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Start. Azerbaijan. Defense ministry has reported that it has launched what it calls the terrorist measures in the corner, caught a buck region against armenian positions. A systematic showing the positions of the other by johnny army, by the formations of armine is armed forces in the car back region. In the past few months have further escalated the tensions local Anti Terrorist activities had been launched to ensure the provisions of the trilateral statements suppress large scale provocations and assignments secured. The withdrawal, a formation of our menus, armed forces from our territories, neutralize their military infrastructure, and ultimately restore the Constitutional Order of the republic of us, or by john as part of the measures positions on the front line and in depth, long term firing points of the formations of Armenians Armed forces, as well as combat assets and military facilities are incapacitated using High Precision weapons. Me since the bill is sort of like, especially as or by johns interior ministry and National Security service has stated that 7 people were killed on the road in the huge event district, due to land mines planted by cyber tours. As or by johns Defense Ministry has stated that this caused even more attention in the region to my to this end. Local anti terrace measures have been launched. This is not a war or special operation measures to restore the Constitutional Order. Immediately afterwards, the answer by johnny Defense Ministry stated that the civilian areas and residents of the care back region are not being targeted. The, as or by johnny side has also stated that the protection of administrative, social, educational medical, religious in other areas will be organized. The security of which is guaranteed in accordance with the laws of the republic advisor by john and the norms of International Humanitarian law. The media has responded the countrys Prime Minister, cold sales or by jobs actions in the region. An act of aggression. Nicole pushing young is seeking the United Nations to step in on has requested the Russian Peace Keeping response to. Hes also called an emergency session armenia, Security Council and said hes country will not start military action with its neighbor over the tensions. A lot of the city i have, and i just mentioned at around 1 pm, so theres a bunch on the armed forces begin, shit, and basically the entire territory. Im not going to call her boss sometime later. Maybe getting access to evaluate the car bucks line of contacts and the code in seems a nation we have received also all the positions and i go in a car of boxes and residential areas. Of course, were in contact with the gordon of car box, but there are some problems with communication in general, the solutions that 1st, they will me soft choice and the temperature of my garden, a car above which and ground based mich reactions against it. I want to stay that the media is not involved in the attractions and i want to state once again that we did not have an all, i mean i go in the car boss and i would like to draw it to the attention about societies that the right, internal and external forces that want to drag and media into a large scale and meets reactions using these people to get the sub showed up to find a current residents report from barton and city and the video surface on social media and with showing can explosions could be heard in the distance of the say, and their rulers has been issued in the city. Meanwhile, as their machines minister of defense declared the starts of local Anti Terrorist efforts as their versions, military deport in states that it uses High Precision weapons on the front line and indefinitely to damage the locations of our meeting and forces formations, firing points and military meetings. And equipment and the civilians and civilian infrastructure are not the targets. It should be noted well in the armenian capital, Police Headquarters and of a Government Administration building, not so after hundreds of people gathered there. And the rising concerns over the situation in carfax, the, the, the process with police erupted outside the building in your van. Some people were seen throwing bottles of officers. Demonstrators chanted the Prime Ministers name block rose, preventing vehicles from entering the monday about our meeting and citizens in the, in the corner of cut it back, we can, must be protected Russias Foreign Ministry has commented on the developing situation. Sitting at moscow urges the disputing parties to immediately and the how still it takes move across the what was in there. Well, deeply along the body shop, escalation of the situation and newborn a car volume, there are reports of the beginning of time to terrorist activities in the region by a therapy johnny armed forces as stated in bicycle and retaliates reactions of local a media. And im summations. The russian side just the conflict impulse has to stop, the blood should immediately cease hostilities and return to the pulse of somebody took a long diplomatic supplement. We have repeated all the steps for the peaceful supplement of the car box problem many times and we want to draw attention to these statements, especially today. All steps to was a peaceful supplement of the problem i spelled out. And this set of trial, actual statements by the leaders of russia as a bunch on and on media which were adopted in the period from 2020 to 20. 22. We would like to know that for some please, through the efforts of russian, navi international, maybe 8, the serious prerequisites for progress and resolve and the car box problem have begun to form i. C, e rushes, defense minister circuit show who is known to run and discuss the situation in the going to cut it back with his are really in contra part. And the presence also express concerns over the Current Situation in the territory. And under i spoke with r t shot to do been ski, who shared the history of the tensions which has lost a done more than 3 decades. Weve been hearing from the crime lin spokesperson, dimitri passcode who has been talking about the situation saying the claimant is concerned about these tensions at the moment that the Russian Military is in contact with both sides and the urging for the escalation from both sides to stand down in regards to this, but he said the priority has to be given to civilians on the ground. And there was a hint. Russia could even bolster its Peace Keeping force, which current expenses around 3000. 00. But i want to come back to more comments. Weve been hearing from the Foreign Ministry spokesperson. This is maria. So cova, who has been speaking exclusively to all the talking about the humanitarian aid. Russia has been providing into this time to keeping me doing some of the tensions because they were allegations that as the by showing had been restricting the access of food and medicine in to the dispatch its own slave. Thats how i listen to what else you have to say. Yeah. So much that the be sure to bring you. This is another example for all those who had doubts about, decided that if the west shows up, especially with the intention of brennan democracy or strengthened in freedom in many regions, then we should expect trouble. There has never been a single crisis or conflict that washington has managed to somehow result for at least minimize. This is exactly the case here. Shes talking to her about those u. S. Military drills to being taking place over the last 2 days and the due to end with all media on wednesday. This suggestion is being internationally that the us is attempting to get a wedge in attempting to push itself forward as perhaps the security guarantor of the future. Can we just remind ourselves of what occurred in the corner car back 3 years ago, because that was the last major escalation. There wasnt that thats why 2022 lot 44. They will now known as the 2nd war. In this conflict, thousands of individuals killed and it only came to an end when russia was able to staffing and create a this ceasefire guarantees to get the both sides to agree to that. As a result, there was a prisoner, for swamp. They were the end of hostilities at the time, and of course, russian peacekeepers were put on the ground. And this is something that we heard from the pharmacy spoke 1st. And again, its exclusively speaking to archie that it is only russia that can provide those security guarantees. On the crime in this dispute. So seeing if i give him a clue, every send that was necessary for peace to be realized in the region was done through russian mediation. But apparently it was these that didnt give rest at all. Those who never thought about peace in the region and then see the maybe to start to, to appear the real mediation, which is really in the piece, was carried out by russia. And it resulted in the agreements on paper. We will never abandon from the people in the region without Peace Keeping forces the normal crime now for the last few days and of course suggestion from the kremlin that it could be boasted up. The conflict has been bubbling and indeed, coming to the surface on occasion. For, for longer than that though, just give us a sense of the roots of this stand off. Well, we really have to go back to the break up of the soviet union and the states, and at the time in 19 ninetys, there was a suggestion. The nikoto caught of, of basic said were not positive as a bias on we are ethnically on, meaning it is heavily estimate name meaning. And as a result of that, we saw the very 1st more taking place. And those pensions have been simmering ever since. So really, this is a conflict thats now been going on for over 3 decades. And it really does look as if it was the only guarantees that can be put in place is a pressure remains that with its Peace Keeping force to secure both sides. No mystery to bring you today on the heels of also like spelling a top indian diplomat new delhi has retaliated in kind, ordering out a Senior Canadian official the hi commissioner of canada to india with someone today informed about the decision of the government of india to expel a Senior Canadian diplomat based in india. The concern diplomat has been asked to leave india within the next 5 days. The decision reflects the government of india is growing concerned at the interference of canadian diplomats in our internal matters and their involvement in anti india activities. Elected for a tub response comes out for account of as Prime Minister justin true though, accused india of having a home in the killing of a permanency leader on canadian soil into ortiz, or engine sherman, can take us through that on the timeline of events. So canada has accuse the Indian Government of involvement in keeping the canadian sea separate to see the how deep signature these are all of use. No pools, no evidence. Over the past number of weeks, canadian security agencies have been actively pursuing credible allegations of a potential link between agents of the government of india and the killing of a canadian citizen. Har, dave sing, major canada to come on, go to bed or call the sony separatism. Its basically lets see community c groups that are seen for demanding for testing, for indian from job to be accepted. States basically asking for a c homeland for college on the issue. Someone said in india, but it didnt get to live in the policy because of counted up simply because the community is a major, was bad for them. No need. You are basically all hes wanted in india and he does guns down in canada on 18th of june to those seeing that these countries National Security. This is a reasons to believe that india an agentless award behind the scenes the india has rejected these allegations such unsubstantiated allegations, sick to ship the focus from kellys dining terrorist and extremist who have been provided, sheltering canada, and continue to threaten india. Sovereignty entered tauriel integrity. The inaction of the canadian government on this matter has been a long standing and continuing concern for the canadian government. Theyre making allegations of Indian Government theres the separate to see the thing that jar and the Indian Government, rubbishing, all those obligations. Very, very shop lee and calling them apps. So the government thats recently posted or successful g 20 summit in youd that is remember even during that summer time in this scenario, movie has called know justin to though he gave him a scolding all the extremist elements that are going on his story and having a direct impact on india, the uh, the annual United Nations General Assembly is underway in new york representatives of a 193 countries are participating in the organization. The highest level talk sweeping, dipping in an odd at from there on, i believe the turkish president or the one has just be gone. And speaking, lets try, im listening stage. Same unit a success has decided to stick up to the general. So there is just some valuable delegates i would like to, so which was my most heartfelt emotions on behalf of myself and on behalf of the circus mentioned really, i would like to congratulate mr. Carter. See who successfully completed his term as president of the 77 General Assembly of the United Nations alone. And wish all the success storms defenses go has taken over his duty who ended them. I hope that the 78th General Assembly comes in with a team of trust and sort of 30 will be a blessing for the entire human race. Unfortunately, its not possible to draw a more optimistic picture of the future of our world compared to the assessments we have carried out over this podium here last year. The coupon code of the picture before us show that were facing increasingly complex and injures challenges on the, on a global scale, who just didnt. Since there are conflicts whose the horrors, tremendous, terry and crisis political strife. Social tension was through the self north on the east and west of my only concern. Did he lead to the total of these growing challenges compounded by Global Economy . The problems are becoming more and more difficult. Its more difficult to deal with. In addition to the amenities and tragic need to war on your instrument, motors has created Serious Problems in all areas of economy to secure the from energy for them to food. Some flight security. 48 net terrorism, which is used as an instrument of proxy, was in syria, north africa, and the saw highly region is causing irreparable damage to the increasing refrigerator, international and security climate. Online video to this has viewed areas of operation of terrorist organizations which grow by exploiting the emissions of global powers are spreading like an epidemic across the vast geography was taking advantage of the Technological Developments and deteriorating Strong Social economy conditions everywhere. Nobody to touch the science of gender full beyond braces and islam a full be turning into a new my shoes. Have reached alarming levels in the last one you the 0 no matter which corners of the world we shall live in this Climate Change of religion. Natural disasters has become a reality in our daily life and of our daily lives. On the morning of february, the 6th 2023 cheer faced. In the words of the secretary general, quote, one of the biggest natural disasters of the century, both in terms of its magnitude and the area it affected. Really let them die. Its impossible for us to forget the sincerity of the international community, including that of the United Nations in responding urgently to our appeal for help. The help of the self sacrificing efforts and the genders support provided to our country has been done. Pose the friendship shown to our country on this very dark day, when more than 50000 people have lost their lives. At 842000 buildings were destroyed, and the city of sheltering millions of people for virtually leveled to the ground was an important source of constellation for us. And then you have been told him that this we have to go set him, was the friends from all across the globe from you. I was in a 100 countries. I would like to thank you sincerely for the helping hand. You have so generously extend it to us children. Our efforts are underway in the interrupted fashion in order to reconstruct our destroyed city, found the buildings and barrels, and a few things to go live with which we have strong historical ties, was subjected to heavy destruction. And significant loss of life caused by storms and floods following the disaster, as turkey, a movie of the movie wise to, to help living where 12000 people have lost their lives and then thousands are still valid on the account. Its similar to yours. Yes. Okay. Within the 1st phase, weve sent 3 vessels and 3 plan thats along with 567. 00 personnel down relief, personal hundreds of vehicles and thousands of tons of food, shelter, and motor cemetery supplies. And then as soon as the, our non governmental organizations are also participating in the relief efforts in that region, no their own means and their capability as a country that stands by the side of the victimized and oppressed people wherever they might be in the world. We havent, and we will not leave our living brothers and sisters alone. And the friendly countries hopefully will be mobilized in order to extend a helping hand to, to live the salon. And i would like to chosen waste an expeditious recovery to our american brothers and sisters were hit by a very strong press quake just like the one we had recently experienced. Distinguished delegates, we are pleased to see that this years theme of the General Assembly is in line with churches goal. Because our vision of the jew case center, which we started to realize in the 100. 00 anniversary of our republic, is the most concrete expression of face overlapping vision. A vision is that eliminates global injustices addressing economy can equality is im producing fees, security, instability, im prosperity, affective ages inclusive. Also that embraces youre not in short, its a cold. Its our goal for this accomplishment of an International Assistant for the benefit of an entire humanity just happened. So this vision, this finding more and more residence. We agree with the distinguished secretary general, mr. Gutierrezs recent observation, whereby he stated that the institutions to established after the 2nd world war no longer reflect 2 days before the statement expresses. Our cause for the world is bigger than 5 of the 3 are the Security Council seems to be weve got on to her of World Security and has become a Battle Ground for the political strategies of only 5 countries. This is how, how do we consider the recent events taking place on cyprus as a manifestation of this . Hollowed out in sebastian institutional structure that doesnt inspire justice and trust anymore. What is tracy calling as a country that has pioneered numerous initiatives to strength and peace and stability . We attached great import was to mr. Gutierrez, just called for a new agenda for peace. Wallace. With this understanding, since the beginning of the russian ukrainian bore, we have been endeavoring to keep both russian and your cranium friends around the table with the pieces that we will have no winners and peace will have no losers publishing right on involved. So we will step up our efforts to them board through diplomacy and dialogue on the basis of ukraines independence and the territorial integrity. The width of lexi initiative, which we had launched together with the United Nations. We have prevented the front of a Global Hunger crisis by ensuring the delivery of 3300000000 tons of draining us through the black sea new to the global market. In that case, however, the failure to implement this agreement in only 2 elements has left the world facing the new prices. This initiative has been extended 3 times. In part with my efforts that i speak to you to see that. Hows your comfortable enjoy it . I feel that i was gonna reinstall these few minutes area and bridge that makes sense expense to the countries that are in dire need will hopefully benefit from our arrangements. And from our negotiations, we have a new plan whereby another 1000000. 00 tons of pain will be released to, to the countries in dire need around the world. Our estimates the crate as possible contribution to the world, peace and prosperity in the face of the conflicts around us get on your monetary and tragedy in syria is now marketing. Its 13th here at its worst, sending the Living Conditions of everyone in the region, regardless of their origin and their faith in things. Yes, we are the only country to take a principled, constructive affairs stands against developers, stuff friction, serious political unity, social integrity between nomic or well being. Yeah, got it. My name is a citizen, its becoming increasingly important to end the crisis and the self with a comprehensive, lasting and a sustainable solution which meets the legitimate expectations of the people. Oh no, no. I like you who tell me the devastating impact of the february 6th earthquakes which affected 14000000 people in our country was also deeply felt in syria. Is that especially North Western syria . We already troubles hereditary and situation has on the worse, and im not really sure. Its really, its unfortunate that the United Nations cross border humanitarian aid operations in the region was interrupted as such as a time has 2. Th, we will not believe of more than 5000000 people struggling to survive. You with the north of syria to their site and do you mind letting me go as the construction of the settlements we lead beyond our borders are completed. We will continue to encourage the return of the refugees in our country to go to these statements to the settlements, excuse me. For however, the biggest threat to see his territory, the integrity and political unity, is the support given to terrorist organizations guided by the powers that have designs on this country just to city on the syrian, the People Places whelmed by the t k. K t y. The terrorist organizations and all the co groups organized on the basis of 16 divisions. And on the other hand, the different groups have reached the point where it is no longer unbearable for the people. As a matter of fact, various consequences of this have started to emerge recently the rock. Another neighbor is also making sincere efforts to overcome the internal and external challenges it face is we actually have an understanding that strengthens xerox political unit, territorial integrity and reconstruction efforts. And how do you do not discriminate between the constitute elements of the country as cold as the countries of the region . The past, the development we will be established so that the regional integration will be insured. Josh fine is the kings of those who claim to the di, excuse every time theyre in trouble in the region, you have now been old, but exposed to better as the wizard of a country that has actually found the biggest battle against size installation flicked it the biggest losses on this organization and knows the realities in front of and behind the problem. I want to speak fairly clearly, and frankly, we are sick and tired of the policy of those who use dice and similar organizations as a funds to their phone, political and economic interests in the middle east, north africa and side, but especially in syria and iraq, or tire the front of these regions is not only can find to die. This is the real threat to charlotte. How much is the terrorist organizations, the part of military groups and mercenaries, and local elements that are used, and that are being nurtured as tools of proxy wars, vicky dog 6, and whoever pays the highest price will use these elements of despite this reality, countries that continue to work with various organizations for their own political and economic interests, have no right to complain about terrorism. And its she tell you that a few problems as an extension in such a world, no one is safe. Where whether they live right next to a conflicts own or far away on the land, surrounded by oceans, nobody, nobody can be safe. Thats why we say that under the auspices of the United Nations, we must rapidly restructure the institutions now charged with ensuring the security, ease, and prosperity of the world. We must build a Global Governance architecture that is capable of presenting all hard engines, the leaves, and cultures and the world with its chandra free, and demographers usual. In conclusion, we say once again, with all of our hearts, the world is bigger than fine, and a fair world is possible. Of the agreement to really good this things are still a good. I would not like to previously share with you my company is approach to various problem areas starting with whos done to our own by the region. Well, what is the transformation of the Eastern Mediterranean to give it to a suburb region of peace . Prosperity asked ability will only be possible if provides them. The law of all parties are respected is in june. Second, we have no eyes on anybodys that right . How can we do lies . Im, im will not allow anyone to ignore rights. This is the 60 and the 1st 3 of the versions of the site use question. Instead of the Turkish Cypriot side. And it has always need since your efforts to find adjust lasting and Sustainable Solutions to the cypress

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