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Autocracy. Then the Trump Administration bungles the Coronavirus Response so badly at least three states are now as bad as new york was at the peak. Plus, with millions losing their eviction protection tonight and millions more in danger of losing their homes, congresswoman barbara lee on what needs to be done right now. And how trumps obsession with keeping the fbi headquarters close to his d. C. Hotel made it into the covid relief bill negotiations. All in starts now. Good evening from washington. Im in for chris hayes. First, it was portland. Now federal agents from the department of Homeland Security, the agency that was thrown together after 9 11 to protect the nation from terrorism are being dispatched to seattle. They claim to protect federal property. This comes after federal agents were sent to portland in early july where they have been using war tactics against american protesters, firing tear gas at crowds and throwing demonstrators into unmarked cars. So why did they deploy those agents to portland in the first place . Well, according to this list from acting Homeland Security secretary chad wolf, graffiti incidents were a big part of it. Yes, federal agents in military gear are being deployed to fight graffiti. Last night on trump tv, the president said he could send a Massive Force of tens of thousands of agents into american cities. We could solve it if they invited us in. Wed go in with 50,000, 75,000 people. We would be able to solve it like you wouldnt believe and quick. But they just dont want to ask. Maybe for political reasons. But they dont want to ask. It is a disgrace. When it comes to the coronavirus, there is no federal response. Its every state for themselves. But when it comes to fighting vandalism or protecting statues, hes ready to send 75,000 agents of the federal government. And seattle is next on the list. Customs and Border Protection has already sent Tactical Border officers ahead of protests expected this weekend. Now, i have worked around the globe. I have interviewed prime ministers and government officials, dictators, despots, authoritarians. I think its time we have a proper conversation about the f word. No, not that one. Fascism. I know, i know. It is really controversial. But to borrow a line, if not now, when . And if not us, the free press, then who . For far too long we have shied away from saying the f word. For a lot of people calling donald trump a fascist was just add homonym, a lazy political insult. Yet, look what happened the moment he took office. There was the muslim ban and the very fine people in charlottesville. And then the kids he threw into cages and camps. But its not stopped. Those were not isolated incidents. Just last month, the president had protesters, as well as reporters outside the white house tear gassed and beaten so that he could go for a stroll and have a photo op holding a bible outside a nearby church. And we were told not to call that fascism either. Now the president is ordering a surge of federal agents into u. S. Cities and talking about chicago the same way that george w. Bush once talked about fallujah. The president envisioned an always ten tashs cameraready show of force in chicago. He wanted to go after violent gang leaders, flush them out of hiding in ways that would have them shaking in their boots like they never had before and have alleged perpetrators marched out in front of news cameras. Are we saying this is not at all reminiscent of fascism. We have not had either yet here in the u. S. , thank god. Although, like with every good authoritarian, there is the question of whether President Trump will leave office when the time comes. Just last night joe biden warned that trump will try to indirectly steal the election. So the growing authoritarian in statesponsored violence in this country should worry you. The scenes from portland, oregon should set off alarm bells. But thankfully, some americans have clearly seen the threat and are standing up to it. Like peter buck, a grandfather from Washington State who purchased a leaf blower and brought it to portland last night to help disperse the tear gas being fired on protesters. And a group of women known as the wall of moms who took the streets of portland this week to stand between federal agents and protesters, her roes. We have elected mayors resisting the president , telling them to stay out of their cities. Joining me now is one of them. Thanks for joining me on all in. Thank you for having me. I wish we did not have to be here talking about this topic because it should frighten every american. It should. And you spoke to chad wolf and he has made all sorts of assurances, i believe. Just to clarify, are there dhs agents deployed in seattle tonight. The answer to that is yes. I talked to the acting secretary yesterday. He assured me that they would not be surging agents to seattle, that he did not see a threat in seattle like was in portland and that if that changed, he would call me and our chief of police. Shortly after we spoke, they admitted they had put agents supposedly on standby and had deployed them to seattle if they needed them. We have made very clear to him and to the local federal authorities that we do not need that kind of help. We have seen how federal agents have escalated what is happening in portland night after night after night. And as i said, every american should be worried about this. This kinds of actions, setting federal agents like an Occupying Force into cities across america targeted by the president because they are run by democratic mayors. Yes. Is using a political stunt. Its really frightening. So if the feds start doing the kind of actions they were doing in portland, if we see the kind of show of force, people being bundled into unmarked cars in seattle, what can you do to stop them . Is there anything you can do to stop them . The d. A. In philadelphia talked about prosecuting federal agents. So were looking at every option. I met today with the lawyers not just for the city but for the Attorney Generals Office bob ferguson as well as our county prosecutor to see what steps we could take in our pete holmes is our city attorney. We have a lawsuit ready to go to file with the court that if they even start to do actions like theyre doing in portland, we will ask the federal court to stop them. That happened in portland. Unfortunately, i think, it happened too late. We want to make sure that whats happening in portland doesnt happen in seattle. They are attracting people to a fight night after night after night, and its purposeful. It is to escalate violence and we have to stop that. Given what we saw in portland, ichb what we saw in Lafayette Square last month, how dangerous do you think this is . I think it is a critical point for american democracy and dangerous. I think it is shredding the fabric of our nation that holds us together. As a former United States attorney under barack obama. I have never seen anyone suggest anything close to this. This is not what you use federal Law Enforcement for, to have them become paramilitary groups with secret arrest powers, bundling people off, deploying tear gas every night, it is a political thing and it is done for political purposes. This is not what america stands for. We have to make sure that every american knows this is a threat to all of us and our democracy. We saw portland mayor ted wheeler take to the streets with protesters this week and he got hit with tear gas as a result of that. Are you planning to take to the streets of see yattle with the protesters there . We hopefully will not have those circumstances. We are working very hard to make sure that what happened in portland does not happen here. We are expecting a range of different protests this weekend, including some by those who actually do want to fight with the federal government. And i think thats another dangerous thing that the polarization of america playing out on the streets is dangerous for all of america, and were doing everything we can to deescalate it. We want people to protest and protest peacefully, and we want to make sure that seattle provides a place to do that. But we do not need federal agents escalating tensions. But isnt the problem, mayor, that it is not just donald trump and these federal agents in portland who caused controversy by using tear gas against protesters, weapons of war, seattle pd came under a lot of criticism for using tear gas on protesters last month. You were criticized by three members of the city council who accused you of gassing your own people. They now passed an ordinance to ban the use of tear gas as a form of crowd control. But youre not getting behind that ordinance. Why not . We actually were one of the first cities in the country to ban tear gas. I believe that tear gas should not be used on seattle streets or american streets. Were having that looked at right now, and im part of a conversation with mayor lightfoot of chicago and the u. S. Conference of mayors. Normally you would have a president or department of justice looking at those issues to make sure we have a national policy. They arent, so mayors are going to lead the way forward. You support the ban on tear gas that i believe kicks in this sunday. Their ban is on much more than tear gas. Pepper spray to other items called less lethal options. So there are issues related to that bill that actually limit the ability of Seattle Police to deescalate a situation. So we have concerns with that. But let me be here. I have no concerns with the ban on tear gas. I think that was the right way to go. Our chief of police was the first to institute it or one of the first in the country. Good to hear that. Seattle mayor, thank you so much for taking time out to join us. Stay safe this weekend. Thank you so much. As i mentioned earlier, joe biden, the democratic nominee for president warned a group of donors last night that this president is going to try to indirectly steal the election by arguing that mailin ballots dont work. This after trump himself just days ago said that he may not accept the results of the election. You dont know until you see. It depends. I think mailin voting is going to rig the election. I really do. Are you suggesting that you might not accept the results of the election . I have to see. Can you give a direct answer. You will accept the election . I have to say. Look, i have to see. Im not just going to say yes and i didnt last time, either. I want to bring in the staff writer at the new yorker and author of surviving autocracy. Thank you for joining us. Thank you for having me. Imagine this scene if you will. It is the morning after the election, november 4th. Donald trump has lost the popular vote. Hes lost the electoral college. And, yet, hes tweeting furiously about Illegal Immigrants having voted, about fraudulent mailin ballots about a deep state coup against him. He says im not going anywhere. This was stolen to me. And his supporters take to the streets armed and in tactical gear. How worried should we be about a scenario like that . We should be extremely worried about it because he has told us. He has been telling us for actually four years that he doesnt believe in the electoral process, that he basically believes it to be rigged. If you recall even before the 2016 election he was talking about how he wasnt going to recognize the outcome of the vote and that it was rigged. And even after the 2016 election he kept talking about how millions of immigrants voted illegally, right . This man has absolutely no respect or intention to recognize the validity of the vote, right . So we have to learn to think about the United States as the kind of country that has a sitting president who is going to try to hold on to his office even if the voters say that they no longer want him in the office. Right . And we have to think about what happens after that. So about a year and a half ago, i wrote a piece where i talked about my fear that this would happen. A lot of people said, oh, no, dont worry about it. The secret service will escort him out. He has to leave in january when inauguration happens. The problem is between november and january, he can cause a lot of harm, a lot of chaos, a lot of damage. We saw it with the michigan militias he was encouraging to protest the governor a few weeks ago. Bikers for trump. He tweets ice and cvp like theyre his own personal army. When you look at whats happened in portland this week, what is reminiscent of that for you . What does that remind you of either from history or from around the world from your own travels . And from my own work. I have seen this before. I have seen city street warfare before. It was usually in war zones. It wasnt the result of peaceful protests or mostly peaceful protests in a city street. In fact, i want to make that perfectly clear. The kind of scenes that we have seen that has been in the footage that has come out of portland is not like, for example, what i have seen when the Russian Special forces brutally put down protests in moscow. Right . This is actually worse. This is much more reminiscent of street warfare in the former yugoslavia. Thats what it looks like. It has often looked like military style troops moving in on mostly peaceful, mostly unarmed people. And, yet, you are making these comparisons, these shocking comparisons. If you say today, you know what, trump is a and you use the f word. You say fascist. A lot of people recoil. They say thats a step too far. This is america. It is a democracy. We still have liberal institutions, strong checks and balances. What do you say to people like that that say the f word is a step too far . You know, we do have liberal institutions, and we have certainly you cannot compare the political structures of the United States today to the political structures of russia or the political structures of the former yugoslavia. The question is, you know, what makes a comparison useful . And i think what makes a comparison useful is when it makes us think. If it makes us recoil and say, hey, hey, dont use that word. Thats not terribly useful. It is useful to think about the word fascist because whether donald trump is aware of this or not, he is performing fasism. Yes. A lot of power is performance, and he has choosen to perform power as he imagines, and thats the images he has picked out of the either are fascist images. We tend to think of fascism as if it were built overnight. When hitler declared the state of exception, that was in 1933. That was five years before germany annexed austria, six years before it invaded poland, eight years before it invaded the soviet union. Fascism takes hold over time. And if you think about that as a process, if you think about the warning signs that were seeing that are also telling us how far we have fallen, you know, the word fascism is important, especially if we think about the history of fascism as something that unfolded over time. And especially if we want to fight back. Whats been interesting in recent days, as depressing as it has to see these images of parked cars, ordinary citizens going out into the streets to fight for whether it be black lives matter, Civil Liberties groups, the wall of moms, the navy veteran that got beaten on camera, didnt move an inch, does that fill you with hope that, you know what, this performance of fascism, yes, one in three americans is buying it but the bulk of americans are not buying it . Absolutely. And ultimately whether the secret service or other Uniformed Services escort donald trump out of office after he refuses to recognize an electoral law will depend on whether they perceive the people are on their side or on his side. Right . And it is up to us to show both at the voting booth in november and right now in the streets whose side were on. Well have to leave it there. Thank you so much for your insights. Thank you for having me. Next, three states have now reached new york level coronavirus outbreaks. 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It streams exclusive originals, the full peacock movie library, complete collections of iconic tv shows, and more. Yup, the best really did get better. Magnificent. Xfinity x1 just got even better, with peacock premium included at no additional cost. No strings attached. There is a copy of the map. And this is you have it right behind me. Thats really very much indicating where the problems are. You see from that, its in great shape, lots of it. The northeast has become very clean. The country is in very good shape other than if you look south and west, some problems. It will all work out. That from the president s Coronavirus Briefing yesterday is not true. Its a lie. The country is not in very good shape, obviously. But unlike his other briefings this week, yesterdays included former new york yankee and dr. Deborah birx. While she did not say anything at yesterdays briefing, she did show up on the today show with a stark admission. I want to make it clear to the american public, what we have right now are essentially three new yorks with these three major states. So were really having to respond as an american people. Thats why you hear us calling for masks and increased social distancing to really stop the spread of this epidemic. The u. S. Has over four million cases of the coronavirus, a surge driven by three states california, florida and texas. And add to that a near Record Number of hospitalizations. And with spikes all over the country. Dr. Birx ended her interview this morning with a dire warning tharks the virus might be headed back up north. This is a signal to the american people. We have to change our behavior now before this virus completely moves back up through the north. We can do that, and we do that as an american people. There was a time in this crisis when people from florida wanted to restrict people traveling from new york. And now people from new york want to restrict people traveling from florida. This is a reminder that we cannot contain this virus if there is no federal, no National Response to this crisis. Joining me now is dr. Peter hoet sderks, professor and seen at Baylor College of medicine and codirector of the Texas Childrens Hospital Center for vaccine development. Thanks for joining us on the show. Thanks for having me tonight. Let me ask you this. Do you know of any country in the world which tackles the coronavirus, which has tried to stop this pandemic by leaving it to local areas to just do their own thing without a National Strategy . Is there any country thats done that . Not that im aware of. We need the full force of the federal government. And, you know, we have always had a failed strategy in this country. Its always been about let the states take the lead and the role of the federal government will provide backup in terms of fema support and supply Chain Management and ppe and ventilators. Its not that its nothing. Its just that there is no way the states have the epidemiologic horsepower to know how to contain an epidemic of this nature, and they needed the political cover of the cdc and federal government to respond to their constituents. And for them to say, look, i hear what you are saying, but the cdc is telling me if we dont do this, people are going to die, and those conversation never happened. So let me ask you this. Dr. Deborah brk irx talked about three new yorks, including your state of texas with florida and california. How much of the situation in those three new yorks is the fault of governors in those states . How much is the fault of federal government . How do we apportion blame for this. We cant get out of this crisis unless we know where we went wrong. I have a unique view. It is not that i give the governors a free pass, but i point my finger at the white house. And the reason i do that is they should have known that a stateled strategy was going to fail, and this is why we pay 11 billion in taxes for the centers for disease criminal eveontrol. We needed the cdc out in front providing directors. You know what, it is not too late. I have now put out earlier this week i put out a strategy where we could actually bring the entire National Back down to containment mode by november 1 and then safely open schools and maybe even sporting events. But we cant to this now in the middle of a raging covid pandemic. We need that federal leadership. I dont know why theyre digging their heels in. Im all for pointing fingers at the white house. This is a president that wanted to inject themselves with disinfectant as a way of fighting the virus. But you have Governor Greg Abbott who is going on tv this week to try and tell people, you know what, this isnt a hoax. Were five, six months into the crisis and hes trying to convince his own base that its not a hoax. He still wont do a mask mandate, by the way. Surely you have to look at some of those governors and say, yes, donald trump has a lot of blame for some of this, but so do some of these governors. I think the point is if they had that federal directive, they never would have been put in that position and they would have known what they were going to be facing. I think we would have been looking at a much different situation right now. Tonight there is so much dreary news across the south. Covid19 is now the single leading cause of death on a daily basis in multiple states. 200 deaths in texas each of the last two days. Similar stories in california and florida. And no end really. And until we get that federal strategy, that containment policy in place, we will continue to spiral out of control. And you heard dr. Birx saying it is going to move back into the midwest and northeast. This is not the life that americans are looking for. And now its not only going to affect the economy, it is affecting Homeland Security. People dont feel safe. People dont feel safe going outside. Teachers dont feel safe going to work. If we dont fix this, we are going to continue to spiral out of control. So when you talk about fixing this, i know you talked about having a kind of october strategy, taking federal measures to get back to normal in this country by october. Number one, do you still think thats possible given how deep a hole we seem to be in at the end of july. Number two, how do you do that . Is it a National Mask mandate . It really depends. Up in the northeast in main and new hampshire, theyre practically there already. In the southern part of the u. S. , we will have to take more aggressive measures. But we really have no choice. We are headed straight towards 225,000 deaths by october. And it is not just the deaths. Its also the permanent injury, right. Yes. Were now learning that even if we get people off the ventilators, they have longstanding injury to their lungs, vascular system, to their heart. The deaths are just the tip of the iceberg in terms of the Disease Burden caused by this virus. So ive got to ask this question and maybe you dont like this question. Are you an optimist . Do you think we could do this . Well, you know, i develop vaccines for neglected diseases, so by definition im an optimist. I think we can do it. It is a matter of convincing the white house that things are dire enough that they will take it on. So far were starting to see a little bit of pivot in that direction, but its incremental, and it is not at the level that were going to need. And ill continue to put as much pressure on the white house and other parts of the executive branch as i can. But i need the help of congress also. Congress has to step up a little bit. They have been a little bit silent, im afraid. Well, please do keep fighting the good fight. Thanks for joining us tonight. Thanks so much. I appreciate it. Coming up, the federal moratorium on evictions ends tonight, putting millions of people in danger of losing their homes. How on earth did we get to this point without fixing it . Congresswoman barbara lee on her solution after this. Tmobile and sprint have merged. And tmobile doesnt just have a bigger network, but a better one than ever before, with scam protection built into its core. Introducing, scamshield, free from tmobile. Get fewer scam calls. Period. With tmobiles supercharged network, you can say goodbye to annoying scam calls, and feel free to answer your phone again. Hello struggling to clean tough messes with wipes . Try mr. 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Its just so painful to me that i could be of real use to society one day and the next day im useless to everybody. That was new orleans grandmother natasha blunt who tonight along with millions of others will lose the federal protection that stopped landlords from evicting them during this pandemic. 12 Million People in federally subsidized housing could lose their homes. 12 million. Thats the population of new york and l. A. Combined. And thats just the people who live in federally subsidized housing. In total 110 million americans live in rented household. 20 of them could face eviction over the next eight weeks. Six months into this crisis, the sheer number of americans at risk of losing their homes is just astonishing. At the end of june, the house passed the emergency housing protections and relief act with 0 republican votes. And even though they received the bill three weeks ago, the republicanled senate, surprise, has taken no action on it. Millions of americans lose their eviction protection tonight. And tens of millions of unemployed americans risk losing their benefits when that expires, too, over the weekend. Yet republican senators just left town yesterday without even a draft of a bill to help. Mitch mcconnell saying republicans will unveil their relief plan next week as millions of americans teeter on the brink of an unprecedented financial catastrophe. I want to tell you something. This is deadly serious. A house is burning down in terms of the Economic Security of americas families, and these people are fiddling wherever they may be this weekend. Joining me now is congresswoman barbara lee, democrat of california. She introduced a protecting renters from eviction and fees act in the house and is cosponsoring several other pieces of legislation to head off foreclosures and evictions during this pandemic. Let me ask you this. What exactly does your bill to try and keep people in their homes . Sure. Thank you very much for giving me a chance to be with you this evening. What my bill does, along with our cosponsors, congressman chewy garcia from illinois and senator warren in the senate, what it does is prevent evictions through march 31st as it relates to the covid pandemic. Which means that there would be a continued moratorium on evictions. And this is we have to recognize that housing should be a human right. And for the republicans and senator mcconnell not to grasp that and understand that as a value in america is a moral disgrace. And they need to come back and they need to work on this legislation. In fact, you mentioned the heroes excuse me, the bill that congresswoman Maxine Waters introduced, the emergency housing protection and relief act. That provides 100 billion in rental assistance and 75 billion for landlords. And that bill is incorporated in the cares bill. And, so, there are a variety of measures that the senate needs to move on and theyre missing in action. Once again, its a moral disgrace. We should have not one unsheltered person in america and these bills have got to move. It is a moral disgrace. What do you think it is republicans dont seem to care about millions of americans losing their homes, including millions of their own constituents . Thats hard to say. You know, its mind boggling. But i can tell you one thing. Their constituents are going to hold them accountable come november because you cannot allow so many people to be on the streets in the midst of a pandemic and so many of these individuals are women, people of color, vulnerable people, and this is a public health, it is a safety risk, it is an economic crisis. And once again it is a shame and disgrace. And these republicans need to be held they should be held accountable for what they are not doing. Some might say that republicans are less concerned about the eviction crisis because the data suggests that people of color, black americans, are twice as likely to be evicted even before this crisis as white americans. This is a crisis about race, too, not just about poverty. Well, you know, Racial Equity is a lens that we have to look at everything through. And im glad you raised this because when you look at the damage that has happened in this country through generations, the generational impact of 401 years ago in terms of the Middle Passage and the enslavement of africans in america, you are sayisa seeing systemic racism and being impacted by this terrible housing pandemic. Once again, it is manifested in everyones life today as it relates to africanamericans. So given that, your colleague was on with joy reid a short time ago. Heres what she said. We are looking at people who are already housing insecure that are now going to be displaced. You know, my office started a task force to deal with the evictions that we know are coming and to bring people together because these eviction moratoriums that exist even here in minnesota are not going to last forever. And we are looking at really a huge displacement and collapse of our housing system. Shes proposing an emergency rent and mortgage cancellation bill. Is that a better, more effective, more ambitious way of canceling this crisis, canceling rent so that when the moratorium is over people arent met with bills. We have to have a whole government approach. I am a cosponsor of this bill. It is an extremely important bill. Yes, we should do that because part of this legislation requires hud to provide the resources for renters once this crisis is over. And also for landlords. And, so, we have to do everything we could do. And so i have to just say every bill, every piece of legislation that provides for moratorium, for rental assistance, for mortgage assistance we have to consider seriously and we do have to do it all because this is a crisis. It is a pandemic upon a pandemic, and it is not either or. Its everything because we should not have, again, one unsheltered person in this country. Completely agree. Congresswoman barbara lee, thank you for joining us. My pleasure. Coming up, what does the president s d. C. Hotel have to do with the Coronavirus Relief package . The stunning new report that is schemed to keep money in trumps pockets could be delaying desperately needed aid after this. Id after this this selenite grey is so pretty isnt it . Wow. Jim could you pop the hood for us . There she is. Turbocharged, right . Yes it is. Jim, could you uh kick the tires . Oh yes. Can you change the color inside the car . Oh sure. How about blue . Thats more cyan but. Jump in the back seat, jim. Act like my kids. How much longer . Exactly how they sound. Its got massaging seats too, right . Oh yeahhhhh. Oh yeahhhhh. Visit the mercedesbenz summer event or shop online at participating dealers. Get 0 apr financing up to 36 months on select new and certified preowned models. Im szasz. [norm] and we live in columbia, missouri. We do consulting, but we also write. [szasz] we take care of ourselves constantly; its important. We walk three to five times a week, a couple miles at a time. Weve both been taking prevagen for a little more than 11 years now. After about 30 days of taking it, we noticed clarity that we didnt notice before. Its still helping me. I still notice a difference. Prevagen. Healthier brain. Better life. With millions of americans facing eviction as we just discussed and millions more on the verge of unemployment and losing their jobs and in Record Numbers, the question now is republican senators cannot seem to agree on a coronavirus rescue bill. So instead, they left town yesterday until next week. And you will never believe one of the reasons behind the republican delay. The Washington Post reported that the white house is pushing to include language in the upcoming bill about rebuilding the current fbi headquarters, which has nothing to do with the coronavirus or keeping the economy afloat. But everything to do with Donald Trumps business interests. The president may loathe the fbi, but their headquarters are just a block from trumps washington hotel. Hes fighting to keep the fbi there rather than let them have an entirely new build anything maryland that would cost less and there is some question whether hes doing that because keeping the fbi there would keep other hotels out and redeveloping a major building in the neighborhood would obviously benefit his property. The president answered a question about this yesterday. I have been encouraging them to build it. You have a choice. You can renovate the existing building but its not a Good Building or you can take it down and build a great building for the fbi for 100 years and have it be incredible even with tracks on top theyre talking about. You know, because fbi people like to work out a lot. What . While trump has been trying to get this done for years now, this most recent push could be blocking americans from getting the urgent help they need to stay in their homes. If you think thats bad, wait until you hear about how donald trump is using Campaign Donations to brazenly line his own pocket. Thats coming up next. So, when you get a check. You can deposit it from here. And you can see your transactions and check your balance from here. You can detect suspicious activity on your account from here. And you can pay your friends back from here. So when someone asks you, wheres your bank . You can tell them heres my bank. Or heres my bank. Or, heres my bank. Because if you download and use the chase mobile app, your bank is virtually any place. So visit chase. Com mobile. The president s Reelection Campaign has been funneling hundreds of thousands of dollars into his private businesses. Washington post reporter David Fahrenthold tweeted out details that they pumped dollars into his private business. The Trump Campaign did it from march 31, 2020, through april 1, 2020, in the middle of the coronavirus pandemic. Today a former irs investigator wrote in the daily beast that those payments look awfully similar to money laundering. It is just part and parcel of how trump tries to siphon money towards his own businesses. It is also reported that the Trump Organization is trying to trademark the word telerally because no one has ever thought of that word before. For use, they say, in organizing events in the field of politics and political campaigning. The grift never wins. Pulitzer prize winner David Fahrenthold joins me now. David, how is this latest development . You have been following the money for years admirably. How is the latest lining of boths different fr pockets different from what has come before . In a couple of ways. In the usual thing he has been doing when he came into office, which is Holding Political events at his own property so Campaign Donors and the u. S. Taxpayer paying for the secret service put money into those events and he uses his president ial time in a way creating private revenue for his business. Thats always happened. It is happening more now, on a greater scale. When ive been going back the last few days trying to figure out how much these Campaign Committees he controls have paid him for his events, there are so many of them the payments run together and i cant tell which payments go with which event. Thats how much they are. The other thing is this telerally thing which is fascinating. His private business which runs hotels, office space, it is not a political business. It does a lot of business with political campaigns but it is not in the business of politics until now. Theyve applied for a trademark on this word telerally and said, look, our business now, this new line of business were getting into is organizing political events. Just after they filed for the trademark the Trump Campaign began holding telerallies for various states he couldnt visit because of coronavirus. So here is a question for you. When you have all of these stories about the campaign basically, you know, funneling money into the Trump Organization, into trumps private bank accounts, how much in your investigative reporting do you come across republicans, donors, operatives on the ground who are shocked by this, who think it is bad, or are they all just fine with it now . Theyre like, yeah, hes turned the Republican Party into a cash machine, thats fine, into an atm, thats fine . Well, when you talk to people who so a lot of these payments are for big events that are held at his properties. People get to go to those events like them. They like being at mara daug owe, they like being at the trump hotel in d. C. , they feel at home, they feel like these are people that think like me, but of course theyre nice places. Why wouldnt you want to be there . The question i have, and i dont know the answer to it and im trying to find the answer, if youre somebody who doesnt go to the events, you are a trump supporter and you are bombarded with texts and emails and other things from the Trump Campaign so desperate saying, we need money, give 5, beat back socialism. Pay for my golf carts. Yeah, and you find out the money is put in your Donald Trumps pocket, i dont know how you feel about it. You are told if you dont give the money socialist will overrun the country, yet donald trump has time and extra money to spend on himself . That might seem strange. Do we know how much money we talk about republicans and donors and the campaign. You also mentioned at the start, you know, the golf trips and the taxpayer. Do we know how much money the u. S. Government, viewers of this show, the taxpayer have paid to the Trump Organization since donald trump took the oath of office . We dont. Weve asked the Trump Organization, weve asked the u. S. Government, and they have not given us numbers. What we do have is sort of a preliminary and a piecemeal account i put together by sort of looking for one receipt at a time, one document at a time using public records requests. Thats a totally incomplete record. We still have huge gaps in our data, but even that incomplete record we found at least 970,000 worth of payments from the u. S. Taxpayer to trumps businesses. One thing that stands out to me in what we have found is how at odds it is with what the Trump Organization was telling us before we had this data. They had always said, look, when trump visits his properties we only charge about 50 a night to the taxpayers. We give them the Bargain Basement, below Bargain Basement rate. When we got the documents we saw it was completely wrong. The rates we looked at hundreds of stays and never found a rate that low. Instead the rates have been as high as 650 per room per night. So here is a question for you, david. When you started digging into this stuff and uncovering these payments from donors, payments from the government, we had a story this week that the president asked the u. S. Ambassador in london to try to get the open for his golf course. One thing you must have discovered quickly, and i wasnt aware of this until a few years ago, im sure Many Americans are not aware of it, there is no conflict of interest law that applies to the president. No matter how many dodgey dealings you uncover you cant say it is a conflict of interest, because while it applies to any other member of the government it doesnt apply to the president . Thats right, the president and the Vice President are exempt from conflict of interest rules. Wow. I guess the idea is that, you know, somebody who is the undersecretary of agriculture isnt liable to voters so there has to be some other mechanism to check them. The president and Vice President are liable to voters. But what has held people in place all of this time and kept president s from violating these rules was an honor system, a sense that there are certain things a president is above, certain things a president should not do even if he could legally do them. What i found from years of covering trump is that he really exploits honor systems like that. He finds a place where people follow the rules not because they have to but because they think it is the right thing to do or they fear looking bad if they dont. He realizes that it is an opportunity to exploit, violates the honor system and reaps the rewards. We said we were discussing earlier in the show, i was talking about if donald trump loses in november will he leave, the big question right now, will he go quietly. What is interesting is if he does lose, i mean it is quite a nice, you know, a soft landing in the sense he seems to be making a lot of money out of running for president regardless of whether he wins or loses. You know, i dont think we know the full extent yet, but it has been good for him and his family. A lot of his family members have gotten paem gotten payments through the campaign. We dont know what is happening inside his business, whether it is making a profit or a loss. It has lost a lot of regular customers because of trumps politics so i dont know how those two things even out, but certainly it may affect his decisionmaking. I think thats i think thats for sure. David fahrenthold, thanks for all you do. Have a good weekend. Thank you. Thats for all in. Chris will be back on monday. Rachel maddow now. Great to see you. Your prime time debut. Congratulations. Super well done. Thank you so much. I appreciate it. Enjoy, my friend. Thank you. That was great. Thanks to you at home for being with us for this hour. Happy to have you here on a friday night. It is friday for sure. I triple checked. Thats good. The headlines however still not good about which im sorry. This, for example, was a hard one to wake up to today at the Washington Post. Their main headline today, u. S. Passes 4 million coronavirus cases as pace of new

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