McGrath's and refused to be questioned by the committees on Friday we're learning more of what was said in earlier closed door depositions House Democrats released transcripts of closed door depositions from Fiona Hill and Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Vin men both assigned to roles at the National Security Council over the summer Venkman told House committees there was no ambiguity that Ambassador Gordon song when wanted investigations into the Bidens and 2016 from Ukraine in her testimony Hill passed along concerns of former national security adviser John Bolton who was worried about an improper arrangement to secure a White House meeting with Ukrainian officials Fox's Jarrett helper and departing the White House Friday President Trump still sounding optimistic but this rises who is weak in May but it's actually made me stronger people are angry about how to make Republicans and people that vote for me not just Republicans really hangry the president will attend the Alabama Ellis who football game on Saturday is on Wall Street again Friday the Dow closing up 6 points Nasdaq gaining 40 s. And p. 500 closed almost 8 point higher 8 points higher all of those record closing levels America is listening to Fox News. It's the latest but I just dug up Hello Delaware Michael saying joining me and energy Austin as we take on the news of the day we'll analyze the politics but we're going to have fun with some of the crazy stories and trust me there are a boat load of them you have to be here that's Monday morning at 61450. Did you know endure air can be 5 times dirtier than outdoor air hard to believe right and if you suffer from allergies or asthma really clean air is not just important it's essential I'm jail route co-founder molecule makers of radically different air purifiers until now the most common way to get cleaner air was with a have a filter but outdated have a technology doesn't effectively remove bacteria and mold which can make you sick molecules revolutionary Pico technology doesn't just trap micro clothes it actually destroys them molecule works so well it made Time magazine's list of best inventions for truly clean air in rooms big. 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The eye her radio app is this just fun the way that the playlist artists the songs are laid out you know right as you open the op I like that a lot anything is free is spent tast it especially when it's got good quality and is great it's a melting pot of good music not only on my phone and on all 3 of my kids i Pads your own little boom box in your purse everyone should get those out truly the i Heart Radio app radio music podcasts all free free never sounded better download the i Heart Radio app today $1000.00 payday Oh a lead us out chance to win conference at 30 past the hour like I think you won 4050 w.y.l. And. How they dance the polo so you have a war for Martin and I think frankly that he should go back home to the San Francisco if you look at what's happening to her district her good work is going to hell. Xan Hannity weekday afternoons 32611450 w. I.l.m. . Delaware State of the arts Saturday mornings at 5 and 7 a mornings at 61450. Problem how much are we getting along with the submission for the past. And future of the cooling system the same car behind us. Is an illusion. This is the treasure we're in right around our office or the 1st season we can actually bring out the last country following spring. Break so got to scream the scope of Atlas gaze upon. Us like you're doing right now to. Call off the. Trophy into her own reflection there's no need to call off spring gold market. Darkness. a lot of my guests tonight and I'm sure many of you are thinking this is all crazy what we're talking about right that you know there's no way that we could. Create this be system like Legion. Summer was talked about in the Terminator film. The new network not Skynet but Legion. The idea is that the network like Legion can be created and. Many can be connected to it. And that it goes beyond the scope of the internet of things it literally will use now to attack to actually activate within many human beings creating a hive collective organic network now in a new study. Technology replaces languages the means of communicating by directly linking the activity of the human brain now electrical activity from the brains of a pair of human subjects was transmitted to the brain to a 3rd individual in the form of magnetic signals which conveyed an instruction to perform a task in particular manners Now this study that was had opens the door to extraordinary new means of human collaboration while at the same time blurring the fundamental notions about individual identity and autonomy in disconcerting ways direct brain to brain communication has been a subject of intense interest for many years driven by motives as diverse as Futurist enthusiasm and military exigency there's a book called Beyond Boundaries and one of the leaders in the field Miguel Nicolelis described as the merging of human brain activity with the future of humanity and the next stage of our species evolution the idea of having an organic singularity coupled with the inorganic singularity he's already conducted a study in which he linked together with the brains of several rats using a complex implant electrodes in his brain a brain interfaces so the idea here is you know some rudimentary idea there is a room room entry organic computer where he's using living brains tethered together as if they were so many microprocessors and so the animals in the network these created learned to synchronize the electrical activity of their nerve cells to the same extent of those of a single brain so the network brains were tested for things such as their ability to discriminate between 2 different patterns of electrical stimuli and they routinely outperform individual animals so if network rat brains are smarter than a single animal imagine the capabilities of biological supercomputer. Networks human brains brought together with nano technology imagine artificial intelligence in incarnating through a system that not only shows organic singularity but opens the channels for a network over get it mines that are under the possession of a central master control namely a and Ai that could be. The equivalent of baby v. Incarnate Maybe it's some sort of Ai artificial intelligence that could be the incarnation of our among which is outrageous but still the idea of this incarnation is not out of the question and what you'd be creating if you'd be create creating to be creating that network that we talk about Legion network we talk about everybody is a part of it some people won't be but a lot of people will be because of nanotechnology in the body a lot of real and with us tonight on Ground 0 was you talked extensively on the subject and now with the network brains and the artificial intelligence that could incarnate in a way that we didn't expect now we have nanotechnology to put us all in this network now how close are we to this could it happen I mean you're hearing now that we certainly have the experiments going on to link brains are Gana Clee What more can we expect from this simulated world view that they're trying to give us. Well that's that's the key yes we're there we're there and I know there's been a lot of brouhaha over 5 g. Rightfully so 5 g. Has and that's the nations have helped people wake up in a way that me talking about nanotech hasn't and I'm thrilled. The 5 key is as we now know almost a synonym for the internet of things they will work in tandem and in the book I'm writing I go deeply into the smart city and how it is armed it is weaponized and we will be in a hive mind and the reason this that Armaan fits so well with Legion the movie you saw and the whole idea of this collective takeover of the human brain through now I don't technology is the collective nature of our i'm on whereas you Lucifer you know when you see what star is doing he's got a 2 horned a 2 pronged evil set up these and he sees these 2 poles of evil as being. Helping us to develop helping forcing us to make choices and to to really come to terms with the moral nature of the human being as opposed to an ai system there is no morality in an ai system it is a machine it is programmed by humans initially but then as we know most AI's now are being made to program themselves so the problem with the machine is that it's not human so when I say evil I'm not saying ai is evil I'm saying that it's not human and in a very big way because it's being programmed to to maximize its own intelligence it is anti-human. And eventually we will see that to our pain and discomfort but right now it's this nanotechnology inside that we're breathing in goes in our lungs goes in our blood easily makes its way through the blood brain barrier because it is so so tiny and now we are basically wired we're all towers we were towers before we breathed in the nanotech But now we are super activated add we can be activated further by the 5 g. Network think of yourself as being part of a huge r.-o. Monic nervous system and the problem for me is that electricity itself we've had that since the 1900 centuries this time around and I think that human beings have had electricity many times during the cataclysmic cycles that we have gone through for millions of years I think I see it that electricity as Steiner says is really not our nature yes we have an electrical nervous system and there is a reason for that but we ourselves inside these bodies these meat sex as people so ingloriously put it are really completely fed by ether by the ether Rick and the a theory it is life you can see the if there it can the greenness of the trees you can see it in the growth forces that push a seed up and it becomes an entire plant and entire huge oak tree over time this this is a theory Rick is what makes us vital and makes our or. Our immune system works so well and gives us that wonderful charge in life but because we're now surrounded and plugged into a huge wireless electrical electronic magnetic field one type over another of them layering layering layering and going through our our sensitive organs and going through into our brain we are being depleted of our a fear it forces and so this weakens us and makes it that much easier to be penetrated and taken over by this Legion system that is being set up to run the planet for the sake of I maintain and so does I believe Catherine Austin fits for the sake of the space age that has begun without much fanfare and much secrecy and many billions and trillions of dollars that are missing from our budget so you know when when I bring in Amman. I normally don't talk about how I see esoterics on radio shows but you brought it up Clyde I was willing to go there because I do think there is there is strength in pushing the boundaries of what we now think is going on we can't just maintain the old scientific method the all the everything everything must be objective nothing subjective no intuition only intellect we've really got to question this because it is being used against us and we are now going to need a new level of consciousness in order to meet this event Guard that is press. Upon our humanity I agree I mean Steiner was talking about Armand I always assumed that we talk about our i'm on our our I'm on has to team up with Lucifer or team up with Satan to fight Jesus in the 2nd coming as he said but it wasn't a demon that was talked about pretty much in the Bible as Zorro Astron demon that incarnates every 3000 years and I was always of the opinion that we are a monic. Spirit would be the are among spirit going through the Internet to be the ghost in the shell. And this goes to be cracked open and we would we would it be like releasing a jihad into the world and you can put it back and then what it would do is it would be able to infiltrate and incarnate in every single person who accepts the new rule of our a month through technology and they would become the new Legion the new army that would assimilate others and that's where the war between those who are considered saints and those considered demonic or members of the beast race would be fighting with one another and of course we know the symbol of our amount is the black dragon because we learned that a couple weeks ago the Leviathan the rising of the beast 877-733-1011 that's 877-733-1011 of you any questions you like to add to the conversation we'd love to hear from you 877-733-1011 will be back. 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Are you facing a terrible future of getting up 3 times a night to urinate mail performance problems and worse your prostate can become your worst enemy I'm Dr McGill board certified physician here at ideal male labs and I'm ashamed at how most physicians don't know anything about natural methods of prostate health and remember many men who need medical treatment for the prostate often end up impotent but a healthy man can urinate easily sleep through the night in maintain his masculine prowess Naturally I didn't want men becoming impotent so to help men and good prostate health naturally I created my one of a kind prostate formula my prostate formula is so good that I'll pay you $100.00 to try it at urgent prostate that Com because of the rarity of the ingredients I only have a limited supply of bottles on hand visit urgent prostate dot com to get your 6 day supply right now before I run out remember try my prostate formula for 60 days and if it isn't everything I say it is then I'll give you your money back plus $100.00 all accord with the simple honest offer at urgent prostate dot com urgent prostate dot com urgent prostate dot com rather my favor they're not your cup of coffee banks not me think things are so complicated and complex and it now take a cup of coffee coffee is complicated so many decision like coffee cups you know a lot take proper Who Yeah every. 2 percent so when I say tall or venti. 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Lot of prelims by gets them on the grounds are a lot of scary stuff talking about the incarnation of our a monster technology the Legion the new computer programming network that's in the Terminator films which I thought was interesting they're calling it Legion and here's something else a lot I bet you don't know this but you were talking about 5 g. Earlier. Now we're not even barely starting with 5 g. As a later you know because that's going to be the latest generation of wireless connectivity do you know that China at the moment is already looking into creating 5 g. Or 60 rather Yeah yeah you mentioned it and yes I get no because basically what they're doing is they're getting the state to accelerate the development of the technology in order to facilitate the dream of man and machine coming together they need to be able to have that extra power to mimic neural firings and they have a group of government departments will be in charge of pushing through the execution of 60 technology and the thing is though they have not yet even figured out the effects or the health effects of 5 g. So now 5th and 6th generation mobile wireless networks and other networks biffing it's interesting is what people don't realize is that 5 g. Is not for humans it's for machines 6 g. Is going to be for weapons 6 g. Is going to be for the weaponize if human beings. Interesting. Yeah and and they all is used China as an example as if the United States is not doing it. So we guarding that 6 g. I'm sure they already have it happening just not out yet and 5 g. I would beg to differ from you I think that it's it's in a lot of places now and there's there tweaking it there calibrating it you know there are a lot of people getting sick and animals dying and they're going to need to tweak it hard to get it calibrated to work with the space fence the space fence under Lockheed Martin is the name of this game Clyde I have you know well I mean don't get me wrong I mean I've read stories about the birds dying in many cases of birds dying about children dying in daycares with up with 5 g. In some areas mostly in Europe I've read about those things you know United States though it's a harder sell we're having some just a few cities right now major cities with 5 g. I know that Oregon has been stepping up and saying they don't want 5 g. Here you know I've been told that's not true but I do believe it's true I think that you know we're trying because we can get fluoride in our waters we certainly don't want 5 g. Here but I've been seeing 5 g. Towers going up all over the state vector Yeah there are going up everywhere and it's the smart city it's the smart city concept that demands them they've got to have the 5 g. Or the i.o.t. Won't work you see I know we've got we all need to be plugged in and yeah and the truth is when we're all plugged into a source like like we're looking at was something. I guess we call a legion for but like I'm a better network name I mean the military always already has their Skynet they have deep mind. Google has the mind they have other you know tech operations where they're actually experimenting with trying to mimic human behavior but just the idea even Musk wants to have the neural ace brain interface we have the right interface right now but it's the organic singularity they're searching for where they want to combine it with the. Organic singularity and what we have is we have a group of humans that could easily be turned on like timebombs and they could become terrorists or they could become killers ozone bees or whatever they want to be I'd say it's like a puppet master flipping a switch and making every do dances by remote control. Yeah that's but that's not new you know they've had sleepers for years they can do individuals I think the new thing is and tire. Hundreds of thousands of people all in the hive mind all operating out of the swarm because that's the thing I wanted to make sure that I said Ok and I you probably know it but the swarm mentality of the Nano. Is what is really puzzling scientists Well Pat it seems that when it's that tiny that there is an intelligence that they have that operates in this war mentality that will do evil I will take a break we'll talk about this woman tell it I want you to talk more about that because once again high minds war mentality everything is coming together the way it is for a reason we're learning these things tonight from a lot of free one my guests tonight also talk more about her appearance she will be appearing and if you place the speaking engagements and a new book number things coming out a lot has been very busy and of course this research is amazing and very timely so we'd like your calling tonight 877-733-1011 we are opening lines by the way 877-733-1011 so give us a call we'll be right back. And in the news you want to impeach President Trump next week with public hearings. To see for every. $128.00 missing woman is a 1000000 jobs a month 1450 w.y.l. Am I love. I love. Everything you might be buzzed you know what I blog a ride when it's time to head out if you see a bus warning sign call for a ride when it's time to go home bus driving is drunk driving a message from it's a and you had. Some chill NATO just as he gets appointed to the House Intel Committee a new lawsuit from a referee claims one Republican Congressman Jim Jordan. Was an assistant coach at Ohio State he dismissed an allegation of sexual abuse by a team doctors rep says he alerted now Ohio Congressman Jim Jordan and former o.s.u. Head coach Russ Helots into the incident but claims the 2 just shrug it off saying yeah that's Strauss and investigation real hundreds of claims of sexual abuse by former wrestlers at the hands of the now deceased team doctor that went on reported no Fox News spokesman says Congressman Jordan never saw or heard of any kind of sexual abuse it's been a year since California's Camp Fire destroyed the town of Paradise residents like Joe Ling Clement are rebuilding new paradise and it won't be as busy and but I think the community is really strong 85 people died in that fire. And now a message from the Delaware State Police Public Information Officer and Sergeant Richard Roth's Hello I'm Sergeant Richard Roth's of the Delaware save plates I would like to inform everyone of the constant dangers of different scams if you have to pay a fee up front it's probably a scam if you have to wire transfer money it's probably a scam if anyone is requesting payment in the form of a gift card while market our i Tunes get card or Google gift card it's probably a scam to Nike about any information over the phone or any electronic device or computer like your name address social security number or account numbers Crevel banks or credit agencies will have that information please take the time to learn more online and you are public service announcements under the public information section of our website is done telework. If you believe you have been scammed please report it to your local police department a message from the Delaware State Police thank you. L. Where is in the midst of an opioid epidemic that has caused hundreds of deaths in our state and most overdoses are happening at home but there's something we can all do if you or someone you know is struggling with an opioid addiction you need to get a. The law now it can reverse an overdose while it's happening in save a life is available at participating pharmacies and a community event find out where you can get help is here dot com come out to see troops Lutheran church on Saturday Nov 16th for the 1st annual Tyler strong foundation Portland pilsner enjoyed great food music gravels a candle tournament and more for tickets and more info visit Tyler strong F.T.'s dot com On this the A's are 232 The nays are 196 the resolution is adopted without objection the motion to reconsider is laid upon the table now speaking of impeachment yesterday House Democrats released their much hyped resolution which are advertised to bring in fairness and due process and bigger Palosi and chairmanship of closed door partners and car. Unfortunately the draft resolution that is one really knows nothing. Of the shore it fall way short way short 1450 w.y.l. Am broadcasting from the Sobieski studio. 50. Sobieski get $59.00 for this project no. Amount of justice. We're talking about the swarm much like the high but it's the swarm mind of the swarming of minds a swarming of ideas all going into one source it is the co it is. Using the connection of mind to mind the mind the mind and they're working on these projects now to somehow mold together the organic singularity and put it together with the energetic singularity making man and machine compatible or if you will under the control of a machine and we have discussed that this could be the very thing that has been predicted or there was actually talked about. The spirit of r m on basically incarnating through the use of nanotechnology and so I wanted I wanted to to expand a little bit on this the swarm mind align and then we're going to have some phone calls Ok so. What's happening is Molech ular biology. Is being converted to digital biology and this is because there is now a new category of being it's called in organic life wrap your head around that not a carbon hydrogen oxygen nitrogen deal this is a. Maybe even have been discovered through the nanotech I really don't know but the nano bots and those would be net nano robots are exceedingly tiny and they they operate in swarms they self replicate. They can be programmed remotely. From fusion centers or as I call them the laptop boys. This this is the key to how our consciousness will be taken by frequency frequency is something that it will be pulsed and because they've done the brain research they know exactly how to go to where to send the nanos to impact the brain organs whatever so the molecular biology is it's almost useless you know because that was my 2nd degree in undergrad it's almost useless for this what I'm writing now which is completely overwhelming and the hardest thing I've ever written but I see now how they will take over the thought now we all know that we value individuality. Not all of us do know a lot of human beings and this irritates those who have individuality all the time a lot of human beings do not make those choices they they slide along and react to what comes at them without much originating from inside of them these people will be easy to control with the nano tech absolutely a piece of cake the people who have individuality to some degree and have a consciousness and have some sort of understanding that the human being is a unique creature not just a higher mammal This is a unique creature that is put together differently and is now basically in peril these people who really. Take on the challenge. Of learning about this technology such as I'm doing. Maybe not to the degree I do but it's that they they realize oh my gosh I'm living in a technological era I'm living in an armonica era I need to really learn how a lot of this stuff is working on me and then I mean I need to make some decisions and I need to grapple with the concepts already most people have been weakened by the endless television the endless frequencies around them the waves moving through them the microwaves the radio waves and they have trouble concentrating and they have trouble remembering what they just read this is a real challenge sometimes it makes me wonder why I even write books. But they need to take on that challenge and really set their minds to be stronger as if they were pumping iron with their attention for are the attention is the will and the will can. Defeat these swarm mentality creatures I know this I you know I am not suffering No I just I would say this and I want to I want to once again and you know one of the things about you a line is when you come on the program you break new ground it's always breaking new ground and I think a lot of people hear you and they say well what does she know I mean she's just saying all this stuff and I get that sometimes with the new stuff we break ground with you and I But you know in the end what we find and I remember the 1st time you came forward and you talked about micro electric mechanical systems and those are names memes m.e.m.s. Memes and basically these micro electromagnetic mechanical sim systems you talked about were actually in this is this is the irony of it all and I want to make sure that we have our audio up for this isn't this the irony of all or the or the coincidence and it's kind of a 6 Gary coincidence but always remember what Julian a songes last interview was about yes I want to see if I can play that clip this is Julia songe part of Julia Saunders last interview listen to what he has to say in this backs up everything a lot of Freeland My guest is talking about tonight measurements we're emanating constantly and so if you quickly is together you can effectively triangulate someone's. Activities and behavior and I don't think by chopping out. Many of them or adding a kind of cha culpa. That you can make that much for like that much of a difference and increasingly increasingly it's less. And in terms of instead of things there's research prototypes now which I assume you being used by intelligence are very small electronic circuits that you can just put in paper report. Paint for all on the walls. Powered by the g s m stations and they operate as the just and radio way. How very small at times there are things obviously that tendency is going to continue into the things that it's. Intelligent evil dust scattered everywhere like like confetti everything. I think it's increasingly high beings to work out how to deal with it that's a jewel in a science talking about the what he called this evil dust because he put in to paint evil does he put into our clothes evil dust that we can ingest evil dust that is everywhere and that's exactly what a lot of talking about it she's talking about these micro electro mechanical systems m.e.m.s. They're called Moats some people call them oats and they activate in people and of course they process a lot of data that anything from pressure acceleration stress sound all these things are going into a data cloud and you may have it in you now and that's the thing that's the most chilling of all you may have it in you now and it may activated when it does activate it will be activating this are a monic system we're talking about this is not. I know this sounds science fiction and I know that we started out by talking about Legion in the Terminator but this is a reality and China is racing to bring 60 into the world so they can mimic those neural firings bit have been going on in the brain to go on in the stomach to go on in the body they want to be able to mimic that. And that right I want to write very good thank you for putting all that together well I mean it's got to be said because I know that you have worked hard and it's like you know you've got this book that you're working on I don't know where it's going to go to print but I'm sure that people will want to read what you're writing because this deals in the space walk in space fence the internet of things that goes beyond the internet of things we have this virtual reality smart city we're going to be in most of us can be virtual while everything else is going to be talking every appliance everything is great talking it's like one big pan optic on there we're going to be in the middle of this right and then don't ones inside of us and that's that's the thing is the consciousness is one thing the other is the lifestyle they're looking at what you're eating what you're drinking how you're living and to do whatever you can to assist your immune system which I'm sorry to tell you simply does not recognize these nanobots after hundreds of thousands if not millions of years of operating out of nature now it has to operate opposing in organic life if you can believe that right and we have to work hard to like you say find the right things to eat the right things to drink we have to expose ourselves to healthy things to supplement our lives it's going to be a difficult struggle to try and block out any of these transmissions because they're getting smarter that otherwise they would call smart as they're getting smarter and it's like we say this our amount of technology wants so badly to somehow incarnate in every single person creating a legion of blind followers a legion of people who have the extensions of their souls in their cell phones in their computers and quite possibly in chips that they have or even these nanotech these nanobots these these by. But certainly Julie dishonest talked about in a lot of free when my guest tonight is talking about when you have some calls coming up on ground 087-773-3101 extension 1 that's 877-733-1011 this is another breakthrough program another reason why we're number one in the world and we thank a lot of feeling for being here giant 877-733-1011 we'll be back. Are you facing a terrible future of getting up 3 times a night to yarn a male performance problems and worse your prostate can become your worst enemy I'm Dr McGill board certified physician here at ideal male labs and I'm ashamed at how most physicians don't know anything about natural methods of prostate health and remember many man who need medical treatment for the prostate often end up impotent but a healthy man can urinate easily sleep through the night and maintain his masculine prowess Naturally I didn't want men becoming impotent so to help men and tame good prostate health naturally I created my one of a kind prostate formula my prostate formula is so good that I'll pay you $100.00 to try it at urgent prostate that Com because of the rarity of the ingredients I only have a limited supply of bottles on hand visit urgent prostate dot com to get your 6 day supply right now before I run out remember try my prostate formula for 60 days and if it isn't everything I say it is then I'll give you your money back plus $100.00 on the cord with a simple honest offer at urgent prostate dot com urgent prostate dot com urgent prostate dot com. 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Of the gift card Wal-Mart argh i Tunes get hard work Google get hard it's probably a scam do not give out any information over the phone or any electronic device or computer like your name address is also security number or account numbers credible banks or credit agencies will have that information please take the time to learn more online and you are public service announcements under the public information section of our website the is he telling where. If you believe you have been scammed please report it here local police to park a message from the Delaware State Police thank you. To hold people to higher standards this stuff people are talking about after all their if you do the Russian news radio 14th if w.y.l. Am. A little. Baby 777331011 that's 877-733-1011 breaking story with a lot of prelim tonight talking about possible 6 g. Talking about this new Legion whatever you know the be the metaphor at least it was given to us in the Terminator film and the idea of the are a monic takeover with nano technology has certainly some amazing stuff talk and of course Julian Assange his last interview Now mind you he made that interview and when he made that interview just days later he was arrested and we've never heard from again so he was trying to tell us about what was coming and he got arrested for it he was dead beat it took him out and he's gone now people worry he's going to die by the way we speak whistleblowers you speak of names of whistleblowers no one cared when Julie to songes name was mentioned or Ed Snowden and the and the surveillance state so all this whining about whistleblowers and protecting them no one cared about Assad or Ed Snowden and I think that the hypocrisy speaks volumes especially when it. Source or valence and whether or not we're going to be part of some are a monic. Network that's going to be part of this be system that really worries about it it's going to come it really is it builds like it's going to come and and they're making plans to make it happen so let's go to see Let's go to Laura in Maine Hi Laura you're on with a lot of frequent go ahead. They hide doing good what you call it I haven't had a television for 13 years I've never had a computer I probably use it maybe 4 to 5 times a year at the library. But even those times that I'm inside the computer I usually feel quite sick when I get away from it. This past year I have become very sick I feel like I'm fighting for my consciousness in this last year I've got a long infection I've never been sick and healthy healthy healthy healthy healthy and I just you know you talk about this stuff and it just made me want to just call in and see if this is. A goal that is medical conditions. Or what you call the hole was because of this stuff that's not only just to control but to make a person sick Yes yes you're absolutely right in the long the lungs are where we generally are hardest hit 1st and so in order to study what to do go and check out Tony Pentel Resco. P a t a l l e e r e e s c Tony can tell Resco is the number one person who is studying this narrow tack and how to take care of our body. He's discovered an amazing amount of interim ation for the last decade alone to tell us when you're bored your book coming out you have any idea well it's all about finishing. Farrel house gave me a deadline of just months in order to have it out in 2020 right now I've not done and so I have that conversation you know now you got the are a manic. Incarnation you got 16 out and add your books ago a lot of information you get to glean from here and that I glean from you tonight so we both have this information you're going to be important if you invoke when you could be speaking. A week from tomorrow both fantastic and Portland trying to get tickets that will be promoting it I'm sure because it's certainly going to be good to see you again a lot of for you and thank you so much for being on the program tonight and informing us this is blockbuster stuff and not given anywhere else and so I really appreciate you taking the time to be on the program tonight thanks you bet you have a great night a lot of for you and again breaking stories and interesting views but we are you on Ground 0 stay tuned 877-733-1011 listen to Ground 0 dot com. Everybody is quiet for the Oregon men Snuff Company with all the bad news about tobacco and health risk both with smoking chew maybe it's time to quit if you or someone you know choose to back all you'd like to help them quit please tell them about men stuff all Minshew men stuff is made of mint not tobacco it's safe to eat safe to swallow it tastes great for a store near you or to order go to a min stuff dot com or call 1800 mince snuff minced up is made of mint not tobacco call 1800 min snuff That's 1800 mince no. Harm in that tasty Honey Nut Cheerios cereal you trying to tell me you love me actually it's reminding you that they can help to roll this part of the heart healthy that way. They can help look and that's the. Focus of the sweet taste that I completely forgot now I'm in love to learn more about making Honey Nut Cheerios part of your parka the lifestyle picking up lots of job local grocery store. Is easy to understand so few people get it it's not hard to get and easily accessible on 15 hours a week all you have to do is turn on a listen today noon to 3 there's no mystery here there's no secret decoder ring make you have to have an order to me at all if we don't speak in a call no muss no fuss just rubbish you don't need some decoder manual or a good memory to translate what's really being said here on 4050. The foreign intelligence threat faced by d.h. S. And today's global environment has also quickly evolved into one of the most significant threats to our country the leading state intelligence threats to u.s. Interests will likely continue to be China Russia Iran and North Korea based on their capabilities intent and broad operational scope local news now 1452 w y l m. While it will need to use real 1415 tell me why I'm living on the 9470. S. The dollar will be delightful and dug in on your front yard radio and on to the bike like a Lexus x. Boxes and i Heart Radio station. Till Kitty showed Oh Jack Callahan Fox News the ranking Republican on the House Intelligence Committee the vetting committee chairman Democrat Adam Schiff sit down for a closed door deposition about the interaction by shift for his staff with the whistleblower Congressman Devon is righting the ship saying given that you've written egged on your public commitment to let the committees interview the whistleblower directly you are the only of the Jewel who can provide clarity as to these conversations no response from Schiff yet Senate Republicans now get again all the Act requesting documents about Ukraine from the State Department of Homeland Security chairman Ron Johnson Senate Finance Committee Chairman John Grassley have requested the State Department provide all records relating to Hunter Biden his business partners and representatives and any potential meetings they had with to State Department in a letter to Secretary Pompei Are they right this information will help them quote.

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