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In my entire life, the most selfish greedy person that has affected me personally. A former Texas Governor rick perry gets his hearing amid a new report he didnt know what the job was when he accepted it. The big day. New details on Donald Trumps inauguration speech as we learn more about his first actions in office. Both repeal and put into place executive action that will start the process of implementing the agenda that we ran on it. But also an end, the final hours of Michelle Obama on one last walkthroughhe white house as the president gives his final press conference. At my core, i think were going to be okay. We begin today on capitol hill as donald trump takes his turn in the hot seat. The confirmation hearing for Steve Mnuchin. Who is this guy . Former partner at goldman sachs. Before that at 9 30, rick perry starts his hearing for Energy Secretary. Later this afternoon, president elect trump himself takes part in a preinaugural ceremony laying a wreath at arlington. In a few minutes, we are expecting the first televised conference from sean spicer. Theres a lot to go through but youre in luck because we have the best team in the business covering all of the angles and a fantastic panel this morning. I want to start with something im dying to cover. Steven mnuchin. Eamon javers is with me. What do you think is going to happen today . Weve never heard from Steven Mnuchin. Hes the nominee for treasury secretary and democrats this morning tell me they are going to go right after his experience at big banks in terms of foreclosing on american homeowners. They are going to say he ran a foreclosure machine and say he spent much of his career in the shadows. They dont really know who this guy is, not somebody who has been on the public stage before. They see him as one of the most vulnerable. Chairman hatch of the finance committee is going to defend him and say hes eminently qualified for this position. All of this is just politics. There have been some reporting throughout the week that mnuchin was wobbly in hearing prep. They practice for what is going to happen today but i was told by a trump official last night that they feel that he is primed and ready to go for this morning. Stephanie . Theres a lot of criticism around some of Donald Trumps picks, that they are too rich and theres been pushback saying, dont say that. These people want to pursue the american dream. But we also learned that Steven Mnuchin had to amend his Financial Disclosure forms because he seemed to leave out 100 million bucks of real estate. How does that happen and why should the American People feel aokay . Theres two ways to look at this issue. The criticism of mnuchin as a big bank guy runs two ways. They foreclosed on people and thats terrible because these people lost their homes but defenders will argue, look, at this moment in history when big banks were failing, mnuchin stepped in with capital to buy these banks and put them on surer footing. Of course they had to foreclose on people because of the disasters they made. He should get credit for restructuring these banks, keeping them alive and keeping some of the core business going at a time when not very many people were willing to step up with capital and defend these big banks. Theres two arguments here. Well see which one is more politically palatable. That could be very powerful politically. We want to point out, those people who did lose their homes, Steven Mnuchin and his bank, were adhering to government reactions. Joining me is Washington Bureau chief, april ryan, author of the new book, at mamas knee and teresa maria kumar. April, i want to start with you. So many people have been blasting Steve Mnuchin about these foreclosures. He ran a bank that purchased another one. It was the business he was in and he was adhering to the law. He was adhering to the law but you could also do a little bit more of what the law requires and you have to think about this and im going to give you a little bit of history. During the clinton years, more minorities were able to purchase homes under the Clinton Administration through some of their initiatives and tax incentives, what have you. During the bush administration, there were banks that went in on these people who wanted homes and they said we have a group of minorities and they lost their homes with these nointerest loan the fst few years and they ballooned to like 5, 6, 10,000 a month. Who could pay for that . So instead of dealing with the issue of we have this big problem and im going to stand here and fix the problem as the law says instead of going beyond when there is a National Crisis and it was called a crisis. But that wasnt what his job was at the time. He wasnt a regulator or a lawmaker and couldnt you say that he understands that business, maybe hes someone who could fix it. I think hes the nominee of a president elect who said i made a lot of money during the housing crisis. But what april is trying to say and truly emphasizing is that these individuals made their money on predatory lending. They doubled down and it wasnt it was something that was documented and some people, unfortunately, went to jail and other folks, especially for firsttime homeowners and one of the biggest booms right now, its not the housing market, its the rental market because people cannot recuperate. And they dont even have good credit. And they dont have good credit. So when you Start Talking about this idea of a generational divide, millennials dont feel like they can aspire, they are still living at home. Right. And rachel, the big thing about it is, people have to remember i have to go to the next person because you called me rachel and my name is stephanie. All right. Moving on, final preparations are under way right now which is a little more than 24 hours to go before donald trump is sworn in as the 45th president of the United States. Kristen ke Kristen Welker has the details. Reporter its a busy day for president elect donald trump. He officially comes to washington, d. C. , today. Hes going to participate in a wreath laying ceremony at Arlington National cemetery. Thats going to get under way at 3 30 and then this evening hell attend a make America Great again welcome concert. So the festivities in full swing here on the eve of the inauguration. Hes also hard at work on his speech that he will deliver tomoow, his inaugural address. It will be a short address but its going to focus on the themes of unity. The fact that hes going to be the president of all americans and, in fact, yesterday he tweeted out a picture of himself working on his inaugural address while at maralago. Of course, president obama will be there along with the first lady as well as president elect trumps former rival Hillary Clinton and bill clinton not in attendance close to 60 democratic lawmakers who say they plan to boycott the naukz. President obama not commenting on that. And a meeting with sean spicer is set to get under way in moments from now. Stephanie, back to you. Well bring you that press conference live. Lets talk about tomorrow and the next couple of days. Donald trump has said it is a message of unity. The challenge is that after the election they basically use the opportunity for the next 30, 40, 50 days as an opportunity to unify the country and come in and say i am the president for all. Unfortunately, what hes done is he has the lowest Approval Rating for any president elect coming in and he can be more divisive. Heres the issue. This president elect wants to do things in a different way. And people having a real issue with the difference, the thing thats not uniform with the last few president s, at least of the modern era, he is saying that hes not politically correct. You have people who are watching his words, still watching his words and watching his actions as well as who he is putting around him and who he is not putting around him. People are watching this. So if he wants to unify, its going to have to be more than words. I would guarantee, in his speech he also needs to have, knowing how he speaks, someone who is looking over. He needs a speechwriter. Hes had some land mines when hes made comments and conversations, hes not one to know history. The truth of history, particularly when it comes to minorities. He needs to be someone who can understand that en you give that historic speech, you are now president of all america, all america. Black, latino, asian. And a lot of folks are really hoping that he will turn down the temperature, not just within the Race Relations here in the United States but also globally. We have World Leaders and the world tuning in saying that now youre assuming the white house, are you going to turn down the temperature so we can all feel safe . He might not listen to World Leaders but ivanka spoke earlier to abc about her role. Take a look. Whats your reaction when you hear people say shes going to be essentially the real first lady . Does it offend you . Well, i think its an inappropriate observation. Theres one first lady and shell do remarkable things. Why do we have this big argument around will ivanka be the first lady . Why cant there be a first family involved . Wouldnt that reflect more of what modern families look like today . He has a first lady. He has a first lady who chooses to stay in new york with her son and thats fine. People are wondering who will be the woman who is in the east wing, who is working on the state dinners, who is talking to the community, whos coming up with some type of initiative. I know mrs. Trump said something about bullying but we are used to, as a nation, having the first lady next to the glsh so whats wrong with change . I dont think its change that people are uncomfortable with. Its a sense of nepotism. I want to say its one of the very first times that you have both a Family Member and basically have a dotted line to this continued business interests. And thats what the American People are challenged with. All right. Were going to take a break. Any minute now, sean spicer will be holding a press conference. Were awaiting confirmation hearings for rick perry and Steve Mnuchin to begin at the bottom of this hour. I got a chance to speak with three women who all had their homes seized by his companies after the fancial collapse. It was the hardest thing that weve ever gone through. To go through a foreclosure is not your american dream. Its your american nightmare. Weight because the first ingredient is chicken. riley man, this chicken is spectacular jessica i had to start hiding the bag because he would try to put his face in it all day. Yeah you love it, dont you . You love it so much i feel like when he eats beneful, he kinda turns into a puppy again. Its protein. Its vegetables. Its grains. I mean, like that sounds like a dinner id make for myself, right . riley hey its a big bag. Just have some of mine. vo try beneful healthy weight with chicken. With real chicken as the number one ingredient. Healthful. Flavorful. Beneful. If you have moderate to Severe Plaque Psoriasis isnt it time to let the real you shine through . Introducing otezla, apremilast. Otezla is not an injection, or a cream. 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Great geico can help insure our mountain chalet how long have we been sawing this log . Um, one hundred and fourteen years. Man i thought my arm would be a lot more jacked by now. Im not even sure this is real wood. Theres no butter in this churn. Do my tris look okay . Take a closer look at geico. Great savings. And a whole lot more. Sean spicer is going to give a press conference. Democrats are prepared to bombard this man with stories of people who say they were foreclosed by Steve Mnuchins companies. Democrats flew in some people who lost their homes for the panel on thursday. I had a chance to catch up with three women who came in for the panel. They were ultimately foreclosed on. This was the hardest thing weve ever gone through, to go through foreclosure is not your american dream. Its your american nightmare. I think that they were just trying to get my house. We qualified. We did everything that they asked for. And more. We should still have our homes today. Maybe 4 years old and to come after my house now, thats ridiculous. There was no cooperation it was a dead end. They wanted to kick you out . Absolutely. Given what you all have gone through with your homes, you may not be focused on who is going to be nominated as the next treasury secretary but when you looked up and saw the headlines and it was this individual who ran one west and you had this whole experience with, what was your reaction . I was shocked. When i heard that Steve Mnuchin was nominated, i was shocked. Its mind boggling how someone like you said made billions off of others misfortunes and youre going to put him in charge for treasury . It just doesnt make sense. His spokesman said, the democrats are playing politics with catchy sound bites that blatantly neglect stevens record. Upon inheriting a portfolio, he ran a modification machine that took extraordinary steps to save as many homes as possible. Cit group which runs one west now did not return requests for comments. I want to bring in a man who truly understands the industry as well as Donald Trumps picks. Anthony scarimucci, youre fresh off the slopes of switzerland. Yes. My heart goes out to those people. Its Steve Mnuchin is a very compassionate person. Whats left out of that narrative is he saved a lot of jobs out of one west when he went in there and he did save 100,000 homes. Last piece left out of the narrative, because of the way that the regulations are, even if youre trying to save somebodys home, sometimes because the government is set up in a way where the banks have to keep a certain amount of capital, the foreclosure happens anyway. So it was a near perfect storm. You and i both lived the 2008 for example crisis. It was a terrible situation for me at that time. And so my heart goes out to them. What they are missing is the opportunity here to have a financial genius, a policy wonk, someone that is super close of the president of the United States to prosecute an agenda that leads to working class families and middle class families having higher wages. For me, i understand that. I understand why they are upset. Anthony, he didnt i want everybody to look at the totality of the situation. He didnt get into that trade or that business because he wanted to save people and keep them in their homes. You see, i think thats unfair. Come on now. He wen itnto it becse it was an extraordinary trade. You dont know him as well as i know him. Youre going to tell me he bought indymac for a Public Service . I didnt say he bought it for a Public Service but i though this man personally. Weve been in this campaign and this transition period over the last nine months. Hes a very compassionate human being. He looked at the situation and said, okay, this is opportunity. This is what america is about. Anthony scaramucci, one of the biggest benefitters. Are you saying its wrong for ron paulson to analyze the im doing this to help americans. John paulson has investors in his pension fund. He was making an analytical bet that yielded the results for pension fund holders. Its very, very unfair. We have to give the narrative in a very balanced point of view. Steven is a compassionate person, hes a policy wonk. I got him as a financial genius. The president elect could have picked anyone to be his treasury secretary and, believe me, tons of people wanted that job. He picked steven because he knows he can prosecute the agenda up on the hill and it will make America Great again, it will provide opportunity for the middleclass people and workingclass people. So lets just give it real balance. He went into the trade for a Business Venture and make economic return by taking economic risk. There you go. He did also save 170,000 homes. Yes, he did. And he saved countless jobs at one west. That bank was he did. If indymac was left on its own, it would have gone nowhere and so many people would have lost their jobs. Youre right there. Lets bring those people and go to the cafe later today and interview some of the people who im not going out to lunch with you. Lets have lunch with the people whose jobs have been saved and sit down with them and say thank god Steve Mnuchin came in here. Lets go beyond that. Are these cabinet members, will donald trump work for the American People . Im watching tom prices hearing yesterday and, ive got to tell you, im scratching my head. How does a guy whos sitting in congress up for hss to say, its a good idea for me to buy a medical device stock. You know what a discretionary account is. You know when its, im going to have Anthony Scaramucci run my money. Thats not what happened here. Its a much broader issue in terms of where the rules are and whats going up on the hill. Change the rules. If you dont like why didnt he say that . Well, because im not tom price. Im not inside his head. I cant explain what hes saying or not saying. I like the guy a great deal. I think his Health Care Program and the reenengineering of health care in the United States that will deliver health care to everyone in the United States, it will make america healthier, is going to come from tom price and his team. Listen, these are very tough people up on that hill. This is definitely an interesting town. Its way different from wall street in new york and im learning that very quickly. And so theres a little bit of a viciousness that goes on. Anthony, youre right. I watch these hearings hes a publish servant. Lets give him a chance to change things. I wish people werent given a free pass and other people werent just targeting the nominees. But tom price had an opportunity to say, this is what the rules are, we should change the rules. He danced around it. Chris collins overheard saying, can i tell you all of the people that have been made rich by moving thats unfair. Whats unfair . Its the most important hour of his life and hes getting bombarded with questions and hes really trying to focus on the policies and the agenda of the new Trump Administration and what he wants to do. And i think human beings looking at that situation, we can pick little tiny things and get upset with him. I think its unfair. Anthony, your word is your bond and policies come second. Trust comes first. But what is there not to trust about him . He didnt do anything illegal or wrong. Hes trying to take ce of his family. Hes got a great legislative agenda up on the hill. Hes got phenomenal plans for the health care system. Lets give credit to president elect. Hes got amazing picks. When you start with mike pence and 14 cabinet members that are going to be joining him shortly. Speaking of you, my friend. Well, i didnt mean it that way. I was really more focusing on the cabinet people. Welcome any time. Thank you so much. Fresh back from davos. Any minute now, press Secretary Sean Spicer will hold a briefing on the festivities planned for tomorrows inauguration. Were awaiting confirmation hearings for rick perry and Steven Mnuchin at the bottom of the hour. Befi was active. Gia, i was energetic. Then the chronic, widespread pain drained my energy. My doctor said moving more helps ease fibromyalgia pain. He also prescribed lyrica. Fibromyalgia is thought to be the result of overactive nerves. Lyrica is believed to calm these nerves. For some, lyrica can significantly relieve fibromyalgia pain and improve function, so i feel better. Lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. Tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. 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Rick perry is starting any day now and Steven Mnuchin will begin at 10 00 a. M. I want to bring in Kelly Odonnell first to see what we should expect from rick perry. Kelly . I think we lost her. Anthony, start with you. You can make the case with us. Rick perry, why is he the right man for the job . He ran one of the most successful states in the union, the fastest job growing over 14 years. That state, as we all know, is one of the big energy pieces, footprint of the United States and i think what he has is a commercial attitude about energy. We will focus on the United States government if were going to solve our entitlement programs and get that from the energy portion of the natural resources. He understands that. Hes an entrepreneurial governor and cabinet secretary and hes got the admiration and respect of all of us, especially the president elect. Now, are we overstating or being too dramatic. When rick perry was first nominated and accepted, he didnt actually know what the job entailed and people are aghast. Are we taking too much of it in. Rick perry will be someone who doesnt have nuclear experience in the energy department. Its a misnomer. And what was interesting, that said, its basically a misnomer because its controlling our Nuclear Arsenal and something that richard brought out, which i think is absolutely right, having that kind of experience and understanding how we play in the world that Energy Secretary was the one that came in and was actually able to negotiate the iran deal. Its not just having a footprint or Understanding Oil but who is protecting who and understands he might have been but we have to watch out for this. When you have the secretary of state as well as rick perry who could possibly probably be the next Energy Secretary, theres a concern that globally, this will be about energy diplomacy. This is a big concern right now. We saw something about energy way back in george w. Bush years where were talking about the iraq war. People are very concerned and watchful about how this is going to play out. Energy, oil, even our coal. Very big globally. China wants our coal. We have to really guard against making this about energy. Its much more than that. One of the reasons that rick perry was strong as governor in texas, they are much a lot of power comes from the legislator. So hes able to negotiate and bring people together but actually the governor ship in texas is one of the weakest in all 50 states. Rick perry just arrived. Anthony, youre just back from davos where we heard from leaders that had concerns. Whats your response to that . I brought a food taster. Thats my tenth year there. Its a tough place for our agenda. Stop insulating yourself and get out into the public, whether its in the working class in france or its about globalization. I dont go to davos but they are talking to each other and get everything wrong because they dont see what is going on. I had a conversation last year and its the idea of mass migration and countries and heads of states all of a sudden going back into the corner. And its one of the places where you actually have conversations that people interact because they are coming in from the front lines and saying how do we solve these problems. Sure. Their concern is that we have a president elect thats going on twitter storms and all of a sudden upending south asia unnecessarily. Upending a lot of things. This is so much fun. I dont see it like that at all. I think his twitter communication strategy is going to write about how brilliant it was. At the end of the day, he has had to come up over the mainstream media. We kind of disagree. We are very much going to disagree. Disagree respectfully. At the end of the day, hes trying to reach his base as it relates to globalism if we dont fix the problems of the American Worker and the american middle class which all of us here that study finance know that the real wages over the last 10 years are down even though we had two good quarter of wages recently. You dont fix the wages for the middle class and lower class in the United States which is the worlds gdp. You have a much harder time. Ive got to take you to the hill for a moment because Kelly Odonnell is standing by. Rick perry is here. We lost her. West virginia is prepared to also offer introductory remarks for our nominee. Governor perry, i would like to extend a warm welcome to you and to your family, know that i appreciate your desire to serve, your willingness to become our next kelly, youre standing right outside of rick perrys hearings. What do you expect this morning . Reporter well, im nearby. Stephanie, good morning. This will be a chance for rick perry to have to sort of rewrite some history. There was a time as a president ial candidate where the federal government could close and now hes asking the senate to confirm him to lead that very department. He comes from a history of being texas longest serving governor and the oil business is prominent. He does have knowledge in that area but there have also been reports that this has included a learning curve during his time in the five or six names to be named a donald Trump Nominee for this position. Theres a vast portfolio at the department of energy, theres a lot of areas where Donald Trumps pick, rick perry, has to learn more. Hes bringing a different kind of experience than the outgoing Energy Secretary moniz under president obama who has a scientific background. But its not uncommon for him to be appointed to this role. This is a chance for rick perry, in some ways, to use his retail political skills with these senators to try to convey a sense of ease that he could lead a Department Like this even though it presents some challenges in terms of his own experience. This is a job that he very much sought, we are told, that certainly what he wants to do related to the jobs and Energy Sector is one. Stephanie . Thanks, kelly. I know we have to go to break but i get the twitter thing. Theres a lot to celebrate about it. Its not about being a liberal or republican. How about common decency . Does donald trump just not need to dial it back 10 , i win, you lose, youre a loser, you suck, how does that help anyone . I think hes going to get sworn in in a couple of hours here, right up there. And ill use a quote that he said often. Hes going to be extremely president ial president. So lets see what happens. Weve got to take a break. Last word. Misguided. Steve mnuchins confirmation hearing is being monitored as well at rick perrys. Ay with us. Asmy family tree,ing i discovered a woman named marianne gaspard. It was her french name. Then she came to louisiana as a slave. I became curious where in africa she was from. So i took the ancestry dna test to find out more about my african roots. The ancestry dna results were really specific. They told me all of these places in west africa. I feel really proud of my lineage, and i feel really proud of my ancestry. Ancestry has many paths to discovering your story, get started for free at ancestry. Com all finished. Umm. You wouldnt want your painter to quit part way. I think you missed a spot. So when it comes to pain relievers, why put up with just part of a day . Aleve, live whole not part. Painter you want this color over the whole house . 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C. , for tomorrows inauguration, including a group of trump voters from North Carolina who want to witness their president sworn in as the 45th president of the United States. Nbcs Miguel Almaguer is on the road with some of those voters. Your group is pretty pumped. Is that fair to say . Reporter oh, yeah, they are excited. We are only about four hours away from d. C. As we get closer, the excitement builds. Teresa lewis is heading the party headed to d. C. Talk to me about why youre so excited. We are so excited because this was a very interesting election and when you look at the electoral map, were excited to be there andeart of the hiory being made. My son will be joining us in d. C. Its a big day for you guys. We talked about the chance that you could have watched this all from home but he decided you wanted to be a part of history . President carter, all of the people that represent our country in congress and just to be in the wonderful historic city of d. C. Talk to us about who will my husband jim, we have him in the back. John is the driver. Yes. And my son will meet us with us tonight in d. C. There you go. Everybody headed to washington, d. C. , and as we get closer, the excitement builds. Sean spicer will deliver his First Press Conference. Were also waiting for Steven Mnuchin to start his hearing at 10 00 a. M. And rick perry sitting down moments from now. We have a lot happening. Tomorrow, one day from now, donald j. Trump will be inaugurated to be the 45th president of the United States. Stay with us. Help you take on a, or fill a big order or expand your office and take on whatever comes next. Find out how American Express cards and services can help prepare you for growth at open. Com. In welcome back. Im stephanie ruhle. Were awaiting big events. Sean spicer giving his First Press Conference and rick perry sitting down for the hearings and Steven Mnuchin looking to be the next treasury secretary. I want to talk about donald trump tomorrow and his need in the country to unify, to bring people together. It doesnt seem to be happening yet. If he doesnt do it, whats the country going to look like . Because today for people across the country, having to explain things to their kids every day, the hate thats rising, what are we going to do . A divided United States. Thats what we are. We are presently divided United States. Come 12 01 tomorrow, well have the post obama era. Thats the new marker. What does that look like, a divided nation, because the rubber band inclusion for barack obama, historians believe him to be a rights president and some say its broken. We are a countrying to find our footing as people from all sides of the spectrum from every party are feeling disenfranchised and when their money is funny, they are upset. When its affecting their pocketbook, they are upset. They are not covered. But maybe people didnt feel as included as it seemed. They voted for donald trump. And i think this is one of the challenges within the progressive movement, the fact that there are so many defections from the movement that voted twice for president obama and then voted for donald trump. It was the sense that, yes, the narrative that the economy is recuperating, many of those people never got their homes or jobs back. There is this idea that they are feeling left behind and in an increasingly this idea theyre feeling behind in an increasingly modernized, glob globalized world. There is a huge opiate epidemic that is disproportionately impacting middle class and working class ro all races. Hes talked about it. Hes the first candidate to give voice to it. I was in colorado, i was driving through, i stopped in a small town. It was heartbreaking to see every store front completely shuttered. The ones that were open, you could clearly see they had addiction. That was an epidemic happening across the country and he didnt give voice to that. Then if donald trump put those people back to work and help those communities, then all the issues were so offended by and hes a bully and his toughtalking ways this is a challenge maybe hell weigh in on it. Sean spicer starting his press conference now. I brought a special guest with me. It is my distinct honor to introduce the head of the transition team, our next Vice President , mike pence. Thank you. Thank you, sean. Good morning. It is a momentous day before a historic day. Im pleased to have a chance to report to the American People and all of you. The progress that we have made at the president elects direction, preparing a team that will be ready to serve the American People and make America Great again on day one. Im grateful to be with all of you today. Before i give you a brief summary, let me First Express our thoughts and prayers on behalf of the president elect and myself for president bush and barbara, theyre on the hearts of every american. This morning we understood they had a good night last night but we encourage every american to remember president bush and his wonderful wife, barbara, in their prayers. 7 2 days ago we elected donald trump to be the president of k america. 71 days ago, he set an ambitious schedule and he asked me to chair the effort. I was grateful and honored to be given the opportunity to do just that. When we took over, i was impressed wit the work that governor christie and the team had done prior. More than 170 interviews had already been done prior to election day. Im pleased to report that as of this mornings announcement for our secretary of agriculture, all 21 nominees have been name, 27 total individuals have been named that require the con isnt consent of the cabinet and we have 36 beach head nominees that will begin following the inauguration bright and early monday morning. There is a memorandum that will be in your possession by the end of this briefing that ill be conveying to the president elect today to give him a full report on the transition efforts and the progress that weve made. Allow me to give you a couple of top lines. In addition to the hundreds of interviews and meetings that the president elect has conducted in the course of this transition, e im pleased to report there have been 170 be interviews prior to the election, more than 200 people since the election. Ive set down with what we call our tiger teams for full vetting and review. More than 86,000 resumes have been submitted to the transition and over 4,000 candidate referrals and on the eve of the inauguration, our beach head teams are ready to land and go to work in these various agencies of the incoming administration. On legislate ive affairs, we organized more than 90 volunteers to create the 27th publicly announced Senate Confirm nominees, designees attended so far more than 370 visits with senators and will continue to work very, very closely to support their efforts as they move toward confirmation. Theres been work on Agency Action as i mentioned, policy implementation, though, has also been very brisk in the course of this transition. Specifically we focused at the president elects direction on a day one, a day 100 and a day 200 action plan for keeping our word to the American People and putting the president elects promises into practice. 14 policy implementation teams, 90 experts searching in an advisory capacity as we formulated executive action and legislative policy to pursue the goals of this administration. In addition to that, weve been listening. We established through the course of the transition the office of nationwide engagement, o. N. E. For sure, and theyve been busy, 21 sessions conducted through january 1 through 13, 22 Business Days met with and heard top policy issues and concerns from more than 1,200 organizations, associations and various interests and entities. Theres an awful lot of people to thank and theres more details youll see in the memorandum that ill be conveying to the president elect today. Let me begin by expressing my appreciation first and foremost to president barack obama and Vice President joe biden. The cooperation that the Outgoing Administration has extended in this transition effort would make every american proud, and i know the president elect has expressed his appreciation, not just for the hospitality but for the collaboration of this administration in supporting our teams transition efforts and i would reiterate that today. Also very grateful to the gsa administrator, denise turnerroth and her Outstanding Team at gsa for the work theyve done to support our efforts and grateful for the vice chairs and executive committee of the transition effort who have put in very long hours. A number of them are with us today. Ben carson is with us, rudy giuliani, jeff sessions, marcia blackburn, tom reed represent part of the team and we express our appreciation for the president elect for the many, many hours you put in helping us assemble this dayone tea and we thank the executive committee who donated literally hundreds of hours in assisting us in preparing the recommendations to the president elect over the course of this. Lastly, i have just two more things to mention, number one is just to thank my team. You know, theres an old saying back in indiana, when you see a box turtle on a fence post, one thing you know they had help getting there. While its been my privilege to chair this transition effort, the team weve had around us and the extraordinary sevendayaweek hours is greatly to their credit. I want to thank director rick dearborn, who has done a masterful job, extremely thankful for the energetic reince priebus, don mcgann, literally working almost around the clock in supporting the efforts of this transition effort. For our team here, bill haggerty on president ial appointments, ron nichol on Agency Action, jamie burke and Elizabeth Pinkerton on personnel, eric uland on legislative affairs and a ball of a team that would make anyone proud. The progress we have made and the extraordinarily brisk pace is a tribute to the integrity and work ethic of these men and women. I know the president elect is grateful for their efforts and as chair i am as well. Ken haguen is taking over as executive director to wind down the position as we continue in the weeks and months ahead to fill out the balance of the administration. But this is the team that got us here to this day at the direction of the president elect. Lastly, im especially pleased and i know the president elect is especially pleased that were wrapping up this transition on schedule and under budget. We will actually return some 20 of taxpayer funding back to the u. S. Treasury and tt is just exactly in keeping with the president elects expectations going forward. He is a businessman that knows how to sharpen his pencil and im very pleased to report today that we were able to do that and restore those dollars to the treasury. Let me say ive been very honored to serve as chair of the transition effort but all that weve accomplished here, credit goes to a great team, our poll tears, literally hundreds and hundreds of volunteers who have put in hours and hours to support this effort. Our exit have committee, our vice chairs, our staff, but really the credit i can tell you goes to our president elect. Sometimes people stop me on the street and they say how are you holding up . I cant imagine how busy you are. And i have to tell them the energy and expectation of donald trump is contagious. Im plowroud to be at a place we weve named our entire cabinet before we reach the historic day tomorrow. Our job was to make sure

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