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Economic opportunity at trees for their future for 30 years we've worked with smallholder farmers in developing countries to establish sustainable agro forestry methods where there was once deforestation and poor agricultural practices there are now thriving micro environments we call forest gardens made up of more than 50 species of trees and dozens of shrubs fruits and vegetables few trees for the future is Forest garden approach thousands of farming families have successfully brought their land back to life a sustainable solution to hunger poverty and climate change sponsored by trees for the future if you're invited to join the movement at Trieste dot org slash radio today is Darcy Dalton day on w d l give Darcy a call or text and wish era a happy day. For its red eye radio with talk about everything from politics to social issues bad things of the day for the year old boy for just starting your day Welcome to the show for very much and every currently down members'. Lives here's what I reveal. The phone number 86690 right I that's 186690 read I appreciate the opportunity to fill in for Gary and Eric right here. Radio Amanda tide is turning has this been so much fun. To watch the Democrats they're just spinning out of control they don't know what to do every single witness they've brought to the table in the last couple of weeks has been a complete and utter failure this is exhibit a. You know I really thought that we were going to get a real kick at the moment and. You know we don't want that this is a caller to cspan at the height of these the testimony going on during the impeachment hearings and I don't know how we're going to get out at all if week I mean think about that she is sitting here saying I don't know how we're going to get from out of office I don't know maybe an election but I don't know how we're going to get out of office if we don't have it but nothing nothing that I heard. Made a concrete he did he did anything other than get one that could check it out an already existing investigation on the body right don't we couldn't get more we can get a boy that's really going to show America how bad is. It I think because I haven't heard anything yet why if you haven't heard anything lady calling C.-Span if you haven't heard anything then why is it you're determined to get the man out of office See this is the problem with the Democrats they are so how dense on their theory they are so hell bent on getting Donald Trump out of office just like the media they are shooting themselves in the foot. Now I know that I've been taking callers all night long here on Red Eye radio and we've been talking about whether or not it is good for these impeachment and hearings to go to the Senate for a trial now we know that Adam Schiff is now passing this off to Gerry Nat'l or in the educational community a committee from the House of Representatives in so now Natalie is going to write up these articles of impeachment and over it goes to the Senate and I think that that is a great thing because then all of this evidence or lack of evidence will be right there at the forefront for everyone to see you remember when when Jim Jordan and Elise to find it in some of these other folks would get a hold of these ambassadors and say well wait a minute you keep saying that the president committed quid pro quo but did you actually hear the president say anything demanding an investigation. The answer to that is now do you have any information regarding the president and I would States excepting any groups now you have any information regarding any criminal activity that the president of the United States has been involved with at all and I just said what do you want from me and he said I want nothing I want no quid pro quo I just want something I don't like it too many of my target hears or words to that I just bring the point home have no testimony today that ties President Trump to a scheme to withhold aid from Ukraine in exchange for these investigations other than my own presumption which is nothing the president ever tell you I mean we heard about how it was there are some there presumptions and you were on that call and there was a new pen impeach your president or act when you're presuming he's done something wrong oh well correct no bribery right now extortion correct and Ambassador Volcker I presume you've got a readout of the call is that crack was there any reference to withholding aid you know there was not any reference to bribery Now there was not all reference to quid pro quo now there was not any reference to extortion No there was not and I presume you also got feedback from your Ukrainian counterparts as to how the call went Did they mention the withholding of aid they did not you had a meeting with the president states in you believe that the policy is I mean do you get to the point now brain do you get the point wrecked you know quid pro quos wide States ever say to you that he was not going to allow aid the United States to go to the Ukraine unless there were investigations into breeze ma The Bidens for the 26th election there's no He did not did the Ukrainians ever tell you that they understood that they would not get a meeting with the president noted States a phone call with the president States military or foreign aid from the United States unless they undertook investigations of breeze much the Bidens of the 26 elections No they did not you know pretty much the best Volcker you just like took apart their entire case yes that's exactly what he did. They're all the witnesses destroy their case don't you want to see that come full circle in the Senate look I know it's a waste of time look I understand that we're all tired of all of this but here's the thing if we don't put a stop to this now by allowing this to go to the Senate allowing all of this these accusations these baseless accusations to get a full shine in front of everybody in front of all of the media in front of the American people that's what we need to do we need to just let all the evidence or lack of it in front of the American people and let the American people decide you know why because the independents you know the the middle the ones that are out there and they're not sure who they're going to vote for those are the ones that we really need to convince here's why you let the trial happen in the Senate you bring in a witnesses you bring in Hunter Biden you bring bring in Joe Biden you bring in whoever you want from the Obama administration do whatever you can to do to prove Joe and Hunter Biden corrupt because if the Senate can't prove Joe and Hunter Biden corrupt because clearly they are you prove that they're corrupt then it's proof that the president was legit in asking Zelinsky to investigate corruption because if there was corruption going on in Ukraine and Joe Biden just happened to be the guy that was involved in that corruption along with his son Hunter Well then if they're going to get caught up in the crossfire in these investigations Well they should have been doing what they were doing in the 1st place. We all know that the Bidens were corrupt as all get out and we also know that the Democrats have thought about nothing more than impeaching this president since the day he was elected this is about preventing a potentially disastrous outcome from occurring next year. He's. Been in power he really should be punished that charlatan in the White House. I'm not running for anything except impeachment a job we can go over to. The government if we don't this president will get reelected. Now here's why that latest ad from the r. And c. Is so effective Don't those audio bytes from Maxine Waters and Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff n a o c and others those just really so damned on their own I want you to think about something they Democrats were sent to Washington d.c. In the suppose of Blue Wave right of 2018 their one job they had one job and that was to impeach the president of the United States they had their chance with Muller and collusion but there was no there there there was no collusion there was also no obstruction and so finally they got there they've got their little hands on this whole phone call with Ukraine and they're trying desperately to somehow force the president out of office and the further Did they try to dig into this investigation the deeper the hole that they are digging themselves into is becoming so by all means continue the investigation because the more you investigate the more we're going to hear from ambassadors and others. Who were there and are saying yeah there was no quid pro quo Robert is in Tennessee on Red Eye radio Hey Robert. Damn. You made a big show you did I did thank you Robert appreciate it. Listen I just wanted to express it doesn't matter if they have 10 or 1240 candidates. They're all a bunch of losers and they have fought every bit of the way the reason I'm voting for Trump and I knew he was going to win was the way he was talking about the southern border I've seen it with my own eyes the damage that Alito. Alien immigration does to long time especially minority contractors Oh yeah the other thing is the only thing is a friend was telling me no I didn't I didn't see this 3rd read about it but he was telling me that some massive amount of meth amphetamine was caught at the border in Arizona or someplace and that tears up communities like I live and you can not get . Enough. You know you got to sign pursuit of heaven one of the components of man you going for that so you can walk in there and get terms of it you know and so that's coming across the borders and that's just another problem that this country is facing is that Democrats have dug in their heels and want him on every program Yeah absolutely and Robert I appreciate the call and very much and he's absolutely right I mean listen there's a lot of bad things that come across our southern border they're not all just bad on praise those bad on Fraser carrying drugs and weapons and all kinds of other stuff. That is why we need the wall now let's see what Steve in Santa Tanya has to say Steven Wright on radio Hi Oh thank you for taking my call it is amazing to me. Democrats are listening to your show right now they listen they watch Fox News they listen to other conservative talk radio so every day they are exposed to truth and fact and yet they continue mysteriously dumbfounded really to vote for Democrat corruption the investigation does continue because that is the only way that we will get the truth all the way back to the Obama and Clinton administration. And what really happened with Russia and what really happened with collusion but the main thing I wanted to point out was President Trump has now been in office for 1039 days and for 1039 days the Democrat administration has done nothing absolutely nothing to help help the people which they claim every day care so much about minority these people that people we want to help the people we want and they have done nothing for $1039.00 days. And yeah some of those people will still go and vote Democrat it's just amazing it is maddening isn't it and I tell you why I cover politics every single day I'm Dan Manders you can find out more about me on the Dan many show Facebook page I'm also on Instagram and Twitter and he's absolutely right in the Democrats will continue to vote these folks in time and time again I love this from The Washington Examiner g.o.p. Vom makers defeated last year see President trom as their 2020 comeback ticket I was just talking about this we've got a whole bunch of Republicans that lost in that wave in 2018 here's the problem Truong. He is on the ballot in 2020 so the question has to be asked will the president be able to get those seats back will the Republicans be able to get control of the House of Representatives yet again that my friends would be epic 86690 redeye That's 186690 redeye this is Dan mantis on a red eye radio it pays to have a tire maintenance routine especially during the winter driving season but when black ice and heavy snow fall winter weather can impact your tires and your productivity in a number of ways here's a tire maintenance tip to help you avoid downtime and roll safely through winter clear any snow and ice from your tires and wheels in order to conduct a proper pre and post trip inspection inspect for irregular wear patterns or damage to the side walls which could indicate improper alignment if you feel your wheel pulling in one direction or noticed damage to your tires during a pre or post trip inspection find a t. a Truck service near you to have it looked at by one of our t.i.a. 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Or go to wave clean water dot com That's wave clean water dot com on some. Big guy. 266-991-8669 extension 0 read I can man dissin for gearing Eric this evening is it right i Radio and. Is Lou in New Jersey with sound. Very good will so they're all looking him over can vote who should be asking themselves who is going back a few years ago when he b. And c. Computer who are soldiers were hacked and such thinking about you know not being covered Balgair was a Russians and Ukrainians or anything and that was what were distant drop off planes and put up with sworn in and then they started their coup with that with their way to go on holiday you know trying to dodge of the big blaming him for everything except probably World War wanted to but. Hillary Clinton was a secretary of state be Elaine e. And b. All went down with Russia now if anybody wants a smoke and go on it should go back to their with culture by then you claim you also have a low c. Dog and also John Kerry son in law that asked for John Kerry is going you're right John Kerry's kid is involved in Bruce Mattoon. Play and you know what if you want to talk about collusion and deception and you don't corruption I think the American populace should dig into that and see where the truth lives because somewhere else you know somebody is hiding the cabal he's somewhere you know. Thank you very much for the call we've got lead in Tennessee on a red eye radio he Legal had. Well that's our new job Carolyn. Warning that the Democrats don't need too much help but I got some more help for them when it comes to pushing them up to a point. We all know about health issues with Ruth Bader Ginsburg so they should be petrified on Sunday and they are petrified about. Conservative number 6 when u.s. Supreme Court which would lean 6 to 3 conservatives against the Liberals and I let me get all of job even more bad and yeah. Even more crazier than they are right now the big stuff this would make the Us Supreme Court ruling 63 conservative. For what the next 2535 years yeah. Well that and the thing that I would say and I appreciate the Callie the other thing that I would say is don't forget that the president has been very successful in getting federal judges all across America confirmed it to their post so the president again think you actually overturn it not overturn but turned if you will the 99th So yeah the president has had an enormous amount of success in dealing with the judges and I would say that you know we all hope that there Ruth Bader Ginsburg is going to be Ok but what I would also say is let's not forget that if the president gets another term then he may end up with several more picks I mean if this could be something that is absolutely huge for conservatism because as we all know there's a lot of people and by the way I'm one of them. I mean how do you folks have no idea who I am but when I heard that Donald Trump was running I was a real excited but I knew that he would begin the conversation and the more that the president participated in that conversation during the campaign of 2016 the more I thought maybe this guy just on a wife just died and I really wanted to have his influence on the Supreme Court and that my friends we have. The video Wilmington the p.l.f. And cancel the rest of you h.p.t. Bones and you're on the go news so shabbily. Delaware's News Radio Good morning it's 430. Are you woman interested in developing leadership skills and techniques for creating continued success in your personal and professional life you are invited to join a Junior League of Women teams 5th annual Women's Leadership Summit February 22nd at the Doubletree Hotel located on Route 2 in Tally ville this summit will offer a well rounded program for women looking to strengthen their leadership abilities through workshops and presentations led by women leaders of diverse backgrounds Don't miss this opportunity to connect with like minded women any merge better equipped to be an effective leader in the workplace in your community and in your personal life the 5th annual Junior League of Women teams leadership summit Saturday February 22nd 8 am to 3 pm at the Doubletree Hotel located at 4727 Concord Pike register soon admin in lead deep dot org. C.b.s. News update as parts of the country are waking up to snow this morning the San Francisco Bay Area's solids 1st significant rain storm of the season overnight the National Weather Service says up to an inch is eventually possible but this resident does not seem to mind there getting 2 feet of snow in Denver right now so I fully take the rain over to be a snow correspondent see fireman is with those trying to travel for Thanksgiving at Los Angeles International the streets around l.a.x. Are jammed many people are rushing to catch their flights because of the traffic jams we've seen people rushing with their luggage obviously weather concerns are a big issue this year people concerned that their flights might be delayed or even canceled if they're going into areas where the big winter storms are hitting western and northern Wisconsin could be buried beneath $8.00 to $12.00 inches of snow with 12 to 15 inches of lake effect snow near Lake Superior c.b.s. News update on that Piper. Are you a woman interested in developing leadership skills and techniques for creating continued success in your personal and professional life you are invited to join a Junior League of Women to its 5th annual Women's Leadership Summit February 22nd at the Doubletree Hotel located on route to entirely ville this summit will offer a well rounded program for women looking to strengthen their leadership abilities through workshops and presentations led by women leaders of diverse backgrounds Don't miss this opportunity to connect with like minded women any merge better equipped to be an effective leader in the workplace in your community and in your personal life the 5th annual Junior League of Women to leadership summit Saturday February 22nd 8 am to 3 pm at the Doubletree Hotel located at 4727 Congress site register soon admin in the lead deep dot org. 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Listen to this quote I don't see the value of kicking Donald Trump out of office now this woman Democrat Representative Brenda Lawrence she was all about impeachment she was all about kicking Donald Trump out of office Orange Man bad until she saw the polling and now she's completely turned and says yeah you know maybe what we do is we censure the president isn't that fascinating now we're seeing this I've seen this headline now a couple of different times all across the Internet we see these stories where there are strategists top Democratic strategists are pleading with the Democratic Party to abandon the notion of impeaching the president here's the reason why you've got basically 2 sides in this country you've got the left in the right the left wants the president impeached the right does not but in the middle the independents and those independents are simply not feeling the impeachment you know earlier I played for you just 2 and a half minute montage probably a little too long but it 2 and a half minute montage of exactly why these Democrats are realizing Yeah you know we got nothing maybe we just go for censure So this several percentage of Brenda Lawrence who beat her Republican opponent by 64 points in 2018 is now saying that she no longer believes that impeachment was a good idea her quote you can censure but you do not have to remove the president you know that this is exactly why people are poor politics she was for impeachment before she was against it she's talking about the polls and now she's seen the polls and she realizes that yeah you know what this whole thing isn't working for all Americans. And so because the polling doesn't look good for her side she decided now to say well we're just going to censure she says I wanted on the record that the House of Representatives did their job and that they told this president that he's not going to get away with this well 1st of all you didn't do your job I would say to Brenda Lawrence because there's no way in God's green earth that the Republicans will be inspired to impeach the president based on what we've seen thus far now what have we seen thus far well I just played for you the audio you had all of these ambassadors coming up to testify on national t.v. Worldwide millions of people watching and one after another they said no the president never confirmed to us that he was looking for a quid pro quo no president Selenski he never said that he felt a bothered or pressured by the president to investigate Joe Biden now this whole thing has been an absolute disaster for the Democrats and that's why now all of a sudden for the good of the country to stop all of the divisiveness in the country out of the good of her own heart Brenda Lawrence Democrat is now against impeachment now is she the phone number is 86690 redeye That's 186690 redeye Steve is in Las Vegas Hey Steve go ahead thanks for calling but i Radio. Good morning thank you for taking my call. I think you're right on point when. It's going to be necessary for Trump to get enough Republican support to cause the Republicans to be returned to office the ones that lost and yes the Republicans as Diane off as the ones that are up for re-election I think we're missing an important point and my source for that is related to her interview or do on numerous occasions Her name is hers she has a Web site Black Box Voting. Has enough people get to the polls and vote for the Republican candidate it's up to the American people that determines and ensure that those about Turkey counted. Back to the if we go back to the 1st term of Obama's election. According to the facts of been relayed to me which I believe are are correct a. 130 percent of a Republican district in Ohio in order to win the election the 1st time Well Steve I think what I would say is we all know this I believe that there is some fraud in politics and in voting but to your previous point here's what I would say because what he was talking about he was commenting on something I mentioned earlier which is the fact that there is optimism. That President Trump will bring enough voters to the to the polls in the next election that we could regain a whole bunch of seats in the House of Representatives as a matter of fact you've got these lawmakers and the strategists and they're looking at a whole bunch of these districts where President Trump one but Democrats in the midterm elections they were able to gain those seats and defeat Republicans Well now 5 of these Republicans who have beaten by Democrats in 2018 are running again because their thought is that because the midterm election you know you get a lower turnout far lower turnout in a midterm election but with Trump on the ballot that's going to drive a lot more people to the polls it's going to drive a lot more people to vote Washington Examiner puts it this way since House Republicans lost their majority in 2018 their campaign planners have been eyeing the 31 districts that he led to the Democrat that year 20 Blue Wave but voted for Trump in 2016 former lawmakers are natural challengers and they've been on the ballot before and in some cases some voters still think they're on even in Congress they think that they're the incumbent member of Congress so that's what the Republicans are trying to do get back some seats in the House of Representatives friends I think that would be absolutely epic and it would serve the Democrats right very quickly Victor is in Kansas City Victor go ahead. You know what this should be a walk in the park getting hit reelected gaining seats in the House or Senate but the problem is the our it is just horrible at marketing if ever there was a case for a national campaign I mean you've got Robert Adam Schiff as the face of the Democratic Party and what they have done and the fact that they have done absolutely nothing but try to get this guy out of office and not done any of the National Work each to be done to move this country forward all of that has taught fought fought against them but they aren't seat doesn't know how to market I think they're part of the aristocracy or part of the Washington elite they don't know how to talk to the common people and the fact of the matter is on the other side of that you've got plenty of people out here like me who I am I'm a big key Republican and the last time the Republicans were Senate with a mandate was with the Tea Party wave and what did they do to make betters worse so you know what are we going to do elect them again to get another Paul Ryan to go if they do absolutely nothing or do what we didn't say anything to let me let me ask Victor let me ask in the mascot So if you were running the r n c How would you like to see the Republicans market to voters what what do you think they need to do. I would go back and do what. I do a contract with America I'd say we would get to the bottom of this we would get to the bottom of the corruption we would clean of Congress I would go back to roll the rolling back taxes I would you know do it I mean you would go along with what Trump said he wanted to do because he's the one that got elected against everything that they are and he stood for right so just take his playbook this is what he wants to do and then just put it over and say this is what we're going for you elect people that will support the president and you. Strengthen the Supreme Court strength enough that it and strength in the house I thank you very much for the call Victor you have a great evening or morning let's see this is Paul in South Carolina Hey Paul go ahead welcome to read i Radio. Thanks and good to hear from you but I'm I'm one of those people I have kind of a weird sense of humor and think if somebody is big in themselves and all I have willing to hand them a huge hole so I have to follow See I hear the big problem is she's not going to call a vote until she's sure she has enough to win so I think the Republicans need to get together and polish a page out of Obama's playbook and vote present and let her know ahead of time that all the Republicans are going to vote present we're not going to stand in the way they're impeachment inquiry you know we're not going up strip justice this is all on you we're just here yeah and what I would say to that Paul is I just believe down to the bottom of my soul. That an impeachment inquiry going to the Senate is ultimately going to backfire on the Democrats and that is going to be good for the Republicans I believe the what's going to happen is when that happens then the Republicans are going to be able to call some witnesses like oh I don't know maybe Adam Schiff Hunter Biden Joe Biden and once you start bringing those witnesses in then eventually they're going to start singing like songbirds and we're going to find out what has really been going on but I think the American people know what's been going on and clearly what's been going on has been painfully obvious and that is that the Democrats have been so hell bent on impeaching the president regardless as to whether there's any there there and the American people are the ones that have been suffering and I appreciate the call very quickly we've got Lynn in Michigan on right our radio Hey Lynn Lynn go ahead you're going to. Go ahead. So. I can 1. Well you know Lynn what I think is happening now appreciate the call but I think is happening is a number of things one is the Democrats have clearly sort of backed themselves into a corner right because they've done nothing but trying to get this president out of office they've been trying to get him impeached him impeached for how long. And so it seems to me that they can't just say although they might because there are some strategists that are saying this is what they need to do but they might just say Ok You know what we don't want to be divisive anymore we know what this is doing to the American people we are going to vote to censure the president but see that's going to be a major and I mean a major issue for people who sent the Democrats to the House of Representatives to get this president impeached so it's almost like no matter how thin flimsy the evidence is guess what the Democrats have built this up so much that they really won't have much of a choice they'll have to vote for impeachment they'll have to send it over to the Senate because anything less and they will see that as an absolute failure 189186690 right I. Get in touch with what I radioed toll free at age 6 expect me to. 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It's 6690 red I want 86690 red I Keith is in San Francisco Keith you are right our radio how are you. All. Get. Well appreciate and know that Gary and Eric absolutely appreciate listening to Red Eye radio so what you want to say about this. Well. Even though in spite of what any Democrat Representative feels about the evidence that. They're going to have for the impeachment if they don't vote for the impeachment they severely risk their funding for their next campaign and support from the d.n.c. And any other Democratic candidate that could come in and give them support. Them up for reelection. Thank you very much I appreciate I want to get into many calls we can very quickly Mike is in Long Island I never beaten him I carry a. I want to get an elevator pitch from the philosophy behind the Democratic Party apparatus. You know they make a change from the Frankfurt School and use the Congress for cultural freedom to implement them into our society and I think that's of course that summarizes the Democratic Party runs perfectly the 1st Islam still some gerbils the Nazi minister again who says a lot I told a 1000 times because of truth which is. You would see in the media and another one is that it's one of the sub sleep in a speech that he gave in March 28th $1006.00. 100 Berkeley which. Fortunately I got to run but I know what you're saying the more the Democrats continue with these lies as you say the more the American public will believe it and that my friend isat. Sees red I radioed. One. 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Yeah Delaware's News Radio Good morning it's 5 o'clock. You c.b.s. News on The Hour real news real reporting I'm glad Michigan got a big snowstorm and sneak in the Rosa remains the Gerald Frazier is not alone in his frustration he's in Dallas trying to get to Denver but a huge snowstorm has walloped Colorado and is on its way to Iowa Michigan Minnesota and Wisconsin Alex Renteria is a spokes person at the Denver International Airport for airlines to cancel flights in advance based off really heavy wind flow visibility so just for the safety of our passengers the airlines decided to do that k.c. D.s.t.v. Meteorologist Evelyn Taft over the West we are talking wind a heavy rain and snow and we could see another storm coming in right behind it on Sunday Otherwise we're looking at another storm system headed toward the east and it's this storm system that can bring rain snow and wind that storm out west in Northern California and Oregon is being referred to as a bombsite clone expected to topple trees and knock out power to plant fires overnight in East Texas a plant that produces chemical and petroleum based products exploded blowing out windows in homes miles away near the Louisiana border and in North Charleston South Carolina crews responded to a fire at a chemical plant they're trying to find the origin of the leak at the plant the president says he plans to designate Mexican drug cartels as terrorist groups Dr David Shirk is the director of the University of San Diego's justice in Mexico project he spoke to b.b.c. News what it would mean would be very significantly different mechanisms available to us law enforcement but also other security forces to combat drug trafficking organizations as terrorists in Mexico the House Judiciary Committee has scheduled its 1st impeachment hearing for December 4th and plans to bring in legal experts to decide whether to write articles of impeachment against the president who offered his opinion last night at a rally in South Florida our poll numbers are through the roof because people don't like watching this. Scam a warning from the f.d.a. About c.b.d. Oil c.b.s. Allison Keyes the f.d.a. Says c.b.d. Can cause anything from liver injury and changes in mood to inhibition of sperm development but in a statement it also says there's little information in science vailable about c.b.d. And its effect on the human body and it was a good night for University of North Carolina basketball fans last night and their team didn't even play. It was a good night for North Carolina because archrival Duke lost in a huge upset at home to Stephen f. Austin the call on e.s.p.n. The 1st time Duke lost at home to a non conference opponent since February 2000 the Stephen f. Austin lumberjacks and a shocker in overtime 8583 This is c.b.s. News week to the c.b.s. .

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