R fizzling out across southern wisconsin. We will have some son of the clouds will buildup in the action we may have some showers. Its going to be warmer today at 82. 80s all the way through saturday. As chance of showers is moral but even then they will be scattered. Hal is the committee looking . Bling closures on the jane addams were from earlier this morning all part of the extensive resurfacing project that will be in place for some time. The to have some hot pockets of construction to break down for you along with a quick peak of your travel times in just a few minutes. Charges are pending against the person responsible for a multi vehicle crash that killed an elderly man on the north side. 71yearold frank kiley was loading groceries into the trunk of his car at sheridan and balmoral yesterday morning, when he was hit and pinned against his car. Witnesses say the driver of the other car was speeding and ran a red light, causing a Chain Reaction crash that included a cta bus. Four people were taken to the hospital, including kileys girlfriend. I was on the sidewalk helping him he is so old. I was helping him and then suddenly i heard loud explosion. Its very good man. Very good to me. He loved me very much. The victim had a son who lives in connecticut. Six Board Members of a Youth Baseball League have resigned in the controversy over a convicted cop who was coaching children. Members of the officers family and several active Chicago Police officers attended a contentious meeting last night. Dean chavez has resigned as coach. He was one of four men convicted in the beating death of officer john mathews in 1988. Mathews son says whats important is that the league continue for area kids. With appropriate oversight. I want to make a short background checks are properly conducted. Appropriate role models are put in place for these kids that is number one for communities everywhere. We had a great showing of support. More than we expected. Its wonderful to know the people still care about what happens to the families of fallen officers because as a victim you are a victim for the rest of your life. The leagues new board will be named by 10th ward alerman john pope. Chavez told us he will not get involved in coaching kids again. An eightyear fight to get some critical documents released, now reveals hundreds of serious complaints against Chicago Police officers. Patrick elwood is live at Police Headquarters with more. For almost 10 years the city fought to keep concealed the names of some of the most corrupt officers. Court battle after court battle and now suddenly it has all changed. After spending years fighting the lawsuit that sought to shed light on who were the most corrupt officers, the city has reversed and is releasing the list of 662 Police Officers who had the most citizen complaints. What we have learned is the worst offenders came from one the most scandalplagued units of officers called the special operations section. As 0 s led by the now imprisoned Police Officers and again and pereira who would routinely abused and rob citizens for their own financial gain. They were responsible for more than 200 complaints the unit is now disbanded. A lawsuit was filed to get these documents public they are indicative of a bigger problem. Example of a broken system where the city has multiple opportunities, years before these men were indicted and convicted to stop them or to intervene and correct their behavior through a corporate discipline. He said it was very rare that any complaint was ever upheld. Virtually all which a few exceptions were ruled unfounded, exonerated or not sustained. The point of order here at the police union the fought to keep these records from going public. Thousands of documents that were just released reveal hundreds of complaints against chicago three weeks after a Flight Attendant was found murdered her daughter has been charged. Shoes found in the truck or car. Police say she had a stormy relationship with her daughter. The boyfriend was charged with the murder two weeks ago. Police have issued a Community Alert in the chatham neighborhood on the south side after a 16yearold girl was sexually assaulted. It happened at 75th and Saint Lawrence avenue monday night. The victim was reportedly walking home when a man approached, forced her into an alley and assaulted her. Police are asking anyone with information to call them. The republicancontrolled house approved a resolution authorizing Speaker John Boehner to sue president obama. Repbulicans claim the president exceeded his powers in enforcing his health care law. The vote was split down party lines. No democrats voted in favor of the resolution. Five republicans also opposed it. The lawsuit will be filed. Several organizations are a but evacuating workers from three west african countries, where an Ebola Outbreak has gotten worse. The peace corps announced yesterday, it is temporarily removing more than 3hundred volunteers from liberia, sierra leone and guinea. The decision came after two corps volunteers came in contact with someone who later died from the virus. Theyve been placed in isolation as a precaution. The virus has infected more than 12hundred people in five months, and killed more than half of those. Including a man from minnesota who was visiting his sister. She was ill and he helped care for her so he contracted it that way. They didnt know it was ebola. They thought it was a malaria. If he had known he would have taken better precautions. Liberia has shut down all of its schools, closed some borders and may quarantine several communities. Meanwhile, the cdc issued an alert to Health Care Providers in the us to be on the lookout for patients returning from west africa. That was the scene as a cnn reporter described the latest violence in gaza. An airstrike hit an outdoor market, less than a mile away. Earlier, a u. N. Refugee shelter was hit, and 20 people died. The u. N. Condemned the attack and blamed israel. But the u. N. Also condemned we have notified the israeli army 17 times over precise coronets because you wanted to be protected as a told them to refer 3000, 300 people in that facility. This happened just hours before the fatal shelling. The un also condemned hamas for storing its weapons at u. N. Facilities, and turning them into israeli targets. Yesterday, israel observed a fourhour unilateral cease fire, to give palestinian citizens a chance to seek shelter. To date, 14 hundred people have died in the israelhamas fighting. The Chicago City Council voted to hike telephone fees. A typical land line or cellphone account will cost about a dollar and a half per month extra. The extra money will support the citys 911 emergency phone system. And mayor emanuel says the extra revenue will help the city close a deficit in its pension funding. We avoided a property tax increase. We secured the pension of working men and women we introduced an increase to the minimum wage to help people achieve the middle class. Is not a done deal yet,the mayors plan to phase in a 13 dollaranhour wage was sent back to a Council Committee for further review. The council also set rules for where medical marijuana may be sold. Aldermen wanted to hide dispensaries on the outskirts of the city. But state law wont allow it. Pot dispensaries could wind up in busy Shopping Centers, if they get zoning approval. As expected, aldermen voted to rename Water Tower Plaza in honor of jane byrne, the citys only woman mayor. They went to kansas city looking for some base hits and a little barbecue. But a local Girls Softball Team got a lifetime memory too. Dinner with the leader of the free world. The glenview titans were at the legendary Arthur Bryants rib joint when president obama. Who knows a thing or two about barbeque. Walked in. The girls started taking selfies with the president in the background and before they knew it, they were hanging with the commander in chief. We got to talk to him. He was so nice we heard all about what he was doing. Just being there to experience it with them, you will never forget it the rest of your days. The team was planning to get tickets for a Kansas City Royals game while in town. When royals management heard about their influential new friend, they provided free tickets and let the girls play on the field before the game. And to think they almost missed it and went to mcdonalds. Good morning. Starting off mild and pleasant. Cooler than average. Weather boat shows the rain downtown. The dew points are still comfortable at 58. Sixties in lincoln park. A bit cooler in places like kenosha. Mid50s in aurora at the airport. The seven days forecast shows 82 degrees today only spotty showers possible this afternoon. Better chance tomorrow 82 for the high. Back into the lease on saturday. Maybe it widely scattered thunderstorms the weekend. Warmer on tuesday back up to 85. Thats a look at the weather. Coming up. Our wgn investigation blues highway. Tracking the gun used to kill an off duty Chicago Police officer to a small town in mississippi. Plus a scary moment on an interstate in massachusettes. The object that came flying at the vehicle. You wont believe these photos. And later taking action to help kids with allergies stay safe at school. A new law here in illinois. Looks like were about to board. Mmhmm. Im just comparing Car Insurance rates at progressive. Com. Is that where they show the other guys rates, too . Mmhmm. Cool. Yeah. Hi. Final boarding call for flight 294. [ bells ring on sign ] [ vehicle beeping ] whos ready for the garlic festival . This guy bringing our competitors rates to you now, thats progressive. Over the past four years, more than a thousand guns seized in chicago came from mississippi. So Mark Suppelsa and wgn investigates headed south to trace the flow of guns. Its a sweltering summer night down in the mississippi. But the folks to gather around the Courthouse Square dancing to mind. The streets are blocked off leaving the kids free to run around. It could be in Norman Rockwell picture with flags waving and dogs grilling. We had it to the small town in search of Michael Elliott. Heavy seen Michael Elliott . You see, he made a deal with the devil for a lousy 100 he agreed to buy a gun in his hometown of mississippi for another man in chicago. Eventually it ended up in the hands of the robber who shot and killed a chicago cop. Never in a million years to add things somebody would walk around the corner and shoot my son. Tom and carol saw tom jr. Gun down right in front of the home. Four men wanted his motorcycle and a twotime barack war veteran could not survive his own neighborhood. That gun did not come from chicagos mean streets, it was bought 600 mi. Away at this Country Corner store in the middle of nowhere. It may be hard to believe, but these southern towns made famous in the blues highway arnelle a pathway for guns to the north. Wgn made the trip. We came down here to mississippi to the pawnshop. We wanted to ask the owner of the shop what he thought about a gun from his place being involved in the killing of a Chicago Police officer. You see, the shop was sued to force them to make changes. Now the videotape gun sales but not much else has changed. All you need in mississippi is a clean record and a drivers license or as many as you want in gun spirit by the way, eddie was not there. We continued our search for Michael Elliott, the guy who bought the gun. His sister says he always hangs at a wellknown bluesed strip called the alley. Does anybody know Michael Elliott . In a town that prides itself on the when everybodys business, no luck . No one seemed to know where he was. Finally, this girl in the pink shirt new. She led us to the mother of his children. It turns out, he is back in prison. Do you miss him . Of course. His wife has nothis life has not been easy. Six months in jail lying seen the gun was for him enough for gangbangers. He made the deal will his daughter was dying from a brain tumor that he was burned in a propane house explosion. Now a parole violation has and back behind bars. With all that has gone on what makes you happy . Were still here. Tommys mother and father are not as lucky. He was the perfect son. I was the proud of him. He was everything i expected a son to be and more. One gun from one little town changed a lot of lives. A frightening scene at a Shopping Center in san diego, as a small plane crashed in the parking lot. An 80yearold woman died in the crash. She and a 52yearold woman were the only occupants of the plane. The pilot was practicing take offs and landings at a nearby airfield. Shes in the hospital. San diego firefighters say the woman did a remarkable job in bringing the plane down without hitting any buildings or cars. It was a very close call for the passenger of a car in massachusetts, when an object fell off a truck and went through the windshield. But it wasnt just any object. It was an ax it came off a landscaping truck directly in front of the car. And got lodged in the dashboard. No one was hurt. The driver of the truck was issued a 2hundred dollar ticket for improperly securing his cargo. That is a loolike today. Got and buy a lottery ticket. I guess its all about perspective. Here are the current temperatures. Its 54 degrees, cooler in kankakee. This morning were cool but it will warm up this afternoon. Light wind out there it is allowing some patchy fog but not causing any problems. A few sprinkles are fizzling out but were basically clear. Like the last few mornings, we should start off with some sunshine its just an unstable enough for warm air to surface and so widely scattered showers may be an isolated storms is what we are seeing around 3 00 p. M. It dissipates during the evening that we could see them develop again tomorrow afternoon. We have a better chance tomorrow of an actual thunderstorm. 82 degrees today. Despite a sharp. Better chance for scattered showers or storm of tomorrow. Cooler on saturday cooler along the lakefront today. But saturdays high of 80 degrees is a chance of a scattered storm. Good morning. And letting in no its 45 minutes from now we will see that bridge deck work that has been happening from 55 to lead retract it will be picked up. That it has impacted state street ramp. All that should be in recovery mode. Looks like were still dealing with intermingling closures. This is a rally street happening in both directions all part of the resurfacing work theyre doing to that long stretch of construction. It should be picked up no later than 530. Coming up, why streaming service on netflix could soon be getting an upgrade. Plus a surprising discovery found 20 feet below the World Trade Center site. Details on what was unearthed during construction. And Brandon Marshall says j. Cutler has an alter ego. Will tell you the name. The selfie craze continues. The custom maps and gadgets to help you take better pictures. What is this . We will tell you coming up. It was back to work for the bears. You know theyre getting ready to hit somebody else which happens a week from friday against the eagles. 10,000 people watching practice thursday. Kyle long hopes to be out saturday clear to go after a nasty oral infection. Michael irvin and chatting it up with the bears great receiver group. These guys are good but only as good as their quarterback and cutler is getting lots of love from printed marshall and others. Its a different person. I dont know this new j cutlers. Maybe his new name is joshua or something. Its a totally different guy. With joshua cutler. Thats what the jay stands for. Eyes and where did he end up . He said ndp in the league. I said that is high praise right there. Just take it off the top but theyre taken off the shelf and put him up there. But thats the way he sees it. Going for two in a row against the first place tigers. Bad start that outcome. Hunter, first inning single to center field and cabrera is in their free 20 lead. And it gets worse. Still first inning to on, theres a ball game right there. A punching bag in the first, even though he extended his hitting streak, the sox take a beating in detroit same two teams are back at it and noon today here and wgn. Thats sports. A mixed day for stocks on wall street. The dow lost 31 points. But the nasdaq was up 20 the s and p added a fraction of a point. Netflix and atandt have struck a deal to boost streaming speeds for online movie watching. Netflix decided to pickup some of the bill for faster streaming by connecting directly to at andt, rather than using a third party to deliver its service. The Subscription Service reluctantly reached similar deals with comcast and verizon earlier this year, amid a public spat over who was responsible for sluggish speeds. Were learning more about a shipwreck, discovered in a most unusual place. The wooden skeleton of an 18th century ship turned up in new york, 20 feet underground, as construction workers rebuilt the site of the World Trade Center disaster. Now, an examination of tree rings from the ships hull concludes, it was built in philadelphia around 1773 from the same type of wood used to build parts of independence hall, where the constitution and the declaration of independence were signed. To get all that . Was jimmy hoffa in there as well . Lets in our next 30 minutes. Return of cooler than average but quiet. Looking for a high of around 82. In widely scattered showers is possible this afternoon. It will be a rainout by any means. Warmer weather in the seven days forecast. House traffic . A few items we have up there right now that could cause you to slow down a bit. Outbound at jackson on ramp closed until 5 00. Try to get the construction out of the way in the earlymorning hours. Was that jane addams this closure is intermittent claim closures just too left lanes are out until 5 00. Watch for extra delays until they pick that up. The rest of the numbers and are looking good. Theres more to come in our next halfhour. An illinois congressman heads to the texas mexico border to find out whats really going on as immigrant children try to cross into the united states. Plus a new study ranks this years most unhealthy restaurant meals. And the feud between Justin Bieber and Orlando Bloom intensifies after their fight in a nightclub. What Justin Bieber has done now. Complaints against Chicago Police finally made public. Now what was found in those thousands of documents. And whats being done to try and contain the deadliest Ebola Outbreak in history. Plus, governor quinn takes action to protect students with allergies while they are in school. Good morning, im dan ponce. And im erin mcelroy. Lets go to tim mcgill for a check of the weather. Only changes are a few degrees warmer today. Were still kind of cool today. Downtown we have our mildest readings. Los 60s in lincoln park. Its cooler in places like kenosha. 54 at the airport in aurora. 55 right now in griffith. Skies are clear. Lots of sun early today. As the day goes on it gets unstable we have clouds pop up later this morning may be widely scattered showers. Its warmer friday. A fairly dry and mild and warm weekend. 80 degrees saturday the warmest day in the next week is tuesday at 85. Sat down 57 has ongoing road work that could cause some slow pockets for drivers this morning. Starting at 111 going to 127 taking of the far left lane until 6 00 a. M. Over to the bridgerepair, this is going from 55 to lakeshore drive. It looks like it is scheduled to open again in about 30 minutes. Will see that state street ramp reopened. Everything else is moving along pretty well. Or are to break that down for you with your next traffic hit in a few minutes. Charges are pending against the person responsible for a crash that killed an elderly man on the north side. 71yearold frank kiley was loading groceries into his car at sheridan and balmoral yesterday morning, when he was hit and pinned against his car. Witnesses say the driver of the other car was speeding and ran a red light, causing a Chain Reaction crash that included a cta bus. Three weeks after a United Airlines Flight Attendant was murdered in gary, her daughter has been charged with killing her mother. Decarol cains body was found in the trunk of a car. Beaten, stabbed, and wrapped in plastic. Police say Alyssa Barrett had a stormy relationship with her mother. Barretts boyfriend Damarius Wren was charged with cains murder, two weeks ago. An eightyear fight to get some critical documents released, now reveals hundreds of serious complaints against Chicago Police officers. Patrick elwood is live at Police Headquarters with more. Good morning. For almost 10 years the city fought to keep him in the names of some of the most corrupt cops on the force. Now all of that has changed. After spending years and years of fighting lawsuits that sought to shed light on who were the most complaints against officers, the city under the new administration has reversed field and is releasing the list of 662 Police Officers who had the most citizen complaints. What we have learned is the worst offenders came from one of the most scandalplagued unit of Police Officers called the special operations second section. S zero s was led by the now increasimprisoned police ofs who routinely robbed citizens for their own financial gain. 200 complaints against them. That unit under the direction of klein has been disbanded. A lawsuit was filed to make the documents public. Its indicative of a bigger problem. Its an example of a broken system where the city has multiple opportunities, years before these guys were indicted and convicted to stop them or to intervene and corrected the behavior through corporate discipline. He went on to say it was very rare that any complaint was ever upheld. A virtually all with few exceptions were found on founded, exaggerated or not sustained. Chicago police union fought to keep these records private. Back to you. Two people now charged in the shootings of a woman and her daughter during an attempted robbery in hammond. The woman from west suburban addison was lured to hammond on sunday by Facebook Communications with someone offering to sell several cell phones. Police say joseph pleasure and alan ross junior met the car in an alley. The woman became suspicious and when a suspect announced a robbery, tried to drive away. One of the suspects came up and threatened her saying if you try to leave you will be shocked. She turned the car on any way and she tried to get away. The shots rang out. Police were able to track pleasure through the facebook messages. He reportedly confessed and led investigators to ross, the trigger man. Both face attempted murder and other charges. Israel is calling up another 16 thousand soldiers for its campaign to destroy hamas terror tunnels in gaza. Andrew spencer reports, the fighting continues to put the lives of palestinian citizens in jeopardy. Just as a ambulances arrived after explosions near a Street Market in northern gaza, the photographer for the Palestinian News Agency was reportedly among the injured. The shelling continued. Explosions also hit the United Nations school on wednesday. With salt the shelves when they hit. Shrapnel was falling like rain. I was so scared the school filled with smoke. We had to put water into our eyes just to see. One of several u. S. Schools used as shelters where shells had hit or fallen near in the last few days. Israel says some of the attacks are the result of of mosses arab rocket fire. The idea can claims more and 200 rockets fired have landed in gaza since the start of the latest round in the middle east. The defense forced focuses much of its attention on tunnels like this one which militants used to sneak under israels border. Explosions killed three soldiers as the uncovered a tunnel entrance into a home in southern gaza. A moss says the fighters have lord fighters inside the house booby trapped with itts. The death toll, more than 60 Israeli Soldiers resilience. According to gus the health officials, more than 1300 palestinians of which the un estimates 7080 percent are civilians caught in the violence. Workers from several organizations are evacuating three west african countries, where an Ebola Outbreak has gotten worse. The peace corps is temporarily removing more than 3hundred volunteers from liberia, sierra leone and guinea. Two corps volunteers came in contact with someone who later died from the virus. Theyve been placed in isolation as a precaution. The virus has infected more than 12hundred people in five months. More than half of those people have died, including a man from minnesota who was visiting his sister. She was ill and he helped take care of her. He got that way. They didnt know it was ebola. They thought it was a malaria. He would have taken better precaution if he had known. Liberia has shut down all of its schools, closed some borders and may quarantine several communities. The cdc issued an alert to Health Care Providers in the u s to be on the lookout for patients returning from west africa. Ukraines military announced a oneday ceasefire, to allow International Experts full access to the site where malaysia Airlines Flight 17 crashed two weeks ago. Ukraines antiterrorist operation said today that the military will not take offensive action, but it will respond to any direct attacks. It comes amid reports rebels in Eastern Ukraine have planted landmines along the roads leading up to the wreckage. Fighting between Government Troops and prorussian separatists have kept International Investigators from accessing the site for four days. Illinois congressman Luis Gutierrez is among a dozen lawmakers visiting south texas today and tomorrow to assess the situation where tens of thousands of children illegally crossed the border. The Bipartisan Group is expected to visit the border patrols station in mcallen and Lackland Air Force base from which many of the children are flown to other stations for processing. Gutierrez is a member of the house hispanic caucus and has been a vocal champion for immigration reform. Governor quinn signed a new law allowing more School Workers to administer emergency injections to someone having a life threatening allergic reaction. Trained School Employees and volunteers will now be allowed to give epinephrine injections to students or visitors. Previously, only nurses could do it. But, not all schools have them. Illinois attorney general lisa madigan, who pushed for the law, says at least 25percent of firsttime allergic reactions occur in schools. We strongly in courage not just teachers and administrators, but other volunteers and parents to learn how to do this because its something we want people to know how to do in school. The new law also allows students to carry and administer their own epinephrine injections, with parental consent. The cdc says one in 25 children have at least one food allergy. A man in texas was having a bad day and then it got worse. Check out of the video. Hes standing behind his car while officers ran his information. In car crashes right into his car. The driver said he spilled his soda and was bending down to pick it up when he sideswiped the car. I knew it had a good amount of damage. Did you want to cry . I did. Absolutely did. I cant live. I sure did. To to want to cry was the reporters question . The Police Officer felt so bad that he let him go for just speeding. The man was grateful because it will cost 5,000 to have his car fixed. Tissue cried when you saw that . It made me cry. Clear and cool and quiet out there this morning. Cooler than average. 59 degrees in waukegan. 64 at midway. Mainly clear skies. A few showers dying out across southern wisconsin. Nothing going on in indiana. We do have some sunshine out there theres enough cooler air go where it could heat up and the clouds could pop up. With a few spotty showers were seeing the be around two or 3 00. And then i think it will dissipate and have more showers and punishment could develop tomorrow afternoon. The better chance of thunder is tomorrow. Many spotty showers today. Much of the day will be cloudy. Cant rule out a shower. Pleasant tonight. And in the next three days 82 greece. Not a rainout. A mix of colors and son saturday. Maybe scattered storm around 80. We have one or whether coming up next week. Still had a look at whats trending. This years most on health the restaurant meals. And was told about the fight between Justin Bieber and Orlando Bloomer. Now the feud has spilled onto social media. Here are a few stories that are trending online this morning. Beware red robin and the cheeesecake factory if youre trying to watch your weight. A new report from the center for science in the Public Interest finds, red robins monster double burger is the unhealthiest meal served by any fast food chain. It checks in at a whopping 35 hundred40 calories. The Cheesecake Factory has three meals in the top ten. Including farfalle with chicken and roasted garlic 24 hundred calories. And reeses Peanut Butter chocolate cheesecake. As if giving you cash isnt good enough. A Canadian Bank has gone a step further with its atms. Its turned them into automated thanking machines, giving gifts to loyal customers. Td canada trust has been surprising clients with the talking machines, that dispense personalized items like baseball tickets, flowers and other goodies. Check it out. With got something for you. Somethings about to come out. Two big banks for your kids. You are a famous customer look on the other side. I like it for to be the genie from the bigger venture. The genie . Now i remember. Minutest says a receipt overdraft of funds. Another nice one today. A mix of clouds and son. Average temperatures in the low 80s. Most of the day is dry. Downtown we are in the mid60s. 64 in lincoln park. The skies are clear. Sun early on. Clouds will pop up early. The widely scattered showers at 82. Mainly dry with highs of around 80 degrees. Going right back to the jane addams where we had this link closures early this morning. These and a longer happening but we did have two left lanes out until 5 00. And a single lane down until 6 00. Ohare is bound road work stretch from early park to roselle taking out the far left lane until 6 00. Traffic is moving without too many issues. The commute times are looking good. Enjoy it while blasts. Marcus what are we talking about . Were talking about selfies. Its not going anywhere. Everybodys always taking pictures of themselves. We are no strangers to that here on the set. We thought we would round up some gadgets that could help the spice up your smart phone the photos. 1839 when a chemist snapped this photo in the back of his family store in philadelphia saying on the back, the first light picture ever taken and it just happened to be a self portrait which makes it the first one. Fast ford 175 years, the human race is still fascinated with the human race. Open face book and youre likely to be inundated with people taking pictures of themselves. In fact, it even has its own social network. This one focused on nothing but the self portrait. One of its high profile backers happens to know something about celebrating himself. And maybe you need some help with yours. Some maps claim to get a new magazine are ready with the click of a button using bright ness and smoothing to cover up your trouble spots. A filter can add fun to your photo. Comic book turns you into a super hero letting you take photos and tell a story. Camera 360 offers dozens of unique filters including some that can turn into a work of art. Then there is photo. This one takes her photo and inmates them much like those that you see on the internet. Show your face. Finally, all kinds of devices that will improve your pictures. This is a stabilizer. What you do is stick your phone in this clamp. Be careful because the clamp is not that sturdy. Be sure you have a strong case in case your phone calls out. Twice this a bit and extend out and you can go all around and take all kinds of pictures of yourself with your friends and your coworkers. You dont look dorky with this thing at all. Its 34. You can get it on there website. There you go. You dont look down what this thing at all. Go on to my website where you can find all those apps in case you missed something. We have more camera apps up there as well. And if you have a favor one let us know. His current take right now and put it on twitter. Ready . Its hard to reach up and take the picture like this. If you couldnt do it . I dont have the headphones on there. But his ego. You guys play with that for bit. We have some real news to cover. We of weather and traffic. Coming up, Justin Bieber strikes back after his alleged fight with Orlando Bloom. If you wear a denture, touch it with your tongue. If your denture moves, it can irritate your gums. Try fixodent plus gum care. It helps stop denture movement and prevents gum irritation. Fixodent. And forget it. Production has been postponed on jimmie foxx is clear to portray mike tyson in his life work. Also sing Martin Scorsese is involved in some capacity. Theyre still in discussions. But jamie foxx is rep has not commented. Is he going to get the tattoo . In the latest blow of the ongoing drama with or linda bloom Justin Bieber posted a picture Orlando Bloom and crying. The is no caption leaving it up to fans to interpret. Reports say it to the two got into a fight in spain. Bad blood since they both have been seen out with each others backs girlfriends. To get new ones and move on. I cant wait to find out what happens next. Restore enough cool but quiet. 62 at ohare. 59 in bartlett pears 54 at aurora. 82 degrees today around average. A spotty showers today their chance of a scattered thunderstorms tomorrow. A fairly dry weekend. Most of the day will be cloudy. 81 for the high on sunday. The warmest day of the next seven is next tuesday. Coming up to 5 00, workers strike demanding higher wages at a fastfood restaurant. And how your facial expressions can drastically determine how someone perceives you. Thats coming up next. Could scare the moustache off someones face . Dont let it be you. One swish of scope kills millions of bad breath germs, freshening your breath. So you can be the girl who doesnt scare the moustache off someones face. Scope. The freshest fresh, guaranteed. What youre about to experience is a paid advertisement for tommie coppers performance apparel. Compression and active wear has helped millions live with less pain and lead a more active, positive life. From ordinary people pursuing their passions to the worlds fierce competitors, like me. Get ready to be inspired, by a battered and beaten rodeo cowboy. How does he recover from this . Hes one of americas bravest and he wont let injuries stand in the way of saving lives. Broken neck, broke my wrist, tore the rotator cuff in my shoulder. They said he was overthehill, washed up, done. So why is americas fastest man on the verge of becoming the worlds fastest . Hes a Pretty Amazing athlete. I think the best is yet to come. Plus, one more National Championship and he becomes the most celebrated ba

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