Transcripts For WJLA News 7 At 11 20150925

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your side. alison: it is a he said she said battle for the ages with multimillion dollar consequences, all playing out in a fairfax county courtroom. leon: an alexandria army colonel is suing a classmate from the 1980's, claiming that her recent allegations of a rate 30 years ago cost him a promotion to general. alison: joce sterman has the exclusive details of the case. it shows that what you say on social media can have consequences. joce: west point cadets follow a simple motto -- duty, honor, and country. which two former cadets say let them down. >> i felt like i was let down by the army. >> there is a silent code. joce: susan shannon waited nearly two decades to say what happened. >> i was raped in 1986 by another cadet. joce: it was writing about that to me seven years later that changed the career of will. the decorated kernel from alexandria, a combat veteran, was on the rise in 2013 until the army saw the allegation on shanon's blog. >> the day i started saying his name was the day i started blaming humans that of myself. day".ever got a she decided to play judge and jury. will, meetingthey in a fairfax county courtroom. he filed a multimillion dollar lawsuit against his former classmate, saying that her claims of rape on what some consider a radical blog cost him his promotion. did you rate susan shannon? -- did yourape susan shannon? >> i did not, and every aspect of the story is verifiably false. joce: the blog is where she sexe about the alleged assault, something she did not report before unexpectedly dropping out of west point, denying the rape when asked during an interview. >> there was no way i waited report that. the blame would fall squarely on me. she said she originally told friends, then kept silent. the blog in 2013 followed after he was being nominated for general. >> it was euphoric. which quickly turned to fear when he was questioned by the army's criminal investigations division, finger pick, and dna samples -- fingerprinted, and the na samples taken. although the official army report showed investigators could prove or disprove the allegations, letters say the promotion was the way review board because of the investigation. army memo showed the board decided that he was fully qualified for promotion. >> look beyond the service record. the secretary of the army chose another option, pulling his name, although the army will not say why. >> the other day, he said he was not willing to expend his personal political capital to defend the process. riggins isill defending his honor in court come as susan shannon honors her duty to women she says cap silent. >> i did not ask for this day. i am being forced and that courtroom. i knew the risk when i wrote it and i do not regret a day. leon: both parties disagree on many things in this case, ranging from the dates involved to shannon's academic history, even whether beer was served the night the alleged rape happen. express a one thing's for sure, a lawsuit like this could have a big impact on what crime victim say. toy with us as we continue follow this. coming up tomorrow at 5:00, we will look at why and how some believe this could have a chilling effect. alison: right now, pope francis is in new york city after a packed 40 four hours. it started of course in the district. he was up early to talk to congress and deliver a message of peace. nine hours later he was praying with followers at st. patrick's cathedral in new york. we start with scott thuman in new york with a look at today's journey and what is next. scott? alison, the excitement that you mentioned in washington certainly moved with him to new york city. april of a rarity that the entire city seem to come to her respectful grinding halt right before the pope made his way past us on fifth avenue. when they saw the motorcade, they went crazy. it was nice because it was a pope because it was this pope and his very specific message. airplane landed at jfk just after 5:00, from a charter jet with reporters who travel with them, emerging, greeted by clergy, children, and elated cheers. a brief helicopter ride ushered the pope to manhattan, where he got in the famous fiat. his drive-through america's largest city was similar to d.c., barricades, deep security, and miles of people. >> he matters because he speaks for the people in such a genuine and humble way that you hear his message. you hear his call for peace. >> pope francis has come alive since i've seen him. he is the real thing. he is authentic, from the heart. that is what we need it. scott: i think that there's cathedral, he was greeted by governor mario cuomo. to therst prayer was muslim world after hundreds were killed in saudi arabia. [speaking spanish]: i raise myent, prayers with you all a prayer to almighty god. scott: friday will be a full day for the. the massive crowds will be greeting pope francis at the united nations, madison square garden, the line -- the 9/11 memorial site. one of the most memorable sites will be when the motorcade makes its way through central park, 80,000 tickets issued for that. leon? leon: thank you, scott. left washington, d.c., today, but not before leaving a lasting impression in the halls of the capitol. he addressed congress for close to what our, touching on major issues. tom roussey has that story. what a day, tom. tom: it was quite a day, leon. as he addressed congress, there was a big crowd waiting outside. after addressing congress, he went between some of the columns, speaking to the large crowd. all, the only in the d.c. area about 48 hours, but he packed in a lot. afternoon, he talked to maryland's governor and scores of military families. his airplane took off from joint base andrews for new york. pope francis started thursday becoming the first pope ever to speak to a joint meeting of congress. he called for an end to the death penalty, the walk a meeting of the emigrants, and continued his push on climate change. the deterioration caused by human activity means that we can make a difference, i'm sure. tom: after talking to congress -- pope francis bless the families. tom: the talk to tens of thousands on the west capital. from there he went to northwest, to visit st. patrick's and catholic charities, were the homeless were fed. where the list were fed and the pope gave a blessing. he fitted a lot during the 48 hours. besides addressing congress, he met with the president twice over the course of those days, seen by tens of thousands, and also visited three major catholic churches in the district. live outside the capital, tom roussey, abc 7 news. leon: thank you, tom. special coverage of the pope's visit continues on abc 7 and our sister station news channel 8. we also have exclusive content and schedules that alison: a new lawsuit for upscale d.c. restaurant fig and olive filed by a montgomery claims she waso second with salmonella after eating at the restaurant. the restaurant recently reopened after voluntarily closing for six days while the department of health investigated. more than 60 people became ill with the bacteria after eating at a restaurant. the exact source has not been traced. developing now, the search for suspects after two attacks on female joggers, the first in lansdowne, near riverside parkway. this was just before 6:00 yesterday morning. a man tackled a woman to the ground. she was able to fight him off and get help. also yesterday morning, a woman told the police she was running in leesburg when she was run off the road by a car and in the suspect inappropriately touched her. that happened near ida lee park on north king street. if you have information about either case, call the police. leon: still ahead -- a moment they will never forget. >> he just kind of grabbed them and brought them over to the pope. alison: the baby was kissed by the pope, bringing new faith to a local family. steve: the belfort furniture weather leon: a term that we've become accustomed to come often called the people's pope. theon: he reaches out followers, which we saw first hand when he kissed a baby. richard reeve spoke with the family behind the emotional moment and has their story. powers: callie and mike say this was not planned, almost per of the moment decision. they came to d.c. just to get a glimpse of the, but then their baby boy was in the spotlight. while one and a half-year-old colby is back at home and playing -- >> butterflies, nervous, excited. richard: his parents are still pleasantly surprised. >> it's crazy, hard to describe. richard: about this unexpected encounter. before, they decided to brave the crowd, and got a front row spot. >> we had a nice elderly couple that kind of motion to wes, stand next to us. richard: and then one of those moments when time stand still. the pope rolled up, a security officer came over, and without a word -- >> we stood in awe as he kissed colby and gave him a blessing. >> the fact that he just up andd to bring colby give him a big old kiss come it's crazy. richard: they all reflecting on their own faith, and how this meeting with the pontiff will remain with them the rest of their lives. >> people see it and they just are so moved. richard: the bonus is the special moment was captured by so that will tv, be plenty for colby to look at when he gets older. another item, his middle name is francis. leon: that is perfect. alison: what a coincidence, great story, rich, thank you. leon: this must be meteorologist week. steve: a perfect week. i took three days off. nobody missed me. leon: wait, now you are back and is going downhill? one day.m off a nice set of days for the visit. the wind out of the northeast at eight. here is why feel so great -- the dupe the level low when comfortable, middle 50's. the highest today were 79 degrees at reagan national. the average this time of year is 76. average, butw thankfully nowhere close to record-breaking temperatures. 99 setback in 2010. nothing like that on the way. at 11:00, 61 leesburg, 59 winchester, same in cumberland. towards the chesapeake bay, 70 annapolis, 65 andrews, fredericksburg in the upper 50's. cooler temperatures, the high pressure off to the north. the low pressure will to the south. that could very well bring shower activity saturday and sunday, along with cooler temperatures for the mid-atlantic. ,atellite radar, clear skies mainly clear, clear skies new york city and boston. he high-pressure just off to the north. that couldere, potentially become a big weather maker saturday and sunday. that is mainly south of d.c. where the best chances of our showers are. the high-pressure as we had further to the south. that is where we have the shower activity on futurecast. this will take us through the day saturday. as we move into saturday afternoon, breezy conditions, the high-pressure to the north. that could also keep a lot of the moisture further to the south. that is good news, especially if you have outdoor activities planned saturday and sunday. next week we warm up a little bit. after the core we can, a nice change on the way. as we move through the 11:00ght, upper 60's at am in town the temperatures fall, middle to upper 60's. a little cooler in the northern and western suburbs, low 50's not out of the question with the cooler air. we look for temperatures to slowly rebound as we head through the morning tomorrow. should be a beautiful sunrise. not as pre-as the one earlier this morning, but in the 60's. in the day tomorrow, middle to upper 70's. the cooldown on the way for the upcoming weekend. the seven day outlook, highs only around 71 saturday, 70 sunday. if you like warmer temperatures, warmer air, not ready to give up , we will be back into the upper 70's monday, near 80 tuesday. overall, we had a great stretch of days. we need the rain. lazing --rees are losing leaves a little too early. leon: we also need some wins. don't know if we have it, though. robert: the bearer of bad news, coming up. nats just cannot get it right. sportsnow the toyota desk, brought to you by your local toyota dealers. robert: we start with baseball, 10 games left with the nationals from 6.5 games behind the mets. today, salt in the wound. bottom of the seventh, tied at 3-3. yunel escobar makes good contact, to the wall. decker would score. anthony rendon tries to score as well, not going to do it, cannot get there. nats up 4-3. give me a two run shot, police. with a little mustard on it. that is gone. o's win 5-4. nats get swept, and even though they do not think they have a chance, they are still playing. >> we are not out of it yet. we have to move on and keep fighting. coach williams: tomorrow was a game and we have to play that game and we have to win that game. it is what it is. we have to be prepared tomorrow. robert: "you play to win the game." not slowing down, daniel murphy sends it down the line. curtis granderson on his horse. the throw, not in time. the essay. 6-4.ets take this, thursday night football for the redskins. right now they trail the giants 25-6 in the fourth. kirk cousins with two interceptions. and would we like to see this guy in the district permanently? back on the east coast, enjoying the game in new jersey. skinny jeans, that may be against the fashion rules, not sure. the form is good, though. leon: can he catch? hopefully. high school football in texas, the team going for the extra with a little help from the ref. the ref gets nailed in the kick is good. that he will not stand there anymore. -- bet he will not stand there anymore. montréal in aeat shootout, 4-3. people just getting beaned in the head. steve: and we are laughing about it. leon: you should get extra points for a bank shot. [laughter] alison: i like the skinny jeans. robert: you think they look good? alison: the good of you should try them out. -- how this up person is using his legs. leon: the pope in new york city. our extensive coverage is the top trending story on also, the investigation into a house explosion in columbia. and rain into the forecast for the weekend. alison: it is never too late. this week, a 105--year-old man a recordcord -- set for sprinting. the yield the oldest competitive sprinter in the world. he ran the 100 meter sprint and 42 seconds, getting him into the record book. he also earned the title at age 103 and 104. he says he is just going to keep trying. leon: and keep setting records. alison: amazing. leon: and don't even have to test them for steroids. that is all natural. alison: probably not. you never know. steve: what about skinny jeans? [laughter] ♪ ♪ (vo) you can pass down a subaru forester. (dad) she's all yours. (vo) but you get to keep the memories. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. normal now here in washington. 76 degrees the high tomorrow. a mixture of sun and clouds. saturday and sunday, not the greatest of weather, but we need a little bit of rain. it will not be a washout. highs near 70. we warm up monday, upper 70's, near 80 degrees tuesday. eileen whelan will be here bright and early. leon: jimmy kimmel live is next. alison: have a good night. i don't want to live with the uncertainties of hep c. or wonder... ...whether i should seek treatment. i am ready. because today there's harvoni. a revolutionary treatment for the most common type of chronic hepatitis c. harvoni is proven to cure up to 99% of patients... ...who've had no prior treatment. it's the one and only cure that's... pill, once a day for 12 weeeeks. certain patients... ...can be cured with just 8 weeks harvoni. with harvoni, there's no interferon and there are no complex regimens. tell your doctor if you have other liver or kidney problems, or other medical conditions. and about all the medicines you take including herbal supplements. harvoni should not be taken wi any medicines and now, abc's "jimmy kimmel live." >> dicky: from hollywood it's "jimmy kimmel live"! tonight -- shonda rhimes. dave salmoni and animals. celebrities read mean tweets live. and music from jill scott. with cleto and the cletones. and now, all of a sudden, here's jimmy kimmel! [ cheers and applause ] ♪

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