Transcripts For WCBS CBS 2 News At 6 20160317

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it doesn't matter, you know, gays, straight, everything. it's a parade for everybody. >> i love it and i'm glad everybody gets a chance to participate. >> this is america. land of the free. >> i think it's fine. they have been marching all along but they just didn't carry banners. >> reporter: the mayor said pope francis' visit to new york city and the intervention of cardinal dolan helped get parade organizers to change their tune. maurice and kristine? >> thank you. starting next year, new york city public schools students may get the day off to attend the parade. state senate passed legislation that would make st. patrick's day a school holiday. if enacted the measure would take effect on march 17, 2017. for the second time this week police say a student took a loaded gun to school in jamaica, queens. a 15-year-old boy at york early college academy allegedly brought this gun to class this morning. investigators say the student was showing off the weapon to a classmate who then n school officials. until police arrived after the officials. security. >> there's not security at the premises. uncomfortable because what if the kid would have like came unfortunately my classroom and he would feel angry for some reason and took out the gun and next thing you know we're all on the floor dead. >> on wednesday, police say an 11-year-old boy brought a loaded 9-millimeter to ps 40. it belongs to his grandfather. he faces charges. hundreds of students in newark were tested for exposure to lead today. thousands more will be tested soon. the district taking action after revealing high lead levels in water in almost half of it schools. cbs 2's tony aiello reports. >> reporter: because this newark pre-k center is federally funded students must be tested for lead before enrolling. thursday, this room was equipped for another round of lollipops and stickers to reward children after their blood was drawn. >> yes, i am pleased because they are helping us out. it's free. >> reporter: lead in water here at the berliner center tested as high as 23 parts per billion, slightly above the epa action level of 15 parts per billion. newark is offering lead testing to 17,000 students in 30 schools where water quality is a concern. state officials who run the schools here say the problem isn't the water supply. it's aging pipes and fixtures. >> i'm just glad they are giving free testing today and hope the kids will be all right. >> reporter: for children who do test positive for lead, experts say you can't assume they were exposed at school. most lead poisoning happens at home. the amount in a tiny chip of lead paint is about double the highest level recorded in newark schools' water. >> going to be probably from where they spend most of their time, and would be from home with older buildings in the city. >> reporter: tested students the city isn't sure how many students will seek testing. older children who have shown no signs of lead poisoning might want to skip it. school officials say they will follow up with every family of a student who tests positive to determine the source of the lead and eliminate it. in newark, tony aiello, cbs 2 news. >> today mayor ras baraka slammed state officials who run the newark schools. he charged that they held back information about water quality problems for more than a decade. he wants the state to fix the pipes and return control of schools to local leaders. it's common practice for some people texting and walking. it could soon be banned in new jersey. cbs 2's meg baker reports now on the proposed crackdown on distracted walking. >> reporter: hey, new jersey! you may want to put the phone down. a new bill would make texting and walking illegal. >> pay attention to that -- what you're doing at that moment. your phone, um, with conversations, with anything else. >> reporter: al with the ocean county prosecutor's office says it's serious. toms river that had a number of -- has had a number of fatalities of texting and walking near track. since 2010 there's a 35% increase nationally in the number of accidents related to distracted pedestrians. assemblywoman pamela lampet it. said: >> their heads are down. they're texting and not paying attention to what they're doing. >> reporter: people in toms river who may or may not have had their phones out while walking down the sidewalk had mixed opinions. >> i think it's silly with all the problems that we have in the world about having to worry about somebody walking down the street texting. maybe some of these politicians should try to solve some of the legal problems we have in new jersey. >> crossing the street and texting? ticket for that. >> reporter: if passed you could be subject to the same penalties as imposed against a pedestrian that jaywalks. under the current law, that includes a fine of up to $50. both. in toms river, new jersey, meg baker, cbs 2 news. new at 6:00 now, is the wineries? tonight lawmakers and locals say as tourism rises, so does safety concerns. cbs 2's jennifer mclogan reports from cutchogue. >> reporter: a new traffic signal is guiding drivers through the intersection of route 48 and depot lane in cutchogue, the site of last july's limousine crash that killed four women on a winery trip and critically injured four other women. library clerk is not satisfied with the changes. >> i have had several people cut across me going straight through the green light because they didn't wait properly because they didn't have the green arrow indicator so to me it's just as dangerous or more. turn arrow, it still may feel awkward to make a u-turn. the district attorney wants the grand jury to look into the legality to u-turns with large stretch limousines. >> their work is not yet finished. they are going to continue to take testimony concerning the issues of limousine safety and road safety. >> reporter: spota says phase one of the investigation is over charging pickup truck driver steven romeo with dwi a misdemeanor and the limo driver carlos pino with criminally negligent homicide. >> the limo driver was at fault. he turned where he wasn't supposed to. and four young girls, beautiful women, are gone. >> i lived here all my life. the roads weren't like this when we were younger. we had safe roads. and now as people enjoy this area more, there's more traffic and we really have to upgrade the roads. >> reporter: locals want leaders to commission a study of north fork traffic congestion. to 43 producers from just a handful in the 1970ezs. jennifer mclogan, cbs 2 news. today the state of new york is going to combat the zika virus. cbs 2's sonia rincon reports. >> reporter: there are 49 confirmed cases of zika in new york half in the city. and the state is preparing for many more come mosquito season this spring and summer. >> some of the speculation or the expectations are that you can have a significant number of people affected. so we want to make sure we're ahead of it. >> reporter: so the governor and state health department today announced a six step plan to fight the spread of zika in new york. health commissioner dr. howard zucker says it will start with distributing larvacide tablets for standing water and encouraging people to get rid of clean water in containers where mosquitos breed. >> old tires, children's toys, plastic containers and even clogged gutters especially after it rains. >> reporter: the plan is to eliminate the virus at its with mosquito testing, offer protection kits for pregnant women including bug spray and condoms since it's sexually transmitted. it would require rapid response teams local control teams and other steps. there are about 70 types of mosquitos in new york and one of them can carry zika. zucker says that species makes up 3 to 5% of the mosquitos in new york. >> the map shows in yellow the counties where there's confirmed presence of the albopictus and we'll monitor in the north counties as well for spread of this mosquito. >> reporter: as much as the state is anticipating and preparing for the arrival of zika-carrying mosquitos here in new york, the state health department and the cdc are still advising pregnant women not to travel to countries where zika is prevalent. in midtown, sonia rincon, cbs 2 news. >> the world's largest producer of insect repellents johnson says it's increasing already increased demand for things like bug spray. the white house just made it easier to travel to cuba. the obama administration removed cuba from it list of countries with insufficient port security. it clears the way for u.s. cruise ships, cargo vessels and ferries to travel between the u.s. and cuba with less hassle. ships that travel to cuba won't have to wait for u.s. coast guard inspections. random checks. president obama travels to cuba on sunday. still to come a move that will bring a national park to new york honoring the underground railroad. >> also drawing the line or pushing the envelope a pro baseball player quits because the team says he can't bring his son to work anymore. do kids belong in the workplace? >> yesterday, it was a forecast possibility. today it has formed. that low pressure system could give us snow. much in a bit. finding colon cancer early gives me the best chance for treatment. we got screened because i know colon cancer doesn't always come with symptoms. i was worried about the cost but got screened when i learned there are options. my doctor helped me find the right test for me. we got screened when we turned 50 and we're so glad we did. if you're 50 or older talk with your healthcare provider. there's more than one way to screen for colon cancer and it's easier than ever. if you're 50 or older so imagine being allowed to bring your child to work every, single day. for one baseball star it was a perk too good to last forever. and when he was told to scale it back, he chose to quit instead. as dave carlin reports, it does beg the question, should -- should you bring your child to work? >> reporter: this major league player called it quits saying he is putting his family first. 36-year-old adam laroche left the chicago white sox tuesday because he says the team's executive vice president ken williams told him to, quote, dial back bringing his son to work. 14-year-old drake was a fixture in the clubhouse with his own locker and jersey. >> i just think it's normal. >> reporter: drake's grandfather was all star david laroche who brought adam to club houses starting what they considered to be a family tradition. >> it's cool to give him the same memories. >> reporter: williams says the team's decision has nothing to do with the teenager's behavior or complaints from teammates, just that it was time to cut back how often he was around. a workplace expert says children belong in school at home or in a park but not in the workplace especially for regularly. >> they don't want your kid at work. >> reporter: workplace experts say maybe once a year on bring your child to work day and that's it. >> big workplaces provide child care right at work and but that's different than bringing your child to the desk and having them annoy your colleagues. >> my husband actually takes her to work. >> reporter: lisa roman sees no downside to her 9-year-old daughter bryanna regularly going to an office with her dad. so you think it's a learning experience? >> of course! most definitely. >> reporter: what about the other employees that they don't like it or disturbing the office? >> i think it's, um, a breath of fresh air. >> reporter: agree or not, it's a debate brought home by a sports star who says, no job and no amount of money comes between him and his son. dave carlin, cbs 2 news. >> viewers are commenting about how they feel as well on our facebook page: >> did we mention that he walked away from $13 million? >> did he we say that? >> if you can do it, then that's fine. >> clearly he can. [ laughter ] >> and that's how it's gonna be. >> most of us can't do it. >> are there other office? >> not yet. >> he's done. he's good. >> the team is allowing some time for him to reconsider. we'll see. >> did we talk about the $13 million? >> he got 12 last year. >> so i guess it comes to a point, how much money do you need? outside right now, not as pretty as the day was during your st. patrick's day parade. clouds have now filled in. we, you know, some spotty showers out there. even occasional heavier downpour. 51 degrees right now on the thermometer. high temperature today, that's a beautiful st. patrick's day high temperature 63 degrees. we have had st. patrick's days around here where you have had cold driving rain. we have had some snow at times know. today. 13 degrees above average. my headlines, like, this. the biggest headline i have the sunday snow chance is now looking more likely. you won't get snow if you have cold air is on the way. it bottoms out saturday morning. 30s and 20s. winds up to 25 miles an hour or stronger. it feels like saturday morning 7:00 in the morning, good- looking sky overhead, but it feels look you're in the teens and the 20s at best. all right. so that cold air is setting up. now we want to mix in some we're catching some moisture it's all spotty. it's not very heavy, as well. the heaviest little cell i can find, it's a little tiny cell right around long beach. this will be, you know, pushing out of your area in, say, five minutes or so. it's that small. there's later rain behind it bigger picture shows you a chance for some scattered not so much saturday. it will be a good-looking day but i'm putting this picture up to show you the dynamics at play. this is your snowmaking storm combined with this bout of energy coming in from canada forecast to make its way to our area as a coastal storm with snow. on friday you may see a little bit of moisture picking up here or there. saturday is a great looking day. there you have it. then you get to sunday. sunday going to watch that moisture creep in from the south. and sure enough with that cold air in place, north and west of the city, 2:30 in the afternoon,' dealing with snow. could be heavy rain elsewhere. at sunset temperatures drop. some of the rain turns to snow. so what are the computer models saying? i want to give you the early call. gfs says 2 to 6" of snow possible of the european more aggressive with the numbers saying anywhere from 4 up to almost 11." the best bet for an early callle is about 3 to 8" -- call is to tell you about 3" to 8" as the best still. i have two others that see the storm coming here but i have some that say nothing keeping this offshore. i believe it's more like lick it's coming. so sunday snow chance and the cold air arrives starting tomorrow. >> can't believe it. >> can you believe it? no kidding, right? >> it's in our minds. thank you. plans are moving forward historic new york state home into a national park later this year. national park service reportedly making necessary land acquisitions to formally establish the park. the house is located in upstate auburn. tubman was born into slavery in maryland. she escaped and led others out of slavery from the south to freedom along the underground railroad. otis livingston joins us now with a look ahead at sports. otis? >> reporter: yeah, kristine. unfortunately, iona's day is a disaster. they got blown out by a cyclone. >> and yale showed they are football. miracle-gro believes life has a few simple rules. start things off right... in a loving environment and they'll end up just fine. peppers or kids? yes. miracle-gro. life starts here. hannah's recipe for a successful bistro. feed the garden all year long. feed people all year long. hire cute waiter's. miracle-gro. all right. we had an up sit today. >> we certainly did. one of those four moving on in the ncaa tournament. for 16 teams the dream will live on. 61 others the hopes are gone. that's reality for the ncaa tournament for 16 others. iona hoping to beat iowa state. jordan washington strong. plus the foul. iona got within 7 after trailing by 18 but the cyclones were too much for the gaels. they had a hard sometime stopping georges niang. he had a game-high 28. 94-81 the final cyclones. >> i'm just sad it ended, somebody had to make that call to the end of the game i felt like if that was the case, you know, if you didn't want anybody, you know, talking trash from the beginning of the game, you know, just call it whether it's on me or whatever else. >> over in the west region the defending champ duke trailed at the half against 13 seed unc wilmington. plumlee carried the blue devils with a career-high 28 points. duke survived 93-85. giving baylor all they could handle in the first round. the bulldogs shot 53% running their lead to as many as 13. baylor made a run but they let it slip away literally. yale's first tournament win in school history, 79-75, plainfield justin sears with 18 points faces duke on saturday. the midwest region virginia hammers hampton: also in action purdue leads arkansas little rock by 10 in the second half. in baseball the mystery is over. it's going to be matt harvey opening in kansas city. he was last starter of last season losing game five of the world series to the royals. weekend for the birth of his son. he missed an earlier start with back stiffness. the mets won 6-5 over the marlins. yankees playing the pirates. castro having a great spring hitting over .400 crushes the second homer of the spring over the batter's eye. masahiro tanaka allowed two runs in two innings. but luis severino struck out five in four shutdown innings. yankees win 7-2. finally tonight ncaa tournament getting set to hit brooklyn tomorrow afternoon so the barclays center got a big time makeover yesterday laying down the ncaa court in record time. they knew they were up against it so they had to get it up fast. the game will be played friday and sunday. highest seed in brooklyn face unc ashfield. >> they don't mess around. >> 15 seconds. >> had to get it done. [ laughter ] attention parents: before school this september all kids entering 7th and 12th grades must get the meningococcal vaccine. it protects against serious and sometimes deadly diseases like meningitis. call your health care provider today. coming up tonight at ncaa tournament basketball, a frantic search for an eight- year-old with an adult with alzheimer's comes to a happy end. how they were found after they disappeared on a drive to the airport. >> plus, dramatic video why a snatch a baby from her mother to save the child's life. that and much more coming up tonight after the game. that's scary. meantime, some happy news to end on. coned workers have brightened one manhattan mom's day. thanks to two mechanics who found her bracelet in a sewer on wednesday. she feared the sentimental gift from her husband was lost when it fell through a sidewalk grate. that is when coned workers it after a 20-minute search. those two games right there. me says she is forever indebted and will from now on happily pay her utility bills. [ laughter ] >> stick a little extra in there. >> her husband is happy, too. >> everybody wins. >> join us later for the news at 9: 00 on tv 10/55. up next on the -- at 9:00 on tv 10/55. coming up on "cbs evening news," how a new jersey basketball team is making sitting on the bench cool as playing. see you after the game. >> pelley: that's the rear window of a car after a ferocious hail storm battered north texas. also tonight, under fire over water. >> you messed up 100,000 people's lives, 100,000 of them, 10,000 of those people are six years old and younger. >> pelley: the e.p.a. takes the heat for the crisis in flint. the democrats fall preview. >> donald trump won't make america great again, but he will make republicans the minority again. >> pelley: a sea change at seaworld. the curtain is coming down on killer whale shows. and the players who turned riding bench into an art form. captioning sponsored by cbs this is the "cbs evening news" with scott pelley. >> pelley: late today, the

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New York , United States , Canada , Texas , Ocean County , New Jersey , Toms River , Jamaica , Virginia , Washington , District Of Columbia , North Fork , Saskatchewan , Brooklyn , Hampton , Iowa , Maryland , Newark , Cuba , Jersey , Chicago , Illinois , America , Ken Williams , Adam Laroche , Dave Carlin , Meg Baker , Scott Pelley , Sonia Rincon , David Laroche , Luis Severino , Otis Livingston , Carlos Pino , Plainfield Justin Sears , Steven Romeo , Tony Aiello , Lisa Roman , Matt Harvey , Masahiro Tanaka , Georges Niang , Howard Zucker , Christine Quinn ,

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