festival. we have a website, central- where we have updated information and where we include meeting minutes, agendas, and so forth. we also have a facebook page and a twitter account where we provide immediate information to the public. actively using social networking to communicate information to the community. we have also had several advertising campaigns for central market. basically organizing a merchants to contribute to a cooperative advertising campaign at no cost but it is a great way to brand the neighborhood and encourage merchants to contribute to cooperative efforts. we have also sponsored neighborhood banners and also we sent out the monthly newsletter. they are whole aspect of our marketing and branding efforts. the banner for central market which was a project of the art institute's which was launched last year. it was an incredible partnership with the art institute and utilizing the art students that are in the district to come up with a -- it was a design competition to come up with various are designed for banners. another aspect is we also work with the office of economic and workforce development. on a traction and retention efforts for the district. there are support materials supporting the plan under way, also promoting the arts and cultural amenities in the neighborhood. also highlighting the diverse shopping and dining opportunities. really trying to package and market and promote a positive aspect of this neighborhood which are often forgotten and overshadowed by negative perceptions of the area. also through administration and operations, there is various levels of oversight and opportunities for the community to get involved in the organization. one being the central market community benefit district board of directors which meets on a monthly basis. also there is the services committee which act says a committee that monitors the success of the guidance program. also the identity committee which works on marketing initiatives and a finance committee that reviews on a monthly basis with an account and the board treasurer the financials for the organization. we also have a bimonthly merchants meeting to try to organize and provide improved service for merchants in the neighborhood. also we meet on a monthly basis with the office of economic and workforce development. this is an ad that is published in the "central city extra" because we understand not everyone has access to the internet or facebook. we want to be able to have -- as proactively as possible get the word out about project initiatives and encourage people to get involved in our organization. i wanted to again highlight that the central market community benefit district is certainly one of many organizations that are involved in the improvement and revitalization of central market, and we work closely with a number of various organizations, community based organizations, at city agencies and so forth, including the alliance for better district 6 and the north of market tenderloin community benefit district. i wanted to highlight some of the current developing projects and initiatives we're working on. in addition to the services i highlighted. we are currently working on developing and strengthening relationships with the sro property managers along sixth street to try to engage them on our efforts to improve the community and improve the public space along six straight. -- sixth street. we are working on shared initiatives. it is interesting. we're all trying to improve the health and vitality of the public space along sixth street and make it a healthy, safer, and cleaner environment for everyone who lives there. we're also working on improving our reporting violations from liquor stores in the neighborhood that sell to -- in instances where they sell alcohol to individuals who are inebriated or selling alcohol to minors. we need to -- we have died on the street who will report those, note and approach -- and report those appropriately. we will be able to work with matt -- merchants and residents and other businesses to try to also report those instances where there is a violation to abc and bass said francisco police department and the attorney's office. we are working on launching a 10b officer program. which will act as a pilot program and hopefully prove successful. we would like to replicate that in other hot spots of the district. and here is a map which shows the location of the route for the 10b officer. we hope to launch this in the next couple of weeks to address a lot of the issues that are happening at seventh and market street. what is fantastic about this program is it is a collaborative program. is not just the cdbcd that is contributing to it. we have reached out to other businesses and property owners to contrary to that program. jim crsupervisor kim: thank you. i am excited about reaching out to sro the alerts to make them better neighbors. we also have our ambassadors and tour guides. one of our small business owners here. i want to recognize they're here today. >> i wanted to thank the board president and steve barton who is the honor and operator of fashion cafe and also acknowledged the incredible work that elmer does in the neighborhood. a lot of what i am talking about is elmer's work, so i want to thank him for his contribution. supervisor kim: thank you. we will open up for public comment. i am sorry. i thought you present -- presented already. >> i am atrintrina villanova. cbbds are governed by a management plan approved by the board of supervisors. our goal is to ensure that they are meeting their city requirements and that we work with them. oewd is charged with conducting in an annual review and providing you, the board of supervisors, with a performance report and the financial analysis. we worked -- reviewed the annual reports of the cbd and a quick note. the central market cbd follows the calendar for their fiscal year. thiese are subject to the ralph m. brown act and ensure open meetings and the public has access to the record so there is plenty of opportunity for transparency. they also hope -- postin annual meeting -- host an annual meeting and they are provide -- required to provide notice. as far as their contract with the city through our office, they are required to do a mid- year report, an annual report and an audit each year. their contract requires them to have an annual hearing at the board of supervisors so the public can -- you can hear about their work and the public can provide testimony on the work of the organization in terms of administering the district. you have already heard most of this. this is a seven year district and expires in 2013. it is managed by private, nonprofit organization called the central market committee benefit organization. they provide assessment funds and they have an average annual budget of 900,000 over the past five years. these are their programs and i am not going to go over this anymore. it is their public beautification and streetscape improvements. we got help from the comptroller's office, said the services of a tradition and spirit is. a copy of the report is included in your pocket. and their plans for carry over funds from year to year. the central market community benefit corporation is required to have 5% of their income come from other sources besides assessment funds. in 2007, the only cure they did not meet this goal, they did not raise any other funds. there was no staff until august of that year. they did not start any of their programs yet. in 2008 and 2009, 7% of their income came from other sources and this past year in 2010, 31% of their income came from other sources. that was because they received a $200,000 contract from the redevelopment agency to expand the committee guides program. i added a pie chart here to give you a sense of how diverse their funding is. another thing we are required to track is to look at how their expenses vary from their budget. in 2007, they hardly spent any funds so they did not have the same projections as their budget. in 2008, they spent a lot more in administrative expenses, due to one time organizational setup costs. in 2009, they spent more on identity and streetscape improvements and in 2010, they spent more on all programs due to a larger than expected contracts and grants. for carrier funds, what happened is the check they receive in december or january is the money they use as cash flow for the first six months of the next fiscal year. there year-and financials will show an amount of funds that they get allocated to the next year. for example, at the end of fiscal year 2010, they had assets of $355,000 was allocated to all program areas in fiscal year 2011. this is a try to assure you that i and all -- a chart to assur sure you that they stayed true to their budget. their budget percentages matched what was voted on by the property owners and management plan. for fiscal year 2011, the anticipate have been and come of $900,000 and will be spending 600,000 -- 6 hooters $67,000. the remainder of that will be used as funds to get them through the first six months of fiscal year 2012. -- they will be spending 600,000 $ 667,000. property owners 0 assessment funds totaling 165,000 to the benefit district. these same property owners have now paid property taxes as well. the. the assessment funds as the same time as the property taxes. is this -- this situation highlights the vacancy rates that exist and speaks to the need for continued programs that focus on business attraction and increasing investment and activity. quick recommendations for the benefit corporation, that is to submit all of their reports and to submit them on time. they did that this past fiscal year. they have submitted everything on time. we continue to me on a regular basis. >> supervisor campos: thank you. i have a quick question on the assessment funds. are we working with the city assessor's office to follow up with these property owners? we did this with homeowners and small property owners. >> there is a lean on their property. our -- a lien on their property. we will be working with them to get those assessments. supervisor kim: could our office get an update on that? >> sure. >> basically, the property assessments on the property tax roll are treated the same way as property taxes. if you do not pay the first installment of their tax, there would not accept a first installment. they have to be paid in full with each installment. by the end of the fiscal year, if there is anything owed in that particular tax, they get all the late payment reminders from the city, the leaves are put on the property. it is the same process. -- the liens are put on the property. i do know they send regular notices about property-tax assessments. supervisor kim: there is another process the assessor goes through with the property owners if they have not paid for a number of years. >> i will look into that. supervisor kim: thank you. we will open it up for public comment. we will be giving two minutes. >> board president. i have been working in these neighborhoods and a want to say in the last four or five years there has been improvement of market street and sixth street. the social workers have remarked it is cleaner. it is in part of the benefit district. we have many miles to go to get to the community we need. i have been impressed with the collaborative effort between merchants, property owners, social service agencies, and residents. i think it has been a great asset for the community. >> supervisor campos: thank you, david. thank you for being here. -- supervisor kim: thank you, david. thank you for being here. >> i am a property owner as well and i am on the board as the cmcbd as chairman. i am on several of the boards in that area and i am impressed with how much the cbd can get accomplished. we have large problems on six straight -- sixth street that have been attended to more aggressively. the work that workers do on the street is just really very appreciated. they keep the streets clean, the graffiti removed, and they really have a sincere conscientiousness to it. it would be missed if not here. i support obviously very much the board i am on. thank you for listening to me. supervisor kim: thank you, thank you for being here. any other public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. i appreciate the guides and the work that you do. i appreciate the cbd. the tries to do a lot in this area and it is not enough and we depend on the work of central market committee benefit district to help partner with us. is there any comments or questions at this time? a motion to move this forward? do we have a motion and i believe we can do that without objection. thank you. thank you for being here. at this time, we're going to move into closed session. on certain items. we are asking members of the public to exit the room. supervisor kim: i understand the committee will move agenda items 8, 9, and 12 ahead with recommendation and item 8 -- 10 without recommendation. >> thank you. any other announcements? >> no. supervisor kim: we have a motion not to disclose. we can do that without objection. madame clerk, are there any announcements? >> no. supervisor kim: seeing none, the meeting is journed. >> i want to thank everyone for coming. we aren't trying to do a lot to restore the luster of the uptown historic district. in the past couple of years we have installed the store? . we have a landmark sidewalk program that we want to institute. we also want to restore some of the historic advertising signs, which developed the neighborhood's character. in order to get this money, there is a challenge grant program. when we applied for this grant, the person in charge of the program was ultimately a cao named ed lee. so the mayor had to decide whether or not to fund this project, so i am glad that he did. we had support and additional financial support from the people that run the organization. jon dugan as well. you can see that great historic pedestrian lighting, which we only have on taylor street and a small part of golden gate. i did not know this, but when he was a cao, ed lee got those installed on taylor street. the mayor also has a plan that would restore 135 historic street lights to the tenderloin. that is an incredibly important thing for them, from an aesthetic and from a safety point of view. we are also one of the darkest neighborhoods. this is important. you can see how nice those are. imagine how nice they would look through the neighborhood. i also want to introduce leroy looper who goes back to the 1980's with us in the tenderloin. nothing that any of us are doing would have started without leroy's vision when he bought the cadillac. we always need to appreciate them for their contributions. so without further ado, i want to make -- introduced a person who made this possible, mayor ed lee. >> great podium. i am happy to be here. happy to celebrate these wonderful murals that have been restored. we have been working on this for many years. i just love the fact that he is leading this effort with so many of the other community people. this community challenge grant was an easy decision that we made. i see our acting city administrator. she is continuing that very good community-based approach, working in close concert with the people from clean city, who are doing the sweeping around here, working with nonprofits as well. i want to thank the tenderloin development megacorporation. you are part of our partnership. as well, the tenderloin economic partnership. i want to celebrate these because it is part of our history, but we are renovating them and giving them a facelift. this is an historical part of this district and kids like to the history that we are still trying to make sure that people feel the vibrancy of this community. you have to see the other ones as well. the one that says original joe's -- john is here. there is also a coca-cola one. i want to see them put the old phrase in their "the real thing." i missed that. we are also doing some restoration. it is all about making sure we pay attention to the uptown tenderloin historic district. we have done this for some years now. ever since the fire that occurred here -- unfortunately, there was a fire here a few years ago. my predecessor gavin newsom asked me to come down here to work with the arts community, come up with every idea that we could, to work with the office of economic development to please key dollars here. we are working with so many organizations working our way up this great street, finding out that there was a lot of history to showcase. we wanted to make sure that we used our artistic ability, the ability to forge artistic programs, and that is why we invested in this foundation. they are taking over the old theater. now these murals. i want to thank the people who got our two artists here. their work is presented here

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Gavin Newsom ,Ralph M Brown ,Cao Ed Lee ,Steve Barton ,Leroy Looper ,Joe John ,

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