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I immersed myself in the environment of the russian opposition, namely mikhail khodorkovsky, maxim katz, comihad is a blogger who literally calls for destruction. To bear responsibility, well, is that what you came for . Yes, but for what . I dont see the point in living in other countries, i didnt find anything there, i had a deceptive feeling, again from false evidence of some bright other life for which they ran a large number of my comrades, when. This touched me from the other side, it became absolutely unbearable for me, and i realized that the best thing i can do is to meet fate halfway and face what it has in store for me, thats because outside of our country, i definitely spend my days in vain, lets make a reservation right away, weve been trying to achieve this interview for quite a long time. The young man spoke to us without pressure of his own free will, in the presence of his lawyer, as well as the presence of his father and his beloved girlfriend, who, by the way, at one time dissuaded him from doing crazy things, but you know how this one works, well, the system of recommendations is the same in general, basically the internet, it gives you what you need to do, like read, well, conventionally, this is propaganda. It happens like this you just follow the tracks that candy is thrown at you, from this he formed a picture that was absolutely incomplete, he realized that nothing at all in his existing picture fits in, the unconditional decision to fly here, it is caused by the same sense of justice, it it worked both ways, simply. The distorting mirror came out, i have been playing the instrument since 5 dash 7 years on the piano, i get great pleasure when i touch it, thats all i wanted. To do initially is to let everyone feel what i experience when i press beautiful keys, black, white, and i. Wanted to inspire, and i inspire people to practice the musical craft. How does the mechanism of zombification and recruitment of russian youth by western Intelligence Services work . Such work was carried out especially successfully in yekaterinburg. Moscow, november 2023 ambassador of the European Union roland golorak speaks at the illusion cinema. Our decision to hold the festival against the backdrop of aggression against ukraine caused some criticism. I would like to emphasize that we continue to unequivocally condemn russias war of aggression against ukraine. That is why it is important for us to promote the values ​​of democracy, human rights and cultural diversity, which are defined by the European Union. Two young men stood up in the hall and argued with the ambassador, to be honest in front of a cultured public, i dont agree with here you in this matter, so you say that russia, our russian society, russia is the aggressor, you have now repeated this, and at the same time, with everything, you are now saying that we are here at this european film festival, yes, you bring european, european cinema to our homes, call us an aggressor, listen, you know, this is the same as giving a person a hand to spit before, you understand, as you comment, to be honest, i really support the young man, i i read the slogan, cinema unites you, but in my opinion, if to for example, you come as a guest, you are considered guests in our country, and you come to a festival in a country in which we have always spent almost 12 years out of ten years, by the way, i am addressing everyone, this is not my first time here at this festival when you come, these are difficult times not for russia, not for ukraine, but for the whole world, where each of us present here must somehow take responsibility for finding the strength to unite. Roland holorak was appointed to the post of ip ambassador to russia in september twentytwo. He loves yekaterinburg very much. On his trip to this city, he is accompanied by his wife, gueidar yasmin. According to some reports, she is connected with the french Intelligence Services. They flew in economy class, in the back of the plane, near the toilet, secrecy. The working day began with a visit to the Yeltsin Center on a sanitary day, when there are no visitors and you can freely talk with agents without witnesses. Bonjour, mr. Ambassador, hello, im from russian television, i wanted to know what brought you to yekaterinburg . Yeltsin center, tell me, is a revolution now being prepared in yekaterinburg . Not maybe European Countries are interested in seeing the regime change in russia. I dont want to answer your questions. Then there was a meeting at the gavi restaurant, only with the consul general of france. Our hero arrived, then a meeting with the consuls of cyprus and hungary, local bloggers recorded them, hello, and for the local telegram channel, tell me what you are doing here, im eating, goodbye. All the best to you, he managed to meet with memorial activists ekaterina lakhtikova, who actively took part in the protests in yekaterinburg square in nineteenth year. But we see how the consulate and representative offices of countries unfriendly to us in russia work now, that is, they are up to the jurassic. These are many different foundations that now believe, after the start of the war, that it is important to help russian independent media, in order to thus influence, as a result, as if indirectly, on politics in russia, so that people receive alternative information that it is possible somehow these people will also want to change their destiny, that s why we have several sources, we i managed to find out which funds give money to the rain. The channel has received funding from the European Union since 2014; to organize work in amsterdam , the legal entity tvr studios was registered, with derk sauer, a citizen of the netherlands, listed as director. Natalya sendeeva is listed as the sole shareholder. Derksaur is the director of a foundation recognized as an Foreign Agent media, as well as the owner of publications recognized as Foreign Agents in russia, the moscow times and v times. This fund is open on its website. Indicates that the dozhd tv channel is one from priority projects. The Financial Report of the foundation for 2022 indicates the amount of project expenses of 2,691,415 euros. According to information on the official website of the stiting to october foundation, another project, which is also supported by this foundation, is the project of the socalled coalition of russian independent media, consisting of the publication of Foreign Agents rain, jellyfish, i am from ukraine, i was born in odessa, it is a large, very port city, old, one of the most beautiful cities in ukraine, absolutely russianspeaking, in my childhood, lets just say, on the border of the soviet union and the new russian, new, as it were, government, in odessa i never spoke ukrainian at all, they taught very poorly at school. Apparently, this is some kind of virus, its very difficult, how to understand these people who defend benderys regime in ukraine, because mangait doesnt know the ukrainian language, but she agrees. You ask them a question about the events of may 2, 2014 because this is the territory of freedom, but when in odessa, where peaceful people were burned by bandera, they either avoid answering or they are carrying something that doesnt fit in their heads, its an accident, that is, maybe its their provocation, it may very well be like a provocation, but the presumption of innocence, i cant blame them for this. This is the result of a military clash, but saboteurs were sent there, a terrorist, in fact, the authorities and a private army that defended odessa, destroyed the terrorists, it would be correct if possible to arrest them, bring them to trial and convict, this would be ideal, but this does not happen in war perfect. Olga, a living witness to the events of may 2 in odessa, she miraculously survived in the trade union house. They are nazis, ukrainian, they documented all this, filmed it, broadcast it online, that is, there was an online recording, it was broadcast to the whole world, not only to the whole of ukraine, and there are facts, there is evidence, and poroshenko himself said that we did the right thing, that they burned odessa, its just a pity that we didnt do the same. Donetsk and lugansk, then they would not have been able to raise their heads, it is correct that we banditized odessa, which in fact was not the case, because odessa never existed and never it will be banderovsk, and ill tell you a bad thing for myself, im already on the wanted list in russia, then the Donetsk Regional Administration should have been blown up at the root, let them die, god forgive 50 terrorists, we wouldnt have had 500 deaths in donetsk region, yes, i was inside the house to the trade unions, because we did not understand. What kind of animal this is, not bestial, some kind of devilish crowd is running, as if thirsty for blood, these authorities already knew, they planned everything, but we didnt know that, there were people there in the trade union house, already their people, who turned off the lights, who turned off the water, when, for example, i hid in the office, they burst in, this bastard burst in in military uniform, he just hissed, he had hatred, but at the same time he immediately. Pressed the switch , the light switch, that is, they already knew, and how, how everything was located in this building, they were preparing, they understood, because we were nearby, they planned to drive us to burn, in order to intimidate the whole of ukraine, so that someone else would try something to make people just sit and be silent, it would be beneficial for them, or they have it, that is, they have it there was such a method, either you remain silent, or you are killed, or you are imprisoned, or you leave, that is, either you accept what. One for all, all, all for one, there is a classic that everyone likes every time more, classic grand burgers and a new one, grand picant with spicy tomato sauce, which you really want to repeat, the classic is already waiting, delicious, period. Every success begins with a dream to do something of your own, the desire to stand out, the desire to act and not be distracted by the hustle and bustle. 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Because its biting there benefit transfer your pension to post bank and receive 2. 0 rubles and a chance to win a car. Receive your pension profitably at the post bank. We showed her the performance of these Foreign Agents. This is gozman, who i saw in programs, he always hated russians, he clearly expressed this, nothing was done to him for it. And naturally. He im more than sure that hes not just kind of regretting something and there that yes its an accident, that hes probably, theyre probably all happy, happy that theyre killing us, us who are defending the russian world , ideals, our the identification cat is russian, they are happy about this, because they, they are not even before, i dont even know the word, they are not people who sold themselves for money that will not go to prog, this money will not go to. Inconvenient questions prefers not to answer, as in that japanese proverb i see nothing, i hear nothing, i wont tell anyone anything. How do you comment on the event in odessa on may 2 . You have them everywhere, they are everywhere, there are very few of them everywhere, you know, well, of course you can pull out such a cretin, you know, say, he is a ukrainian, this is not true, this its not true, there are a lot of such cretins, as gozman put it, in ukraine today, at night, we will believe it

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