Clinton, trump and their running mates, tim kaine and mike pence, campaigned today in eight states, including six of those narrowly divided battleground states that will decide this election. Were going to begin our coverage tonight with Major Garrett on the Trump Campaign. If we dont win, all of us, honestly, weve all wasted our time. Ill be honest. Reporter in raleigh, North Carolina, donald trump confronted something rarel s the country, a venue with plenty of room the spare. Trump still drew thousands on a monday afternoon, but he brooded over a possible defeat as National Polls and early vote turnout in battleground states suggested the republican nominee will need a surge of voters tomorrow. You have one magnificent chance, and honestly, in four years, its over, folks. There has never been a Movement Like this. Reporter trump had been buoyed in recent days by f. B. I. A laptop used by a top clinton aide, but comey said yesterday that agents sorting through the messages found nothing to change his decision not to recommend charges against Hillary Clinton. The f. B. I. , the director, was obviously under tremendous pressure. So they went through 650,000 emails in eight days. Yeah, right . So sad whats going on. Day, trump sounded more upbeat. He told a packed house in sarasota, florida, he had done all he could do to win. In one day, we are going to win the great state of florida, and we are going to take back the white house. This is it. Good luck. Get out there. I did my thing. I mean, i worked. Reporter trump even lightened the mood by reach entering a crowd for a flimsy erie, pennsylvania, mike pence called his time as trumps running mate an extraordinary journey. That man is ready. This team is ready. This movement. Is obviously ready. Reporter the Trump Campaign is encouraged by early and absentee vote totals in florida, ohio and North Carolina, but they acknowledged dayof turnout there and in especially New Hampshire are crucial to trumps fate. In that rar, scott, trump will try to set a good example, voting election day early in manhattan. Pelley parrot for us tonight. Now lets go to nancy cordes covering the clinton campaign. We can do this. Reporter nearly 600 days after launching her bid, clinton wrapped it up today with a simple message vote. Reporter if the lines are long spent the day bouncing between two key states, pennsylvania and michigan. This election is basically between division and unity in our country. Its between strong and steady leadership or a loose cannon who could put everything at risk. Reporter clinton told about what comes after election day. I think i have some work to do to bring the country together. As ive been saying in these speeches in the last few days, i really do want to be the president for everybody. People who vote for me, people who vote against me. Reporter her confidence is based on a getoutthevote operation two years in the making. Im going to give you a sticker. Reporter Campaign Aides say volunteers in battleground states knocked on 6. 2 million doors this weekend and made 8. 1 great. Reporter president obama hit New Hampshire and michigan today. He reminded workingclass voters what his administration did to save the autoindustry. So when i tell you that donald trump is not the guy who is going the looutor you, you need to listen. Reporter clinton made no mention today of the Glass Ceiling shed be breaking as the first woman president , but t rer final twominute ad airing tonight in prime time. So tonight your vote, and tomorrow lets make history together. Im Hillary Clinton, and one last time, i approve this message. Reporter pennsylvania is one of the few battleground states that votes almost entirely on election day, and so the clintons are pulling out all the stops here in philadelphia tonight, appearing with the obama, scott, and a couple of local musicians from just across springsteen and jon bon jovi. Pelley nancy cordes for us tonight. Nancy, thank you. Thanks to the growth of early voting in much of the country, election day is now known as the last day that you can vote. 42 million have already made their choices. Lets go to our election savant, Anthony Salvanto, our cbs news director of elections. Anthony . Reporter well, scott, early voting is pivotal in so many of those battleground states. Weve been following all year inch places like h florida, nevada, we estimate more than half the vote will be cast before tomorrow. Now, in North Carolina, things looked even from what we can see so far. In florida same, even. Hispanic voters turning out in force helping keep Hillary Clinton and donald trump neck and neck, and in nevada, it looks like democratic registration may be giving clinton an early edge. Why is that so important . Because if Hillary Clinton can hang on to just two of three of those states, say take florida already has leaning to her, that would put her over the top. Pelley what about the states that dont have early voting . Well, scott, thats why you see the campaigns now concentrating in places like pennsylvania and michigan. They mostly vote tomorrow. That means its one concentrated day of turnout. For donald trump, if he is going the catch up, what hes got to do is flip places like florida for himself, like ohio, and then also not just North Carolina, but maybe one of those reliably blue states, like a penyl moving past clinton in his electoral vote totals. Pelley Anthony Salvanto our director of elections, thanks. Lets bring in john dickerson, our cbs news political director and, of course, the anchor of face the nation. John, Trump Campaigning in traditionally democratic states like michigan and wisconsin. Why . Reporter well, hes trying to break the line, the democratic lines, those states the democrats traditionally vote for, historically have voted for wisconsin, michigan and also hes doing that is there are blue collar voters there he thinks he can grab. The challenge with those states when you talk to republicans worried about this strategy is a print can get close, but because its really democratic turf, the democrats can turn out their vote quickly. Thats why you see two president s in michigan and the nominee in michigan turning out that vote at the last minute. Pelley for our viewers watching our election coverage tomorrow night, what should they be looking for . Reporter well, as Anthony Pointe of the conversation a little bit because historically they vote, of course, but historically those states go to the democrats or the republicans. Thats been their historical pattern. Thats why we focus on these battleground states. So early in the evening, virginia and North Carolina will be coming in early and will look to see if Hillary Clinton is able to add to the Traditional Democratic state. If shes able to add virginia and North Carolina, thats the end of it or likely shell get to 270. He still has to win twice as many of those upforgrabs states. So well be looking in virginia and North Carolina for signs hell be able to do that. One other state is pennsylvania. Thats a state he can take away from those traditionally democratic states. Pelley in terms of the arithmetic, trump has a much taller hill to climb. Reporter he does. He has to win twice as many as she. Pelley our Election Night coverage will begin right here 6 30 eastern time tomorrow with a special edition of the cbs evening news, and well then continue all through the night. The f. B. I. Shook up the race again yesterday when it cleared clinton for a second time in the investigation into whether she received classified information on her private, unsecured computer server. F. B. I. Director james Comey Told Congress that thousands of newly discovered emails did not contain anything that would clinton did was, i his words, extremely careless but not criminal. Heres jeff pegues. Reporter f. B. I. Agentsgrca d used by clinton aide huma abedin. While investigators initially said they were unlikely to finish before election day, after less than two weeks they determined that most of the emails w duplicates of messages they had already seen. Officials realized the case was back to where it was in july when f. B. I. Director james comey decided not to recommend charges against clinton for mishandling classified information. No reasonable prosecutor wog brch a case. Reporter but on capitol hill, republican members of congress are still not uttisfied. s jas chaffet there was potentially the largest breech of security in department. No matter who wins this election we have to clean that up and make sure that it never ever happens again. Reporter former u. S. Attorney Roscoe Howard has known the f. B. I. Director for 20 years. What kind of man is he . Tremendous integrity, brilliant man. Reporter but howard says comey was wrong to go public with the renewed investigation. I think its a mistake. We try to stay out of elections as best we can so the democratic process can run its course. Reporter f. B. I. Directors are given tenyear terms so they are seen as independent and above politics. Scott, comey has been on the job three years, which means hell likely be working with whomever wins the election tomorrow. Pelley jeff pegues in our washington newsroom. Thank you, jeff. Well, stock prices soared today in an election eve rally. The dow gained 371 points. The Standard Poors 500 was up 46. And Anthony Mason is with us now. It the hillarally on wall street, sox. Stocks began soaring after that news broke yesterday that f. B. I. Had cleared the latest batch of clinton emails. The rally broke a ninesession losing streak for the s p 500, its longest losing streak since 1980. Markets hate uncertainty, and wall street had an anxiety attack last week when polls began the tighten. Funds are now holding nearly 6 of their portfolios in cash. The most since the aftermath of 9 11 back in 2001. And Foreign Investors have been even more skittish. Foreignbaseed funds pulled nearly half a billion dollars out of u. S. Stocks last week, the seventh time in eight weeks there has been a net outflow as investors have chose on chosen o play waitandsee on the sidelines. The mexican peso also rallied on the f. B. I. News. Whatever wall street thinks of clintons politics, investors view her as the candidate of the predictability, scott, a clinton victory would simply come with fewer unknowns. Pelley Anthony Mason, thanks. Heres a fun fact. It was 100 years ago today that the first woman was elected to congress. Montana sent Jeannette Rankin to the house two years after the state granted the right to vote to women. It would be another four years, however, before women nationwide got the vote under the 19th amendment. Janeno to be u. S. Attorney general, appointed by president bill clinton. It was reno in 1993 who ordered the raid that brought a fiery end to a siege at the Branch Davidian compound in waco, texas,. More than 80 people died. Reno called that the worst day of her life. Janet reno died today of parkinsons disease. She was 78. Coming up next on the cbs evening news, a strong countrys largest oil terminal. And later, the push for minority votes. The roses are blooming in herbal essences hair is delightfully fragranced with notes of moroccan rose and the freshness of springtime the scents you cant forget. [burke] hot dog. Seen it. Covered it. We know a thing or two because weve seen a thing or two. . We are farmers. Bumpadum, bumbumbumbum . You cant predict the market. But through good times and bad. At t. Rowe price. Call us or your advisor. T. Rowe price. Invest with confidence. Pelley suddenly oklahoma seems to be the countrys earthquake capital. There was a strong one last night in cushing west of tulsa, and Omar Villafranca is there. Nick tanner says his entire apartment shook violently. I swear it ceiling was about the collapse on me. The walls were shaking, the ceiling was moving. Reporter tanner was home when the 5 been 0 earthquake or the a hole in his ceiling. His apartment was severely damaged, as were many of the Historic Buildings in downtown cushing. Stephen spears is the city manager. It appears theres numerous buildings, 40 to 50 that have substantial damage. Reporter according to the u. S. Geological survey, this is the second major earthquake to hit the area in the past two a earthquake near pawnee, oklahoma, register 5d. 8, the largest in the states history. Building owners like dan wiinnie are nervous. Anything greater than a 5, what do you think will happen . Maybe not my build, but i think some of these will be on the ground. Reporter in recent years oklahoma has been hit with thousands of earthquakes. Since 2006, the number of magnitude 3 or greater has jumped from an average of 2 or 3 some geologists have linked the increased seismic activity to highly pressurized injections of wastewater into the ground, a byproduct of oil and gas drilling, which includes fracking, which can trigger faults deep underground. Cushing, oklahoma, is home to the largest Oil Tank Storage facility in the country, and despite the destruction here, Authorities Say the tanks were not damaged. Down 70 wastewater injection sites linked to the earthquake. Pelley Omar Villafranca in the sooner state for us tonight. Omar, thank you. When we come back, were going to head to another state where hispanic voters could decide the election. Thats why i have the spark cash card from capital one. With it, i earn unlimited 2 cash back on all of my purchasing. And that unlimited 2 cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business. Which adds fuel to my bottom line. 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At first they were told no, well. Maybe, and finally yes. Then it was 36 clinical trials, 8,500 patient volunteers, and so after it became a medicine, someone who couldnt be cured, could be. Me. Pelley florida is the fourth largest state in terms of electoral votes, but it is a tossup tonight. So both clinton and trump are making a last push forhe minority vote there. Mark strassmann is in miami. Were going to do great with the African Americans. Were going to do great with the hispanics. The choice in this election could not be clearer. It really is between division or unity. Reporter florida has 4. 5 million minority voters, divided about clinton and trump. Im for trump, because he has been exposing the corruption country. Reporter driena sixto is 22, a conservative. Sixto despises Hillary Clinton. Shes extremely corrupt. Shes a liar. She says one thing and does another. Shes twofaced. Whereas you think trump is a genuinely attractive candidate . He is. Reporter but floridas shifting. Puerto ricans, now the states second largest group, lean democrat. Hillary clinton reporter clinton is also relying on a big turnout from floridas nearly two million African American voters. But early black voting is down 7 from 2012, so a grassroots drive yesterday called souls to the polls bused people straight from churches to voting booths. Autoworkers, also voted early for clinton. Trump has said, what have you got to lose . What would you say to him . Let me see how clean i can keep. This he is desperate now, so hes going to say anything and do anything to try to get that black vote. Reporter did that message have chance with you . No. Hes insulting. Reporter in early voting here, the hispanic turnout was way up from 2012. Scott, if that turnout high tomorrow, how hispanics vote could decide who wins this state and the white house. Pelley Mark Strassmann in florida tonight. Mark, thank you. Stick with us tonight. Up next, bob schieffer. . 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Most americans believe were headed in the wrong direction, the world is a more dangerous place, and yet the government is in such grid lock that it took to find a vaccine for the zika virus than it took the founders to write our constitution. Most americans neither like nor trust either of the major party candidates, and 82 of americans find the campaign disgusting. The country seems at a turning point, but the divide over where to turn seems wider than ever. Perhaps we can at least agree on one thing the first task of whoever is elected must be to repair the done by this campaign to the good name of our country. Pelley the insight of bob schieffer. Bob, thanks very much. Now, some of our cbs stations will be leaving us now for local programming, but for many of you, this special election eve edition of the cbs evening news will continue in just a moment. Captioning sponsored by cbs captioned by Media Access Group at wgbh this is jeopardy todays contestants are a composition lecturer from irvine, california. A homemaker from prescott, arizona. And our returning champion, a mathematics professor from tigard, oregon. Whose 1day cash winnings total. And now here is the host of jeopardy alex trebek [ applause ] thank you, johnny. Thank you, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome, everyone, to the beginning of what we hope will be a very, very exciting week, our annual teen tournament, but this year, coming to you from Constitution Hall in washington, d. C. An audience of about 2,000 or 3,000 people for every one of those shows. Lots of excitement. Kat and georjean, good to have you with us today. Chuck, nice to see you again with your bow tie. Lets go to work in the first round. Here are the categories for the three of you, and for those who want to play along at home. Next. Followed by. Hey. And finally. The usns comfort, an appropriate name for a u. S. Navy hospital ship bringing medicine and relief around the world. And, chuck, you go first. Take whats your movie occupation . For 200. Georjean. What is a firefighter . You are right

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