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Lost their lives to this virus. And while the rates change from source to source, Johns Hopkins reported more than 2,000 deaths yesterday for the First Time Since the month of may. And while americans are facing the physical and financial toll from the pandemic, congress is still unable or unwilling to cut a deal to help them out financially. Negotiators met for three hours last night, but failed to make any significant progress. Lawmakers from the house and senate have been allowed to go home and stay home unless theres word of a real breakthrough. Right now there is no sign of one. I think for those that are suffering, they should be asking the democrats in the house and senate, why have you failed to meet the needs that we have so rightly expressed. They didnt take the virus seriously in the beginning. Theyre not taking the consequences of the virus seriously at this time. And thats why its hard to come to terms. I want to start right there. Nbcs Peter Alexander is at the white house. Leigh ann caldwell on capitol hill. Leigh ann, where do things stand right now . Are they meeting again today . Steph, thats an excellent question. Talks have completely broken down at this point and, no, there are no meetings scheduled as of this morning. They emerged from their threehour meeting with both sides saying they are extremely far apart. The issues that remain, state and local funding. Almost a trillion dollars apart on that issue alone. This main issue of Unemployment Insurance. They are also far apart on education spending. How to spend that money. Food assistance. Rental assistance. The issues go on and on. So this is the most dire ive seen these talks in the nearly two weeks theyve been going on. Democrats have been saying and thinking they have the upper hand noting that a majority of democrats are going to be needed to pass any potential bill in the house and the senate. But mark meadows reminded reporters last night that any bill has to be signed by the president. And that is their leverage. Meadows also reminded reporters that the president has these executive orders that are questionable, but he is threatening to use them. So the question is, are they going to come together today . Today is their selfimposed deadline, and these jobless numbers. Are these going to push both parties back to the table to get something done . As of this morning there is nothing planned. Things are completely up in the air, steph. I dont know, peter. Is that republicans leverage that you need to have the president sign off . If theres no deal, millions and millions of americans will suffer, and last i checked, the president is less than 90 days away from an election. Yeah, youre right. The president not in town today. Of course, hell be in new jersey. If there are any meetings, he wouldnt be present for those. He has fundraisers there this weekend. On this issue of executive orders, its unclear whether the president has the Legal Authority to take executive action on these issues. Still, he is said to be anticipate signing executive orders either today or tomorrow extending those emergency unemployment benefits, imposing a payroll tax holiday with the white house and Top Democrats deadlocked. The president notified his staff to keep working on these executive orders to extend the federal moratorium on evictions, suspend that payroll tax and address those unemployment benefits. Weve heard from Chuck Schumer and nancy pelosi. The executive orders would be in their words, ineffective and complicated leaving millions of people without help and most certainly that they would be challenged. Steph . Peter, any reaction from the white house on the new jobs report . And we should remind our audience, while 1. 8 million jobs were created, the expectation was 1. 4 million jobs. So its not like we were going to get a job loss. You knew we were going to get some and the president often likes to misrepresent what that number is. Youre right. Im checking phone as we speak to see if hes tweeted about it. So far not yet. Hes tweeted on joe biden, on tiktok, on the Durham Report saying hed like to see it or retweeting someone suggesting it would come out before the election and, of course, on the coronavirus that he again refers to as the china virus. But nothing specifically on these numbers. The biggest takeaway here is while the numbers are good, theyre certainly not great and demonstrate a slowing in the recovery that were seeing right now. The new hiring last month far less than in either of the last two months before that. The president , steph, often talks about that vshaped recovery. Right now it doesnt look like that. Certainly no v. Not on the broader economy. Peter, leigh ann, thank you so much. I want to dig deep or the economy and bring in jason fu rman, an economics professor at harvard who was chair of obamas Economic Council of advisers. Whats your reaction to the numbers this morning . First numbers weve gotten that were largely what the market expected. Its a slowdown in the rate of growth. Its still a fast pace of growth but what worries me is that this was the really still the easy part of the recovery. Most of the people who got jobs in july were brought back to their old jobs. Theyve been on temporary layoff and got called back from layoff. Even if everyone got called back from layoff, wed still have an Unemployment Rate of 7 . And thats the really hard one to budge. So this is the low hanging fruit coming back. It came back with tremendous, tremendous federal assistance. That assistance has now ended. Its only going to get harder from here. You said previously no matter what the numbers are, theyd be an argument for more stimulus. However, a lot of republicans are going to see that number and say, see, we dont need that much help. I think this is something that President Trump and the white house actually understands better than many of the republicans in congress. Just look at what happened to retail and food sales. They made a vshaped recovery. Theyre all the way back to where they were 12 months ago. The only reason that happened, which is incredibly unusual in a recession of this magnitude, we havent seen anything like this with an Unemployment Rate this high is because of the ui checks were so large and because people got an additional set of checks on top of that. I think in his guts, President Trump understands the very simple idea that you give people more money, they spend more money, that supports more jobs. And i hope thats motivation to get a deal with the democrats. Then if theres no deal in the next few days or few weeks, explain how that impacts the economy because there are republicans that continue to make the argument, sure, people like being home and theyre spending money and going out to eat, but the economy would be better served if they went back to work, though there are very few industries that are hiring with great gusto. Yeah, first of all, you know, people are going back to work. People are coming off of temporary layoff and going back to their jobs. And by the way, you cant continue to collect your Unemployment Insurance if your employer calls you back. There have been a number of studies, none of them have found the 600 is raising the Unemployment Rate in any sort of a way, discouraging people from coming back to work. So i dont think thats much in the data to support that concern. Or anyone who wants a stronger economy, more people back at work is right to want that. The way to get that is to have people spending more money to have state and local governments not cutting back and laying people off, which on a nonseasonally adjusted basis they did again in the month of july. And to make sure theres enough demand in the economy. Those are the tools that policymakers have under their control if they dont pull those levers. This economy will dip back down again. But even if the economy passes a deal, does that actually juice excuse me, even if Congress Passes a deal, does that juice the economy . Or does it just keep things afloat until they have a vaccine, until this virus is really behind us . No, there was a debate back in march and april as to whether if you gave people money through unemployment or stimulus checks would they spend it or maybe there was nothing to spend it on. The research is now coming in. A number of economists have done papers, and you see people spending the money. When they are spending the money, that is supporting jobs in our economy. So we do have economic tools. I think those tools work now. They definitely cant fix the problem. This problem cannot be fixed without a vaccine. Our economic problems will even outlast the virus itself. But we can reduce those economic problems by using the very traditional economic medicine that was invented 90 years ago. We dont need to invent some new vaccine for the economy. We can use just a simple thing you give Unemployed People more money. They can spend more money. It wont solve all our problems but it will make it less bad. Things are looking more likely that the president could take executive action because congress is getting nowhere. If he does, ideally, what would you like to see him do . I sat in the white house in 2009 and 10 and led a process to come up with whatever we could to stimulate the economy, spend money more quickly through executive action. We came up with very, very little in that process. There was very little legal scope for us to do anything in that regard. It seems like maybe he could do the eviction moratorium. That would be a terrific thing for him to do. The payroll tax reduction is first of all, not that helpful because it only helps you if you have a job. People that dont have jobs are worried about it. It also seems flatly illegal. For republicans now so concerned about debt and deficit, that doesnt help that picture. Jason, i dont know where you are, but is that a shuffleboard table behind you . I have a my power is out. My internet is out and so i found this random club that took me in, gave me internet and thats a shuffleboard table. Well, i will tell you, thats a huge upgrade. Normally you look like youre in some sort of all white spaceship tunnel. You may want to stay in that gameroom. Who doesnt like shuffleboard. Ill see you soon, i hope. Good luck with your power. Someone with firsthand knowledge of how the Coronavirus Relief talks are going. Democratic senator dick durbin joins us live. Plus, packed house parties in my home state of new jersey. What are you doing . They are leading to a Coronavirus Spread on both coasts as the Ohio Governor tests positive and negative for the virus. We have the latest on the pandemic but first, todays daily dance video distraction. Tiktok now threatening legal action against President Trump after he signed an executive order last night banning u. S. Companies from doing business with apps with that Chinese Parent Company in 45 days unless its sold. The social Media Company said it was shocked by the order and that it sets a very dangerous precedent for the concept of Free Expression and an open market. The president issued the order citing National Security and privacy concerns. I do wonder how free market enthusiasts feel about that. Those are republicans. 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Developing now, the governor of new jersey issuing a stern warning that the coronavirus is spreading too quickly and widely across the state. New jersey was hit very hard earlier this year, but after a swift shutdown, cases dropped. Until now. Officials say one clear reason behind some of the new spikes, house parties. Thats right. House parties with hundreds of people attending. Our team of reporters is following the latest developments from coast to coast. I want to go first to ron allen in hoboken, new jersey. How are officials cracking down on these parties . Well, one thing theyve done is lower the limit to 25 people at any gathering down from 100. It was raised to accommodate graduations and those sorts of gatherings earlier in the year. The other thing happening, a massive statewide Awareness Campaign urging people to go out and get tested. Thats whats happening here at this urgent care where theyve seen the number goes up of people coming in. Employers sending employees to get tested to get back in business. The big problem is gatherings. Beach communities, especially down at the jersey shore where there have been dozens of new cases linked to various incidents. Some parties involving 700 people. Also a huge party in northern jersey that got a lot of attention. That, too, theres now an investigation under way to determine whether there are cases breaking out linked to that event. The governor, others are urging neighbors to call in when they see these things happening but its hard to do because these are private gatherings in peoples homes and backyards. And its summertime. Theyre showers, graduation parties, barbecues, and they are attended by people who let down their guard. Theyre not Wearing Masks or social distancing because the numbers are really bad here in new jersey back in march and april. And they spiked again over the weekend. The big concern is the transmission rate which means essentially that people who are coming down with the virus are spreading it to more than one person. That number got to be in recent weeks where it was during the worst of the epidemic here. But again, that number is coming down a little bit. The governor is adamant this is a crucial time for this state. People need to social distance, wear a mask. Limit their gatherings or we could be right back where we were and where some other states are right now. You let down your guard, you let down your community, you potentially let down your state. I want to head west to california. Another state dealing with these house parties where the number of cases continue to climb. Erin mclaughlin is live outside a hospital in burbank. Whats the latest . Hey, stephanie. Well, big focus here in california is on the 18 to 49yearold demographic comprising some 60 of all new coronavirus cases. Also seen as the demographic most likely to attend house parties. Great source of frustration for officials here in los angeles. The l. A. Mayor taking it a step further than what ron was just describing there in new jersey and threatening to cut off the water and power to any individual or company repeatedly hosting parties here in los angeles. That is effective as of this evening. Meanwhile, to the north of the state, in alameda county, officials there offering anyone who is a confirmed covid19 case 1,250 a week in relief to get them to stay home from work and out of the community to recover. Does not apply to anyone who is receiving unemployment benefits. Also does not apply to anyone receiving paid sick leave. Meanwhile, a big focus for the entire state of california is on the database used to collect coronavirus information. That was reported to have glitches earlier in the week. Still not fixed. Still not known at this point as a result the true extent of the outbreak here in california. Stephanie . Erin, thank you. I want to dig into what all of this means to you. Former cdc acting director dr. Richard besser. Also president and ceo of the Robert Wood Johnson foundation. New jersey knows firsthand that sheltering in place worked. March, april, we didnt understand this virus. That led to so many people spreading it to one another. We learned in places like new jersey you stay home, you get the numbers down. We are now on the eve of reopening schools and were seeing these house parties. What do we do about it . You know, as you know, im on the restart and Recovery Commission here in new jersey. And its really concerning. New jersey has done a really good job at driving down transmission and driving down spread of covid. But what were seeing around the country, were also seeing here in new jersey. And thats that a lot of young people are deciding the risk to them personally is low. The issue of staying at home and staying away from friends and social life is taxing and so theyre gathering. So how do you capture the hearts and minds of young people so that theres a recognition that while their own risk may be low, its not zero. There are a lot of young people who will get very sick from this. But the young people dont just stay with young people. They bring it home to relatives who are at higher risk. They bring it home to relatives who are elderly. And they transmit to essential workers who are out there doing their jobs. So its a really challenging issue, seeing different approaches in terms of fines and enforcement is one way to go. But we have to capture the hearts and minds of young people that theyre critically important to controlling this. Without a doubt. I want to talk about another issue really important to young people. Students. Today new yorks governor is going to decide whether or not schools in the state of new york can physically reopen. What is the one thing you would tell him as he weighs this decision . I think that theres a critical issue of equity here. In order to open safely, it has to be done based on the best Public Health science and approach and cdc has laid out a lot of great information on how this has to happen. But i havent seen the federal dollars coming down to allow schools to be able to hire the staff they need to clean. Hire staff to be able to screen students. Decompress classrooms so youre able to do that social distancing. And so wealthy school districts, those that are funded off property taxes where homes cost a lot of money are going to be able to do this. Lower income communities. Schools that serve black and brown children are not going to be able to do this. And while children in general will do fine with this, not all children, but most, staff and teachers are at risk. And seeing a situation where you have parents put at odds with teachers and staff is not a good place to be. And so, you know, we need to make sure that any school that opens, its being done based on Public Health recommendations, Public Health science and the needs of every child in america are viewed as having equal value. And the response to the president who continues to say schools need to reopen, theyre going to need federal dollars to do it. Speaking of governors, talk to me about the Ohio Governor mike dewine. He announced a positive covid test yesterday and then later in the day he took a second test that showed a negative result. If the governor of ohio, okay, who is taking a test before he was set to see the president , gets these kind of mixed up results, what can the rest of us expect . Yeah, its a challenging situation. Im not sure exactly what tests he had done. But in situations where theres not a lot of disease in community, where lower than 5 to 10 of people may have this, you will see false positive results. And so its very plausible that the first test, the positive test, was falsely positive. And that he was truly negative. You know, you want to have a situation where youre more likely to call someone positive who is not than a situation where you are more likely to call someone negative who is truly positive. But it is a confusing situation. Its another indication that we need better tests. That people are able to do at home. Tests accessible to everybody. But it does contribute to the confusion around this. Especially when were hearing such mixed messaging from politicians as compared to people in Public Health. Theres no confirmed supporting evidence the president now saying we could see a vaccine by election day. You say even if we do, people need to change the way theyre thinking that a vaccine doesnt mean superman is coming in to save the day. Yeah, you know, weve been a culturated by movies that vaccine comes in. In the movie contagion, its an exciting movie and the last 20 minutes, the vaccine is created and everyone is saved. Thats not the way it is. You never want a vaccine rushed to market that hasnt gone through the full safety and effectiveness testing. So that people can feel comfortable. But the other is that no vaccine is 100 . One of the best vaccines, measles vaccine, provides about 95 protection. Theres still, you know, over 100,000 children that die from measles each year. But many other vaccines, if you think about the flu vaccine. Each year the level of protection from that vaccine can vary from, at the best, about 50 to 60 reduction. And some years it provides almost no protection to those in the highest risk group. So no matter what, if a vaccine comes and i do not expect that there would be a safe and effective vaccine by november. If one comes, were still going to need to do these measures of Wearing Masks and social distancing and making sure that everyone has the support in terms of income and eviction protection so that they can do the right things to protect themselves, their families and their communities. Dr. Besser, always great to have you here. You make us feel safer and smarter. I want to go back to l. A. Were kicking off our new telemundy nbc news collaboration covering issues affecting the Hispanic Community. Were taking a look at covid19 testing challenges among farm workers. He found the pressure to keep working is forcing many to ignore the possibility of exposure to covid19. Thats what salvador, a father of four who works in the fields, is afraid of. So three weeks ago, he was exposed to coronavirus. Somebody came over to his house, tested positive right after. He decided not to get tested because hes scared of testing positive and not being able to go to work and make money for his family. The 500 he and his wife bring home every other week barely covered the bills so he kept working. He wasnt showing symptoms and didnt tell his boss. Instead, he and other workers widely warned each other to keep their distance. Ernestina works alongside hundreds of others at a pistachio packing plant. And even though they knew they were sick, they would go to work. She got coronavirus and stayed at home for a month, missing out on two weeks of pay. But before she got sick, she saw others hiding symptoms, holding in coughing fits for as long as they could. So she says, at work, she would go inside the rest room and hear her coworkers coughing because they were most likely sick with covid. Most likely sick but going to work because they needed to provide for their families. Guad joins us. Latinos account for nearly half of californians coronavirus death. Do you think we van accurate picture of how hard the Hispanic Community is being hit, specifically farm workers . Stephanie, its difficult to know because the key number here is the maybe 2 million undocumented workers in the state of california. Thats an estimate. Were talking about a group of people that live in the shadows. A large part of that group works in the fields in the Central Valley. The numbers tell us theres an uptick in infections in the Central Valley. We know the rates, the positive et rates for the people in the Central Valley have been as high as 17 . State authorities are sending in a task force to find out whats going on. We know who goes to get tested. We know who goes to a hospital. Unfortunately, we know who dies from the virus, but we dont know who gets the virus and decides to stay home and doesnt tell anyone. Thats what our reporting found. Because this community, because a lot of them live in the shadows, they dont tell people when theyre feeling sick. They dont say anything because to them, the most important thing is to keep making money. They dont have any other way of receiving the income they need for their families. So the issue here is the undocumented group force that lives in the shadows and just isnt saying anything. Thats whats been worrying state authorities and thats why now they are sending the help into the fields and into the community because this isnt a group of people that you can just send a commercial, send something on the radio because you have to go to them and speak to them for them to feel comfortable and say, you know what . I think i might be sick. I think i need a test. Its going to be a very difficult task for the state of california to figure out how many people are sick and how many of them need help, stephanie. Especially people whose number one fear is deportation. We are going to continue this. There are 11 million undocumented immigrants living in this country. And, remember, covid19 spreads through community spread. Weve got to find a way to keep everybody safe and well continue this. Next its a daunting situation for Small Business owners out there with some Small Businesses talking about selling their houses to keep things like their restaurants. Ill be asking Democratic Senate whip dick durbin when they could expect to see some sort of relief. We have already lost thousands of Small Businesses, but thousands more expected to close permanently. Gets complicated, a lot goes through your mind. How long will this last . Am i prepared for this . Are we prepared for this . With fidelity wealth management, your dedicated adviser can give you straightforward advice and tailored recommendations, with access to taxsmart Investment Strategies designed to help you keep more of what youve earned so youll know youre doing what you can for your family and your future. Thats the clarity you get with fidelity wealth management. 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Our schools, in a struggle to safely reopen, needing money for masks and ppe, and to ensure social distancing. And the costs to our economy, to our state budget . Mounting every day. We need to provide revenues now, to solve the problems we know are coming. We learned this morning that the u. S. Gained 1. 8 million jobs in july with unemployment falling to 10. 2 . A sign that the economic recovery across the country is moving in the right direction, but its slowing down. Even with millions of Americans Still out of work, lawmakers have not yet reached a deal on the next Coronavirus Relief package after two weeks of failed negotiations. Vaughn hillyard is in phoenix, arizona, where hes been talking to Small Business owners that are crossing their fingers that more relief is on the way. Vaughn, if Small Businesses go under, there wont even be jobs for people to go back to. They employ 47 of this country. What are you learning . Exactly. Lawmakers largely have headed home. These restaurants still have to operate. These Small Businesses still have to operate. Take chef silvano. She owns and runs barrio cafe here in phoenix. Back in the spring when we first met her, she was one of those Small Businesses that was having issues getting ppp funds. Ultimately those came in, but that ran out back in june. And ever since then, she tells me essentially its been like living on a respirator, trying to breathe in what she can into her business. Take a listen to a little bit of our conversation. I have given up my health insurance, my paycheck. Pretty soon ill be selling my house to try to keep this restaurant alive. At what point do i say, this is all i got . My message to washington, d. C. , is, top bickering with each other. Meanwhile, people are starving. People did not get that money on friday. They just got 240 from arizona. What is that going to do for anybody . Stephanie, chef silvana had two restaurants here in the valley. Shes already shut down one of them. Shes trying to hold onto the second one. Shes done everything right as a business owner. When she got that ppp funding, she didnt use her employees for the purposes of serving customers. She actually took the thousands of meals to the hospitals. The resources are dry. Her bank account is dry. She wants to keep her employees on, but the fate is up in the air for her. Law firms, lobbying firms, Money Managers and all sorts of other businesses that felt no coronavirus loss in their business took ppp money and nobody seems to care. Joining me to discuss more, illinois senator dick durbin. The second highest ranking democrat in the senate, the minority whip. You heard that story and youve heard similar stories from so Many Americans across the country. Yet here we are and there is still no deal on more aid. Why . Well, stephanie, before i answer that, and i will, let me say that the only path to Real Recovery in this country is control of the spread of this virus. We absolutely have to do that. And we on the democratic side want a dramatic investment in testing so we can reach the level of testing and the quick results that other countries take for granted. Now to the specific question that you asked. 85 of the billions of dollars we gave to Small Businesses will be spent by the end of this week. Theyve exhausted all of that. Its time to renew the Paycheck Protection Program, and its a bipartisan belief that we should. Its been bipartisan all along. The question that were getting down to is what we give to Unemployed People across this country. And you heard the lady who owned the restaurant in arizona say 240 a week. How do you feed your family, pay your rent, pay your utility bills . We believe the people who are unemployed at this moment in time are not lazy people. We have five Unemployed People for every job thats open in america. Giving folks enough to get by until this economy starts to open up again is not only good for them. Its good for the economy. So you say lets renew Paycheck Protection Program as is. Its an enormous amount of money that a lot of people could use and a lot of that money was misused and no one seems to be doing anything about it. Let me tell you, stephanie, we moved quickly. We wrote the bill in eight days. Put 3 trillion on the street because we saw the desperate situation in our economy and ill be the first to confess to you that some of the people that took advantage of it took advantage of taxpayers. It was a mistake. But were moving quickly in the hopes we can save enough lives and move enough businesses to the point where they can survive. Weve got to do better. Weve got to watch this program carefully. But let me tell you beyond the Paycheck Protection Program, we cannot overlook the reality that we have so many Unemployed People for every job vacancy. Employers are filling Job Vacancies more quickly than any time since 2012 and 70 of the people who have gone back to work, bless them, theyve gone back to work, are making less than they did on unemployment. This notion, somehow these people are lazy with their unemployment checks sitting on the couch, binging on netflix and eating chocolate covered cherries is not even close to reality. These folks are struggling to pay their bills and weve got to stand by them. How can we send people back to work if we havent sorted out any type of child care in this country for working families. If we have Virtual School and they cant go to work, what do they do . Its a big part of the Coronavirus Health and Education Bill that we put together with senator patty murray of washington. Its not just school. And school is critical. But its day care as well. A safe day care setting for children so that people can go back to work. That is one of the realities of life in america today. And unfortunately, we havent convinced the other side to invest in it. If congress cant come to any sort of agreement, the president is threatening executive action. Is that going to be better for the American People than getting nothing from congress . Let me tell you, the president has all these theories, his medical quackery theories, his executive order to restore the economy theory. The thing that works is when democrats and republicans sit down at the same table with the white house and come up with a bipartisan solution. We did on march 26th, 960, democrats and republicans. Currently, the Republican Leaders in the senate and the house refuse to even enter the room and sit at the negotiating table. That is no way to resolve this problem. We have got to come together. Weve got to do it in congress. The president can make all the claims he wants. He cannot solve this problem by executive order. You know what else the American People arent getting . Our mail on time. I want to talk about that. There have been a number of concerns about voting in november. And one concern are new policies that the new postmaster general is delaying service. Is there anything you can do about this . Yes, absolutely. We have a 25 billion investment in the Postal Service in the bill that passed 11 weeks ago. Speaker pelosi passed it in the u. S. House of representatives. Ive talked to the head of the Letter Carriers Union and local people and heres what it boils down to. The volume of mail moving through the Postal Service now is just like a christmas volume, and its been sustained because people are at home ordering online. And so the Postal Service is trying to keep up with it, and they need more help. They need more resources. They need more investment, more overtime. The new postmaster general came in and said were going to cut back. Just expect to see mail piling up on the docks in the post office. Thats unacceptable, particularly when were facing an election. In illinois, the first ballots will be mailed out september 24th. Weve got to have a Postal Service ready to receive those ballots and process them in a timely way. But senator, you know the president doesnt want mailin voting so while you may have a big plan for this and democrats support it, can you get any republicans on board . I hope so. But understand, the president doesnt like mailin voting unless its his own personal ballot which he mails in to florida. And this claim of fraud and mail is preposterous. Theres no evidence to support it. He is trying to create uncertainty as to this election to discourage people from voting, talking about changing the election day. All these other things hes come up with. Let me tell you. Weve got to see through this. November 3rd is americas chance to change leadership and move forward together. And start solving some of the problems this president has created. We have 5 of the worlds population in the united states. We have 25 of the covid infections in the world. That is nothing to be proud of. We can do better. See through it and do something about it. Senator, thank you so much for joining me. I appreciate it. Coming up former Vice President joe biden said hed announce his vp pick in the first week of august. Weve got the latest on who the frontrunners are and when it could be announced. We made usaa insurance for veterans like liz and mike. An army family who is always at the ready. So when they got a little surprise. Two . They didnt panic. They got a bigger car for their soontobebigger family. After shopping around for insurance, they called usaa who helped find the right coverage for them and even some muchneeded savings. That was the easy part. Usaa insurance is made the way liz and mike need it easy. Book two separate qualifying stays and earn a free night. The open road is open again. And wherever youre headed, Choice Hotels is there. Book direct at choicehotels. Com. Come on in, were open. All we do is hand you the bag. Simple. Done. We adapt and we change. You know, you just figure it out. Weve just been finding a way to keep on pushing. Joe biden set to make his most important choice any day now, his running mate. Our latest reporting this morning, Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer is still in the running to be his vp and that she has been all along. Mike memoli knows former vp best. Hes in wilmington, delaware, for us. Vp biden said he was going to make the announcement the first week of august. Last i checked, today is the 7th. Yeah, steph, i was in the room when the former Vice President made that timeline issued that timeline. I could have predicted at that time it was going to drag on just a little longer. Democrats are increasingly getting anxious at this delay, worried the effect on the vp choice is going to diminish them because of all the focus on their potential liabilities. The former Vice President pushed back on this in an interview that aired yesterday saying hes actually ahead of schedule, that he has narrowed down the selection and that he would be making an announcement soon. A Campaign Adviser is telling me this morning that that announcement could come actually as soon as monday. The traditional timeline for these announcements, usually just the weekend before the convention which would be a week from today, in fact. But steph, that choice has, in fact, narrowed. Were looking at a small group here. The milliondollar question is whether those interviews have happened yet and if theyve happened in person, steph. All right. Well, it is the 7th. The clock is ticking. Michael, thank you. Still ahead College Sports set to start at the end of this month. Well, some College Sports. But some players say its not worth the risk of getting sick or getting their family sick. 2021 nfl draft prospect caleb farley explained whats behind his decision to sit out this very important next season. Nigh. The open road is open again. And wherever youre headed, Choice Hotels is there. Book direct at choicehotels. Com. Neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair®. Weve got the retinol that gives you results in one week. Not just any retinol. Accelerated retinol sa. One week is all it takes. Neutrogena®. Sixtytwo thousand seven hundred and ten dollars and thirtyone cents. Sofi allowed me to refinance all of my loans to one low Interest Rate and an affordable monthly payment. And i just feel like theres an end in sight now and that my debt doesnt define me anymore. Sofi is helping me get my money right. Book two separate qualifying stays and earn a free night. The open road is open again. And wherever youre headed, Choice Hotels is there. Book direct at choicehotels. Com. New concerns surrounding the football season set to begin at the end of the month. A growing number of players are opting out saying its too risky to stay. Virginia tech cornerback and 2021 nfl draft prospect caleb far lee was the first highprofile player announce hell not be suiting up this season. Caleb, why did you make this choice . It was simple. Just growing concerns with myself and my family on my health and maybe getting my father sick or myself. Just growing worries helped me make this decision. You said your mother played a big role in this decision. She played a huge role. You know in 2018 i lost her to an illness. That also brought my father closer to me in my life. Always being around with me, even living with me at school sometimes. So she played a huge role as in i just knew i could not risk losing my father or even infecting my father with this sickness. What was the conversation like between you and your coach . The conversation was, you know, very heart warming, very real and he was very supportive of me and jumped right behind me and told me he loved me and did everything he could for me. You said that during the preseason, you were training indoors with 100 teammates and no masks. Do you think that the league is taking enough steps to try to keep players safe . I think the league is doing the best they can, they can do. The truth is, the steps the nfl is taking compared to the ncaa is completely different and i never got comfortable with what was going on. What did your other teammates tell you when you decided to make this move . They were happy for me, you know, they got right behind me also and pulling for me every step of the way and i still have their support to this day. Are you worried this could impact your ability to be drafted in the nfl . You know, each day i worry less and less, and im starting to get more excited about the process instead of worrying and i just got my head down and working hard right now. Then what are you going to do . Just spend your time working out . Yes, im down here in pensacola, florida right now training and preparing for the combine and Different Things like that, trying to get my body back where it should be. Then whats your advice to other players who are trying to make this decision whether or not they should play . My advice to other players would be to just cancel out all outside influences and think about what you desire in your heart. You cant let anybody else influence your decision. What are you going to be doing about school . Are you getting your degree this year . Im out of school and 100 locked in on football but i made a promise to my mother i would get my degree. Im like five classes away and in due time i will have that Virginia Tech degree. Well, ive got a feeling youre going to keep that commitment to your mother. Good luck to you and stay healthy. Thank you. That wraps up this very busy hour after this busy week for me. Im stephanie ruhle. Next, Connecticut Governor ned lamont. , Connecticut Governor nd lamont no uh uh, no way come on, no no nnnnono only discover has no annual fee on any card. Guys guys safe drivers save 40 safe drivers save 40 safe drivers save 40 thats safe drivers save 40 . It is, thats safe drivers save 40 . Hes right there. Its him safe drivers do save 40 . Click or call for a quote today. Did you know prilosec otc can stobefore it begins . Urn . Heartburn happens when stomach acid refluxes into the esophagus. Prilosec otc uses a unique delayedrelease formula that helps it pass through the tough stomach acid. It then works to turn down acid production, blocking heartburn at the source. With just one pill a day, you get 24hour heartburn protection. Prilosec otc. 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Yup, the best really did get better. Magnificent. Xfinity x1 just got even better, with peacock premium included at no additional cost. No strings attached. Good friday morning, everyone. We start with breaking news on the pandemics Economic Impact on this country. The Labor Department just out with last months jobs report showing a gain of 1. 8 million jobs. That is slightly better than expected, but a major drop from junes nearly 5 million job increase, a sign of a slowing economic recovery. The Unemployment Rate improving slightly to 10. 2 . In washington, warnings of a stalemate in relief bill talks, a heated meeting last night ending with no deal and not much optimism going forward. Senate democratic leader Chuck Schumer saying he is pleading with the white house to keep on negotiating. The white house, though, pushing today as the deadline before a shift to a much more limited range of executive actions with another key

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