Amends. Ma i believe that ive changed to the good. Be careful. Thats my favorite rapper. Hes da future. And a wouldbe rapper pays the price for attacking an officer. Ay ive learned not to touch the police. They will touch you back. Welcome to wabash. Hope yall could stay longer. With more than 2,000 inmates, the Wabash Valley correctional facility in southwestern indiana has a Larger Population and more acreage than the rest of the small town in which its located. Carlisle is a very small community, approximately 1,200 s is their population. Its comprised of a school. It has a grocery store. It has a gas station, a couple of little restaurants, a dollar store and thats really about all thats in carlisle. While carlisle might be a remnant of a simpler time, inside the twin security fences of wabash is evidence of how some aspects of society have grown harder. Were seeing a lot more offenders coming in much younger than they were before and much more violent than in the past as well. Correctional officers are the backbone of the facility. Theyre the ones dealing with the offenders on a daily basis. They are frontline. Ive been hearing about the correction setting since i was 8 years old. Ut i grew up around it. I so coming in here was actually kind of easy for me. I already knew what to expect. Tu ive heard all the war stories. Officer Jarrod Mcmillan has been on the frontline at wabash for four years now. W the war stories have come from his mother and father, both of whom are also on wabashs correction staff. Its the kind of environment that you dont want everybody f in. I wouldnt let my daughter here but shes not meant for this. Hes a little tougher. And my wife is real tough. They can handle it. But the younger officer mcmillan was recently put to the test. As he was escorting one inmate, another inmate unleashed a violent attack. He stuck his arm out with a bottle full of feces and urine and started flinging it everywhere, i had it on my face, my uniform, my pants. It was in the corner of my mouth. He actually got it in my mouth. I had to wait for somebody to come take pictures of it. Ou so he could be prosecuted for that. Then i went up front and took a shower. They dont make enough soap to wash Something Like that out. I received a phone call a couple of weeks ago and they told me everything was clear. There is an average of 15 officer assaults a year. This inmate recently contributed to that statistic. Ly i just reacted and a verbal altercation turned physical. I was on my way to religious service actually. The officer was telling me, tie my shoes. And then i tied my shoes. He told me to tuck my shoelaces in my shoes. He told me to uncuff my pants. So i kind of got irritated. Im like, im just going to religious service. Burkes victim, officer james manuel, has a different account. He was acting very arrogant and wouldnt let you speak to him. So i told him basically, im not arguing with you and directed him to go back to the housing unit. You see how theyre doing me . A lieutenant who overheard the exchange ordered manuel to cuff burks and escort him back to his cell. Before i could get him, security turned around and d punched me. I hit him in his face. While i was doing it, i was thinking in my mind, i just messed up. Then he hit me a couple of more times with the handcuffs he since he had one hanging loose on the other arm. Me and another officer hearde the argument, started walking towards it when we heard it. Te in the process, the inmate turned around and knocked officer manuel down on the sidewalk. R we came over, put the offender down on the ground, cuffed him up and escorted him to seg. O i had to get stitches, had a cut on my forehead and my nose. Burks internally was charged with assault on the officer and resisting. R it took three or four Staff Members to actually restrain oo him. As a result, burks was transferred from general population to the custody unit while officials determine what sanction he will receive. O at a minimum, it will include a move to the secured confinement unit where inmates are housed 23 hours a day and lose many of their privileges, including y contact visitation. Few people know more about how difficult life in confinement is than Christopher Trotter. Nf after ten consecutive years there, he has been released to v transitional housing unit on his way back to general population. Probably known him for 12, 13 years. T when i heard he was going to open pop, i couldnt believe it with his reputation that he has. I didnt think they would let him out. Oh, man. Y this is what i do all day long, drink ice water. Its been ten years since i had a cup of ice water. Te i was like, dang, i never knew that water tasted so good. But it does, just ice water. And these are the Little Things we take for granted. Trotter, whose name is infamous in the indiana state prison system, will now be around other inmates and staff without handcuffs and shackles for the first time in ten years. He originally came to prison nearly three decades earlier on a fouryear sentence for theft. But then trotter received 142 years as a result of being one of the instigators of a major r riot at another prison. He has spent a total of 16 years in confinement but says these last ten nearly broke him. That was some of the most torturous time i ever did in my life back there. Me and it took everything i had to keep it from dehumanizing me, k demoralizing me and institutionalizing me. D it strips the humanity away from you. I guess its a good thing that i can get emotional. It goes to show you that im not dead inside. I still feel. Coming up ive always been told if youre not serving god, youre serving the devil. Serving time for a devilish act of arson. Mom maria Maria Ramirez. Mcdonalds is committing 150 Million Dollars in tuition assistance, education, and career advising programs. Prof Maria Ramirez mom and dad Maria Ramirez to help more employees achieve their dreams. But maybe not for people with Rheumatoid Arthritis. Mom and dad Maria Ramirez because there are options. Like an unjection™. Xeljanz xr, a oncedaily pill for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well enough. Xeljanz xr can reduce pain, swelling and further joint damage, even without methotrexate. Xeljanz can lower your ability to fight infections like tb; dont start xeljanz if you have an infection. Taking a higher than recommended dose of xeljanz for ra can increase risk of death. Serious, sometimes fatal infections, cancers including lymphoma, and blood clots have happened. As have tears in the stomach or intestines, serious allergic reactions, and changes in lab results. Tell your doctor if youve been somewhere fungal infections are common, or if youve had tb, hepatitis b or c, or are prone to infections. Needles. Fine for some. But for you, one pill a day may provide symptom relief. Ask your doctor about xeljanz xr. An unjection™. What are you doing back there, junior . Since were obviously lost, im rescheduling my Xfinity Customer Service appointment. Ah, relax. I got this. Which gps are you using anyway . A Little Something called instinct. Been using it for years. Yeah, thats what im afraid of. He knows exactly where were going. My whole body is a compass. Oh boy. The my account app makes todays Xfinity Customer Service simple, easy, awesome. Not my thing. Like those at many other maximum security prisons, hundreds of inmates at indianas Wabash Valley correctional facility seek to make a statement about themselves through tattoos. Some might use their ink to keep other inmates at a distance, to advertise their gang affiliation or the heinous act that brought them here. 37yearold bill abbott got two of his more prominent tattoos prior to coming to wabash. Little did he know how ironic they would become. My horns. Why . What did you do bad . It was my way of life at the time. Not no evil or devil worshipping or nothing like that. Ive always been told by all the Christian Family that ive known that if youre not serving god, youre serving the devil. I thought, thats going to be hard to do. M covere with a halo, i would. But i dont think that will work. Orearms . It says, am i evil, yes i am. Its the name of a song by metallica. Theyve been one of my favorite groups since i can remember. Abbott has been in and out of prison since he was 18. A lot of thefts. Possession of stolen property, receiving stolen properties. If it wasnt bolted down, you cant bolt it down, id buy it or sell it. But this time, abbott is at wabash for a more serious crime. Hes serving 40 years for arson. Hes convicted of burning down his hometowns historic Catholic Church, built in 1924. It happened in the predawn hours of easter morning. You have these tattoos, including horns on your head and am i evil, yes, i am on your forearms and then you get pulled in for burning down the church. Yeah, which didnt help any at all. Abbott says his troubles began the night before in a bar. I was pretty lit up. I ended up coming across two other individuals i hadnt seen for quite a few years and decided we was going to do some criminal mischief, i should say. And we decided to break into the church. Why in the world would you think of a church to break into . That was the alcohol talking and acting mostly. What did you take from there . A couple of pairs of shoes. They have tennis shoes for basketball and stuff like that. There was a couple of pairs of shoes and i had actually threw them in a bag. Abbott says he left before his friends and didnt know the church had burned down until hours later. Everything was Still Standing when i left. The next morning, my niece and my nephew and brotherinlaw came in and told me to turn on the tv. I turned on the tv and every channel i flipped it on showed the Catholic Church on fire. Fingerprints on a church wine bottle led the police to him. They arrested him three weeks later. Despite his claims of innocence, abbott says he took a plea deal to avoid testifying against his friends and being labeled a snitch. Going to prison having a snitch name is like having a child molestation name. You just dont have it. They dont last long here. I wouldnt want to have the name snitch. I cant do it. Abbotts not alone in his claim that he is serving time only because he didnt want to snitch on someone else. Burks admitted to being in the car in a driveby shooting. But he says he wasnt the trigger man. Theres no award you get for not snitching. Burks is serving a 55year sentence for the murder of a south african immigrant. He came to america to work for his family. And he got killed. He was an innocent bystander. It wasnt meant for him. It was just a bunch of guys riding around high and drunk just doing stuff that dont even matter at all. And now that night turned into this life. And the life burks lives in wabash has recently gotten considerably more uncomfortable. He has been placed in the custody control unit for assaulting an officer and will likely soon transfer to the even more restrictive secured confinement unit. But burks still has a dream for the people i dont know who the future be, you can google meech. He plans to someday get out of prison and seek fame and fortune as a rapper known as young meech, da future. If burks had a fan club in the control unit, James Greenburg might very well be its president. Meech, thats my favorite rapper. Hes da future. As far as anybody in the industry, i dont see anybody on his level. Maybe lil wayne, drake, kanye west. But not many people can hang with meech. Whats your nickname . White boy. Because im mixed and im the lightest person from my neighborhood. My dad is black and mexican. My mom is white. Burkes was friends with greenburg. And basically his neighbor after officers found a knife hidden in his mattress. I must be a violent offender, as yall say. You know how people ride with guns on the streets, thats why i have my knife. You never know whats going to happen. I cant say you need one. But it wouldnt hurt to have some on standby. He is serving 15 years for dealing narcotics and resisting police. But up until his arrest, greenburg found drug dealing afforded him luxuries such as his grill. I went to the dentist in st. Louis, paid 1,100 and got eight teeth. Was it worth it . To me, yeah. Why did you want to spend that kind of money on your teeth . I was getting money. So i figured i had to reward myself for getting all this money. Had he invested that money in brakes for his car, he might have avoid his latest arrest. My brakes was messed up on my car and the police seen me riding through a light and i had to skid. It was like that. And police hit their lights. I knew i had a warrant, so i took them on a highspeed. Catch me if you can, im the gingerbread man. I ended up getting out of the car and running. I was trying to jump a fence but it was too high for me to clear. So i supermanned it. Some of my pants got caught on it. Thats when the dog came up. I said, hey, i aint going nowhere. Hurry up and get me off this fence, though, because my pants was all stuck on it. I couldnt run no more. He was lucky they wouldnt have been able to get me, though. Id still be out there. Did you have those baggy pants that were like sagging in the crotch . Well, yeah. Yeah. It was baggy. Money bags. Whats happening with yall . Like his friend burks, greenburg is also an aspiring rapper. When he says lasagna, i say baloney. Im moving sideways. Might go over yall head, though. During Outdoor Recreation which confinement inmates must not that i can individual enclosures, they become young meech and white boy. I [ bleep ] up. We got to start that over. We got to rewind that one. Coming up see that . After a decade of confinement, Christopher Trotter tries to fit in. And later most of us men never sewed before when he came into this unit. Most of us probably never sewed a button before. One inmates patchwork road to redemption. We present limu emu doug with this key to the city. [ applause ] its an honor to tell you that Liberty Mutual customizes your Car Insurance so you only pay for what you need. And now we need to get back to work. [ applause and band playing ] only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. A peaceful night sleep without only imagine. Frequent heartburn waking him up. 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Sharing a meal with others is something Christopher Trotter hasnt experienced in about a decade. One of indianas most infamous inmates and known for violent behavior, hes now back in general population at the Wabash Valley correctional facility after ten years in solitary confinement. How long is ten years . I dont think i could have did it. Thats a long time. And to still that the mind that he has, hes really strong, headstrong. Most people probably done went crazy back there. Wouldnt know how to handle it. I know i wouldnt. He did what he had to do. He came of it a better man, stronger, i think. Anytime you go through adversity, it either makes or breaks you. You learn from the situations that you go through. I believe that we all are going to be better men in here if we just take the chance to, hey, dont make the same mistakes that we made the first time. Back in his cell, trotter writes poetry to Something Else he missed out on. After ten years of isolation, im meeting you for the first time. The night sky, his confinement cell had no window. And your beauty is blissful. You never say a word and i find the silence peaceful. Just being in your presence is a joy to my heart. People take things for granted, you know . And this is a window. I would never think a window would make a big difference, but it does, a window. Like i said, i call a lady night. And she mooned me the other night. The first time seeing the moon in ten years. I was like, wait, that was cool seeing her backside. And then she smiled at me and i was like it was a a twinkle in her eyes and i seen the stars. I was like, whoa, you know . Just peaceful. Just peaceful. The Simple Pleasures trotter has gained are about to be taken away from Demetrius Burks. Just another day in paradise right here. 204 ccu, a. K. A. , hell. Burks is currently in the ccu, the custody control unit. But prison officials have decided to give him 15 months in the secured confinement unit for attacking a corrections officer. He will live in the same type of cell trotter did for the last ten years. Ive learned not to touch the police because they will touch you back. The transfer could come any day. But burks might have even bigger problems. The case will also go to the prosecutor for their consideration of charges to be filed on the outside against burks. If the prosecutor pursues the case and burks is found guilty, he could get another six years added to his current 55year sentence for murder. A lot of stuff happens beyond these walls and it is what it is. It messed up, but its prison life. Coming up i try myself to sleep a lot just thinking about it because hes still my baby. Demetrius burks gets a welcome visit from home and another visit that could change his life for the worse. And later Christopher Trotter undergoes a different kind of change. So you want me to cut all your hair off . Yeah. It only becomes more entangled. Unaware that an exhilarating escape is just within reach. Defy the laws of human nature. At the season of audi sales event. Itso chantix can help you quit slow turkey. Along with support, chantix is proven to help you quit. With chantix you can keep smoking at first and ease into quitting. Chantix reduces the urge so when the day arrives, youll be more ready to kiss cigarettes goodbye. When you try to quit smoking, with or without chantix, you may have nicotine withdrawal symptoms. Stop chantix and get help right away if you have changes in behavior or thinking, aggression, hostility, depressed mood, suicidal thoughts or actions, seizures, new or worse heart or blood vessel problems, sleepwalking, or lifethreatening allergic and skin reactions. Decrease alcohol use. Use caution driving or operating machinery. Tell your doctor if youve had Mental Health problems. The most common side effect is nausea. Quit smoking slow turkey. Talk to your doctor about chantix. The amount of Student Loan Debt i have, im embarrassed to even say. We just decided we didnt want debt any longer. I didnt realize how easy investing could be. Im Picking Companies that i believe in. I think sofi money is amazing. Thank you sofi. Sofi thank you, we love you. Hello, im da rather brown. House intel chairman adam schiff has responded to republicans list of witness requests for next weeks impeachment hearings. It included the anonymous whistleblower who set off the inquiry. In a letter schiff wrote the whistleblowers testimony would be, quote, redundant and unnecessary. Firefighters are battling are brush fire in los angeles near warner bros. Studio. Its burned an estimated 34 acres and is just 15 contained. One firefighter was injured and sent to the hospital. Now back to lockup. Whether smuggled in or fabricated from everyday items, inmatemade weapons are a constant concern to officers at indianas Wabash Valley correctional facility. With so much effort focused on keeping weapons out of the prison, it might come as a surprise that in one housing unit, scissors are given to inmates nearly every day. How are you doing . May i get a pair of scissors . Certainly can. Hows the sewing project going . Pretty good. Got it about halfway done. Thats good. Thats what we want to hear. Thank you, sir. Keep up the good work, you hear . All right. One of the main things we do in our unit, which is kind of unique, is we have taken up quilting. Most of us men never sewed before when we came into this unit. Most of us never sewed a button before. We always had someone to do that. I never had a thought sometime in the future i would like to be sewing somewhere, no, i didnt. Mitch swallows lives in a special housing unit where inmates overcome their criminal pasts through classes that focus on morals and life skills. We have many that have come into our program. I found that sewing was a great way to relieve tension, to gain understanding and respect. So its helped a lot of people. It lets you be so creative. It is just really a cool thing. This is what i call one of the starburst quilts. Ive been working on it. Next step is ill put a Straight Line on here and square it up. Then well put the borders on it and the back and the batting. And weve got a quilt. Swallows was an unlikely candidate for quilting. When he landed in prison 27 years earlier i was convicted of two attempted murders, four criminal confinements, a rape and criminal deviant conduct. I ended up with a 100year sentence. I never really got involved in Community Service projects or stuff like that. It just starts transforming the way you act, the way you think. I think its opened my eyes a lot to compassion, more to helping those around me. All quilts made by the inmates are donated to various organizations in the community. This is our main project. And this is for the homeless, for battered womens shelters, for flood victims. A couple of years ago, we had a major flood in this area. We sent quilts there. This is our quilt that we normally do. Other quilts are donated to a special group of indiana families. Along with our main focus is also our military project. Every serviceman or woman who has lost their life serving in iraq or afghanistan, we have done a personalized quilt for and the Army National guard has come and picked those quilts up and they deliver them to the families. It makes you feel like youre a part of something greater than yourself. I think ive switched from being its all about mitch to realizing that theres a lot more out there and i left a lot of damage in my wake that i need to fix. Ive been working trying to do that. Mr. Swallows, outstanding. Thats all i can say about him. Hes been down a long time. No anger, nothing, just doing what hes supposed to be doing. There you go. Thank you, mitch. Have a good night. Appreciate it. See you first thing in the morning. All right. As you can see, theyre really childrens scissors. But we do thousands of quilts with them. Last year, we did over 1,000 quilts. The year before, 916. We made some great quilts. To the gentlemens credit, they do it with these. Its unbelievable. Still at the end of the day, even childrens scissors are safely secured. All scissors clear. I put them right here. Theyre going upstairs. They have to be in the control pod before we change shifts. The prison is not taking any risks with Demetrius Burks either. He will soon be transferred to the secured confinement unit to start a 15month stay for assaulting a corrections officer. He has lost virtually every privilege he had. But he is allowed monthly visits. Im fixing to go see my mamma. I dont know yall. I aint even going to lie. His mother, maria burks, and stepfather, tony conner, have come to see him today. Good morning. Visits are extremely important to me and to him because he needs to know that someone is there for him. Everybody cant make it up here. But i send messages and lots of love. Nobodys forgetting about him. He has family and we love him. Although the Visitors Center is a short walk away, security is stepped up for confinement inmates. Burks is shackled, escorted by two officers and driven to visitation. The visit will be noncontact, meaning hell be separated from his family by a pane of glass. I get to see my baby, i dont even care. Im a mammas boy. It dont even matter. At the same time, it would be better. Unfortunately its got to be through the glass, though. It is what it is. I need to see him. I need to make sure that hes okay. When i come to see him, i make him stand up, turn around, let me see your body, let me check you out, make sure youre eating well. Hes going to say, mom, im okay, dont worry. But moms going to worry anyway. I need to see for myself. I have to come here so i can see him to make sure hes okay. I cry myself to sleep a lot just thinking about it because hes still my baby. Hey, baby. How you doing . Whats up, man . Whats up with yall . How are you doing . Im fine. Okay. White boy specifically said tell mamma meech i said whats up. Whats up, dog . How are you feeling . Chilling, man, chilling. You looking good. Look fit and strong. Stand up. Let me look at you. Stand up, turn around. Let me see. You all right . Okay. Burks has not seen his mother since he assaulted officer manuel. But he told her about the incident over the phone. When will you be able to sign up for school again . Probably after all this is said and done and whatnot. After this is settled . Okay. You know we want you to get back in your classes and make sure you concentrate on that. You just have to keep your head on. Keep your head on. Youll be all right. Yeah. I want him to stay positive, stay focused, go to school, learn all you can, get all the education you can get so you can get out of here and be a different man because hes a good person, hes a very good person. Baby, weve got to get out of here. Mama, dont cry. Shut up. You know how your mamma is. Shes got to cry. Okay. Were going to go. I love yall. I love you. Remember what i said, son, take care of yourself, okay. All right. Tell me what the hardest part of it is. What we just saw. You all right, baby . Walking away, seeing her leave because my mom is emotional. So my mom cries at the drop of a hat. I just hate seeing her cry. Its a blessing because theres a lot of guys where people dont come see them at all. Im blessed to have such a loving and caring family. Its always good to see anybody outside of these walls really. Coming up she had all kinds of picture that is ive done for her. Jesus pictures, all kinds of religious pictures i like to do. One inmate doesnt let burning down a church get in the way of his christianthemed art. And childhood memories prove not enough to keep Demetrius Burks out of serious trouble. The neighborhood im from is right on the same street as the prison. I dont understand why it couldnt have been like a sign like dont go here. Ant. And theyre the besttasting tacos in the entire world. And just when you think it couldnt get any better, they bring you out another taco. Cuz they made an extra one. Extra taco geico. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on Car Insurance. Mornings were made for Better Things than Rheumatoid Arthritis or Psoriatic Arthritis. When considering another treatment, ask about xeljanz xr, a oncedaily pill for adults with moderate to severe Rheumatoid Arthritis or active Psoriatic Arthritis for whom methotrexate did not work well enough. It can reduce pain, swelling, and significantly improve physical function. Xeljanz can lower your ability to fight infections like tb; dont start xeljanz if you have an infection. Taking a higher than recommended dose of xeljanz for ra can increase risk of death. Serious, sometimes fatal infections, cancers including lymphoma, and blood clots have happened. As have tears in the stomach or intestines, serious allergic reactions, and changes in lab results. Tell your doctor if youve been somewhere fungal infections are common, or if youve had tb, hepatitis b or c, or are prone to infections. Dont let another morning go by without asking your doctor about xeljanz xr. Thats how we do. At a Wabash Valley correctional facility in indiana, inmates often find comfort in the simplest of pleasures. Bill abbott finds it in caffeine. Tasters choice. Im a coffee drinker. As long as i have five or six shots of coffee a day, im usually pretty good. Thats my choice of drug. I dont know what id do if i didnt have coffee. Thats what gets me to drawing. This is pretty much what i do all day long. I draw a lot on cards and sell them, draw anything that maybe somebody specifically might want, a portrait of somebody in their family, they buy all the material and i do it. I get paid that way. I had to put my name on the wall. Looks a little bit more presentable. Abbott also uses his art to connect with his mother. Makes her day when i send her like a thinking of you card. She has all kinds of pictures that ive done for her, jesus pictures, pictures of jesus, all kinds of religious pictures i like to do. Shes religious . Yeah, christian. As though his devil horn tattoos arent ironic enough for a christianthemed artist, abbott is also serving 40 years for stealing from and burning down a historic Catholic Church in his hometown. And while he claims he didnt do it, he does admit that he stole some shoes from the church before the fire started. Theres definitely something mentally wrong with me when it comes to klepto, taking Little Things, probably wouldnt think much about it. Some people wouldnt understand why certain people take certain items, i guess. I wouldnt be able to explain it. The psychology part wouldnt add up with me. But even in prison, abbott still has a certain appreciation for shoes. I shine my shoes usually for appearance to make myself look for presentable. Its not that nice to walk around scruffylooking. Im done with that one. Usually i do this right before they open the door at lunchtime to go to chow. I usually put a little bit of heat on them, just heat the ends of them up real good. The hotter you get the leather, the better the shine because whenever you put the wax on, it just soaks it right into that leather and puts the finishing touch right on it. If we do this on an everyday basis, youll get them to look like that. Christopher trotter has decided its time to spiff up his physical appearance as well. But hes not focused on his shoes. He began growing his dreadlocks shortly before he entered solitary confinement ten years earlier. These are my jesus locks, you know . And they symbolize my struggle being buried alive on the shu. Hes decided to say goodbye to them. You want me to cut all your hair off . Yeah. Bald like mine . Huh . You want it bald like mine . Yeah, yeah just a little bit longer . Yeah. See how it works out. Its going to be hard. But theyve served their purpose. It sustained me and now its time to move on. Im going to start. Remember what i told you. Its kind of cruddy, right . As long as it dont have any creepy, crawly things. Aint no telling whats in it. Youve been letting your hair grow for 11 years . Yeah, being back there on that shu. Wow. I always told myself whatevers came first, if i get off the shu or i get out of prison, whichever comes first. That is serious stuff. First time youve seen it like that, huh . Yeah. It feels good. It feels good without it. It feels good. My locs represented a struggle. It wasnt just to have locks because everybodys got locks, you know . I dont have no mixed emotions. Im looking forward to the next chapter in my life. Okay. How do you like that . Looks like im about 15 now. It is weird because i aint seen myself in a long time because this is how i used to look before i had my before i grew my dreads. Its been a great day. Its been a great day. Every day is a good day for me now, though. Every day is a good day for me now. No that im out of that shu, now that im out of that shu, every day is a good day for me now. And im not taking it for granted. While trotter recently completed a decade in the stark solitary existence that comes with life in the secured confinement unit, Demetrius Burks has only begun his 15month stay there. Another day, another dollar. It is the consequence he will pay for assaulting a corrections officer. But it was the murder of an innocent man that brought him to prison. When youre out there living that life, youre really not thinking about the consequences until they occur. But burks had a regular reminder of the consequences of crime. He grew up in the shadow of indiana state prison, home of the states death row. The neighborhood im from is right on the same street as the prison. Its like i always seen it. I dont understand why it couldnt have been like a sign like dont go here. You know what i mean . Coming up it brought me to tears. My heart wept with pride as i opened each fold of that quilt. The mother of a slain soldier expresses gratitude. And demetrius . Yes, sir. Im tom hanks. Im a detective with the Indiana State Police. This is going to be your copy. Demetrius burks gets more bad news. How did you guys. . Dont ask. The lexus december to rembember sales event get 0 percent apr for 60 months on all 2019 models. Experience amazing at your lexus dealer. Thouwhich is Breast Cancer metastthat has spreadcer, to other parts of the body, are living in the moment and taking ibrance. Ibrance with an aromatase inhibitor is for postmenopausal women or for men with hr her2 metastatic Breast Cancer, as the first hormonal based therapy. Ibrance plus letrozole significantly delayed disease progression versus letrozole, and shrank tumors in over half of patients. Patients taking ibrance can develop low white blood cell counts which may cause serious infections that can lead to death. Ibrance may cause severe inflammation of the lungs that can lead to death. Tell your doctor right away if you have new or worsening symptoms, including trouble breathing, shortness of breath, cough, or chest pain. Before taking ibrance, tell your doctor if you have fever, chills, or other signs of infection, liver or kidney problems, are pregnant, breastfeeding, or plan to become pregnant. Common side effects include low red blood cell and low platelet counts, infections, tiredness, nausea, sore mouth, abnormalities in liver blood tests, diarrhea, hair thinning or loss, vomiting, rash, and loss of appetite. Be in your moment. Ask your doctor about ibrance. Hour 36 in the stakeout. As soon as the homeowners arrive, well inform them that Liberty Mutual customizes home insurance, so theyll only pay for what they need. Your turn to keep watch, limu. Wake me up if you see anything. [ snoring ] [ loud squawking and siren blaring ] only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. 27 years ago when mitch swallows first walked into prison to begin serving 100 years for attempted murder and rape, there were many things he couldnt foresee. Chief among those was that he would learn to quilt. And that quilting would change his life. I believe that ive changed to the good, i think it has shown within the level of trust that i have amongst the staff. Its a terrible thing that i done. Its something that ive worked on hard in order to know im not going to repeat. Its something ive got to live with and feel regret for. But now his quilts bring comfort to others and swallows learned just how much comfort when the mother of a young indiana soldier who died in the iraq war wrote him a letter. It says, dear man of the Wabash Valley correctional program, how very honored to receive the quilt you made in honor of our son. I want you to know that i was having a very sad day the day i received your lovely quilt. I felt as if the world was moving on and people would soon forget the bravery and sacrifice my son made on may 14th. I was sure they would forget the kid with the big smile, the soldier who bravely stood his watch, the son who i was so proud of. Then your quilt arrived. It brought me to tears. My heart wept with pride as i opened each fold of that quilt. I want you to know you made this mamma look up that day and thank god for wonderful people such as yourselves. A lot of us are here because we messed up our freedoms and for people are over there fighting for those. And to support them in this right here, its awesome to be a part of Something Like that. Its too early to tell if Demetrius Burks will have such a revelation. But six years into a 55year sentence for murder, burks has a history of testing authority. Burks has a lengthy conduct history for drugs, threatening, intimidation, tobacco. But he went too far when he assaulted officer james manuel. Before i could get security, he turned around and punched me. I hit him in his face. He hit me a couple of more times with the handcuffs since he had one loose hanging on the other arm. I was thinking in my mind, i just messed up. The assault landed burks in confinement for 15 months. But the fallout continues. Today, investigator Frank Littlejohn and detective tom hanks of the Indiana State Police department are about to pay him a visit. Im here to serve a warrant for class d felony battery resulting in Bodily Injury on an offender down here. If burks is found guilty of these new charges, he could have another three to six years added to his sentence. Sometimes for whatever reason because of how many years theyre doing, they think the prosecutor wont pick it up. Weve made arrangements and we have burks out waiting for us and mr. Hanks can read him the warrant. Hell get a copy. Then i have my copy here and i will read him the warrant verbatim. Then hes released back to the custody of the facility. Demetrius . Yes, sir. Im tom hanks. Im a detective with the Indiana State Police. This is your copy. Im going to give to it this officer. Im going to read this to you. Arrest warrant, the state of indiana, authorized the warrant on Demetrius Burks, no Social Security number listed. Date of birth, the offense of count one, battery, resulting in Bodily Injury, class d felony. If this is set for initial hearing, the warrant does not expire. Thats a d felony, sir. Its going to be count one, battery resulting in Bodily Injury, class d felony, correct. Okay . Yes, sir. All right. Thank you. He got an initial hearing i think Video Conferencing that will be conducted with the courts, it will be done here. Hell probably request a public defender and hell be assigned an attorney to represent him. Theyll start negotiations with the prosecutor. See if they can work something out in a plea agreement. If not, it will eventually go to trial. How do you feel about getting these outside charges . No comment. I want to speak to my public defender. He seemed a little surprised. I dont really understand that because with the injuries that he inflicted upon the officer, he should have expected that something was going to happen. Im never gonna have my son back. I dont get to go to his high school graduation. Or see him go to college. To i had no idea what had happened it was like a meteor hitting. Potsdam rescue, need an ambulance. A 12yearold kid. Loved to ride his scooter h everywhere. Lost his life at the hands of a killer. Hes a soccer coach great person on and off the field, a great role model. There is absolutely nothing connecting him to this case. They dont have the fingerprint. They dont have blood. They dont have the witness. Theres a darkness thats at work here. You believe nick hillary killed your boy

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