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What's unclear whether he'll announce he's running for president she already launched an exploratory committee and Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren making it official today announcing during a massive rally in Lawrence Massachusetts I stand here today to declare that I am a candidate for president of the war and now campaigning in New Hampshire Ohio Senator Sherrod Brown also there he told an audience here the words were part of the doing the reform listening tour he may decide to run Minnesota senator any club a shark says she'll make an announcement tomorrow this is Fox News. Box Nation is the place for exclusive content you can't get anywhere else new opinion shows are more in group Tucker Carlson and Tom Lehrer and you can only get by signing up for Fox station plus the real stories behind the headlines documentaries on Chappaquiddick Jimmy Hoffa and more that you'll only find on Fox Nation more of the opinion done right great it's on Fox Nation documentaries and specials you can't get anywhere else there on Fox Nation so go to Fox Nation dot com today and sign up now for Fox Nation opinion right. Here Carlson there's so much barking in noisy yelling our role is to take 3 steps back and discern what really matters Sean Hannity the most important thing that we do we are looking out for the forgotten men and women in this country. They're going to get a straight shooter no holds barred I'm not going to cut people slack Fox is the one place for dissent is allowed we have voices we won't be signing controls my voice nobody wants news channel real news real honest opinion lots of rain there used to but Washington Governor Jay Inslee says 20 inches of snow is too much for people in his state he's declared a state of emergency wants people to stay home and off the road so the citizens to enjoy their family for a few days rather break in the search winter storm stretching south into central California where they need the moisture after recent wildfires a public appearance today for Virginia governor Ralph Northam the Democrat attending the funeral of a state trooper killed in the line of duty still insisting he will not resign over a race of the photograph that appeared on his page in his med school yearbook and he says he'll make restoring racial unity a priority of his administration Virginia attorney general Mark Herring It minute to wearing black face in college after he called on Northam to resign the Democratic Party in Virginia's House Assembly calling on the state's lieutenant governor to resign. 2nd woman Meredith Watson coming forward alleging Fairfax raped her in 2000 this 2nd allegation follows Dr Vanessa Tyson who alleges Fairfax forced her to perform oral sex in 2004 Fairfax strongly denying both claims writing in a statement it is obvious that a vicious and coordinated smear campaign is being orchestrated against me Fox's Lauren Blanchard Justin Fairfax considered one of the rising stars for his Democratic Party he is $97.00 just survived an accident that injured 2 women Prince Philip has decided to stop driving and voluntarily surrender his license prosecutors say they will carefully consider his decision as they determine whether to charge him in that crash in a letter of apology to a woman who broke her wrist in the accident he said The sun was in his eyes when he . 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Your credit score those 3 digit scores can have a huge impact on your financial life Credit Karma can help you with free scores free reports and free monitoring credit card will also give you the tips tools and advice you need to understand your credit and how to improve it you can even spot potential errors on your credit report that can mean better interest rates on loans and credit cards which can save you thousands of dollars in the long run signing up is completely free no credit card needed visit credit Chama dot com or download the credit card app now. The best talk Sean Hannity is gone. What will we do with this moment how will we remember I ask the men and women of this Congress look at the opportunities before us. Our most thrilling and cheap troops are still ahead we have not yet begun to dream. Around up an information overload I do is round up information overload as we come to you from our nation's capital we are still in the swamp we get to get ever treat sometime later tonight making plans to escape $809.00 shown us whenever we're going to go over some of the highlights of the president's speech in the next half hour I want to go to what has now become a unmitigated colossal disaster for the Commonwealth of Virginia now let's go back in time and remember the House of Delegates in Virginia they want to pass this bill the woman who sponsors the bill the same. Woman by the way has sponsored a bill to save caterpillars and some kind of worm that turns into a caterpillar You can't kill the were she is being grilled in committee your name is she's delegate Kathy Tran in the House of Commons about her proposal to allow abortion to the moment of birth and remember when they talk about dilation in this question that means the birthing process has already begun Listen to this how late in the 3rd trimester could a physician perform an abortion if he indicated it would impair the mental health of the of the woman or physically Ok I'm talking about the mental how so I mean through the 1st trimester the 3rd trimester goes all the way up to 40 winks Ok but to the end of the 3rd trimester I don't think we have a limit in the bone so. Where it's obvious that a woman is about to give birth she has physical signs of that she is about to give birth. With that still be a point at which she could request an abortion if she was so certified. She dilating Mr Chairman that would be you know a decision that the doctor the physician and the woman understand and I'm asking if your bill allows that my bill would allow that yes so the woman who was giving in the process fully formed fully developed viable fetus it's being born well then the governor Ralph Northam goes on this radio show in Virginia and explained well tell you exactly what would happen we deliver the baby well listen if a mother's in labor I can tell you exactly what would happen the infant would be delivered the infant would be kept comfortable and to keep him from would be resuscitated if that's what the mother and the family desired and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother Ok in this particular in this situation so the baby's going to be delivered and then Baby comfortable and then the mother will decide if the baby is in distress remember this is a human soul alive being kept comfortable the the essence of innocence if a baby isn't the essence of it is his innocence we're going to ask ourselves what kind of country do we want to be what kind of soul the we want to have what values do we represent here. And then while the babies be made comfortable only the mother will decide whether to resuscitate the child or not if the child is in distress and then it goes even further gets worse as it relates for Ralph Northam because then this photo emerges from his medical school yearbook him dressed or a picture of a Klan member next to a person in blackface and he apologizes for the photo and then like the next day in another weird press conference says I wasn't in the yearbook photo and but the it says but I did dress in black face I darkened my face for a Michael Jackson concert to contest cut 6 let's play it and then he wanted to do the moonwalk at that moment. While I did not appear in this photo I am not surprised by its appearance in the E.V.A.'s yearbook in the place and time where I grew up many actions that we rightfully recognize as a foreign today were commonplace my belief that I did not wear that costume or attend that party stems in part from my clear memory of all the mistakes I made in the same period of my life that same year I did participate in a dance contest in San Antonio in which I darken my face as part of a Michael Jackson costume I look back now and regret that I did not understand the harmful legacy of an action like this is because my memory of that episode is so vivid that I truly do not believe I'm in the picture in my yearbook you remember the things. He said because this is. The case yes it was. That's right silly. My wife says in appropriate circumstances he was going to do it you know and when he admits all as though it's hard to get off when you put shoe polish on your face and he still mean. He's missing something there's a missing chip in here. Has somebody that could be that this connected on all of these specific issues are right now then the next bomb he will to drop is then you have the lieutenant governor Fairfax just in Fairfax. Is accused by a woman. Going back to the Boston 2000 poured Democratic convention accusing him of literally forcing her into a a violent sexual act and she has come out and told her story and that story now is gaining. A lot of credibility because the woman who made the allegation now has a friend that corroborated that she had told her at the time exactly what had happened that now brings up the issue of the Democrats and all of those people during the hearings of Justice Kavanagh that went out before we heard from any of the people making allegations all those people going out there and saying I believe I believe I believe we have a montage of all the Democrats saying they believe Listen I don't need to women like to forgive bravely comes forward need to be heard but they need to be the leader. He need to be leading to sort of you know the men of this country to shut up and set up. For me to say right here outset I believe. Dr for I believe this survivor here I believe. He'll shows up on Monday he hopes to keep telling people even this scenario I believe or I believe Professor Ford I think she's credible Oh I believe now the question is the a believe the woman that is making the accusation against Fairfax. Because the accuser now has hired the attorney of Professor Christine bossy forward in that position and Fairfax would. You know the thinking was that when north of when Northman had to resign that it would be the lieutenant governor that would take over or now he's facing not only serious assault charge against by this woman but also the woman as a witness that will testify that she was told that the time that it actually happened. Now it gets worse for the lieutenant governor because n.b.c. News reporting today and what was 1st I guess sent out in a tweet we haven't corroborated it on our own The Washington Examiner has a copy of this as well so there's multiple sources reporting this that the lieutenant governor Fairfax you know pretty made a pretty vulgar and disgusting reference to this woman you know saying you know this week when this issue came up at a meeting with staff using the f. That b. Word. I mean unbelievable so he would take over if the governor who's absolutely nots has to step down or is has to step down Ok so well then who then becomes the next person how many people do you have to go through before you're going to get to the person that is going to govern the Commonwealth of Virginia now with the governor and the lieutenant governor both facing scrutiny on these issues the question is raised what happens if both men resigned from their positions now Virginia has their constitution and the order of secession for the branch of the State Government would mean that the state's attorney general would take over the governor's role Ok we got a little breaking news in that the partment as well today because the attorney general's name is Mark Herring and Mark Herring it made it he too has worn black face in the past when he was in college in 1080 when I was a 19 year old undergraduate in college some friends suggested we attend a party dress like rappers that we listen to at the time like Kurtis Blow and perform a song every cent it sounded ridiculous even now writing it because of our ignorance and glib attitudes and because we did not have an appreciation for the experiences and perspectives perspective of others and because of all of that we dressed up put on wigs and brown makeup and he said this was a one time occurrence accept full responsibility for my conduct and the revelation now further Royal's the top levels of the Virginia government now you ask yourself well who would be next well the next person in line would be the speaker of the House of Commons What are you going to find out about that person in the next couple days it is pretty amazing that this is all coming out in secession succession like this that 1st you have the governor It starts with abortion and then after the abortion then it goes to the blackface issue and the lieutenant governor who was almost a fait accompli he was going to step in for the governor now he has this problem with a serious sexual assault charge and it goes on from there. You know but the worst part of all of this to me is you know this high ground that everybody in the Democratic Party takes every 2 and 4 years that they have a monopoly of compassion on issues involving race in this country when in fact nothing could be further from the truth and I went through a long history of the Democratic Party you know and race over the years and it's not one that they should in any way be proud of you know you go back as far as you want for example the Republican Party is the party of Lincoln the Republican Party is the the party of the Emancipation Proclamation you know the Republican Party is the party of the 1964 Civil Rights Act and the set 65 Voting Rights Act And when you go through all of this on what you see is a country a party that you know the Southern Manifesto that was all the Democratic Party Governor Wallace standing in a schoolhouse door that's the Democratic Party you know Hillary Clinton says no mentor former Klansman Robert k k k Byrd remember when he was home with Tony Snow this is in 2000 and something you know he gives this ridiculous answer a white. I'm seeing a lot of white. And use that word. For all who we just need to work together than like our country of our country if you want to use that word well apparently didn't want to use that word because he used it and that is the j. William Fulbright segregationist Bill Clinton's great mentor in life and the person that he trusts but every 2 and 4 years without fail every political season Republicans are racist Republicans are sexist Republicans a massage honest and homophobic you get the whole point you know Al Gore saying Republicans to a predominately black audience changing his tone cadenced speech the livery which is just beyond the pale in and of itself. Don't listen to. The Lord you'll be revealed. And with me for the economic empowerment that is the next great civil right from here. Don't tell me we color black. Problem. American that's why they don't even want to. Be rude. And don't want to be just like Hillary Clinton all of a sudden her tone arcade and Schiff's adjusts changes in feel no ways tired. How am I starting How. To. Be easy. How he'd ha ha me and the chairman of the mayors in the country Mayor Palmer from Trenton New Jersey it is so sickening that the whole. Tone cadence the livery shifts before predominantly African-American audiences want to just be yourself all the talk Republicans look at the record low unemployment for minorities in this country under the policies of Donald j. Trump lowest record level unemployment for African-Americans Hispanic Americans women in the workplace Asian Americans youth unemployment and our vets are going back to work. Even the new members of Congress dressed in white last night when he started rattling off the statistics about women at his stand up wait don't sit down on me I want to tell you don't sit down high 5 ing having fun hate Valentine's Day is here guys listen you can never go wrong with my rose authority 1800 Flowers dot com And you're going to get the best deals now you pick the delivery date 1800 Flowers will handle the rest prices are only going to go higher you do so much better when you order now order early 1800 Flowers dot com. 3. Side story this one is else. The main stream media. Abounds. 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The solo with your Fox Business Network tax tip a new break for small business after this welcome to Fox Nation an exclusive streaming service designed for the Fox News super fan its members only content you won't see anywhere else Fox Nation is live from start your free trial of Fox Nation dot com today Fox Nation opinion right there is a change in the tax law this year to help small businesses they invented something called the Q b I and if they. For qualified business and Com c.p.a. Stevens Allen says if you qualify you'll save on your taxes a q.b. I did auction under with action $199.00 and that the doctrine that you can get if you have a business and it's a 20 percent doctrine Zelon says the rules are complicated but it is a definite break for those who qualify because a lot of Fox News. And some conversation while you're cleaning just see it like foul play 1410000000 p.o.v. Probably but I don't do windows so. I got to take a quick break borne our news round up the mess in Bergen you know we'll cover all of this tonight on Hannity on the Fox News show a lot of news we got to get to will come back and we'll continue we'll get to your calls and more of the president's speech which I thought was the best he had given and on Hannity time will be very focused on we got breaking news John Solomon about Robert Mohler getting excoriated for withholding exculpatory evidence in the past we're going to blow that up the sick and ugly media reaction to the president's speech will outline the president's successes and the mess and Virginia That's all tonight at night will continue. You are listening to the best of the Sean Hannity Show and stay tune more memorable moments interesting guests and a lot of fun coming up next. 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Fox News I'm Joe Shapiro powerful storms roll ups the northwest with more to come they've been seeing it they're going to continue to see it that's stretching all the way down into portions of central California as far snowfall totals go as much as 2 feet of snow that's running from central California up across Oregon up near Seattle I think widespread spots getting up to a foot to 18 inches meteorologist and I'm Klotz the latest migrant caravan remains of Mexico near the u.s. Border thousands of Central American migrants are waiting at an improvised shelter at the Mexican border city of Pedro as Negras across from Texas they're hoping to file asylum claims and get into the state for the Eagle Pass Crossing the Department of Homeland Security and the local government and Eagle Pass say they are watching and waiting to respond Fox's John Paul and Massachusetts Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren today facially announced her presidential candidacy this is. 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You are listening to the best of the Sean Hannity Show. Check out the show 247 downloaded to your i Pod The head of the insider at Hannity dot com I 25 now till the top of the hour so what struck me last night about the president's speech more than anything what made it what made it stand out what made it the most powerful. Is the fact that in 2 short years he has taken us out of the economic doldrums of the Obama years with an amazing comeback miracle opportunity and yes conservatism works again it was a pretty amazing night because his policies have worked that's the the list of accomplishments were massive but going to play some of this right now the decision is ours to make. We must choose between greatness or gridlock results or resistance vision or vengeance incredible progress or pointless to struction. Tonight I ask you to choose greatness Thank you Jen I will lay out to see if that is the Republican agenda or a Democrat agenda it's the of the American people in just over 2 years since the election we have lost an unprecedented economic boom boom that Israeli been seen before there's been nothing like it we have created 5300000 new jobs and importantly added 600000 new manufacturing job something which almost everyone said it was impossible to get nearly 5000000 Americans have been lifted off food stamps thank employment has reached the lowest rate in over half a century. African-American Hispanic American and Asian American unemployment have all reached their lowest levels ever recorded we are working now but it any time in the history of our country 157000000 people at work this is a moral issue. The lawless state of our southern border is a threat to the safety security and financial wellbeing of all America tonight I am asking you to defend our very dangerous southern border out of love and devotion to our fellow citizens and to our country wealthy politicians and donors push for open borders while living their lives behind walls and gates and guards working class Americans are left to pay the price for mass illegal immigration tolerance for illegal immigration is not compassionate It is actually very cruel lawmakers in New York cheered with delight upon the passage of legislation that would allow a baby to be ripped from the mother's womb moments from birth these are living feeling beautiful babies who will never get the chance to share their love in their dreams with the world. And then we had the case of the governor of Virginia where he stated he would execute a baby after birth. To defend the dignity of every person I am asking Congress to pass legislation to prohibit the late term abortion. Battle. Here in the United States we are alone armed by the new calls to adopt socialism in our country. America was founded on liberty and independence and not government coercion domination and control we are porn free ads. Tonight we renewed our resolve that America will never be a socialist country if I had not been elected president of the United States we would right now in my opinion be in a major war with North Korea much more cremains to be done but my relationship with Cam is a good one Chairman Kim and I will meet again on February 27th and 28 and yet. Members of Congress this state of our union is strong. That sounds so good. Our country is vibrant and our economy is thriving like never before on Friday it was announced that we get it another 304000 jobs last month alone almost double the number expected. My administration has sent to Congress a commonsense proposal to end the crisis on the southern border. It includes humanitarian assistance more law enforcement drug detection at our ports closing loopholes that enable child smuggling and plans for a new physical barrier or wall to secure the vast areas between our ports of entry in the past most of the people in this room voted for a wall but the proper wall never got built I will get it. My fellow Americans. We need tonight at a moment of unlimited potential. As we begin a new Congress I stand here ready to work with you to achieve historic breakthroughs for all Americans millions of our fellow citizens who are watching us now gathered in this great chamber. Hoping that we will govern not as 2 parties but as one nation. The agenda I will lay out this evening is not a Republican agenda or a Democrat agenda it's the agenda of the American people many of us have campaigned on the same core promises to defend American Jepps and demand fair trade for American workers to rebuild and revitalize our nation's infrastructure to reduce the price of health care and prescription drugs. To create an immigration system that is safe lawful modern and secure and to pursue a foreign policy that puts America's interest 1st there is a new opportunity in American politics. If only we have the courage to gether to seize it. I. Think 3 is not winning for our party victory is winning for our country. We have unleashed a revolution in American energy the United States is the number one producer of oil and natural gas anywhere in the world economic outlook for the 1st time in 65 years we are a net exporter of energy San Diego used to have the most illegal border crossings in our country in response a strong security wall was put in place this powerful barrier almost completely ended illegals crossed x. . The border city of El Paso Texas used to have extremely high rates of violent crime one of the highest in the entire country and considered one of our nation's most dangerous cities now immediately upon its building with a powerful barrier. In place. El Paso is one of the safest cities in our country simply put walls work at walls save lives. No one has benefited more from our thriving economy then women who have filled 58 percent of the newly created jobs last year. You were supposed to do I thank you very much. Thank you very much. All Americans can be proud that we have more women in the workforce then ever before. Don't sit get it like this. And exactly one century after Congress passed the constitutional amendment giving women the right to vote we also have more women serving in Congress then that is that I have I. Know it's growing. Very very Congratulations that's great here tonight we have legislators from across this magnificent Republic you have come from the rocky shores of May and the volcanic peaks of Hawaii from the snowy woods of Wisconsin and the red deserts of Arizona. From the green farms of Kentucky and the golden beaches of California together we represent the most extraordinary nation in all of history what will we do with this moment how will we be remembered I ask the men and women of this Congress looked at the opportunities before us. Our most thrilling achievements are still ahead our most exciting journeys still await our biggest victories are still to come we have not yet begun to dream Well you must choose whether we are defined by our differences or whether we dare to transcend them we must choose whether we squander our great inheritance or whether we proudly declare that we are Americans we do the incredible we defy the impossible we conquer the unknown This is the time to reignite the American imagination this is the time to search for the tallest summit and set our sights on the brightest star this is the time to rekindle the bonds of love and loyalty and memory that link us together as citizens as neighbors as patriots So what made that all possible is in 2 years Donald Trump's governed conservatively add to that by the way all the conservative originalists justices he put on the court by the way all you never trump are now you feeling a little bit guilty. You know now you probably not probably still want him to fail so you can say see we were right. The country better off today than we were 2 years ago infinitely better all right got to take a break. Before we do I gotta tell you about the Dollar Shave Club dot com slash on Look here's the thing I don't know if it's the same for you where I go when I go to the local drugstore or grocery store I want to look at the shavers or played something sometimes I'm locked up why do they lock those up. Anyway so then they're not a lot of people that work in my local c.v.s. 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I'm Gerri Willis with your Fox Business Network tax tips to itemize or not to itemize after this it's the new Gerri Willis podcast I love giving you an edge with your money I like to break it all down so they could use wind up with more more money in your pocket more confidence in your future find it now on Apple podcast Google Play and Fox News Radio it's one of the biggest questions faced by taxpayers and the wrong answer can cost you plenty take the standard deduction or I. Demise. Geltrude says there's no easy way to find out essentially you have to do the tax return as if you were itemizing and then you have to compare what's greater the standard deduction or the total of all your itemized deductions Geltrude notes that the just passed tax reform plan doubles the standard deduction so next year it's likely fewer people will choose to itemize for more tax tips go to Fox Business dot com I'm Gerri Willis with the Fox Business Network. Under the Radar stay with your Fox Business Network tax tip checking out the new look 1040 form after this to load Perino in Steigerwald I will tell you what it tastes like frog legs if I don't know that is I can get or know what have you been doing all these years I mean we're not all Americana girl subscribers listen we're going to the Fox News focused on the new book i.r.s. Form 1040 is streamlined it's about the size of a large postcard the front side is just for your personal info the back side has just 23 lines for the financial data this simplified form is great if your finances are straight forward it's especially good if you're taking the new higher standard deduction but if your tax issue ation is at all complicated you may have to file one of more separate forms called schedules schedule 1 May be the most common that's where you put things like a state tax refund unemployment benefits you received your student loan interest deduction and alimony Hillary Barsky Fox News. It's this place up America people are talking about. 4 years of being a. Team 10 feet w d o v dot com. Amity tonight 9 Eastern on the Fox News Channel we have a lot of stories we are breaking one huge story about. It goes right into Robert Muller's office the chaos that is. The governor lieutenant governor with the sexual assault charge now the attorney general next in line to be governor of those 2 go he also dressed in black face that's from d.c. Tonight we'll see you back in New York tomorrow as always thank you for being with us this is the best of the best this is the Sean Hannity Show. 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I'm Jenny post solo with your Fox Business Network text him protecting your tax identity after this welcome to Fox Nation an exclusive streaming service designed for the Fox News superfan its members only content you won't see anywhere else Fox Nation is live so start your free trial of Box Nation dot com today Box Nation opinion done right filing early can protect your identity in tax season says Adam Levin founder of cyber scout and he says take precautions when you're dealing with tax services or any online tax related functions use long and strong passwords use 2 factor authentication make sure the tax preparer you use is legitimate and if you've been hacked in any way contact the i.r.s. Take advantage of a pen if you've been a victim of a fraud that's a should by the Internal Revenue Service Levin says Never store tax documents on your phone in the cellar of Fox News it's. Sunny and 80 ek afternoons 32611410 day. Broadcasting from the Soviets and their studios were full system started $98.00 This is 14 to. Join her heart radio station. Busy day if you're a Democrat running for president I'm Jane Metzler Fox News Senator Elizabeth Warren was the 1st to form an exploratory committee today at a rally in the old mill town of Lawrence Massachusetts she made it official after this introduction.

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