killed after an israeli assault, which followed a rocket attack from hamas. Broader than that right now we have 30,000 israeli reservists called up just today. So thats like israel saying every man get your gun and come down here and fight. More than that, we have netanyahu is up for election in january. We have morsi with just basically still the new head of egypt. The Muslim Brotherhood does not like or respect israel at all. How do these other pieces, these leaders, new leader and leader facing election soon, factor into the whole situation . Mercy is in a particularly vulnerable situation here. When mubarak was heading egypt, he could ignore the arab streak and the protests against israeli attacks in gaza. Morsi cant do that. Hes also the head of the Muslim Brotherhood, and hamas is a branch of Muslim Brotherhood. This is a very complicating factor. I mean, we should say, though, that i think morsi or anyone else in egypt is looking to start a war with the israelis. Theyre going to have to much more cognizant of whats going on and responsive to, again, i think a sentiment aamong the arab is that the israeli actions are unjustified. As far as netanyahu is concerned and the upcoming election, look, hes playing to a domestic constituency. Every time the israelis go into gaza, they do limited damage to hamas and other limited damage to other factions but they have done nothing permanent. Were back in a situation once again, the same situation time and time again over the past ten years, and again, it just seem where is the progress . Whats being solved here . To make matters worse, israel has its plate full from egypt and those frayed relations to gaza and hamas. Lets add syria into the mix. Israel fired shells into the Syrian Border after receiving some mortar fire itself in the golan heights. It doesnt have the time or energy to invest in syria, but if things spiral out of control, how much pressure does that also put on israel to act . I think the israelis have been pretty clear, including in the last few days, that they have absolutely no interest in getting involved in whats going on in syria. Theres so many Different Reasons for that. First of all, its an intractable conflict. Beyond that, none of the actors involved are proisraelis. The worst thing they can do is get involved in the conflict and give the regime some kinld of political cover saying were not just fighting against revolutionaries but against israeli spies and the massad. From israels perspective they have nuch problems dealing with gaza. The last thing that they need is to add to that plate, and what can be gained by getting involved in syria from the israels perspective . Whoever wins in syria from israels perspective is the enemy. Thats right. Thanks so much. Thank you very much. Up next, oh, mitt. Why cant you just leave well enough alone . First we heard romneys honest thoughts on the 47 . Now the audiotapes of his explanation of why he lost, and apparently its because obama voters are just so greedy. Well figure this out in the spin. 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We are bang with mitt romney offering up on his take on why president obama won a reelection in a Conference Call with his biggest donors yesterday. His campaign focused on certain members of his base coalition, give them extraordinary financial gifts from the government, and then work very aggressively to turn them out to vote. So that would appear to undercut the spin we heard from the romney camp after his 47 comments. Does it also show that mitt is kind of a sore loser . Lets put that through the spin cycle. Theres no question this is bad form for a defeated candidate. Youre supposed to be a little humble in defeat and making excuses and blaming and all of that. There are so many directions to go with this, i think, though. One, it proves to me he spent the last month of the campaign after the 47 tape came out saying, no, no, no, ill be the president for 100 . Disregard what you heard there. I think he clearly believed what he was saying in the 47 . I think this is good kwirmgts of that. The irony, of course, is to me is that mitt romney was trying the free gifts to important constituency strategy in this campaign . He told Senior Citizens that obama robbed them of medicare money and he would give them back the money that obama had robbed from them. It was a phantom issue. What hes saying is invented, but he was promising free stuff. Lets not forget that. The bigger point is this philosophy, this 47 dont pay federal income taxes and we should be offended by that, this appoint that infected the party in the obama era. Because the tea party and because the base and conservative sort of opinion shapers like hannity and limbaugh was so powerful, no leaders in the party were willing to stand up. Romney says this yesterday, and we are hearing from bobby jindal, for instance, last night saying this is trash. Stay away from it. Kelly ayotte said the same thing today. Scott walker. Some republicans are liberated by this defeat now. Its interesting to see how it broadens now. Some are liberated by it, but some are focused on the free stuff need. Its disgusting and offensive, and its why they use the word pandering when we talk about the groups that get entitlements rather than how liberals look at it in terms of protecting personal liberty and giving people that help the least fortunate among us. I dont want free stuff. I want people who are vulnerable to be protected by government. Thats not looking for free stuff, and theres nothing wrong with that. As long as the gop keeps looking at it like that, theyre going to keep losing National Elections and losing this demographic trend that we have going on. Chuck todd talked about it this morning in first read. When you think about it, romneys explanation for obamas viktvy laughable. The president won because he successfully delivered to his voters. Isnt that what politicians and president s are supposed to do . Absolutely. I thought he went on and on, by the way. It was much more than the clip we played. I thought perhaps the most shocking revelation i made is he thought he ran a superb campaign. Just listening to those comments shows you he did not run a superb campaign. He was going on and on about the different gifts the Obama Administration had given to different couldnt constituents. He said quote, free contraceptives were big with young collegeaged women. It struck me, because they said the democrats are reducing women to abortion and birth control. Women are much more than that. Apparently in the analysis after the fact, mitt romney believes that women just voted because obama was going to give them free birth control. They should have just sent out condoms and birth control. Much more effective. Obama is doing good giving out phones. Look, whatever you think of the substance of this, and i will say that theres a little truth in here in that democrats did not promise free stuff, and that i dont think thats why people voted for obama. People voted for obama because they liked him, and they believed that his policies are going to work in a second term. Democrats certainly did threaten that republicans were going to take a lot of their stuff away. So you could find some truth in there, but i will say never a good idea to blame the electorate. Never a good idea to say, you didnt vote for me, and its your fault for not seeing my greatness. Its just not a good idea. And if the gop needed an easy excuse to back aaway from romney, distance themselves, start anew and move forward, romney just gave it to them. In that sense he did them something of a gift. That bobby jindal and scott walk r and even kelly ayotte from New Hampshire of all places can come out and feel comfortable a week or so after the election dispar rajjing romneys comments i think maybe was the kind of cover and restart button that they were looking for. You talk about New Hampshire, iowa, wisconsin. There are not people looking for free stuff in those states, and obama won all states. On the substance, theres no point to it. It underscored the demographic challenge the republicans face competitive long term. You cant talk in boldly divisive terms like romney did in that tape and call. Yes, i think it is an encouraging sign for republicans that people say this, but theres another story i want to mention. This is the kind of stuff republicans have to get away from. Theres the state Party Chairman in maine. This wasnt a competitive state that went public and went to the press in his state saying there are hundreds of black people that turned out to strovote in state. White people said they never saw black people in our town and turned out. Theres an implication that obama shipped in black people by the dozens in a state obama was going to win from 15 points. Stay away from this stuff. I will take issue, toure, with something you said that talking about democrats reaching out to the least fortunate and the most vulnerable. I dont think thats what romney is talking about, and i think, you know, a little uncomfortable to classify women and minorities as vulnerable and least fortunate. I think hes talking about broad groups and not just the poor or the im pov riched. Hes talking about big demographic groups you would not classify as vulnerable or weak. When liberals want to protect personal liblt, and thats what liberals are all about. When you talk about women having the right to make their own choices with their body, thats protecting personal liberty. Were talking about affirmative action. I dont think we need to classify them as weak. Women arent weak because they i didnt i certainly never said anything about women being weak. The bigger point to what steve was saying, is the Republican Party has to break out of this druj Rush Limbaugh cocoon. This is what romney mnmitt romn almost verbatim what Rush Limbaugh said about obama being santa claus and bill oreilly said the same thing. Its not a productive conversation. I would say that was one of the major downfalls of his campaign and Republican Party in this election cycle, is they were not in touch with reality. It is an encouraging sign that people like bobby jindal are signalling, wed like to be in touch with reality now. Thank you very much. It just didnt work. Its not productive. The weak, vulnerable, unfortunate, that conversation underscores one of the biggest issues facing america now and going forward. Thats the growing income gap. Thats why today the issue is inequality, and weve got one of our favorites, sister similar money campbell here to talk about it. That is next on the cycle. I always wait until the last minute. Can i still ship a gift in time for christmas . Yeah, sure you can. Great. Wheres your gift . Uh. Whew. [ male announcer ] break from the holiday stress. Ship Fedex Express by december 22nd for christmas delivery. On the eve of the president S White House meeting with congressional leaders about the fiscal cliff or gentle slope, one of the biggest sticking points reap mains tax rates for the wealthy. Republicans latest offer is to close tax loopholes to pay for extending bush era tax cuts including for all including the rich. President obama says the top 2 simply dont need the help, and some of the most charitable folks around agree. The selfdescribed nuns on the bus returned from a trip around denver explaining why its time to end tax cuts for the top 2 . Its the latest social justice for network, a progress sich catholic organization. Sister similar money, campbell the executive director says president obamas plan to increase taxes on those making 250,000 or month could fill in the widening wealth gap in america. She argues its one of the biggest issues facing the country. Today the issue is inequality. In the guest spot we welcome back Sister Simone campbell. How does raising taxes on the wealthy, as i think congress and the president should do, relate to social justice and inequality . First of all, what you need to know is that the wealthy would continue to have the tax breaks on the first 250,000 of their income. So everybody would keep a tax break. It would be just on income above 250,000. This is so important because the programs that we call safety net programs serve often the working poor like billy and his wife and two kids that we met in milwaukee on the first bus trip. Billy worked full time at minimum wage, but because minimum wage still keeps you in poverty, he only has enough money to use his entire salary to keep a roof over his familys head. He uses food stamps and st. Benedicts dining room to feed his family. What i realized is that these safety net programs, while theyre i think governor romney would call them a handout or charity to billy, also benefit his employer because his employer has can pay low wages and have a fed employee and it benefits us, the consumers, because it keeps costs down. These are not just handouts to billy. This is a whole system weve created of protecting folks who are the working poor in our economy. We need to protect that. You know, when we talk about the relationship between income tax rates and inequality, im struck by the golden age in this this country. Under eisenhower it was 90 , from kennedy through the carter years it was 70 . Reagan got it down to 28 , and right now the debate is should we go up to 36 on to 36. 9 . Sister, my question is if were talking about you using the tax code to address the equality, were not having the debate nooe we need to have. This is a higher and more progressive attack system. Could it get on the agenda realistically . Well, i think were taking steps towards that. When you do the analysis of whats going on in our society, youre absolutely right. We need to address all of the factors that create this huge wealth disparity, but a key one, a First Step Towards this shall we call it a downpayment even is letting some of the bush era tax cuts expire. That i think is a significant step forward. We have to look at the tax code and look at housing. We have to look at savings and a whole bunch of other issues, but thats a First Step Towards making what is a very substantive conversation. Sister, i think everyone can agree wed like to decrease poverty and even though conservatives have been maligned for wanting to quoteunquote cut social safety programs and the social safety net, expanding welfare hasnt reduced poverty. In fact, adding millions to the rar ranks of welfare has seen poverty explode over the past four years. Whats the balanced response mere . Excuse me, that data is wrong. Poverty has not explode snd. No, poverty has incomed but welfare has not. The real culprit here is minimum wage. Minimum wage has stayed below the Poverty Level, and what we have to be keenly aware of is in 1970 if you worked for minimum wage it kept you out of poverty. So if we were going to go back to a wage that would keep families out of poverty, minimum wage would have to be about 12. 50 an hour instead of its current 7. 25. So lets talk about the working poor. People dont realize a big percentage of the people in poverty are the folks who are working. More people are on government assistance now than ever before. One in six. No, no. Okay. What you have to look at is what does that mean . Those are very nice sound bites. No, theyre terrible sound bites, sister. They are terrible. They are terrible, but theyre erroneous. When you look at who is getting the recipients of Social Security paid into an insurance for a long time. Im still paying into Social Security, so when i get it i hope you dont call me a loafer. I didnt call dmin a loafer. The second piece is the disabled. Some folks in our society cant work, and we acknowledge that we support those folks. Finally, food stamps has been the lifeline for the working poor, because working poor people in our country do not earn enough to keep both a roof over their head and food on the table. A whole bunch of poor people that ive met on the bus dont have cars to live in. So i think we have to be responsible as a nation na we have chosen not to raise minimum wage. Weve chosen rather to have food stamps as way to let people eat. Im sorry, but i believe, as a catholic, as a christian, that everyone has a right to eat and the government is to take care of. Because we havent raised minimum wage. Raise minimum wage, and then well deal with it. That would take care of it. When i think back to the civil rights movement, which was a religious movement rather than a p political movement. I wonder if you think thats whats required to really fight poverty. People like yourself, religious leaders making it a moral and religious cause. Its not going to come from the political realm. It will come from people like yourself making it a religious, moral cause to end poverty. Absolutely. Thats what nuns on the bus is about. Trying to lift up the truth of people at the margins of society, not the comments about the 47 , not the comments about the lazy, not the comments about so many people getting government assistance. The real issue here is hardworking people should be able to support their families. If we cant support their families under salaries, then we as a nation stand with them, because employers benefit, consumers benefit, and we the people of the United States need to solve this problem. Its a big issue. Sister, i think you hit on raising the minimum wage, something id certainly support. I think one of the questions, too, is how do we continue and move forward with more answers of how to address poverty . There is truth to the fact we have these safety net programs that have been vital for millions of americans, but they havent ended poverty in the way that wed like. What are some of the most innovative and interesting approaches that youve heard about that we should be having a conversation about . Great question. Im grateful for it. What were doing at network is launching a campaign in january called mend the gaps ways forward. Some is tax reform and some is minimum wage. Additionally there are things like helping folks get secure housing, and how do we manage lowcost housing for folks working within the Poverty Level and then gradually moving that then out. We also heard about a Fabulous Program in denver on tuesday that is helping sbrentrepreneur develop Small Businesses out of the low income communities and making significant strides forward with Small Business loans. This is making a really big difference in denver. Theres a lot of innovation out there, but its getting past the sound bites and really buckling down to solve this tough problem. All right. So stay tuned. That sounds great. Well have you back on to talk about that. Thank you p for your time. Youre well. This afternoon the president was back in the new york area surveying the damage from sfr storm sandy. Coming up, the people affected, the growing price tag and, of course, the politics. [ female announcer ] today, jason is here to volunteer to help those in need. When a twinge of back pain surprises him. Morning starts in high spirits, but theres a growing pain in his lower back. As lines grow longer, his pain continues to linger. 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So theres a lot of shortterm immediate stuff that has to be dealt with, and we are going to make sure that we stay here as long as people need that immediate help. Thats femas primary task. Also on hand this time around was new york city mayor bloomberg who didnt give the president a photoop last time in town but gave him a poststorm reelection endorsement citing obamas position on climate charge. Just yesterday he admitted the administration hasnt done enough in the first term when it comes to Climate Change, but he says the white house wanted to lead a National Conversation on the issue during the next four years. With the fiscal cliff and calls for immigration reform, is now the time to tackle Climate Change . If not now, when we start the conversation . Theres always time to talk about it in the backspin. What do you think . Im at optimistic person in general and optimistic for the president s second term. I think well see a grand bargain type of deal and see renewed focus on infrastructure and jobs. Very hopeful about immigration reform. The one issue that im very pessimistic about is Climate Change. It was basically dead on arrival, cap and trade was so demonized in the first term. I think when the economy is still tough, its hard to see beyond anything but the immediate pain. Isasmuch as the as much as these storms are renewed attention, its hard to see how anything real happens in this term. That fear is clearly very much on the white houses mind. At the press conference yesterday, obama framed and asked what to do on Climate Change in the second time. He framed it as a binary choice as you can address the economy or Climate Change. If its a choice between the two, its no choice to me. I go with the economy. The bottom line is his administration has imposed new emission standards. For several reasons were in line to be complianted with the Emission Reduction standard for 2020. Thats the good news. After 2020 the standards for reductions really kind of multiply. If you want to be in compliance with them, if we want to solve this problem, we need to be doing it right now. We need to take action right now. Yeah, i think bloomberg, if he thought endorsing obama was going to make this the centerpiece the second term, he got snookered. Jay carney told reporters we would never propose a carbon tax. This is where they are. We have to start with education. I cant believe were arguing about is this really. Is this man made . I dont understand that. Hurricane sandy is more like the new normal. You talk about 1 in 100 year storm. Thats not the next 100 years. We may see one that year or the year after that. Sandy was a category 1 really. A category 3 could change manhattan. Locally we might have to think p about storm surge barriers that cost billions of dollars. They have to be several feet high. Holland does this very well. People in new orleans might be laughing like you think thats going to make the difference . You leave that up to the government to do . We have to consider something, because we cant just sit here because bigger storms will come more often, and we have to deal with that. Putting my thoughts on the politics of Climate Change aside, you will all be happy to know i agree with each of you in some way. I think my head just exploded. Its really uncomfortable. What did i say wrong . I think youre right that the best advocates for this issue would be the people most immediately affected. So the victims of the storm. And rightly they are more focused on getting their homes back than they are on issues of Climate Change and politics. I also agree theres very little democratic will for this right now. The president i dont think wants to waste capital on Climate Change right now when he knows he has to address some bigger issues. That said, i dont think republicans want to deal with this as much either. Then to your point, toure, i think this should raise some infrastructure questions, and mayor bloomberg got a little criticism after sandy for some infrastructure flaws that were exposed in this storm. I think most people assuming that the 12 years at the helm, three terms, theres some of this stuff you might have focused on ahead of big gulps and bike lanes. Theres room for criticism all around here, and again, im also not optimistic. Up next, hot off the presses from americas finest news source. The onion is out with an encyclopedia of all wordily facts. God, sex and congress explained as only the onion folks could. A Winter Wonderland doesnt just happen. It takes some doing. Some coordinating. And a trip to the one place with the new ideas that help us pull it all together. From the things that hang and shine. To the things that sparkle and jingle. All while saving the things that go in our wallet. 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Yeah, were going to let it breathe. Oh, i love it. Did you know that president jar gerald ford was the most prominent member of the town. I learned that in the the onion book of knowledge. I learned that cinder changed to Kareem Abduljabbar after the Milwaukee Bucks imposed islamic law. The bee gees popularity declined because of the poor handling the iranian hostage crisis. Thorough good marshall would have quit law school if he knew hed inspire clarence thomas, and the constitution of the United States needs no updating because the founders gave us introductions on gay marriage, internet regulations. Thats true. The ononbook of known knowledge is the last book youll ever neen. To find out why lets bring in editor and author of this new smarts bible. Con fwrat lagss to you, sir. Excellent book. Thank you very much. Thank you for having me. I think sometimes fake facts are actually more valuable than real facts at getting at the deeper truths in life. Do you think thats true . Clearly as an onion guy, you must think its true. Toure loves fake facts. You heard it here first. Anything from the onion is more important than any information youd find anywhere else because it comes from us. If that answers your question, yes, absolutely. Anything we say is valuable. We at the cyclele feel the same way, anything we say is valuable. Zoo you know, i love the onion for the way it skewers the media. In one of the your sfwris you defined the new york times. Daily newsletter of the American Association of repired personed. Founded in 1851 its an indispensable source of information for aarp members for persons 55 and older as well as news and views from columnists such as frank rich, maureen dowd who provide an elder perspective of issues of day. It helps seniors explore the world with a travel section with ample disposable income and a food section with interesting and safety dining excursions in manhattan. As a fake news outlet, i have to imagine its part of your daily job to affirm, you know, how terrible the real media actually is. Yes, absolutely. I think its part of our job to kind of lord our power over you because, as you know, we are the most powerful Media Organization in the world. We have annual earnings of over 300 billion. I could cut all of your mikes at any moment if i wanted to. Prove it. Yeah, prove it. I think its fun, its enjoyable for us to kind of wield that power and make you all feel small, which you are. Fair enough. Thats fair enough. My favorite was a very random one. I liked this entry on elk, a species of deer that taught it just heard someone say its name. There it is. Definitive. Roger simon in politico wrote what was supposed to be satire but it was taken as truth by a lot of outlets about paul ryan marching around his campaign bus calling mitt romney the stench saying, tell stench im having finger stand witches with peggy noonan and will text him later. Have you had stories like that where people actually took it seriously and it got spread around as if it was real news . Oh, to an astonishing degree that happens. Really almost every day Something Like that happens. Maybe not on that large of a scale, but, yeah, a local newspaper, you know, there will be 100 Facebook Comments under one of our stories from people who think its real. The State Government media of iran. Exactly. The government of iran for gods sake. It just happens a lot. So at this point it doesnt really faze us. Its just sort of like throw another one on the pile. My favorite one in this book was about james polk, one of our former president s. It creates randomly this story about how nobody believed james polk had been elected president. Secret service would routinely escort him out of the white house. Will, do you have a favorite entry from this book, one that really stands out . Well, i dont know if i have a favorite. Theres one thats very succinct and i feel is very good advice for anyone who is trying to make their way through life. Its kitchen comma, if another rom contains more knives than this room, get out of that house. I think its good advice. Great rule for life. Excellent advice. Will tracy, thank you for not kiting our mikes. Thank you for having me here. Up next, krystal has friendly words of advice for our friends in the gop which includes an elephant with a sombrero. Sounds awesome. Ole. [ female announcer ] the humana walmartpreferred rx plan pdp gives you a low National Plan premium. So you can focus on what really matters. Call humana at 18008084003. Boo i am the ghost of meals past. When you dont use new pam, this is what you get. Residue. [ female announcer ] bargain brand cooking spray leaves annoying residue. Thats why theres new pam. I got this snapshot thing from progressive, plugged it into my car, and got a discount just for being the good driver ive always been. 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What can they possibly do to fix their demographics problem . 36point gap along single women, 40point gap along latinos and more than 90point gap along africanamericans and 24 gap among young people. In other words, major problems with every group that is increasing in size. After careful thought and reflection, ive got a few bits of wiss come. First, lets talk about your lady problems. What would you call someone of who wants us to pay for her to have sex . What would you call that woman . Youd call them a slut, prostitute. Lesson number one, if you want single women to vote for you, maybe stop calling them a bunch of ho bags. Now, look, i know Rush Limbaugh doesnt speak for everyone, not all republicans think all single women using birth controls are prostitutes but when mitt romney can only munser the courage to say about rush, thats not the language i would have used, that doesnt inspire a whole lot of confidence. Next up, young people. We live in an opportunity society. You dont sit on your butt and have it dumped in your lap. President obama once said he wants everybody in america to go to college. What a snob. Lesson number two, something tells me that young people worgeing hard to earn a College Degree and make taking on student debt to do so arent going to be won over by a message of youre a bunch of lazy snobs. To be fair i havent seen the polling on this, im just going with my gut on this one. Finally, lets delve into the gops problem with africanamericans and latinos. The demographics are changing. Its not a traditional america anymore, and there are 50 of the voting public who want stuff. They want things. What the president s campaign did was focus on certain members of his base coalition, give them extraordinary financial gifts from the government, and then work very aggressive to turn them out to vote. Lesson number three, well, you know, i guess you guys have it right here. Minorities just voted for obama because they wanted free stuff. You know. Stuff like access to health care, working economy, and a decent education for their kids. Old santa claus obama, he delivers all the goodies. What a bunch of lazy moochers. The gop could never convince them to take personal responsibility for care for their lives. Look, the Republican Party desperately needs to move back to the center to find a place of balance and nuance in their policies on immigration, health care, and taxes among others. But before that it seems to me the first order of business is to stop insulting most of the country. One gop latino operative complaining about gop outreach to lahtinos told politico, they just want to put a sombrero on the republican elephant. Thats probably not going to work. Before we worry about sombreros or skirts for the elephant for that matter, lets get the elephant to stop calling us s lu. Ts, moochers and grifters. And you got that advice for free just by watching me. I could have saved you guy that is 100 million you sent to cal rove. That does it for the cycle. Martin, its all yours. Crystal ball, skirts and sombreros for stupid people. Its thursday, november the 15th, and you are about to enter the twilight zone. We thought we had a very good chance of winning. What the

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