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As they approach the stairs leading up to the American Airlines plane that is now being called shepherd 1 by the faa. Papal seal affixed to its side. As soon as it takes off, it will head to new york city. Joining us right now, monsignor from Catholic Charities. Tomorrow will be a busy day for you guys. I know you are hosting one of the events in east harlem. It will be a busier day for the pope when he comes to new york. But isnt that a typical new york day. We like people in new york to be busy. What does it mean for you and the Catholic Charities to have him come to your place and to see it and to be able to talk to the people there. I think its phenomenal. Tonight, actually, i am going up there to meet some of the people who will be participating in the event, some of the immigrants, the refugees that will have a little speaking part tomorrow with pope francis and they will there we see a live shot of pope francis waving to the crowd. Its interesting to see the reaction he has gotten, especially with young people along the way. What is your reaction to the way people responded to him. People responded because he just responds to them. Its almost one of those self fulfilling things. He is open to them and they are open to him. Thats what is such a joy to him being the pope. We heard the pope talk in his joint address to Congress Today talking about immigration and the importance of welcoming. He said not the numbers but the faces. Letter all the faces. The how do you think those words in that part of his speech resonated with some of the folks that will be meeting him tomorrow. Some of the folks meeting with him tomorrow, whom ive spoken with, are so happy because sometimes immigrants, sometimes people dont feel they have a voice now in pope francis. They are ecstatic that someone who is paying attention to them is coming to meet them. Thank you for making time with us. We will continue to tap your expertise throughout the newscast. For now we will continue our newscast as we wait for shepherd 1 to depart. You saw the pope, he is on board right now. We look at the American Flag along with the flag of the vatican, the holy see that are attached to this airplane. The door is still open. The pope is inside along with his staff and clergy who are traveling with him. You can see some of the military there, the color guard walking away now from the stairs of the plane. The flight not expected to take that long. The plane will land at j. F. K. , expected to land around 5 00 which is giving them plenty of time. People seeing the pope off. About 200 people are expected to be a waiting him. People allowed in, catholics who were ticketed, expected to receive the pope when he lands at j. F. K. He may, we have been told, may possibly speak. They have set up a microphone just in case. Then after that, he will hope on a helicopter and he will chopper over to the wall street heliport. At that point he will get in a car and make his way up to Saint Patricks. At a certain point during the route, he will switch into is the popemobile where he will make the final journey to st. Patricks tonight and he will be greeted by Governor Cuomo and mayor de blasio and other folks there. This is all following after the pope had a busy morning in washington addressing congress, meeting with the homeless. He will have a busy evening as liz told you in new york. His first public appearance will be a motorcade down 5th avenue. Thousands are expected to line the route toward st. Patricks cathedral. When he makes it to st. Patricks, he will say evening prayers called vespers in in the catholic religion. After the evening prayer pope francis will stay papal nuncio residence on the upper east side, that is basically the ambassador for the residence. He may say a couple of words. We have several reports from washington to here and in new york. We begin with lucy yang. She is at Kennedy Airport where the pope is set to arrive in about an hour. Lucy, a lot of excitement. Reporter there is tremendous excitement building. We are on the tarmac at j. F. K. Waiting for the pope to arrive. We have an amazing front row seat to the whole event that we will share with you. We have a great view of the pope arriving, the pontiff being greeted by 200 well wishers then getting on the helicopter for Lower Manhattan. This should last about 15 minutes or so. This first stop is not his official greeting. That will happen in manhattan. This is what is being planned for his arrival at j. F. K. Airport. The High School Band will play new york, new york, 44 of the best musicians were selected for this honor. I can hear them warming up. Among the 200 greeters here, five students get to present gift. You will hear from them in the next half hour. Invited. She turns 100 years old today. Be here. These are the very people the pope constantly reminds the world to embrace. It seemed only fitting to have them invited here to greet pope francis. From here the pontiff goes on a helicopter ride to lower whirlwind tour of new york. That is the very latest from the airport. Live at j. F. K. , lucy yang for channel 7 Eyewitness News. A lot of excitement building there. Thank you. The popes big event in new york will be evening prayers at st. Patricks cathedral. Pope francis will be the fourth pope ever to step foot inside the historic cathedral in midtown. Eyewitness news anchor Sade Baderinwa is there. She has more on what we can expect. Reporter david and liz, its a glorious day out here. You couldnt ask for better weather. There is not a cloud in the sky. The excitement is building here. Many people took off work to be here. Some people took their kids out of school. For them, they want a chance to witness history, to be able to see the pontiff in person. For them it will be a magical moment. We have been talking all week about the security leading up to the event. This is the biggest security event ever for new york city. We saw the Police Commissioner here a few moments ago surveying the area. There are 6,000 Police Officers dedicated to this event. We have canine units out. Secret service is the lead Law Enforcement agency here. They are walking up and down the streets. We are locked in position. People are lining the streets since this afternoon, probably lunchtime. They cant go anywhere. Let me tell you, they are ready. They have their cell phones out ready to go and they are ready and cant wait until the pope arrives. And when he does arrive, again, he will be making his way in the popemobile. He will end up behind me at st. Patricks cathedral. If i can have the camera zoom in, there are a bunch of students on the side. These are students from Xavier High School and notre dame. We have been seeing the pope hopefully mingle amongst the people. Thats what he loves to do. That is when the pope comes to life. You see the smile on his face and gets that connection with people and people love it. Thats what these students are hoping for today. When the pontiff arrives, he will be greeted by Governor Cuomo as liz mentioned earlier, Cardinal Dolan and the wreck tear of the Church Rector of the church as well as mayor de blasio. This is an exciting moment. What will he say . We spoke to Cardinal Dolan. This is what he thinks the pope may talk about. I know what we will hear. He has a good track record. He will talk about god, jesus, grace, mercy, love and reaching out to the poor and forgiveness. He will say what the church has been saying for two millennia but he says it in a fresh, simple sincere way and he keeps saying it over and over again because we need to hear it over and over again. A message of humility. That is one message resonating with so many people here. We will be here throughout the flight. We are keeping watch for pope francis to arrive. We will be here back at the top of the 5 00 show. David and liz, back to you. Thank you. You can see all those people there. Meanwhile, the last pope to visit st. Patricks was Pope Benedict in 2008. He celebrated on a saturday morning. He spoke about the child sex abuse scandal and called for healing. Before he gets to st. Patricks cathedral, thousands will see him in his motorcade. That is expected to start on 55th street and head to 50th toward the cathedral. Thousands are lined up there. Eyewitness News Reporter stacey sager with more on that story in midtown. Reporter well, dave, new york is ready and waiting. We are just up the block from where sade is on 53rd and 5th avenue getting a firsthand look at the new york style security in place. I want to show you, this is you can see Police Officers at every single storefront lining 5th avenue. Alongside me here and behind you see this 8foot tall black fence we have been talking about the past couple of days, if you dont have a ticket, you cant get beyond this fence. Over here you can see the people lining 5th avenue, thousands and some have been waiting here for hours. Reporter its been a pilgrimage of sorts and it began bright and early for many in midtown. I came at 7 00 in the morning. You will be here nearly 12 hours. Yes, i will be here but its worth it. Reporter if you have a paper ticket then you get a spot here on 5th avenue whereas you can see, the crowds already been papal motorcade. I have been pushing going this way and that way. We are not sure which way to go but i hope to see him. Reporter thats why the faithful were sitting on the ledges of these street windows at saks 5th avenue. After hours of waiting. Once in a lifetime. Reporter they say pope francis will bring with him good news for a change. He looks friendly. He is very good at telling the people, giving the good news about god. Help them feel more real as they go back to face the struggles of everyday life. We are back live on 5th avenue. You see the folks across the street. They have the front row seats, the ones lucky enough to have the paper tickets to get beyond the black fence. It is a finite number of people. So while its crowded, its not overcrowded and most importantly, its secure. People say this is a bit strange but its necessary at this point for this visit. We will bring you the latest as the papal motorcade makes ice way down its way down 5th avenue, stacey sager, channel 7 Eyewitness News. Thank you, stacey. You saw the report, security is tight around st. Patricks cathedral. Thats not the only place where you will see a stepped up presence the half. An extra 6,000 nypd officers will be on duty. Eyewitness News Reporter jim hoffer has that part of coverage, jim . Reporter we are in central park. One of the reasons is because this is likely to be the toughest security challenge in the few days ahead. When the pope comes on friday, there is a model of security carried out in just about every venue he goes to, that is this, everyone must have a ticket. All 880,000 people entering on friday have to go 80,000 people entering have to go through a security key sea tech tore. Security will be tight and crowd control. Reporter parts of manhattan look like a city under military siege than one ready to warmly embrace a pope. In an age of isis and terrorist loaners, the barricades and concrete blockades are the backdrop for this vip visit. We need to be prepared as we can be and i feel confident that we are. Reporter this afternoon, hours before the arrival, the fbi Crisis Management command center kept track of all the intelligence and security resources. The tracking of all intelligence will continue around the clock until the pope, president and World Leaders leave town. Intelligence, a huge piece of this, looking at it and reevaluating it, the smallest piece of information we reevaluate to make sure it Means Nothing now and look at anything coming in. Reporter all the barriers and fences in the world cant stop a lone raids gunman or beamer to bomber to grab attention. Ton of the secret service list and thats where the collaboration comes in. We have to have Seamless Exchange of information. Reporter to give you an idea of the sense of proportion of this security effort, 37 miles of fencing and barrier have been placed around various parts of the city. 400 of those huge twoton blocks, concrete blocks you have seen are out there off streets and 6,000 additional Police Officers. The point is that is additional Police Officers. That is larger than most entire Police Departments for major cities. That is why the nypd is so good at these large events, sheer size. Live in central park, jim hoffer, channel 7 Eyewitness News. Jim, thank you. A security situation in new york, you are looking at a live picture from joint base andrews where you saw shepherd one still on the tarmac. It has not taken off for new york city. Meanwhile, this photo was tweed out by the nypd. You can see the names on the badges. Those are officers pope and officers francis. They are assigned to the 19th precinct and nypd says that they are ready for the papal visit. Lets take you back to joint base andrews if we can. I think we have some video. Plane still on the tarmac as we await the popes arrival in new york city. The faa approved shepherd one, that is the name for the boeing 777 heading here soon. We will give you the latest. We have dave evans report from you can see the plane starting to make its way down the tarmac on its way to new york city. You can see the crowd is disbursing. Secretary of state kerry was there to see the pope off along with other dignitaries. Its been a long day for the pope who has spoken at a joint meeting of congress. He has a long night ahead of him. He will do a Vespers Service at st. Patricks. He will land at j. F. K. In about 45 minutes from now. He will hop on a helicopter to the wall street heliport. At which case he will make his way up to Saint Patricks cathedral on 5th avenue. Huge crowds are lined up at j. F. K. And on 5th avenue as the pope finally makes ice way to new york city. As liz mentioned before arriving in our area, the pope spent most of his day in the nations capitol. Early on the pope addressed both houses of Congress Calling for compassion in dealing with refugees and the homeless. People were stopping for selfies on the way. Eyewitness News Reporter dave evans is in washington, d. C. With more on that part of the story. There were surprises in the speech before congress. When the pope talked about life, most of us expected him to go on about abortion but he switched and talked about his opposition to the death a few decades ago a lot of americans were worried about a catholic being president with john f. Kind and now we have a pope in the halls of congress. Mr. Speaker, the pope of the holy see. It was a historic morning in the nations capitol, francis 1 pope the land of the free and the home of the brave. [ applause ] the pope spoke of Global Warming and income inequality and welcoming the stranger that drew the biggest ovation. We, the people of this continent are fearful of most of us because most of us were once foreigners. Reporter about 50,000 on the National Mall watched outside and inside many, including Speaker Boehner were moved to tears. Francis spent the bulk of his speech on the golden rule, how we should treat others. The yardstick we use for all this will be the yardstick which is used for us. Reporter afterwards republicans claim the pope was careful not to take sides in the ongoing immigration debate. To me the pope is saying that we have to be open to immigrants, i agree with that. But you have to have control of your borders. Reporter the pope was careful not to alienate republicans but democrats heard a speech left of center. The pope anchored his remarks in the gospel that least of those in society. Reporter after his speech, the pope waved balcony on this historic day. Thank you very much and god bless america. Reporter the pope went to a church and met with several Homeless People under scoring his trip that we should do more for the poor, disenfranchised and those that still believe in the american dream. David, thank you. On social media there was a huge response not only to the popes speech but john boehner. The Republican House speaker got emotional and started crying, something not that new for the speaker. Today it happened several times during the pontiffs speech in response to all the social media comments, john boehner used humor in his tweet saying of course everyone knows it doesnt take an act of god. Special bible that the pope gave to Congress Today. Take you back to another live look at joint base andrews. The popes plane is about to take off. Again, its called shepherd 1, American Airlines flight and smells like spaghetti with johnsonville italian sausage. My favorite. Bad news. The johnsonville factory burned down brian. Its terrible. Well if you cant serve tasty sausage why are we even a family . I may as well move out. Well, if thats what yo. Youre right. Ill stay. And tomorrow were going to help johnsonville rebuild that factory. Ill take dinner in my room, with chocolate milk. Make pasta tastier with johnsonville italian sausage. There it is. Shepherd one is in the air on its way to j. F. K. The boeing 777 chartered American Airlines flight. The only thing that sets it apart from another flight is a papal seal and the pope riding on it. The flight number will be blocked per secret Service Request so the public cant track its progress like we have been able to in the past. Security is even in the air. When he arrives at j. F. K. , a crowd of 200 students and parishioners will be waiting at j. F. K. To welcome him. That it is. Thankfully, lee, clear skies. I was noticing as i look outside of the studio here, columbus avenue wide open. Yeah. I know, plenty of good parking spots available that you cant take advantage of. No question about it. The pope will get here and i think one of the big things he will talk about when he goes back to the vatican, the people of new york city are wonderful but the weather was perfect. He will get great september weather in new york city. Beautiful for the next couple of days. You can see the beautiful shot of central park. Shepherd 1 will be able to see new york city a half hour visibility is so good. We are at 80. Humidity is nice and low. Nice breeze out of the 80s. Bell march 87. 73 belmar. Beautiful afternoon. As the pope arrives at st. Patricks cathedral, about 74. Mostly sunny skies this evening and a nice breeze. Through the evening hours, mainly clear. Tomorrow sunshine, a few high clouds. One thing well notice, especially the first half of the day into the early the northeast. It could peak around 20, 25 with gusts then back to 15 during the afternoon hours. 76 tomorrow and probably when the pope is in central park about 24 hours from now, it should be in the low 70s. Mainly clear skies, high clouds. A little push of drier and cooler air from hudson bay. We need that push of dry air. It keeps the rain to the south. The wild card in this forecast continues to be will that rain get up here, will it wait until early next week or totally miss us. Tomorrow an autumn breeze is back, 75 degrees. High clouds. More of the same on saturday. A few clouds to the south. The rain is staying away. It may stay away sunday as well. Breeze kicking up later on. A breezy day tomorrow with sun and high clouds 75. Tomorrow night partly cloudy skies. Coming up in the 4 30 half hour or at 5 00 the weekend weather forecast. Again, look at that longrange futurecast to see if the rain comes in in city but the big events in philly over the weekend. We will do that when we come inside. All right, lee. Thanks a lot. It has been a historic day in washington, check. Up next, new york city. Yeah. Here is a live look at j. F. K. , the next stop for the pope. Were here in the streets of new york, spreading the news about the real possibilities aarp is creating across the five boroughs. Because if you dont think real possibilities in new york city when you think aarp, then you dont know aarp. Were working with you to make new york city a better place to live, work, and play. Fighting for you by taking on the issues that matter and rediscovering the city with you at discounted events all around town. Thats a big bull. I think thats old cyrus. 1800 pounds of do whatever the heck i want. Take the long way, huh . Thank you cyrus. Lease an mkc for 299 a month welcome back to Eyewitness News first at 4 00. After making history on capitol hill, the pope is on his way to new york city. Pope francis is set to arrive at Kennedy Airport a little less than a half hour from now, around 5 00 for a brisk twoday visit to the city. Minutes ago he departed joint base andrews after a very busy morning addressing congress and to cheering crowds he greeted outside of the capitol today. Mayor de blasio says he is absolutely confident new york is prepared to protect pope francis and the scores of states men gathering in manhattan for the 70th u. N. General assembly. Lucy yang is live at j. F. K. We are waiting for the pope to arrive. Reporter the excitement is building. I dont think anyone is as excited as five Young Catholic School Students who will not presenting him with a special gift. The kids are 5 to 15. They will give the pontiff a spiritual bouquet, a binder filled with good works and a list of prayers offered from 86 Catholic Schools throughout queens and brooklyn. Joe torres spoke to them earlier. Excited. Very excited. Extremely excited. I dont know how much excitement i dont know. You cant measure it. Yes. Im nervous because i am going to the airport to see the pope and i dont know what hes going to feel like or what he is going to say. I was kind of surprising because i didnt know that would happen to me. Its really special. Reporter it surreal for these kids. How did these fabulous five children get chosen from 30,000 Catholic School students . In addition to the amazing young students, they had to be this one important ingredient, no shy kids for this role. The pope is expected to arrive in a half hour or so. We will be here to chronicle his first steps in new york city. Live at j. F. K. , lucy yang for channel 7 Eyewitness News. All right, lucy, thank you very much. When pope francis arrives on the west side, he will be whisked uptown to st. Patricks cathedral. People are already gathering around the cathedral ahead of the evening prayers referred to as vespers. Joe torres continues our coverage. We see big crowds. Any coincidence that the popes visit falls on a day that is spectacular, what a spot we are blessed to have. We are across the street from st. Patricks cathedral in front of the massive bronze doors. Throughout the week, we have spoken at length about the impact of the papal visit, economically in the realm of security and transportation. Dont forget this is a spiritual mission. We have seen his words already. They have been personal. They have been political but more than anything, they are pastoral. Take that explains the answer we got when we asked what was the holy sees expectation for this visit. This is evan gel layzation evangelization, the pope bringing a gospel. The holy see expects a bump, maybe not more people in the pews but more people taking their faith seriously. The responsibility falls on the bishops, priests, mon seen yours and the lay eat tito seize the moment, carry the torch forward while the spiritual juices are flowing. More on that as the night goes on. The impact of pope francis visit is huge but equally what will the impact be after the pope is gone. At 5 00, st. Patricks cathedral looks absolutely fabulous. Looks so good for this papal visit when he arrives later. We will see you at 5 00. Joe, thanks a lot. When the pope gets here, the National September 11th museum will serve as a somber backdrop when he gathers with religion leaders for a multiservice there. He will slated to travel to Lower Manhattan after addressing the United Nations general assembly. Tim fleischer is in Lower Manhattan with more. Tim . Reporter and, david, pope francis will have several events at the 9 11 memorial and museum. He will meet with families of some of the victims. I spoke to two of them today. They are most appreciative that he is coming here. I think it speaks volumes that he understands the importance of wreck nicing a great loss and to be there wreck cog nicing a great loss and to be there to cares. Reporter it will be to meet he will meet families of victims on the plaza and pausing himself to reflect. It will be comforting for a lot of 9 11 Family Members. Reporter franks brother stephen responded to 9 11 by running through the brooklyn battery tunnel in his full 60 pound turnout gear. He later died in the collapse of the towers. My connection is my son and many friends. Reporter another firefighter died that day. His father, lee, who heads the september 11th Families Association will be there tomorrow. He knows the world will be watching this event at the World Trade Center site. A great venue for him to talk about history and understanding. Reporter given the chance to speak to pope francis. What will you say to him. I will hand him my sons mass card and thank you for his intelligence in trying to make this world a better place for us. Reporter and frank suller please pray for my families and the families of 9 11. Even though its 14 years later, there is still tremendous pain. Reporter frank honors stephens memory at the tunnel to Towers Foundation that sponsors an annual run each year, this weekend. We continue true to what Saint Francis said, while here, do good. He will inspire us to do for others. Reporter the popes visit will begin at 11 30 tomorrow morning. Reporting live at ground zero, channel 7 Eyewitness News. Thank you, tim. A lesson in history. Yeah, coming up on Eyewitness News, why some students are not catholic but they are excited about the popes visit here. We will tell you about it. Another live look at kennedy anxiously a waiting the im michael douglas, and new york is my home. Theres no place like it in the world. And theres no time to see it like the fall. Take metro north to take in the beautiful fall foliage from high above the hudson. Swing a club at one of americas greatest courses. See spectacular sights underground. Or thrilling sights above it. Theres so many incredible ways to experience the fun of fall plan your trip at iloveny. Com. We are counting down to pope francis arrival at j. F. K. We have about 200 people anxiously a waiting the popes arrival. Schools are celebrating his historic visit here as a teaching moment. It is a source of pride for catholic students but even noncatholics are excited. Here is kemberly richardson. Im excited. Reporter six students that will represent kev i dont remember high school among 600 kids from jesuit across the country that attend all the events in philly. I am not catholic. I feel that this pope truly has a great message that is universal. Not one just rooted in religion but things that affect people. Reporter students gathered in the gym to watch the popes historic address to congress. Attendance was optional still they got a huge crowd. I think its important that Congress Gets its moral compass into the political system. Reporter you could hear a pin watch during the pope watch event one of many held at jesuit schools across the u. S. Joseph tells me he was distracted thinking about being inside st. Patricks cathedral tonight for vespers. Being able to see the pope in person is honestly a dream come true. Reporter as for this group, they are not scheduled to meet the pop but are crossing their fingers. He is very spontaneous pope. We hope that he will have that magic with us. Reporter in chelsea, kemberly richardson, channel 7 Eyewitness News. As we have seen already in new york city getting around the city is no easy task. There are street closures across the city. They will get worse when the pope lands in a few minutes. Heather orourke has much more. Reporter with the pope expected to arrive within the next hour, major street closures are already in effect. The first stop is st. Patricks cathedral. 47th to 55th is closed from madison to sixth. That will remain in place until 9 00 tonight. After st. Patricks, the pope heads to the home of the nuncio. That means 71st, 72nd and 73rd closed from park to 5th. There are midtown bus diversions and subway stops could be intermittently closed. That is today. Tomorrow will be the big day of road closures across the city. As many as 83 streets closed at one time. The areas to avoid tomorrow are around the 9 11 museum, Upper West Side near central park, our lady queen of Angels School and Madison Square garden. Penn station will remain open during the popes mass so Long Island Railroad and new Jersey Transit will be running. Mass transit is the way to go the next few days. In the newsroom, heather orourke, channel 7 Eyewitness News. If you need to see any of that information again, we have posted a video of the closure maps at the top of our Facebook Page where you can view it and share it with friends as well. As we continue to count down the popes arrival, we everyone is saying, hey you gotta get fios but why . Well, fios is a 100 percent fiber optic network, so you can get 100 out of all your devices. So whatever speed you need, fios has it with the Fastest Internet and wifi available, from 50 to 500 mbps. Ultimately, thats why. Get 50 meg fios internet, tv phone starting at 79. 99 a month. Plus get 350 back with a two year agreement. Back to j. F. K. The crowd is he left about 20 minutes ago. There are the two helicopters he will take from j. F. K. To manhattan to begin another whirlwind part of this trip. We will take a quick check of the other news of the day. In new a former firefighter is accused of leaving a 5yearold child alone in a park. Now that man is under arrest charged with lewdness and child endangerment. Toni yates has the story. Reporter charles pippitone posted bail wednesday night and was released. We spotted him driving by his home. He didnt stop to speak to us but one of his neighbors did. I never heard screaming or fighting. I talked to the kids all the time. They are usually happy. Reporter he was arrested wednesday after a police investigation. The result of a complaint from a parent in the park next to the Police Department monday who found a 5yearold child unattended for at least an hour. It became obvious to her that this child had no supervision. Park to look for a parent or guardian and she made observation of the defendant engaged in sexual activity. Reporter police took the child into their car temporarily, questioned him and charges were in order. He was charged with one count of endangering the welfare of a child and one charge of lewdness. He was charged with lewdness because of the fact that there were children present in the park. Reporter we went to his home where no one inside would speak. We watched him circle the block while we were there. His neighbor says they lived next to each other 10 years and she has always seen only a good father. He is a good dad. He works hard. A lot of times he works late so he wouldnt see them. I used to babysit for them also. Reporter police handed this case off to the Bergen County Prosecutors Office for review. They will decide whether or not to indict. A Family Member of yogi berra shared stories about his life and legacy. They spoke at montclair state university. This is near his long time home. He died tuesday at his home in new jersey. The children of the iconic yankee catcher says ber are treated everybody with respect and taught them the value of sportsmanship on and off the field. He never missed a hockey game, a football game, larrys basketball game. He was there for us when the season ended and the nonpressure to have fun, thats it. Have fun, go out and play. He is so missed. The family announced there will be a family pub a public memorial next thursday. So many honored him. Incredible example. Tonight is the first home game. Patch on the arms. It will be great. Certainly so. A beautiful night for a contribute for him as well as the arrival of the pope. No question about it. Lets take a look south through midtown. We will see if we can spot shepherd one in the distance. Im sure with the great disability he can see new york city for many miles away. Great shot of this moon. We will plug the big super moon coming up this weekend. This was taken last night. No, that airplane isnt shepherd one. Just captured that going through the waxing gibbous moon. There is the weather for yankee stadium. Bring the yankees jacket. It will cool into the 60s. Tomorrow sun and high clouds. Breeze out of the northeast. You see the futurecast. Patchy clouds. Chill in the air. Not as warm as previous days. Low and middle 70s. It wont feel as warm as the last couple of days, 80. Longterm futurecast, rain down in the midatlantic and carolinas. Sun and clouds saturday and even on sunday. This advertise the day we were concerned about showing the rain only getting into parts of virginia. Even if there was a big error with this i think it will be down south of the philly area. Sun and high clouds saturday, nice. More clouds sunday but especially south. I dont know about the viewing conditions for super moon yet and the Lunar Eclipse because some clouds will work in later sunday into early next week. We will work on that forecast. If thats the worst its not about hugging trees. You just gotta find that balance. Where taking care of yourself takes care of more than just yourself. Lease an mkz hybrid for 299 a month count down continues. Another live look at Kennedy Airport in queens. We are waiting for pope francis to arrive. We all get ready for his arrival, security is in full horse drawn carriages through central park. The popes visit means they will have the day off. Other businesses are feeling a pinch as well. Lauren glassberg has more on that. Reporter the horse drawn carriages are heading out today but tomorrow the horses wont be allowed in the park because of the pope was visit. We are missing a day of work which, of course, we dont like to do. But we do have a lot of irish and italian catholics that hope they can get a chance to see the pope. Reporter christina will take care of her horse at the stable tomorrow. Today she is happy to be giving rides and these tourists. Good we came today. We came a long way to ride in the carriage. Did you think this was definitely something you wanted to do. Yes, on the bucket list. Reporter interestingly some horses will be allowed in central park, those central park horse show but the rules are different when it comes to these horses, something drivers are taking in stride. Hurricanes, snow storms, popes, its all part of the job. Reporter cabs will likely be doing a lot of this staying park and vendors that usually set up around or inside central park wont be allowed. It would have been a lucrative day tomorrow for vendors outside of Madison Square garden but they are prohibited from setting up shop. Bad for the business. Understand. Home. Reporter the same is true at ground zero. Too. Christina thinks the pope should do away with his popemobile and see central park from the back of her carriage. Gold. Reporter lauren glassberg, york. Our coverage of the popes visit to new york continues. Pope francis will be touching down in a few minutes. We will bring it to you live meanwhile, Eyewitness News at 5 00 begins right now. You are taking a live look at j. F. K. On this special edition of Eyewitness News at 5 00. Pope francis is scheduled to touchdown in less than ten minutes kicking off a very busy new york. In manhattan right now, thousands of people line 5th avenue ready to greet the pope before he arrives at Saint Patricks cathedral. Im diana williams. Im bill ritter. Im Sade Baderinwa outside st. Patricks cathedral. We will see you shortly sade. All eyes are on hangar 19 at j. F. K. The popes plane is on the way. About 200 people from the there. Hour ago. There was a ser ceremony. Helicopters will fly him to wall street. A historic moment. He is the first pope to address a joint meeting of congress. Something politically for everyone. He has hardest on lawmakers responsible to support responsibility to support immigrants and the poor. We have reports at jtk along with reporters at Saint Patricks and crowds lining 5th avenue as well. Back at j. F. K. , as we said, the pope should be here in the

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