Busy week. Are these hearings done . Reporter we think so, stephanie. I feel like we should put question marks on all of our graphics and caveats and everything we say about the calendar as we move forward. Here is what we think is going to happen. Hearings appear to be done for now. No more witnesses are scheduled for democrats. The hope is that now staffers on the democratic side can prepare a report, a summation of everything theyve learned, hand it off to the judiciary committee, the committee that has the responsibility for drafting articles of impeachment if, indeed, there are more than one. Judiciary committee will have their own hearings, a markup. Theyll write the actual documents, the charges, articles of impeachment some time in december, we believe, then hand them on to the full house, which will have days of debate on them and vote on them, democrats hope, before the end of the year, kicking things over to the senate, which would have a trial, they think, starting in january. Thats a prescribed constitutional office. You can think that have as a calendar with no dates on it. The process will be the same. As we learned the last two weeks, we never know who the next witness might be revealed, what the next new piece of evidence might be. So we know what the process looks like, but there are still a lot of potential moving parts. Peter, the president has absolutely been talking about the hearings but doing it in very safe places, fox news, twitter, where he doesnt get any pushback. Behind the scenes, is he actually preparing for the trial . Thats a whole different scenario. Reporter nearly an hour he spnt on his favorite cable news channel, which is not msnbc. Really . Fox friends, detailing, as he described it, frankly, i want a trial but he said they never, ever should impeach. Sort of talking outside of both sides of his mouth. If i dare democrats to hold a trial, telling me the president would want to hear from some of the key witnesses he says are the real ones responsible for the corruption, like adam schiff and hunter biden and joe biden, but privately this white house is sincerely preparing for the potential of an impeachment trial, senior white house official telling me yesterday there was more than a handful of republican senators who met behind closed doors with the president yesterday, including senators cruz and lee, Lindsey Graham has been part of this process as well. They were talking about the possibility that impeachment trial in the Republicancontrolled Senate could be limited to just two weeks. The idea is to find a trial that would appear to the American People to be thorough but not too long to drag this process out further than they wanted. A couple of takeaways that we heard from the president that were particularly striking, stephanie. The president again reiterating his argument that ukraine was, in fact, responsible for interference in the 2016 election, which is striking, given the fact that it comes just hours after the fact that we heard from the president s former top russia adviser, fiona hill, the britishborn american citizen, the daughter of a coal miner, who so powerful described that as a fictional narrative, in her words, that was being used in effect by the russians to try to undercut the united states. Peter, garrett, thank you. Now weve got the what. Lets dig into what it all means. Barbara mcquaid is currently a professor at the university of michigan law school. Natasha bertrand of politico and elise labott, school of foreign service, a very swanky title, which i would love to have one day. Barbara, lets go to you. In your mind, we have seen the evidence. What articles of impeachment do they support, if any . I think you could very easily support articles of impeachment for three crimes, bribery, obstruction of justice and abuse of power. On bribery, its demanding a thing of value in exchange for the performance of an official act. Demanding the investigations in exchange for releasing military aid and a white house meeting qualify and theres sufficient evidence of that. Trump supporters are complaining they need more evidence. They need look no further than trump himself, they refused to produce other witnesses like mick mulvaney, mike pompeo and all the documents that even Gordon Sondland said would have been representful to refresh his recollection. This is not a crime on the books but impeachable conduct, inviting foreign interference into our elections. Withholding military aid, after our congress voted to approve 400 million to fight off russian aggression in ukraine, harming not only Ukraines National Security but American National security. So i think theres a strong case for all three of those articles. Republicans have spent a ton of time justifying the president s actions by saying he was absolutely right to be suspicious of ukraine, but i want to share with what dr. Fiona hill said about that very point yesterday. Some of you on this committee appear to believe that russia and its Security Services did not conduct a campaign against our country and that perhaps, somehow, for some reason, ukraine did. This is a fictional narrative that is being perpetrated and propulgated by Russian Services themselves. I would ask that you please not promote falsehoods that so clearly advance russian. She just said brother, please. This is one of the foremost experts of russia and Eastern Ukraine and she was before she agreed to join the white house. Why did she join . To help President Trump navigate some of these issues on russia and help with the russian relationship. Lindsey graham now sending a letter, senator graham sending a letter to secretary of state pompeo, looking for documents to prove that ukraine interfered in the 2016 election. You can see that this is going to be the republicans argument when this goes to a senate trial, that President Trump was completely within his rights and duties within president because it was actually ukraine that interfered. But, i mean, i think all the other witnesses and the own Intelligence Community report kind of bears out that this isnt true. Natasha, dr. Hill also made a very interesting point that i want to be sure doesnt get overlooked about the russian reasoning for interfering in the 2016 election. Take a look. The goal of the russians was really to put whoever became the president by trying to tip their hands on one side of the scale under a cloud. So if secretary, former first lady, former senator clinton had been elected as president , as indeed many expected in the runup to the election in 2016, she, too, would have had major questions about her legitimacy. And i think that what were seeing here, as a result of all of these narratives, this is exactly what the russian government was hoping for. Has that not gotten enough attention . Because if thats the case, if russia just wanted to sow chaos and doubt and interfere with our election, with our democracy, then that could and maybe should get a lot of bipartisan support to stop it. Yeah. So what we saw from the social media campaign, of course, that the russians waged in 2016, is that they were targeting both sides, trying to inflame tensions on both the left and the right in order to sow that chaos, promote disinformation, discourage people from voting. All for the final goal, really, of getting americans disillusioned with the democratic process. He had the ultimate goal of electing donald trump because he didnt want Hillary Clinton to be in office but short of that, because no one really thought that donald trump was going to win, but short of that an accomplishment for him would just be to show his own people that the american style system is inferior to what the russians have, for example. But what i also think fionas point here really underscores about her is the fact that she is so nonpartisan. This is someone who her colleagues dont even know what her political affiliations are. She managed to stay at the white house over two years even though she was not seen as a trump loyalist, even though she really had no good things to say about trump during the election, because she kept her head down and was such a professional and people really respected her. John bolton, when he came in, was under a lot of pressure to fire her. There were some people in the white house who saw her as part of this deep state. Former National Intelligence council officer. There were a lot of forces in the white house that were trying to get rid of her but ultimately they couldnt because they saw she was a consummate professional who was nonpartisan. And i think it shown through her testimony. John bolton sent out a tweet this morning that was very cryptic. He wrote for the back story, stay tuned. You know bolton. Youve traveled with him several times overseas. He keeps teasing whether its private speeches and now he has this cryptic message that he has so some. What hes doing is playing all sides here. You see what he has done with with the president. Hes not really challenging the white house argument that he shouldnt testify. Hes trying to get the courts to figure it out. And when the democrats said, you know, okay, no thanks, john bolton is dying to testify. I think obviously he has felt very strongly about russian interference. You heard from fiona hill. Fiona hill is really a proxy for bolton, for his frustration, for his incredlous for what Rudy Giuliani was doing. He as also teasing it out. He wants to go through proper channels and is also a constitutional expert. He wants the courts to decide. Make no mistake, john bolton wants to testify. He wants to tell his story and i dont think it would be very favorable for the president. Barbara, is it bolton, or are there any other cards that democrats can play in the senate that could change this dynamic . I think we need to keep in mind theres two phases here, right . The senate is where the trial is. Are we ready to vote on articles of impeachment . I think yes. This is like the charging phase in a criminal case, grand jury. All you need is probable cause to believe that you are advancing to the next phase. So, in the next phase, thats where you can have additional witnesses like a john bolton come testify. So there with a subpoena, perhaps, he could be a powerful witness. But i dont think they need him at this phase. I think the time has come to call to question, as you would say in parliamentary procedure, a vote on the articles of impeachment. Theres probable cause to believe that the president has committed an impeachable offense, be impeached. The president could call these witnesses. He has an opportunity to call his own witnesses. I think well hear from a broader list of witnesses at the senate phase and perhaps to include john bolton. What does it say if the president doesnt call mick mulvaney, rick perry or even a john bolton . Thank you all very, very much. So much more to cover. Next, including this key question, has the last two weeks of public testimony changed anything, anything in the court of Public Opinion . But first the impact on 2020. Were talking to voters in the critical battleground state of florida and the early primary state of New Hampshire. What theyre saying about the impeachment battle might actually surprise you. T battle t actually surprise you. Does your broker offer more than just free trades . Fidelity has zero commissions for online u. S. Equity trades and etfs, plus zero minimums to open a brokerage account. With value like this, there are zero reasons to invest anywhere else. Fidelity. There are zero reasons to invest anywhere else. Cologuard colon cancer and older at average risk. Ive heard a lot of excuses to avoid screening for colon cancer. Im not worried. It doesnt run in my family. I can do it next year. No rush. 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The impeachment inquiry has completely overtaken washington, d. C. , but the big question in that one could have a major impact in 2020 and beyond is how are people outside the beltway reacting to the inquiry . We look at the front pages from newspapers across the country, we see most of them leading with the latest on impeachment. Road warrior ali vitale has been talking to voters in florida. How are they reacting . Reporter right after our debate in atlanta i started driving south to northern florida, a really red part of the state, pockets of blue and really swingy counties, like where i am now, in jackson county. In my conversations here and just a little bit closer to tallahassee, its clear that voters, regardless of how they felt about the president going into it, are watching. Opinions, though, not necessarily being changed. I think that the thing here thats been striking is the power of these public hearings, and the fact that they really do feel, at least from voters perspectives, that this hearing is everywhere. Theyre catching it on the radio. Theyre catching highlights on television when they get home at night. One of the things that voters said to me that struck him was this. Listen to what he got out of these hearings. What seems clear to me is that he has used his position of authority to try to help him in the election thats supposed to be a democratic process where everybody has our rights to vote. And, steph, regularly we talk about what the impact is on 2020. This other voter said to me that this is what he thinks is going to happen in the upcoming election. The truth is, i think there are a number of them that can beat donald trump. I think all of them can be beat by donald trump, too. I would not be shocked if the president , as an incumbent, wins again. I would not be shocked if he absolutely got wiped out of a by a wave of a United Democratic party. Reporter could go either way. Thats what i hear. Yes, impeachment is overshadowing a lot of these 2020 candidates but the voters are trying, as much as they can, to Pay Attention to both, steph. Paying attention. That is key. Ali, thank you very much. I want to bring in james n pindel, former executive director of the new york state democratic party, democratic strategy basil smythe. First, how are voters reacting to these hearings . The democrats want him impeached and many want him removed from office. What i find interesting are republicans and independents. Among republicans there are clearly shifting articles of defense for him. Obviously you see that playing out on fox news as well. Now youre hearing republicans say, yeah, he did something wrong, but how big of a deal is it, really . Weve been having investigation after investigation. For the independent voters, you know, some obviously lean one way or another, and thats going to cloud their judgment but there is a line in the middle. I think the president may be winning right now, which is this idea that, you know, its all a game in washington and that were not going to take any of these allegations as seriously because its simply just a game and a power game. Im not exactly sure how this applies to my life. Now, of course, New Hampshire is a swing state. Democrats are probably have my gut is that theyll probably do just fine. Hillary clinton, of course, won their narrowly. The president has won the state. There are so many questions about not just how this process is going to play out on capitol hill but how exactly this is going to work politically over the next year. Basil, did the American People, who were already outraged, get more outraged or did actual opinions shift . Did anything change . Because it didnt with house republicans. You know, whats interesting . I actually think that the impeachment hearings didnt persuade a lot of people over the course of time to change their position. Whatever you went into these impeachment hearings believing, youre pretty much stuck there. Two things that i would say, though, for all of those democrats who really wanted nancy pelosi to go forward with with these hearings, concerned democrats were being too cerebral and not engaging emotion i think they got that. They got the emotion that i think is prevalent with the base that i hope will continue into the primary cycle. Two, when i talk to a lot of white women about these hearings, theyre reacting to the testimony of ambassador yovanovitch to fiona hill. Maybe among suburban white women that might be a persuadable group that democrats can recapture. That may be the one important impact from these hearings. The caveat, however, there is going to be time thats going to pass between now, between the whats going to happen in the senate and when ballots are cast in the primary cycle and then into the general election. So the real important concern for democrats is, can you keep the momentum going . Can you keep that energy going over the next few months to make sure that people are engaged not just on the coast, not just in new york and california, but in pennsylvania, wisconsin and in michigan . Lets go back to New Hampshire. James, wednesdays debate, a lot of people are still talking about it. There are a few new polls out of New Hampshire, showing mayor pete is among the top four candidates there. What do you make of this . And is it reflective of those voters you talked to . Yes. Mayor pete certainly has a lot of energy right now. Clearly, in the debate he did not receive the attacks that many of us thought he would get as the person who has all the momentum right now. He is not in first place in New Hampshire. Theres one poll, an outlier right now that says that. He is definitely in first place in iowa. That will have an impact in the granite state. The neighboring state senators, its still looking like a contest largely between Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren with joe biden obviously still there in the mix, but Pete Buttigieg right now is the person of the moment. The question is whether or not hes peaking too early or if hes still building something. Your take away from the debate . I like corys performance and Kamala Harris performance. They were very strong. I have to say this about Pete Buttigieg. I like him. I think there are really good people behind him, but i also believe that there are a lot of folks scratching their head and saying, why him . Why now . I talked a lot when beto was running. What does that mean, why him, why now . Theres a certain amount of privilege associated with his ascendance. Stacey abrams werent being discussed. Now you have cory booker, Kamala Harris, africanamericans who have run state wide and won statewide. Stacey abrams didnt want to run. You have these africanamerican candidates on stage that are not doing well, not performing well, but theyve done extraordinarily well in the positions theyve held. And you have someone like Pete Buttigieg who doesnt have the record and Amy Klobuchar sort of called that out, who also did very well the other night. Amy klobuchar sort of called attention to that, but that doesnt seem to make a difference. A lot of folks are looking at this and saying wait a minute, particularly in the africanamerican community, and i think theres a gender parallel as well. You have to be twice as good to be in the room but not getting the same light as someone like mayor pete. For his campaign, if you have concerns about why youre not doing well in the africanamerican community, that might be part of it. For people like cory, kamala, and Amy Klobuchar and Elizabeth Warren, theres gravitas to the positions that they take. Any of them are welcome to come on set to talk about those. One of the president s closest allies on the world stage is facing serious legal trouble. Israeli leader Benjamin Netanyahu has become the countrys first sitting Prime Minister to be indicted, bribery, fraud and breach of trust in connection with three corruption probes. Most serious charge of bribery carries a maximum prison sentence of ten years. All of this as israel remains deadlocked on forming a new government as Israeli Citizens may have to vote in a third election this year. Netanyahu continues to deny any wrongdoing. U continues to deny wrongdoing hi honey, we got in early. Yeah, and we brought steve and mark. Experience the power of sanctuary at the lincoln wish list sales event. Sign and drive off in a new lincoln with zero down, zero due at signing, and a complimentary first months payment. Yeah. 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I know members of this committee frequently frame these complicated issues in the form of a simple question. Was there a quid pro quo . As i testified previously, with regard to the requested white house call and the white house meeting, the answer is yes. Second, as pence aide, jennifer williams, took the stand, we asked if President Trump would tweet intimidating messages as he had before. He did not. But he did tweet about the probe all week long, as various witnesses testified. He urged the public to read the transcripts and blamed adam schiff and the democrats for corruption and dishonesty. And third we asked if fiona hills testimony would mark the beginning of the end of the house inquiry. Right now, it appears that way. But we dont know for sure. The house is in recess until december 3rd, and the Intelligence Committee has no public hearings or private depositions officially scheduled. Joining me now to discuss all of this, eli stokels, l. A. Times, christopher liu, former Deputy Council for the House Oversight committee. And my dear friend, contributor to the bulwart. In your latest piece queen fiona, you write shes not the hero we deserve. Shes the hero we need. Boy, she left me speechless yesterday and didnt have to do anything. This is why she was the strongest witness. She testified with this earnestness and this genuineness about somebody who went in and wanted to serve the country. An immigrant, right . She had the zeal of a convert. She went in there and took it to the democrats on a couple of things. She said look, the steele d dossier had some russian disinformation and you dropped the ball on that. When these republicans got angrier and angrier started to shout at her looked like golfers who are yelling at their caddies. And she stared at them with this quiet dignity and said no, youre wrong. These are conspiracies putting forth. Gordon sondland and the president were working on a domestic political errand. She turned the tables on them. I thought did this change whether or not the president is going to get removed . No, her testimony didnt do that. Did it show the kind of difference somebody can make in this partisan time . Absolutely and it was refreshing. Where is the difference . Youve got republican commentators going after her for being an immigrant. Same thing with Alexander Vindman when they dont know, as though being foreign born is the problem. Yeah but i thought that her testimony and the cool with which she handled it kind of revealed how absurd it was, right . You saw these attacks. Mike turner, who was getting angrier and angrier and red faced as he yelled at her about shifty schiff and crowdstrike and calmly responded no, sir, youre wrong. It was the russians that changed it. No, youre right, stephanie. Youre right. Did she change the whole nature around impeachment . Is donald trump going to be removed now, is mike pence going to be president . No. But what she did is she showed this doesnt have to be a partisan circus and thats why i thought her testimony was important. 12 witnesses testified publicly almost 35 hours, chris. You are someone who worked with the House Oversight committee. Which witnesses and testimony stuck out to you most and why . Well, i think ambassador sondland is the one that stood out to me the most. He was a wild card for both sides. What he clearly showed here is not only how long back this conspiracy had gone but really how widespread it is. He was able to loop in the white house chief of staff, secretary of state, the secretary of energy in all of this. He said we were all in the loop. We were all following the president s orders. He basically gave a road map to investigators, if they should continue doing more depositions or getting more cooperation, he highlighted a whole traunch of document he hasnt been able to get his hands on at the state department and basically pointed the finger at all of his superiors, saying all of these people were in the loop. I thought he was the most significant but i also was struck, as tim was, with the career Civil Servants that testified. These are the people who, at this point, are holding up a key guardrail of our democracy. Its not the Republican Party right now, so we should be grateful to these people that theyre serving our country. Mr. Stokel, the president was on fox almost 30 minutes this morning, attacking democrats, spewing conspiracy theories. How much is he laser focused on this . Hes pretty obsessed with this, as you might imagine. Its dominated the National Conversation going back more than a month now. He was actually on for 53 minute ons the phone with fox friends this morning. Obviously hes not bother bid any of the testimony. He thinks he can paent right over it with distortions. And as much as he is denying reality, the reality of these 12 people all telling the same story, all under oath while he and pence and pompeo issue statements that are not under oath and defy subpoenas, but hes able to deny the reality of the picture thats been painted by these very credible witnesses because of the reality of the republicans being tied completely around his finger. They had a meeting at the white house yesterday, some of the lawyers and top aides with a small group of republican senators to kind of game out a senate trial because they know its going to get to that point. And this conversation wasnt about the outcome of the trial. Thats basically predetermined in their mind. They were just talking about how long it should go, what they have to do to make the trial look legitimate and whether or not the president wants there to be a full trial to call witnesses, like even adam schiff so the republicans in the senate can basically berate adam schiff for the country to see. Thats what theyre talking about, not the facts and the testimony weve seen the past two weeks. If he is laser beamed on this, lets talk about what he is not focused on. Politico lays it out pretty clearly. Trump was supposed to offer a white house plan to protect americans from gun violence. He was supposed to achieve historic immigration reform, crack down on flavored ecigarettes, hash out a path forward in syria and secure peace in the broader middle east. Then impeachment stole the show. What does it mean for the country and policy if the president is completely focused on this . Were still waiting for the Health Care Plan thats going to replace the Affordable Care act. Its pretty clear with how president clinton handled impeachment in 1988. He hired a staff of lawyers and had the discipline to focus on his job. John podesta, chief of staff at the time famously said im going to break anyones neck who talks about lewinsky in the white house. He let the impeachment proceedings go and focused on his day job. Its one of the reasons why in the 1998 midterms democrats won seats and at the time when the impeachment trial ended, president clintons Approval Rating was at 60 . Donald trump cant tell democrats to move on to other issues if he cant do it himself, if hes basically calling people names and hate tweeting against his opponents. They are moving on. The president this week calling them donothing democrats, attacking nancy pelosi for doing nothing on usmca. Shes meeting with robert light hiser. Kudlow is saying nothing is happening. Republicans try to live in these two universes, the real universe the president lives in, in which they are doing nothing, hes obsessed with conspiracies not the facts. I suffered through that fox friends. Two moon landing conspiracies, one that obama spied on him and hacked his phone lines and the other that some Ukrainian Company went into the dnc and hacked and are hiding the server. Republicans in the house say no, were trying to do things and act as if the president s rants arent real. The reality is on the hill theyre doing nothing. All the senate does is confirm judges and pass resolutions. Thats all mcconnell is doing. Democrats are trying to act in the house and republicans will just pretend like they are as donald trump rants and raves and watches fox. Guess what, he watches msnbc, too. A little bit. Hope youre watching, mr. President. Joe biden under dgrowing scrutiny. Was it a stumble or a stutter . S . 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Made with fresh milk and real cream makes your recipes their holiday favourites. The holidays are made with philly. Former Vice President joe biden came into the 2020 primary as a frontrunner but is he slipping in the polls and struggling to stay ahead of the pack. Gaps aside, theres a key part of bidens past that could explain those onstage missteps. A new story in the atlantic explains bidens stutter and how the former Vice President still faces that challenge. John hendrickson, im glad youre here. This story is personal to you. Youve experienced life with a stutter. What about your experience that has helped you to identify joe bidens and something that just most of us saw as him misspeaking . People misunderstand stuttering a lot. You know, it isnt really a petition of a word. It isnt really blocking on a word. Its tons of things. Its loss of eye contact, as im doing at this exact moment. Just because it takes a little longer every now and then to get out a sentence, it doesnt mean that the person doesnt know what theyre trying to say. When it comes to joe bidens moments where he misspeaks, do you think it is all related do you think it is all related to his stutter, or do you think theres room to criticize them as mistakes . This is not a catchall, not by any means. Couple of nights ago, joe biden accidentally said there was only one africanamerican female senator. That didnt have anything to do with stuttering. Other moments, though, as i am at this moment, you know, he knows what he wants to say, but it just doesnt come out that way. Should it be a concern when it comes to the debate stage if, in fact, joe biden is facing off against President Trump . This is not an insult to the president. The president employs bully tactics. Bully tactics facing off against a stutterer, what does that do . It makes you feel shame. It makes you want to just walk away, you know. And even coming on your show this morning, ive never done tv before. This is my nightmare in a lot of ways. But, you know, the way to overcome that is to talk about it. And it doesnt have to be a weakness. It can just be a part of you, this thing that just exists. Seeing that this experience, in many ways, is a nightmare, what does it tell you to watch joe biden, someone who also has this condition, stand up there in the most High Pressure of situations . I admire his courage, you know. And voters may not identify with all of his policies, and i dont have a dog in the fight, you know. Im a journalist. Im on the sidelines. But i admire it, you know. Hes up there and its rapid fire and theres time pressure. And probably in a way it takes him all the way back to middle school, when someone mocked him in class but he perceseveres ani admire that. Have you heard from him . No, ive not heard from him, and thats okay. An overwhelming response. Ive gotten dozens and dozens if not you know, as of this morni morning, it could be hundreds of emails from people who stutter, parents of people who stutter. Teenagers, people who are 75. The whole gamut. People from other countries. And the overwhelming message that just keeps appearing again and again and again in my inbox is just thank you. Well, im going to echo that sentiment. Thank you so much. Really appreciate it. Thanks for having me. Coming up, the other big stories you may have missed this week, including President Trumps secret dinner with Facebook Ceo Mark Zuckerberg. Why did it have to be a secret . Do you have concerns about mild memory loss related to aging . Prevagen is the number one pharmacistrecommended memory support brand. You can find it in the vitamin aisle in stores everywhere. Prevagen. Healthier brain. Better life. At bayer, were helping to adto repair heart tissue. Es so bill can scream his heart out. Without putting his heart in danger. 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He discussed his relationship with convicted sex offender, jeffrey epstein. Were joined by dillon, senior media reporter. This is your big scoop. He has tried to play himself as a nonpartisan businessman, and there are lots of Business People who dine with the president. Why is it that Mark Zuckerberg would have this dinner and keep it such a super secret . Well, look, thats a good question. I mean, my understanding of how this dinner came about was actually that peter teal, the facebook board member, who is a controversial figure himself, was meeting with President Trump and Mark Zuckerberg was in town to testify on his knew cryptocurrency leeber and was invited to dinner. Corporate president s meet with the president all the time, whether theyre republicans or democrats. If you are the ceo of a fortune 500 company and the president invites you to dinner, more often than not you go. I think what is striking people as strange and tone deaf is that this meeting wasnt disclosed at the time. And i think given all the sort of scrutiny over facebook, all the sort of questions over facebooks influence on politics, issues of political transparency, you would think that facebook would have found a way to make this public at the time to sort of tamp down that sort of skepticism and scrutiny. Especially if you factor in that on that leaked tape Mark Zuckerberg gets caught saying that Elizabeth Warren is an threat to his company. Given that he knew it was out there. They might have wanted to disclose this. Lets talk tim cook and the president. Tim cook was there when the president made the false claim about the factory on wednesday. I get it if tim cook didnt want to correct the president when he called him tim apple a while ago. But why would he not have connected the president at that moment . You know, okay, so going back to the relationship between Corporate Leaders and president s, tim cook has made the decision that it is better to engage with the president than not to, and for a long time i think because theres so much goodwill toward apple, where as theres not a lot of goodwill toward facebook, the public has been willing to tolerate the relationship between tim cook and President Trump. I do think as you saw him stand there as the president made lies and attacked the media, its beginning to be a litmus test on what the public is willing to tolerate on these relationships between politicians and Corporate Leaders. I think thats going to be far more than the discussion were having around Mark Zuckerberg right now. Dillon, to you so much. Well be right back. Most people think of verizon as a reliable phone company. woman but to businesses, were a reliable partner. We Keep Companies ready for whats next. man we weave security into their business. 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I better hurry up and wrap this up, because im about to hand you off to our chief white house correspondents, hallie jackson, who last night won the broadcaster of the year award from mont claire state university. Bravo to you, ms. Jackson. Welcome to new jersey. I was in your neck of the woods, girlfriend, i could smell you all around me. Thank you for that. And it was quite an honor and a special night. Stephanie, thank you so much. We have a lot to get to this morning on a big and busy week of impeachment testimony. And we are now this morning finally hearing from somebody who never took any of the hearing room stands, President Trump firing back on his favorite network, unleashing on the democrats, saying, listen to

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