Takes to do the job until you have sat behind the desk. I mean, sasha tweets. This is a choice between whether we are going to cling to some imaginary past or whether were going to reach for the future. Even the republicans on the other side dont really know what the guys talking about. You ask them, theyre all like i dont know. Then they kind of duck the other way. By any measure, that would be considered a blockbuster event. We will have more on the president s big endorsement speech in the show. Of course, it also comes on a day when there was also a Big Development in the seemingly neverending Hillary Clinton email saga. It came in the form of a midmorning surprise press conference by fbi director james comey. After nearly a yearlong investigation that culminated in a 3 1 2 hour interview with clinton over the weekend, comey said the fbi would not recommend criminal charges against the former secretary of state. Although there is evidence of potential violations of the statutes regarding the handling of classified information, our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case. In looking back at our investigations into the mishandling or removal of classified information, we cannot find a case that would support bringing criminal charges on these facts. As a result, although the department of justice makes final decisions on matters like this, we are expressing to justice our view that no charges are appropriate in this case. May not be appropriate but comey also delivered a forceful critique of Hillary Clintons use of a private server. Although we did not find clear evidence that secretary clinton or her colleagues intended to violate laws governing the handling of classified information, there is evidence that they were extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive highly classified information. Seven email chains concerned matters that were classified at the top secret, special Access Program at the time they were sent and received. There is evidence to support a conclusion that any reasonable person in secretary clintons position or in the position of those with whom she was corresponding about those matters, should have known that an unclassified system was no place for that conversation. Comey also faulted the Security Culture at the state department and he says it was at least possible that hostile actors gained access to clintons email account. Clintons spokesman said in a statement we are pleased the career officials handling this case have determined that no further action by the department is appropriate. As the secretary has long said it was a mistake to use her personal email and she would not do it again. We are glad that this matter is now resolved. Meanwhile, donald trump called what happened a total miscarriage of justice and tweeted fbi director said crooked hillary compromised our National Security, no charges, wow, rigged system. We are expecting to hear more from trump when he takes the stage at a Campaign Rally in North Carolina. Many republicans faulted comey for his decision not to recommend charges. Speaker paul ryan said in a statement while i respect the Law Enforcement professionals at the fbi, this announcement defies explanation. No one should be above the law. Declining to prosecute secretary clinton for recklessly mishandling and transmitting National Security information will set a terrible precedent. Nbc justice correspondent Pete Williams joins me with the latest. Pete, you just heard that statement by paul ryan. Is he correct that mr. Comey, the fbi director comey, stated that there were violations of law and then didnt prosecute on them . More or less. What comey says is that there is some evidence that there were violations here but that you have to measure that against the standard here of have cases like this involving similar situations ever resulted in prosecutions and he said no. Now, heres where i think you are going to hear a lot of disagreement. There are some former prosecutors who say the statutes, yes, make it a crime to intentionally give classified information out or put it in a place where it doesnt belong, but also make it a crime to do so if it amounts to gross neg i negligence. What some of the former prosecutors say is comey has rewritten the statute saying you have to have intent, not gross negligence. Others say look at the record. Nobody has ever been prosecuted when the information is given to someone who is legally qualified to have it. So that is a critical point on comeys side. This was information exchanged back and forth between people who actually had clearance so its person a who has clearance to have the information gives it to person b, who has clearance but they use an unclassified Conveyor Belt to pass it along, thats where the potential violation comes in, but comey says thats not a case that should result in a prosecution. Now, of course, as you began this with, its his recommendation, its the justice departments final decision, but remember that attorney general Loretta Lynch has said she will go along with whatever the career prosecutors at justice say and tonight officials are saying it would be its a virtual certainty they will accept the fbis recommendation here. I want to talk a little bit about director comey. Hes somebody that people may remember from the ashcroft situation where he essentially intervened to try to stop Alberto Gonzalez from going to the bedside of an ailing a. G. Ashcroft in the case of warrantless wiretapping. He isnt somebody who doesnt have a sterling reputation in washington. Donald trump is trying to call him a partisan apologist for Hillary Clinton. I like that question. We have been covering james comey for what, 20 years. Now suddenly everybody has discovered james comey and wants to know whats the deal with him. Hes a former u. S. Attorney in new york. You may remember that he filed criminal charges against Martha Stewart which was somewhat controversial. The question was was she doing improper trading and she was prosecuted for misleading the fbi investigating that. He was the Deputy Attorney general in the Bush Administration under john ashcroft, the attorney general. He left the government to go into private practice as general counsel for an aerospace firm, then was persuaded to come back and be the fbi director. Thats a tenyear position and hes three or four years into it. He threatened to resign over attempts to interfere with the work he was doing during that warrantless wiretapping situation. Hes got a pretty good reputation. Pete williams, thank you very much. Im joined by howard fineman, global editorial director for the Huffington Post and msnbc political analyst and susan page, Washington Bureau chief for usa today. Howard, to you first on this. What in your mind is the balance of good day, not so good day, in this news about the Hillary Clinton emails . Well, if at the end of that pretty long excoriation of Hillary Clinton and the state department and james comey had said and we are recommending indictment, can you imagine, the whole world would have been turned upside down in an already Chaotic Campaign season would have been turned into a version of the apocalypse 2016. What would the democrats have done . Who would they have chosen . How would they have proceeded . Well, that sort of apocolyptic story line, that version of history can now be put aside. So the good news for Hillary Clinton is, its true i think that the justice professionals will not disagree with comey, the fact is that she wasnt indicted and thats the bottom line legally. Politically, i think what comey said today does nothing to allay the two big problems Hillary Clinton has on the personal side of her campaign. Number one, the trust factor is very weak with her. Current polls, some current polls show that donald trump is more trusted personally than she is. Number two, its this notion that somehow the system is rigged. The people who hate hillary are already going to hate her. Some independent voters may still go for that the system is rigged argument that donald trump is making and i think trump will be playing that card as hard and as long as he possibly can. Susan, this does come on the same day that president obama gave that really sort of epically praiseful speech. I havent seen a sitting president give that kind of an endorsement to their sort of anointed successor in my lifetime because president s havent had that close of a relationship really. How much does that balance out what you saw earlier with the comey announcement, barack obama coming out with this fullthroated defense of Hillary Clinton today or endorsement of her . Some people thought this was terrible timing because the comey announcement kind of muddied the clarity of president obamas message but maybe it was helpful to her because as you said, maybe it kind of trumped the earlier news. We have not seen in modern times a twoterm president who was either willing or able to give kind of the fullthroated endorsement that president obama is giving Hillary Clinton and that is very helpful because for one thing, hes popular enough to make a difference. Hes popular enough among some voter groups that she needs some help with, like young people. So that is enormously helpful. But i would have to say with the comey announcement, of course she avoid catastrophe by not being indicted but he was at odds with the explanation she has given the American People about how the email server operated and she turned over all the business emails and just deleted personal ones. So there are things, this isnt an issue thats settled but i think you would agree that president obama can do Hillary Clinton a lot of good in this election. Absolutely. I want to play a little more from the joint appearance they had today. I mentioned Hillary Clinton and president obama did do this First Joint Campaign event this afternoon and both spent a lot of time going after one donald trump. Lets take a listen. But ive also known him as a friend that i was honored to stand with in the good times and the hard times. Someone who has never forgotten where he came from and donald, if youre out there tweeting, its hawaii. But im here today. Because i believe in Hillary Clinton. Hillary understood and continues to understand that just a bunch of tough talk doesnt replace the hard work of diplomacy. A bunch of phony bluster doesnt keep us safe. This is not entertainment. This is real. You cant be reckless, you dont have the luxury of just saying whatever pops in your head. You have actually got to know what youre talking about. You know, howard, i do find it really important that you see this moment of the two of them talking about each other as a friend. Barack obama expressing great trust in Hillary Clinton even as hes ridiculing the other guy. But how important is that validation . Because if the question is do you trust Hillary Clinton, but you also really like barack obama and he trusts Hillary Clinton, thats got to be helpful to her, right . Yeah. I think that for hillarys sake, if you are a hillary supporter, you hope this is only the first of many carefully selected, strategic, not overdone because you dont want barack obama on the campaign trail every day with air force one, but i think he can be enormously helpful to her on the trust factor question. The question about is the system rigged, thats Donald Trumps thing and hes going to make whatever he can out of it. I must say, i have to wonder if james if president obama didnt know or have at least some inkling of what james comey was going to say, before he scheduled that trip with hillary to North Carolina, can you imagine what the story would have been like had comey gone the other way. So trump will be playing those conspiracy theories out there but if barack obama can reassure likely democratic voters like the sanders supporters, young people as susan was saying, that they can trust hillary because they can trust him, those kinds of things dont always transfer but these two people are close enough that i think it might make a difference. I cant imagine what the conversation would have been like on that flight between staff had that comey announcement gone a different way and they were already on their way to North Carolina to give that speech. Im sure everybody all the way around was quite happy the way this came out. I think we will bring you back. Thank you much. We appreciate it. Coming up, much more on Donald Trumps reaction to the fbi decision today not to recommend charges against Hillary Clinton. Trump will be taking the stage in a few minutes in North Carolina. Just as he finds himself mired in another controversy of his own. Plus with a deeply unpopular candidate on the republican ticket, could the libertarians make noise in november . Gary johnson will be with us tonight. We saw today why president obama is Hillary Clintons not so secret weapon in his Campaign Rally with clinton, the president offered a fullthroated defense of his former secretary of state and fullon skewery of donald trump. The hardball roundtable weigh ns on our top story of the day. While the threat of criminal charges may be over, the political fire storm surrounding Hillary Clintons emails wont go away. Take on any road with intuitive all wheel drive the nissan rogue, murano and pathfinder. Legalzoom has your back. For your business, our trusted network of attorneys has provided guidance to over 100,000 people just like you. Visit legalzoom today. The legal help you can count on. Legalzoom. Legal help is here. Around hgets the waffle. Rd but for all the other birds who could use a few more minutes of sleep, weve got you covered. Enjoy free breakfast on the run and free wifi. Get up to 20 percent off as a Hilton Hhonors member at hampton. Com. We continue to wait for donald trump to take the stage in North Carolina. As we wait, we have two new general election polls to tell you about. Lets check the hardball score card. According the an nbc news online poll, Hillary Clinton leads donald trump by five points. Similar story in a new usa today poll where clintons lead is six. Clinton 46, trump 40. And clearer skin. This is my body of proof that i can fight Psoriatic Arthritis with humira. Humira works by targeting and helping to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to both joint and skin symptoms. Its proven to help relieve pain, stop further joint damage, and clear skin in many adults. Humira is the number 1 prescribed biologic for Psoriatic Arthritis. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. 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We continue to wait for trump to take the stage at a rally in North Carolina tonight where senator bob corker of tennessee is also joining the candidate amid speculation about a possible praise lace on trumps ticket. It is confirmed tonight that corker is being vetted. We are joined by michael steele, former chairman of the rnc. Steve, i will start with you. How much is the corker speculation and the speculation about all these other potential veeps an attempt to distract folks from the news of the last 24 hours about Donald Trumps tweeting life . I dont think that was on purpose. Its just a matter of timing. His tweeting life stands on its own. The story about comey takes away trumps biggest attack on Hillary Clinton. He talks about the system being rigged but this is going to fade out over the course of the summer. Come september when donald trump wants to bring this back to life again hell have to spend lots and lots of money doing it. The problem is hes having trouble raising money. As a matter of fact, michael, they are still trying to go out through text feeds, trying to raise money. They dont really have the cash if they want to make this case. Is there a possibility some outside group is going to want to burn money attempting to use the Hillary Clinton email gate against her after its already started to fade . I think, yeah, there may be some who may want to play with that at least initially to raise money on top of this event but i think steves right. In the end it will be a longer summer in that regard where you will pick it up again after labor day. There may be some interest to do something there but whether that comes from the Trump Campaign remains to be seen. Again, trump doesnt need to raise money to do that. He can just tweet about it or talk about it and it will be in the news cycle. For other groups they may have to struggle a little on the money side but i dont think trump will care one way or the other with regard to raising money to talk about this. In his rallies last month, trump said clinton is guilty and should go to jail but also said he has great confidence in the fbi. Lets take a listen. I think she should be in jail for what she did with her emails, okay . She should be in jail. Folks, honestly, shes guilty as hell. Shes guilty as hell. Well see. Well see what happens. I dont know. Ive always had great confidence in the fbi, i must tell you. I have great respect. I know some fbi folks. I always had great confidence in them. I cant believe they would let this go. Steve, if he is a guy who is supposed to be in favor of Law Enforcement and spoken so glowingly about Law Enforcement and comey is not a hack. Comey is a very well respected republican prosecutor. He really doesnt have much room to grow for this, right . Several weeks ago, a lot of conservative pundits were talking about what a man of integrity comey was, he was going to take his time, he was going to have Long Research and do the job right. Now people say he did the job right. We are going into the Republican Convention in two weeks. The delegates will have to pick the best candidate to defeat Hillary Clinton. The problem we have right now is that Donald Trumps Biggest Issue with hillary was just taken away from him. Hes not galvanizing the Republican Party. He needs to energize the republican conservative base, needs to pull the party together. Thats what he has to focus on. Not sending out tweets that are flipping everybody out, not worrying about calling Hillary Clinton a crook. Yep. Galvanize the republican conservative base. Trump continues to deflect accusations of antisemitism after defending his campaigns decision to tweet an attack on Hillary Clinton featuring her, a star of david and piles of money. The imjage was lifted from a usr who has a history of posting bigoted tweets and was posted on a white supremacist website. There is no known connection between the twitter user and the Trump Campaign. While the campaign removed the star, within hours, they maintain its really just a sheriffs badge. Michael, is that the weirdest explanation you have ever heard . I guess it worked some where. No, its a little weird. We all know what a sheriffs badge looks like, a five pointed star, not a six pointed star, but okay. Go with that. But i think trump right now, i agree with steve, put the twitter down, dude. Lets focus on getting ready for a kicker of a convention, get the party organized and rallied behind you. There will be enough substantive stuff out there to go after Hillary Clinton on. You dont need to play in this particular yard right now. To that very point, House Speaker paul ryan once again forced to react to a donald trump controversy. He was on wisconsin radio saying trump has to quote clean it up. Take a listen. Look, antisemetic images, they have no place in a president ial campaign. Candidates should know that. The tweet has been deleted. I dont know what flunky put this up there. They obviously have to fix that. As you know, i was one of the few times i spoke out against him during the primary very forcefully was in this area. When he failed to disavow white supremacists. I understand this is done by staff, not by he himself but more importantly, they have to clean this thing up. These are tweets that are going out on the real donald Trump Twitter account, going out from his account. I cant imagine how republicans react if Hillary Clinton retweeted a white supremacist, hes done it over and over again. Its not the first time. What do you suppose is at work here . You dont accidentally wind up on the praise where neonazis are tweeting images of stars of david and Hillary Clinton. You dont accidentally do that. What do you think is going on that he keeps treading into this territory . A complete and utter lack of judgment which you cant have in a president ial campaign. I was mayor of a small town for 12 years. A small town mayor, councilman did Something Like that, you would have to resign from office. In a president ial campaign, this is just a total lack of judgment. They should take his phone away and not allow him to tweet anymore. Best thing that could happen to this campaign. Nothing good is coming out of these tweets. Theres another problem. Some people will speculate that that twitter message was a dog whistle to that antisemetic base. I hope thats not the case. I dont believe its days. Unfortunately it creates these illusions about these campaign. You have already had neonazi groups, the alt right groups saying we own it, we think donald trump is dog whistling at us. Yeah. They do. Im sure they think that. I agree with steve, i dont think this is something deliberate on the campaign, certainly on Donald Trumps part, to really play to that. I think what he sees is look, hes taking every means and measure available to get voters to the polls. At the end of the day, my sense is thats the driver here. He doesnt care ultimately where you are standing right now, november, he just needs you in a ballot box. So this is part of that effort. It is a dog whistle in that regard. I dont think its playing the racist elements per se. Unfortunately, what it does, though, it does elevate them into a National Conversation with our nominee and our party and for that, we are all experiencing a great deal of angst. Angina. You may not think hes doing it, but they think hes doing it. They do. They do. In politics, perception is reality. Exactly. Donald trumps soninlaw just released a statement to nbc news. Quote, my fatherinlaw is an incredibly loving and tolerant person who has embarked embraced my family and our judaism since i began dating my wife. I know donald does not at all subscribe to any racist or antisemetic thinking. I personally see him embrace people of all racial and religious backgrounds. The suggestion he may be intolerant is not reflective of the donald trump i know. And stop with the tweets. Thank you both very much. Lets take a look at donald trump. Thank you very much. Wow. Look at that. I love you. I love you, North Carolina. I love you. Unbelievable. You know, its an incredible thing. The system is rigged but were still happy to be together, right . Its totally rigged. What a system. What a group. Ill tell you what. Whats going on. We are going to be talking about it but before i do, a great friend of mine, somebody respected by everybody, senator bob corker. Come on up, bob. Come on up. I wasnt going to say anything. I just came to visit. But i have to tell you something. The rallies that i have back home arent quite like this. Pretty good. Pretty cool. Yeah. This is unbelievable, isnt it . Had a pretty remarkable day today. Pretty remarkable day. You know, it says a lot about a person to meet their family. Spend time with their kids, if you will, ivanka and eric and their soninlaw, and to be around the people that have worked in the Trump Organization for 25 and 30 years, to see the respect that they have for the person they have worked with, the father and fatherinlaw that they have. To see how he treats the people that are around him. So many times in these campaigns, people become caricatures of what the media makes them and all too often, after a race is over, people realize they never really knew the person. Somebody once told me its not who you know in life, its how you know them. And i had the incredible privilege today to spend time with this man, to spend time with his family, and to spend time with those who know him so well, and i figured out the reason that you love him so much is because [ applause ] im taking up his time. Let me just say this. The reason you love him so much is because he loves you. He loves you. He wants the best for you. The republican nominee for president , donald trump. Great guy. Great guy. Great person. So i have to tell you a few things. Numbers just came out, just now. Number one, were doing very well in the polls. Thats important, okay . Very well. Very, very well. But you know, the numbers just came out that during the primary system, during the primaries, the republicans i wonder why were up 62 , the democrats were down 21 . These are final numbers. Just came out. That tells you a little bit, a little bit, about whats going on. And whats going on very big and very big league is what you witnessed today and over the last week, from bill clinton going to the plane, just happened to be there, just happened to be there, i wonder how long he waited. But for bill clinton to go to the plane and then to have what happened today where essentially i thought, everybody thought based on what was being said, she was guilty. She was guilty. And it turned out that were not going to press charges. Its really amazing. But ill tell you, ill tell you, we have a rigged system, folks. Hey, i used to say it during the primaries, were all together, i won North Carolina big league because of you. Big league. And not only did the Republican Party go way up from what it was four years ago, way, way up, but donald trump in the history of the primary system, Republican Party, with 17 people running, a lot of people dont understand, when you say 17 people, i got almost 14 million votes, more than anybody in the history of the Republican Party. More than ronald reagan. More than the bushs. More than richard nixon. More than dwight d. Eisenhower, who did win the second world war. Certainly helped a heck of a lot. We got the highest vote count in the history of the Republican Party. That was such a big thing for me. We won 37 states. I mean, and just got stronger and stronger and stronger. And i think were stronger now than ever before. We are fighting a very dishonest media. Do we have a protester . Get him out, please. [ cheers and applause ] we love our protesters, dont we . Its the only time i get the cameras to turn. The only time we get those cameras to turn. Look at the size of this place. This is really great. This is really great. Get him out. Get him out. Get him out. All right. Thank you. Thank you. Thats all right. Take it easy. Take it easy, folks. You know, if i could speak to these people for a little while, what do we want when you think of it . We want good education, we want a strong military, we want strong borders, we do want the wall, we want to keep our jobs in North Carolina. We want to keep our jobs in North Carolina. I mean, look at whats going on, folks. Were going to build a wall. Dont worry. Whos going to pay for the wall . Whos going to pay . I didnt hear you. Whos going to pay . Better believe it. Theyre going to pay. Theyll be happy to pay if the right person asks them, theyre going to be happy to pay. No problem. If the wrong person like crooked Hillary Clinton asks them, theyre not going to pay but shes never going to ask. Shes never going to ask and ill tell you why. When it comes to trade, and i just got a list of companies that have left North Carolina and they have gone down to mexico and its a disgrace, whats happening. It is a disgrace whats happening. Were going to stop it. Its not going to happen any longer. Were losing our jobs. Were losing our manufacturing. Were going to stop the nonsense thats going on and its so easy to stop. We will stop it so fast, your heads will spin. Remember that. Your heads will spin. So well talk a little bit about trade later. Its so easy. The trade is so easy, folks. Its so easy. The trade of all of them. Were going to knock the hell out of isis. We have, by the way, by the way, we have a president whos out campaigning for crooked Hillary Clinton and he should be home working on isis where the threat is getting worse and worse. He should be working on trade. He should be working on the borders. People are flowing into our country from lots of places, but from syria, no more. No more. Okay . Theyre not coming. No more. We dont know who they are. We dont know where they come from. They have no documentation. They have no paperwork. And who knows, who knows. But you know what . We cant take any more chances, folks. We cant take any more chances. If you look at crooked hillary, she wants to increase the immigrants coming in from syria, again, they could be isis. This could be this could be the all time great trojan horse. You know the story of the trojan horse. This could be the alltime great look at what one person, one person has done in orlando. Just take a look. One person. Look at the horror that that person has wreaked on our country. The gay community. The Lgbt Community was just, they cannot nobody can even fathom what took place. Thats one bad apple. We have many people coming in and you know what . It just takes a small percentage but theres something going on and guess what . We have a leader that doesnt even want to discuss the name of the problem, and the problem is radical islamic terrorism. And its a problem. Its a problem. All right. Thats donald trump at a Campaign Rally in raleigh, North Carolina. He took the stage alongside tennessee senator bob corker who nbc news confirmed is being vetted to be trumps running mate. Joining me, tonights roundtable. Eli is a National Political reporter for politico, molly is Political Writer for the atlantic and perry bacon jr. Is senior political reporter, nbc news. Molly, to you first. What we have seen there is sort of what we have seen before. Donald trump plays the hits, right . He has five or six things he says in each rally he does, build a wall, everybody cheers, ejects a protester, everybody cheers. He goes into his soliloquy about isis and how great he is, et cetera. This is really the 1. 0 donald trump. He really hasnt changed anything at all over the course of this campaign despite how much republicans want him to. It doesnt appear that he can. Am i reading that wrong . Well, i was actually surprised that he spent so little time on Hillary Clinton and her emails and on what happened with director comey this morning. I think donald trump 1. 0 would have leaned into that a lot harder and repeated a lot of conspiracy theories about it. For donald trump this actually counts as staying on message to as you said, say ten things we have already heard him say before and not to go into a fullon lying crooked hillary, vince foster rant. He actually was seemed somewhat restrained to my ears. I guess thats the bar we set for trump. I thought we have spent more time on it. Eli, the conspiracy theories that donald trump has gone into back from when he was a birther on forward to all these sort of conspiracy ideas, this way of looking at the world, to mollys point, this was one opportunity for him to really dive into that, to get really conspirat l toral about james comey. What does it say he hasnt gone full trump on that . It speaks to the lack of discipline of his messaging and focus overall. His message still seems aimed at the republican base, at the primary audience. Hes in a general election fight now. He could have gone out and read verbatim the transcript from director comeys press conference this morning and that would have been incredibly effective. Hes playing the hits but sort of scattershot around his favorite issues and laugh lines and applause lines. Hes not really going at Hillary Clinton. You hear a lot of republicans saying god, what more conventional candidate, nominee, would be doing with this right now, jeb bush or marco rubio. They would be just going at hillary. It really is amazing that he sort of brushed by this, said its a rigged system, folks, and then went right into the riff about the wall. Interesting because i wonder how much that speaks to he has had this default of supporting Law Enforcement, comey, the ultimate sort of Law Enforcement figure. To the point that was just made by eli and molly, this is donald trump getting free media. Hes getting an opportunity to go on all the Cable Networks that will play his remarks live. This was his chance to really do what he cant afford to do with money because they are not raising a lot of money. If donald trump doesnt take this opportunity, this free media time, to go after Hillary Clinton in the way that a conventional republican candidate would, and hes not raising money, he cant do it that way, doesnt this sort of email scandal, email gate, go nowhere as an issue . We will see what he does at the convention and going further. But like eli said, today, director comey basically criticized sharply Hillary Clinton for about 15 minutes on national television. I was surprised that trump did not use any of those comments. Comey suggested Hillary Clinton was misleading the public in some ways about the scandal and trump sort of ignored that. Lets go back. He is going after president obama apparently. And why is he allowed to come down, get on that very very very expensive plane, you know he talks about the Carbon Footprint, okay . He wants to solve the Carbon Footprint but he gets on an old boeing 747 thats spewing stuff into the air, he gets her on the plane and then they say we will fight for the environment. We will fight for the Carbon Footprint. Then he gets back on to the boeing 747, goes back to washington. His greatest, his greatest was when he wanted to play golf in hawaii, so he takes the 747, by the way, hes played more rounds just about than people that play professionally on the pga tour. I mean, this guy. And he gets on this plane, flies to hawaii, hes there for a long time, golf, golf, golf, golf, more, more, learning how to chip, learning how to hit the drive, learning how to putt, i want more. Our countrys going to hell. Isis is laughing at us. They are chopping off heads. They are drowning people in steel cages. And hes out there playing golf with just about as long a trip as you can make from washington. Then after a long extended vacation, he gets back on the plane, flies back, lands, starts talking about the environment. Okay, give me a break, folks. Give me a break. Give me a break. Now, you know, we need unity in the Republican Party. I have to be honest. I think i win without the unity. But we need unity in the Republican Party. For the most part, we have unity. We have some pretty good stuff. And we have some great people like bob, who just came out. And so many others. So many senators, so many congressmen. All right. As we listen to donald trump at his rally going after president obama. Perry, i see this as sort of schtick. Hes saying this about president obama in a comediy way. For purposes of contrast, play president obama because he too used humor to point up the differences between Hillary Clinton and donald trump. He did somewhat of that as well but did it in a very different way. Lets listen to president obama talking about donald trump. This election, you are going to have a very clear choice to make between two fundamentally different visions of where america should go, and this isnt even really a choice between left and right or democrat or republican. This is a choice between whether we are going to cling to some imaginary past or whether we are going to reach for the future. This is about whether we have an america that works for everybody or just a few people. You know, perry, forget the contrast between Hillary Clinton and donald trump. Talk a little about that contrast as people see this president in his final year with that kind of charisma, that manner of speaking, and even when he was making jokes about donald trump, the way he does it versus what we just heard from donald trump. Trump is obviously a lot more personal in his attacks although the president did make fun of trump, suggested trump wants to govern by twitter and so on. Whats interesting is a campaign about those two in some ways more than secretary clinton. Last week, trump gave this very aggressive speech saying globalization is killing america, trade deals are killing america, immigration is a big problem in america, and the president is very much a globalist person, views the world as one thats more effective, he thinks trade deal and immigration are positive. In some ways we moved to almost an obama versus Trump Campaign. Lets listen to a little more of president obama. I think thats an interesting point you make. Lets listen to president obama talk about another issue, the issue that has probably catapulted donald trump into the mainstream of the Republican Party thats made him the nominee more than anything else is immigration. Lets listen to president obama riffing on that earlier today. For years the republicans who run this congress, they talk a good game about immigration reform, then they dont do anything. And now they have picked a nominee whose only plan is to build a higher wall. Thats not a plan. No, no, no, no. Hold on a second. I was waiting for this opportunity. Dont boo. Vote. Molly, the president does use that line, dont boo, vote, a lot. But hes sort of ridiculing the very sort of foundation of the Trump Campaign. This whole build a wall thing, what he gets the whoops for at his rallies. I think theres a clear contrast on immigration and the president is heigighlighting th. President obama takes this personally as a matter of his legacy. Its about more for him than just his relationship with Hillary Clinton. We have seen ever since the state of the Union Address at the beginning of this year that he has seen the way donald trump is campaigning as an affront to his world view and as everything that hes campaigned on since eight years ago. I think we saw throughout that speech that he gave on behalf of Hillary Clinton not just a very strong sort of character reference on her bee hahalf whis extraordinary for a sit twogtime president but a defense of himself and legacy he feels is under attack. I wonder if you are talking about voters, both parties do have this feint to the middle where they are trying to get that elusive voter in the middle. They look at these contrasts, donald trump doing this raw populism saying the countrys in decline, in terrible shape, retweeting odd racially and religiously offensive people and living almost in the comments section as a campaign, then you have president obama with this vision of what hes created, this america thats so outrages the base of the Trump Campaign. Wheres the middle . In your reporting, where is that voter in the middle . Which of these polls will they cling to . Sometimes it can seem like there is no middle left in american politics, especially when you cover Donald Trumps campaign. There is still a middle. There are still voters in the same nine or ten states that are going to determine the outcome of this election. I think the president has a voice that still speaks to them. Theres a reason that his Approval Rating has been going up over the last couple months. Donald trump may be the biggest reason for that. I think usually, you dont see a twoterm president out there on the stump for his partys nominee to succeed him and you are going to see it a lot this fall because the president still has some appeal. The democrats need him to turn out that democratic base. The obama coalition. And because i think those voters in the middle, donald trump continues to offer a lot of divisive, very populist but nationalist rhetoric and the president is selling more optimistic, more hopeful, more forwardlooking and that is something you look at the formula, i think the Clinton Campaign will be just fine if its president obama and clinton running together rather than clinton out front. The less voters may see of clinton and the more they see of obama may be fine with the folks in brooklyn. Interesting that thats the case. If thats the case, how ironic that this is taking place today in North Carolina because i think we all remember in 2014, a lot of these red state democrats including in states like North Carolina, didnt want president obama anywhere near them and today, you now have a lot of down ballot candidates wanting president obama to be there, wanting him to stand with them including in a state like North Carolina that was so narrow when president won it and when he lost it. Right. You have seen a different campaign. The 2014 democrats tried to run this idea we dont want to be anywhere near president obama, you had one say she wouldnt vote for him. Today, deborah ross, who is running for the senate in North Carolina and roy cooper, who is running for governor, both of them came to the event today and spoke before president obama and Hillary Clinton. Tells me the Democratic Party views themselves as fused together. Their argument, i know particularly in a state like that, you really need the high turnout of the obama coalition. Not just for Hillary Clinton to win but also for the down ballot candidates to win as well. Also notable contrast, richard burr, pat mccrory, the senator and governor of North Carolina, are not with bob corker and donald trump tonight. That and donald trump tonight. That tells you the republican downballot candidates a little more wary of their nominee than the democrats right now. Thats right. Donald trump is having a hard time scaring up republicans to stand next to him. I want to talk about this question of money. You have North Carolina, a state that president obama won by about 14,000 votes in 2008. He only lost it by about 98,000. If the democrats can make republicans sweat in a state like North Carolina, and donald trump is not raising money, how much of a crisis is that going to turn out to be for the gop . A lot of Senior Republicans fear its a very severe crisis and they will not be able to support their senate and gubernatorial candidates in a lot of these swing states, if the president ial candidate, number one, doesnt have a campaign to speak of, that is raising money, and number two, is a drag on the ticket. I do think youre going to see, if this pattern continues into the fall, a lot of efforts to support the down ballot candidates rather than the president ial ticket. There are a lot of republicans who feel like they have to give up on trump in favor of supporti supporting the rest of the partys candidates if trump is not going to pull his weight financially. Thank you all, appreciate it. We continue to watch donald trump deliver what has largely been his stump speech in North Carolina. Up next, could we see a significant vote for the libertarian ticket in november . Gary johnson is coming along with bill weld, this is hardball, the place for politics. I work round the clock. 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This libertarian is ready for america. Vote for gary johnson. Gary johnson is running for president. How are you . Im great. It appears that donald trump is now talking about hillary and the emails. Lets listen in. And youre guilty. Serious stuff. Were talking about the life blood of our country. Were talking about the safety of our people, the laws are very explicit. Stupidity is not a reason that youre going to be innocent. Okay . Its not a reason. And i dont happen to believe that it was stupidity. But even stupidity is not a reason. And, boy, what theyve done. So i wrote this out, and im going to read some of it to you. And i think it makes sense. And i think its important for us to understand. Today is the best evidence ever that weve seen that our system is absolutely, totally rigged. Its rigged. And i used that term initially when i was running in the republican primaries, and i was the first to use it, then all of a sudden it became a hot term. Everybody was using the word, rigged, rigged, rigged then louisiana, i didnt get enough delegates, what happened and places like colorado which was so good to me, but then we find out they dont have the vote. Okay, i used the word rigged. Frankly if i didnt win in landslides, i wouldnt be standing up here, youd be watching some politician who would lose to Hillary Clinton, believe me. Believe me. I learned about rigged very fast, but i used the term rigged. Then bernie started using it and now everybody talks about it. But im going to keep using it because i was the one that brought it up. I asked a couple of political pros, ever hear the word rigged . It has to be used somewhere along the line, but it hasnt. Who is the most angry about this . I think the one with the most to lose is Bernie Sanders. Honestly, he was waiting for the fbi primary, and guess what, he just lost today the fbi primary he lost the fbi primary bernie, my poor bernie, oh, bernie, i feel so badly for bernie. But, you know what, a lot of Bernie Sanders supporters are going to be voting for trump. Because Bernie Sanders was right. Bernie sanders was right about a couple of things. Hes right about the system being rigged, but hes also right about trade. Our trade deals are a disaster. Theyre killing our jobs. Theyre killing our families. Theyre killing our incomes. I mean, people in this room, many people in this room, and im going to fight for you, because theres going to be change fast. Many people in this room are making less money today than they made 18 years ago, effectively. And theyre working two jobs instead of one, and this horrible, stupid obamacare is a killer, which is giving them part time employment, when they never had part time employment in their lives. And the premiums are through the roof, and the deductibles are so high that youll never be able to use it unless you die a very vicious, long, slow death. Okay . And its going to explode in 17 anyway, and were going to replace it before it explodes. And were going to replace it thats donald trump criticizing the decision today by fbi director james comey not to recommend charges for Hillary Clintons email. He said the system is rigged. Thats hardball for now. Thanks for being with us. Much more throughout the night on msnbc. All in with chris hayes starts right now. Tonight on all in there has never been any man or woman more qualified for this office than Hillary Clinton. The 2016 odyssey continues. Everybody can tweet, but nobody actually knows what it takes to do the job until youve sat behind the desk. A team of rivals reunites. He knows a thing or two about winning elections, take it from me. Hours after the fbi recommends no charges for Hillary Clinton. We are expressing to justice our view that no charges are appropriate in this case. Tonight, full analysis of todays epic announcement from james comey and what the

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