Carter abc7 news. Leon thanks. While we wait for word on the victims, some that knew the savopoulos family started grieving. Today, Memorial Services held at the National Cathedral where the youngest child went to school. We have more from Stephen Tschida on the presumed victims. Stephen its still a very active scene here outside the house. We have a. T. F. Here. Investigators have been going in and out of the house. A few moments ago we saw them bring out bags of evidence. Now we also have a better look at the house. The burned out shell of what was a home for a family. Tonight we are learning more about the people who call the house home. The ceo of american ironworks, the leading manufacturer of Metal Building materials Savvas Savopoulos and his wife amy lived in the multimillion dollar home in the stately neighborhood. Family and friends attended a Prayer Service. A few blocks away and steps from the burned out house, gutierrez tried to make sense of what happened. I cant believe it. Stephen gutierrez worked for the family for 20 years. Making sure you did not come today. Stephen yesterday a cryptic text told her to stay home. Nothing that happened before. She tried calling the lady and they didnt answer the phone. She tried to call the other housekeeper and she didnt answer the phone either. Stephen gutierrez believes the other housekeepers among the dead. They say she planned to leave her job soon with the savopoulos family. She retired to spend time with her family. Stephen tonight, gutierrezs are still in shock. I cant believe theyre gone. She was so good. A very nice family. She was so nice. The little boy. I dont understand what happened. Stephen the little boy is the youngest son. He did not attend school yesterday. They had the Prayer Service today. The gutierrez and a lot of people in this neighborhood now anxiously awaiting information from m. P. D. Reporting live, Stephen Tschida, abc7 news. Leon thank you. Following breaking news out of boston where a jury sentenced Dzhokhar Tsarnaev to death in the last hour and a half. He was convicted of killing three people and injuring hundreds of other in the Boston Marathon bombings and he was convicted of killing m. I. T. Police officer. Observers in the courtroom say he showed no emotion when the verdict was read. Alison back at home member of the d. C. Fire department paused to remember one of their own. Lieutenant kevin mcrae collapsed after fighting a fire in an Apartment Building last week. Our d. C. Bureau chief was at his funeral and is live from engine six where lieutenant mcrae was stationed. Sam the procession came by on new jersey avenue in front of engine six as they remember a good family man friend and firefighter. Some 3000 people came to say goodbye to lieutenant kevin mcrae. Most of them were fellow firefighters dressed in blue. For members of the mccrae family wife two daughters three sons, it was rough. Mayor Muriel Bowser called him a hero. Relating now 911 dispatched another Engine Company to that highrise fire on may 6. But lieutenant mcrae radioed back to say that they were close. Send me. Residents credit him with saving their lives. [applause] sam it was a spirited service. He was remembered as one who loved firefighting and joined the Cadet Program at the student at high school and stayed with firefighter until he collapsed on the job after the fire. 25 years later. To my brother rest easy. Well take it from here. You will not be forgotten. Sam outside the armory a search where the flagdraped coffin was taken out and placed on the engine he commanded staffed by hi crew. They left the armory and procession that eventually made its way by the engine six firehouse where he serve and the colleagues stood in his honor. The procession led to Fort Lincoln Cemetery which is just across the line in maryland. He is being buried there. Kevin mcrae was the 100th d. C. Firefighter to die in the line of duty. His cousin james mcrae was the 99th. A lot for one family. Reporting live from northeast washington, sam ford, abc7 news. Leon thank you sam. President obama joined hundreds gathered to pay tribute to Police Officers killed or injured in the line of duty. [bagpipes] the National Fraternal order of police hosted the National Peace officers Memorial Service on the west lawn of the capital. The president called on americans to honor Law Enforcement heroes for what they do on a daily basis. We hold them up as heroes because that is what they are. It takes a special kind of courage to be a peace officer. To be the one people turn toheir most desperate moments. To be willing to run into a dangerous situation when even else is running the other way. Leon around the capitol flags are flying at half staff in observance of the memorial today. The search comes at the end of the National Police week. Alison switching over to weather now, a gorgeous day out there today. But there are changes in time for the weekend. Chief meteorologist doug hill in the Weather Center with the forecast. Doug we have been sunny outside most of the afternoon. We have cloudy skies now. Look at the current temperatures around the metro area. 76 at reagan national. 74 in baltimore and andrews. 77 in menino. 79 with more sunshine in frederick, maryland. As far as the radar, we continue to monitor shower and thunder that moves across pennsylvania. It wont affect our effort. Showers to the south of roanoke. You see radar west of town. For this evening, partly cloudy for most area. Steady drop in temperatures. It will stay mild. 68 to 65 by morning. Warm and humid over the weekend. Shower and thunderstorm chances. I will lay out the timing in a couple of minutes. Leon all right doug. Alison we have breaking news. The d. C. Superior court. Less than an hour ago we learned the fate of a local rabbi who secretly recorded naked women in a ritual bath. Barry freundel has been sentenced to 6. 5 years in prison. The judge sentenced him to 457 days for each of the 52 counts of voyeurism. He was the rabbi for 25 years and he is a former teacher in georgetown at Towson University and the university of maryland. Police on the campus of George Mason University say a student may have been drugged before she was rained raped in her dorm room over the weekend. Jeff goldberg has more on this developing story. Jeff it is graduation weekend here. Students and families enjoying smiling throughout the wonderful time. At the same time the Investigation Continues into the awful incident. Back to you in the studio. Leon thank you. We want to get back to the press conference now. Mayor Muriel Bowser talking now about the death of the four people in the house in d. C. Listen. Mayor bowser our Fire Department and the Police Department responded to the 27900 block of Woodland Drive in northwest washington, d. C. Yesterday. 3200 block. About 1 30 p. M. There we told you we discovered three of our residents who were deceased. Three adults. One child. Today the chief able to provide you with all the information we have about the identities of the persons who were deceased. Give you any update that we have available at this point about the homicide investigation. Chief . Chief thank you. To try and give you a summary of what we knew from yesterday and update you on what we know today, start off by saying that evidence collection is going to go on for several days. There is a lot more that we dont know. We are continuing to learn as we continue to investigate. We do know at this point that the fire appears to be intentionally set. An intentionally set arson. Autopsy are conducted but we confirmed the identity of two of the individuals. Those are the the identification of 46yearold Savvas Savopoulos. The adult male. 47yearold amy savopoulos. Female. His wife. We believe the other two victims, not concerned yet but believe they are 57yearold figueroa housekeeper. The couples son 10yearold phillip savopoulos. We anticipate that the evidence collection will take several days. We have Additional Information as it goes on. We have expanded the timeline and our request for information from the public. First, i want to say thank you to everybody who has provided information. Steady stream of information. We have some information we thought would be useful. We appreciate that. It has been helpful. We are asking again for anybody who may have information about that 2008 the blue 2008 porsche. D. K. Tag 248. I was recovered yesterday evening. On annapolis road in Prince Georges County maryland and set afire. We are asking anyone who may have seen the car between wednesday the 13th. And thursday around 5 00 p. M. Anybody who has seen that blue porsche between the times were asking coplease call with us the information you may have. Or where you saw the vehicle or any other information that you have. We are asking anyone who may have information or see anyone suspicious in and around the home of the 3200 block of woodland road between wednesday 13 and thursday 14th around 5 00 p. M. Give us a call at 2027279099. We have anonymous text tip line. 50411. Or any means that you feel comfortable reaching out. People have email and reached out in a variety of ways. I want to remind folks that we do for this case like every homicide case we have a 25,000 reward. For any information that leads to arrest and conviction of homicide in the district. So again we appreciate all of the information that we have gotten. The only other information we have that is new since we have started now going through the autopsies of the individuals recovered. We can say that there were at least on three of the four victims, there were injuries discovered. It appears to be blunt force or sharp object injuries to three of the four victims. Additional injuries were discovered through the autopsy process. With that, i will take what limited questions i can and see if i can answer them. [inaudible question] 7 chief its still early on. There are a lot of things to do. Other than the entry made by the Fire Department we have not discovered obvious signs of forced entry. We are continuing to collect information. Obviously there is not many places or any area that you can go anywhere that are not videoed so we have a lot of video to review. There is nothing to suggest a random or forced entry in the home. But we want time to sort through the evidence. Do you think all four are homicide victims . Chief at this point we do. Yes. The housekeeper got a text thursday morning saying dont come to work. Were all sick. Do you believe at this point it was a text sent under duress . Chief as always, there is going to be a lot of information that comes from a lot of places that i cant comment on. Im aware of the information you are talking about but im not going to comment on anything speck lative or evidence in the case. I cant respond to that. The thing about the porsche, can you confirm who owns the porsche . Do you believe whoever committed the crime left in that car . Set it on fire and remains at large . Chief obviously the car is registered to the family in the home. We dont know who had the car but the conditions where it was found set afire shortly after they were discovered we certainly want to know if anybody saw the car and who was in the car. Is there video in that area . Leon i cant comment on anything evidence related. Is there a sharp about with the bodies. Was that the adult victims . Chief i would rather not out of sensitive toy the victims. I will just say that the autopsy have not been fully completed. Were they tied up . Chief i dont know the answer to that. The question is the house ransacked . The condition after the Fire Department goes in and put out a fire its difficult to make the determination. The other question asked about videos, if its evidence related. I cant answer the question. Is there anything you can say about why you are asking about information with wednesday . The car and the house . Chief we are trying to expand our timeline. Yesterday we asked if anyone had seen the car in a six or sevenhour window of time. We want to start with wednesday and ask for anybody that has information in the time frame. Do you know of anyone who saw the family thursday morning . Chief i wont comment on that at this point. If its evidence related im not going to comment on that. Thank you very much. Leon police chief confirms as we follow the story on the arson case on Woodland Drive near embassy road. Three people there were found dead inside as a result of blunt force injuries. One of the person there we now have a confirmation that the savopoulos family. Savvas savopoulos amy and the son phillip were the victims and also the housekeeper. Alison still making a plea to the public for help regarding a 2008 blue porsche with a d. C. Tag. D. K. 2418. Recovered in Prince Georges County. It was set on fire. Police chief there asking anyone who may have seen that vehicle between wednesday and thursday. To let them know immediately. We will continue to follow this story out of northwest d. C. Throughout the evening. Meanwhile, lets go back to the story with Jeff Goldberg at the campus of George Mason University. They say a student may have been drugged, before she was raped in her dorm room. Jeff has more on that now. Jeff with the joy of graduation in the air George Mason University must also cope with the pain of a Sexual Assault on campus. I was shocked. I couldnt believe it happened here. Reporter tara is a graduating senior and reacted immediately to the news. My roommates and i decided we wouldnt walk around by ourselves. Jeff hours after the incident the university sent an email alert to students reporting a female student had been raped in a dorm by two male students known to her and that the victim may have unknowingly ingested an unidentified drug prior to the incident. All of your neighbors your r. A. s, anybody who is in charge of any of the housing on campus needs to be aware this is a reality. According to search warrants the two male subjects 18 and 19 one a member of the track team had been partying with the victim prior to the amounted assault. Multiple witnesses report seeing the victim in great distress on two occasions. Running through the residents hall screaming for help. Begging for help. One witness tried intervening when the male suspect grabbed the victim by the arm and pulled the victim back in the room. Having anything happen like that on a campus is horrible. Jeff four hours after the incident one of the male suspect texted the female victim saying you are going lie. You are going to ruin my life. Investigators have collected the cell phones and the swab d. N. A. From both of the male subjects. Who we are told are cooperating with investigation. Live at George Mason University in fairfax, Jeff Goldberg, abc7 news. Leon thanks jeff. A judge rejected the request to delay mathews attempted murder trial in fairfax county. Mathews was scheduled to go on trial june 8 when the charges he attacked a woman in 2005. The defense says they needed more time to investigate the 40 possible suspects in police file. Judge disagreed. Mathew was accused in the death of hannah graham. Alison still to come here on abc7 news at 5 00 the murder haunting woodbridge. 7 on your side trying to find the killers among us. Just 90 days away from their wedding and a d. C. Couple is bumped from the ballroom from the redskins. 7 on your side trying leon tonight the crews are working to repair the track after the deadly derailment in philadelphia this week. Today, dell ra Airlines Announced it would honor amtrak ticket on the flight between d. C. , new york and boston. Suzanne kennedy in the newsroom with the latest on the investigation. Suzanne . Suzanne the ntsb is wrapping up third day in the investigation of the fatal train derailment. The focal point whether the engineer manually increased the speed of the train to top 100 Miles Per Hour. Overnight, the final wheel car was removed. From the air you can see the track repairs underway in north philadelphia. The engineer Brandon Bostian who survivorred a concussion in the accident now says he will talk to ntsb investigators. Although the timing of the interview is still unknown. The 32yearold friends are coming to his defense saying he is a careful person with a love for trains. I dont think this is his fault. I dont believe its his fault. Brandon is not the kind of guy, even if he was going through a hard time he wouldnt do this. Suzanne in new york the first funeral for one of the victims. Naval Academy Midshipman Justin Zemser remembered as a rising heart. If he could have saved everyone on the train he would have. Suzanne video shows the train accelerated by 30 Miles Per Hour for a minute before derailing. Investigators say so far no problems have been found but the track signal were locomotive. The derailment crippled service in the northeast corridor. If the repairs go as scheduled, limited service will be restored monday. Full service tuesday. Live in the newsroom, suzanne kennedy, abc7 news. Leon thank you. Alison all right. Doug is here so talk about the weather. Perfect day today. We have a weekend coming up. Doug sometimes that works in our favor and sometimes not. It will be warm and humid. Then there is a chance of showers and the thunderstorms. Tell you the story on friday afternoon. Its gorgeous. Get a live look from the many weather bug cam this is staring straight at the Woodrow Wilson bridge on friday afternoon rush. You know traffic going from left to right. Going to maryland. Right to left is going to virginia. That is all i know about traffic. Except i guarantee you when i leave here i will get stuck in it. That is a guarantee. 76 degrees at reagan national. Southerly winds at 10 Miles Per Hour. Mid70s across most the area. 80 in fredericksburg. There is warmer air south and west. The way the weather pattern is setting up with the High Pressure offshore winds turn now to south and southwest. That will draw the warmer and the more humid air overhead as we go through saturday sunday, monday. With that, the stability or the energy and the air will increase. Its not a washout of a weekend. But a weekend you have to keep your eye on the sky. If you have lawn mowing to do the Morning Hours are your best bet. Rain across pennsylvania, rain south and west of the metro area. Popup showers locally we have been tracking the doppler radar. The closer to it is harrisonburg and that will stay in the foothill and the mountain. Across the board, partly cloudy and mild. 58 to 65 by morning. Cold front will linger and lurk north. The warm air surges in from the south and southwest. The proximity to the front will set the stage to the showers and the thunderstorms at times. As we head through the weekend. By the time monday rolls around. The chances of the showers and storms will increase more. Check it out for the next seven days for you. 86 or so straight through saturday monday, and warm and muggy. 40 chance of showers and storms tomorrow and monday. 60 monday. Lingering 40 tuesday morning. The front comes through and we turn cooler and clearer and less humid more enjoyable and pleasant. See if we get in luck next weekend. Alison thank you. The message from australias government was clear. His dogs go back to california or we will have to euthanize them. Alison still ahead, how johnny depp is reacting to the threat against his dogs. Leon okay. Later, in it to win it. What the wizards need to do tonight to make it happen and stay alive in the playoffs. Alison first look at what is coming up tonight on abc. There are a lot of channels on your tv but only so many you want to watch what if you could pay for the types of channels you want and not the ones you dont w, fios brings you a totally new way to customize your tv, at a price thats totally affordable. Starting at 74. 99 per month. Get custom tv, including internet and phone. Price guaranteed for two years. Plus, get a 300 visa prepaid card with your 2 year agrment. Go to getfios. Com today. Cable just gives you channels. Fios gives you choice. Call the Verizon Center for customers with disabilities at 800. 974. 6006 tty v alison 7 on your side tonight for a d. C. Couple 9 o days away now from the wedding of their dreams. Well this week, their hotel bumped them to make way for the redskins. Leon what else . They turned to 7 on your side consumer investigator kimberly suiters for help. What happened . Kimberly the couple put down 11,000 of the government paychecks to reserve the omni richmond for august 15 wedding reception. 7 on your side found out the catering manager who signed the contract with them no longer works for the hotel and the ballroom is booked. Happy wife, happy life. Kimberly 29yearold christopher 27yearold fiancee cecilia is decidedly unhappy. 90 days before their wedding the omni hotel informed them, they had been bumped from the ballroom. They said they had to make a business decision. I dont work for them. I work for my fiancee. The new offer is move them to the jefferson hotel. They would like the omni to cover the cost of the inconvenience. Hi, is this the omni . 7 on your side called the general manager and emailed hotel staff. A contract signed in october stipulates any changes have to be approved by both parties. We are being treated like we are no one because we are not the billion dollar company. Kimberly which brings us to the redskins. Their spokeman immediately called back 7 on your side. You didnt know this couple had been bumped from the ballroom . Redskins spokesman was surprised because of the team richmondbased Training Camp it has an eightyear deal with the hotel. The preseason schedule was released in april and it starts a week later this year. The hotel must have guessed wrong and double booked. But charity is not done trying to make his future wife wedding dreams come true. There is nothing i wont do to see her happy. Late this afternoon, the Romney Richmond general manager emailed 7 on your side and said when the redskins contract was enforced by the team we reached out to chris and cecilia and offered to help pay for part of the reception at the jefferson. For the redskins they do apologize to the couple. They offered two sideline passes to any game they choose. Temperature will take them up on a certain game this december. Against the cowboys. Back to you. Alison let us know how we can help you or send us your story ideas. Leon tonight a 7 on your side exclusive. In murder case that haunts the city of wood bridge. Two employees gunned down inside small Family Grocery store. A young mother dies and the other survived and now she is sharing her story on tv for the first time. Fighting back against the Crime Reporter Jennifer Donelan shows us the police are putting the case on display to catch killers among us. On route 1 thousands of cars passed the billboard featuring the larger than life picture of marisol. This womans coworker and friend is speaking for the first time. Since three masked men walked in the Grocery Store in february of last year. The men opened fire. She was shot in the head. And killed. I saw marisol next to me. She wasnt responding. She was also shot in the stomach. Critically wounded from the store, she called her two children on the cell phone believing she was going to die. While in the hospital she didnt know coco romero didnt survived. Every day i asked about her. Nobody wanted to tell me. Her father the pain is as fresh as it was that day. I want to die but i cant. Because i still have a daughter. Coco had a daughter and she is now 2 years old. Dont believe its acceptable that we allow a child to grow up without a mother. Prince William County detectives are bent upon solving the case and even bringing in the f. B. I. This is not a cold case. The billboard in the community where many are afraid to talk to Law Enforcement is another hard try. We are all scared. They can do it to other people. To loosen lips, ease fears and to catch the killers among us if but for a daughter. The love of a mother is very different. We all love her. She knows it. Now with the f. B. I. Assistance the reward has risen to 21,000. Im live in d. C. Because folks here will begin to see marisols picture across bus stops across the city. If you have information, call crime solvers. Im Jennifer Donelan live in northwest. Back to you. Alison thank you. Still to come on abc7 news at 5 00 flying high. We will introduce you to the first female pilot with the blue angels. Leon check of the traffic situation. Robert altman is watching it for us. Robert thursday has been bad. Friday early is bad and then we break it up. Take a live look now heading to the area roadway. Out to 50. Slow from maryland to virginia. Dont get me wrong. We have breaks in there. Heading to connecticut avenue you can see the traffic continuing all the way through Prince Georges County. Earlier delays on the outer loop beltway from springfield and 95 over the wilson bridge still there. Slowing beyond route 5 to 95 in college park. Southbound 795 most of the way but with some breaks. Out toward the area of 123. Plenty of stopandgo. Eastbound route 50 through annapolis. We were slow before the seven river bridge as a seven mile backup. From 97. Once you get to the bay bridge it looks okay with no major problems. Also along the outbound side of 66 stop and go continues. Beltway to 123 in centreville. Thats the latest from the traffic center. Back to you. Leon robert, thank you. The first female pilot of the Navy Blue Angels will be part of the team performing at annapolis. Bleep captain Katie Higgins of maryland is a graduate of thenail academy and georgetown Naval Academy and georgetown. She has thrown 400 combat hours around the world and is tonights working woman. Flying is in her d. N. A. Katies father and her grandfathers were military pilots and she, too was drawn to public service. The military was the highest calling for me. The loudest calling i would say. She flies c130. She was attracted when the piloting combat missions to afghanistan and humanitarian missions in africa. I have been in love since i started flying it. I will fly it for the rest of my career. Alison higgins is most comfortable and herself in the cockpit. Even when feeling weightless. The zero g you get a weightless feeling and you are floating around in your feet. The 2 gs feel twice your body weight. Alison she rejects the notion she was chosen for the elite group because she is a woman. I flighted planes as good as my male counterparts and i have a great time doing it. My flying speaks for itself. Alison flying in front of the hometown crowd . Its beyond words. To perform for my midshipman and my parents and family that will be there. Its surreal. Alison if you are interested the blue angel demonstration is wednesday, may 20. It is open to the public. Leon that look like fun actually. I envy her. Thank you. Got a chance to keep the postseason dreams alive tonight. That is right. We are live at the phone booth where the wizards have showed up but can they show up. Preview to game six coming up later in sports. Leon but first, president of college says he will not attend commitment tomorrow. Find out why next. 7 alison breaking news out of philadelphia where the National Transportation safety board is holding a briefing on the deadly amtrak derailment. Investigators say they have talked with the engineer of train 188. And that he is being cooperative. However, Brandon Bostian says he cannot remember what happened in that crash. We will get you more information from the press conference as soon as it comes to abc7 newsroom. Leon new information on the sweetbrier college. The president announced he will skill tomorrows commencement and says he reluctantly made the decision after being told of threats to disrupt the events if he came. Graduates of the small school say they are not told the truth about plans to close down the school. We have more on the movement to keep the school open Movement Getting bigger by a the day. Sweetbrier college is much thar than just a school. It was and is still a place that is home to me. I cant imagine a World Without it. But that is the reality. The graduates are facing following the february vote by the sweetbrier board to close the 1714yearold women liberal art college in amherst, virginia later this summer. Just devastated. The decision came as a total shock to students, staff and alumni who Say School Officials gave no indication of trouble prior to the vote. They are working with other alumni in an attempt to prove the decision to close was intentional. We werent informed and we just kept giving our donations thinking everything was fine. A major source of frustration among former students they were never asked to help contribute financially to the struggling school. If the call had been put out they would have answered it. We have told the truth. We have given as much information as we can. Sweetbrier spoke perp Christie Jackson said the decision was not planned before the vote and wa financial. Enrollment is down Financial Aid is up. Debt and maintenance need exceed endowment by 30 million. But students wonder why they have been out directors for two years and other Unanswered Questions that led to rumors like the board wants to sell the land. Untrue. Or a plan to move with Holland University in roanoke is close to a done deal. I can not comment on any potential merger or a collaboration with a college university. Were found by nondisclosure agreement. Alumni group called saving sweetbrier received 12 million in prej donations to stop the close sure. Three separate lawsuits filed as part of the efforts. Would be of which is under review by the virginia supreme court. I believe we will save it. They say while the boards vote may be done the real work is just beginning. Jeff goldberg, abc7 news. Alison all right. Jeff thank you for that. We go to a bit of an update for you on something we told you about yesterday. Johnny depps dog drama. The actors two Yorkshire Terrier crystal and boo are back in the u. S. Depp is accused of illegally smuggling the dogs in the country on his private jet. Australias agriculture minister threatened to have the dogs put down if depp didnt send them back. They boarded a flight to california today hours before the deadline. Leon so the two little renegades are back home now . How long before they get their own reality show. Alison exactly. Leon Animal Planet maybe. Alison youd watch. Leon i would. Right now i want to see what is happening outdoors for weekend coming up. See what we launch outside. Doug bright and sunny outside. We watch the thunderstorms increase. Look at the temperatures. Showers continue all afternoon. They are moving east. We are tracking those. We have High Pressure off the coves. It will bump warm and humid air. We will have the chances of showers and the thunderstorms tomorrow afternoon and sunday afternoon. Warm and humid. Its mild with partly cloudy skies. Tuesday a cold front will come through with showers and we will clear it up for the middle and end of next week. That is latest. Leon hawks right now have the hopes of everybody in the region on their shoulders. What happens tonight im not sure. Leon not the hawks. Wizards. Im a playbyplay not a prognosticator. Its harder predicting the outcome of games. I can tell you this, the wizards head to game six tonight against the hawks with a whole lot of confidence a brand new resolve. They understand game five got away from them. Wizards whatted a ninepoint lead. Pierce hit a three ball with eight seconds left. Place was going crazy. Wizards led by one but they let it slip away. Al heroford come in with the game winner. John wall says they have been in this situation before and they are a better prepared team now. Last year we didnt have the presence to know how to close out games. This is a great team. We felt like we let them off the hook. We can only take it one game a time. Bring in robert burton. Wizards have to learn to close the deal. He says he thinks they have learned it but they are running out of chances. Robert you are rightm game six win or go home. The players are getting the shots up. Gooden on the wing working on his 17footer. The guy you dont see, paul pierce will be the xfactor tonight. According to the espns chris broussard. We spoke with him earlier today. You need the truth. Paul pierce has been a great surprise in the playoffs. His minutes have been up. He is playing not like he was in his prime but he is playing very well. He gives them swagger and gives them confidence. Moxie in the series. The wizards this is an elimination game. They have lost six straight elimination games in d. Y. They need the crowd to be raucous. You want the real home court advantage. If they get that, win the night, with paul pierce who has more experience. Title wise than anybody on either of the teams. I think they could feel good about going into atlanta and getting the game seven. If they can take care of business tonight. Robert paul pierce. They call him the truth for a reason. He hit big shots in the series. Talk about the nerves. The wizards are down 32. My palms are dripping with sweat. I cant stop it. Back to you. Leon 7 00 tip. Caps are still sick about the way the series against the rangers ended. But as they cleaned out their locker, they said goodbye and thanked the fans. Never easy to say goodbye to a season with so much promise. Leon so many high hopes. They lost to a team that was rated better than them. Absolutely. This was a different series. Competitive. Dagger. Leon all right. There may be an app for that but it doesnt mean its safe. Alison when we come back warning about how the these there are a lot of channels on yourur tv but only so many you want to watch what if you could pay for the types of channels you want d not the ones you dont w, fios brings you a totally new way to customize your tv, at a price thats totally affordable. Starting at 74. 99 per month. Get custom tv, including internet and phone. Price guaranteed for two years. Plus, get a 300 visa prepaid card with your 2 year agreement. Go to getfios. Com today. Cable just gives you channels. Fios gives you choice. Call the Verizon Center for customers with disabilities at 800. 974. 6006 tty v alison 7 on your side tonight with a consumer alert about the starbucks app. Leon Rebecca Cooper reports that tonight the company says its possible these out there were trying to get their hands on your rewards. Rebecca with a rare day off these working women say life is spent on the run. They like using the mobile phone. Her stab bucs app lets her buy expresso with a swipe of a finger. The convenience. Rebecca but numerous starbucks users say hackers broke in and stole dollars there but they stole bigger sums from the Customer Credit card bank and paypal account. A statement, starbucks says they are investigating the complaint but has not found sign of widespread hacking in the system. They say the problem may be Customers Using passwords too easily broken into it. When you use a company like starbucks you assume they have the controls and the security in place. This starbuck customer doesnt use the payment act. He increasingly uses his phone as a wallet computer and checking account. I trust mobile Payment System more than other people. I dont hesitate to put my info in there. Rebecca critics say starbuck should offer more security like twostep signin. But Even Companies with deep pockets like starbucks cant provide complete data and cyber safety. They say the consumers should take more precautions including frequently changing the passwords and trying to use 16 random numbers, letters and special characters for the passwords. In arlington, Rebecca Cooper. Leon i know how much you love yours. Have you checked this out . Alison i havent. I should change my password. 167 characters is a 16 characters are a lot. Leon you and steve rudin should get on it. Alison that is it for abc7 news at 5 00. Leon coming up at 6 00 we are following two breaking stories including a killing of a wealthy couple before their house was burned blocks away from the Vice President s home. Alison plus people react to the sentencing of a robbie who secretly regarded women as they undressed. Its a nightmare. Leon a family afraid to use their own homes water. Abc7 news at 6 00 starts right now. From abc7 news breaking news alert. Maureen first at 6 00 a search for a killer after four people are dead inside a burned home. Near the Vice President s mansion. Within the past 45 Minutes Police identified the victims found in the luxury home that burned yesterday on Woodland Drive. Abc7s Brianne Carter is live outside the d. C. Police headquarters with what she has just found out. Brianne we are hearing from police chief and confirming the identity of those found dead. They tell us they are investigating this as a homicide investigation. Police confirmed the victim 46yearold Savvas Savopoulos, his wife 47yearold amy savopoulos. Police believe the couples 107yearold son phillip and the family housekeeper Vera Figueroa are the victims inside the home. We found three of the four victims in an update given to us in the hast hour from police suffered what Police Called blunt force or shop object injuries. Police would not elaborate on

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