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Msnbcs tremaine lee is live in ferguson. It is raining where you are. Whats going on today and what are protesters believing they accomplished over the weekend . Reporter as you mentioned, you see behind me the winds are whipping up, rain is coming down and appropriately demonstrators in the water a few minutes ago. They expect this event to anchor a full day of civil disobedience across the city. Folks are, you know, still steadfast. Clergy are asking folks to stay out for at least four hours, the time Michael Browns body laid out in the street. Are the protesters articulating a set of distinct demandses . We know people have been calling for the arrest of Darren Wilson. There is this grand jury process taking place. Are there specific demands beyond that protesters are making . Reporter their demands encapsulate just that. Justice for supporters of Michael Browns family and Michael Browns family itself would be an arrest of Darren Wilson. Now, i spoke with Michael Browns father yesterday and he spoke of stepping out and being strong for all the supporters who have come out en masse and in droves to support his familys cause. Lets listen. Theres a whole lot on my back now. Its a situation where im im not going to never heal on the inside, you know. I can get by maybe day by day. You can look and see, probably think im doing okay and im really not, but its just something i have to work on. We have a lot of support and i have to be strong for other people, too. And, you know, in addition to mike browns dad obviously there, have the brown family and Vonderrit Myers family, have they spoken . I know in the Trayvon Martin case you have families of people who lost children come together. Have you seen that . Reporter they have. I spoke in a room with browns family and myers family, and they got a call from jordan davis father. They become part of a club no one wants to be a part of. Michael brown said yesterday a piece inside of him will never heal. So, beyond the movements of the case and the particular details, regardless of how it turns out, this family will be forever changed by the death of michael brown. Last question to you. What has been the posture of police during these protests over the weekend . Reporter so far at todays event, taking cue from moral mondays, Sources Say Police are reluctant to make arrests. At least a dozen here so far as demonstrators step close to the line and subsequently arrested. We saw last night more than a dozen arrests in st. Louis with officers banging their batons on the ground and using different tactics, some say they were ambushed. While its related to ferguson october and this weekend didnt yield many arrests. Msnbcs tremaine lee, thank you very much. Appreciate it. Reporter thank you. Some of the most powerful moments from this weekends protests can be heard in the voices of people who live in and around ferguson and st. Louis, including people of all ages joining together to call for change. Take a listen. This is what democracy looks like. This is what democracy looks like. Tell me what democracy looks like. This is what democracy looks like. Tell me what democracy looks like. This is what democracy looks like. You cant stop the revolution. You cant stop the revolution maria is a Missouri State senator who represents ferguson. State senator, thank you for being here. Thank you. When we saw these protests over the weekend, they dont seem to be getting less intense. Weve had now more than a month of protests. People still seem to be out there in full force, full strength. What are you hearing from demonstrator as to what they want now . What are their principle demands . People are still looking for justice, joy, but the amazing thing about it, this weekend when weve had people from all over the country come, what we have figured out doing is to be organized, which is really, really have we lost the state senator . I dont think we can hear her. Hopefully well get the state senator back. Hopefully well try to get her back. We have, of course, heard what these weekends protests sound like. Lets take a closer look at the response to these protesters and what it looks like. Specifically outside that Quik Trip Convenience store in ferguson, missouri, after Police Say One of their Police Cruisers was pelted by rocks. Eugene odonnell is a professor of law at jon jay college. You have Police Officers walking in a line and, like, stamping their batons on the ground and sort of chanting, almost like theyre marching, too. Have you ever seen that kind of formation before . Why would police do that . What would be the point of it . Cant say ive seen it. I dont know what the strategy is. A lot of whats going on in ferguson, i dont know what the strategy is, including the way they responded to the shooting itself and some of the after issues with some of this militarized equipment. I dont know. And the fiveminute rule they were enforcing that they no longer can do. So, i guess theyre improvising. This is really a reflection of a Crisis Management without any kind of planning that should have gone into this. Hopefully the planning that should have gone into this is not have the crisis in the first place. This is police on the back foot trying to catch up, obviously. Were looking now at video of the protests in front of the quik trip where you have seated protesters, officers stamping their batons on the ground, this chanting. Its odd. Almost like a fraternity sort of. That could be intimidating, couldnt it . Isnt the idea in a situation like this toe try to deescalated the tension . That doesnt look like thats going to do that. Well, tactics do evolve so this might be something new. I havent seen it before. I dont see the the tried and true issue is to try to engage the protesters and give them as much leeway as possible. Respect their First Amendment rights and make sure violence does not occur to the greatest extent can you possibly do this. I mean, now that you have had the court ruling that said you cant tell protesters they have to keep moving. The idea the police are actually moving, you have this sort of phalinx of armed Police Officers, theyre armed, and they have these shields. Is the fact theyre moving provocative rather than the protesters are static. Violence begets violence. Can you breed violence if youre not using proper restraint and planning and information, intelligence, just finding out what everybodys up to and engagement. Again, we go back to engagement over and over again. Hopefully that doesnt look like engagement. I hope theres something we dont see optically on tv thats going on that speaks to engagement. How would you advise the ferguson and st. Louis Police Departments to deal with this Going Forward . Eventually a decision will be made about officer Darren Wilson. Another officer named in the other case. How would you advice these Police Departments to deal Going Forward. These protesters arent going anywhere ask they could escalate, if, in fact, theres not an indictment. What would you advise these Police Departments to be doing . Building bridges to people, building bridges to clergy. The scenes of yesterday, here, there, people out in front. Trying toe build bridges and get best practices and not being hesitant to call for help. There might be big city Police Departments that have been through this and will have a better handle on how to police this democratically, respecting peoples First Amendment rights. Definitely, dont keep it inhouse and definitely be open to learning lessons, you know, on a regular basis here, really on a daily basis. There have been calls for federal intervention, obviously. We have seen cases where the federal government really does come in in a big way with Police Departments that have sort of lost the trust of the community theyre policing. Is ferguson, at least in your view, getting to that point . It doesnt seem bdges are being built. Protesters who arent even moving are being arrested. Theres no fivesecond rule but people are still being forcibly moved by the polices movement. Is this a case where the federal government could be helpful . The well appears to be very poisoned here. It appears to be poisoned by the fact you have two separate towns going in different directions. The official ferguson and a lot of the community was not on the same page. They should also be a wakeup call. We shouldnt take a crisis. This is not the only town in america that has these underlying issues. Police departments need to realize this 19th Century Policing weve seen in a lot of places. Police have to evolve, start changing, do it urgently. Citizens are not going to accept policing from yesteryear. They want current, up to date policing. They can see what the police do, see what government does. It seems theyre no longer going to tolerate things. The more you see the criminal justice system, not just the police, the more unsettling youll find yourself. Its almost a misnomer because you saw an attempt to peacefully deescalate with the population there. Thank you. We do have back state senator nadal. Are you there . Yes, i am here. Thank you so much. Lets talk a little bit about you were saying when you lost your feed, what the protesters are telling you they want to see happen in the immediate future. Well, of course, weve always wanted to have as much transparency as possible. We want this case to move forward very quickly. We want to know what the response from the grand jury is going to be. We also want to make sure that the rules of engagement, while protesting, are not changing every single minute. As far as that has happened from time and time and time again, and so right now we are determined to let our voices be heard, but we also want to make sure our First Amendment rights are not taken away from us yet again. What i was saying before we were disconnected is that the protesters have become more organized, which is excellent, before we were just a little scattered about, but now especially after this weekend and the influence from people from throughout the country who are quite supportive, we have become more mobilized and more organized just you know, i have to tell you, kind of like the 60s. Its beautiful. One question as an elected official, have you to make preparations Going Forward. Has there been any discussion among elected officials you highway to plan if there is no arrest, no indictment of officer Darren Wilson . Yes. I am a member of the missouri black caucus. We have had conversations about what to do if there is not an indictment. I will tell you, were all meeting very regularly. Were talking on the phone. Were doing so much and were trying to make sure we understand that this is an emotional issue right now. But whats most important is that we learn from the lessons of this entire movement. Michael brown gave us a gift and that is the gift of awareness and activism, but we have to do it peacefully and we have to do it in an organized manner. That is why many of my colleagues that i work with are trying to create plans for all of our different neighborhoods and people who are interested in making sure justice is served as it is not with an indictment by the grand jury or conviction. Then it will be definitely through the legislative act. I have to tell you that our statutes are old and they need to change. One idea were thinking about, joy s making sure any time there is an incident with an individual who is unarmed and a police officer, that that case be removed and go to a different prosecuting attorney. Well hopefully have you on talk about the current prosecuting attorney. I know theres an election coming up and hes in it. Thats going to be interesting. Thank you so much for being here. Thank you so much, joy. Coming up, ill talk to one of the organizers leading rallies in ferguson about how protesters reacted to Police Tactics on the ground. Police, what they hope they achieved after what they are calling a weekend of resistance. In addition, president obama calls for an immediate investigation as Health Officials scramble to put a lid on the spread of ebola following the first reported case of persontoperson transmission in the u. S. Music. The getaway vehicle for all the confidence you need. Td ameritrade. 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At a News Conference a short while ago, the head of the cdc said the infection of a nurse who wore her protective gear while caring for duncan means the u. S. Must rethink how we combat ebola. One individual who had contact with the nurse after she developed symptoms is being closely monitored while the 48 people who had contact with duncan appear healthy but continue to be observed, too. Cdc director tom frieden said officials are still investigating how the nurse became infected. Saying theyre worried more cases could follow. And the thinking here is straightforward. If this one individual was infected and we dont know how within the isolation unit, then it is possible other individuals could have been infected as well. So, we consider them to potentially be at risk and were doing an indepth review and investigation. The director also took the time toll clear up comments he made on sunday about a, quote, breach of protocol. Saying he did not mean to give the impression that he was blaming the nurse or the hospital. Msnbcs ronan farrow joins me now from dallas. Talk about whats going on down there in dallas as regards this nurse and the people she may have come in contact with. So, as you mentioned, there is one person on lockdown being looked at closely and 18 health care professionals, were told, different Wire Services reporting some con flicking numbers on that, but thats the number we have right now. This, of course, in addition to the 48 odd people who have been monitored already for contact with thomas eric duncan. Right now in this hospital behind me this nurse is in stable condition. As you said, the next step is just making sure there are no additional transmissions. I think its so valuable, joy, you made it really clear. This is a very small outbreak. Were not seeing symptoms in any of these other individuals. And this one nurse is someone who had very, very close contact with thomas eric duncan. There are a number of points in his treatment that could have been vulnerabilities, that could have been this moment in a potential breach in protocol. Are we clear now that the nurse only had contact with mr. Duncan the second time he came in and if thats the case, is the hospital then going back and looking at people who may have had contact with mr. Duncan when he was triaged the first time he came in not feeling well . Well, we know that individuals get more and more contagious as their viral load increases. As they get sicker. Theres exponentially more risk to those who had contact with him, like this nurse, as you say, who is reported to have had contact during that Second Hospital trip than there would be for those who initially dealt with him. However, the full range of Health Care Workers who had contact with both individuals are being looked at right now. A lot of questions about how this is even possible given the fact this nurse was wearing protective gear. And there are three particular points of difficulty in the treatment process and in maintaining a complete fire wall between the individual and the infected person they are treating. One is taking off protective gear. Thats an incredibly involved 12step process in a very hot hazmat suit. Its supposed to be observed by an outside individual. Another is during the intubation of a person like thomas eric duncan. Finally, during all the other medical procedures that he received, including dialysis. So, that will be one of the things this investigation the president has called for will look at, joy. Great information. Thank you very much. Msnbcs, my colleague, ronan farrow. Thank you very much. Be sure to watch ronan farrow daily weekdays at 1 p. M. Eastern right here on msnbc. Dr. Cory aybar, assistant professor at lsu Health Sciences center and tulane and been on medical missions across africa. We just heard from ronan theres this laborious process that has to be undergone when dealing with a patient who potentially presents with ebola, including a 12step process just to remove the gear. Is this something thats feasible, dr feasible, doctor, to implement in hospitals across the country . Its feasible and expected. Its been expected for many other types of viruses weve come in contact with in a hospital setting. Was the protocol breached . We dont know. Was there a hole in the gown . Was there a hole in the eye protection . We dont know. I want to just give some facts here because this is most important. There have been 27 outbreaks, approximately 27 outbreaks in the world, from the ebola virus. Have we had lots of deaths . We havent had that many deaths in relation to the 36,000 deaths that we see from the flu in this year alone. So, i just want to make sure we dont make any hasty judgments because of irrational fears. Especially, all of those ebola outbreaks that have happened in the world have been thwarted in places that have no infrastructure. So, i fully expect for us to have several other ebola cases in United States and probably at that hospital. Because what were not accounting for is the fact that the person when mr. Duncan came to the hospital the second time, nobody knew he had ebola. Right. That means nobody had on hazmat suit. I dont see a lot of people out in hazmat suits around the flu clinics around the country waiting on that. Lets be real here and keep it really focused on the fact that we must have universal protocols, respiratory protocols and people make mistakes, which is probably what happened at the dallas hospital. You touch on a really important point. Thank you for the clarity and the facts on that, dr. Hebert. But the first time mr. Duncan came in, as you said, really nobody knew what was wrong with him. And he was triaged by a nurse. He was seen by a doctor. He sat in a waiting room full of other sick people. Exactly. Whose immune systems may have been compromised. Really, would that be as a dangerous a situation . Would the hospital then have to try to walk back and figure out who might have come come in contact with him the first time . They should have. And i think that theyre doing a really diligent job. I just want to give them, you know, kudos with that, that theyre really trying to go back and retrace the steps. You know, but you cant unfire a gun. And we look through the retrospective scope every day, one of those instruments we dont like to look through, but we look through is it because we see, what could we have done . I want people to understand, everything that is that can be done, is being done. But if you dont use a 12step deacon t decontamination process, like Doctors Without Borders, you can get the virus and youve had on all the gown, all the gloves, all the eye protection, then Doctors Without Borders they would have an epidemic of doctors with this. Really quickly, though, because nurses are really the first line of defense of seeing a lot of patients. Right now you have 76 of nurses telling the American Hospital association their hospital has not communicated any policy of potential admission of potential patients with ebola. Bloomberg quoting the same organization saying 85 of nurses approximately say they have not received enter active education on how to care for patients with ebola. Then you just made the very good point, you also have things like the flu presenting, the enterovirus, are we not doing a good enough job to make sure nurses get the primary information they need to protect themselves and their patients . Bad decisions are made because of irrational fears. And hasty decisions are made because of irrational fears. You know, i try to always tell the nurses that work in our hospitals, look, you have been trained in how to do this befo. I mean, when we have flu cases, do we do this . Were supposed to do this. And so i think that the policy can be renamed ebola policy. That could be renamed. And then we can actually, you know, have the 12step process and we can have all different types of sitdowns and other types of education. But the point is that this is supposed to have been done anyway. So, i want the nurses i want everyone to just realize that no irrational fears, because its going to make bad decisions. Youre going to make bad decisions. Dr. Corey hebert. I want to rename you dr. Common sense because you always bring that to the table. Quick reid alert on the enterovirus. 21monthold Madeline Reed from michigan is the second child to die from enterovirus d68 this year. She was on life support before being transferred to Childrens Hospital of michigan. Cdc confirmed 691 cases in 46 states and the direstrict of columbia. Almost all have been among children. Ess with sticky notes and string, yeah, they were a little bit skeptical. What they do actually is rocket science. High tech components for aircraft and fighter jets. Were just their bankers, right . But financing from ge capital also comes with expertise from across ge. In this case, our top lean process engineers. So they showed us who does what, when, and where. Then we hit them with the important question why . Why put the tools over there . Do you really need those five steps . What if you can do it in two . Whoo, thats an interesting question. Ideas for improvement started pouring out. With a little help from us, they actually doubled their output speed. A hundred percent bump in efficiency. If you just need a loan, just call a bank. But at ge capital, were builders. And what we know. 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Air strikes continue today against the terrorist group isis. There is some confusion about whether turkey has entered the fight. Day after american officials announced turkey agreed to let the u. S. Use a turkish air base for those strikes. Turkish Officials Say no deal has been reached. Although a conference in cairo, more than 5 billion has been pledged for the rebuilding of gaza. With the u. S. Pledging more than 200 million. Also in hong kong, pro democracy protests enter their third week with hundreds opposed to the protests, attempting to tear down barricades put up by the protesters. Again again when were having this much fun, why quit . And bounty has no quit in it either. Its 2x more absorbent than the leading ordinary brand, and then stays strong, so you can use less. Watch how one sheet of bounty keeps working, while their two sheets just quit. Bounty. The noquit pickerupper. Whats the best way to tackle football season . New bounty nfl prints. Available at walmart ugh. 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Nearly 2,000 people turned out for last nights service. But today as this l. A. Times article reports, not all are in agreement for how change in missouri should move forward. Ashley yates is the cocreator of melenial and Denise Lieberman cochair of dont shoot coalition and staffer attorney with advancement project training ferguson residents on civil disobedience. When you talk about training organizers for civil disobedience, what does that mean . We are out here today to make clear that the actions of government and the police will not go unnoticed. The act of protesting itself confers dignity upon people whom the government has not recognized, whose voices have not been heard. That is why people are out here today. That is why we are out supporting and standing in solidarity with the people of ferguson. Ashley, when you see these images of people with their hands up, people, you know, sort of standing still or marching as police in riot gear are decked out, people do think of the 1960s and those protests and think of this as sort of the next step in that civil rights movement. But in this case, do you get the sense that there is Movement Forward . Theres either a national audience, a federal response or something that is happening as a result of these protests that shows they are concretely working . Joy, i think weve definitely seen a response as far as nationally. This was a call of action for all of our allies to stand up for ferguson. Weve said time and time again this is not just a ferguson issue. This is all over the country where black citizens are being gunned down unarmed. We have citizens from different cities to stand in ferguson and make this the epicenter for a national movement. If you saw the response yesterday, if you saw the response the day before, you can see the response behind us today, they definitely answered that call. As far as being a spark in the revolution and a wake of consciousness, its definitely working in that regard. The government response, as we have seen, is less forthcoming. Were still working on it, still pressuring, and this was a weekend of resistance, it will not die down and were here for the duration of justice. Let me play one of the activists out there with you guys, who had this to say during the protest this weekend. For us, this is not an academic issue, and i said this a few weeks ago. The people who want to take the time to break down racism from a philosophical level, yall did not show up. We were getting hit with rubber bullets. We said, you know what, i cant stay home for this. Denise, is there any kind of a sort of almost generational divide between people who want to get at the bigger, broader issues of Structural Racism and young activists on the ground who are saying, you know what, were tired of dealing with this particular police force and we want action against that police force right now. We are all in this together and we need to stand up and support the youth leaders and call for action to demand justice on the streets of ferguson. We also need to stand up and demand broader, systematic change across the board. Were not going anywhere. Have the Police Chiefs come out and spoken to protesters . Has there been any response from the local government, the city officials, the mayor, to what you guys are doing . I have not been focused on them this weekend and i have not heard anything from them. I am focused as the people that came out to stand and support, were getting more and more organized. People came from all across the country to stand in solidarity. Were not taking that lightly. Were taking those resources people with special skill sets and apply them to ferguson. Whether or not they have responded this weekend, change is forthcoming because we have these excellent tools set in place from this weekend that we will use to make sure that happens. Yeah. You guys are definitely keeping it going. We can see these protests are far from dying down. Ashley yates and Denise Lieberman, thank you both. Thank you. After the break, sexism and the gaming subculture. Ill speak to a whom who says she was forced to go into hite hiding after being threatened for speaking out. Oney. The setting is perfect. You know what . Plenty of guys have this issue, not just getting an erection, but keeping it. Well, viagra helps guys with ed get and keep an erection. And you only take it when you need it. Good to know, right . If ed is stopping what you started. Ask you doctor about viagra. 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Its all part of whats being called gamer gate, a shocking debate about sexism in the gaming industry you might not have heard of but that has already spawned 1 million tweets and counting to the gamergated hash tag. Its an online battle of sexes how gamers are portrayed and the sometimes violent reaction to women who speak out. Erik johnson writes about the video Game Industry for recode and explain how gamer gate began. From the beginning, gamer gate supporters have claimed this is about journalistic ethics and supposed corruption in the gaming industry but it has originated as and continues to be about undermining women in the gaming industry. It began as a blog post that was accusing a female game developer of sleeping with a prominent games journalist. And then claiming then that journalist went on to write a favorable review of her game. The reality is that review doesnt exist. Never written. But that claim is still being repeated in gamer gate circles. People are still saying, this is evidence of corruption, a thing that happened even though it didnt. And the person that youre talking about is named zoey quinn. She also went into hiding. The first personal that went into hiding after getting all these tlelts and people claiming she was, i guess, using sexual wiles to get good reviews of her game. Then how did breanna get drawn into it. Its been coming up on two months, this online debate, this hash tag campaign. As i understand it, brianna posted a mean kind of making fun of gamer gate. She tweeted some things exposing some of the problems with the internal logic of gamer gate and someone made an online funny picture, she posted that and as, quote unquote, retaliation for just sharing a meme, someone made Death Threats against her. Lets bring in brianna, a video game designer, independent game designer, who said she received Death Threats for speaking up for women in gaming. Brianna, thank you for being here. We should note that you are not in your home right now. You are somewhere else because you said youve been threatened. Talk a little bit about how these threats began for you. Well, it was like my friend at recode was saying, i posted this meme, just six shots. It was a simple tweet. I didnt think anything about it. And later that evening, i tuned turned back on my twitter and i saw that an Extremist Group of people that were actually banned from forchan, as controversial as forchan is, these are people too controversial for 4chan, a board started just for gamer gate. They flooded this meme with thousands of, you know, ultramemes, attacking me. Many insulted me, threatened me. Some were very scary. You know, you and your viewers can go look at those. Can i just ask you, is there a general sense of sexism in the video game designing industry . Do you as a woman feel like there is sort of a constant undercurrent of sexism . Absolutely. If you look at my career policily, i speak out on these issues, you know, very regularly. And because of that im a target. I could tell you right now, this is very powerful message. And i want you and your viewers to hear this. I know almost all the women in the Game Industry at this point. All of us are terrified about this. Were terrified about our jobs. Were terrified were going to be next. And what we feel is there is a literal war in this industry on women. Theyve taken out my friend samantha allen, took out my friend jan frank what do you mean got them to leave the industry . Absolutely. Bullied to the point that you say, hey, i have other career opportunities. Im going to go work somewhere else. Im a software engineer. I can work in Different Industries other than this one. You know, i have to tell you, a question ive asked myself a lot lately, do i just want to get a job in an industry thats, frankly, less sexist. Go ahead. I want to bring eric back in. This is an industry that used to just be overwhelmingly male but now it is about 22 , we just put the graphic up, that men make about 76 of game designers. Women about 223 in the Game Development industry. A very small number transgender. An industry that is still overwhelmingly male dominated. Women are reporting things like inappropriate sexual jokes in the workplace, belittlement of their skills, being invited to, quote unquote, meetings that were actually dates. How long and extensive is, at least in your reporting, this issue of not just sexism about threatening sexism inside of this industry . I mean, its been a long bubbling under the surface, but this has been happening for a long time. There has been some interesting writing online about the gamer culture about but its not something thats really been overt or explicit. Its been a lot of things happening sort of in the office and behind closed doors, as i understand it. In the past, this is something where its coming to the surface and that the consumers, the gamers, are really the ones who are now running with this. Now, as opposed to the industry doing stuff where its not something the public is exposed to. Do you get a sense of why these male gamers are angry . What is the sense of rage in some of these attacks . Ive been reading online about this, but theres an interesting theory that in the past nerd cull toor and gamer culture it was marginalized. It was considered a geeky thing, lugsers in their basement. The culture got stronger because they rejected outsiders. They rejected the people who told them they are wrong. Now games are this Huge Industry and they a huge amount of money represented here. And now its a much, much bigger group than it used to be. But theyre still clinging to this idea, oh, we need to reject people who are criticizing the way we do things. You have academics like anita, journalists like Lee Alexander saying, hey, theres a problem with your culture and their reaction is an overreaction. Its to lash out and to violently reject any sort of perceived threat to who they are. Brianna, do you see any way youve been tweeting youre not going anywhere. Youre currently in hiding. You to want change this culture. How do you suppose that can be done . I think it needs to happen from the top down. To tack onto something eric was saying, this is a problem with the gamer culture. But its also a problem with the professionals within the gamer the gaming industry. If you look at ign and giantbomb, sites predominantly run by men. They are choosing to not cover whats happening to women in the industry. If you look at the industrys hiring practices as a whole, they are tilted very severely against women. You just gave the stat that 22 of the people in this industry are women. That have to tell you, theres a deeper story than that, because many of those roles are in marketing. You know, in ftech as a whole, women make up a little more than 20 of the industry. Here in gaming industry, were only 3 of gamers. You have to look at the message from top down sending these messages to women subtly and unconsciously. Youre not welcome here. This is a boys club. This is our tufsrf. Its not that the men are conscious theyre doing this. I love and respect the men that work in this industry with me but they have attitudes frequently they dont understand are antagonistic. What we need as an industry is a dialogue about this. We need these men to listen to women when we tell them what our experiences are. Right. You are starting that dialogue right now. Thank you very much. Stay safe. Thank you both for being here. Those of you whose children are at home today eating up at the food in your kitchen know today is columbus day. A holiday in 16 states, including south dakota and in cities like minneapolis, denver and seattle, celebrated as Indigenous Peoples day ornatetive american day instead. That, of course, is due to the actual history of christopher columbus. The italian explorer who sailed under the flag of the queen and king of spain. Looking to conquer treasure for the crown. Who mistook cuba for china. To put it mildly, catastrophic for the native people. In fact, columbuss explorations are considered the jumpingoff point for spanish colonialism in the new world. To this day, many native americans take offense at the holiday, which was first marked by fdr in 1937 and established as an official federal holiday by Richard Nixon in 1972. That hasnt stopped people supper celebrating as they send up to italian heritage or a great excuse for a clearance sale. Which brings us to dan snyder, whose quest to prove his nfls name is totally not offensive to native americans, even though native americans keep telling him it is, and the u. S. Patent office has stopped enforcing any protection from the name because its considered an ethnic slur, hit another snag this weekend. Mr. Snyder invited the president of the Navajo Nation to sit in the sky box, wear the team cap and appear this this awe tom tweet to make the point, see, this guy who is the president of a native american tribe is totally fine with the name. Problem. Been shelly, the man in the ki box and current president of the Navajo Nation will not be president much longer. He lost his reelection primary in august by a lot. He came in seventh. His one term, which began in 2010, has been marred by fraud and theft charges related to the alleged misuse of tribal funds. Charges later dropped forn exchange for him paying back money to the tribal council, which voted 92 back in april to oppose the Washington Team name. They want mr. Shelly was sitting in the sky box, native american protesters were gathered in glendale for a change the name rally. Including aggi hart who told a. Z. Central, for people who say its not offensive, theyre not in my shoes. They dont know. When i hear that term, it takes me back to the 1800s. Its never been a term of pride for native americans. So happy columbus day, dan snyder . That wraps things up for the reid report. Ill see you tomorrow at 2 p. M. The the cycle is up next ska, they think salmon and energy. But the energy bp produces up here creates Something Else as well jobs all over america. Engineering and innovation jobs. Advanced Safety Systems technology. Shipping and manufacturing. Across the United States, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. 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Every hospital in this country needs to think about the possibility of ebola. Were concerned and would, unfortunately, not be surprised if we did see additional cases. Breaking news in the cycle. President obama is being briefed right now on the First American ever infected with ebola inside the u. S. Good afternoon. Im toure as we come on the air, the president is meeting with top health advisers. We expect to see him at the white house at any moment. The president has already instructed the head of health and Human Services to make sure all u. S. Hospitals know the basics of handling this deadly virus. Were particularly concerned with that third process, taking off the isolation personal protectedtive equipment. Because if it is contaminated, theres the possibility that the worker will contaminate themselves and become infected in that process. Its believed that infected dallas nurse accidentally violated recommendations regarding her protective suit while treating thomas eric duncan, the first person ever in the u. S. To die of ebola. Someone is in a ppe, theyre fatigued, been working for a long time. When they take it off, they do something inadvertent, like brushing their face or Something Like that. I dont know how it happened. The cdc is investigating it. Thats very likely what happened. An inadvertent breach. We wont have a public outbreak. Thats a different thing than an individual health care worker, unfortunately, getting infected. This is the second potential protocol breach at texas presbyterian hospital. The first was duncan initially being sent home with a 103degree temperature because his travel history was not conveyed to his doctors. Critics argue duncan and his nurse should have been moved as soon as those tests came back positive to one of the countrys four hospitals with highly specialized units designed to handle this sort of infection

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