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What the star is now saying about that incident. Fiery escape. The driver at a gas station backs into a pump, sparking a dangerous fire. The car behind him igniting with two children inside. How their mother sprang into action and helped save their lives. Today, wednesday, august 31, 2016. This is today from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. Good morning, everyone. Welcome to today on this wednesday morning. Big, surprising news from donald trump overnight coming on twitter. We knew he would give a big immigration speech today. Now we found out hes going to travel to mexico and meet with the president there. Donald trump sent out a tweet saying hes going to mexico to meet with the mexican president. That before the highly anticipated speech on immigration. That comes later on this evening. We are going to hear from his Campaign Manager about the surprise trip in a moment. Lets begin with nbcs Hallie Jackson. Talk about a jam packed day, somebody who made securing the border part of his central policy for months now. This morning we learned the mexican president is confirm it is meeting with donald trump as the candidate heads to mexico for the surprise sitdown. Reporter before his speech on securing the border, a trip across it as donald trump accepts the invitation of the mexican president. The current president of mexico said he would meet with you. Will you meet with him . Yeah, sure. You would . Absolutely. Todays high stakes facetoface a moment maybe no one saw coming after trump announcing the candidacy said this about mexicans. They are bringing drugs. They are bringing crime. Theyre rapists and some, i assume, are good people. Reporter the backlash mediate with trump even now saying hell get mexico to pay. Mexico will be paying for the wall. Reporter that plan getting fierce pushback from the former mexican president. Im not going to pay for that [ bleep ] wall. He should pay for it. Reporter and the current one, comparing trump to hitler and mussolini before back pedalling. Pena nieto said, i will be respectful and work with whomever is elected in november. Eight in ten hispanic voters see trump unfavorably. Pena nieto struggling to win approval at home. Both men looking for the chance for a Major Political moment. Trumps trip today coming ahead of an immigration speech in phoenix tonight where hell try to clarify his muddled message. It is still not clear how trump will handle the estimated 11 million undocumented immigrants here but a top Campaign Aide said he is expected to call for stricting work site enforcement, better visa tracking and an end to socalled sanctuary cities. Pena nieto said hes looking forward to a dialogue and to protecting mexicans wherever they may be. He also invited Hillary Clinton. She said she will consider meeting with him at an appropriate time. In a campaign full of twists and turns, this has to rank among the biggest. Well talk more about it. Thank you very much. Kellianne conway is Donald Trumps Campaign Manager. Good morning. Good to see you. This is a lastminute trip, isnt it . Maybe its been revealed publically last minute but mr. Trump was excited to accept the invitation from the president in mexico. He wants to establish a conversation with a neighboring country, a leader. And also to discuss the common problems and challenges that our country is facing. You are using diplomatic language, something donald trump hasnt done with mexico. I dont think there is much disagreement about that. Is he a guy that will go to the mexican president and use that same blunt language . 11 Million Immigrants are going back. Youre going to get a bill for the border wall. Or will he try a gentler approach. You will see a president ial donald trump at the meeting in mexico. We are happy the president invited him. Im sorry Hillary Clinton is not going. She keeps following the leader here. We are the leader. People are needed in louisiana, we are there. The president in mexico invites us, we accept the invitation. To have a productive conversation about immigration, trade policy and drugs. Later today in arizona donald trump will deliver an address on immigration. At the end of the speech are we going to know exactly what his policy on immigration is as it pertains to the 11 Million Immigrants in this country illegally . Yes, you will. Too often, matt, typical politicians tell you, hey, the sound bite now specifics at a time to be determined. Its president ial to go lay out the policies ahead of time. The campaign created its own confusion on the issue. At the end of the day are we going to hear the there will be a Deportation Force and those 11 Million People living illegally in this country now will have to leave before some of them have the chance to come back . You are going to hear many things from mr. Trump. One, no amnesty. Absolutely going to build the wall. Thats been the center of his campaign from day one. Hell repeal the executive orders president obama put in place. You want to work with congress. In fairness those are the positions that as far as anyone can tell he hasnt changed. In the primary he was as clear as day about it. Every single last illegal immigrant, whether criminal or not, if they are here illegally, they are going back. He did not mince words. Are we going to hear it today . Does he plan to round up and deport every last illegal immigrant starting on day one . You are going to hear how hes going to just 11 million and others as well including sanctuary cities. There is no reason angel moms like agnes, julie, no reason people should have to lose their children at the hand of an illegal immigrant murdering them. It couldnt be more clear. In terms of changing positions i have memorized 22 of them for Hillary Clinton. Keystone pipeline, you could ask her if she would talk to the press. We are happy with the strategy to be open with the press, to go over the border to mexico to meet with the president , go back to arizona to give an immigration speech. She was in the hamptons raising money. Since you are here, are we going to see a reversal of the policy . You will not see a reversal. If you look at his speech at the convention which is when you accept the republican nomination, you lay out the vision as president. He didnt talk about deportation. He makes it clear he hasnt changed his position in terms of enforcing law. Do you know what might happen if we enforced the immigration laws in this country . I dont. We never bothered. We have i. C. E. , Law Enforcement, other people that should be consulted and should be part of the spectrum of responsible actors here. Thats not happening in this administration. Mrs. Clinton made it clear she would flot follow that either. Well enforce the law. If you could get me a pass to be a fly on the wall in the meeting south of the border. That would be a good one. Thanks for joining us. More politics to talk about. Three high profile incumbents won the primaries on tuesday, each setting the stage for a general election showdown in november. In arizona, senator john mccain fought off the challenge from a Republican Tea Party activist winning the right to seek a sixth term. Senator marco rubio cruised to victory in florida after reversing a pledge that he wasnt going to seek reelection. In florida, representative Debbie Wasserman schultz beat back a challenger after she had to step down as chairperson of the Democratic National committee. A storm expected to become Tropical Storm hermine later today. Major flooding and surging waves. Dylan is in for al with the latest on this. We have been waiting for the storm to develop into a Tropical Storm. It is still a depression and moving slowly. It is going to become a Tropical Storm, most likely later on today. Tropical depression 8, the one off North Carolina, is moving out to sea. Thats no longer going to be an issue. Here are the hurricane watches right in the big bend of florida. This is the area we are looking at the strongest winds and also for the chance of a storm surge up to 3 to 6 feet above high tide. That could lead to coastal flooding. In addition, we are seeing heavy rain move through tampa. The storm will take the turn. The track shifted a little farther to the north. It includes charleston, south carolina, by saturday. They could see Tropical Storm conditions with as much as five inches of rain. It is this area in pink here. Thats where we could end up seeing as much as 10 to 15 inches of rain. Thats going to be the reason we could see massive flooding. We want to point out two storms in the pacific. We have madeline which is weakening and lester which is a category four storm. Madeline stays to the south of hawaii while lester stays to the north. We could see 10 to 15 inches of rain in hawaii. I remember when it was tropical depression 99l. It was upgraded to depression. Thanks, dylan. Now to a Major Development in the fight against isis. The terror groups number two in command has been reportedly been killed following an air strike in syria. Lets go to richard engel, hes got the latest. Good morning. Reporter good morning, savannah. The u. S. Has been tracking this man for many years. In fact, he spent years in u. S. Custody in iraq until he was released. Hes one of the founding members of isis, but as of now its unclear that he really died. Hes one of the worlds most wanted terrorists with many titles. Isis recruiter, spokesman, second in command, syrian born abu muhammad aladnani. Hes best known for lone wolf attacks in the west, an appeal directly linked to the spike in isis attack this is summer in turkey, across europe and the orlando nightclub massacre. The pentagon called aladnani the principal architect of isils external operations adding his removal from the battlefield would mark another significant blow to isil. But is he dead . The media arm says he was killed while supervising military operations against aleppo. U. S. Officials confirm aladnani with the 5 million american bounty on him was targeted yesterday. U. S. Officials are not confirming that he was killed. Isis could certainly replace aladnani but losing such a key figure, the organizations public voice, would be a setback. Thank you. Here at home with the election 68 days away a top secret u. S. Intelligence group is looking into russias alleged electionrelated hacking. Nbc news justice correspondent Pete Williams joins us with more on that. Pete, what can you tell us about the group and dont say they are top secret. Its a group with a name out of the cold war. The foreign denial and deception committee. One of the positions is to track and analyze these recent russian cyber attacks. U. S. Officials say the russians did try and fail to get into arizonas on line Voter Registration system. Then successfully penetrated a similar system in illinois and copied a small fraction of the data but didnt appear to change it in any way. Elections are conducted by the states, not by the federal government. State Officials Say it would be much harder for the russians or any outsider, for that matter, to hack into the completely separate individual devices that count the actual votes. States, for example, that use optical scanners where you fill in the circles on the paper ballot and feed it to a scanner still have that as a backup. Security experts warn the touchscreen systems without a paper backup still in wide use are more vulnerable, especially to an insider hack, matt. The degree of nervousness if you could characterize it now in the Intelligence Community would be what, pete . Reporter the degree is high they are trying to influence confidence. I would say low that they are trying to manipulate results. Intelligence Officials Say, for example, they doubt the russians are trying to help the Trump Campaign though Congressional Democrats asked the fbi this week to look at it. The current thinking is even if the Russian Hackers cant manipulate the actual vote their goal appears to be a broader one to under mine confidence in the election system. Pete williams in washington. Thank you. Outrage is growing on stanfords campus ahead of brock turners release from jail on friday. The former College Athlete was given what some consider a six month sentence for sexually assaulting an unconscious woman. He served just three months of the sentence. Heres the latest. Reporter good morning. Come friday, brock turner will have served three months here in protective custody, half of a sentence that many found appalling considering the crime. It was a conviction and lenient sentence that stirred a national uproar. Former stanford swimmer brock turner set to be released friday from jail after serving just 90 days following three felony convictions for sexually assaulting an unconscious female. The victims letter of outrage to turner going viral, viewed nearly 18 million times. In it she said you cannot give me back the life i had before that night. Vice President Joe Biden weighing in with an emotional letter to the young woman writing, a lot of people failed you, i believe you. Its not your fault. All of this igniting a fire storm against Santa Clara Superior Court judge aaron persky who presided over the case. Nearly 1. 8 Million People signed a petition for him to be removed from the bench. He voluntarily stepped down from criminal court. Now will preside only over civil court trials. California state legislators made changes, recently passing a bill to the governor closing a loophole allowing for such short sentences. Under the law if the case was tried today turner would serve a minimum three years behind bars. Turner has been banned from ever setting foot on campus again but left an indelible mark on stanford university. This case shows if you commit Sexual Assault to an unconscious woman on the stanford campus in california that you spend a summer internship in jail. Reporter turner is expected to be released from jail here any time after midnight on friday. Sources here tell us he will receive no special treatment. We know he will have to report to probation for three years which means frequent drug tests and no alcohol. He will have to register as a sex offender for the rest of his life. Gadi schwartz, thank you. Today marks a first in over half a century as u. S. Airlines began commercial service to cuba for the First Time Since 1961. Kerry sanders is in ft. Lauderdale where hell buckle up for the ride. Good morning to you. Reporter good morning from the cockpit of jetblue flight 387. Well be traveling here shortly. I have to move to my seat but this will be a one hour and eight minute flight into history. This morning americans can once again buy a commercial Airline Ticket and fly from the u. S. Directly to cuba. The last scheduled u. S. Flight was a panam d. C. 6 in 1961. Jfk was in the white house. Hard linen had heard of the beatles. The first flight from ft. Lauderdale heads to santa clara east of havana where jay guevara is buried. Piloting today, frank who beban his career at 14. His father fled in 1961. He will be flying here with me along with my grandfather and everybody else. Reporter jetblue is the first to resume flights to cuba but other u. S. Airlines are right behind. Next week American Airlines begins flights from miami to cuba. Eight airlines have tentative u. S. Permission to fly to cuba from various u. S. Cities. Permission to fly directly to havana could come later this year. When you consider that the relations between our countries are once so tense that the u. S. Navy blocked the comings and goings of cuba you can understand why many historians never thought americans with their passports would be able to get on an american plane and fly back and forth to cuba. All right, kerry. Thank you very much. Kerry making a lot of friends preboarding the flight. Couldnt get the aisle though. Kerry, thank you very much. Have a good flight. Dylan is back with the busy weather map. Yes. We are going to see tropical downpours in florida but also with the cold front we could see isolated storms across the eastern great lakes extending into the plains and through into the plains and through northern texas with heavy rain. Alright, hows this for a tv show. Sous chef. Lawyer by day, prepcook by night. Also, his name is sous. No. Sloppy joseph. A middleaged man whos trying to get his life together, but he cant hes to sloppy. Huhhh no here you go. I got this. I get cash back so its like everythings on sale. With the blue cash everyday card from American Express you get cash back on purchases with no annual fee. Everythings on sale a Home Shopping show takes place on a sailboat. Thats the one banana boat dessert on me. Look at you being all lactose tolerant. Its more than cash back. Its backed by the service and security of American Express. Good morning, im meteorologist bill henley. Its going to be another warm, summer day.  90 degrees this afternoon. Any fog around will be long gone. Sunshine, just a few scattered clouds for philadelphia, the suburbs. In the Lehigh Valley, lateday clouds, a slight chance of a lateday shower. You wont see it in new jersey. Partly to mostly sunny skies, 90 in trenton. At the shore, a sea breeze. Low 80s for cape may and ocean city. In delaware, lots of sunshine, near 90 in wilmington. Have a great day. And thats your lat latest forecast. All right, dylan. Thank you so much. Still to come, chris brown out on bail this morning on weapons charges after a bizarre standoff with the lapd. What hes saying about the incident and whats next for him. And revisiting the preppy killer case 30 years after Robert Chambers killed her daughter jennifer in central park ellen lepman tells us why she doesnt want an apology. Coming up, the with this level of engineering. Its a performance machine. With this degree of intelligence. Its a supercomputer. With this grade of protection. Its a fortress. 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Hey, bill. Good morning, vai. Were seeing lots of fog around the area. It will slowly clear. Zero visibility right now in quakertown, doylestown getting dense fog and zero visibility in mt. Holly to start the day, thick fog extends across much of new jersey and into delaware. No problem in wilmington but zero visibility in dover. The temperatures in the 60s and 70s. You can see clouds over the Lehigh Valley as well. The clouds will thin out and we will warm into the middle 80s. Thats by 1 00 this afternoon. The entire area is in for a warm summer day. 90 degrees for philadelphia, upper 80s for most of rest of the area. Vai . Thank you, bill. Those clouds and low visibility could be a problem for you driving. Lets check in with first alert traffic reporter jessica boyington. Hows it looking . For sure, vai. Were seeing reduced visibility with foggy conditions on 422. These are our cameras around oaks. On the eastbound side, a slow go. Fog adding to that slowdown with an accident scene also into the righthand shoulder. This is on the 42 freeway around the Atlantic City expressway in new jersey. Not a lot of volume though on either side. Definitely hard to see. Out in new castle county, the overturned tractortrailer is still blocking that southbound ramp from 95 to the ramp to 202 and route 41. Thank you, jessica. As jessie just said, it may be a while before everything reopens around the scene of this tractorTrailer Crash in new castle. This nbc 10 exclusive video showing the wreck overnight. Strangers came to the rescue of the truck driver after the big rig hit the guardrail, flipped on its side overnight. Three people were hurt, including the truck driver. 7 30 now wednesday morning, the 31st of august 2016. We say goodbye to august, hello to the crowd. We are ready for friday. Alicia keys will be here in tminus 48 hours. Shell perform live on the plaza to close out the summer Concert Series. That girl is on fire. She is. First a quick check of the headlines. Donald trump making a lastminute trip to mexico today to meet with the president there ahead of his highly anticipated speech on immigration later this evening. His Campaign Manager Kellyanne Conway told us earlier they will have productive conversation but trump will not reverse his strong stance on the issues. Ten people had to be issued on the hudson river tuesday after their kayaks were hit by a ferry pulling away from the pier. At least five people were hurt including a man whose arm was partially severed. Police say glare from the sun may have been a factor. An elderly driver caused a fiery scene at a gas station after knocking a pump onto a car with children inside. It quickly caught fire. A store clerk hit the emergency shut off on the gas as the childrens mother pulled them from the burning car preventing a tragedy. Police are investigating this morning. We begin with chris browns latest brush with the law. The r b star is out on bail after a lengthy standoff with police. Heres the rather bizarre story. Good morning. Reporter good morning. Chris brown released from jail just before midnight last night, posting 250,000 in bail after being charged with assault with a Deadly Weapon. Barricaded myself in my house . Have you seen my house . Im going to barricade myself in a palace . Im not coming out. Reporter chris brown talking to police after they responded to a 3 00 a. M. Call after a woman claimed the pop star threatened her at gun point. The alleged victim Baylee Curran telling e news she was looking at Diamond Jewelry on display when brown pulled a gun on her and kicked her out of the home. Thats when chris brown kind of went off, pulled out his gun and said get the f out. Reporter curran said she feared for her life. She was escorted out and fled from the house. I ran down the driveway and took a left down the street. Reporter later that morning on Instagram Brown was defiant. Police out there at the gate. Reporter Police Showed up to investigate and he refused to let them in, leading to a daylong drama. You get the warrant or whatever, walk up in here and you will see nothing, you idiots. Reporter ten hours after the original call and equipped with a warrant, police entered the home and interviewed browns guests. He was taken downtown to be booked. It is the latest in a series of runins with the law for brown who was convicted in 2009 of assaulting his then girlfriend rihanna. Baylee said browns associates asked her to sign a nondisclosure agreement before leaving the property, something she refused to do. As for brown his lawyer tweeting, thanks to everyone for their support and well wishes. Chris is out and well. The al investigations against him are false, team breezy. Brown is a convicted felon and would face up to three years in prison if found guilty of possessing a firearm. Thank you very much spj. Another check of the weather now from dylan. Well see a cooldown, especially back through the midwest. Its almost time to start calling it falllike. You will notice a drop in the humidity. Its still going to be pleasant. We are looking at temperatures in the upper 70s and lower 80s which is below average for this time of year. Dodge city 79. Chicago, 78. Normal high is 79. We are right around that. On thursday we are looking for temperatures to drop into the mid 70s in cleveland. Memphis, 88 degrees. Washington, d. C. , about 84. Close to average if not below. On friday, it will spread east ward with raleigh at 80. 81 in new york city. That looks nice. 70s back through chicago. About 73 degrees. We have a front thats the reason why well see a cooldown and why we could see a couple of isolated storms today. Pockets of heavier rain and down through texas and oklahoma we could see heavier downpours but nothing severe expected. Of course the tropical downpours near florida are already occurring as the storm gets closer, especially by late thursday good morning, im meteorologist bill henley. Its going to be another warm, summer day. 90 degrees this afternoon. Any fog around will be long gone. Sunshine, just a few scattered clouds for philadelphia, the suburbs. In the Lehigh Valley, lateday clouds, a slight chance of a lateday shower. You wont see it in new jersey. Partly to mostly sunny skies, 90 in trenton. At the shore, a sea breeze. Low 80s for cape may and ocean city. In delaware, lots of sunshine, near 90 in wilmington. Have a great day. And thats your latest forecast. Okay, dylan. Thank you. Coming up, a mothers ques to keep her daughters memory alive 30 years after the notorious preppy murder case. Notorious preppy murder case. Ellen we cfrom hgtv home byt the designersherwinwilliamsns make your decision easier. Are you sure those colors go together . Yes, all these colors go together. 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Jalapenos spicey caliente i have to get my own plate. Anything goes in old el paso. Go anywhere. Like on your commute. Or at the office. Ahh whered he go . Im in the break room. Enjoy the bold taste of ocean spray any time or place. When is your flu shot more than a flu shot . Im in the break room. When it helps give a lifesaving vaccine to a child in need. Thanks to customers like you, walgreens get a shot. Give a shot. Program has helped provide 15 million vaccines through the un foundation. Its that easy to make a difference. Walgreens. At the corner of happy and healthy. We are back now at 7 40 with more of our new series on true crime cases. Last friday marked the 30th anniversary of one of the most notorious in history. Robert chambers pled guilty to killing Jennifer Levin in central park. We spoke with levins mother who is determined to keep her daughters memory alive. Kerry sanders has the story. Reporter 30 years after a loved ones death, for a mom the grief never fades. It is all in the eyes. You can see this very amazing soul. This was taken right before she was killed. Reporter it was august 26, 1986. 18yearold Jennifer Levin had gone to new yorks central park with someone she thought was a friend, 19yearold Robert Chambers. It took years for the preppy killers lies and fabrications to unravel, but that former altar boy with the good looks eventually would be unm mamaske a thief, drug user and, yes, a killer. Jennifer was robbed from me. She would be 48 years old and most likely i would have had grandchildren to adore. Reporter today, jennifers mother ellen levin lives a quiet life in upstate new york. Shes never not in my thoughts. Reporter life in the mountains is a sharp contrast to the sensational headlines three decades ago. Falsehoods fuelled by a savvy defense team and chambers himself. She molested me in the park. Reporter he claimed jennifer wanted rough sex and things accidentally turned violent. When i saw how she was being portrayed, how it suddenly became her fault reporter playing the victim. It was blatantly playing the victim. The whole thing started here. Reporter now retired nypd lead detective michael sheehan. You find the body, do the steps and it leads to the killer who confesses. End of story. Reporter it didnt end there. It went on more than two years. Not guilty, 84. Reporter the jury deadlocked. I can imagine there was someone on the jury who thought he was a clean cut young man who would never do anything like this. Reporter too goodlooking, they said. Yeah. Reporter you heard that and think even today i think the juries dont work all the time. Reporter in the end, prosecutors struck a plea deal with chambers attorneys where he pled guilty to manslaughter. The retired head of the manhattan d. A. Sex crimes unit prosecuted the case. The jury was split. There were at least two people who bought the accident theory. The fact that the jury didnt decide it after the detectives and i had given them everything we could, that was a huge disappointment for me. Reporter fairstein, now a best selling author of crime fiction said levin fought for her life and his behavior afterwards was telling. He sat on the wall behind the metropolitan museum, watched as her body was found and taken away from the park in a body bag and never went over to the police and said this is my friend, this was an accident, i know who she is. Completely sociopathic. Reporter did you ever get an apology . No. Reporter do you want one . No. Reporter whatever he would say i wouldnt believe anything he said. As far as im concerned he doesnt exist for me. Reporter for a decade after jennifers death ellen fought for victims rights. Among her successes a rape shield law on the books in new york and the right for victims to speak in court and at parole hearings. Robert chambers who declined our request for an interview served every day of the 15year sentence for killing Jennifer Levin. Nearly five years after his release he was back in prison serving 19 years for felony drug charges where he remains today. What do you make of the one sentence followed by a longer sentence . I thought it was outrageous that he got more time for selling drugs than he did for killing jennifer. Its pretty outrageous. Reporter for today, kerry sanders, nbc news in upstate new york. Remember that case. Very well. Coming up, the reason singer selena gomez said shell take some time off. And carson in the orange room with reactions to a powerful interview we showed you interview we showed you yesterday with the survivor the sunll come out tomorrow. Interview we showed you yesterday with the survivor for people with Heart Failure, tomorrow is not a given. But entresto is a medicine that helps make more tomorrows possible. Tomorrow, tomorrow. 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The time is now for the biggest sale of the year, where all beds are on sale save 50 on the labor Day Limited Edition bed. Only at a sleep number store. My brother and i have always been rivals. We would dream about racing each other, in monaco. We were born brothers. Competition made us friends. Wish bold in the 2017 camry. Toyota. Lets go places. 7 49. We like to say carson is back over in the orange room. Good to see you. Good morning, guys. Tuesday we shared savannahs powerful interview with chessy prout, a survival of Sexual Assault at st. Pauls prep school. This is the first time she spoke out publically revealing her face and name. The response online to the emotional account has been overwhelming here in the orange room. We have seen the i have the right to, which prout created. Heres senator Jeanne Shaheen writing chessy prout is a remarkable brave young woman. Thank you for sharing your story to change the stigma of Sexual Assault. Jess davidson says chessy prout is brave. We stand with you. Abigail breslin and piper paribu shared the story. Another photo we saw, i have the right to live without the fear of sexual violence. Prout said on our show she wants to empower other people and it looks like thats exactly what shes doing. Back to you. Carson, thank you very much. Thank you. Still to come, i believe they can fly. New this team of synchronized sky divers is defying gravity. And a video on dash cam video creates instant local heroes. The bystanders who pulled a woman from a burning car after your local news and weather. Theres no one road out there. No one surface. No one speed. No one way of driving on each and every road. But there is one car that can conquer them all. The mercedesbenz cclass. Five driving modes let you customize the steering, shift points, and suspension to fit the mood youre in. And the road youre on. The 2016 cclass. Lease the c300 for 369 a month at your local mercedesbenz dealer. 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Paul and bongo march a very different beat. Sfx cymbals they break only for the 100 complete and balanced nutrition of meow mix cat food. No wonder its the only one cats ask for by name. To show your roots. With root touch up from nicen easy it blends with leading shades, even salon shades. In just 10 minutes. So pick your shade. And show the world your roots. With root touchup. What do you call deliciously smooth, creamy yogurt that comes in over 25 amazing flavors and packs 6 grams of protein per serving . Yoplait original. The family favorite. Yoplait. Sweet sun no artificial flavors. Philadelphia® strawberry. Rich. , creamy. And delicious. Nothing else tastes like philadelphia® nbc 10 news starts now. Good morning, im vai sikahema. Just about 8 00. Fog was a little bit of an issue this morning. Lets get right to your first alert neighborhood forecast with meteorologist bill henley. Bill . Were seeing serious fog. Other areas are getting sunshine. Quakertown holding at zero visibility, thick fog for doylestown, blue bell seeing dense fog and mt. Holly, zero visibility extends to south jersey and delaware. South of new castle county, thats where the thickest fog is to start with. Sunshine will brighten things up and the fog will disappear. 70s right now with one exception, 67 degrees in the Lehigh Valley. 90 degrees in philadelphia this afternoon. The rest of area, into the upper 80s, one exception, the shore, which will see sunshine and 83 degrees. Vai . All right, thank you, bill. I see flashing lights on 422. Lets check in with nbc 10 first alert traffic reporter jessica boyington. Whats happening . The fog clearing out of the way a little bit on 422. Seeing improving. This is atc oaks, an accident over on the righthand shoulder. Its a slow go. Were watching new jersey roads as well, 295 around 561. For the most part, were doing okay. The drive time headed towards the philadelphia area or if youre heading to other jersey roads, 21 minutes southbound from 38 towards the black horse pike. Speeds in the 30s as well. Philadelphia police are looking for a hit and run driver who killed a man on a motorcycle. A gmc yukon collided with a motorcycle in juniata park last night. The yukon driver took off. Police followed the trail of motor oil and antifreeze and found the yukon abandoned with the plates removed. Police are also looking for gunmen who shot and wounded three people leaving a north philadelphia corner store, including a 12yearold girl. The child was at the stores glass door on clearfield street when the shots went off, hitting her in the thigh. Another man hit in the neck is in critical condition. More news coming up in a half hour. Big oil polluters. They have a friend in pennsylvania. Millionaire pat toomey. Toomey voted to protect their special tax breaks. Saving Oil Companies twentyfour billion dollars. And Big Oil Polluters have given toomey seven hundred thousand dollars in campaign contributions. Tax breaks for them. Campaign contributions for him. Pat toomey. Hes helping Big Oil Polluters and millionaires. Not the rest of us. Lcv victory fund is responsible for the content of this advertising. For senate, Katie Mcginty or pat toomey . Mcginty supports clean energy jobs. Pat toomey voted to protect tax breaks for Oil Companies. Mcginty is prochoice. Toomey wants to overturn roe v. Wade and criminalize abortion. Mcginty will consistently stand up to the gun lobby. Toomeys against an assault weapons ban and gets an a rating from the nra. This year, pennsylvanians have a clear choice. Senate majority pac is responsible for the content of this advertising. Its 8 00 on today. Coming up, heroes on the highway. The quickthinking motorists who saved a trapped driver slammed by a runaway tractortrailer. Now speaking out. Its not a hero thing. Its just i dont know. Something i would expect someone to do for me. The story behind that dramatic dash cam video. Then cutting down the costly medical bills. Jean chatzky has a few easy tips to help you save on everything from health care to prescriptions. And bad hair day . Tom brady slammed on social media over his new do. Is he stuck in the 90s or bringing back a trend . Today, wednesday, august 31, 2016. Good morning, colorado im 60 today were 60 on the plaza good morning, oklahoma. Hello to our family and friends in pittsburgh. Good morning, st. Louis. Its our tv debut [ cheers and applause ] we are back now, 8 00 on a wednesday morning, the 31st day of august, 2016. We have the gang all here. So all this about tom bradys hair. I know. I will remain silent. Have you seen the hair style . Well im not saying a word. Hes always adore bli handsome. You like it . I do. Youre not exactly neutral. Im not. I said carson is back and all is right with the world. I meant to see siri is back and now all is right with the world. She has a recipe this morning. Shes going to create a delicious summer meal. You will probably want to feed it to your family tonight. And charlie is right. All is right in the world. Also tomorrow, britney off her vma performance. Her first appearance on today in years. Shell treat us to a special exclusive performance. Dont forget. Thats tomorrow here on today. Looking forward to it. A lot to get to. First to the news at 8 00. We begin with the president ial race this morning. Im Hallie Jackson in southern arizona. Today a surprise sitdown for donald trump, just hours ahead of a major immigration speech where he is expected to emphasize securing the border, a trip across it for trump today to meet with the mexican president. News that came out overnight. Trumps Campaign Manager tells nbc news today trump will talk about illegal immigration, trade and drug policy in what could be a major moment for the gop nominee. Reporter in a campaign full of twists, this among the most surprising. Donald trump and mexican president Enrique Pena Nieto confirming overnight they will meet today in mexico. The mexican president who once compared trump to hitler before retracting it adding, i believe in dialogue to promote mexican interests around the world and mainly to protect mexicans wherever they may be. The face to face with the potential for a faceoff after trump insulted mexicans last june. They are bringing drugs. Theyre bringing crime. Theyre rapists and some, i assume, are good people. Reporter his Campaign Manager proving trueviepreviewi earlier. I think to have a productive conversation about illegal immigration, trade policy and drugs. Reporter trump promised hell convince the country to pay for his border wall. We are going to build the wall and mexico will pay for the wall. Reporter this spring there is no scenario in which it would ha. Im not going to pay for that [ bleep ] wall. Reporter the surprise sitdown taking place just hours before trumps speech on immigration. His team promising more details about what trump plans to do with the estimated 11 million undocumented immigrants living here. A Senior Campaign official telling nbc news overnight clinton looks forward to seeing him at the appropriate time adding the two last met in 2014. Meanwhile were getting a look at a poll out this morning showing one of clintons lowest favorability rating yet at just 41 . Thank you. More than a hundred felons getting a Second Chance. On tuesday, president obama commuted the sentence of 111 federal inmates convicted of nonviolent drug offenses. The white house said they had taken all steps toward rehabilitation and received what it called unduly harsh sentences under outdated laws. The move brings the number of come tagss under president obama to 673, more than the previous ten president s combined. Scary moments on a united flight from houston to london. Flight 880 had to make an Emergency Landing in ireland after the plane hit severe and unexpected turbulence over the atlantic. At least ten passengers and two crew members were injured and had to be taken to a hospital when the plane finally landed at shannon airport. Coming up, you should stop and talk to the woman wearing headphones, right . The misguided pickup advice spawning strong backlash online. And mel brooks gives a touching tribute to gene wilder revealing how their relationship got off to a funny start. Well catch up with the heroes behind this dramatic scene caught on camera. Well talk to them. Well talk to them. First, these m again again again again again . Again again General Mills is removing artificial flavors and colors from our cereals. So you can love cereal. Again r lower back pain sufferers, the search for relief often leads. Here. Here. Or here. Today, theres a new option. Introducing drugfree aleve direct therapy. A tens device with high intensity power that uses technology once only available in doctors offices. Its wireless remote lets you control the intensity. And helps you get back to things like. This. This. Or this. And back to being yourself. Introducing new aleve direct therapy. Find yours in the pain relief aisle. You must be the new teacher, huh . Yeah. Remember, days like today, youll never forget. Youre going to do great. Thanks. Kleenex, someone needs one. We invited women to a spa to dish soap. Body wash. You may not feel it, but some body washes can contain cleansers found in dish soap. Dove body wash is different. It has only the gentlest cleansers. It just made me feel good. This is dove. The ford freedom sales event is on our biggest event of the year just got better announcing zero for seventytwo across the entire lineup of ford cars, trucks and suvs. Plus, tagged vehicles now get a thousand smart bonus. Thats freedom from interest. And freedom to choose with ford. Americas best selling brand. Now get 0 financing for 72 months across the entire ford lineup, plus specially tagged vehicles get a thousand smart bonus. 8 09. Back with a Daring Rescue that stopped a tragedy from unfo unfolding. During a dramatic tencar pile up last week. Dash cam video of the accident made local heroes out of the people who sprung into action at just the right time. Miguel almaguer caught up with them. Reporter a runaway tractortrailer slamming into slowing traffic, piledriving into cars. Debris raining down on new yorks route 17. Through the smoke and fire chris white could see a driver in serious trouble. The car was engulfed in flames. We didnt have a lot of time. The cabin of the vehicle itself was filling with smoke. Four men, white, ed staff, Police Recruit albert fiore and doug campin springing to action. The elderly driver inside as the car burned. The door handle pulled off. I grabbed the rear door handle and it pulled off. The flames came around the rear quarter of the car. Reporter ed scrambled to find a fire extinguisher, dousing the flames. The strangers coming together, finally smashing open the passenger window, pulling the victim from the wreckage, carrying her to safety. Because of quick action, the womans injuries are only minor. Without question, they are heroes. They had no idea the camera was rolling. Reporter the mayor said the men risked their lives to save another. We are a Wonderful Community filled with great citizens who risked their lives not only for neighbors and family members but for complete strangers. Its not a hero thing. Its just i dont know. Just something i would expect someone to do for me. Reporter reunited for the First Time Since the accident, this rescue team will soon be awarded a key to the city, an act of bravery for a group who says they are no heroes, but thats what most heroes say. For today, miguel almaguer, nbc news. Wow. I like what he said. Youre right. You would hope somebody would do that for you. Good for them. They did a great job. All right. New football season, new hair cut. Trending now, all right . This has kacaptivated the internet. Tom brady givesiing a press conference and people cant stop talking about the hair cut saying it is 90sinspired. Dylan loves it. Naturally the tweets poured in. Tom brady ready for the first first day of junior high. And brady on his way to pick up molly ring wald. Of course the comparisons followed saying he looks like saved by the bells zack morris, James Vanderbeek and matt damon in good will hunting. Long live the 90s. They are making a comeback. I think its so cute. I like it. Adorable, right . Youre taking responsible for it . Carson . He looks adorable. Matt . Is there a bad hair cut for him . He looks ten years younger. No question. Maybe thats whats going for. Other than that, i dont know. Who am i to judge . There you go. Cute theres the 90s. Say you sit down on a plane, a bus, train, whatever. You sit next to someone wearing headphones. What do you do . Do not speak to them. Universal sign of dont talk to that person. I agree. Thats why an article im about to show you rubbed people the wrong way titles how to talk to a woman who is wearing headphones. People on social media are angry with the relationship expert. His message, shes not avoiding interaction. She just needs a nudge. There is advice to get women to remove the headphones. I dont know about what. I was on a plane in new zealand talking to a woman and the Flight Attendant came to ask if i wanted water. In the 30 seconds i asked, i looked back and she had her headphones on. She just put it right on. It was a compelling story. Thats not a compliment. Improve your small talk. Not good. Then shes going like this. Finally, get ready for the most amazing video you will see all day. Love this. Check out the synchronized sky divers. They call themselves the mad ravens, flying around an indoor wind tunnel. They fly up, down, all around and upside down. They are based in prague and spent 5,000 hours practicing the routine. They call themselves in synch. Or is that taken . Its available again. Seems safer than jumping out of airplanes. Cool. I love it. Pop start . Lots to get to. Well start with selena gomez. After spending the past few months traveling for her world tour shes taking a break. Selena has lupus and said she needs to put her health first telling People Magazine i have discovered that anxiety, panic attacks and depression can be side effects of lupus. I want to be proactive to maintain my health and happiness. I have decided the best way forward is to take some time off. Thank you to my fans. She hopes this encourages others to deal with their own issues. Mel brooks on the tonight show with jimmy fallon paid tribute to his dear friend gene wilder. He was sick. I knew it. He was a dear friend. I expected it. I expected he would go. But, i dont know. When it happens, its still tremendous. Its still its a big shock, you know . Im still reeling from that no more gene. I cant call him. He was such a wonderful part of my life, you know . Mel brooks saying their friendship began because he made fun of the way gene looked. Finally, miley cyrus brought a homeless teenager to the vmas as her date in an effort to raise awareness in the u. S. He accepted the coveted new moonman and it can be yours now for 13,100. Thats right. He listed it on ebay which says mint condition and no fingerprints. He posted photos with the award and it has 16 bids. If you want it, you can have it. As a side note jesse has an apartment in l. A. And is expecting a baby boy in november. He wants to get some cash for his family. Cant argue with that. You can go to the Facebook Page for more. Great. Dylan has a check of the weather. Announcer todays weather brought to you by dove hair. Perfectly nourished hair plus more. All right. Lets get into more detail on the tropical system in the gulf of mexico. It is not a Tropical Storm yet. It should eventually become one. Perhaps even a strong Tropical Storm before it makes land fall thursday to thursday night. It could affect charleston, south carolina, as we go into the weekend as well. Take a look at the rip current threat from nantucket down to southern florida. Thats because the storm is going to ride along the east coast. Keep in mind that the rip currents will be dangerous, even if the sun is shining. We have a dangerous flood risk north of tampa into florida. Not only because we can see 10 to 15 inches of rain but we have the potential of a storm surge three to six feet above high tide thursday night. That could lead to coastal flooding as well. Well keep an eye on florida as the storm system creeps closer. Good morning. Im meteorologist bill henley. Going to be another warm summer day. 90 degrees this afternoon. Any fog around this morning will be long gone. Sunshine, just a few scattered clouds for philadelphia, the suburbs. In the Lehigh Valley, late day clouds. A slight chance of a lateday shower. You wont see it in new jersey. Partly to mostly sunny skies. 90 in trenton. At the shore, a sea breeze, so low 80s for cape may and ocean city. And in delaware, lots of sunshine. Near 90 in wilmington. Have a great day. And thats your latest forecast. Matt . Thank you very much. Day three of the series cost cutting today. We have tackled everyday bills. We are talking medical expenses with Health Care Costs and prescriptions on the rise, never too soon to prepare for the future. Back this morning to talk us through it all is today financial editor jean chatzky. Good morning. The cost of health care, even if you dont have a Major Medical emergency, staggering. They are. The problem with health care is people dont look at it like shopping for a car. It hasnt been so transparent. Thats changing. We have tips. And you have statistics that are alarming. Only 34 of people know their Health Care Costs. Or what they think they will be for the coming year according to the consumerism Health Care Index from allegiance. Only 23 save for future health care and this one gets me. About a quarter of people didnt fill a prescription because of the cost. This gets expensive because you get sicker. When you come here you almost always tell people they need to make educated choices. Talk about ways we can do that. Okay. This is the biggie. If you can put pretax dollars into a flexible spending account or a Health Savings account you save a third of the cost off your medical care. It can be used for pretty much anything. Not just prescriptions but doctor visits and almost everything except for overthecounter prescriptions. Can you explain the difference . Sure. A flexible spending account, you put money in and have to use it but a certain date offered by your employer. A Health Savings account is something anybody qualifies for if they have a High Deductible Health insurance policy. But any silver or bronze policy on the exchange gets you in. Just like if you are going to shop for a car or appliance, do some comparison shopping. 17 of people. Only 17 shop around for prescriptions. Thats a huge mistake. The prices can vary by 100 , 200 for the same drugs, particularly buying out of pocket. Good rx online helps you find a fair price for the drugs. You talked about the price and how they vary for drugs and medications. Go to procedures. It gets alarming. Up to a 500 difference in a procedure cost. Right. If you want to know what a procedure should cost in your i are i cant there is the health care bluebook, just like the car bluebook. It exists online. Then if you get medical bills and you feel like you need help lowering the costs, copatient. Com is a service that tells you what the fair price is for the procedures you have had and if you cant do it yourself, they will negotiate it for you and take 35 of the money they save you. This is one of the discount type use a Discount Program . Discount programs are for prescriptions. These are widespread. They are all companies that have essentially negotiated with the Drug Companies because they buy a lot of drugs overall. You get yourself aligned with a program. Scriptrelief, searchrx, blink health. Nbc did a story on that one. Yes, great piece. You want to get into these particularly if you dont have a prescription plan. And dont be afraid to ask your doctor for a less expensive alternative to treatment. Generics. Say to your doctor i cant afford this. Or ask the pharmacist. Pharmacists are fantastic resources. If you cant afford them, the partnership for prescription assistance is an organization you should get in touch with. Tell them the medication you need, if you have benefits and they will help you figure it out. Also shop at costco and online pharmacies. Make sure any Online Pharmacy is based in the u. S. And has a sign on the website that it is a verified internet pharmacy. Very important. Jeanne, thank you. Lets go to carson, savannah and a special guest. Thank you. Our special guest this morning, olympic champion simone manuel. In rio she won gold in the 100 meter freestyle and a place in the history books as the first africanamerican woman ever to win an individual gold in swimming. She was also part of a superstar 4 x 100 Medley Relay Team that gave the team the 1000th gold medal of all time. Good morning. How many times have you had the experience where i said, can i touch it . Too many times. I know. Your neck had to get stronger because they are heavy, the hardware. 1. 1 pounds each. I have about 4. 4 pounds on my neck. Lets put up the photo. I got chills thinking about it. You looked back at the clock, realized you won. You were the first individual gold medal africanamerican woman. Tell me about what moment, what was going on in your mind. There is a lot of relief to see my hard work pay off and see the number by my name is an exciting feeling. I was relieved. Just to be the first africanamerican woman to do that is humbling that i could be the person to make history. Im hoping to inspire people to get into the sport because swimming is a water saving skill. I love it. Shes going back to stanford. Pretty good swim team. Do you know who else joins her on the swim team . Katie ledecky. Youre a junior . Yes. And katie will be a freshman. We said will you bring your medals to school . They are heavy. Yes. But your friends will want to see. Yes. Im hoping to bring one. I have to convince my dad. Hes protective of them. I would like to bring one just for a while. Crime in palo alto is low. You should be okay. Her smile has not faded even since we saw her in rio the morning after the great win. Thank you. Congratulations. So proud. Thank you. Coming up, we are going to take the summer from the garden on the go courtesy of carsons better half, ms. Siri daly i good morning. Im vai sikahema. Just about 8 30s. Lets get right to your forecast with bill henley. Fog still a problem out there . For parts of the area, yes, but look at this beautiful view from center city. Just a few scattered clouds. You kind of see the fog in the distance over new jersey and some of the suburbs. Quakertown, quarter mile visibility. Thick fog for mt. Holly has started to improve. Millville now has onemile visibility. Temperatures will climb from the 70s right now and 60s in the suburbs into the low 90s for philadelphia, upper 80s for the rest of the area. That will get rid of any fog around this morning. Not surprising it looks like a lot of volume on 95. Lets check with traffic reporter yes caw boyington. Thats right. Of course, some volume on 95 and through the work zone, but a little bit of a slowdown into center city. And 26 minutes southbound from woodhaven road headed to the vine street expressway, also speeds down into the 30s. Were used to that. In new castle county, still watching the scene of the overturned tractor trailer from way earlier this morning off 95 southbound, basin road is still closed. Thank you, jessica. Today, Vice President ial nominee tim kaine continues the democratic tickets push for pennsylvania today with a visit to bethlehem following stops in erie and lancaster yesterday. Today in philadelphia, the Wells Fargo Center turns 20, as we give you a live look at the arena in south philly. Remember when it was the first union, wachovia. This opened in 1996. This is the home of the flyers and sixers. More news in 30 minutes. Introducing dunkins new cold brew coffee, steeped slowly in cold water for small batches with an ultrasmooth, fullbodied flavor. Discover the craft of cold brew today and keep on. America runs on dunkin. For senate, a clear difference. Katie mcginty for background checks, for banning assault weapons, and banning highcapacity ammunition clips. And pat toomey . Against an assault weapons ban and against banning high capacity ammo clips like those used in the orlando massacre. Listen to pat toomey brag i have had a perfect record with the nra. Pat toomey gets an a from the nra. Hes not for you. Senate majority pac is responsible for the content of this advertising. It is 8 30, the 31st day of august. Yes, the last day of august. Tomorrow is september. We have labor day weekend. We say it all summer long but summers over. It is. But we are going to have one last hurrah. Alicia keys on the plaza this friday, our final summer concert and we cannot wait for that. Still ahead this morning weve got handy Diy Organization ideas. These will help your kids rule at school this year. And class is in session for us, too, as we turn the plaza into a science lab, testing our knowledge or lack thereof. You want to stand back for this. And siri daly is here as the garden on the go keeps on trucking. Shes making Roasted Veggie tacos with a strawberry salsa. Have you tried them at home . They are brand new. Lets get a check on the weather. Its humid. Very muggy in the northeast. That will change as the cold front moves east ward tonight into tomorrow. It could trigger scattered storms into northern new england. We are looking at a chance of heavier rain through kansas into oklahoma and texas, too. Its florida we are focused on as the tropical system gets closer, likely becoming a Tropical Storm at some point either today or tomorrow. It is producing already heavy downpours that led to flooding. We could see just north of tampa 10 to 15 inches of rain. Then eventually the storm system extends to charleston, south carolina. We could see gusty winds and isolated tornadoes. A pretty big storm surge, too. Back behind the cold front to the north, temperatures dropping off into the 70 ts. Low humidity will fe good morning. Im meteorologist bill henley. Going to be another warm summer day. 90 degrees this afternoon. Any fog around this morning will be long gone. Sunshine, just a few scattered clouds for philadelphia, the suburbs. In the Lehigh Valley, late day clouds. A slight chance of a lateday shower. You wont see it in new jersey. Partly to mostly sunny skies. 90 in trenton. At the shore, a sea breeze, so low 80s for cape may and ocean city. And in delaware, lots of sunshine. Near 90 in wilmington. Have a great day. Thats your latest forecast. Savannah . Announcer design your life on today is sponsored by the 2017 ford fusion, the beauty of a well made choice. All right, dylan. Thanks. This morning on design your life, keeping your kids organized as they head back to school can be a challenge. Elizabeth mayhew has creative simple diy solutions. Good morning. Good morning. You have awesome helpers well meet as we go along here. Organization is really important as kids go back to school. Super important. One of my kids is in college and one is in high school. Time management, finding what they need when they need it, all important. These are fun ideas that if they make them and get involved they will be more apt to use them. If the kids dont have anything to do in the few days leading up to school here are the projects. We have addy here. What are we making . I took cereal boxes, paper towel and toilet paper holders covered in fun duct tape. We can make a desk organizer. Cute. Started with a wood placard you can get at a craft store, painted it and cover the boxes in duct tape. I like that because its sturdy and durable. All you do is glue gun once they are finished, i glue gun it to the placard and make a desk organizer. It was great with the pencil and pen. Where do you get this . At the craft store. There is camo, fun graphics, florals. The kid can customize it in his or her favorite colors and load it up with the desk supplies. Hopefully they will use them. Exactly. When they do their homework and i like that. She just continues to do that. Glue them dund shes good. You can put your pencils in there. Whats jackson working on . Youre going to do what i showed you. Do a little weaving here. This is a pencil case. I think this is a great gift to give to your teacher on the first day of school. It is the easiest thing in the world. Just take a piece of felt. These are precut you can get at the craft store. Cut six slits. We started three or so inches from the side. You dont want to go straight through. You weave in and out of the strips. Thats all i do. Its a pencil holder. There is no sewing. Just basically cutting involved. I did put a ribbon closure on it which i tacked down with thread. You keep doing that. And when you go to finish it you roll it up like so and give it a tie. Its good to go. Its a nice little present you can put it in your backpack. Pens, paint brushes, who knows . Whatever you want. Felt is so easy to work with because you just cut it. Good job, jackson. Hes weaving away. A good weaver. Grace, whats going on . I have to say this is a knife block. Starting with a knife block. I found this through a blogger called thrift diving. Com. I want to give her credit. Cover the top with contact paper, take a grill and drill holes, okay . Those holes will be perfect for a crayon to fit in. Do the holes where the knife slots are already. Get it started and mom and dad do the drilling. You could probably drill fine. All you do is paint it. And then use washy tape, an easy to use japanese tape that allows you to cover the different holes so you dont see the slats. Then buy these electrical clips. You can see here i made two little holes which i will take and screw that on. If we see the finished product you can put scissors, paint brushes, whatever it is. It is a great crayon craft station. Also good for younger kids. An older sister can do it for a younger sister. I love that. Last but not least. Getting dressed in the morning can be stressful for moms yelling at the kids. So i took cardboard and went ahead and ordered from a Company Called sticker you. Com. I ordered cd stickers. You can do several on a page. Thats clever its like when you go to the store. Kids know this is what im wearing monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday. Then by the weekend you throw a bunch in there. And icons for kids so they are easy to get. Put in your eicon and they iron onto a box. Im taking these. They are so cute. Great ideas. Coming up next, here is a definite kids dont try this at home moment. We are going up in smoke with the mad science experiments on the plaza. First, this is today on nbc. Big oil polluters. They have a friend in pennsylvania. Millionaire pat toomey. Toomey voted to protect their special tax breaks. Saving Oil Companies twentyfour billion dollars. And Big Oil Polluters have given toomey seven hundred thousand dollars in campaign contributions. Tax breaks for them. Campaign contributions for him. Pat toomey. Hes helping Big Oil Polluters and millionaires. Not the rest of us. Lcv victory fund is responsible for the content of this advertising. For senate, a clear difference. Katie mcginty for background checks, for banning assault weapons, and banning highcapacity ammunition clips. And pat toomey . Against an assault weapons ban and against banning high capacity ammo clips like those used in the orlando massacre. Listen to pat toomey brag i have had a perfect record with the nra. Pat toomey gets an a from the nra. Hes not for you. Senate majority pac is responsible for the content of this advertising. Welcome back to our lab. We are gearing up here. As students across the country head back to school we wanted to have fun and test our scientific knowledge. Fun in quotation marks. Host of the Youtube Channel nickopedia is here to teach us lessons. Nick, good to see you. Good morning. Is this necessary . Absolutely. Its going to get crazy. You have four science questions to ask us and you will show us the answers. Whats first . First, can you walk on water . Naturally you would think you can only do that with magic. Today we are doing it with science. Or if you are jesus. This is a nonnewtonian liquid. It is a solid and a liquid at the same time. Do you think you could run across this . Its shining it looks smack it, touch it, hold it. There is no way you are going to be on top of this. It looks like a liquid. You can grab it. I will say, no, i dont think you can walk across it. Hold my hand. Im sinking. You have to move. You were on top of it. I can go backwards. Do the monwalk. Cool. Whats it feel like . Do you sink if you stop . Its like quicksand. Well move on. Well come back to you. Dont worry. Oh, my goodness. All right she made it whats the second question . The next one is can water protect you from a fireball . This ones dicey. We all signed a release. Were with child. We want to make sure you dont burn your hair off. Oh okay. Well in this balloon is methane. Hold it like a bag pipe. One under the arm like this. There you go. Good luck, matt. Love you. Right or lefthanded . Take off the left glove. Take it off you said gloves were important. If youre lefthanded we want to make sure you can use it later in life for whatever. Okay. Push this off so we get a stream there. Put this down into the liquid and make bubbles with your arm go ahead and squeeze it. Take your hand out. Make bubbles. They will continue to make bubbles. Pull your hand out more. We want it to look like this. Make more bubbles. With this hand, put these down. We dont need these anymore. This is going to be good. Dont burn your hand. Or your shirt. Why are you leaning way back. Okay. Thats pretty good. Now scoop some of the bubbles in your hand like this. Im waiting for your hand to explode. Whoa, whoa, whoa. That was cool did it feel hot . Could you do that out of your mouth . Drink it . All right. Next one for savannah. Matt is on fire. We have two chemicals here. Hydrogen peroxide and potatoes iodide. Well get a giant reaction when we mix them. This is not the same dump this in there. It looks like chardonnay. Dont drink it. Okay. This is you. Carson, youre on this one. We have three different containers. Well probably get a different reaction. Well do what carson did. Dump it in and back away. Here we go. One, two, three. Back away. Thats awesome thats awesome. That was cool. Thats amazing. Should we tell people, do not do this at home. The hydrogen is 35 . Thats seven times more of the reaction. Why did we end with that one . Theres one more. Carson and me, i think. What we have here is ten liters of liquid nitrogen which is negative 321 below freezing. We have a bucket of hot water here. Well mix them. What could go wrong . You need that and a blast shield over there. Blast shield. Now were getting somewhere. Can we have the blast shields, please . What happens is the water mixes with liquid nitrogen you have a reaction. It instantly condenses into a cloud. But how big of a cloud will it make . This is going to be more impactful . Were scientists. Well figure it out. Do we need a blast shield . Youre good. Maybe further back. Okay. We should all be like here. Youre taller than i am. Bring it up over your head and down. Can i Say Something whats fun to look at . Siri is going, go ahead just dump it in or pour it . Dump it in there. Im going to back away. Oh, my. Get it all in there at the same time. Oh, my gosh thats awesome. [ applause ] it doesnt even matter what the science is. Its just plain fun. Why didnt we start the show with this . I dont know. Seriously, please do not try any of this at home. Nick knows what hes doing. Up next, siri is here. Shes going to make tacos that scream summer. We are back after this. Katie on crime, pat toomeys attacks on me are shameful. Hes making it up. Of course, anyone who commits a Violent Crime needs to be prosecuted and put behind bars. Narrator Katie Mcginty will keep us safe more police on the streets, better training and equipment, and take on the gun lobby for gun safety laws. Katie im the daughter of a police officer, and the mother of three. Ill stand with Law Enforcement to fight crime, and protect our families. Im Katie Mcginty, and i approve this message. Youve probably hpennsylvania about the ziis working hard to track and prevent the virus from spreading. The best way for you to prevent zika is to avoid mosquito bites, especially if youre pregnant. Here are some simple steps you can take to help protect you and your family. Use insect repellent on your skin and clothing. Cover up with loose, lightcolored clothing when outdoors. Repair window screens and get rid of standing water. Announcer to learn more, visit zika. Pa. Gov. All right. Were back with more garden on the go recipes. Ever since our mobile offshoot of the white house Kitchen Garden arrived on the plaza we have been harvesting fresh ingredients for summer meals. Today siri daly of siriously delicious. Com joins us. Do you know what she said to me . Well, now this is going to be boring. I feel like i can throw vegetables in the air. Look at carson. Hes still wearing it. Its my wifing cooking. You never know. Well make meatless tacos. Exactly. Roasting eggplant, bell pepper and zucchini. Then a strawberry and tomato salsa. Where do we start . We have olive oil, garlic and cumin, salt and pepper to marinate the vegetables. Thats it. Just whisk that up. Were you at all ner vus when the explosion happened . It was amazing. He can handle it. We are going to toss that all over the veggies and roast them in the oven for 20 to 30 minutes. You could grill them if you wanted. You want them softer and easier to digest. This is how we slice up the eggplant. Very simple. Cube it like this. I make carson do the spaghetti squash at home. He loves eggplant. Its not his favorite. I prefer steak when possible. See how simple it is . Yep. Those are the veggies. Now the strawberry and tomato salsa. The strawberries give it a nice sweet tang. They look good. We have tomatoes, strawberries, red onion, jalapeno and cilantro. Okay. Thats fresh lime juice and olive oil. Perfect. You can season it to taste with salt and pepper. Thats it . Thats all thats in there . Thats it. My kids could do that. Simple. Do you use the soft shells or hard . We like the soft. You can do either. Grilling them is key. It gives it a nice smoky flavor. Little olive oil on there . Little olive oil. A couple minutes per side and then we can build the tacos. We have cotija cheese. Does carson make dagwood tacos . He probably put steak in there, too. Actually the fresh stuff on the garden to go brought a freshness to the meals thats noticeable. Do you think my kids will miss the meat . I dont think so. Especially when you get carsons going, i dont know. Yeah. You could add chicken. Or mushrooms, protein. Go ahead. A little of anything i want . Exactly. This is the bell pepper, zucchini and eggplant. The salsa is great for chicken, fish if you want to add meat. On the side with guacamole. What do you think . Delicious. Its great. If you couldnt find the cotija cheese could you use feta . You could, or queso fresco. And meat. Can we do the recipe completely different . Optional. The viewers choose. You could add mad science to the recipe. Savannah, you do the teaser. Im going to dive . Johnny, come over. Matt lauer. Siri, thanks. All you have to do is sign up for the today food newsletter or text food to 66866. Lets get a close up of mr. Daly here eating. There he is. Back in a moment. This is today on nbc. So she not only cooks but tries her own food. Shes joined us at the tasting table. Siri, thank you. How about some birthdays. I love this time. Happy 100th birthday to al fishman of miami, florida. He says the secret to longevity is a big bowl of ice cream. Annabelle richardson, retired School Teacher from charleston, south carolina. She is a huge Atlanta Braves fan. Happy 100th birthday to albert raes. He loves to exercise every day. He walks a mile every day around the neighborhood. Good for you. Hod sadler from salt lake city, utah, is an altar server at church. And Anthony Zukas is 100 years old and says his secret is dark chocolate. Happy 104th birthday to luda pearl barker. She was Senior Pastor at church until she was 100. Let us know if you know someone turning 100. And good morning. Im rosemary connors. Its just a few minutes before 9 00 on this wednesday. Lets get a check of our neighborhood forecast from bill henley. Fog is slowly moving out. Theres still some clouds around, in fact, low clouds in the Lehigh Valley. Thats a view from easton this morning. Sunshine will be bright. 86 degrees at 2 00. And philadelphia, 76 degrees right now. Some scattered clouts, but thats it. Sunshine, 87 degrees. A southwesterly wind to boost us right up to 90 degrees this afternoon. The rest of the area warming into the upper 80s. The only exception is the shore with a bit of a sea breeze. 83 degrees later today. All right, thanks for that. Now a check of traffic with first alert traffic reporter jess boyington. What are you seeing . Watching 95. Delays mostly out of the way right now. Just a 24minute trip right here on the southbound side of 95, from woodhaven road headed to center city, to the vine street expressway. Were watching the clearing of an earlier accident scene. Only two vehicles involved. I dont think Police Officers even got to the scene. Now just somebody blocking the righthand shoulder. Out in whit pain, watch for an accident. Thanks for that. A tractor Trailer Crash is still causing problems on the road this morning in new castle. This nbc10 exclusive video shows the wreck from overnight. Strangers came to the rescue of the truck driver after the big rig flipped on its side. This is on the ramp to delaware route 51. Three people were hurt, including the truck driver, a passenger, and a man driving another car. Today, there will be a soulful celebration at city hall in philadelphia. Fans, players, and owners of the philadelphia soul, including ron jaworski will hold a rally. The soul beat the arizona rattlers last friday night to claim their second arena football league. cell phone ringing hello hey tommy what did you say to me when i said i was going to invent the telephone. I said you were crazy. Hmmm and what did you say to me this morning when i said i wanted chicken for breakfast. I said you were crazy. 0 for 2 pal. This new egg white grill from chickfila is aces. Chicken for breakfast. Its not as crazy as you think. Try the new egg white grill from chickfila. This morning on todays take its diddy off the vmas changing lives in new york city and table for two, scary. Would you ever dine here . Extravagance like never before. We go inside the homes of the super rich. That and more coming up now. Announcer from nbc news this is todays take with al roker, tamron hall, and billy bush. Live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. Welcome to today on this wednesday morning, august 31, 2016. Al is still on assignment. Billy and tamron in the house. Al is in l. A. We traded places for a minute. Lets put al on the monitor. I can slide it over here and face the wall. Roll out his head between us. How was your night . My nagt was great. I got hit with a panic. I realized beyonces concert is next wednesday. I havent gotten my kid a ticket. Before you say its a school night, the whole thing shes 11. She said, dad, i want to go to the beyonce concert. I want a ticket. I said how much are they . 330. I said, you better go set up the lemonade stand. Thats not happening. Especially on a school night. Went back about my business. Well, she went and set up her lemonade stand. She set it up for five days and not only did she offer lemonade. She offered peach tea lemonade, raspberry sprig lemonade. What . Regular lemonade and for four days she sold it. Came back to me and put a jar of money in front of me and said this is 350. I think there might be tax. So i pocketed the cash, went out and said i would get the ticket later. Add settles in. Forgot the ticket. Now i have to get the beyonce ticket. Im going to get it. Then she said she wants a ticket for her friend. She said when you have a friend over you cant charge them. I said im not paying for the friends ticket. Shes inviting the friend you have to pay. What did you say . Go set up the stand. You know how to do it. What does she do . Went out and set up the stand. Shes probably out there now. Shes a hustler. She came up with the 350. It would be nice her friends parents can. Thats too much. Beyonce, why 350 . We better be in the front. If you go online, some of the resale prices are extraordinary. So i got a deal . You got a deal. I have seen her twice in concert. Its worth it. 11 years old is a little young. To listen to a break up story with a bat smashing the camera. Im not sure about the 11yearold. My niece wanted to see katy perry. I was like, i dont know if we can go to a concert with ice cream coming out of this region of a lady. How was your date last night . Did you have a date . Why are you laughing . I like dating stories. It wasnt a date. It was a story that i was sent out on that kind of okay. This is a strange thing. Adam richmond is a guy from man eats food. He does secret eats. Cute couple. Superduper cute. Hes single which he said 90 times during the interview. I think the team is trying to get me married. Shes like, skip everything, go to pregnancy. The producers want me married. This was a setup. Were like intimate at under ground restaurants. Adam takes me look at him. Look at that. Wow. If you can do that on the first date. Hammer down a burrito. It was a choco taco. Chocolate taco . He said the way to mans heart is through the stomach but i know through you. Hes implying hes watched the show and all i do is eat. Which i like. Its great. We usually do cooking segments here. Nothing. All i had today was peanut butter. Im shaking. I need food. Adam is amazing. We did this story. I have hot new spots since you are just moving back. What did you have . Wild stuff . I had something i think the lady said was guts . I was too afraid to ask, like but you went there. I ate it. Adam was there and was like, this is amazing. Try the guts. I had to step up. We had a chocolate taco, food. I ate all day long from when i left here at 12 30 to 5 00. I ate burgers, everything, with adam. Well show you the three secret spots in new york. One has a switch you flip and the door goes open. Like maxwell smart. Like that. What are you doing tonight . Is there a second date . I dont know. I hope he doesnt have a girlfriend. He texted me. He did. He texted me the selfie and said, you know, listen, do you want to go out and eat other food later . I said, okay, ill consider it. But he also thinks hes funny and his jokes werent great. Youre telling this on tv . Hes finding out the hard way. I told adam. This is the last story about this date which was a work event. He met me before at the d. J. Show, the spin music awards or whatever and said, oh, yeah, i remember seeing you at that award. Whoo, you were smoking in that white dress. I didnt have a white dress on. He went for details and got them wrong. I had a blue dress on. Are you sure . Im positive. I was faced with a moment of do i tell them that wasnt me . That extends the awkward. Yeah, thanks. I love that dress. Thanks for taking me to the chocolate taco. Adams piece which is not a date will be on the show. Adam, if you like hard to get this is your woman. She just made it the jokes didnt land . Thats tough. Billy, i had multiple engagements. I want say how many. I also did Something Interesting yesterday. I went and saw i have seen the same shrink for 30 years. Started at 14 years old. Are you supposed to see the same therapist for that long . I cant stop. You can go to others but now we skype. I was in l. A. For 12 years. I cant let him go. Hes a father figure to me. I love the guy. I havent been in person with him for 15 years. Its like an awkward date. You live with him on the screen. Now you have to see him in person. I ran there. Im going to take care of the body before i take care of the mind. I ran four miles there through the park to get to his office. Get there, im sweating like crazy. I had just run through the park on a hot summer day. I sit down. I havent seen him in a while, i start to sweat harder because of that. It was like broadcast news. Whats his expression like. He was like, can i get you a towel . He did. He cloaked the chair in a towel and i sweat for 20 minutes. I havent let the guy go. 30 years. I swear. Thats a segment. Full disclosure. After prince passed away i went to a therapist for the first time. I had never gone. I dont know about 30 years. Feels good to let it out. Doesnt that person become your friend . He knows everything. Remember when you were 15 that kind of perspective, ooh. Hes got the vault. The vault. He knows every secret. What else . We have little blac chyna update. We love blac chyna. And you tweeted us not to talk about it. Shes revealing more about the relationship with rob. What she will not name her baby. I have never seen this video. Thats an elle magazine photo shoot, hot. Sean diddy combs on his Sean Diddy Combs on his reunion with the bad bay again again again again again . Again again General Mills is removing artificial flavors and colors from our cereals. So you can love cereal. Again the things that i consume a lot of it is very acidic. The enamel on my teeth was actually weakening. The whiteness wasnt there as much. My teeth didnt look as healthy as others. My dentist said that pronamel would help fight against that erosion that foods and drinks were causing. So it was really important to start using the pronamel. Itll be one less thing you have to worry about. Pronamel is now giving me the confidence to know that im doing the right thing. So its nice to know that its as simple as that. Light fit greek crunch yogurt is topped with crunchy deliciousness that makes it an absolutely, irresistible hit light fit crunch. Fresh bread in the lostore every single day. Ing hmm. Wonder who . If you dont already know. Try it. At walmarts low prices. The sunll come out for people with Heart Failure, tomorrow is not a given. But entresto is a medicine that helps make more tomorrows possible. Tomorrow, tomorrow. I love ya, tomorrow in the largest Heart Failure study ever. Entresto helped more people stay alive and out of the hospital than a leading Heart Failure medicine. Women who are pregnant must not take entresto. It can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. Dont take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren. If youve had angioedema while taking an ace or arb medicine, dont take entresto. The most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure. Kidney problems, or high potassium in your blood. Tomorrow, tomorrow i love ya, tomorrow. Ask your heart doctor about entresto. And help make tomorrow possible. Youre only a day away back now with more of todays take. Chris brown is out on bail facing charges of assault with a Deadly Weapon after a standoff with police yesterday. Before we get into the back story chris posted this on instagram. Im not sure it helped. He was Taunting Police a little bit, boasting about his career. Take a look at it. Its down now. At the same time when i call the police for stalker people that are endangering my life they dont come until the next day. Let somebody [ bleep ] allegations about me saying oh, yeah, the whole [ beeping ] swat team. [ beeping ]. Im tired of [ beeping ] so the back story. Police received a 911 phone call. 3 00 in the morning. A woman claiming that brown had pointed a gun at her. Shes claiming that she was looking at some Diamond Jewelry that was on display in his house. Like in the wee hours of the morning, were doing a jewelry sale . The woman has also changed her instagram now. The bio reads former miss california, yes, chris threatened me. Shes changed her actual name. Her real name is Baylee Curran. He was better off not putting the video out. In my opinion it looks like he was impaired a little bit. It was the wee hours. They have since been taken down. Whats in its place is countrys attorney who tweeted, thanks to everyone for their support and well wishes. Chris is out and well. The allegations against him are false. Then team breezy. Got to love an attorney with the current hashtags. You go, mark. This young lady had been accused in the past of an incident involving possible theft. Thats why he should leave it alone. There is shadiness, period, going on in the home that night. The thing about chris brown thats fascinating, we met him earlier in his career and saw him even after the Domestic Violence involving rihanna, there were people including myself and you know my background with my sister and my work with Domestic Violence survivors who believe this was a chance to own what he did, try to do better. It seems like even when hes not breaking the law hes surrounding himself with turmoil that he can bring himself up from. His first appearance on the today show he was with his mom. Adorable. He was young and was this amazingly talented guy. The next appearance there were a lot of guys on set. The hangers on were around him. I dont know. Underneath it all, the fact that after 2009 and that rihanna incident he got a Second Chance. People had good will for him. He got a Second Chance because of the amazing talent. Since then there is alleged domestic got to watch who you hang out with, man. If he didnt post the video he might have been fine. That video didnt help, i dont think. Blac chyna. A little update. Another day, another magazine. This time shes talking to elle. Com about her relationship with rob and the plans they have for their child. The baby will not be given a k name according to blac chyna saying she and rob agree on that. Should be kourtney. Or kris. Honor the woman who masterfully, like them or not, made the kardashians who ethey are. You can think what you want. You always let us know and we appreciate your thoughts and comments but kris jenner has been masterful at managing this brand. Shes now brought in Angela Kardashian which is what blac chynas name will be. I think its perfect, paying tribute and heir to the dynasty. I love it. Rob is talking about his weight. No one wants to be heavy. He said i didnt go to kims wedding because i was 61, putting on my tux and looking at myself. Im 300 pounds. Therefore photographers all over. I didnt want to go through it. He went into two years of silence after that. He told this to People Magazine. I like rob. I hope its real. We said if this was a Strategic Plan by blac chyna to get back still amazing. But when you read the article you see and understand what he must be going through. He has the most dominant females surrounding him. They are business up and down. They are paparazzi up and down. Hes kind of the outlier. He had a sock company. People mocked that. Hes never had an identity. To be in the presence of these strong women, he got lost in there he didnt ride that dancing with the stars. He was great. Very lightfooted. I didnt watch it. On the kardashian front though, 30 days kim is in town, in new york at vmas, fashion week, whatever else. If you were worried she had to shack up in a hotel. They have an apartment not far from where i live. Then whats she doing in a 30 million air bnb for free . Ill tell you. Shes bragging about it. Take a look. You guys, air bnb hooked us up. You have to see the view. Thank you, guys. Thank you, air bnb for the complimentary stay. Look. Just waking up to the most amazing air bnb. Thank you so much for the complimentary stay here in new york. Obsessed. Air bnb got me my own glam room. Im so happy for her. Hey, guys, air bnb is not hooking us up. We are here inside our studio. Air bnb. I want to be obsessed with my 30 million freeload. So americas got talent last night. Everybodys talking about it. Lori may hernandez took a shot at nick cannon he wont forget any time soon. Lets face it. My barbie days are over. Like american idol, the spice girls, howies hair. I just outgrow barbies. Like mariah did nick. Thank you, guys thank you i love this kid. Boom. Unassuming in appearance and just knocks them out. Boom goes the dynamite. Look at cannon there like really . Lori mae hernandez. And the second date in china, you have to go a long way. Its in the national park. About 1,000 feet above ground there is a glass sky bridge and now a restaurant that goes with it. Nice table for two. You, richmond. Me and richmond. The view. I will get on the horn with him. Ill instagram from the free air bnb from my bed. Hey, yall, its tam in my air bnb for free. Lets get a check on the weather for free. Hey. Hey, guys. Were talking tropics. We have tropical depression 9 we are focused on. Tropical depression 8 off North Carolina will continue to make its way out to sea. 9 is the one to focus on. We have hurricane watches for the big bend of florida. As the storm continues to sit through the gulf there is a chance it will likely become a Tropical Storm. Then strengthened into a strong Tropical Storm before it makes land fall thursday night into friday morning. Charleston, south carolina, could see the effects of a tropical system. Wind gusts near 70 miles per hour, up to five inches of rain. In this area we could see 10 to 15 inches of rain. That could lead thomas sieve flooding and we good morning. Im meteorologist bill henley. Going to be another warm summer day. 90 degrees this afternoon. Any fog around this morning will be long gone. Sunshine, just a few scattered clouds for philadelphia, the suburbs. In the Lehigh Valley, late day clouds. A slight chance of a lateday shower. You wont see it in new jersey. Partly to mostly sunny skies. 90 in trenton. At the shore, a sea breeze, so low 80s for cape may and ocean city. And in delaware, lots of sunshine. Near 90 in wilmington. Have a great day. Thats your latest forecast. Billy and tamron . Thanks, dylan. Say hello to our little friend. Up close and personal with the up close and personal with the kinkajoo andnd why they make alright, hows this for a tv show. Sous chef. Lawyer by day, prepcook by night. Also, his name is sous. No. Sloppy joseph. A middleaged man whos trying to get his life together, but he cant hes to sloppy. Huhhh no here you go. I got this. I get cash back so its like everythings on sale. With the blue cash everyday card from American Express you get cash back on purchases with no annual fee. Everythings on sale a Home Shopping show takes place on a sailboat. Thats the one banana boat dessert on me. Look at you being all lactose tolerant. Its more than cash back. Its backed by the service and security of American Express. When is your flu shot more than a flu shot . Its more than cash back. When it helps give a lifesaving vaccine to a child in need. Thanks to customers like you, walgreens get a shot. Give a shot. Program has helped provide 15 million vaccines through the un foundation. Its that easy to make a difference. Walgreens. At the corner of happy and healthy. You must be the new teacher, huh . Yeah. Remember, days like today, youll never forget. Youre going to do great. Thanks. Kleenex, someone needs one. Morning is nothing new. Stion, muddling through your introducing rhinocort® allergy spray. Powerful relief from nasal allergy symptoms, all day and all night. Try rhinocort® allergy spray. Muddle no more®. Tag, youre it. Tag youre it. Tag, youre it. Yes new gogurt writeon tubes. This back to school, say it with gogurt. Well, if any of you are looking for a new pet, trust me when i tell you this is not the one. Here with a kinkajou from the pittsburgh zoo is wild life expert and biologist corbin maxy. I like the disclaimer you probably dont want it as a pet. Whats the reason why . Good morning. Welcome, billy. This is abandoned him. This is an animal from central and south america. Hes a bad pet. Not a bad guest. I promise hes not a bad guest. They are arborial. Hell go to you and nestle in. Charlie is going, how could you . Shame on me. They are nocturnal. Not only that, they have sharp canines. Just because he breathes heavily like he was mad. Tamron, your turn. No. I have a fear of adult cats. Well work on that in the segment. He looks like an adult cat. Whats interesting, at least hold that. They have a prehensile tail like a monkey. Beautiful. What should we do to care about the environment . We need to conserve the rain forests, make sure to protect the resources. Youre back later with more youre back later with more wild animals in a little bit. Alarmringer. Outfitslinger. Three kids motivated. All before im caffeinated. Lunchpacker, backpacker, always keepingtracker. Sparkkeeper. Breakfastfeeder. Peptalker. Dogwalker. Shoetieer. Teardrier. Threesecond rule. Carpool. Big ol goodbye kiss. Dont care if its not cool. Heres to all you do every day. So they can put their best foot forward all year. Famous footwear. Good morning. Im rosemary connors. Its 9 26 on this wednesday. Lets get a check our forecast from bill henley. Were watching fog disappear. It was a really fog in center city. The sunshine is warming temperatures. Were heading into the low 90s in philadelphia. There are some cloud in our future. Look to the north. You can see cloudy skies in the pocono mountains and howers and the smotorms. Thats a cold front on the way for tonight and tomorrow. 76 now in philadelphia. Scattered clouds in south jersey. The fog quickly disappearing from delaware, into the upper 80s for most of the area today. Thanks, bill. Jessica boyington is keeping an eye on the roads. Watching the schuylkill expressway. Just a little slowdown, but something were used to. This is right around belmont avenue. Westbound lanes maybe looking slower at this point, but moving into center city, only a 20 minute trip from the blue route to the vine street expressway. Were almost into the 40s so were getting back to normal. And another accident at township line road. After today, if youre driving in delaware and get caught texting, its going to cost you. Governor jack markell will be in wilmington this morning to sign the bill that will double the initial fine for texting and handheld cell phone use by driving. First offense fines will go up from 50 to 100, and fines for later offenses will increase from 200 to 300. Today, Delaware County will Mark International overdose awareness day. The use of the anneecdote narca has saved many people. Today, the focus is on helping survivors recover from drug abuse. Well have another update in just about 25 minutes. Now back to the today show. Have a good one. The last time Sean Diddy Combs stopped by it was a Family Affair on the plaza. Kicked off the summer Concert Series with his bad boy tour and a lot of fans. He did not disappoint. Best opening to summer ever. Diddy is about to officially kick off his highly anticipated tour and the bad boy 20 years box set edition. Hes now a champion of education with a new School Opening up in harlem this week. The man, the legend, Sean Diddy Combs. How you doing . You are so versatile. Here you are working on this epic tour and focused on opening a school in harlem. Yes. Why was it something you needed to get done now . Im from harlem. Its a dream to come home and open a school. I had that vision. I knew i was able to achieve to the heights i was able to achieve because i start d out and had a very good education. I think we just take it for granted and also we are not dealing with the issues that we are not properly educating our children in the city. Instead of complaining about it, i wanted to do something. I opened up my own school. Im going to lead by example and make the change that way. You opened up the school, the vmas the other night. Yeah. The school is called capital prep harlem. 6th and 7th now. Overall goal is 12 . To 12 and i want to expand the schools into different cities and countries. You open up the vmas the other night. First of all, did drake get his moonman . You have it. I was about to go out they said hes stuck in traffic. He got it. I left it there for him. You know it was confusing for the person not to be there. But we handled it well. Traffic. You have a helicopter available. Youre the man of new york. I have a couple of moonmen but sometimes you get caught in traffic and you miss out. That was beyonces night. Was it not . Yes. That was the performance of the night. Rihanna had nice ones but she stole the vmas. Beyonces performance was incredible. Rihanna, it was just i think they shared the night to be honest. They performed so many times, had great performances. When beyonce hits the stage. For 16 minutes. What happened . Lights out. Speaking of lights out, kanye, the light is always on. Im not sure whos home sometimes. But nevertheless, we were all sitting there waiting. The vmas said he could do anything, no holds barred. You know him well. Were you worried . Kanye, four minutes. He can do anything. You know. I think kanye is more comfortable when its not planned. You know, i wasnt worried. I was just expecting to be entertained. He was entertaining, but tiana taylors body may have up staged it. Shout out to tiana. I would like to double that shout out. Shes from harlem. She says i dont work out. I eat mac and cheese. Just dancing. She had a baby last year. She said its just dna. Doesnt eat vegetables. She hates vegetables. Wow. Shout out again . Another shout out. Shout out to your kids. I see pictures of them on instagram. Theyre doing great things. Yeah. You must be the proudest dad ever. So proud. My sons christian and quincy sign ee eed deals with epic bad. My son graduated. My three girls turned 10. Everything is good now. Amazing. The bad boy Family Reunion tour, one night only. Double down. Pick up a residence somewhere so we can keep going. We wanted to make it something thats not just a concert. Its a moment. All of the hits in the last 20 years on the dance floor. All on one stage. Its never been done on one stage together. Billy and i are going. Over 400 million records sold when you put the bad boy family together. It starts on thursday in chicago. Starts in chicago. Detroit, baltimore, new york. Get your tickets at ticketmaster. Com. Sean diddy combs. Up next, the secret lives of the super rich. But first, these messages. bab baby laughs all natural ground beef. Rying yeah, thats right. Theres only one way to know how good it tastes. Try it at walmarts low prices. You only earn double miles when you buy stuff from that airline. Wait. Is this where you typically shop . You should be getting double miles on every purchase switch. To the capital one venture card. With venture, you earn unlimited double miles on every purchase, everywhere, every day. Not just. dismissively airline purchases. Seriously. Double miles. Everywhere. Whats in your wallet . Youre probably wondering why thaive just carvedng a giant wooden tiger. Well, the answer is that a real one would maul me. Ive crafted dr. Whiskers here as a visual aid to show you that should you visit the lot, carmax associates will not pounce like tigers because people dont like that. Come here to buy a car. Dr. Whiskers wont pounce. Nobody will. You must be the new teacher, huh . Yeah. Remember, days like today, youll never forget. Youre going to do great. Thanks. Kleenex, someone needs one. Soon, shell be bingestudying. Get back to great. This week 50 off all backpacks. Office depot officemax. Gear up for school. Gear up for great. First you start with this. Then add this. And this face. Wait, we can do better. Yeah. Thats the one. And fresh brewed lipton iced tea. A lipton meal is what you bring to it. And the bright refreshing taste of lipton iced tea. On a perfect car, then smash it into a tree. Your Insurance Company raises your rates. Maybe you shouldve done more research on them. For drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise your rates due to your first accident. Liberty mutual insurance. Sweet sun no artificial flavors. Philadelphia® strawberry. Rich. , creamy. And delicious. Nothing else tastes like philadelphia® a box is where you keep things safe. Who wants that . Im moving forward. New oikos greek nonfat yogurt helps keep me going. Now with allnatural ingredients with vitamin d and 12 grams of protein. Oikos, be unstoppably you. Inside the most luxurious jaw dropping homes and host robert frank is here with a tour. You look like money. Thanks. We know you know what youre talking about. Unfortunately wealth isnt contagious. I havent gotten it yet. Its fun covering this stuff. Lets start with the ultimate bachelor pad in Beverly Hills. 200,000 dollar candy bar . This is a house that soltd for 70 million and was bought by the founder of mine craft. It has a 200,000 candy bar. You go from m ms to muton. The wine bar. One of the best views in Beverly Hills and this is a car gallery. The hydraulic lift lowers you down. You can look at your 3 million bugati from the vodka bar. Then the seats are made by bentley. The most expensive home ever sold in Beverly Hills. Before we move to the next location why do the super rich want us to know what they have . To torture us . No. Theyre proud of the success. Theyre proud of yeah. To some this house is a work of art. Its beautiful. Incredible. Its gorgeous. Next up, golfers paradise. Billy is circling it on the calendar. I will make this man my friend. This is on the gold coast of long eyde. Jay gatsby country. Hes shooting golf balls off the green roof to a tee a hundred yards away. This house has a golf simulator in the basement. Check it out. Right off the roof. This is a party we went to. If you got a hole in one you won a lamborghini. Nobody got it. Incredible. Sadly moving on from my new best friends house to james bond the yacht collector. Billionaire bond fans have taken it to a new level. This guy owned 18 yachts all named after james bond movies. No. This is diamonds what does he do . Hes a mega car dealer. He makes cars or sells them . Sells them. For a hobby hes a boat buyer and seller. This is diamonds are forever. This is skyfall. This will be a 60 million, 237foot boat. Hes already thinking about spectre. What kind of cars does he sell . Everything from its the geekiest thing in the world. Moving on to the sky garage in new york city. We all know parking is so hard in new york city. The wealthy have a solution. Just drive into your elevator garage. It brings you to the 11th story penthouse. I drove the ferrari in there. It has one of the best views in manhattan. It overlooks the empire state building. Thats a garage . You drive into it. It takes your car to the 11th floor. It is attached to the penthouse. Dont leave it in gear. Exactly. Just walk from the kitchen to the car. Go down into the street. Just leave my house we have to visualize. On the 11th floor. Lady gaga, a lot of people looked at that because its paparazziproof. Looked but didnt buy. Skateboard meets tank. What we all want. You want the skateboard crossed with a tank. This was a machine thats got a 50 horsepower engine. We have to do this. Perfect for new york. Forget the scooter. 120,000 . Shaq got one for 75. He needs a super sized one. The crown prince of dubai got three for 300,000. We know shaq. We can get a ride. Fascinating. Thank you for all that. We can all dream. Give me the phone numbers for them. You got it. Check out secret lives of the super rich on cnbc. Now a check of the weather. I dont even have a car. I have a bike. Anyway, i will focus on the weather. We have a chance of heavy downpours today. Its caused flooding near florida. We have a tropical system that should become a Tropical Storm later producing more potential for flooding and tornadoes, too. Cooling off in the upper midwest. Dropping into the 70s through the end of the week and triggering scattered showers and storms. Nothing too severe. We could see brief flash flooding if the rain comes down in a short period of time. There is a risk of tornadoes across northern florida as the good morning. Im meteorologist bill henley. Going to be another warm summer day. 90 degrees this afternoon. Any fog around this morning will be long gone. Sunshine, just a few scattered clouds for philadelphia, the suburbs. In the Lehigh Valley, late day clouds. A slight chance of a lateday shower. You wont see it in new jersey. Partly to mostly sunny skies. 90 in trenton. At the shore, a sea breeze, so low 80s for cape may and ocean city. And in delaware, lots of sunshine. Near 90 in wilmington. Have a great day. Im eyeing that strange animal over there. Im sure you will do more with that later. Not much more. Well look at it, too. Thats a skink. You wont believe what it can do with those long sara, could you come in here. Yep, coming. Oh wow, what kind of underwear are those . Theyre breathable underwear from fruit of the loom. [gasp] what are those . Guys. Theyre breathable underwear from fruit of the loom. Yes, they have these tiny holes to let the air through, can you help me . Wa wa weewoo look at those. Can you feel this . [blowing] turn around for me. Seriously . Yeah. Slow. Slow. Slower. Slower is that okay. I dont think you should get that dress. It doesnt fit. Stay cool with breathable underwear from fruit of the loom. With toothpaste or plain water. An their dentures and even though their dentures look clean, in reality theyre not. If a denture were to be put under a microscope, we can see all the bacteria that still exists on the denture, and that bacteria multiplies very rapidly. Thats why dentists recommend cleaning with polident everyday. Polidents unique micro clean formula works in just 3 minutes, killing 99. 99 of odor causing bacteria. For a cleaner, fresher, brighter denture every day. Tag, youre it. Tag youre it. Tag, youre it. Yes new gogurt writeon tubes. This back to school, say it with gogurt. You may be muddling through allergies. Oned with. Try zyrtec® for powerful allergy relief. And zyrtec® is different than claritin®. Because it starts working faster on the first day you take it. Try zyrtec®. Muddle no more®. We invited women to a spa to dish soap. Body wash. You may not feel it, but some body washes can contain cleansers found in dish soap. Dove body wash is different. It has only the gentlest cleansers. It just made me feel good. This is dove. And you needed a tow. Did your 22page insurance policy say, great news. Youre covered . No. It said, blah blah blah blah. The Liberty Mutual app with coverage compass™ makes it easy to know what youre covered for and what youre not. Liberty mutual insurance. Wait. Wait. Perfect. At del monte, green beans are packed at the peak of freshness with just water and a dash of sea salt. Nothing else. So theyre allnatural and delicious. When is your flu shot more than a flu shot . When it helps give a lifesaving vaccine to a child in need. Thanks to customers like you, walgreens get a shot. Give a shot. Program has helped provide 15 million vaccines through the un foundation. Its that easy to make a difference. Walgreens. At the corner of happy and healthy. The best way to get together, is with the treat you make together. We are back with wild life expert and biologist corbin. I wonder why we are when i see whats running around the table. The most unusual animals from the pittsburgh zoo and pbg aquarium. What are these . Nude little mole rats . These are naked come on, tamron. Naked mole rats. Some of the most fascinating animals on the planet. They live their lives completely under ground in africa and live in a complex tunnel system that can span six football fields. Take a look. This is big mama. Big mama take your hand. This is the first time you will ever be able to touch one. This is the only animal that cannot get cannot get cancer. Remarkable. Scientists are trying to figure out why. Youre fine. I cant. Just watch. Look at this. Put it down. This is cancer free. This is the least you can do for it. This might help solve cancer. If they cure cancer its like when you cook chorizo and the little skin thats offensive to big mama. They live to be 30. This is a dream come true on the today show for me. These guys are their own segment. We have this right here, the smallest north american falcon, a kestral. Found in north america. Beautiful. Excellent predator. Stunning. The coolest thing about it. Billy, its cool, man. Hold it tighter. They can see in ultraviolet light meaning they can see urine trails of rodents. They can look into the field, see the urine trails. Phenomenal. Really smart. Thats beautiful. Very intimidating. And we have a skink. This is from the solomon islands. There you go. Im not afraid of anything. This is a skink from the solomon islands, the pittsburgh zoo. They have a prehensile tail like a monkey. We look alike. People look like their pets. Its like a selfie stick. Thats great. It looks great. For the crowd outside on the plaza. Looks like youre on times square. This is the only skink thats a vegetarian. Why . There are 1500 species, aall eat insects. This one is a vegetarian. All the animals should be on long sticks. Could we get the naked mole rats back . Put one in tamrons purse. Get them some clothes. Well be right back in a moment. This is today on nbc. Skink on a stick. For senate, Katie Mcginty or pat toomey . Mcginty supports clean energy jobs. Pat toomey voted to protect tax breaks for Oil Companies. Mcginty is prochoice. Toomey wants to overturn roe v. Wade and criminalize abortion. Mcginty will consistently stand up to the gun lobby. Toomeys against an assault weapons ban and gets an a rating from the nra. This year, pennsylvanians have a clear choice. Senate majority pac is responsible for the content of this advertising. Hes making it up. Of course, anyone who commits a Violent Crime needs to be prosecuted and put behind bars. Narrator Katie Mcginty will keep us safe more police on the streets, better training and equipment, and take on the gun lobby for gun safety laws. Katie im the daughter of a police officer, and the mother of three. Ill stand with Law Enforcement to fight crime, and protect our families. Im Katie Mcginty, and i approve this message. Winefree show . Thats no fun. Its coming. Its coming. Its going great. What are you cooking today . We are not cooking. We are having mom hair make overs. Answering Big Oil Polluters. They have a friend in pennsylvania. Millionaire pat toomey. Toomey voted to protect their special tax breaks. Saving Oil Companies twentyfour billion dollars. And Big Oil Polluters have given toomey seven hundred thousand dollars in campaign contributions. Tax breaks for them. Campaign contributions for him. Pat toomey. Hes helping Big Oil Polluters and millionaires. Not the rest of us. Lcv victory fund is responsible for the content of this advertising. Good morning. Im rosemary connors. Just a few minute before 10 00 on this wednesday. Lets get a check of our neighborhood forecast from bill henley. Thick fog is disappearing. The temperature now climbing. 80s degrees now in new jersey, and closer to that in delaware. Plenty of sunshine for frawley stadium in wilmington. Into the 80. Closer to 90 degrees this afternoon. I expect philadelphia to hit 90 and close to it for most of the area, the exception the shore with a little sea breeze. 83 degrees today. Thanks for that, bill. Jessica boyington is keeping her eye on traffic. Any backups . Big backups. We caught an accident scene on 95 southbound approaching the betsy ross bridge. Only one lane getting by right now. Several vehicles are involved and theres different Police Officers stationed at different parts of the highway blocking off traffic and having everybody merge into one lane. 79 minutes right now. Typically about this time, a 12minute trip. Delays way over an hour. Speeds down to 10 miles per hour. Thanks for that, yes caw. Democratic Vice President ial nominee tim kaine will be campaigning in bethlehem today. It follows his appearance in lancaster last night. Kaine is on his first solo swing through pennsylvania. In philadelphia today, you can register to vote inside the courtyard at city hall. The Voter Registration event runs from noon today until 4 00. You must register to vote by october 11th, if you would like to vote in the general election on november 8th. Im rosemary connors. Now back to the today show. Have a good one. For senate, Katie Mcginty or pat toomey . Mcginty supports clean energy jobs. Pat toomey voted to protect tax breaks for Oil Companies. Mcginty is prochoice. Toomey wants to overturn roe v. Wade and criminalize abortion. Mcginty will consistently stand up to the gun lobby. Toomeys against an assault weapons ban and gets an a rating from the nra. This year, pennsylvanians have a clear choice. Senate majority pac is responsible for the content of this advertising. Announcer from nbc news, this is today with Kathie Lee Gifford and hoda kotb live from studio 1 sha in rockefeller plaza. What happened to august . Dont say that every year. Because of the olympics, they get through it quicker. It started, ended, now its september. Having that, thats lights down low for Country Music sirpg jessie james decker

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