Transcripts For WABC Good Morning America 20160411

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donald trump's team accused ted cruz of running a crooked campaign. after cruz sweeps colorado, edges closer in delegates. >> i met a lot tougher people over the years. but not anybody that can lie like him. >> hillary clinton launches a new attack ad taking on trump. the super bowl champ will smith gunned down on the street after a fender bender. how the suspect and the former nfl star may be lingtd. the investigation this morning. and meltdown at the masters. one of the worst collapses in golf history. 22-year-old jordan spieth on the brink of victory loses his grip. >> oh, my goodness, this is unbelievable. green jacket this morning. and good morning, america. happy monday. welcome back to robin. >> good to be back. how is it to be danny willett this morning? lots to celebrate. 28-year-old won big at the masters. also brand-new dad. >> your heart has to go out to jordan spieth. that par 3 12th. >> it was so hard to watch. >> it withas. he was leading throughout. >> it was a crazy masters. there were three -- not one, not two, three holes in ones. including this amazing shot. >> it counts. >> yes. this is not pool. we have that ahead. but first, we want to get to that extreme weather, severe storms in the heartland, deep freeze in the east. now a warm-up is on the way and rob marciano has the latest. the cold and know from the weekend is over. now we're being replaced with the severe weather threat. southern oklahoma, winds widespread. in this case, geronimo, the wind gusts doing damage there. this is right along the texas/oklahoma border. similar threat today. it shifts to the east in the arklatex region. this will pump up the heat in the areas that have seen the cold and the snow. so, a rebound in temperatures. it's not dramatic, but it will feel dramatic. look at denver, 80 degrees. that's going to feel good. george. >> thank you, robin. now the race for the white house. on the republican side, ted cruz gaining ground in hon donald trump. he declares he'll defeat donald trump at the contested abc's jon karl has the latest. good morning, jon. >> reporter: good morning, george. donald trump had a tough weekend as ted cruz once again outhustled him in the battle for delegates and now trump is crying foul. donald trump is accusing the cruz's campaign of quote, crooked shen begans in the fight for convention delegates. >> they're trying to subvert the movement. they can't do it with bodies or people because they don't have near the people we have. >> reporter: nearly four days off, trump is back on the trail. while trump was away delegates were at play. >> of the 21 delegates we won all 21. >> reporter: over the weekend in colorado which holds a state party convention instead of a primary, cruz made it a clean sweep, predicted he'll have the delegates to win a contested national convention in july. >> on a subsequent ballot we're >> reporter: the cruz campaign said they're outmaneuvering trump because they're more organized. trump's new delegate hunter said the cruz's team is using dirty tricks. even comparing them to nazi secret police. >> you go to these county conventions, we're going to be filing several protests because the reality is they're not playing by the rules. >> reporter: trurp is also taking on his other favorite nemesis the media, going after the boston globe after the paper's liberal editorial board published this fake front page. envisioning a world under donald trump. deportations, stock market collapse. >> and they made up the whole front pages of make-believe stories. which is no different from the whole thing. >> reporter: trump hopes to turn primary is held next week. >> jon, we'll get back to you. now to the democratic race, bernie sanders notching another victory in wyoming over the weekend. winning the popular vote but splitting the delegates evenly with hillary. cecilia vega is here with the latest on that. >> reporter: eight days. good morning to you. bernie sanders has been winning states seven of the last eight contests but that battle for delegates is an uphill climb. but he says he can still win this nomination. >> thank you, brooklyn! >> reporter: this morning, bernie sanders is riding high. >> are you guys ready to go on the ride? >> reporter: at the roller coaster at croniy island. sanders now in a new york state of mind after a weekend win in wyoming. the ride ahead even wilder. pass hillary clinton with enough delegates with nomination. >> in the last 3 1/2 weeks, we have reduced her margin by a third. so, no question, the momentum is with us. >> reporter: this morning, his team is promoting a contested convention. >> we're on the way of pulling off the biggest political upset in modern history of america. >> reporter: clinton insisting that will not be the case. >> i feel good about the upcoming contests. i intend to have the number of delegates that are required to be nominated. bill clinton on the stump, too, echoing his wife's confidence. >> she's 2.3 million votes ahead and 250 delegates a ahead. how can you ask that? >> reporter: hillary clinton's focus now -- donald trump. she's taking him on in a new ad that hits new york air waves this week. >> at so much stake she's the also in that path, that subway turnstile. a real-life subway fail made for "snl." i watched that so many times. it's so funny. both sides overnight released ads. that one from hillary clinton, she's laser focused on donald trump. bernie sanders put out a new ad overnight, celebrating his new york values. >> living here in new york. we're seeing those ads over and over again. >> new york matters. >> thank you, cecilia. jon, you got this brand-new poll out this morning. >> this is from the associated press, george, on the question would you never vote for one of these candidates? 49% said they would never vote for hillary clinton in a general election. that sounds horrible until you look at the republican numbers. take a look at this, 63% say trump. 55% would never vote for ted cruz. as if people are saying they're simply aren't going to vote for everybody. i have to point out this one, which candidate would make america great again -- look at this, 33% said clinton. just 28% for trump. 30% said neither of them. >> meantime, you reported on how ted cruz swept the delegates in colorado over the weekend. he's predicted a win at the contested convention. >> trump got his clock cleaned out in colorado and several other states as they're beginning to select the actual delegates. as you look at this, trump would need to 62% of the remaining delg gates to clinch the nomination before the convention. kasich simply can't do that. we're headed toward a contested republican convention this summer. >> donald trump has good states coming up this week. thank you, jon karl. brussels attacks. authorities say that the terrorists were targeting paris again but switched to brussels at the last minute. abc's alex marquardt with more. >> reporter: with the arrests of the man in the hat, mohamed abrini and others, belgian authorities saying all of the major figures from this cell that attacked paris and brussels are dead or captured. this morning the man in the hat in custody. mohamed abrini's interrogation providing the startling revelation that the attacks in brussels were the backup plan. after the paris attack, the terrorist cell had intended to attack in france again but with the noose tightening the belgian prosecutor said they urgently >> it's not very difficult to change plans when you're targeting soft targets like the unsecured area of airports. or obviously the subway system. >> reporter: after the blast at the airport, abrini fled, the escape recorded by surveillance cameras. he claims he threw his tan coat in the garbage and sold the hat. >> it gives you the opportunity to figure out the network, location of weapons, location of other associates. >> reporter: abrini now facing multiple terror charges including terrorist murder, same as osam ya krayem. seen in this photo with the suicide bomber just before the attack. even with this cell largely dismant med the threat to european countries remain high. george. >> that alert level not going down. alex, thank you very much. the fire storm over north carolina's so-called bathroom law. bruce springsteen canceled a game there and some are calling for nba to move its game. abc's steve osunsami is theon the scene in raleigh. >> reporter: the list of big businesses threatening to pull businesses continue to grow. the battle lines are drawn. this morning the boss is changing everything. bruce springsteen the rock legend who honors veterans is refunding concert tickets today in protest of the new north protections for guyay families. and it stops transgender people from using the bathrooms they need. he explained on facebook that some things are more important than a rock show and this fight against prejudice and bigotry is one of them. it's the strongest means i have for raising my voice in opposition. >> reporter: his band is speaking up, too. >> hurt people economically to do the right thing morally. >> reporter: basketball hall of famer charles barkley agrees. this morning, he's saying the nba should move next year's all-star game somewhere else. >> i'm supposed to stand up for the people who can't stand up for themselves. so, i think the nba should move the all-star game from charlotte. >> reporter: the game alone is worth $100 million in business. >> with each event that's impact of no longer hotel rooms. cab spending to concert goers. >> reporter: the governor and his many supporters are fighting back. their critics are fine with laws in other places. calling the bathroom issue a safety concern for girls. lawmakers here say they feel like they're being bullied. selena gomez and others have concerted scheduled here. george. >> we haven't heard the last of this. okay, steve, thanks very much. amy with the other top headlines. a u.s. navy officer accused of passing secrets to china. edward lin with access to classified information. thejohn brennan said it will not allow waterboarding even if a future president orders it. the technique was banned by president barack obama. donald trump said he would bring it back. secretary of state john kerry has become the highest ranking u.s. official to visit the atomic bomb explosion there. laying a wreath there. president obama travels there next month. a big concern for nasa, it's racing to save $600 million kepler telescope which unexpectedly power downed into emergency mode. some dramatic video from india india. they dropped a plane, sending the empty air bus crashing to the ground. it was being moved to a training site at the time. finally, mcdonald's infamous ham burglar has nothing on this man. joint in d.c. he fired up the grill, made himself a couple of cheeseburgers, time for a quick phone call. he did steal a water bottle. i will say that. the police say they're on the look out for a man with a fedora and a grill skill. >> you know, he was hungry. >> apparently. the masters, all watching. >> painful. this one is painful to report. a huge upset at the masters. rising star jordan spieth leading the pack most of the way. until a sudden nose-dive opens the door for a relatively unknown british golfer to walk away with that coveted green jacket. abc's linsey davis is here with the major turn of events. so close but so far, linsey. >> reporter: some are calling it one of the greatest collapses not only in masters history but jordan spieth's undoing came at amen corner. 22-year-old jordan spieth, seen poised to take home the green jacket for the second year in a row. but then came the 12th hole. >> oh, my goodness. this is unbelievable. >> this will damage him for a while. >> reporter: what followed was one of the worst collapses in golf history. when it was over, spieth scored a 7 on the par 3. handing over the lead to this guy -- danny willett. a 28-year-old who learned golf in a sheep field. now, the masters champion. >> it's just crazy. >> reporter: willett is only the second englishman to ever win the masters. calling his wife to share the news. >> i'll call you back. >> reporter: the son of a preacher, willett was the last not joining until his wife gave birth to their baby boy. >> i wouldn't come here if he wasn't born by now. fortunately, he listened to my prayers and came early. >> reporter: and then there was this -- >> that's one. >> reporter: three players hit holes in one on the 16th hole but nothing could take away from the shock of spieth. he told his caddie, buddy, it seems like we're collapsing. an hour later, he was handing over the green jacket to willett. >> big picture, this one will hurt. it will take a while. >> this was only willett's second time playing augusta. he has his older brothers to thank for golf. c-section toso he could play. >> robin was just giveing us a golf lesson. >> if that first ball went in it all right, lot good morning. i'm meteorologist bill evans. we have cloudy skies and 45 degrees. the umbrella handy we will have showers off-and-on through the day with spritzers and sprinkles and heavier rain showers around i-84 to the north. clouds and maybe late in the day some sun with temperatures approaching 58 degrees. tomorrow, a coming up -- will smith, the super bowl winner with the saints killed in a deadly shooting. his wife, wounded. new clues about a possible link between the suspect and the former nfl star. and it was a huge weekend for melissa mccarthy, scoring big at the box office and the mtv movie awards. just let it go. it's just bad energy. oh, and lose those terrible black balloons what's up with that? hey we hear you. that's why our members love aarp the magazine. it celebrates you. with fun and provocative content, from lifestyle and entertainment to in-depth reporting. and it's just one of the great benefits of membership. if you don't think "this is right 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melissa mccarthy making waves, literally crowd-surfing. she became the first woman ever to win the best comedic. heartland recovering from severe storms overnight. deadly dust storm tears through arkansas yesterday. the golden state warriors making history overnight, steph curry and the warriors matching the bulls' record of regular-season wins. 72. also this morning, a real-life castaway. >> absolutely, robin. it looks like a scene from hollywood but this happened in real life. three men stranded on a deserted island. making that sign you see to get help. how they were finally rescued coming up. >> we'll have that story. but we begin with an investigation under way in the shooting death of super bowl winner will smith the former new orleans saints star was killed in what looks like a road rage confrontation. were factors in 350 fatal crashes in 2015. abc's ryan smith with the latest. george. the suspect was in a white house yesterday. charged with second-degree murder. le held on bond. while police believe smith and the shooter were strangers, this morning, new details emerging about a bizarre connection between them. this morning, police still coming through the details behind the death of former nfl star will smith. >> will smith will get carson palmer. >> reporter: once one of the best defensive ends in the game, helping lead the saints to a super bowl in 2010. >> one life is over and another life is ruined. >> reporter: police say this man, 28-year-old cardell hayes killed smith in a road-rage incident turned deadly shortly after 11:00 p.m. saturday night when hayes bumped his hummer into smith's mercedes suv. the pair exchanging words, then smith suffering multiple gunshot wounds. pronounced dead at the scene. his wife, racquel, shot in the leg. >> no information to suggest that they knew one another. >> reporter: police aren't sharing a motive, but smith and hayes seemed to share an odd connection. hayes recently settled a lawsuit over a police shooting death of his father. abc news confirming smith and cervelo had dinner saturday night. overnight, hayes' aattorney denying revenge was a factor in the incident. >> not only did my client call 911 but my client secured a witness who was about to leave for law enforcement to arrive. now, tell me if that's the behavior that's consistent with someone who's an animal out here looking for blood? >> reporter: condolences pouring in from around the sports world for will smith. lebron james tweeting, so sad. smith the father of three was elected to the saints hall of fame just last month. as for hayes, he'll be back in this courthouse today to get a new lawyer, george and robin. >> we are thinking of will smith's family. now to the o.j. simpson trial, back if the heed lines with that new series. and gil garcetti is opening up about the trial, saying he never wanted marcia clark on the trial. >> reporter: he's no fan of the new show. telling that clark lobbied for the job herself. >> reporter: for millions of viewers, the star-studded mini series, brought to so-called the trial of the century back to life. >> not guilty. >> reporter: and for the real-life cast of characters the show bringing up memories and new chances to tell their stories. >> if it doesn't fit you must acquit. >> reporter: former gill garcetti is speaking out. of marcia clark, she wasn't my pick. saying she lobbied hard for the post. the former district attorney saying, marcia is a very good lawyers, but one of the things with her was that she didn't heed the advice of our trial consultant who told her not to pick african-american woman, particularly black mothers for that jury. she didn't listen and once she did that, there was no chance the emotional clark was no match for simpson's high-powered dream team. the wildly successful fx series sparked new interest in the case and gave new insight into prosecutor marcia clark including sara paulson who played her on the small screen. >> she's a toughie. >> she is. i had a particular image and picture of her which i think most americans had. through all the research i did, i came to realize that was so far from the truth. >> reporter: as for marcia clark she recently told "the view" that the show was a painful reminder. >> for me it's reliving a nightmare. it's just awful. it's hard for me. >> reporter: and garcetti remembering advice from former president jimmy carter. going to find him not guilty. he says there were some misrepresentationations, he didn't want to get into them at this time. >> you can't lose sight of two families who are, you know, lost loved ones. all right, thanks so much, gio. coming up, those three men ship wrecked on a deserted island. and in our next hour, they call it uber for women, is it a safer way to ride? 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[ upbeat music ] strut past that aisle for the allergy relief that starts working in as little as 30 minutes and contains the best oral decongestant. we're back now with that scene that looks like it's in pa maw vie. three sailors, ship wrecked. desperate rescued after making this giant help sign in the sand. abc's matt gutman has the details. >> reporter: they were marooned for three days after their fishing boat capsized, swimming to a tiny island through but they're a pretty resoersful bunch. call it a real-life "cast away." >> hello! anybody! >> reporter: this morning, three men rescued after a tiny remote island in the pacific, using palm fronds to spell out "help" in the sand and waving those bright orange life jackets. their ordeal beginning last monday, several miles north of pap papua new guinea. then just after two hours at sea, a massive wave capsizing their 19-foot skiff, the crew holding on to those life jackets and swimming nearly two miles in the dark. washing up on a long, deserted island. no way to contact help. find any craft within that region. >> reporter: after three days a u.s. navy plane receiving an alert about the missing men, first spotting that smoke signal and then that message in the sand. >> this was a huge win for us and it was a huge win for bp 5 and more importantly it was a huge win for the three guys on the island. >> reporter: castaways are more common than you think. in 2014, this group of snorkelers carved a giant s.o.s. in the sand. but nothing compares to this mexican fisherman, lost at sea, for 14 months. living off of raw fish, uncooked birds and turtles. have no fear. island survival something we got a tutorial on last year. by far the most grueling. >> not getting enough smoke. >> reporter: but most important and just like those survivors rescued this weekend, that fire -- i give to you fire -- would have been our saving grace. yeah, fire is key. now while the u.s. navy was the first to spot these castaways this part of the pacific is so vast that the navy apparently told the castaways' families it would be faster for them to take their own boats to rescue them off the island. lara. >> matt, wait a second, what happened to your shirt? >> what shirt. >> exactly. [ laughter ] >> i think it was the pants in that shot -- thank you, matt gutman. coming up on "good morning america" -- big headline about zika this morning. the new disorder it's being linked to. and how melissa mccarthy and mtv movie awards. i'm not reading that -- who got jiggy with that? seriously? we'll give it a 6 for composition. scary. wow, what about just putting a fair, no haggle price on the window? not zany enough? sometimes the best deals book direct at for the lowest price online and... start playing start relaxing start loving book direct at and start saving. belvita breakfast biscuits provide steady morning energy whether you... play it cool... how's it going? or don't play it cool. you're attractive! i just... i didn't mean to come on so... belvita. because we can all use steady morning energy. we asked a group of young people when they thought they should start saving for retirement. then we asked some older people when they actually did start saving. this gap between when we should start saving and when we actually do is one of the reasons why too many of us aren't prepared for retirement. just start as early as you can. it's going to pay off in the future. if we all start saving a little more today, we'll all be better prepared tomorrow. life mtv movie awards. jamming with the big tribute to will smith there. one of the highlights of the night hosted by kevin hart and dwayne "the rock" johnson and t.j. holmes has the highlights. >> reporter: not exactly the oscars. we know that because they had a category for best kiss. when they give out a lifetime achievement award to the old actor -- and the old dude is will smith. it was a wild night in hollywood. >> too much. too much. >> reporter: as the biggest stars in muse youic and film mingled at mtv movie awards for a musical celebration of this year's best movies. the night was filled with funny acceptance speeches. and amazing music performances. summer's hottest movies. >> reporter: star wars the force awakens won movie of the year. director j.j. abrams accepted in front of an audience filled with light sabers. >> thank you so much. >> reporter: they poked fun at the oscar snub controversy. >> i'd like to take an opportunity to thank the academy -- i mean, mtv. i'm sorry. >> reporter: as they paid tribute to will smith. >> whoa, hold up. >> reporter: who was honored with the generation award. >> i'm dedicated until i die to life and love. >> reporter: to mtv movie awards history. melissa mccarthy became the first woman to receive the best >> i'm certainly not the first one to deserve it. my mom, sandy lynn mccarthy taught me not to fear being the butt of the joke and to lovingly go for the kill. and you know what, she delivered the kill this weekend. her movie outdid "batman v superman" dawn of justice this weekend. all right, talk about will and kate on their royal road trip when we come back. ...except you. opioid-induced constipation, oic, is a different type of constipation, which may need a different approach. longing for a change? 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"good morning america" is brought to you by ford, we go further so you can. good morning. at 7:56 this monday, april 11th. record of a small plane that crashed in a long island neighborhood. the pilot and passenger survive, but are badly hurt. the plane lost engine power as they try to circle back and the plane dropped down and hit trees and a utility pole before skidding to a stop on third avenue. nobody on the ground was hurt. hillary clinton has released a new campaign ad hitting hard at donald trump. she campaigned on long island today. bernie sanders released a new ad overnight saying the middle class must be saved. donald trump has a big rally in albany tonight at the times union center at john kasich will be just outside albany and ted cruz is not around. his wife will campaign on long island. 7:57. going to the webcam, a look at the westbound traffic moving slowly to the cross island and going to the maps, on the west by the cross island an accident is cleared with one lane blocked and we will also tell you what's happening with new jersey transit and delays of 30 minutes with overhead wire will cross metro north and here's a look at the inbound lincoln, in avenue island is cleared but 45 minutes at the lincoln tunnel. alternate side parking in effect. meteorologist bill evans and accuweather forecast. cloudy skies and temperatures are 47 to kick off your 8:00 hour. a couple of showers on the radar. to the north and west, a few sprinkles and breaks of sun late in the day. temperatures will get to the upper 50s and we are looking at tomorrow being a rainy day. off and on rain and the wayne tatian the sun comes out on wednesday. coming up, backstage, dancing with the stars all-star and his partner. i'm like a boxer in a ring. a small boxer. you don't expect much... and then, wham! i hit 'em with huge creamy goodness! alright round two! bring it, girlfriend! rich, creamy, 100% natural cheese. mini babybel. good morning, america. it's 8:00 a.m. royal road trip. will and kate take india. brand-new pictures this morning from the blockbuster trip from a to prince william in a hip-hop dance-off. we're live in india with the latest. carli lloyd lashes out. she's sick of being treated like a second-class citizen when it comes to being paid. she says we are done with it. and uber for women. the brand-new car service. why it's about to hit some bumps in the road. and they're taking over our house. ciara, ludacris and common all here live as we say -- >> all: good morning, america. on a great monday here, ciara and ludacris are here. there they are. it's a barbershop takeover. ice cube and common are going to be live here in times square as well. we got a gma watch party going on. an actual barbershop. >> they're up this morning. >> why not, a watch party. if it's monday that means "dancing with the stars" tonight. disney night tonight. doug flutie, what an inspiring dance he had last year and maks is going to join us this morning. >> there he is. the former dancing champ, a favorite of ours, he may not be competing this season but he has a lot at stake. his brother is dancing with our ginger zee. now, let's get the morning rundown from amy. new poll signals trouble for donald trump in a possible showdown with hillary clinton. the associated press poll shows that people trust hillary she would be better at making america great. it comes as the clinton shifts its focus to trump. trump is calling the system corrupt after ted cruz won all colorado's delegates. one other setback for donald trump, ivanka and eric aren't eligible to vote because they missed the registration deadline. an arrest has been made in the -- the woman both 19 were innocent bystanders caught in the cross fire between men at an off-campus party. one suspect is now in custody. u.s. nav value officer is charged with spying. the taiwan native is also accused of paying for a prostitute. virus is being lingtd to another brain disorder. some patients are now suffering from a condition similar to multiple sclerosis that attacks the brain and the spinal cord. it's already linked to brain damage. the captain of women's soccer team is speaking out. carli lloyd $20,000. the u.s. soccer federation has rejected the team's pay increase proposals calling them unacceptable. she writes in "the new york times." quote, simply put we're sick of being treated like second-class citizens. it wears on you after a while and we are done with it. finally d you hear about the goat who wandered into starbucks? we kid you not. there you go, millie was the first customer of the day at starbucks in northern california. perked up the baristas. she slipped out of her leash, no caffeine fix for millie, she was only interested in snacking on the cardboard boxes. she's back at home with her dog and six chickens and a brand-new fence. >> millie, i like that name. >> she looked peaceful, though. lara. here's what's coming up, we're live in india for the royal road trip. all eyes are on will and kate as we take you inside their big adventure. then the so-called uber for women is the new car service really a safer option? ened it's barbershop takeover. we have a celebrity barber here and the crew from the movie, ice cube, common, all here live. hello, hello. 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(war drums beating) fight heartburn fast. with tums chewy delights. to conquer heartburn fast. tum tum tum tum. chewy delights. only from tums. turns out lemon juice doesn't cure pink eye. hi. how are you doing today? that's how i am. red head fred. ultra rare. i collect these too. nah, these are for my dog because he can never decide which one he wants until he gets home, so... american express presents the blue cash everyday card with no annual fee. cash back on purchases. my only concern is that this is where we put food. a dog's foot is cleaner than a human's mouth. that's what they say. is it? cleaner than my mouth. backed by the service and security of american express. hi. back on "good morning america" this monday morning. will and kate give cricket a good go. they're tackle their first day in india. left the kiddies at home and we're there for it all. >> the duke and duchess of cambridge are traveling through india and bhutan. in that first official tour in two years without george and charlotte. >> reporter: and they're off. william and kate taking in on india at full speed. starting the second day of their royal trip, meeting with young entrepreneurs in mumbai. outfit of the trip. after capping off their first day at a glittering gala where bollywood royalty met real-life royalty. kate looking regal in royal blue. donning lapis and diamond earrings. her stunning gown by jenny packham. a dorned with sparkly indian ambassadoring. prince william talking and how much they wanted to visit. >> india was the first place on catherine's list that she told me wanted to visit. >> reporter: this is the first time they have been to india. it's very significant. because the indians love the royal family. >> reporter: from the streets immortalized in the film slumdog millionaire" to the cricket pitch, the duchessen wowing the prince william challenging one man to a hip-hop dance-off. the duchess taking lessons in speaking hindi from school children. for "good morning america," lama hasan, abc news, london. >> abc news royal contributor victoria murphy is traveling with william and kate. she joins us live from deli, india, thank you for being with us. >> hello, good morning from india. >> we heard in the piece that william said kate really wanted to visit india. they get a say of where they go on their official royal visits. >> well, yes, as you saw it, at that dinner last night, william revealed that kate always wanted to be there. they are representing britain, they're representing the queen abroad. government where they go. you can definitely tell they're really, really excited to be here. they're looking forward to see as much of the country as possible and doing a really good job for the queen. >> their patience certainly paid off. what are they hoping to accomplish with this visit? >> well, i think they're hoping to accomplish obviously is to strength on the ties between britain and india and william has said he's very keen to do that. for kate, she's very interested in meeting the children. they went to the slums yesterday, they saw some of the country's poorest people. for william, when they go to national park tomorrow, that will be a big thing for him. trying to highlight the plight of the rhinos there because of the poaching. >> they're also visiting the taj mul mahal. thank you. >> thank you. all right, george, over to you. let's turn now to that new ride app, aimed at women who may not feel safe with uber and lyft. abc's gio benitez has the story. >> reporter: incidents like these is a passenger's worst nightmare. >> i'm afraid. >> reporter: in january, she said her uber driver dropped her off and refused to leave a neighbor finally scaring the driver away. uber severing ties with him. also in january, this jacksonville lyft driver charged with battery after a woman said he attacked her in the backseat of the car. the driver pleaded not guilty. calling his behavior absolutely unacceptable. just last week, uber agreeing to pay up to $25 million to settle a lawsuit alleging it misled of its drivers. lyft agreeing to pay $500,000 for similar. now a former uber driver and his wife kelly offering an alternative service, chair got for women. the drivers all female aiming to give passengers peace of mind. >> from having thousands of passengers in my backseat, i heard stories that were about unsafe travel and uber drivers hitting on women and just a lot of unsafe issues. >> reporter: he said that the service will also cater to mothers with young children. but he admits he's not a guarantee of safety. we asked folks at the annual women's expo in rhode island if all-women drivers would make them feel safer. from being -- >>. >> reporter: having just women and children in her backseat will likely protect the company's female drivers, too. >> if i were picking up man, i know he would be a lot stronger than me and i wouldn't feel comfortable. she taxis said they received an overwhelming positive response from its customers a but had to temporarily shut down because they couldn't meet the demand. but also because of accusations of discrimination from men looking for rides. >> you can't limit who you offer your services to. >> reporter: chariot for women said its business is well within the law. they technology makes it possible for safer rides in ways that have never been possible before. and lyft said the safety of their community is their top priority. it says both passenger and drivers will have a ride with a pass word. robin, this is a very interesting conversation. >> it is. a conversation that will continue. now to a star on a mission, doug flutie brought the ballroom to tears with his emotional waltz last week. did you see it? now he's back at it. tonight's dance crucial to keeping him on the dance floor and maks is going to join us in a moment with a big announcement. but first, doug takes us behind the scenes. the country has fallen in love with former star quarterback and dad doug flutie and his partner karina smirnoff. rehearsal no laughing matter. >> to the left. it's not -- it's -- i think we have a old married couple relationship. he complains back. tell me what hurts. i the tell him to keep quiet and keep doing it. >> reporter: last week, doug waltzed into the hearts of americans with a dance dedicated to his parents who had been married for 56 years when the unthinkable happened last year. >> basically dad had been ill, only a matter of time. the morning he passed, i was on my way and i get a text from my sister, saying, they're working on mom and i didn't understand that one. i run in and mom had a heart attack after dad had passed and she passed away with within the hour. understand that it's a love story, that mom passed of a broken heart. at some point, she realizes i don't want to go without him. >> reporter: doug poured his own heart into the performance, overcome by emotion after. >> just wanted to make my mom and dad proud. >> reporter: he's dancing on the show for his son, doug jr., diagnosed with autism at the age of 3. >> we honestly believe that we given dougie because we're in a position to make a difference. >> reporter: 18 years ago the fluties started the doug flutie jr. foundation for autism and is now launching a new campaign. >> when it's all said and done will be the thing i'm most proud of. perspective. and maks is joining us live from los angeles. digging the hat. thank you for getting up. the improvement in doug from the first week to now and how does he stack up against the other two nfl players, von and antonio? >> i mean it seems like he's the underdog, right, he's got a bit of an edge in him, maybe less limber and stuff. but i kind of take him as a dark horse in this competition. he's extremely likable. he's an amazing character. he's such a nice guy and that story last week, if that's not -- you know, a tear-jerking situation. my parent is exactly that. just look at us. >> what a love story. every time you're here you have announcement for us. >> i don't know why for whatever reason they let me back in the ballroom. next week i'll be sit ingting next to len and two of us dishing out criticism at everybody. i'm going to be co-judging the switch-up week. >> back as a judge. they're letting you back in. >> can you imagine? >> hey, does peta know this? does your brother val? do they know? >> you know, look, you know, we share household for the time being, but you know, it's funny because they go to their jobs. you know, i do my thing. we don't really talk about these things. when they ask me a question and want advice, i certainly give it. but i kind of like stand back. sometimes they look at me as the you have done it so long ago this is the new "dancing with the stars." we'll see what happens next week. >> you're far from an old man, my friend. talk about the switch-up week that's kind of tough on everybody, isn't it? >> halfway through the season you just got comfortable with your partner and you have to go do it with somebody else, it's a little strange because you don't know how to behave yourself, do you do better? maybe not do so good? because it's your competition. because i feel like everybody's having fun and everybody's settled into this whole switch you've thing. >> i'm sorry i can't imagine ginger without val. i just can't. the two of them are so good together. >> they're amazing and disney night tonight. great to see you, maks. we'll see you next week as a thanks so much. don't miss disney night tonight on "dancing with the stars." back outside to rob. >> this is not planned. you talked about disney night. talk about these disney good morning. we've got showers outside and that's going to continue off and on through the day with the cloudy sky and temperature 47 degrees. we are looking at once again a shower or two still off to our west and north, it will glide by today and another batch comes tomorrow. even later today there might be a break of sunshine, the temperatures are going to be right around 59, 58 degrees, we are looking at periods of rain tomorrow and sun breaks out again wednesday, up to 60 on thursday. >> west coast, playing at carnegie hall later today, classical music. good luck. thank you so much, rob. "pop news," what do you think of the idea of jennifer lawrence, blonde bond? >> oh, okay. >> kind of nice, right? a twist on this. she's said to have the lead to be the main contender to play the lead in "the last goodnight." the book that doesn't come until tomorrow has already been optioned. it tells the star of world war ii, a real-life secret agent, who used her looksened brain to help win the war. the cia used to give its new agent. the last person you say good night is the usually the most dangerous. apparently that person was often betty pack. sounds like a very needy role. also in "pop news" this morning, no one wants to admit to sleeping on the job but what if your job paid to snooze. employees at the insurance company aetna are being offered bonuses if they can prove they get a solid seven hours of sleep a night. they're given fitbit to monitor their sleep. they're rewarded with cold, hard cash. the going rate is $25. up $500 a year. that will help you get some sleep. the boss is giving his sleeping sound, too, the extra shy has improved productivity immensely at the company. >> that would stress me out. i have to get seven hours of sleep. >> amy wants to win the sleeping competition. get the bonus. >> unfortunately not. >> i think it's a great idea. his company is really into it. terrific idea. hint, hint. also, who knew one watermellon us plus 700 rubber bands equals internet gold. live stream event. they basically kept putting rubber bands on the watermelon. the watermelon eventually exploded. 95050 million people have watched that. that's more viewers than "survivor" gets. watching a watermelon explode. ratings juggernaut right here on "good morning america." come on, america. already. coming up -- the amazing story behind this photo. how friends came together to help out these brothers. we'll be right back.tt2w`t0l@qd< bm`n$0$ tt4w`t0l@qd dead after a shooting at the newer campus. night. newark and rutgers police called to the scene. another man was hurt in the shooting but school officials say he is not a student. three people being questioned by police. mayor bill de blasio can expect more tough questions this morning about the fundraising corruption investigation being carried out by the fbi and the u.s. attorney's office. federal investigation is looking into two of the mayor's top donors and their tactics in dealing with officials at the nypd. four high ranking officers have been reassigned on the corruption investigation. the mayor told eyewitness news over the weekend that he is unaware of any federal inquiry. take a 8:28. check the commute with debbie duhaime. >> on the garden state parkway southbound, a car fire up on the shoulder. what's happening on the morris excess gladstone bridge of new jersey transit, 45 minute delays because of overhead wire problems. new jersey transit will cross honor on the buses, staten island railway delays as well with switching problems. north on or close. residual delays. inbound george lower accident reported, 45 at at the hull london -- holland. cloudy skies and and we have a got of spritses and sprinkles with us today. you will see another batch coming from the west now coming across jersey and long island and connecticut and then maybe late in the day we get breaks of sun as temperatures will be in the upper 50s. we are looking at periods of rain tomorrow, more rain tomorrow off and on during the day and then gets out of our way tomorrow night. sunshine returning on wednesday. warm up to 60 by the time we get to thursday. so keep the umbrella handy next couple of days. have a great day. >> thank you, sir. that is the news for now. "live with kelly and michael!" comes up at 9:00 a.m. in the meantime more "good morning america" after the break here on channel 7. have a great day. welcome to my house welcome back to "good morning america." barbershop out in new jersey. everybody getting ready to celebrate "barbershop" right here in times square. abc's jesse palmer has the story. >> reporter: it's a photo that captured our hearts. four brothers, adopted by two families. >> we decided to grow our family through adoption. michael is 6. he loves to laugh and play. there's jess who's 5. and he has cerebral palsy. >> i'm jes. >> there's camden who's 4. he's a typical 4-year-old. >> reporter: but it's also how one friendship transcended expectation. >> reporter: my friend julia called and she was in the process of adopting three beautiful boys. >> our caseworker pulled us brother. one that has major special needs that somebody was going to suffer. >> what about this kid, willis? a good head of hair? >> amazing to cut. real easy. >> look at those skills. >> this weathercast is brought to you by american express. back to you, amy. our new series beauty 911, curls one of the hottest red carpet looks this season. not always easy to get right. michelle lee is here with tips on how to make them work. if you want to transform straight hair. welcome and thank you for being with us. >> thank you. i'm loving your wave. >> this is something that's become really popular lately, why? >> well, i think curls and waves are really youthful and it's also a little bit more free-spirited. right? obviously, a straight look is really great. on the red carpet, people want to be more free-spirited. have our first look, it's the beach loose wave. sofia vergara loves this look. now, we have our model. let's see holly after her beachy wavy look. she looks gorgeous. >> she looks amazing. >> how do we do this? >> it's all about the volumizing mousse with this. wash your hair and dry it about 80% of the way, kind of finger style some of those waves in, put it into two braids, when you undo the braids and you kind of let it all hair dry. and it will come out these beautiful beachy waves. >> it looks fantastic. thank you so much, holly. we have a question now from twitter, this is karen, how can i make curls not look crunchy or slept on with all that mousse sometimes? >> it happens sometimes. crunch, use a couple of drops of hair oil. next, is spiral curls. it looks gorgeous. let's have our model before her transformation. alexandra come on out and show us our next style. >> she looks fantastic. if you find a really great defining curl cream, the best and easiest thing to do is take a shower at night, when your hair is soaking wet, apply the cream. sleep on it. when you wake up you'll have these defind curls. >> it looks fantastic. thank you so much. now, let's see a woman who has tight curls can do. taylor swift with her hair style in a loose curl. our model stacey has short hair come on out, stacey, and let's see your new look. she looks fantastic stacey is a great example of how you can have bangs with curly hair. if you have a really great side swept bang and short wave. >> then, we have with straight hair, want to be on trend, look at that, let's see our model before. she has that straight hair, no it's kind of wavy there. come on out and let's see what you look like with your new curls. >> what we did here, we're showing off some soft ring lets and we used two different curling irons. one that's thicker and one that's a thinner. you want to alternate. uneven. beautiful. >> it looks fantastic. let's bring the models out. you all look spectacular. you guys look great. we appreciate it. >> thank you. coming up more hair. barbershop takeover. the watch party. all coming up next. if your family outing is magical for all the wrong reasons. try zyrtec for powerful allergy relief. and zyrtec is different than claritin . because it starts working faster on the first day you take it. tt2wmrstb!@eo j# 0q$ tt2wmrstb!@e!!*n @ql tt2wmrstb!@e4!j# 6g8 tt2wmrstb!@ex#*&`:1il tt2wmrstb!@et#j'`:%i( tt2wmrstb!@et#j)`:.)l tt2wmrstb!@ep#j*`:92p tt2wmrstb!@ep#j,`:xh0 tt2wmrstb!@el#*.`:qa< tt2wmrstb!@el#*0`:jwt welcome to my house we're back with our barbershop takeover. ice cube and common are here. give it up for them. they're making waves with "barbershop:the next cut." we have a sneak peek of how things are going in the shop, take a look. >> it's a new situation. >> it's not a new situation. it's been a year. i understand that. >> all right, yall. >> you need a minute? because we'll all leave. >> it's like a love and hip-hop reunion there. >> it was. ice cube and common here to "good morning america." big fan of the franchise. this one has heart, has humor, has a message behind it. first, ice cube, congratulations. "straight outta compton" getting recognition at the mtv movie awards and nwa in the rock 'n roll hall of fame. >> to be recognized after all these years, 30 years ago, 25 years ago, i would never have thought that the music industry even wanted to remember nwa because of how much, you know, criticism we got, how much, you know, venom we got when we first started. but you know for it to come full circle and to be in the rock 'n roll hall of fame is great. >> common, you're the newbie to the franchise. >> yes. >> this was very important to you because it's based from chicago. >> dealing with the gun violence, happening in chicago and many cities across america, it was like this script, this story had a heart to it where i needed to be a part of this. to work with cube and cedric and nicki minaj and malcolm lee, it was like, wow, beautiful. >> beautiful job with the cast. so talented. tonny in the way they worked together. this one has a social message to it that's very important. >> we didn't want to do just a barbershop, you can always climb the local celebrities. we wanted what was going on the south side of chicago. you can't do a movie barbershop without talking about what's it was the perfect backdrop to wrap this movie? >> it was also about this 48 hour, the weekend of a cease-fire and you got that from a real-life story in memphis. >> yeah, i read a story about a guy who, you know, he didn't know what to do, he said he was going to give out free cuts if they stopped the violence and i just thought that was a great premise and a great thing for him to do for the community and, you know, so, and barbershop, we got something similar. >> you surely do. that was very important to you? >> yes, it's empowering. i remember hearing president obama saying in a speech like it's going to be up to you what you do in america, the people. for our story to say, the barbers can help make change. anybody can help make the change. the movie for me makes me feel good. gentlemen, because i knew i was going to laugh and you do that. and i knew it was going to have some heart to it. you finish watching it. it makes you ask questions and it does inspires you and it gives you hope. i got to tell you, my barbershop. my dad went to tyronne's every saturday. we're going to go to colby's, barbershop in new jersey. the fellas want to ask you a question. who has a question for the guys here? do you have a question. >> how you doing? i'd like to ask cube a question. can you hear me? >> go ahead, shoot. >> if you weren't an actor would you be barber in real life? >> maybe. barbers are our unsung heroes in they keep our self-esteem up so do our beauticians, you know, without them, where will our self-esteem be, you can walk into a barbershop get a nice conversation when you walk out, you're looking good and feeling good and you know, it makes us feel better. i would definitely consider it. >> it was the social media before the social media. >> no doubt. >> i take pride in this bald look. keeping my beard tight. i care about my body, you know what i mean. >> i'm so glad and you guys have buried the hatchet long ago, the song "real people" part of that, how you were able to put aside your differences. and work together. >> you know, it's great. because, you know, we're showing even if you have a problem with somebody you know what i mean, through time and a little that and you cannot only get through that but you can work together and you can become friends. whatever. >> real people. >> it's great to be able to work with common in the movie and on the song and you know, it feels real good. >> and for you, common in. >> i feel like we're showing an example of people who do have beef whether it's on the streets or in music, you overcome those things for a higher purpose. we're making music. we progressed. we're putting out positive energy. instead of staying in that negative space. >> it's all about moving guard. >> love it. love you guys. thank you. it's a film that everybody needs to see. we thank everybody at our watch party as well. >> now, he's all in it. barbershop the next cut is got to stick around for ciara and ludacris. all right, we've been waiting for this all morning long. ciara and ludacris are here. they're hosting next month's billboard music awards. here to announce some of the finalists. ludacris you have hosted this before, do you have advice for this beautiful first-time host? >> i do not. she's borne for it. we'll have way more fun this year. >> we have had a few top billboard hits ousts. so, as we begin, i'll step out and you guys will start. with top new artist. >> yes. the finalists for top new artists are -- fetty what. silento bryson tiller. and omi. finalist for top female artist. we have adele, selena gomez, ariana grande, rihanna. taylor swift. those are the finalists for top female. >> the finalist for the top male artists are -- justin bieber. drake. fetty wap ed sheeran and the weeknd. top 100 songs. we have adele's hello. fetty wap trap queen. was can khalifa feeaturing the finalists for top 100 song. and that is what we have there. >> more, more. >> i have a card here. we got more. the finalists for top artist are -- adele, justin bieber, drake, taylor swift. and the weeknd. all right, there you have it, everybody. we'll be able to hear more of our finalists. we'll have them on our website. what have you both been doing. congratulations on your engage engagement and your new "essence" cover. >> thank you. >> mother's day issue for may. first time on the "essence" cover. >> executive producing a new show on b.e.t. >> yes, we already started and working on usnew music. >> guys, thank you. billboard music awards, huge show. more information on it on our website. the rest of the finalists announced by there are those who say we cannot defeat a corrupt political system and fix a rigged economy. but i believe we need to lift our vision above the obstacles in place and look to the american horizon. to a nation where every child can not only dream of going to college, but attend one. where quality healthcare will be a birthright of every citizen. where a good job is not a wish, but a reality. where women receive equal pay and a living wage is paid to all. an america where after a lifetime of labor, there is time for rest and grandchildren. a nation that defends our people and our values, but no longer carries so much of that burden alone. if we listen to our conscience and our hearts and not to the pundits and the naysayers. i'm bernie sanders. i approve this message, "good morning america" is aisle telling you, ludacris and ciara they have more of the billboard music awards finalists ongoing on good morning. monday, april 11. hillary clinton is releasing a new campaign ad hitting hard at donald trump. campaigning on long island today. bernie sanders also released a new ad overnight saying the middle class must be saved. donald trump has a rally in albany tonight at the times union center. john kasich will be just outside of albany. and ted cruz, not around. but his wife will be campaigning on long island. say this woman stole a donation jar to help six children. -- six children. picture this morning. the jar contained donations for the children's medical center. we will start off by telling you what is happening still seeing delays. downed. all due to overhead wire problems. it looks like the buses will cross on the staten island railway -- and let's go to the georgia's. thirty minutes in. lincoln waiting one hour. a look at the tappan zee bridge moving into westchester. alternate side, in effect. back to you. meteorologist bill evans with the forecast. >> a gloomy look to the day. as we look toward harbor. the temperature, 49 degrees now. so we will warm into the 50s more showers to the west and the north. moving by today. keep the rain gear handy. into the upper 50s today. and around sunset, around 7:30 p.m., some breaks of sunshine. tomorrow, a rainy day. then the sun comes back out wednesday. that is the news for now. live with kelly and michael next here on channel 7. have a every day.... learn more at >> it's "live! with kelly & michael." today, film and television star chris o'donnell. and from the film, "barbershop: the next cut," cedric the entertainer.

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