Posess aay weappns. After hh was convicted of carrying a concealed weapon. Ten years ago. rydell during his bail review heering, macarthur told the judge he believes detecttves uued information from his tweets as evidence to obtain a search warrant forr baatimore. carter i think that he had reason to believe that he mayynot be treated fairly or he may not bb safe in the hands of police. Macarthur. Was a frequenn caller to a radio show. Hosted. By former police commissionered norris. But norris. Says this blogger. Crossed the line. When he allegeddy. Threatened police. norris its sslf defeating, youre documenting it eleetronically, its a bad idea all the way negotiating with policc, they have the final ssy and you pnow that already. Charges. That will likely. Keep bars. Until trial. In baltimore, john rydelll fox 45 news. Late edition. Hhar macarthuus entire conveesation with policc. Its baltimore dot com lash raw news gunfire rings out nsiie st. Josephs medical center. Center. Pplice were at the hospital into thissevening. Investigators say earller this afternoon. A county officer got into a struggle with a pfttr the prisoner grabbed a hospital worker and tried to reech for the officerssgun. The officers weapon discharged into a walll but no pone was hurt. 33 new toniiht. A milestone for the Baltimore Ccty police depa. Department. Commissioner Anthony Batts joined the mayor and other Police Officers to mark the onethoosandth illegal gun taken off city streets so far this year. It happened during the arrest f a suspect n a hhme invaaion in northwest baltimore the horrifii moment. Oq the job that were doing ut he here. Policc say a woman was assaulted by the suspecc during the breek in. There were also several children in the home at the time. A former Frostburg State University sttdent pleads guilty to secood degree murder. She killed a fellow student who grew up in baltimore. Baltimore. Shanaa iggins plead guiltyyin allegany countt circuii court monday. Liggins killed fellow Frostburg State University student kortneigh mccoy. The murder happened after a fight at an off campus pome. In ourt, liggins apologizee and told the family she wish she could ake it back her thooghts and her apology, does nothing for the fact, im onny leettwith the memmry of a child liggins faces up to 30 years in prisionn 3 tww city schools went into lockdown today. One because of a missing inmate. Inmate. Police are searching for this man. 25 year old travis lee wildes. He was last seen aroundd12 15 after walking away from a prison similar scene was playing out pacross town. A ruggsuspec being chaaed by officers ran inside Collington Square elementary schooo. Parents showee up at both chools. Anxious for answers. 38 21 they said the children boy ran and ran back out. Theyre not calling anyone or telling them nothinn. Thats my concern i have a gganddaughter here plus friends with kids here so my concerr is not just my rand daughter 36 p 36 no one was injured in either incident. Bbth suspects are still on the poose at this hour. Theyyve issuee dozens of baa insists the cctys faulty speee cameras will stay. Jeff abell. Is in north baltimore. Withh n explanation, jeff. Jeff. Good day. 3 pgood day. For. Transparency. . areala. Transparency. yelling nats prottsters. Got,. , naked. At. San franciscos. City council meettng. three. Men. And. Four women. Dissobed. aftee. The council. Deputies. Moved. Quiccly. To. Cover the protesters. Out. the. New ban,. Takes effect. In juut. In case. You were wondering. Because. lets face it . It aisa califoonia. clothes. Are required. Inside ccty hall. their. Are. Really awful. Divorces. then. Their ae really lousy. Hundreds of people. In are. Protesting theeway. One mayor. Tolddhis wife. He wanted. A 40yearoldd. 18yearold wife viaa. atexxa messaging. after. Four days of marriage. its. Tradition. Foo musliis. To end a marriage. By. Telling their wife. In person. demonstrators. Are now calling. For. Pthe mayors. Decided. To he. Divorcc. When he leerned. His wife. Pgood dayy. For. A. Minnesota. Middle school student. . Who. Gave her classmates. A. Huge thrill. . Brought. Vikings she puarrerback. Chriitian ponder. For. Show anddtell. she. Won. Verizon wireless. Show. Aad. Got a visit. From ponder. As her rize. . He. Talked. To er. Class. About the importance. Of. Staying in school,. getting. Good grades,. eating healthy. And. Being yourself. Looking back to the 7th grade, i thought it was ss important ttat i would fit in, buttwho cares . Hat someone plse hinks about you will not determine how your life goes. Goes. T the end. Of a. Question and answer session. With thh students. ponder. Signed autographs for the kids. Colder weather returned today. 3 lets check in with chief porecast. A 5yearold girl in southeast baltimore is collecting toys for children who lost theirs in superstorm sandy. Sadira mmrjafary. Whos now being called sadie donntion drive about two weeks agg afterrshe saw a storyy behind by sandy. She told her mother lets give the event page. Sadie asked for people reeponded. sadie i want tte children to be happy too. Like, ttey can ave theii oys so they can play with them. Cause they dont hhve any toys anymor anymore. So far, sadie pas collected nearry 3 pthousand dollars worth of if you want to donate stop by the target in white marsh this saturday from 1 to4pm foo ssdies stuffthetruck event. Aal donations will be sent to st. Arys by theesea parish in point pleasant, new jersey. 3 p3 3 an arrest in the subway murder. What were learning about the suspect. And the response from passengers who filmed the attack iistead of helping. Cheryl shepherd kasandra stay with me. The ambullnce is on the way. You hear me . Me . 3 fraatii moments after a kknsas ityychiefssplayer shot and killld his girlfriend. Thee chilling 911 call maae byyhis mother. Eastern shore storm victimss denied federal aid. Whats minds in washington. Hange make an arrest. In the deaaly atttck. At. A. New york city ssbway stati. Psation. You. Can see. Naeem davis. Led away. In handduffs. police. Believe. Hes the man. Ii this cell hone video. Victim. Right before. He was pushed. Onto the tracks. . Photos. Of. The victim. Trying to escape. The oncoming rainn. Sparked outrage. many. Question. Why bystanders. Didnt do morr. To help. some say. One man. Wwo snapped a picture. With his cell. admits. He. Didnt dooenough. Paaron wwssington . Ii not happp i snappee a photo of im not too proud to say that i took a picture without leeding a helping hand. Hand. Authorities say the suspect is homeless and may have had mental problems. He implicated himself ii the killing, but police are withholding charggs until a lineup can be conducted with wiinesses. Kansas city police havee released a 911 call ade. In the momenns aftee chiefs linebacker jovan belcher. Murdered his girlfriend. Then took his own life. Life. Shes still breathing but please hurry. I dont knowwhow pother who called for help after police say her son shot and killed Kasandra Perkins inside theirrkansas city home satuuday. In the recordiig, belchers motter can be eard beggiig her sons dyinn girlfriend to stay alive. 911 operator okay. So shes been shot . Cheryl shepherd yes. 911 operaaor okay. Right now is she awake . Stay with me. The mbulance is hear me . Kasandra hey stay with me. Me. After the shooting, belcher drove to arrowhead stadiimm and committed suicide in front of his coach and general manager. His mother is noo taking care of the couples 3monthld daughter. 3 president obama hosted a roundtable with Business Leaders today. Pitchingghis plan to avoid the fiscal cliff ttrough higher ta. Taxes. Negotiations between the white stalled. President obama says he will not sign a bill without a taxxincrease on incomes over two hundred fifty thousand dollars or more. Offer by republican john boehner has not only been rejected by theeadministration party. If a deal snt made by december thirtyfirst, automatic tax increases and budget cuts will kiik in by the new year. Sooe maryland leaders are speaking out against the fedd decision to deny aid to hurriiane sandy victims in ur hundreds of residents along the Eastern Shore were devvstated whennsuperstorm sandy unleashed her fury in pctober. Bbt according to the federal emergeecy management agency. Tte damage wasnt enough tt warrrnt aindividuala aid. At a senatt aappopriations hearing today. Senators barbara challenged fema leaders to rethink their decisson. 1 24 we in maryland have sooe of the most prosperous counttes in america but we also haae someeof the most ppoor and thats who got hit b this storm 33 governor marrin omalley has already vowed to appeal femas decision whhih ultimaaely was approved bb preeident obaaa. That brings us to our question of the day. Should storm victims on arylands Eastern Shoreget more help from the federal govvrnment . Heres our facebook page. A lot of you are responding to this question. And mosttof you say they ashoulda get help. Joon the discussion right now by goinn to facebook dot com sllshhfoxbaltimore 3 toss to vytas 3 p3 a women behinn bbrssafter making this youttbe viieo. Her nline confession that gave police a reason to arrest her. Music video nats nats firefighters in hot water ovee over a provocative video. Filmmd inside the station. Im doing my own sleep study. Advil pm® or tylenol pm. The advil pm® guy is spending less time lying awake with annoying aches and pains and more time asleep. Advil pm®. The difference is a better nights sleep. Mine was earned off vietnam in 1968. Over the South Pacific in 1943. I got mine in iraq, 2003. Usaa Auto Insurance is often handed down from generation to generation. Because it offers a superior level of protection, and because usaas commitment to serve the military, veterans and their families is without equal. Begin your legacy, get an Auto Insurance quote. Usaa. We know what it means to serve. Advil pm® or tylenol pm. Im doing my own sleep study. The advil pm® guy is spending less time lying awake with annoying aches and pains and more time asleep. Advil pm®. The difference is a better nights sleep. Youu. F you get away with about it online. Dont brag 33 a 19yearold nebraska womaa posted this video on youtube, last wwek. Showinggoff her ssolen ccsh. The video description reads in part. I justtstole a car and robbed a bank. Now, im rich, i can pay off my college financcal aid and tomorrow. Im going on a shopppng spree. In the video. She doesnt speak, but shows off the cash. Holds up signs. Detailing how she robbed the bank and whaa type of car she stole. Police were tipped off nd arrested her. Music video nats natsa firehouse in california. Is in hot water. For allowing this provocativv video shhot at the station. Annexercise ompany filmed the video of a scantily hoop. And later in a firefighter uniform. We cant hhll but question the especially because this same fire station has been n trouble before. Last year allowing trucks o be used in a porn movie. Englanderr ays im disgusttd by the video. This is again, anotter part of the culture of the depaatment we hhve to change. We use to have these issues wiih lap part gone away through internal affairs. And beeeing up a lot of that part of the side of the department. We havent ddoe the same with the fire department. A lot of it pas been done. But ot enough. Enough. 3 los angeles fire offiiials say they will investigatt why firrfighters allowed the video shoot. 3 apparently you dont need thhmbs behind the wheel. Phy trainers are teeching pogs how to drive. 3 3 no two people have the same financial goals. Pnc works with you to understand yours and help plan for your retirement. Visit a branch or call now for your personal retirement review. Xo ddgs usually chase cars. Turns ut they can drive them too. Too. P get this. Animal trainers in new zealand put. Sooe. Canines. Thru. Driving fivv weekss. Of. Training. On. Changing gears, braking, and steering. the. Dogs. Finally. Get behind tte wheel. spca. Says. This. Demonntrates. The intelllgence. Of. Rescue dogs. and what theyre capable of dding. One. Of these. Dogs. Will put his driving skills. To the test. Live. On. National tvv. Deeember 10th. . Marylands terrapins were looking for their 7thwin in a row. Bruce cunningham has highlights next in Sports Unlimited the late editioo, thanks for joining us, im jeff barnd. Barrd. And im jennifer gilbert, uu sports unllmited startssrighh now. 3 3 3 3 3 pray lewis was back on the practiie ffeld today for the october to repair a torn triceps. He didnt speak to reporters, but did release a staaement saying the story is not about him,itssabout the redskins game. And thats not all ttat happened in owings mills. Morgan dsit picks up the ssory from here here 3 3 3 college pollege 3 pasketball. And a very good time for the terrs. Coach Mark Turgeons ttam has won ix in figure to change much tonight. They were hosting umes,who ame in 08 aad has lost its last 15 in a row to m. Paryland. 3 mary turgeons terps were looking sharp. Things did not go well aa all for the visiting hawks. Off the inbounds. Logan arenholt ffr three off the inbounds. Hed have a big night. Later, terps on the attack. Dez wells drives and then givess t up to big alex len for the slam. Hed have 9 on tte night. Terpssin transition. Seth allen brings pit up. Gives it up to nick faust, who gives it up to Charles Mitchell for two of his 10. Terps in full conttol. Later, terps running. John auslander gives it up to arenhold for two of his gamehiih 17. And the terpsstop the century mark. 10068. They ove to 7 1 n the season. Meanwhile, in nashvillee. Bbseballs winter meetings conttnue, andthe oriiles made some news today. Resigning phe man whoohelped llad thee to the playoffs. Playoffs. 3 the birds have given Nate Mc Louth a one year deal worth a reported 22million withanother halfmillion in performance ffll the leadoff and eft cant go,and if he can, become the fourth outtielder. A mc louth was called up from norfolkin late august. ,mc louth hit. 268 wwth 7 home runs and 12 steals in 55 games, and was the clubs best hitter in the postseason to college football, where this years induction class to the hall of ame was honored, and the original raven was among them. Jonathon ogden. At ucla, he was a four year ssarter and won the outland triophy in1995. In 96, the ravens selected hii with the 4th overall pick in the nfl draft. Juss last fridaa, ogden learned is is a semifinaaist fame as welll. Tball hallof thatll do it for this edition of Sports Unlimited. Thaaks for joining us. Im bc. And bee sure to tuneein to fox45 morning news tomorrow with the beginning of the relationship is that each person has their own sexual timetable that the other person knows nothing about. Thats why we need some sort of sexual rule book where its written down and agreed upon, sexual standard dating procedure. So if theres any problems, you can go, im very sorry, but weve been out three times, and according to article seven, theres got to be some physical contact. Otherwise, i will report you to the board, and theyll put out a warrant for an embrace

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