It was a Republican from Michigan he left the party back in July in part over how the Republican Party responded to Donald Trump he supported impeachment in response to the Robert Muller report in the Russian vessel geisha and he was the only Republican to do that he ultimately left the party over it it was the Democratic Party that yielded time to him on the floor today and he said when a group of Democrats are advocating to Speaker Pelosi to make an impeachment manager over in the Senate because they think his conviction on this issue and his ability to debate the constitution he is a lawyer would send a very powerful message in a senator just a procedural not sue where Stephen Nunez That's a great question normally the top ranking member of the intelligence community would be presiding over this debate on the floor he doesn't have to you can designate another member we have not seen him on the floor although he has been very loath to engage in this process and has been very dismissive of it similar to how the president has seen the proceedings because yes just to pull back we're watching as Adam Schiff leads the process for the Democrats he is of course the chair of the House Intelligence Committee but on the other side it is still Doug Collins the ranking member from House Judiciary Ron I want to bring you into this conversation we keep hearing Republicans wage the same attack through this that it's not President Trump you who abused his power it was Congress they say which is again a deflection from the substance of the articles of impeachment it is but the Republicans are main argument here is that this entire process is somehow illegitimate that the Democrats didn't have any right to go after the president for what he did with respect to Ukraine and that there was just simply no harm no foul and really shouldn't be here and none of this should be going on and we should be focusing only on legislation on course there's a lot of legislation passing this week as she was already pointed out as we made our way through this broadcast this afternoon but there is a lot of support for that notion in the country that this isn't what Congress ought to be doing no matter how much they don't like Donald Trump no matter how much they disapprove of the way he handled the Ukraine events they really. Shouldn't be going in this particular route and there's no crime here but as just an emotion others have pointed out if you look at Alexander Hamilton is defense of this particular power the impeachment power in the Federalist Papers back a few years ago at the time when the Constitution was scarcely dry he was arguing that this was about the abuse of power that high crimes and misdemeanors meant anyone in public office who abuse their power for themselves and what the Democrats argue was the various The very essence of what Donald Trump did with Ukraine was holding up what Ukraine needed and frustrating the policy of our Congress and President with respect to helping them in order to pressure them. Maneuver them make them do an investigation or not even do it just announce an investigation against Joe Biden because that would obviously help him beat Joe Biden in 2020 appeases nominee. You know what struck me is that while the proceedings have been pretty mild mannered for the most part there's been a lot of emotional language a lot of talk about hating Donald Trump on the part of the Republicans saying this about Democrats this is why you're doing this and then you hear the Democrats come back and say This isn't about my feelings about Donald Trump but there is an emotional weight that people are trying to tease out in this as soon as saying these kinds of different Congressional debates on the floor are not really debates in a classic sense where you clash over specific issues or talk about each other's arguments so much it's more a case of both parties talking past each other into that kind of argument and as they do listen to each other and they hear each other saying things they'd object to they become more emotionally upset and more outraged by the arguments of their own it's sue there was there was a moment when Representative John Lewis came and gave his statement that he is someone who commands respect on both sides of the aisle and there seemed to me anyway to be some added level of solemnity around his remarks he always speaks with a certain level of authority on the floor he's one of the deans of the house he was a civil rights icon you know he always speaks in the when he's asked to speak on the floor he often does so and he's like great lofty moral terms and that's how a lot of Democrats are approaching this vote today I mean this is a historic vote this is a vote that every lawmaker this will go into their political legacy this will be a central factor in their narratives of the time they served on Capitol Hill it's one of the most important votes a lawmaker can ever take which very few in the history of this country has ever had the responsibility to take and I think Democrats lean on John Lewis to sort of send that message that they aren't making a political game out of this that they do see this is a serious sort of solemn. Constitutional also note that there's a lot of Democrats today particularly the women and the speaker wearing black trying to also send a message in their dress that this is akin to a funeral that it's sad it's somber it's serious and it's not again I mean n.p.r. Congressional correspondent Susan Davis also N.P.R.'s Ron Elving thank you for that we're going to return now to the House floor where currently representatives that gate Republican of Florida is speaking to no sense of honor the American people aren't fooled by dirty tricks voters will never forget the Democrats have been triggered into impeaching the president because they don't like him and they don't like us those who vote yes on today's articles of impeachment must carry the heavy burden of shame and guilt for as long as they serve in Congress which won't be long because the American people will remember in November Democrats would rather trip the president just to see him stumble then see America succeed they'd rather impeach the president than work together for the common good of our country and our citizens Democrats may have won the House in 2018 but they haven't forgiven Donald Trump for having the audacity to win the presidency and they haven't forgiven you the American people for voting for him the day before she was sworn into Congress one member of the body said she promised to impeach the mother f. Or she's not alone trumps impeachment was plotted and planned before the ink was even dry on his election certificate and possibly before some Democrats could even point to the Ukraine on a map and seeking the chairmanship of the judiciary committee the gentleman from New York said that he was the strongest member to lead a potential impeachment Democrats may not have known why they were going to impeach the president but they knew it was an inevitability facts be damned this impeachment is a slap in the face to the millions of Americans who voted for President Trump the same Americans that Democrats in Washington have mocked as smelly Wal-Mart shoppers and deplorable Zz this impeachment isn't legitimate it's the radical left insurance policy but we have an insurance policy too it's the next election and we intend to win it I yield back. Gentleman from California. And the speaker recognized the German from Vermont Mr Welch for 2 minutes tenements recognized for 2 minutes Madam Speaker we the people have a copy to welsh of Vermont Democrat now as it has since the founding of our country in its our shared respect for the Constitution of the United States let us all step back from the maelstrom of the moment to recall that our country's inception 243 years ago the concept of a democratic self-governing rule was a breathtaking and idealistic aspiration and when the 13 American colonies boldly rejected the rule of a British monarch our founders were determined to form a government that would rule instead with the consent of the governed ensuring that this noble experiment endured through the ages was an enormous existential challenge it was met with the adoption of the Constitution in $1788.00 and at its heart our 2 bedrock principles that have served as touchstones for our country ever since 1st it established America as a nation of laws where no person is above the law 2nd it established the concept of a separation of powers where 3 co-equal branches of government would check each other less power be concentrated in one at the expense of liberty to all. Mr Speaker Madam Speaker when President Trump abuse the power of off his office by soliciting foreign interference in the upcoming election 1st personal benefit he willfully infringed upon the right of citizens to decide who will lead our nation and in doing so he placed himself above the law in violation of his oath and when he denounced denied and defied the clear authority of Congress to investigate his conduct he reputed aided our constitutional system of checks and balances in further violated his oath to preserve protect and defend the Constitution in it is for these reasons I will cast my vote in favor of impeaching President Donald John Trump I yield back the gentleman from Georgia thank you guys figure you'll 2 minutes the gentleman from Arizona Mr big tournaments recognize for 2 minutes thank you Madam Chair some of my colleagues across the Senate and Republican of Arizona the burden of proof that your burden of proof Madam Chair is the Democrats' burden of proof but the facts arc unchanged the Ukraine received aid that they were promised and appropriated for the aid was lawfully dispersed in fact it was dispersed within the time limits set by this Congress if you wanted it set before sent to them before September 3319 should have put that in the legislation you did not. Ukraine's gave nothing in return Ukraine's president said he felt no pressure no coercion no duress no conditionality but what changed on the day that the aid was released to anti-corruption measures was signed into law by the Ukrainian president Mr the president's Alinsky Democrats have manufactured a sham and then argue that refusing to cooperate is impeachable. The Supreme Court is currently considering the extent of executive privilege when fighting dubious subpoenas but instead of taking their process to court or waiting for the court to rule on the pinning case the Democrats chose to press forward because simply they said we don't want to wait we don't have time to say but failing to do show is an abuse of power of this institution that will have grave consequences for our republic now when the other side claims they proceed with soberness and I'm bemused by media reports that indicate they have been admonished not to do a jig today when they win the vote which we know they will I am struck that salinity of process shouldn't need to have a admonition against levity this process has been partisan vindictive dishonest in this it Pietschmann Democrats have lied about the kind of the July 25th call made secretly with the whistleblower held Soviet style hearings behind closed doors where the Judiciary Committee that committee of jurisdiction could not attend block the president's counsel from participating the fact finding portion of the Inquisition it has been a sham from start to finish and I yield back. Karen from California. Speaker I recognize Mr Scott for a unanimous consent request Germans recognize Madam Speaker as Connecticut's consent to revise and extend remarks in favor of both articles of impeachment that objection. To the speaker I recognize Mr Carson the congressman from Indiana for 2 minutes gentlemen to recognize for 10 minutes. Thank you chair and thank you Madam Speaker you know Madam Speaker as we continue and contests presented of Andre Carson of Indiana Democrats let's be clear that the president's actions seriously jeopardize not only America's national security but security of our closest allies his actions threaten the goals of the us led NATO alliance you see Ukraine is a nation working hard to make its democracy stronger and make no mistake Ukraine is on the front lines of Russian aggression thankfully u.s. Military aid helps Ukraine defend itself against Russia and integrate itself into the European community when our European allies are stronger America stronger we are better equipped to promote democracy and put a stop to tyranny but the president trying to. Strengthening this valuable national security objectives Madam Speaker was not as important as smeary a political rival Madam Speaker we know that he held nearly 400000000 dollars of aid to Ukraine until President Zelinsky agreed to help him dig up dirt on his potential 2020 opponent this aid was approved by Congress with strong bipartisan support President Trump's actions hurt American diplomacy and undermine the integrity of our nation's promises. To our allies we will not allow our leaders to trade away our national security we cannot allow Russia's continued threats to democracy go unanswered and we must not allow our own president of these United States to get away with breaking his own oath of office Madam Speaker that is why we take the solemn necessary vote to impeach thank you now you'll back the balance of my time gentleman from Georgia thank you Madam Speaker I yield a minute I have to the gentleman from Ohio Mr Latta for what can and a half gentleman struck us from it half name as speaker. This is a sad day for our country one that our forefathers warned us again presented of Robert the last of this illusion in the public process unfold while making a mockery of our constitutional duties House Democrats have conducted the most polarizing impeachment process in our nation's history and the men and women I represent are tired of this Democrat run House putting political games of our national national interests House Democrats held secret meetings with held important documents to deliberately misrepresented information to the public and in not give due process to the president this investigation was unfair and the American people expect more out of Congress the articles of impeachment are not based on facts but instead are entirely politically motivated the truth is there was no pressure put on President Zelinsky in the transcripts confirm that there was no conditionality. This inquiry has been rigged from the start lacking fairness transparency and truth has been a waste of taxpayers' dollars and is based off the opinion of an unnamed a whistleblower and hearsay the accusations in today's proceedings do not align with the facts this impeachment process is out of step with existing precedent for presidential impeachment proceedings and is not a process I will support I urge my colleagues to put country 1st and vote in opposition to the Articles of Impeachment Thank you Madam Speaker I yield back gentlemen the general from California is recognized I think the gentleman is now my pleasure recognize the gentle lady from New York chairwoman Maloney is recognized for 3 minutes gentlemen from New York is recognized. Presented as a Carolyn Maloney of New York Democrat of the impeachment of President Donald j. Trump President Trump abuse the power of his office for his own personal and political gain at the expense of our national security president trumps wholesale obstruction of Congress is unprecedented indisputable and impeachable President Trump is the 1st president in history to openly and completely defy all aspects of the constitutional impeachment process in an attempt to cover up his abuse of power he ordered the entire executive branch not to participate in the inquiry and directed it to defy lawful subpoenas from Congress as chairwoman of the Committee on Oversight Reform I find this obstruction particularly offensive. Even even President Nixon accepted Congress's impeachment authority and allowed his aides and advisers to produce the documents to Congress and President Nixon allowed current and former staff to testify in both the House impeachment and the Senate Watergate investigations including his chief of staff and White House counsel by contrast President Trump without any legal basis directed current and former officials not to cooperate with the house's inquiry which resulted in 9 of Mrs stray should officials define subpoenas for testimony and in response to the house's inquiry President Trump refused to turn over even one single not one single document to Congress in response to lawful subpoenas Put simply President Trump's actions are even worse than Nixon's Let me repeat president Trump's actions are even worse than Nixon's our founding fathers established a system of checks and balances that spread out power between the branches of government they decided that no one would be a king that no one is above the law including the president and they gave the responsibility of impeachment solely to the people's House when President Trump defies our of subpoenas and obstructs are in Pietschmann inquiry he seeks to place him self above the Constitution and above the law. We cannot let that stand and if we do then that's the end of Congress as a co-equal branch of government and we've allowed President Trump to elevate himself above the law it is our solemn duty under the Constitution to impeach President Trump for his blatant abuse of power and his obstruction of Congress I held back gentleman from New York yields gentleman from California reserves gentleman from Georgia recognizing a speaker you know one minute to the gentleman from Arkansas almost a woman coming from our stores who recognized I think the gentleman for giving you this might be kind of state of one of Arkansas Republican now history books will tell of this day it will tell of a purely partisan effort to remove the president of the United States an effort not built on a high crime or misdemeanor not only a process in keeping with a high American standard of due process and equal treatment this effort is rooted only in the governing parties hatred of a man elected president of the United States members on the other side of the aisle have been in pursuit of this moment since 2016 they are consumed by it earlier in this debate one of our colleagues referred to our president as a domestic enemy our Founders warned us about this day that is why our nation has entrusted the future of the country with the outcome of elections not the will of a party filled with contempt. For a duly elected president my hope is that when the historians write about this day it is not written in the context of nation that lost its way because its elected members chose hateful partisanship over the sacred oath that has protected this great republic since its founding you know yield back General and far as our yields gentleman from Georgia reserved gentleman from California is recognized. Speaker I'm proud to recognize the gem of New Jersey Mr Mallon ascii for one minute you know I'm from New Jersey is recognized. Mr Speaker in America when we call the 5 percent of Tom l. Announced New Jersey Democrat do not expect a government official to say to us I need you to do us a favor though why would we tolerate a president using his awesome power to make foreign policy when the safety of our country is at stake not for the people but for himself I will vote to impeach today because President Trump did just that when he shook down a foreign country to criminally investigate his political rival if we fail to say that this was wrong than any president will be free to ask a foreign power be it Russia China or Iran to help him hurt his political enemies at home and every foreign tyrant and kleptocrat will know that America's foreign policy can be bought by doing our president a political favor if you believe that our highest duty is to protect America than search your conscience and ask Do you want our future presidents to behave as this one has done do not whisper in the shadows of the Capitol that you disapprove and then defend that conduct here today do your duty keep your oath defend your country John. Gentleman from California reserve gentleman from Georgia is recognized Thank you Mr Baker at this time I yield one minute to the general from South Carolina Mr Wilson you're from South Carolina is recognized. Thank you Mr Speaker over a month ago November the 14th spoke on the impeachment hoax with points true then Representative Joe Wilson of South Carolina Republican reste secret investigations into the administration Democrats have no decided to open these controlled hearings to the public this continues to deception by Democrats to mislead the American people it's insulting no Republican witnesses no counseled by the president to participate in full exoneration by a courageous president a lot of mirrors Alinsky of Ukraine it is said that instead of focusing on funding our military through the National fence Authorization Act passed only last week or passing United States Mexico Canada green meant to create jobs the Democrats continue having wasted 30 $1000000.00 of taxpayers' money on the Russian hoax now proceeding with a Ukrainian hoax this partisan witch hunt diverts attention from the president's successes the unemployment rate remains at a record low there was record job creation in the stock market again today is thriving showing that President Trump keeps his promises in conclusion God bless our troops and will never forget September 11th and the global war on terrorism. General Reserve general from California is recognized speaker I'm proud to recognize the German from California Mr Gomes for one minute California's recognize . Mr Speaker we are here at this moment in our nation's history because the president views the power of his office bribed a foreign government to intrude into our democracy and engage in empress in a campaign of obstruction of Congress to cover it up our credibility in the global community has been compromised our character and motivations are questioned we know where the president's true loyalties lie not with our constituents not with our allies but with our advocates that it should be don't as of California Abraham Lincoln once said nearly all men can stand adversity but if you want to test a man's character give them power Donald Trump has failed this test and now our test is whether we will be a check on that power therefore we must hold anyone to account regardless of party or politics who sets fire to the very institutions that define our nation and our values and with this in mind I will vote yes to impeach Donald j. Trump I yield back General California gentleman from California reserve judgment is recognized thank you misspeak Are you a man and a half of the gentleman from North Carolina miss last general of the North Carolina to recognize. Thank you Mr Speaker I rise in strong opposition to the process and the Republican Virginia Foxx of North Carolina Republican examine it solemn power of impeachment it is imperative that it does so in genuine pursuit of justice fairly transparently and objective fully Anything less is an acceptable this partisan impeachment has fallen far short of that sadly Alexander Hamilton is prediction in Federalist number $65.00 has come true where he warned that in many cases it will connect itself with the preexisting factions and will enlist all their animosities partialities influence an interest on one side or on the other and in such cases there will always be the greatest danger that the decision will be regulated more about the comparative strength the parties than by the real demonstrations of innocence or guilt after years of investigations hearings and millions of taxpayer dollars Democrats found no proof that the president committed a crime no proof at the vague accusations in these articles clearly reflect a basic prerequisite for impeachment impeaching for high crimes and misdemeanors is a charge that an actual crime was committed these empty baseless articles expose for the American people what this is a desperate partisan attempted to avenge the loss of the Democrat preferred candidate in 2016 we must respect American voters and reject these articles general from Georgia reserves Jennifer California's recognize speaker just a quick fact check before you leave the German for Massachusetts my colleagues on the other side of the aisle claim that no Republican witnesses were allowed to testify that is of course not correct in the Intelligence Committee for. Of the Republican requested witnesses testify that is one out of every 4 the witnesses were Republican requested witnesses that they incriminated the president did not make them any less requested by the minority I'm now proud to recognize agenda for Massachusetts Mr Keating for one minute gentleman from Massachusetts recognize today I reflect present in terms of not just this Democrats John Adams who in one sentence captured the very foundation of our country saying we are a government of laws not men translation no one is above the law and John f. Kennedy who in his iconic city upon a hill address caution that any one of us holding public office would be judged by the High Court of history on whether we were truly men or women of courage with the courage to stand up to one's enemies and the courage to stand up as well to one's associates the Courage to Resist public pressure as well as private greed and on whether we are truly men or women of integrity who never run out of the principles in which we believe and who need the financial gain a political ambition could ever divert from the fulfillment of our sacred trust President Donald Trump and different and disdainful of this sacred trust conspired to extract personal benefit from his office he dishonored his oath I refuse to abandon mine I yield back. Gentleman from North Dakota thank you Madam Speaker I'd just like to point out very quickly that the only Republican witnesses allowed in the intelligence hearings were on a Democrat's preapproved list and with that I would you know one and a half minutes to the gentleman from South Carolina Mr Rice chairman's recognize from one and a half minutes Madam Speaker are rising opposition to this partisan sham of an impeachment resolution presented of Tom rice country public or the getting even before he took office President Trump has been attacked by a never ending barrage of lies and corruption. And deceit by the liberal political elite including James Komi Peter straught Lisa Page Hillary Clinton and the impeachment zealots in this Congress Democrats colluded with Russia and Ukraine to interfere in our 2016 election by producing the now famous fake dossier now they accuse President trope of colluding with a foreign power what a joke they abuse their office to illegally wiretap and spy on president's trip trucks campaign that they accuse him of it of abusing his office what a joke they structure these proceedings to deny the president and Republicans in Congress a fair hearing then they accuse the president of obstructing Congress look in the mirror folks the reaction of the American people that this was contrived and corrupt was entirely predictable and is entirely correct. The polls have turned against him and the Democrats are desperate to stop the bleeding that's why we're cramming this vote in today just before leaving for Congress to dispose of impeachment as quickly and painlessly as possible the actions that the Democrats are staying on this chamber I urge my colleagues to join me in fighting against this shameful abuse of power and vote no on the sham of an impeachment resolution Thank you Madam Speaker I yield back gentleman from California I miss you to think I have to do another fact check so quickly but of course there was no pre-approved witness list I'm now proud to recognize a gentleman from New York Mr Meeks for one minute gentleman is recognized for one minute. The decision to impeach a president of the United States is of enormous back to 2 and most significance. There are a few issues that some sort of Gregory Meeks of New York Democrat American system of governance as a senior member of the United States House Foreign Affairs Committee I have spent years trying to promote American values of democracy and the rule of law in other parts of the world including Eastern Europe because I have been so speak and Ukrainian issues for so long I know how damaging President transactions were but the president's damages does not in there he has consistently obstructed at every turn of this investigation this nation's founding fathers fought to an unaccountable rule we did not free ourselves from a king to turn the president into a monarch but the camera of history is rolling and I will cast my vote consistent with the principles of democracy the rule of law and I will Constitution for the impeachment of President Donald j. Trump I do so because I could not look my granddaughter or any member of future generations in that I haven't condone actions that undermine our democratic system and I urge all of my colleagues to do the saying May God bless United States gentleman a member church I. Think best because you know one minute to the gentleman from the rostrum if I can gentleman is recognized for one minute Madam Speaker I am strongly opposed to this impeachment no law was broken no high crimes or misdemeanors no appreciable offenses Ukraine has received aid one week prior to the loss requirement aid that was previously rejected by the by the administration and Donna Bacon of the last count which public presence was he said he received no pressure from the top administration ever to put the result quid pro quo and no crying there's always a majority sustain for the president and that is not impeachable offense launchers are 10 months but the majority doesn't trust he admitted the American people too many of said that you Peaches does cerise of the president is not reluctant 2020. And that is shameful today's vote sets a new precedent for America in the future the majority will use a Pietschmann as a tactic to remove a president simply based on partisanship our founders feared the us and I strongly oppose I want my statement to be on the record for the end of time to show I was on the side of the constitution if I post a majority taking down a do elect a president who committed no crime and I defended the truth ministry. Gentleman from California the speaker my colleagues can to make the argument that the Ukrainians got the money yes the president got caught but he they got the money no harm no foul it is the quilt of saying if you're pulled over by a cop and you attempt to bribe the cop and the cop doesn't take the money but arrest you where's the crime and that they didn't get the money this is this is what my colleagues would have you accept this is what my colleagues would have you accept that because the president got caught in the act we must look the other way but of course that's not the way the law works that's not the way the Constitution works that's not the way our oath of office works our oath of office requires us to impeach a president that abuses his power whether he gets away with it or he gets caught and in this case he got caught and now proud to recognize a gem from New Jersey Mr Norcross for one minute generous recognize for one minute . Madam Speaker I rise today a time of grave concern for all Americans this past weekend I joined a bipartisan delegation traveling to Belgium to Luxembourg for the 75th anniversary of the battle of bald a battle that over 19000 Americans gave their lives. Today we're called to preserve that democracy that Representative Donald Norcross of New Jersey Democrat who 2 years ago was one of the purse members of Congress to vote to advance the inquiry since then I had withheld final judgment as I reviewed the facts and heard the testimony. I believe there's overwhelming evidence well beyond reasonable doubt that President Donald Trump is guilty in both articles of impeachment abuse of power and obstruction of Congress therefore I will uphold my oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States in favor of impeachment it is our solemn responsibility to honor all those who fault and given their lives to uphold the truth in America no one no one is above the law and say you'll backfire gentleman from Georgia does love this again potshot in when you can remember quid pro quo didn't work out real well for me because I was but it was you had pressure almost as Lansky you know in fact it didn't work out so well you had to go poll tested the majority didn't work out those focus groups didn't like it so what do we do we throw it in here a bribe it's all in their report but if they had a bribe or if they actually had a crime and be in the articles guess what he doesn't have it he can't put it in there this is all fluff and circumstance because they can't get to the president and that's what's killing a man and a half to the job of many enemies delusional tenements recognize for a minute half Madam Speaker House Democrats have been obsessed with the teaching President Trump since he was elected he wasn't supposed to win representative Larry Bush on an Indiana Republican the American people were told the only way the speaker would move forward with impeachment was if the case was compelling overwhelming and bipartisan yet the case for impeachment that has been route rushed forward by House Democrats is anything but that to be clear neither of these articles of impeachment prove any wrongdoing or impeachable offense has actually taken place instead House Democrats case rests solely on hearsay testimony and presumptions from cherry picked witnesses the framers of the Constitution never intended impeachment to be used as a tool to settle political and policy differences. That's what elections are for this is a sad and dangerous moment in our history as impeachment is being used to undo the will of the American people and silence the voices of millions of Americans in the process Alexander Hamilton would be ashamed I urge my colleagues to vote no on this partisan impeachment sham and I yield back the gentleman from California and a secret now yield one minute to Mr Crow the gentleman from Colorado generous recognized her one minute Thank you Madam Speaker years ago I took my 1st oath to the country went to war presented it Jason crow of Colorado Democrat some of them gave their lives for our nation not a day has passed that I don't reflect on those sacrifices I learned during that time that our nation is built on sacrifice we have overcome challenging times because people have decided to put aside their personal interests their livelihoods and yes even give their lives to do what is best for our nation our founders created a system to ensure we would have no kings or dictators a system that vested power in the people to ensure that no man or woman is above the law generation after generation this system has survived because people have fought for it today it is our turn the president's abuse of power and scorn for our constitutional checks and balances is unprecedented unless we stand up against these abuses we will set the country on a dangerous new course my oath my love of our country and my duty to honor the sacrifices who came before us require me to act. To my colleagues it is time to put aside our personal and political interests and honor those who have come before us thank you Madam Speaker I yield back. The gentleman from Georgia thank Bast bigger this point I yield 36 of the gentleman from 35 seconds of the Jones from Georgia Mr Haas gentleman spectate nice for 35 seconds the Democrats' new definition for evidence is allegations allegations based on here Senate Judy heis George I'll occasions against the president and then they say to him that it's not their responsibility to prove guilt but the president's responsibility to prove his innocence this is been a sham and an act of injustice against the president and against 93000000 Americans who voted for him and although this process was rigged from the beginning Democrats never produced a single true piece of evidence it's time for us to stop this hoax and vote against these articles of impeachment gentleman from California this week I'm proud to recognize the gentlewoman from Virginia Ms Loria for what period of time. I'm sorry for one minute thank you is generally speaking nice for women. Madam Speaker I rise representative Elaine Loria of Virginia Democrat support of the military members in harm's way who defend our Constitution in support of Gold Star families who keep faith that their loved one sacrifice was justified I rise today in support of the oath I 1st took at 17 upon entering the Naval Academy and took 5 more times in my 20 year Navy career and oath that comforted me and the years I spent away from my family deployed around the globe an oath that encouraged me to remain vigilant on the bridge of the ship at night an oath that strengthened me when in command as I set my fellow sailors into harm's way and today an oath that gives me resolve resolve to do what is right and not what is politically expedient resolve to stand with the president at the White House last week and resolve to stand up to the president in this house today I ask my colleagues to have the same strain and the same resolve I yield back gentleman from Georgia thank you as last week I give 35 seconds the general from North Carolina Mr Walker gentleman is recognized for 35 seconds when emotion supersedes the facts the conclusion is cataclysmic today we are wrapping up not a 3 month process of the Senate of March North Carolina Republicans so much that it's led to the busa of this very house these are the same Democrats who promised America they saw evidence of Russian collusion do the American people trust them hell no they don't a growing number of American people have condemned this impeachment process and that's what House Democrats setting the rules and then even bending and breaking the rules to fit their narrative the majority of Americans see the circus for what it is I wonder how many more will join your beck gentleman from California I'm speaker I recognize the gentleman from California Ms Eshoo for one minute gentlemen he's recognized for one minute. Madam Speaker I rise today to defend our Constitution and our to mother can and I vote for a Democrat Anna Eshoo of California means the words of our sacred oath define our duty and those words must be kept our founders primal fear was that powerful members of our government would become in Hamilton's words mercenary instruments of foreign corruption President Trump abused the powers of the presidency by ignoring and injuring national security and other vital national interests to obtain an improper personal benefit he also be trade our nation by abusing his high office to enlist a foreign power in corrupting democratic elections Article 2 I agree with because it details the obstruction of Congress by the president by directing unprecedented categorical and indiscriminate defiance of subpoenas issued by this House of Representatives and abuse the powers of the presidency in a manner subversive to the Constitution I believe the China just by is the soul of our nation and by defending it we are saying we will not be solaced gentleman from Georgia thank you Madam Speaker you're 35 sections over from Turkey most of our time has recognized her 35 seconds don't be fooled Democrats are not impeaching the president to protect national security Democrats were impeaching the president for following a law that they themselves voted for no less than 5 times in the last 6 years bipartisan Congresses imposed on the executive branch an affirmative duty to ensure that the government of Ukraine was countering corruption and for good reason Ukraine is the 3rd most corrupt nation on earth so the Representative Andy Barr of Kentucky Republic. Temporally pasta curity systems to your crane he had a mandate from Congress to do it and as a result president Zelinsky government made historic anti-corruption reforms making Ukraine a more reliable ally countering Russian aggression far from compromising national security the president's action instead of a I or national security. This impeachment. And I'm speaker of my colleagues would have the country believe that the president held up the aid to Ukraine because he was concerned about corruption of course there is not a shred of evidence for that all of the national security experts across all the departments testified that Ukraine met the criteria to receive the aid So what was the real motivation here well one thing is telling in 2017 the president had no problem with aid to Ukraine raised no issue of corruption in 2018 he had no problem with the military aid for Ukraine so what changed in 2019. Joe Biden announced he was running for president and all of the sudden Donald Trump held up the aid for Ukraine. As a bastard on the testified the president didn't care about Ukraine all he cared about was the big stuff that affected him personally the investigation of the Bidens that Giuliani was pushing It's my pleasure recognize the gentle lady from Virginia the Spam burger for one minute recognize for one minute Thank you Madam Speaker I rise today in support of House Resolution 755 representative Abigail Spann Berger of Virginia Democrat who are providing vital intelligence to help inform our hardest national security decisions and keep our country safe these individuals from countries where leaders abuse their power and defied the rule of law risked imprisonment and often their very lives in order to provide the United States with information to help us to inform us but why it was their belief in the United States their belief in our country the longest standing democracy in the world our country a beacon of hope in the world a democratic republic founded on a document and the belief in the rule of law and a belief in its people today I am proud to serve in the people's House representing my hometown and again serving our country that beacon of hope in the world and today especially today I reflect on the founding documents that have set us apart in the world leading people across generations and across the world to risk everything because of their belief in our great nation today as we actually did today I affirm my commitment to upholding and protecting the Constitution the rule of Joe it is time to fire the people it governs gentlemen. Thank you Madam Speaker 35 seconds to the general from Texas Mr Thomas recognized for 35 seconds today many of my Democratic colleagues will be making his service. Jody Harrington of Texas Republican 1st ever completely partisan impeachment of a president of the United States Mr Speaker I am deeply disturbed that history will indeed be made today in this hallowed chamber but for all the wrong reasons not for love of country but hatred for a political foe not to pursue justice but to punish a political adversary not to seek truth but to seize political power for the love of country our urge my colleagues to oppose this disastrous political ruse. Chairman yes back gentleman from California. Recognize the gentleman from California chairman or woman waters for 3 minutes. General 82nd nice for 3 minutes. That's Representative Maxine Waters Democrat isn't gentleman unfortunately the rules of debate won't allow me to cite all of the reasons why this president should be impeached there are many however Madam Speaker and members of this house to quote the late my load when someone shows you who they are believe them the 1st time this day was not inevitable but it was predictable because this president has shown himself time and time again to believe that he is above the law and he has no respect for our Constitution our democracy based on all that we know about Donald Trump we could have predicted he would have abused the power of the president back corruptly soliciting the government of Ukraine and the Ukrainian president Zelinsky to publicly announce investigations into his political opponent former Vice President Joseph r. Viking this impeachment resolution includes evidence that this president withheld $391000000.00 of taxpayer funds that Congress appropriated but the purpose of providing vital military and security assistance to Ukraine to oppose Russian aggression another blatant abuse of power our investigations revealed that this president advanced a discredited theory promoted by Russia alleging that Ukraine rather than Russia interfered in the 2016 United States presidential election for corrupt purposes inspire suit of personal political benefit never before. Or in our history have we experienced a president who has so clearly conducted himself in a manner of pensive 2 and subversive of the Constitution and directed his cabinet members executive branch agencies and other White House officials to defy unlawful subpoenas from Congress was he attempting to hide wrongdoing it is without question that this president has demonstrated that he will remain a threat to national security and the Constitution if allowed to remain in office and has acted in a manner grossly incompatible with self governance and the rule of law because at every turn he has shown us who he is it is no secret that this president could have been impeached a long time ago today we stand here with an irrefutable case and an indisputable set of facts that this president absolutely abused his power and obstructed Congress any other individual who would have been caught conducting themselves in the way this president has would have been cast acute to the full extent of the law it is shameful that any members of this House who are willing to disregard the Constitution turn a blind eye to hard facts and ignore a confession from the president himself history will remember those who are willing to speak truth to power yes I called for Trump's impeachment early this is our country our foremothers and our poor by the shed their blood to build and expand this democracy I refused to have it under my I wholeheartedly support this resolution I'm proud that in the final analysis justice will have been served in America and Donald Trump will have been if he finds expired gentlemen from Georgia . By a speaker. Or. House is not in order. Temin from Georgia Reclaiming my time that's generally to do not have 35 seconds to the gentleman from Louisiana Mr Imus recognize for 35 seconds Madam Speaker what is shameful is that Speaker Pelosi has allowed this Democratic witch hunt for to move forward she's the one who has abused her power and we should be debating her removal from the house Reagan said that the trouble with our liberal friends is not that they are ignored it's just that they know so much that isn't so democratic strain partition she will set a dangerous precedent for this nation and mark my words Madam Speaker this is Representative Ralph Lee Abraham of Louisiana Republican not go unnoticed by gentlemen. California. Recognize the gentle lady from Nevada Ms Titus for unanimous consent request generally speckled nice thank you Madam Speaker I ask unanimous consent to enter my statement into the record supporting the impeachment Donald Trump or her. And I now recognize the German from Connecticut Mr Himes for 2 minutes gentleman is recognized for 2 minutes thank you Madam Speaker I rise today and egger and hope I'm angry that President has treated his achievements the times of Connecticut Democrat that now we must hold him to account. The truth is cleared anyone not deliberately looking away the president withheld military aid and a White House meeting unless and until a vulnerable Ukrainian president announced a nakedly political investigation it didn't matter if the Ukrainians uncovered any wrongdoing the mere announcement of an investigation would damage his political opponent. Mr Trump didn't care about stopping corruption in Ukraine never mentioned the word corruption once in the infamous July 25th call this was not an attempt to reduce Ukrainian corruption it was an attempt by John Donald j. Trump to ng Ukrainian corruption straight at the heart of the presidential election of 2020. The president knows this which is why he has not given this Congress a single email phone record or document that is not the behavior of a man with nothing to hide it is simply an undeniably contempt of this Congress. But what makes this impeachment essential is that the presidents of views of power has not stopped as we speak he continues to urge foreign interference in our democracy beseeching China to investigate the Bidens sending Rudy Giuliani overseas to chase Russian conspiracy theories this morning the president tweeted I did nothing wrong all caps he believes it to he sees nothing wrong with inviting Russian Ukrainian or Chinese interference into our election he did it he continues to do it and he sees nothing wrong with it he'll wake up tomorrow and do it again if we don't stop and today there in lies our hope I'm proud today to answer the call to defend our democracy in the United States Constitution and urge my colleagues to do the same and you'll back down to my time gentleman from Georgia. Thank you Madam Speaker of for things I really don't understand and your 30 seconds to the gentleman from Miss If Mr Kelly comments actually nice for 30 seconds Madam Speaker I'm sad today that I spent 2 Christmases not presented Kelly of Mississippi Republican 30 seconds to speak in this laughable prophecy as our president made a campaign promise to drain the swamp and there are those today relying on swap creatures Wired's to preserve our swamp How do you suppress the votes of 63000000 people an electoral landslide you keep repeating the same lies absent any factual basis I've heard some of the greatest fiction ever spoken here today if you don't like the facts just rewrite them in a parody and repeat if the facts are so clear and indisputable Why is a minority leader begging for more witnesses you can't disprove something that never happened I asked my colleagues to vote no today thank you and I yield back gentleman from California. The speaker I'm proud to recognize the gentleman from Illinois Mr Bush Murthy for 2 minutes gentleman is recognized for 2 minutes Madam Speaker like many of my colleagues I never ran for. Congress Senate of Roger Krishnamurthy of Illinois anybody McCracken let alone the president of the United States however given the facts here we are while some questions remain unanswered 2 key facts are clear and compel me to support the articles of impeachment 1st President Trump attempted to pressure a foreign government to help his reelection campaign and 2nd the president use the powers of his office again to obstruct a congressional investigation into that wrongdoing the president has falsely claimed he has been denied the chance to defend himself but at the same time he is preventing the testimony of witnesses with direct knowledge of the events under investigation if the president were innocent as he claims surely these witnesses would be able to testify to that if there had been no quid pro quo these witnesses could say that if aid to Ukraine were not intentionally delayed for improper purposes they could surely testify to that also but rather than giving these witnesses the chance to speak the president has silenced them the president has silenced witnesses at the Defense Department the president has silenced witnesses at the State Department the president has silenced witnesses at the White House he even silenced the loquacious Mick Mulvaney who uttered at a press conference that there was a prank quid pro quo pro quo is listening to special coverage of the impeachment vote from n.p.r. News choosing support for w a b e comes from Booth Western Art Museum offering Warhol and the West the 1st ever exhibit to fully explore Warhols love of the West as seen in his art movies and more through December more booth museum dot org And from Community Foundation for greater Atlanta a trusted financial partner inspiring philanthropy in our region for all my. 70 years learn more at c.f. Greater Atlanta dot org Right now in the city fair skies of 44 degrees as we approach 6 o'clock here on member supported 90 point one w a b e ed Lana Good afternoon I'm Jim Burress and we return to the impeachment vote support for w.e.v.e. Comes from Sun Trust private wealth management whose teams of local advisers can help you navigate the life you've built with distinct wealth management guidance so you are prepared for whatever life brings Suntrust dot com slash reserve confident starts here. For the Mrs special coverage of the impeachment hearings from n.p.r. News We're listening right now to the House of Representatives debate the impeachment of President Donald Trump and Lou Garcia Navarro I'm joined in the studio by Rachel Martin also in the studio is Ron Elving senior Washington editor and Susan Davis N.P.R.'s congressional correspondent is on the Hill and Sue I'm going to start with you just a little bit of analysis now one of the things that is striking to me listening to this is the language specifically Republicans are really vilifying Democrats I mean this is been a uniquely bitter and partisan Our 3 months on Capitol Hill I think almost from the get go when you see an ounce of this impeachment inquiry would start back on September 24th Republicans do battle lines really quickly there was a moment in the beginning where there was the question of Will anyone break ranks will anybody support the investigation and it became pretty clear within a matter of days that this was going to be as one Republican source explained it to me shirts on scales this is just partisan politics at its peak in an impeachment proceeding which is in itself a political process and we're seeing that play out and after a few months of this yeah it's a little bit angry it's a little bit better and you are hearing as we approach sort of the end of this debate it's getting heated on the floor at times and personal at other times yeah I mean calling Democrats want creatures and other things we heard Maxine Waters give a fiery rebuttal as she is known to do she does it she does she's one of the 6 chairmen are chair women that have been leading competing investigations into President Trump you know after impeachment these investigations don't stop the Financial Services Committee which she chairs has been looking into the president's finances Ways and Means has been looking into his own taxes oversight continues to look into any number of investigations into the trumpet ministration on Amal humans causes on his business dealings mean impeachment will wrap in the house today but the democratic oversight of the Trump administration is going to continue through the rest of his 1st term going to bring in Ron Elving now he's been sitting with me in the studio listening. The message over and over to Republican voters is you're being cheated this election is being stolen from you that's right that 63000000 people voted for Donald Trump and therefore those people are being dissed by any suggestion that he would not finish his term because he would be removed from office by impeachment and certainly we can assume from the polls that most of those 63000000 people would feel ill used if he were to be removed from office that is not exactly an argue on an argument on the merits of the actual impeachment charges but we've heard a lot about that too we've heard a lot of the Republicans essentially dismissing them out of hand and saying there's simply no crime here which is perhaps part of the reason we've had quite such a sharing and debate over Alexander Hamilton who was the author of the words that people have been mostly going back to I was a fast as a issue I was about to say there seems to be a lot of bipartisan support for Alexander Hamilton early in the day it was Benjamin Hamilton Actually it was meant.

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