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The sun shine and the barometer climbed. I am loving this today. We even saw some skin out and about today. Sidewalk cafes got crowded. People decided to get their fresh air fix. Things are about to change. You have to enjoy it while it lasts. Have stalkers stocking up before the bad weather gets here. I am Grocery Shopping today. Some people have trouble accepting the cold weather. Another icy grip is about to take hold of the region. It will be snow and cold all over again. Is takingthis winter a lot of heat for being one of the coldest in years. It is hard to believe. And then there are those were looking forward to tomorrows the snow and cold. I think it is good. We checked with were as additives of area schools and they are saying theyre keeping close tabs on this storm as it attains to snow and closings. Ont are keeping their eyes the roads. Jacqui jeras and Eileen Whelan while the latest on the snow tomorrow. Washington team will also list any School Closings and delays. Wingnut moving onto others the news. Use the van tos smash the front of a store and swipe the atm appeared Jennifer Donelan is live. Heart of in the brooklyn. This cvs literally just reopened for business moments ago. This is an icon in the neighborhood and a historic landmark. And it wasn dangles surrounded by smashed glass and twisted metal. I thought it was an accident. It was intentional. The front entrance of the of the cvs was obliterated by thieves who use the van to breakin. I was toldot home they heard a loud noise. That sound happened at 4 a. M. When the thieves broke drove the van it through the entrance. The stork landmark was now a crime scene. The criminals stole the atm inside the cvs and loaded it into the van. You may remember a similar crime last summer at gas stations in prince georges county. Can getcrazy people away with that here. Catholic University Students used to congregate around here but it recently had a fire. I can get my medicine. Customers started to show up one after another. Out and got the muchneeded medicine out. I needed my prescription. She did get that prescription filled for her husband. It was a white van and was last seen driving on south dakota avenue into maryland. We are still waiting on Surveillance Video from the police. A man is in Police Custody after an earlymorning driveby shooting. The 24yearold man is facing several charges including malicious wounding, shooting into an occupied dwelling, and shooting from a moving vehicle. He is accused of shooting four people outside the 90 degree sports bar in manassas. Investigators say he had been thrown out of the bar by security guards. It wasnt even a fight. Two men and two women were shot in all four of them were taken to the hospital. Three have been released to one woman remains in the hospital. New disturbing details as 911 calls are just released into the horror kick riffing attack on the Monterey County home where two children were killed. Please say the mother and another woman were trying to read the children of demons. We are live in germantown with what sources are telling him about the woman. Some truly bizarre story. That is the word we are hearing. This memorial is growing. One neighbor told me they are praying for the children. We are learning more and more about what went on in this house and what led up to this tragedy. The 28yearold woman and her friend are charged with murder for allegedly stabbing to death children. They also face attempted murder charges for stabbing a fiveyearold girl and eightyearold son appeared this all happened as police attempted an exorcism to rid the children of demons. It is a broken world. We learned that the women met at a Germantown Church for services. Satisfied, they left the church and started to call themselves the demon assassins. The allegedly came to believe that one of the children was possessed. Friday morning they use a knife to cut the demon out of that childs chest but them believe in the demon jumped into the next child, they repeated the cutting again and again until all four had been attacked. Of mentallong history illness including at least two hospital relations. Hospitalilizations. University of maryland anthropologist has studied and written about exorcism. Unusual, evennot in a place like montgomery county. There are ways of fixing troubled people. They may appear to outsiders like psychological disturbances. Of this is scary and sad. As we said, police have released a couple of 911 calls in this case. There were two phone calls made. The night before, a man called to say he founded child in the car and then the next morning, i woman looked out and saw something that was terrifying to her and she called police. This is what she had to say. I saw the knife with blood outside. I see the windows open so i dont know if something happened in their. I just came back quickly. Sources are telling us that lawenforcement is crediting that woman with saving the lives of the two surviving children. That is because when paramedics first got here, they found a fiveyearold girl in cardiac arrest what they were able to bring her back. As for the eightyearold boy, andce bursted into the home they encountered the woman with the eightyearold boy, he had been deeply cut and he was soaking wet. We are now told the women say he was wet because she had taken them into the shower to wash away the demon spirit or a all, bizarre story. Horrible. Barryouncilmember marion remains in the hospital. His spokesperson says he went he underwent more tests and should be released in the next day or so. He has been hospitalized for a week. The aid would not say why but we are told he is doing ok and working from his hospital bed. The nation celebrates the life and legacy of dr. Dr. Martin luther king jr. Obama, the first lady, and their daughters volunteered at d. C. Central kitchen today. They helped put together meals that will be delivered to nearby homeless shelters. The president said he came to help them celebrate its 25th anniversary. There are many other events around the area today honoring dr. King and what he meant to the Civil Rights Movement. Just steps from where he gave his i give it i have a dream many people went to the memorial. Since this place had opened it has become the goto place on this Martin Luther king day and with the weather so nice, many people are here. They are looking at the stone of hope and it is a wonderful place to be on a Martin Luther king day. The day began with three playing at the king memorial. River at the art cultural center, the grounds for youth, launched their 13th annual animal kelly day mlk day in honor of dr. King. He was a great man and he followed his dreams. We can forget about our social and economic differences and love each other for those couple of hours. Up a piecers held walk in honor of them. Many of the spectator safety come every year. One who salt dr. Kings speech in 1963. You can smoke that stuff if you want to. The world is going to go on without you. Politicians were everywhere. Gray in northwest were huge crowds jam to Coolidge High School to prepare for a day of service. They took up in buckets took up paint buckets for areas that needed help. Jr. Was very king much a man of our era. 39 years old when he was assassinated and had he lived, january 15 of this year he wouldve been 85. Thank you. The data breach involving millions of target customers may be spreading. How other stores may also be involved. This is a problem across the country. Problem some local postal workers led to the death of one of their own appeared. New troubles for Chris Christie. At that here how is it ministration is responded to allegations. The Terror Threat at the sochi olympics. New threats of an attack on the 11 games have russian officials, athletes, spectators on alert. Of these latest threats claimed that tourists will be the special target. The state department is urging all americans going to the lyrics to be on guard and that includes a student from George Washington university. The group says it is cautious and ready for emergencies including an evacuation plan if things go bad. The olympic torch arrived in russia today. Hewas here weeks ago where pair of suicide bombings killed dozens of people. Blacks if somebody is going to attack, there is nothing more people can do about it. Watchingroup are events in russia carefully. They are preparing to visit the sochi live next to study of Event Planning and sports venue management. Howery thing is run on the ground, everything is broadcast. Thisis group group is claiming responsibility for attacks in our promising a surprise package for those at the olympics. Putin and vladimir the government will be very lucky if they are able to get to the olympics without an incident. Blacks they are among 15,000 americans expected to attend the games. Not overlyey are concerned but are taking safety measures. I am going to be aware. This group is not wandering off on its own and just be smart. Students say they will be cautious no matter what. Think terrorist groups might be trying to attack other cities while the olympics are going on. The woman has been to russia and speaks the language. She went to sochi a year ago. The group feels that they are prepared as they can be. The u. S. Military has two standby ready to evacuate americans if necessary. Thank you. We are getting ready for what could be the biggest storm of the season. But weont be a blizzard havent had much snow in the past couple of years so we are enough toout shovel. Temperatures check these numbers out. We had 59 a couple of hours ago. Here we are near 60 and we are talking a snowstorm tomorrow. As we look outside, we have sunshine and now the clouds are rolling in. More clouds are rolling tonight and when you wake up tomorrow it will be cloudy. If you get up at five in the morning, you wont see any snow. It will happen that appeared. It is down to 41 and hagerstown appeared 55 degrees in fredericks bird. Temperatures were continue to fall. Into the 20s in chicago and detroit. This cold air is going to settle south. Whether it will be the same levels we had a week ago, it will be close to that because we are talking about a steady drop in temperatures all day long tomorrow. Air temperatures will be in the single numbers tomorrow with enough wind. This will be a radical change weatherwise from what we have now to what we will have tomorrow. It is due to an area of low pressure. We are not worried about rain snow tonight. It will be all snow, the only question is how much. Radar right now at showing some snow over iowa. Track to the to south and east so the front will be moving south and east the same time the low was going to develop. South ofill intensify washington and that will be enough to drive this know it. Ll the players are in place if one piece of this timing is off, it doesnt happen but everything looks to be coming together. The storm track has determined low pressure will intensify get near washington. Or snow will begin at 9 a. M. 10 a. M. And intensify throughout the day. We are looking at partly cloudy skies right now but according to this, by 6 00 a. M. , it will be cloudy but no snow. The snow will move in, and nine at 9 00, 10 00. My 7 p. M. Tomorrow, the heaviest snow will be eased in south of washington and by late tomorrow night, the snow will be out of here but it will be utterly cold. We are calling for four to seven inches pretty much across the area. It is a physically different type of snow. The pattern is also different. There is a chance there will be more a lesser chance there will be less. We are in pretty good shape here. Our interactive computer model gives you an idea of how much. We get five or six inches in places off to the west. Martinsburg will get about eight inches or so. A good 5, 6, 7. It is going to be the largest know we have had in quite a while. Developingis snow around 7 a. M. Tomorrow. Steady, falling temperatures throughout the day. Only in the teens and wednesday and windy. 20s on thursday. Friday we will struggle out of the lower 20s and then it will turn milder on saturday with flurries. Another arctic air mass will come in on sunday and monday and most of next week. It is winter. It is jarring giving what we have today. We are tough. Brought 12n who years a slave to life on the big screen. We talked it talk to him about his awardwinning year. Another Chris Christie critic coming forward and she claimed threats and intimidation more trouble for new jerseys governor. That involves allegations he kept aides from Hurricane Sandy until the citys mayor agreed to a political mayor appeared we have the latest developments in including how he is not responding. It may be a government holiday but political fighting is not taking the day off. This new is controversy with possible major ramifications. The latest Chris Christie detracted. The mayor says she turned over documenting alleged threats that if she didnt support projects, they would miss out on Superstorm Sandy relief funds. The suggested that everyone would hold back sandy relief funds is completely false. The Lieutenant Governor wondered aloud why she why should decided to go now to go public. While she called the denial sad she had been with him on friday night. Of apublicans call it part witchhunt an effort to discount a possible white house contender. The news media is willing to leap at any farfetched story with the bases in fact unbelievable. They already looking into his office and critics are piling on. Here is a never aired ad from his opponent last fall. The possible thing that could beginning momentum. Some said his bully cannot be beaten. I say that is up to you. Game ands their legitimate criticism that will be backed up or just a hearty dose of partisan politics . We will wait and see. Up, a new unique way amazon made want to cut down on the delivery time. Carriers are gathering tonight at the mlk memorial. I will tell you why will we return. When are keeping an eye the snow will arrive and how you are watching abc seven news at 5 00. Back to our top story tonight. The snow and the bitterly cold temperatures headed our way. Doug hill is taking a look at it all from the weather center. It is very pleasant outside right now but wait, there is more coming. We have a winter storm warning in effect for the entire him entire area. The storm system is developing early tomorrow morning bringing snow to the area. That snow will likely to produce a four to seven inches of snow with a chance of love little more of a little more. As far as what is going to happen, we expect the morning commute to be drive. The commute we beat the will be slow. Ute temperatures will drop all day and the winds will pick up. 25 to 30 could gust miles per hour. By tomorrow night, the windchill will feel like five degrees below zero. We are not going to go above freezing until sometime saturday afternoon. We have a lot more coming up in a couple of minutes. Preparations for the Winter Weather is one of our top story tonight. Treatrews are ready to the roads from the district to maryland and virginia. So far no area schools have announced their plans at all for tomorrow but as soon as we hear anything, we will let you know. D. C. Police are investigating a brazen robbery after a van crashed into a cvs store. Inhappened this morning northeast washington. Thieves drove into the stores front glass doors and then grabbed an atm. Call isly released 911 shedding light on what witnesses saw before and after a horrific attack. Two children were killed, two others were hurt. And another woman were trying to rid another their babies of the mens with a nexus of. Postal workers are protesting making deliveries after dark. The protest stems from the murder of an air of a mail carrier. He was killed while delivering mail last november. Suzanne kennedy is live with what the postal workers want to see changed. Carriers are gathering tonight here at the mlk memorial. They say after dark deliveries unheardolutely were of 20 years ago and now it has become a dangerous everyday occurrence. He was delivering mail in the dark. His mother and aunts say he should never have been working out after sundown. I think maybe they are undercover in dark so they wouldnt be in danger. I think he would still be here. Workers will rally tonight for an end to after dark deliveries. They say more carriers are needed and he should be able to start the deliveries earlier working only eight hour shifts. This woman is a grandmother who found herself later. Back. M always watching my i am always looking and trying to see always watching my surroundings. This carrier says this is a nationwide problem brought to light by last novembers murder. Possibility of dogs, accidents. Things increase. No carrier should beut there past 5 00. Some will carry flashlights as they say they are forced to do on the job. Adjustments will have from here to postal camcorders headquarters. Prince georges county police say speed appears to be a factor in a deadly crash earlier this morning near indianhead highway. An suv loss control, plunged over a bridge, and landed on its roof. The driver and a passenger died at the scene. A third passenger was taken to the hospital. All the lanes have reopened. People took time out to honor dr. Martin luther kings legacy and the people who carry it on. It is the 20th annual Martin Luther king tribute held today at the strathmore. It was an afternoon of music and performances by local people. Leon harris was there today. Thank you. Time for our check on the traffic situation tonight. We have not seen much in the way of delays out there. Westbound, theix only reason for any slow traffic was a longstanding trash crash on nutley street. It is a pretty good drive out towards centreville. Traffic on 395 and i95 running without delay on the virginia side. Northbound traffic is heavier on 95 southbound and traffic on the beltway on the outer loop is a bit heavy. We can take a look at that as we take a look at the beltway. A little bit of volume coming south from 270. The inner loop doesnt look that bad. Outer loop beltway and the express lanes there was a there was a crash before 66 and i95 headed south, running pretty well in both directions. Up, an update after a viewer got a parking ticket in error. What you need to know so you dont end up in the same situation. Screenwriter oscar nominee for 12 years a slave. I am arch campbell with entertainment. Coming up. Collects ivonne the ape outbreak in ukraine as the one of the most talked about films was adapted from an unusual book. Arch campbell talk to the screenwriter of 12 years a slave and he is here now. Turned a 19thcentury memoir into this years oscar favorite. Meet the stream writer of 12 years a slave. I always enjoyed telling stories. His script connects the 21st century to the long forgotten man and a free black talented violinist who left his home for an engagement in washington dc where the people who hired him, drug him and sold into slavery. His family gain his freedom after years of searching. Of this is a true story of a mans life and we have not published it. This was a bestseller. A cause of the time. Over the course of the years, it did fall away from the american consciousness. He credits brad pitt for using his clout to get the story made. Many think of them of an International Superstar but he is a person who cares about film, storytelling. He is gorgeous and in putting the story out. They tell me you have to have something to say. Pardon me, i dont want to get ahead of myself, and part of me whatever happens, i want to be in the moment. Ride a long one the Weekend Box Office the lone survivor continues a strong showing. For a hall ofown fame and the honored a dear friend, maureen. You may this interview possible for me so thank you for that. He was quite an impressive man. I hope to see his name in the Academy Awards program. I will bet on it. Thanks. Thatsg your package but before you order it, it could be the huge or for one major retailer. Why the popular band could have turned to a 7 on your side consumer alert tonight. Merely 2 Million Pounds of crap to theyll be that shes of kraft velveeta cheese. So far, no reports of anyone getting sick. The Company Discovered the problem during a routine quality check. Breach at security target and Neiman Marcus stores could be spreading. Group, theo a watch Malicious Software has been traced to a teenager in russia. He reportedly shared the software with other hackers and that lead to breaches of that affected millions of americans. At least six other youth retailers were hit. We turned into a warning about a popular exercise tracker called fitbit. Its users are coming down with skin rashes. They are made with a surgical grade stainless steel, a type of metal that contains nickel. Nicholas found in everyday thects like earrings but population is allergic to it. It is the shape of the thing that is coming in contact with it. You treated with topical steroid products. They tell us they are seeking ways to modify the product so that anyone could wear it comfortably. They advise users to stop using the device. The company is offering customers for refunds or exchanges. Collects amazon has a new idea to have shorter delivery times for its customers. The online retailer has a patent for what it is calling participatory shopping. It which of a product before a customer actually buys it. The shipment would be based on customers previous orders, online searches, which lists, and shopping cart contents. Amazon would move a package to a closer shipment hub. A dash cam video of a Texas Police Officer acts of kindness is gaining attention across social media. Was onice sergeant patrol saturday afternoon while driving to the apartment complex parking lot, he saw a boy tossing a football. He stopped and took time to play with the kid. Kickingu see that kid the can, they want us to go out there at and replace the can with a ball. Hopefully we made an impact on these kids futures. He says it is part of the to make theefforts police neighbors. What we are learning from justreleased 911 calls and the tragic murders of two children in gaithersburg. Voters are tasked with deciding the bounds of power in Virginia State senate if the weather does not come in the way. More on that and how Emergency Responders are are preparing for the snow coming up. Weather getting in the way there was a good chance for that. It will be a problem at all in the morning. It wont be a problem that on the morning. We dont expect you to see anything tomorrow. It will be breezy and chilly in the morning but through the day it will change quickly. Winter storm warnings up until 11 p. M. Tomorrow. That is the story and we have been near 60 degrees today. By time thiswas off the time the snow tapered off, seven inches is a good bet across the entire area. There is a slight chance they could be more but right now we are not expecting too much of a chance of much less than that. A possible are possible snowfall look at the numbers. 7. 2 in southern maryland. Close of the masondixon line. This does not have the potential to have an east coast blizzard. Movement, andt the snow will be limited. It will be four inches to seven inches. We will get all in temperatures, gusty winds. It will begin around 10 a. M. The winds are going to blow look at these temperatures. By late tomorrow night when the snow comes to an end, air characters will be in the single numbers. Wind chills will be below zero. I dont think we will go above freezing until sometime on saturday afternoon. More coming up at the top the hour. And you can stay connected with us and get weather updates anytime of the day with our app. The bachelor is on tonight. Juan pablo takes one of the en on a water avenger. Adventure. It is followed by counsel and then abc 7 news at 11 00. Welcome back. Congratulations to you. What a great weekend you had. The wizards are playing with a lot more confidence and they share the ball and are rebounding and are playing better defense. If they continue to do that, i promise they will be a playoff team. Washington broke it open with a 164 run at the end of the period. Bradley beal had a solid game. They win it 10799 and move back to. 500. In all aroundated the league. Bradley beal wore the purple nikes. Collects guys in the uniforms. Are going to the same place in our fans. For him to be able to speak because of speak, him i am able to play the game of basketball. We have progressed and now we have a africanamerican president in barack obama. The things he has done for the Civil Rights Movement is tremendous. The super bowl is set and it could be a great matchup because it features Peyton Manning and did he have a great afternoon yesterday. He had two touchdowns and no picks setting up the leagues number one offense against one of the best defenses in this league. Anytime you have a top offense and a top offense and the top defense, something has to give. The broncos are the early favorites but the odds are going backandforth. The Seattle Seahawks say they are going there to win. There was a lot of trash talk. We will talk about that at 6 00 with richard sherman. The conclusion to a 7 on your side story we have been working on for months. How a woman finally got her we have an update to a story we been following for months. Actionsowed you the taken by the district of columbias dmv security to keep us from asking questions. Of the city is offering an expedition for that incident. The woman who had been waiting six months to get her money back finally has reason to celebrate. Excuse me. Why are we allowed in your building . Attempted to get answers about a six month overdue refund for a parking ticket. A spokesperson says the guards were supposed to allow was inside that that is not what they told us. They say we cant go in. Is that the director of the dmv . He specifically told you we cant be in here . The mayor Spokesman Says it was a mystification with security, you should have been allowed in the building. It is something that i will rsonally ring up with all agencies. July, she asked us for help after she unsuccessfully challenged a ticket for expired meter. She can prove that she paid for it but in trying to follow the that the directions in this she paid the ticket plus a 10 appeal fee. Want to pay the ticket, the examiner is over. Please dont do that. A while they are still researching what caused the delay, to finally got her longawaited 35 check. Check, i willthe be happy and i will feel there has been some justice done. The dmv has not offered her an apology for the longdelayed refund. Thank you. If you have a problem, just send getmail to us and we will the team on the case. That is it for us on abc 7 news at 5 00. Abc 7 news at 6 00 begins on stormwatch. 6 00 onis abc 7 news at your side. Preparing for what could be the biggest winter storm in years. Crews are getting thousands of plows and salt trucks ready. The snow is just part of the problem we may face. We are also about to see some bitter cold temperatures. Doug hill begins our Team Coverage tonight. Arrive the air will same time a snowstorm passes by. The combination is going to give us the kind of storm we have not seen in a couple of years dry snow. The temperatures are comfortable 48 degrees outside. This is the winter storm warning for the entire region tomorrow. Numbers now are pretty comfortable. We were near 60 early afternoon and now we are dropping into the 40s and lower 50s. That drop will continue. The arctic front continues to sing south and temperatures will slowly drop all night long. Morning, a little area of snow that is spreading across iowa will travel along this court this cold front. The mechanism for snow and will start around 10 a. M. Tomorrow from west to east across the area. The skillful rate will increase and with the air so cold, it will pile up. Temperatures into the teens are lower than that of by late tomorrow night. The heaviest snow by noon and 7 p. M. Tomorrow. Amount, right now we think the best guess for the entire area is four inches to seven inches. There could be a little bit less. We dont get this kind of snowflake very often here. We dont get this commendation too often

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