Transcripts For WMUR News 9 At Five 20161012

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threat to the basic public or society in general. this was night random act. this was an act committed by a person who knew his victim. reporter: police are asking the public not to approach this suspect, they are asking that if you see this person, call your local police or the new hampshire state police. josh: a high school teacher in keene has police to face drug related charges. witnesses told them they had seen diane d. at work with a small bag of white powder, a pill grinder and cut off straw. although the teacher let officers search her purse and car, they say that was only after she arranged to move the evidence of drug use. she has been released on bail. a former chaplain at st. paul's school is betrawlt by the continue to investigate him. he worked from 1967 to '71. this summer a graduate -- an ininvestigation concluded that white abused children for several years. there are allegation against him in north carolina. this week the pennsylvania diocese where he had been working announcedded that he had been removed from the priesthood. in an inreviewer has recommendations for staffing levels at the division of children, youth and families. governor hassan called for the review in the wake of two deaths. reporter: the full report will be issued at the end of november, but this information will be used by the department of health and human services to help prepare their budget for next year. an interim report has been issued by the center for support of families. policies. >> with the terrible tragedies of brielle gage's death, we wanted to make sure we had an outside view of our protective services. reporter: they suggest increasing the number of social workers from 85 to 120, resolving the current backlog issue and forcing a strict 60 day policy time frame for completing aassessments, and helping work absences. >> this is all part of an effort to make sure that we're improving our child protective services, keeping our children safe and preventing tragedies wherever we k. reporter: the interim report will be used by the department of health and human services as they machine for next year's budget. >> we wanted to make sure we were getting the input of this reviewer in terms of what staffing levels we need to effectively protect our children and support our families. communication director says the department has also recently reclassified 22 vacant positions from outside of dcyf for new child protection service workers and supervising staff at no additional cost. >> this is an opportunity to make sure that there is sufficient staff to handle any turnover as well as to complete assessment in as timely a manner as possible. center for support of families, due to be completed by the end of november. the financial impact of these recommendations so far has not been determined. jean: tonight the state fire marshal's office is investigating what sparked a fire at the hampton beach casino complex. it was called in by the fire chief himself just before 8:00 a.m., the fire went to three alarms. jennifer crompton is joining us latest. reporter: this sprawling iconic casino complex is over 100 years old and made of wood. so when the fire chief first spotted the smoke, he thought of that devastating fire back in 2010 that leveled an entire block just north of here. but this time there was no wind, and the fire crews were here almost immediately, on scene, working smoke detectors contained fire damage purple urchin cafe restaurant where they believe it started. some smoke did go throughout the structure, but the most dan is to the purple urchin and the businesses below it. >> it's more smoke and water than any real heavy duty fire damage. but it's still a lot of work to be done, thank god it's now and water will and product with water dripping off, so it doesn't look promising at this point. reporter: because it the off season, no one with, thankfully, was in the billion at the time. although two firefighters were hurt, one sufferedded a broken ankle, another a hand injury. but both were treated and released. jennifer crompton, wmur news 9. jean: thanks. tonight peterborough police are asking for the public's help police say the surveillance image captured by surveillance cameras shows two men removing a donald trump sign from the yard of a home on concord street friday night. anyone with information is asked to call peterborough police. josh: commitment 2016 now, and both the u.s. senators from the state of alaska have resigned their leadership posts in the state republican party because they say they can't support donald trump for president. alaska rules require that party nominee. but senators mcpeculiar sit and sullivan say they simply can't let that happen, so they are withdrawing their support for donald trump as well as their leadership positions in alaska. meanwhile, donald trump has some harsh words for republicans who are withdrawing their support of his candidacy. but today hillary clinton is dealing with another wikileaks release. aixa diaz is in washington. reporter: do going on within the republican party. at it a rally in central florida, trump questioned why ryan didn't call to congratulate him after sunday night's debate. >> you'd think they'd say we gotta beat this crook, let's go. reporter: trump said he might be better off without the support of establishment republicans. >> i wouldn't want nobody a fox hole with a lot of these people. about women came to light now say they will vote for him after all. >> republicans are damned if they do, damned if they don't. >> the whole world has heard how donald trump treats women and what he thinks of women. reporter: clinton held a rally in colorado ahead of an event in las vegas tonight. her campaign chair whose e-mails have been released by wikileaks says the f.b.i. is investigating russia's possible involvement in the hac interfere in this election. reporter: they are working to determine the accuracy, nature and scoach these attacks. josh: the wife of hillary clinton's running mate tim kaine was in new hampshire today, she dropped by for a taping of "closeup." she beliefs her husband is uniquely suited to bring people together after a divisive year. >> he's a good listener, he's a natural communicator, he can connect with audiences. so the speaking, he is pretty comfortable in that. josh: you can hear our full interview with her this sunday at 10:00 a.m. so locker room talk has been the talk of politics since last friday's release of avie with donald trump and billy bush, and today the topic surfaced again, and of all places the patriots press conference. but tom trump a friend, wasn't interested in the discussion. >> how do you respond if your kid heard donald trump's version of locker room talk? >> thank you guys, have a good day. josh: guess that's a como ebb comment. brady back after a suspension was named the afc offensive player of the week. wmur and the new hampshire union leader will bring you the granite state debates in november, each debate will be an hour long and will be held at 7:00 p.m. can candidates for governor on senate november 2 the new hampshire institute of politics is hosting the debate and there are a limited number of seats available, so plead head to the st. anselm college website to register for seats. jean: ballots are being cast in ohio tonight where early voting opened just today. lines began election offices last night. the swing state expects relatively high turnout for the general election, indiana also started early voting today. voters in florida will have until next tuesday to register for the november election. a judge extended the registration deadline because of hurricane matthew. the governor had had denied a request from the state's democratic party to sten the deadline, but the party filed suit and a judge agreed. although matthew never made knocked out power to porn one million people. there's a little bit of rain returning to our forecast, but nothing but gorgeous skies, 67 degrees in milford right now. let's check in with mike haddad. mike: we're tracking a little rain, it comes in later on tomorrow. but right now beautiful, if you've been oh outdoors today you know the story about the nice mild recovery after a cool start. 60's, and in some cases upper 60's in many par hampshire. just off to the west you notice fair skies do give way to some clouds, back through the great lakes, and there is a narrow band of scattered showers in and around chicago. that will approach later tomorrow afternoon, in advance of that some low cloud will fill in during the overnight perfect and there could be a little drizzle in some spots for the morning commute. but in terms of steady showers, notice how they hold off until late in the afternoon. they'll be scattered. unfortunately the best spot to get any steady rain for a couple sections, while in the drought areas they could use a lot more than a couple of showers. but that's it for tomorrow. jean: thanks, mike. now to the traffic watch, let's see how things are moving around the state. live pictures looking over 239 in manchester from our elliott at rivers end camera. josh: hi, peggy. >> hi, josh and jean. we've got beautiful driving conditions, and traffic is doing pretty well also. right now it a good right all the way from the state line of salem all the way up to manchester on 93, no issues. 29 'is good to and from the top and bottom. 93 southbound seeing heavy volume getting through concord. not too bad so far on 101 west between manchester and bedford. on the everett turnpike northbound it is busy but moving 101 looks good to and from the seacoast, a little crowded on the spaulding turnpike north and also 95 south, making your way through seabrook. i'm peggy james. jean: a connecticut plane crash may not have been an accident. next at 5:00 the new details emerging from this investigation. josh: the u.s.a. arriving in haiti to help areas devastated by hurricane matthew. ordered in the southern states. jean: why it took so many tries to stop this driver. josh: and at 6:00, donald trump's few controversy brings fire against new hampshire republicans while his campaign it's a great view from the top. just ask chris sununu. chris inherited a famous name where, over the years, chris cut jobs and cut employees' hours to avoid giving them health insurance. so it's no surprise chris opposes the minimum wage because he never had to work for anything. chris sununu has no business being governor. this advertisement has been paid for by put new hampshire first and has not been authorized by any candidate. so you can imagine what i thought when i saw donald trump say... "i don't know what i said, ah, i don't remember!" "that reporter he is talking about suffers from a chronic condition that impairs movement of his arms." i don't want a president who makes fun of me. i want a president who inspires me, and that's not donald trump. priorities usa action is responsible for the content of this advertising. this city is it. great food, gorgeous scenery, friendly people. g it for free. we hear you. that's why a-a-r-p is hosting fun, free, informative events. like wine tours and movie premieres. plus, we're offering resources to help you achieve your goals. and we're finding ways to make manchester even more livable. so if you don't think, "this is right for me" when you think a-a-r-p then you don't know "aarp." jean: the f.b.i. is taking over the investigation into the small 'plane crash in hartford, connecticut. the ntsb now says its initial investigation indicates the crash was intentional. authorities say a student and an instructor were landing in hartford when the plane hit the utility pole and crashed, bursting into flames, this was near a military jet engine manufacturer. >> terrorism is a criminal nothing has been ruled out, including an accident. jean: one person was killed in this plane crash, it is not clear yet if it was the pilot or passenger. the surviving person is in the hospital, with serious burns. josh: u.s. marines are bringing supplies and food to haiti. hurricane matthew wreak havoc there causing flooding and building damage and killed hundreds of people. navy warships are bringing marines and water purifiers and bulldozers. eight helicopters will also ferry food and medical supplies for aid organizations. in north carolina, dangerous flooding is forcing thousands of people to evacuate. multiple river as cross the state are rising to record levels. hundreds of thousands of people are still without power and hundreds are living in shelters. the governor is warning residents that the situation is still dangerous, especially in an area of a broken dam. and i understand there may still be people refusing that. we've had too many deaths, get out. josh: until the dam is deemed safe, residents are not be allowed to return. river levels are expected to stay extremely high through the weekend. mike: extreme devastating flooding south. around here we've got text treatment drought in many parts of central and southern new hampshire, do we see in that, take a look right now, we've got bright skies and a lot of sunshine still to be had had for another 45 minutes or so before the sun does go down. as can you see still some fine color up there in the mount washington valley. how about the temperatures start off chilly, not as cold as yesterday but a nice recovery. mid to upper 60's away from the coast. you get through rochester towards portsmouth, right around 60 degrees. so seasonably cooler there, but across the interior part of the speaking of mild, not nearly as cold tonight as it was last night, which of course wasn't as cold as the night prior. so we're starting to see a warming trend not only by day but by night. by daybreak, mid to upper 30's far north and on average mid to upper 40's, a couple of low 40's scferred about central and southern new hampshire. at least for now, through tomorrow, tomorrow night, about daybreak on friday, warm wedge of air will continue to ride in our direction, but then after that it does cool d temperatures at this hour back in the northern part of the plains, northern rockies, we're in the upper 30's to around 40. so the air mass, even though it is cooler, modifies in time. that means every hour or two it warms up a couple of degrees. so we cool become down, but we'll be in the 50's to around 60 on friday. tomorrow not a big warmup because our one rain chance moves in later in the day. clouds from the ocean will bill in during the overnight stretch. mostly clear skies, fair conditions all evening. notice on future cast, the low clouds take over by daybreak and there could be a touch of drizzle in any one given community, mainly south and east of the lakes region. again the best shot of some rain comes in in the form of scattered showers. url no -- unfortunately no steady rain. best shot for heavy rain will be up north. it moves out with sun returning for friday. d probably the finish on sunday. highs tomorrow, very close to where we were today with a few extra clouds maybe two or three lower that. also we're watching the tropics, a very strong category 2 hurricane nicole, take a look as i moves to north. this is going to turn out to be a direct hit over bermuda. look at the expected track as it gets up to a category 3, top sustained wind when it hits tomorrow late morning through 120 miles per hour before it accelerates out to sea. so they are certainly rushing preparations to the max out there in bermuda, as that hurricane will make a direct hit during tomorrow morning and early afternoon. around here a couple of scattered showers late day, touch of drizzle early. right back to dry for friday, saturday, sunday. the mornings over the weekend very chilly, as a matter of fact even colder than yesterday morning. jean: thanks, mike. in the wake of obamacare, what can cones the candidates' ideas when we come back. josh: then the traffic fight surrounding manchester's new wal-mart heats up again. what other businesses are doing vo: small businesses line main streets all over new hampshire - providing the products, services and jobs families depend on. that's why, as governor, maggie hassan cut taxes for small businesses, to help our local economy grow. but kelly ayotte helps big corporations. she voted with out-of-state corporates interests like the koch brothers - 90% of the time. billionaires and big corporations get tax breaks and she takes the campaign cash. kelly ayotte: taking care of billionaires, hurting new hampshire families. senate majority pac is responsible during vietnam i served on an aircraft carrier in the gulf of tonkin. after i lost my job, i slept out here with other vets. with affordable housing. and she's helped connect vets with jobs so they can get back on track. that means a lot to me. and i want to say, "thank you, annie." i'm annie kuster and i approve this message. coverage, six years after the passage of the affordable care act, obamacare, we asked senate candidates what ajustments can the government make to improve the quality and cost of health care. >> well, i believe we should build on the progress we've made under the affordable care act. here in new hampshire, that act has allowed us to pass our bipartisan health care expansion which provides coverage for nearly 50,000 hard working granite staters, including substance abuse coverage. make. we need to repeal the cadillac and medical device tax. we need to support affordable care organizations, which better coordinate care and reduce or eliminate unnecessary expenses. and we need to get generic drugs to market more quickly. in the senate, though, i will fight any attempt to block medicaid expansion or to take away health care coverage from the 50,000 granite staters who have gotten it plan. >> making sure there's more opportunity for consumer choice. so much one size fits all comes from washington, and also making sure that we have more competition, making sure that you can sell insurance across state lines, that has to happen for more competition and choice for plans for people. i think also many of the taxes that are supporting the affordable care act make health care more unaffordable and cadillac tax. which will hit consumers in new hampshire in ways that increase health care costs and actually in some cases diminish plans. i also believe that really there are so many good solutions at the state level, instead of everything coming from washington and you have to do it a certain way. so i would like to see more innovation allowed at the state level, so we can reduce health care costs. in addition to more sp tried to figure out how much something costs in the health care system? we can do more to drive competition and patient choice which we don't see happening now. jean: the plans put to the test on our seacoast today. tom: samsung wants customers to narrator: planned parenthood provides many kinds of healthcare. birth control. woman: i had my annual physical there. woman: the cancer screenings at planned parenthood are so important. narrator: still, chris sununu cast the deciding vote to eliminate state funding for planned parenthood. chris sununu put partisan politics above women's health care. colin van ostern: i'm colin van ostern. i fought to restore funding for planned parenthood and got it done, because women's health care should always be above politics. so you can imagine what i thought when i saw donald trump say... "i don't know what i said, ah, i don't remember!" "that reporter he is talking about suffers from a chronic condition that impairs movement of his arms." i don't want a president who makes fun of me. i want a president who inspires me, and that's not donald trump. priorities usa action is responsible for the content of this advertising. josh: high speed chase, now at 5:30 police say it took several tries to stop this driver speeding over state lines in a stolen truck. jean: no bail for the man concern in court today. josh: car trouble landedded this woman behind bars what officers say they found when they pulled her over. mike: the dry pattern continues into this evening. plus a look into the upcoming weekend. >> no one covers new hampshire like we do. now wmur news 9 at 5:30. josh: tonight a salem man is in custody after leading p welcome back, i'm josh mcelveen. >> i'm jean mackin. it startedded when a truck came barreling through a construction zone. josh: the driver refused to pull over. jennifer vaughn is here with the chase that went on for miles. reporter: it did, and it took personnel from six departments to bring this to an en. shortly after that pickup truck was spotted speeding through the construction zone in londonderry, police got notice boston. so a pursuit began, the driver later identified as 42-year-old christopher o'dwyer who police say continued up 93 reaching speed of 115 miles per hour. the chase then continued up i-89 at 100 miles per hour. until police successfully flattened those front tires just before exit 2, it was their third attempt at that, by the way. o'dwyer kept driving though on tire rims, they say. finally the truck was spotted in enfield, it was stopped there he is charged with receiving stolen property and reckless conduct, plus two misdemeanors, his arraignment today has been delayed. no injuries involved here, but a cruiser was damaged. josh: right now a suspect in a hole invasion and assault in boston's south en is being held without bail. boston police say ronald brown broke into an apartment early tuesday morning through a rear window and sexually assaulted including rape and home invasion. in court he was allowed to shield his face out of concerns over identification. >> a woman is facing fraud charges for credit card fraud in merrimack. nashua police stopped the 22-year-old woman of sue bring, massachusetts for a broken taillight in september and say they found cloned credit cards. officers say she admitted to using the the card at the nike outlet and a liquor andin of fraudulent purchases. how would the seacoast respond to a major oil spill off our coast? more than 20 agencies held a drill today. rye harbor is one of the areas where booms were laid across sensitive marsh areas. the coast guard and d.e.s. along with commercial cleanup companies were on scene while this entire effort was being coordinated in a central command at pease. the idea is to practice the environment. >> what we're using right now is called the geographic response plan for the greater seacoast area. we also have some booms being deployed by badger island and man's up and down the river. reporter: the drill is held annually. josh: in manchester this morning the candidates for governor and u.s. senate had a f to address the lack of of high skilled workers through education, job training and effort to attract new people to the state. six years after the passage of the affordable care act we asked the candidates what the government can do now to improve the quality and cost of health care. >> there's a number of things. i had wanted a public option, i think a public option is still important to provide a no frills competition for people. it's outrageous that we are forced to pay more money for prescriptions than we need to in this country. we need to change, we need to repeal the medical equipment tax, and the cadillac tax, and then waste and fraud, it's till there. and we need to do better oversight with that as well. so there's a number of steps that we need to take. >> remember what the president said, he wants greater access. what you're seeing in new hampshire, you gentleman yesterday who owns a small business in portsmouth, he's paying $2,000 a month for he and his wife for health insurance, $24,000 a year, with a high deductible. it is not working for his family, it's not working for most families, and those families who are on the affordable care act, they're seeing this year 40% increases here in new hampshire, on average it's costing a family of four $1200 a month. it's just not sustainable. market approach, you need to bring more carriers into the state, not less. you need to have transparency in the cost of medicine. we don't have that currently. you need to be able to purchase across state lines, so you bring that opportunity of greater competition here. and then you'll start to see the cost be driven down. finally we need to be pro-active about our health, not reactive. josh: yo candidates on jean: our website has a new look tonight and many of you already weighed in on the new design. hayley lapoint shows you how to get around. hayley: a new look on but all the same great content. let's start here, all the top stories, front and center, on all platforms. the new site is what's called responsive. meaning the web pages look nearly the same on desk top computers, laptops, tablets and had had the screen size is reduced. there's local news across the home page, and you can see our most recentup date by hitting the menu button in the upper left and clicking on the local news section. that's also where you'll find the other sections you're used to seeing, the weather module on the home page gives you the current temperature for your area. a link to our interactive radar and the latest video forecast. and speaking of weather, you get everything on current conditions, hour by hour forecast, extended 7-day, and a quick text version of your forecast, each day this week. our political section is still as robust as ever, featuring updates from political reporter john distaso. and a space for you to compare the candidates in each race. plus can you find out interactive candidate tracker, and important information for voters. so start clicking on the new jean: thanks, it always takes time to get used to these new things. josh: once we do, they change it. jean: we'll see. josh: they do a great job. up next we'll tell you which key business has filed a formal complaint over new plans for roads near a new wal-mart. jean: a new step to help customers who need to return their potentially explosive phones. mike: temperatures remain above average for now, when they start to fall p on the way. josh: and hurricane matthew chased more than people out of chased more than people out of their homes, we'll tell y ? ? on social security and medicare, chased more than people out of their homes, we'll tell y these are the facts. kelly ayotte voted for deep cuts in medicare and social security. here are the votes. she voted against protecting social security from the threat of privatization. and said she's open to raising the retirement age for social security. look it up yourself. the fact is dscc is responsible for the content of this advertising. afoot and light-hearted i take to the open road. healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. the east and the west are mine. the north and the south are mine. jean: our video of the closing bell is provided by the new york stock exchange where the dow picked up 15 points today. s&p up by two and 7.77. nationally the average price fire gallon of guys is at 2.25. in new hampshire we're averaging 2.18. a manchester grocery store has filed an official complaint over the plans to change traffic patterns near the city's new wal-mart. josh: the development included gates on streets in residential neighborhoods, but after a lot of complaints the city is reconsidering that. last night aldermen voted to street going west. that isn't setting well with hannaford which says that many of its customers drive east on president road to reach the grocery store. if it becomes a one-way street, shoppers would have to make a longer drive through a much busier section of town. hand ainformation claims such a big change require is a new traffic study with more public hearings. jean: social security recipients can expect a small increase next year. the key word is small. the average increase will be month. about 66 million americans collect social security. the average check is around $1300 a month. samsung is now sending fire proof packages to oilt customers so they can send back their galaxy note 7's. this comes a day after the company aannounced that it latest no longer be making the smart phone after reports that even the replacement phones are catching fire. at least seven fires have been shut off their phones and return those new ones immediately. josh: having your head in the clouds isn't always a bad thing. jean: coming up an unforgettable option at castle in the cloud comes with extra color this time of year. josh: in sport the manchester monarchs are getting ready to get their season rolling. tom: then at 6:00 tonight, a keene teacher arrested, this woman now accused of abusing drugs, what police after agreeing to let officers search her belongings. and more fallout after the release of the video showing i'm frank guinta and i approve this message. narrator: new hampshire has one of the worst opiate epidemics in the nation. and frank guinta is leading the charge to fight it. erin canterbury: when i met congressman guinta, it was like a breath of fresh air. he said to me "what can i do?" "how can i help?" combat the heroin epidemic. canterbury: frank guinta understands this is not a democratic issue nor a republican issue. it's a people issue. he's willing to get in there and fight for us... to end the opiate epidemic. when i listen to families across new hampshire, all i hear is that washington is locked into a system where the special interests come before people. where drug company profits come before affordable medicine, the koch brothers and big oil come before clean energy, and powerful corporations to grow their small businesses. i'm maggie hassan. washington won't change overnight. but sending a new senator who puts your priorities ahead of special interests can make a difference. jean: the veterans matter 5k gets under way next month and the organizers including a navy seal mom are looking for more runners. josh: it will be held on sunday november 6 in exeter. the navy seal who was killed in operation redwing, with the rescue helicopter he was riding in was shot down in 2005. today his mother continues to raise money for causes close to his heart. >> through his name we're able to raise funds to help the veterans and the single parent that's the main mission of the foundation, and that's a tremendous legacy. >> it ends at the dan hilly memorial, which is at the exeter recreation center. it starts and ends there, and it's a nice run all through the town of exeter. josh: it is not too right to register and raise money to the veterans matter 5k. you can fine a link with more information on our website, this weekend, maybe just a little bit. a solid cincinnati bengals team comes to fox pro for a 1:00 kick krof on saturday. tom brady and the pats have had tough games with cincinnati in recent years. >> it's a very tough team, they're very talented. certainly with the players that they've kept and committed to and they run a good scheme and they're going to give us everything they've got. >> two more high school football games will be collection sites for new hampshire tackles hunger this weekend. if you're going to those games, you're encouraged to bring a cash or food donation. saturday here's your schedule of games. manchester monarchs season begins this weekend, they'll host the adirondack thunder on friday and saturday nights. this is the manchester monarchs hockey and second as an ecl team. josh: there are plenty of ways to take in our fall foliage, but seeing it or horseback is an unforgettable experience. jean: paula tracey takes us along for the ride in tonight's escape outside. records there are many places that offer trail rides. but one that really lives up to castle in the clouds. all you are to do is show up. they provide the helmets and instructions and then lead riders through lush fields with breath taking views of lake winnipesaukee and mound ossipee. also also go into the woods, down steep trails, past water falls and along a trout possible before rushing to the horse barn. if you're not sure about getting on horseback, they also have carriage and pony rides. this this weekend is perfect ed to -- jean: an animal shelter in north carolina is take in 200 pets lost in hurricane matthew. josh: some of the animals were pulledded from floodwaters and others need a place to stay while their owners are trailers of dogs, now support from the community is pouring in. >> i'm blessed and i'm thankful that i didn't lose anything, or i didn't have to move my an maps. so -- animals. josh: many people donated food, blankets and other supplies, but the shelter says more help is still needed. mike: sun just about to set on down out there in newfound lake where temperatures are still in the lower the mid 60's in many spots, the sunset in concord coming up at 6:08, 6:07 tomorrow. by the weekend we're seeing that sunset right around 6:00, can't escape that. but we can escape bitterly cold air at least for now. fair skies this evening, then some low clouds, patchy fog and even the touch of drizzle will as for some showers they arrive later tomorrow afternoon, clears out later tomorrow night and it's right back to dry weather for friday into the weekend. speaking of which the morning, saturday and sunday morning downright chilly, coldest morning so far of the season, sunny though and seasonable days for both saturday and sunday. the milder of the two looks to be on sunday. as for temperatures right now, notice how they're holding in the 60's in many spots, even close to the coast. winds are on shore. so right at the around 60. similar temperatures the the monadnock region, same story through the lake sunapee zone and back through tupper valley. just a -- where do we go overnight tonight? not a big temperature fall. last night was not as cold as the night prior and tonight a little milder than that due to some clouds moving in and winsdz in the 40's and low 50's. tomorrow morning, near 40 far north, lower 50's south. unfortunately not a whole lot of rain here, so the drought goes on and probably linkes for a week on en until we get steady rain ever ery third day for several weeks in a row. there are scattered showers at least in the forecast, beginning later in the we'll have fair skies this evening over the queen city. tomorrow morning low cloud begin to build in, could be fog or drizzle early in the morning. as for temperatures again, warmer than we've been in recent mornings. 40's and lower 50's. quite a few cloud tomorrow, a few breaks of sunshine, and then the cloud will fill back in later on in the day and we could see a couple of scattered showers towards evening before it dries out once again, later tomorrow night. that means friday is a bright on saturday, that's an average in and around the concord area, we could see spots in the upper 20's south, and near 20 far north, and then it warms just a bit with a few showers monday and tuesday. >> perfect preparation every time that is the promise from kitchen robot. they're not totally i believe just yet. but we'll explain this story next. josh: then, setting a news 9 special report. >> i finally caught them, they had five, 55-gallon trash bags, about an entirely full minivan full of stolen fruit. jean: a growing problem in new hampshire, how fruit theft is becoming more sophisticated and how owners are fighting back. vo: small businesses line main streets all over new hampshire - maggie hassan cut taxes for small businesses, to help our local economy grow. but kelly ayotte helps big corporations. she voted with out-of-state corporates interests like the koch brothers - 90% of the time. billionaires and big corporations get tax breaks and she takes the campaign cash. kelly ayotte: taking care of billionaires, hurting new hampshire families. senate majority pac is responsible for the content of this advertising. ? ? on social security and medicare, in medicare and social security. here are the votes. she voted against protecting social security from the threat of privatization. and said she's open to raising the retirement age for social security. look it up yourself. the fact is kelly ayotte's supporting big, corporate special interests. she's not working for us. dscc is responsible for the content jean: this one i have to see to believe. they say you could cook dinner without ever lit lifting a finger thanks to in new invention. josh: the microwave. no, it's a fully automated robot able to make almost any dish in the world. that's what they say, right now the ingredients have to be prepared and put in the right location so the robot can tell where they are. >> it definitely can cook there is some limited things, so a lot of dishes will be available in the machine. but of course the most complex dishes will take more time to learn. josh: the pro to kind took 12 months to create, but the creator hopes to launch its first consumer model by next year. i don't know. great science, but i like the love that comes along with with cooking. jean: right, and i want the robot that cleans up the josh: thank you for joining us. it's a new hampshire success story. thousands of working adults earning a college degree to further their careers. i'm colin van ostern, and i helped launch college for america at southern new hampshire university. we've partnered with over 100 employers so their workers can get an associate's or bachelor's degree... most debt-free. as governor, i'll grow the economy by cutting college costs for students and families. w, too. this is just the beginning. i'm frank guinta and i approve this message. narrator: new hampshire has one of the worst opiate epidemics in the nation. and frank guinta is leading the charge to fight it. erin canterbury: when i met congressman guinta, it was like a breath of fresh air. he said to me "what can i do?" "how can i help?" narrator: frank guinta founded and chairs the bipartisan task force to combat the heroin epidemic. canterbury: frank guinta understands this is not a democratic issue nor a republican issue. it's a people issue. he's willing to get in there to end the opiate epidemic. darien: why have the latest smartphone if you can't use it wherever you go? switch to u.s. cellular for our best plan yet: 7 gigs of data per line for only $49. to share more photos at your cabin or video chat at your secret fishing spot... all for just $49. the best part? we put towers in places the other guys don't. because u.s. cellular thinks you deserve a signal that works wherever you are. for only $49. tom: now at 6:00 a woman in critical condition, the search tonight for the man accused of shooting her in the head. jennifer: teacher arrested what authorities say this woman allegedly did when officers tried to search her purse. >> thank god for the sprinkler systems, they all worked. tom: fire at an iconic hampton many are thankful the fire happened when it did. mike: all quiet for now, but there is one rain chance before we get to the weekend. when showers move in ask what follows for the weekend. >> no one covers new hampshire like we do. now wmur news 9 at 6:00. jennifer: tonight a manhunt in the lakes region is under way for the person suspected of shooting a woman in the head. good evening, everyone, i'm jennifer vaughn. tom: i'm tom griffith. police are looking for jason cuocolo who is wanted on a number of charges. jennifer: andy hershberger is in meredith where police say a get away car used by the suspect was discovered. reporter: police say the suspect in this case is still at large, and the victim is expected to live. police say they are looking for this man, 42-year-old jason cuocolo, suspected of shooting a woman in belmont early tuesday to a residence at 24 arlene drive, and found the 33-year-old victim who had been shot in the head. >> when my officers arrived on scene, she was found in the foyer to a duplex type residence that had a common entry. my officers apply first aid, they tried to control the bleeding and give her comfort. she was fairly conscious at that time. reporter: the woman was first taken to lakes region general hospital, then air lifted to dartmouth h center. she's listed in critical condition but is expected to survive. police say cuocolo stole a car and fled the scene, that vehicle was recovered in meredith and it's possible the suspect is still in that area. >> i would consider this individual armed and dangerous. i would not consider him a, a threat to the basic public or society in general. this was not a random act. this

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