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This is great, because this is the most interesting direction today, as far as i understand. There is the work of a technician and yes, and big data. Well Something Else what is the most important and interesting and promising. Eh, here Sergei Sergeevich the minister of education nods as head. I know that he promised not only to praise you, but also accordingly. Uh, provide rewards for your efforts. I definitely never bother anyone. Yes, it will be beneficial for you, including for the implementation of some of your, uh, nearby, uh , issues and nearby tasks that you were going to solve, including in the area of ​​improving your professional level. Eh, i wish you success in the future. So what if do you have any wishes, please, attention, im listening to you. Please, ill ask. Matvey i am a student of the Novgorod Technical School and a participant in the competence and space. Let the guys. I am very glad that i took part in the finals and achieved success in the competency. This is very important for those who study a profession to study a profession. So the future well finale was organized. Everything went just fine, great, but all participants are concerned about one question. Whether the championship will be held annually, we will also ask the main organizer. I think, that events of this kind need to be held. Here is Sergei Sergeevich as yes , we will definitely hold it every year on teachers day, it is important for the guys and in st. Petersburg professionals, this will be in november. Yes, in november and in Veliky Novgorod we will also hold annual meetings in those areas of the future. Thank you yes, all the answer has been received. Thank you very much. Thanks a lot. What if you show attention to this and achieve success. Eh, please sit down, but please dont give me the microphone. Take e. You they said that you are studying, what is your specialty called, and your competence is called space digital engineering hmm and what exactly do you do, its even difficult for me to perceive threedimensional models. E from a map from data from images, that is, using drones, for what, and this can be used generally everywhere, that is, in absolutely all areas. Here is agriculture to the defense complex. I understand that you are engaged in agriculture. Yes , we received a photograph of the farm plot and based on it youve drawn a complete map with all the symbols, and now youve got, in general, a kind of agricultural education, right . Well, we have a technical school. Yes, an agrotechnical agrotechnical school, where are you . Do you see the possibilities of using such technology in agriculture . I think that if any of our local russian manufacturers need help. Eh, in drawing areas, yes, that is, some geodetic information, then, well, we will be happy to do so. Eh, ready to help. You know there is. Eh, here. Well its just a reaction at the level of the first signal system, what is called if you just wait for them to come to you for this order. This may continue for a very long time. We need to look for areas of application. Yes, we are ready to attract interest, distribute information widely, and, uh, look for partners. And this will be right. Its not just that they made interesting things well and beautifully. Eh, it should be in demand, but if no one knows about it, then it will be difficult to promote it. These developments need to be widely known. We need to work in this sense, we need to talk to colleagues, including in this case with patrush dmitry nikolaevich. Eh, well, from others. Now we were talking with rosgeology. Yes . Yeah, they will be in demand to help them promote these ideas, these developments. Thank you very much. Thank you. Please, hello Vladimir Vladimirovich my name is vasilenov. Ivan, this championship was the first such serious event for me, where i was able to get acquainted with a huge amount of innovative equipment. And in general, in principle, everything is fine organized. I really enjoyed participating in this type of event. Well , in general, i would just like to ask a question now at the championship about eight competencies in the most promising areas. What do you think about the future . Which of these areas will be most in demand . We agreed with the government that the government will create a special structure in order to determine these most indemand competencies, very quickly. Everything, everything quickly, these changes require new competencies to the nearest government structure we will have to update these uh these preferences every time for the next 5 years. Well, here it is that your colleague on your right just spoke about the airportindustrial complex and everything connected with it, and here are genetics and all sorts of agricultural issues. There are other disciplines of this unmanned transport robot technology. Eh, that means that high technologies in the broad sense of the word used artificial intelligence. Uh, the use of big data and so on, but i repeat, once again the government should be update this list of priorities every 5 years. Thank you very much, please. Vladimir vladimirovich i am from the novgorod region, my name is shleg dmitry aa. Today , many colleges are equipped with modern equipment and laboratories, but the buildings themselves are often inadequate. In addition, many students study from remote cities. Or areas they have to live in poor conditions. Uh. I know that the school is currently being renovated. Is it possible to plan a program to renovate colleges and dormitories . Well, we have a program. We have School Construction and renovation program, how many are we already 2,000 . Yes , it will take us almost 3 years to repair and put it in order for almost another six. Yes, uh, but as for colleges, the material base of colleges is assigned to the regional level of government. And thats all and now in the novgorod region the governor has reported that they have a corresponding program here and uh, how many hostels have already been put in order there, then this will be the case, well do four this year and 10 by 26. Yeah, but with federal support too, of course, yes, but the federation, of course, helps support the federal budget. But we will complete the program, and the program for schools. I think that we are already doing this at the same time, supporting the regions. Well, we will continue to do this without fail, because the training of specialists at the College Level is currently required to the highest degree, because Industrial Economics really needs specialists of this class of this level, and specialists, namely, well trained on modern equipment, then uh of course that if life were to be full, then only good equipment is not enough. These are the key points though. Eh, in the buildings of these institutions themselves, young people need to live in normal conditions. This is understandable, but we will, of course, strive for this. Although, although, lets remember lomonosov, in general he walked, they say, well, thats what they say, he didnt take the subway, he didnt fly on an airplane, he didnt walk. E to knowledge. E. This does not mean that everyone should live in sheds; in this regard, lomonosov recalled. This is understandable, but gradually we will do this. Right now we were the only ones present at the opening. Eh, a very good large center, through which 10,000 specialists will pass a year in kaluga. These are such centers. We will open more and more and, of course, we will definitely talk with our colleagues in the regions, so that although a lot of attention is being paid now, there is still something to do, other than work. Thank you. How about you, uh , my specialty is, uh, construction and operation of buildings and structures. I am studying construction at the novgorod construction college. Do you know how stormy it is . Your industry is developing. Today we set a record for housing construction; neither in soviet times nor in russian times did we ever build so much, and uh, apparently. This year there will be a record and next year it will be very good to show, but construction. Its not just housing, construction, industry, road construction, its very interesting to see the activity, its such a fate. To build is generally to heal, to build the most noble things. So there are very good choices. I wish you success, thank you very much. So thats it, i congratulate you once again on the results. The minister said, now in st. Petersburg there will be another competition, a big good one called yes, professionals, professionals somewhere in the second half of november at the end of november, maybe some of the guys will also say hello from participating. There will definitely be winners, and uh in this peterhof competition. I congratulate you once again and wish you all the best. Everything is fine, guys, goodbye to Vladimir Putin and the finalists of the First International hightech championship. Growing in russia drug production now the share of domestic drugs on the market is already about 70 . The head of roszdravnadzor, alla samoilova, spoke about this today at a meeting with Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin. She also noted that the majority of lifesaving drugs are also produced in russia ; the agency monitors the prices of these drugs so that they are affordable for people. Zinaida kurbatova has all the details about import substitution. In the field of pharmacology, providing russians with necessary medicines and medical with the help of Quality Control of medications, these vital issues were discussed today at a meeting between Mikhail Mishustin and the head of the federal service for surveillance in healthcare allo and samoilova separately. I would like to ask you to tell us about medicines that are vital and necessary for people. Over 9 Million People are provided with these medications free of charge as beneficiaries who have the right to this by law. And of course, i would also like you to report. Aand the compliance of these drugs with all the requirements safety, please, its difficult for you. Over the past 3 years, the share of russian drugs has increased by almost 10 , and today, of the total introduction into civilian circulation, russian drugs account for about 70 . This is a high percentage. And this is not the last bar, that is, today the number of drugs produced in the country is increasing. Well, we can say that every day last year, nine new Drug Manufacturing Enterprises started operating. The ministry of health is working on expanding their spectrum of attention to drugs for Cancer Patients and immunobiological, this is done by specialists in scientific centers, and they control the quality of drugs in 13 laboratories. They are open in almost every Federal District , and the fourteenth laboratory in donetsk in a year is on the way. These four years. How much has the share of domestic drugs in life changed and it is important to understand the vitally important ones. It increased by almost 20 , that is, if over the last 4 years, we started somewhere around sixty, it was somewhere 5060 , that is, by present day. This is about 80 80 exactly preferential. Uh, preferential medications, that is, drugs on the list of burnt drugs, the department regulates prices for such drugs. In addition, there is a feedback hotline. Through our website or through the operator, the hotline or not , the roszdravnadzor hotline began operating in 2015 , calls are accepted around the clock, people asking for help in resolving issues related to drug supply and medical care, pharmacies are returning and opening in new regions. In donetsk peoples the republic already has more than 1,000 pharmacies in the lugansk peoples republic, more than 800; the zaporozhye region has about 300; and in the kherson region there are about 100 tonometers too. Oil we have automatic machines, semiautomatic machines, there are mechanics, prices are everywhere, as they say, well, sometimes something is even cheaper, and the day before Mikhail Mishustin signed a decree on the rules for maintaining a unified database on the procurement of medicines and medical products by the state fund for supporting participants of a special military operation defenders of the fatherland, such an information resource will simplify the process of assistance veterans participating in a special military operation, that is, for this kurbatova Viktor Barmin Denis Kuznetsov together. Moscow is interested in developing cooperation with the countries of latin america in the field of human rights, this was stated today by Deputy Foreign minister Sergei Ryabkov at a meeting with the ambassadors of these states. He also noted that the Upcoming International conference of ombudsmen in moscow. This is a significant event and our country stands for the development of such interaction today, the commissioner for human rights. In Russian Federation more than a dozen agreements on interaction have been concluded with similar institutions in foreign countries, and we very much hope that in the near future this list will be replenished with partners from the latin american and caribbean region. The ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation is, of course, ready and will provide worldwide support for this work. Human rights commissioners and Tatyana Moskalkova also took part in the conversation with diplomats today. She extended an invitation to her colleagues from latin america to become observers in the eurasian alliance. Heres another opinion today economic relations are expanding more than ever, trade turnover is increasing, just last year the trade turnover between latin american countries has increased by three and a half percent , and the number of people in educational institutions and er, about russia has increased. Students come to us with various questions regarding their Educational Rights of people on issues of obtaining citizenship on issues of family relations. And we are very glad that the ambassadors are latin. Interested in establishing closer contacts in in the human rights sphere in russia, temporary restrictions have been introduced on the export of motor gasoline and diesel fuel. This was signed by the head of government Mikhail Mishustin. According to experts, there will definitely be more gasoline, and on the stock market prices have already rushed down, and Anna Lazareva will tell the reasons and consequences of such a decision. The less fuel will be exported abroad, the more will remain within the country. This thesis in the form of a ban guided by the government will help stop gray exports and saturate the market. Fuel, which will reduce prices for consumers, as the ministry of energy emphasized, the restrictions are temporary and do not apply to supplies under intergovernmental agreements and to the eu countries, we have already seen that starting from the beginning of this week , gasoline has fallen, well, the ninetysecond is about 10 diesel. Now it has fallen by 2. 5 already, too, starting from the beginning of this week, and this measure should have an effect very quickly, because it will stop being washed out, because quite a significant volume was bought by unscrupulous Market Participants on exchanges or at oil tanks. And dali took everything to export. Now there is no such possibility, Exchange Prices for fuel in russia have been rising all summer, for example, here fuel prices have risen by 18. 5 in august alone, and according to the results of each trading session in september the price. The sting of updating the maximums on the high cost and shortage of fuel began to complain about harry. One of the reasons in the ministry of energy was called gray export, when goods are bought on the russian market and exported, because the difference between domestic and export valuables is significant from 20,000 or more rubles per ton to another the incentive to supply fuel for export was a reduction in the amount of damper payments to Oil Companies for sales within the country , it was assumed that, but this compensation component is the damper. Yes , it will be reduced, like twice, accordingly , this became an incentive for companies to begin to export more, and at the moment, and, accordingly, less began to enter the domestic market. That is, the supply has decreased. This contributed to the growth, prices plus the temporary factor also played a role. Yes, this is the time when the refinery refinery enters repair Exchange Prices for gasoline and diesel began to fall at the beginning of the week in anticipation of government measures. And after the decision was made to ban exports, they accelerated their decline ; ninetytwo decreased by more than five percent. Ninetyfive by four. Well , summer diesel fuel is worth two. Meanwhile , the government has repeatedly stated that sufficient volumes of gasoline are produced in russia, and diesel consumption is many times higher. This was once again confirmed on wednesday by deputy Prime Minister alexander novak; he announced a fuel shortage in russias production this year is higher than a year earlier. That is why a number of experts consider the decision to be redundant, while claiming that gasoline is banned for cars. It will have less impact than on diesel fuel, more than half of which went abroad. There simply werent enough buyers within the country , say market analysts, about 85 million. And exported abroad. About 45 million tons and about what now arises the risk of brewing may problems arise for universal workers . Uh, that is, in essence, this resolution solves her, well, problem, which needed to be resolved. In my opinion, several tools for creating additional difficulties for oil refining and shifting, in fact, everything is being loaded onto it, which are now arising, will motorists see the effect of the governments decision, will the price tags at gas stations be rewritten . Heres what experts say about this main effect. E, in fact, will be contained in two components. This will finally stop the shortage, and in those regions where it is now observed, the second one, and fuel will stop growing. Will it decrease . Well maybe we see some slight reduction, but it is unlikely that prices at gas stations will return to the level at the beginning of the year. Questions about how the export ban will affect the business of Oil Companies will most likely be discussed at alexander novogoks meeting with industry representatives. As confirmed to interfax by the deputy Prime Ministers office, it is scheduled for friday , september 22. The best historical series the thirtyyear center of the Electoral Commission that we have gone through in 30 years, many countries have gone through capitals and elections are complex things for the driver , an order of magnitude higher than in many. Office no after you, shes smart, shes a principled person. Your electoral system can be a model for a huge number of countries; we have 89 regions and there are 89 flags. Here we have the first donetsk peoples republic, the lugansk peoples republic. Now they are our fullfledged equal subjects of the Russian Federation Evgenia Rozhkova what do you mean by the concept of such a right to make a choice, human maturity is always associated with enormous responsibility premiere on saturday and sunday on the russia 24 channel on sunday on the russia channel the famous flag, yes, someone at the reichstag. This was the flag and now the team with this connection is worth a lot. Where to hit nato equipment so where should i hit just to shoot down, who learns faster, we or they, the learning process is constantly her mind, yes. So somewhere you feel ashamed of you. Your firepower, which allows the infantry to complete missions. Now congratulations on your high awards. Vladimir putin arrived on a working trip and Veliky Novgorod began his president ial visit with a visit to the center for support of special military participants operations and their families. Return also, the head of state got acquainted with the work of the innovation, scientific and technological center, Intelligent Electronics valdai , Anastasia Efimova has all the details, she contacts us directly anastasia, the floor is yours

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