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Operators this week, but and i called one individual usually pretty connected and said any upcoming attacks that we dont know about . Have you run the traps as well . Well, ive been focusing on the mueller trump russia news tonight, brian, but its just so remarkable that there are so many possibilities here because of the posture of this administration. North korea, iran, yemen. Were taking Military Action in countries around the world where we havent been before. You know, theyre really leaning on the balls of their feet here in terms of the military and people are wondering, you know, what could be next. Yeah. I think thats why people were so concerned when they backed away and looked at the substance of what the president said tonight. Counselor, help us turn the corner into the mueller investigation. So muellers associates have found the author of the dossier. We learn this a day after there were complaints in the senate that they havent found, nor is he cooperating with them. Does the mueller team get to be the first and last american interview with this gentleman . Is mueller chief among equals of all the people investigating this . Usually thats how it works. The senate and the house are working on this as well, of course, but so far theyve been deferring to the mueller investigation. And thats really the way that it should be because criminal charges are going to take precedence over any sort of Impeachment Proceedings or anything else that happens. We know that mueller is going to be writing a report when hes done about what happened here and in the case that criminal charges are not brought that report, of course, will go to the congress for any action that they may take. So it makes sense that mueller would go firs and also actually that steele would prefer to talk to mueller and his team. Why is that . Well, hes an intel officer, a former british intel officer. Hes used to dealing with Law Enforcement. Hes probably more comfortable in that world rather than dealing with congress, elected politicians. I think hed be a little bit happier to be with mueller and his team. So even to a brit, who has spent time in the intel world, this is a case where muellers resume and reputation may have gained him entree that the senate has been unable to get. Of course. I mean, mueller was fbi director for ten years, so im sure that he even knows mueller and his work from his time with prish intel, trusts him as pretty much everyone seems to. Im not surprised that he was able to interview steele. Ken, on the dossier, you noticed something about the Senate Briefing yesterday, the press briefing, just the way they were approaching the subject and dealing with it. I found it remarkable that the republican chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee Richard Burr basically said that while they havent been able to corroborate many parts of the dossier, they did he used the word rebuild. I think he meant they were constructing a timeline in trying to line updates and times and facts. Essentially theyve krobld parts of it. And i went back and checked with some sources to make sure im understanding that correctly. Its absolutely what theyre saying. Theyre not telling us which parts, but its just remarkable to me that at this stage in the investigation you have mueller going with his team to interview stooem because after all the fbi has had this information in the dossier for many months. So what this tells me is they are now following up, following new leads. They want more information and this dossier, dont forget is a very i mean, it makes alarming allegations that donald trump is completely compromised by russia and that russian intelligence had completely infiltrated the trump campaign. Eli, what ken just said is the kind of factual charge in chief in the document. The document also, how do i say this, contains a pornographic and decidedly none high generalic portion. Knowing this was in the public sphere, donald trump who was enough of a germ oh phone to go a long time in his life preferring not to shake hands, especially at large gatherings, donald trump came out, talked to the media about this dossier. Youre going to rescue me after we listen to donald trump. When i leave our country, im a very high profile person, would you say . I am extremely careful. I was in russia years ago with the Miss Universe contest which did very well. The moscow area. Did very, very well. And i told many people be careful, because you dont want to see yourself on television. Cameras all over the place. And again, want just russia, all over. Does anyone really believe that story . Im also very much of a germ aphone, by the way. Believe me. What was notable about that answer and why it was a laugh line in the room, most of us in the Mainstream Media had not yet and still have not talked about the details in the dossier, knowing that people who want to read it can. They can and i dont know that we need to talk in great detail about it right now. We do not. But i will remind you that the campaign also had a Partner Graphic shall we say portion to it that was embarrassing for the president , the access Hollywood Tape and he survived that. I dont think at this point the president is worried about embarrassment. Most of the salacious details in that dossier they did come out in the campaign and thats what precipitated that Press Conference right there. What keeps the president up at night what eats at him and what he conveys in private conversations im told with people whom he speaks with about this investigation is the overarching concern about his legitimacy as a president , his presidency in whole in terms of what happens down the road. Theres this Uncertainty Hanging over him that eats at him. It frustrates him. And anything just not knowing whats going to happen is something i think for a guy who is so reflexive in terms of tweeting all his inner most feelings, its a little remarkable that We Havent Heard witchhunt, We Havent Heard him complaining much publicly about this. Hes still very concerned about this. You go back to the dossier and the things that are in that and the 2013 pageant in moscow and what was happening, some of the people who were around him then, his associates who ernds who are russians, they are part of this investigation. Theyre part of some of these people are the same people who were involved in setting up that meeting in trump tower where they were offering the information about hillary clinton. So theres a lot of Overlapping Circles here, and i think the president is just scared. He just wants to to be over. The people around him have had some success at tam ping down. Counselor, if youre ty cobb over at the white house and you hear that muellers folks have talked to steele, what are you thinking . Oh, i think theyre all terr pied. Ty cobb is a very experienced lawyer, so im sure he knows how to deal with this sort of thing. Up, its crisis time at the white house. Theyre having to gather up these documents and hand these things over. The mueller team is starting to purview people within the white house. Its crunch time. And so i think that theyre all very worried about what will happen. And if youre muellers person and by all accounts he has really put together kind of an all star legal team. What document to know from steele . Do you ask steele show us your homework. Exactly. So the dossier itself is not going to be usable evidence and steele himself is not going to be usable because he doesnt have personal knowledge. You need to get to under the dossier to the sources. Theyll go to the sources themselves. Theyll then try to corroborate those sources with other sources. Evidence that actually can be used in Ray Court Of Law and not just kind of things that are good enough for an oppo report. There you have it. Two journalists and a former assistant u. S. Attorney in new york. It must be thursday night on our broadcast. First break for us and coming up, Rex Tillerson called to the white house amid this fall out and the bosss anger over being called a moron. New report on the ground that when the 11th hour continues on a thursday night. Were just getting started. Hi, im the internet you know whats difficult . Adulting. Tj get a job hi, guys. Im back. 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Thats how the white house publicly handled the nbc news reporting that the Secretary Of State Rex Tillerson called the president he seshs a moron. Privately tonights new reporting says this. Trump was furious when he saw the nbc news report, which was published shortly before 6 00 a. M. Wednesday. For the next two hours the president fumd inside the white house, venting to kelly, officials said. Nbc news can also report the Chief Of Staff john kelly summoned tillerson to the white house and they were joined by mattis. The three men apparently huddled to discuss a path forward. With us to talk about all of it, Axios National political reporter Jonathan Swan and White House Correspondent for Bloomberg Shannon pettypiece. We welcome both back to our broadcast. Jonathan, lets bump the focus out to a wider shot here. How bad, how poisonous is the relationship now, in your view, based on those youre talking to and is this at all sustainable . Its really bad. Its actually worse than i thought it was 24 hours ago. Look, we reported three weeks ago that the relationship was terrible. We reported some things that trump had been saying about Rex Tillerson privately, that he just doesnt get it. That hes totally establishment in his thinking. He had alienated just about every constituency in washington. But in the past 24 hours, yes, trump has put on a public face of its all fake news. I have full confidence in rex. His private face has been completely different. I now know have high degree of confidence in that based on conversation ive had over the past 24 hours. Their relationship is terrible. He views rex as being disloyal. He doesnt understand why rex couldnt just have come out and said no, i didnt call the president of the United States a moron. So, yes, its really bad and im yet to speak to anyone inside the white house who views this as a sustainable situation. Thats not to say that, you know, i have any reporting to suggest that hes going to get fired on, you know, friday or anything remotely like that, but nobody thinks that this can continue. Its an unsustainable situation. All right, shannon. Jonathan has nicely set up the equation here. Here is the other part of this. With so many dar tours lately and especially given the number of Foreign Countries who vener ate the job of United States Secretary Of State may more than our president generates the job and title and role, can they afford a departure anytime soon . I think that and two other things may be the only things that tillerson has in his favor at this point based on i agree with a lot of what jonathan said. One, optically it would look bad because the president has already come out and called this a made up story, fake news, called on congress to investigate fake news. So if he fired tillerson now based off this report, he would be acknowledging that it was true and that his own Secretary Of State thought he was a moron. So i think theres going to have to be a little bit of time that passes. And, you know, despite the thakt that he doesnt have a lot of allies coming to his defense, he does have three really good advocates inside the white house right now in pence, kelly and mattis, who at least for now seem to be advocating for him and trying to keep him in that position. But unlike the price situation, there isnt this ground swell of support coming from the hill, from former Administration Officials from within the white house. With sessions that was really a red line. I dont hear that similar talk with tillerson. I think a lot of us who cover this white house now, we would be really, really surprised if tillerson is here long after his one year anniversary. Maybe it makes it until then, but i felt like from the first month of this administration i thought it would be a surprised if he made it past one year, but i think we all feel increasingly so now. Jonathan, where is that infrastructure package . Thats my way of asking the next question. How much time and energy has this sapped from the administration and core lar aerl, how much work got done this week . Well, again, these news cycles consume the president. He has obviously been dealing with las vegas and puerto rico. Look, infrastructure has gone nowhere. I understand that thats just your way into this whole situation. What they have got now is a big problem ahead of them, which is continuing resolution to fund the government coming up in december. Weve got a defense plus up that who knows if theyre going to get anywhere near the number that the defense hawks what. And guess what . Theyve also got tax reform. Thats still very, very, very thin at the moment. So theyve got a whole lot of lemgts laib work ahead of them and theres still huge problems internally. Just asking as a taxpayer. You could brak a Tooth Driving across town in new york and so many other cities. Shannon, do you, do we believe the Stand By Meesque Band Of Brothers, these three, tillerson, kelly and mattis, this agreement theyve formed, one for all, all for one. If one of us is under attack, the three of us may consider leaving . I do. I think youre missing an important one too which is dunford, the joint chiefs of staff. I think tillerson, mattis and dunford, theyre marines, theyre generals. I think that is a real Band Of Brothers there. I think possibly mcmaster also. Hes not ma reasons, but a former military man. I think tillerson may be a bit on the outskirts of that because he does not share he has not literally been to war in the battle with these guys. But, you know, he is sort of globd on to their alliance here. So for now. But were certainly going hes going to have to play his cards right. Theyre not going to be able to pull everything for him. All right. Thank you very much. What an interesting conversation tonight. And there are so many moving parts. Jonathan swan, shannon pettypiece, i hope both of you will consider rejoining us on this broadcast very, very soon and as soon as you have more news. Coming up after our next break, trump has gone after the iran deal like its a hobbled zebra in a nature special. But is he still as patiently against it as he once was or is he looking for an out . That and more as we continue. Serious Brain Infection caused by a virus may be possible. Tell your doctor if you have an infection, experience frequent infections, or have flulike symptoms, or sores. Liver problems can occur with entyvio. If your uc or crohns medication isnt working for you, ask your gastroenterologist about entyvio. Entyvio. Relief and remission within reach. Call prepared remarks. President trump today emphasized his displeasure with the iran nuclear deal, continuing a trend that stretches from the very beginning reaches of his campaign throughout his presidency thus far. I think the deal is horrible. I think the deal is absolutely horrible. Kerry might be worse because hes making a deal with iran that is so bad and so dangerous and so incompetent and student that it will have grave consequences. I dont know if youve been seeing whats going on with iran. They violated one of the worst deals ive ever seen negotiated at any level. Im not talking about country. Im talking about at any level. This is the dumbest agreement i think ive ever seen. As far as iran is concerned, i think they are doing a tremendous disservice to an agreement that was signed. It was a terrible agreement. It shouldnt have been signed. It shouldnt have been negotiated the way it was negotiated. Im all for agreements, but that was a bad one, as bad as ive ever seen negotiated. The iran deal was one of the worst and most onesided transactions the United States has ever entered into. Frankly, that deal is an embarrassment to the United States. Well now theres this. The Washington Post reports President Trump plans to announce next week that he will decertify the International Deal with iran saying it is not in the interest of the United States and kicking the issue to a reluctant congress. Joining me now, Joe Certificate even scene president of the plow shares fund and author of these books pertinent to this conversation. So hes a romantic comedy writer. Rick sentencing el. Gentlemen, welcome. And joe, id like to begin with you. What was the president basing that criticism on lo these many months . Do you think he actually did a granular destruction of the iran deal or who had his ear, question one. And question two is for americans smart enough to be watching this broadcast tonight, whats in it for them . Why should they if your view is support the iran deal . Well, brian, it would be very interesting to know if the president understands whats in the iran deal. If somebody were to ask him to describe it because its very hard to believe that the president would disagree with the deal that required iran to shrink its program down to a fracture of its former size before the deal and then wrap it in an unprecedented verification procedure. I dont understand why the president doesnt believe his National Security team when they tell him to a person the Secretary Of State, the secretary of defense, the National Security adviser, that this is a good deal in americas National Security interests. I dont think he understands whats in it. Incompetent hes trapped in this campaign rhetoric. It became a political point. The republicans oppose the deal because of democratic president had negotiated it. And so whats in americas interests right now . This deal is supported by all our allies, all our european allies. Its supported by people who were formerly opposed to the deal like Chuck Schumer in the senate, like senator cornyn. Like the sawed i didnt see, like the israeli and Military Intelligence leaders. Why . Because it stops iran from getting a bomb. If the president pulls the plug and pulling out of this agreement that could put us toward pill terry conflict with the middle east at exactly the staple time. That is an extremely dangerous situation. You put it look that it sounds important. Rick, so this now go z to congress whereel they always work with deliberate speed and always seem to do the right thing. What is going to happen then. I have to say i have not written any books that are relevant to this agreement with joe, but i agree with Everything Joe said. The president is still a captive of his campaign rhetoric. Anything that barak obama did he has to reverse. And in fact, its not lets stipulate he hasnt read one of the agreement. I think we can all agree with that. But its want that difficult. Iran was a Nuclear Threshold state that president , Secretary Of State, Ernie Mun Ease went in ask basically created a situation where they pulled back. They destroyed reactors. They agreed to enrich plow the approximate. 76 level. All of these things which make them not able to do a nuclear warhead. If we had that deal with north korea ten years ago, north korea wouldnt have a nuclear warhead. I actually think people like Chuck Schumer who were against the deal now came over for it. I think people will be reluctant to decertify it. We will be going against our allies, england, france, russia, china. This would make us so untrust worthy on the international stage. So, joe, youve been around awhile. If both you guys are right and hes going to do this against a pile of evidence and all the aides in this area around him, that takes a pile of acquiescence. I get that theres one boss in the west wing, but theres a lot of people who are going to have to go against their principles and look the other way if this decision comes down this way. Right. This is why theyre scrambling. So theres other reports out tonight that mcmaster had a group of senators over to his for dinner on wednesday night, and he indicated that he was very uncomfort alk with this. You clearly see Rex Tillerson uncomfortable with this. Defense secretary mattis testified on wednesday that it was in the u. S. National security interest to keep the deal, to stay in the deal. So theyre trying to find some clever way out of this, some way to decertify irans compliance on the deal on vague National Security grounds but somehow stay in the deal. I dont think theres a way to do that. Thats why some of these people are so worried that theyre trying to do this hugh deany trick, redefine the deal. Thats the latest gambit. Unilaterally rediefine a deal that you negotiated with seven other countries. Were heading for a train wreck here on American Diplomacy thats going to damage u. S. Credibility for years to come. How is the State Department and our Secretary Of State currently viewed by our friends overseas . Well, our friends overseas dont know what to make of President Trump. They were beginning to get acclimated to tillerson and then now they see this rupture that your earlier segment. It cannot be a Good Relationship and i cant see how tillerson lasts that much longer past his first year as your previous folks said. So i think people around the world are now worried because if that gets unraveled, then you have, you know, chaos as Senator Corker said. Gentlemen, thank you so much. And by the way, everyone who needs the countervailing view of todays politics, buy rick sentencing els book on man dell la. It will have the desired effect. If you need to be scared by any or all offos books. Thank you, gentlemen, both very much. Coming up, is Congress Ready to take on at least part of the Kun Control Debate by out las vegas just one part of an actual gun thats been in the news a lot this week. Were back with that right after this. My business was going nowhere. So i built this kickin new website with godaddy. Building a website in under an hour is easy 68 of people. Who have built their website using gocentral, did it in. Under an hour, and you can too. Type in your business or idea. Pick your favourite design. Personalize it with beautiful images. And. Youre done and now business is booming. Harriet, its a double stitch not a cross stitch build a better website in under an hour. Free to try. No credit card required. Gocentral from godaddy. This part, which again can be bolted on to the hugely popular long gun, the Ar 15 Type Rifle and the ak 47. So with us tonight, nbc news correspondent Steve Patterson who spent some time yesterday out in the Nevada Desert at one of numerous places in the Nevada Desert talking with a Firearms Expert about the kinds of weapon the gunman owned and used. Steve, take it away. Explain what this is. Reporter well, brian, in sort of the tragic irony in all this, the larger Gun Ownership Community really before this week considered these Bump Fire Stocks to sort of be something of a novelty, almost like a toy. I mean, nobody seriously involved in the marksmanship community, in the hunting community, certainly in Law Enforcement or in the military would ever really consider practically using these things. So for the purpose of what were talking about, obviously semiautomatic rifle, one pull, one shot. Fully automatic rifle you hold that trigger down and the gun continues to fire. What this does not do is fully convert a semiautomatic gun to a fully automatic rifle. What it does instead is as youre leaning on that stock, it makes you pull that trigger faster than humanly possible. It is wildly inaccurate. It is unwieldel, but uncan any the way it simulates automatic fire and its practically haunting. We went to that nevada shooting range. I want you to take a look at this live fire example and well talk about it after the junk. So weve got two semiautomatic womens, long guns. One is outfitted with the bump fire stock. Correct. So we just want to know the difference between what its like for you to squeeze the trigger each time and then what its like when that bump fire happens. Great. Yeah. Well start with the semiauto and im going to put this trigger as fast as i can. So now well go ahead and do the bump fire. Right. So you see that there. Theyre relatively cheap, about 150 to 3. Easy to find, easy to install. But the most frustrating thing about these, the glaring loophole here is because every time your finger comes off that trigger and then pulls it again, they are technically legal. That is still technically a semiautomatic rifle. As we mentioned, wildly inaccurate, but if you have an extended magazine, if you have a scope, if you have a tripod, if youre sitting in an elevated position looking down on thousands of people, what the result was, obviously, this week was the worst mass tragedy mass shooting in american history, brian. Steve patterson in the background there, of course, is the manned lay bay, hotel and casino in las vegas. Steve, thank you so much. And joining our conversation at this point is erica warner, congressional correspondent for the associated press. So erica, how surprised were you . The nra so rarely gives up ground in their decades long fight for all freedoms possibly under the second amendment. How surprised were you that they opened the door today to increased regulation of this part . Well, initially it was very surprising to hear not just the nra but before them leading Congressional Republicans open the door to any gun regulations, which have just been absolutely off the table after sandy hook, after orlando, after steve scalise, the House Majority whip was injured in gunfire. But on closer examination there are some reasons that these bump stocks make sense as an area where the nra might be willing to put the cam els nose into the tent, as they say. One is that as your correspondent was saying, theyre very little used. Most members of congress had not heard of these. Theyre not a widely used accessory among gun thuists. They do not account for a lot of re new for industry, which is an increasingly powerful part of the nra board. And as well this is something that can potentially be done by regulation as opposed to legislation. There is not a legislative fight. Theres not a vote potentially. Its just done by the administration. And for those reasons this could be a relatively step for the nra to take. I should also add as happens, they are selling so fast and in such numbers because people anticipate losing the opportunity to own them that soon were going to reach the point where everyone who wants one may have one. Back to your other point. What about new town wasnt sad enough after those first graders . What about orlando wasnt sad enough . What is it about vegas that in your view covering that place seems to have prompted some movement . Well, this is why those of us who have been around the hill for a while just felt so certain that nothing at all would happen. Right. Because as senator dine fine steen, who has been a leader on this issue, author of the Assault Weapons ban that was in effect for ten years before expiring in 2004, she tried to reintroduce that after new town and it went nowhere. And she said that if the sight of all these slaughtered School Children doesnt do the trick, then nothing will. But then when it comes to just these bump stocks, this is a very narrow step. Nobody nonetheless, it is surprise. But it is a narrow step, really the least they could do by some respects. In fact, democrats including feinstein are already feeling like the nra and republicans are kind of pulling a fast one here in taking aim at a very small device that before this incident had p not been wellknown at all and instead of taking the legislative route to permanently ban it, just do a kind of do it by regulation and say, okay, now weve done something. Weve acted. Yeah. I heard one democrat today saying dont confuse this with gun control. This would be Novelty Device Control instead. Exactly to your point. Erica warner of the associated press. Thank you so much for joining us. Thank you. And explaining all the politics behind this. Another break for us. And coming up, word of another location across america. The gunman in las vegas may have been scouting. That when the 11th hour continues. History. Nbc news citing senior Law Enforcement officials saying the gunman who massacred dozens in las vegas researched possible Attack Locations in boston and chicago. Thats chilling. We have new insight from the gunmans girlfriend reporting, quote, she said he would lie in bed and just said moeng and screaming oh my god, said one of these former officials. Joining us now shawn henry, former executive ken did he laneian rejoins us as well. Ken, you were the author of all this reporting today. In the course of it, what was the biggest thing you came across. Well, brian, that nugget that Marilou Danley toll the fbi that sherls him in Mental Anguish, lying in bed moeng, screaming oh, my god. At least gave us some indication that there were some mental problems here. And another source told us, you know, a similar story about Mental Anguish. That, of course, doesnt explain what happened. There are a lot of people in Mental Anguish in this country. They dont go out and commit mass shootings. Were really lacking four days after this incident any kind of picture of what the motive is. Its really an anomaly and mystery. But ill say, though, we dont have the full ikt approximate here. The fbi and local authorities are looking presumably at his email and private correspondence and reportedly a note that was left. And we dont know whats in that stuff, so they obviously know more than we do. But right now its a haunting mystery as to what his mental state was and what his motive was. Okay, shawn, of the three of us, youre the fbi veteran. A couple questions here. A, do you agree with the view that finding his carloaded up with some really dangerous stuff was maybe an indicator he had no surrender on his list of plans . And b, does any of from the girlfriend, any of the details that came out today get you closer to a Motive Theory . Brian, you know, the tannerite and ammonium nitrate, youve got explosive devices or materials that are used in ieds, that is a whole new aspect to this. We heard it early on in the week, but as we start to look at this and his motivation as this comes full circle, looking at all the weapons. And this is a much broader plot, i think, i listened interestingly to the sheriff yesterday talking. What he said out right that hes considering that there may be somebody else. Hes want convinced that there isnt somebody else. And we, you and i talked about that efrlier in the week as well. So this mystery continues. When i listened to the dpirl friend today, there is not that much that i heard that was of concern. I heard the comment about Mental Anguish or screaming out in pain. I think that theres got to be a little more to that. I saw some other reports of neighbors saying that he liked his privacy. He built a Privacy Fence even though he had a home that was somewhat secluded. These are things were going to get bits and pieces over the next couple of weeks. The last thing ill mention, brian, is ken talked about exploiting, continuing to exploit emails. There are a number of Electronic Devices ive heard about that he had that will be exploited. Theyll be looking at who he was talking to in the days and weeks leading up to this. But as important, you mentioned scouting out some of these other areas and his Credit Card Trail for the weeks leading up to this is going to be very important point for investigators to follow. Those are the pieces that will help to pull this together as we try to determine what this crazy issue was and what caused this man to kind of go over the edge, brian. Superb explanation, gentlemen, of these details that came out today and bringing us uptodate on this grim investigation. Ken did he laneian, shawn henry, both friends of our broadcast. Thank you so much, gentlemen, for coming on. Coming up tonight, someone in regular contact with the president that this country hasnt heard from in a long tomb. Were back with that right after this. Hi, im the internet you know whats difficult . Adulting. Hi, guys. Im back. Time to slay no,i have a long time girlfriend. You know whats easy . Building your website with godaddy. Get your domain today and get a free trial of gocentral. Build a better website in under an hour. Last thing before we go here on a thursday night is a woman we dont hear much from and dont hear much about. Evan that trump, Donald Trumps first of his three wives granted an interview to cbs sunday morning. She was asked about her relationship with her exhusband, donald trump. Is he still a big part of your life . Yeah, he is. He is. In what way . Well, we speak to each other. How often . Maybe once a week. He asks for your advice. And hes still asking me for advice, yes. What will he ask for your advice about. He ask me about should i tweet, should i not tweet. He asked you should you tweet. Yeah. And what have you told him. I say i think you should tweet. She said she turned down his offer to serch as ambassador to the Czeck Republic because she

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