Transcripts For WHDH Early Today 20161107

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left. >> and wall street sores on news from the fbi is having a big impact on your money and investment. and democracy take as violent turn as they turn against elected officials taking office in hong kong. and an other kwaik causing quite a bit of damage. and new details of a derachshed serial killer are coming to light. "early today" starts right now. w u.s. attorney general, janet reno has died overnight due to complications of parkinson's disease. we're going to have more about her life and death laterer on in the show but that's the disturbing and sad news this morning. >> she died at the age of 78. but for now we're just hours away from the american's heading to the polls and a massive twist congress that he sees no evidence in the trove of emails to change his conclusion that hillary clinton should not face charges over her handling of classified information. he said agents had reviewed all emails found on a personal device of anthony wiener. donald trump, after initially celebrating the inquiry, called the latest twist further evidence of a rigged system. crimes will go on for a long, long time. the rank and file special agents at the fbi won't let her get away with these terrible crimes. right now she's being protected by a rigged system. you can't review 650,000 emails in eight days. you can't do it, folks. hillary clinton is guilty. the people, the people know it, and now it's up to the american people to deliver justice at the ballot. >> a senior law enforcement official says the fbi's review found that nearly all of the emails were duplicates. however, the question is how much the investigation impacted the millions of early votes. over 42 million early votes been cast nation wide. and clinton holds a 4-point lead over donald trump in a four-way race. however, in a 2-way contest, it gives clinton a 5-point advantage. 48% to 43%. the clinton campaign celebrated the latest revelation, however, clinton herself did not react herself. importance of tomorrow's turn out. >> we've arrived at a moment of reckoning in this election. our core values as americans are being tested. and i know there's a lot of frustration and even anger in this election season. i see it, i hear it. sometimes i'm the subject of it. i get it. but anger is not a plan. anger is not going to get us new jobs with rising incomes that will create atr middle class. >> meanwhile lebron james talked of his own time growing up in a community that felt disenfranchised. >> i want people to understand now i grew up in an innercity and know the whole notion of getting out and voting and i was one of those kids and i was around a community that was like our vote doesn't matter. but it really does. it really, really does. >> well their comments came as hillary clinton's surrogates in one last push to get to the polls. they'll hold what snl dubbed the avengers line up. the candidate and first lady, bill clinton and john bon jovi and bruce springsteen. and clinton will finish at a midnight rally in north carolina and visiting michigan and pennsylvania. tim kaine home state before going to north carolina. meanwhile, trump heads in a blue territory in hopes of flipping several states his way and dispatching mike pence to pennsylvania while sarah palin heads to north carolina as trump heads through cleveland, north carolina and new hampshire before making his last 2016 campaign appearance in michigan. at 7:00 p.m. eastern, 4:00 pacific here on nbc. janet reno, who became the first female attorney general, has died due to complications from parkinson's. her death was confirmed by her god daughter. with more on her life. >> reporter: the nation's first female attorney general, janet reno, held the job more than anyone in more than president clinton's third choice. the first two had undocumented household staff. she came to washington after serving as a miami prosecutor for 15 years. barely a month later she approved an fbi raid on a texas religious cult fearing children were abused. 75 people were killed in a resulting fire which the fbi determined was set inside. she received praise for not as to the details. >> reporter: during her eight years in office, crime dropped steadily, the first in decades. she championed drug courts and keeping young people off the streets. she appointed independent counsels nine times, republicans blasted her for declining to do so over allegations of campaign finance allegations over president clinton and gore. >> we've got to do this as objectively and carefully as committed to doing. >> reporter: but she did appoint kenneth starr and leading to impeachment of president clinton over the monica lewinsky scandal. and she was criticized in the saga of a cuban boy who came to the u.s. in a boat with his mother who died on the way. reno determined he should be given back to his cuban father seize him from relatives. >> i tried my level best to make sure that we avoided this situation. >> reporter: because of her plain speaking, openness about her parkenson's disease and aversion to the ways of washington, she was a popular figure, oftf parodied on "saturday night live," she got the last laugh. she left washington in 2001 sa pick up truck. and ending a life in public service that she said was dedicated to the rule of law. >> a remarkable life for janet reno. well, hong kong's p proindependence protesters were showered with pepper spray but many shielded themselves with umbrellas. the newly elected politicians from participating in the legislature. they banned them after they pledged allegiance to the hong kong nation and even used a japanese derogatory term for china. the battle against isis took a serious turn. and two deaths are being blamed on a rare tornado that struck in rome italy, being blamed for dozens of injuries and widespread and a magnitude 5.0 earthquake in oklahoma was felt as far away as iowa. they say it caused quite a bit of damage. so far no injuries have been reported. nbc meteorologist bill karins is here. >> it's amazing. there will be rain. ohio one of our toss up states is going to have showers. florida is looking fantastic. texas, louisiana, oklahoma. west, arizona and nevada looking great. salt lake city no problems at all and only our friends in alaska are going to have less than ideal election day weather. now a closer look at your day ahead. so for today that storm still lingering today over texas as the same storm system that will linger over the gulf coast states. so from new orleans to houston, chance of showers and down pours throughout the that's nice to see nice warm weather continuing for election day. >> hopefully the stars will line up to allow everyone to get out to vote across the country. new details on a serial killer who's allegedly been operating for 13 years. and "saturday night live" breaks down the fourth wall in a final trump/clinton skit. i used to blame the weather for my frizz. y practically frizz free.** because strong is beautiful. get even stronger results with pantene expert, our most intensely concentrated pro-v formula. ? tomorrow's the day we'll play something besides video games. every day is a gift especially for people with heart failure. entresto?- a breakthrough medicine that can help make more tomorrows possible. tomorrow, i 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ordinary brand. so you get more "life" per roll. bounty, the quicker picker upper the massive military mission raqqa from isis has begun. it's called operation angry euphrates. the u.s. is providing support from the air in the strikes. raqqa is isis's so-called capital. defense secretary ash carter says it is necessary to prevent terror attacks against the united states. and a developing story in south carolina. this morning police will resume searching for human remains suspect, todd cokohlhepp. >> reporter: this south carolina property revealing gruesome secrets. finding another body after todd, kohlhepp pointed them to two shallow graves on his land. >> we're in the process of removed from here and do a positive identification. >> reporter: investigators say kohlhepp has also admitted to a two motorcycle shop employees being gunned down. the victim's loved ones watched as he stood before a judge. melissa ponders' husband, scott was one of the victims. she was p at the time. >> it gives me closure in knowing what happened that day. it doesn't bring the peace that one would feel. >> reporter: scott's mother, beverly was also murdered. his alleged roll was discovered after they found kayla brown locked and chained in a storage container on his property last week. she and her boyfriend had been missing since august. they identified remains in another shallow grave as multiple gun shot wounds. >> reporter: kohlhepp continues to cooperate. but as for a motive, they've offered few clues in a man new accused of horrific crimes. >> kohlhepp appeared before a judge sunday and was denied bond. the brits take the castrate your fire to a whole new level. . with eight times more fragrance control, the air wick? scented oil warmer lets you dial up or down to fill massive minimalist rooms. small secret rooms. and even tall rooms you climb to. you get the perfect amount of fragrance. no matter the size of the room. air wick?. home is in the air. fill your home with the joyful scents of the limited-edition air wick holiday collection and save over $7 in coupon savings, this week! ? ordinary tissues left dakota's nose sore and red. a nose in need deserves puffs, indeed. ve been on i'm bushed! my feel alyea me too. excuse me...coming through! ride the gel wave of comfort with dr. scholls massaging gel insoles. they're proven to give you comfort. which helps you feel more energized ...all day long. i want what he has. liste of bad breath germs for a 100% fresh mouth. feeling 100% means you feel bold enough to... ...assist a magician... ...or dance. listerine?. bring out the bold? my sweethearts gone sayonara. this scarf all thats left to remem... what! she washed this like a month ago h fast forwarding today. real estate heir, robert durst is scheduled to be arraigned in california. he's accused of killing his friend in december 2000 to keep her from talking to prosecutors about the 1982 disappearance of his first wife. and later on "today" a look at the pot proposals on the ballot in nine states. could this be the start of a national trend? a towering effigy of trump was caught on fire in britain. it showed the gop candidate holding the head of hillary clinton and depicts him in boxer shorts and in the shorts men in sombreros. now, each year the bonfire society selects a public figure to torch. they said this year hands down donald trump was the obvious choice. just ahead dr. strange crushes the competition at the hilarious election day message. you're watching "early today." 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(more popping) go together like being late and being grounded. eucerin has been solving dry skin problems for over 100 years. discover eucerin advanced repair. it moisturizes dry, itchy, rough, skin. for immediate relief and proven 48-hour moisture. for healthier-looking skin... ...look for eucerin, now in the red cap. ve been on i'm bushed! my feel alyea me too. excuse me...coming through! ride the gel wave of comfort with dr. scholls massaging gel insoles. they're proven to give you comfort. which helps you feel more energized ...all day long. you bought a wig, a jersey, and overpriced nachos... ...don't let sinus symptoms bring you down now. get fast sinus relief with vicks sinex and get back in the game. sinex, the congestion, pressure, pain to clear your head... ...medicine. does your makeup remover take it all off? every kiss-proof, cry-proof, stay-proof look? neutrogena? makeup remover does. it erases 99% of your most stubborn makeup with one towelette. i asked my dentist if an electric toothbrush was going to clean better than a manual... he said sure, but don't just get any one. get one inspired by dentists, with a round brush head! go pro with oral-b. oral-b's rounded brush head cups your teeth to break up plaque and rotates to sweep it away. and oral-b crossaction delivers a clinically proven superior clean vs. sonicare diamondclean. my mouth feels super clean! oral-b. know you're getting a superior clean. i'm never going back to a manual brush. i'm sorry, kate. i just hate yelling all this stuff at you like this. >> yeah. i know, right. this whole election has been so mean. you know what i think can help us. let's get out of here. >> you and i have talked about this a little bit that we're going to be so sad when the election is over because so many of these comedy sketches are going to come to an end. one political ad gaining steam over the weekend and it features none other than will ferrell. check this out. >> it turns out there was no hamburger in the hamburger bun. oh, hey there. krb didn't see you. i'm will ferrell, actor, millennial. i wanted to talk to you one vibrant youth to another. let's all put down our snapchat, tinder, instagram and other assorted app-based technologies so we can keep it 100. if you don't vote, everyone might find out that you're the opposite of on fleek or basic or even worse that you have no chill. >> i love the flip phone. it's classic. know that's so a year ago. and great weekend for the movies, marvel's dr. strange beating expectations, bringing in a whopping $85 million. and "trolls" bringing in 45 million for second place. and mel gibson's drama "hacksaw ridge" earning $15 million in third. is over to catch up on a lot of these good movies out there. >> but it might be a while depending on -- >> are you kids excited to see trolls? >> and justin timberlake is one of the voices so they're excited to see. jimmy fallon put together a segment with just the good stuff. >> remember earlier when you tripped and you tried to play it jog. well, it worked. a few people saw it and totally thought you just decided to jog for a second. >> this just in. your favorite sports team can now hear your suggestions through the television and they love the helpful advice. so the next time you yell how about playing real defense, you can expect to see real defense. >> one of the best segments he does. because they're from your local news and different nbc affiliates across the country. she's so it's interesting. >> very clever way to bring positivity into everyone's life. >> especially when you have the straight faced anchor woman and man doing those stories, it's always fun. just ahead, how u.s. election is effecting markets world wide. and it's the victims getting his desserts. his desserts. once upon a time in the depths of your own cupboard lived eco-friendly products waiting to be discovered. "that label's not green, it's purely just chic." then why is she using it week after week? they realized then, it's not the label that flatters, but the power inside is what truly matters. new tide purclean, 65% bio-based, 100% cleaning power of tide. when you ache and haven't slept... you're not you. tylenol? pm relieves pain and helps you fall fast asleep and stay asleep. you're a better you all day. tylenol?. olay regenerist renews from within. plumping surface cells for a dramatic transformation... ...without the need for fillers. with olay, you age less. so you can be ageless. >> this is 7news now. >> christa: good morning, everybody. welcome to monday once again. we're good to go for 7news "today in new england." >> sarah: here are some stories we're working on this morning. the election countdown at just one day. this is the final full day of campaigning before voters head to the polls to choose the next president, and it's going to be a >> christa: meantime, police are looking into a deadly crash that happened in tewksbury where investigators say a 70-year-old man died after being hit by a pick-up streak on shawsheen street last night. >> sarah: twiter is back online. the social media site was down for several minutes earlier this morning in the u.s., japan and parts of europe. >> christa: good news for some commuters. if you travel one stretch of 95, officials have finished demolishing the highland avenue bridge ahead of schedule. traffic has been flowing finished sunday morning. how often do you see something finished ahead of schedule? >> sarah: i know, right? never. chris, how is the forecast? >> danielle: they have had plenty of ongoing construction projects in and around that area, especially south of that exit. forecast looks great over the next couple days. no weather-related travel issues headed out the door or tomorrow, as well. 4:30, thanks to the clock change over the weekend. 37 in 33 in bedford. 37 in norwood. so it's a cool start. not overly cold for this time of year, but we do have a northly wind bringing in some of that cool weather. overall a seasonably cool day am smidge below the average for this time of year. you notice the arc of clouds here from the gulf of maine bending back across the outer cape and mid-cape. so i think down through southeastern mass from plymouth back to the cape and the islands, you'll see the most clouds this morning, but overall do expect a good chunk of us to see quit a bit of sunshine as we there are your clouds, plymouth county, bristol county, cape and the islands through about mid-day. then mostly sunny skies prevailing as we head enter the afternoon. overnight tonight clear skies. how about this for election day? looks like i'm showing you a blank map. sun-filled skies out there for the most part on tuesday. so kids, you need the light jacket or the heavy jacket this morning, you can get away with a light jacket this afternoon, temperatures bouncing back up into the lower 50s and outdoor recess is pretty much a guarantee over the next couple days. a lot through. sunshine the next two days. mild tomorrow. we're talking about temperatures 60 to 65 degrees. we get a colder shot of air coming in over the weekend. more on that seven-day forecast as "today in new england" starts right now. >> chris: good monday morning. >> christa: it's 5:00 a.m. the granite state is up for grabs. beth president l campaigns making stops in new hampshire on this last full day of campaigning. >> sarah: breaking overnight in georgia, a police officer is shot and killed, another wounded in a dramatic shoot-out. where police are searching for suspects after man is shot and stabbed in everett. >> sarah: and new this morning, we're getting our first look at the damage done from a powerful earthquake that rattled parts of oklahoma. >> this is 7news "today in new england." >> sarah: good monday morning, everybody. thanks for joining us. i'm sarah french. >> christa: i'm christa delcamp. ready or not, let it begin. a busy week. >> sarah: i know, man. a lot of anticipation building, chris. finally here, right. finally, right. 37 in boston right now, 39 in plymouth. and it's 46 down in hyannis. take a look at the forecast the next couple days, and it's relatively quiet. in fact, most of this week is quiet. a couple showers on wednesday, that should be it. nothing ruin any outdoor activities you have planned today. mostly sunny skies. temperatures reaching the low to a few mid-50s. we tend to favor the low 50s throughout the afternoon. a few more clouds across

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