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Police out her in full force making sure everyone has fun but stays safe. There is also a lot of police out on the beach. Take a look at this. What makes south port such a beautiful place are our beaches but someof the tourists getting out of hand. This photo sent to us from a resident, upset because people have been trashing the beaches, just an ugly seen. So we hope people from out of town show a little more respect to our great beaches, but we spoke with several College Students whoho told us they were just trying to have fun when thgs got crazy. Everything was cool. That just tells you how fun and packed everything was. We just came in the streets and starts hangngg out. Reporter and back out here look at ocean drive. Obviously things have been calm day and just talking to a lot of people out here. They are having a great time. But i got to tell you,it is 6 oclock, were going to take you out on the beach where it has been pretty wild out there. And one funny note. I talked to a family from t canada, they said they didnt really check the call darks, they said they thought they were going to get a relaxing weekend and they said they were mistaken to feel they said next yearheyll make sure not to come down during College Spring break. And thats the latest from ocean beach. Lots of action there. Now to vote 2016. After last nights violence at a donaldtrump rally, fights broke out in a crowd. At least one proroster got on stage and thousands of people swarmed outside the building, demanding trump nevada be let in. Protesters even managed to shut down a major highway out there about the twitter. , quote, the organized group of people, many of them thugs who shot down our first t endment rights in chicago are totally energized america. A. Protests against trump continue t a rally in ohio. This is video of a protester was removed forgive todays event, even though trump was given a warm welcome from the crowd. Cheers from the crowd as republican president ial front runner stepped off a plane in ohio. A very different scene he has he has than 24 hours earlier. Supports and protesters clashing friday night. Trumps campaign cammed the event more than 30 minutes before it was to start. Scores of protesters spilled out into the streets. Five people were arrested and two Police Officers were hurt. The people that were there, that were invited they were taunted, they were harassed. His republican counterparts spoke outabout the vitamins happening at his events. This is a man who in rallies has told his supporters to basically beat up the people in the crowd and hell pay their legal fees. There is no place for a National Lead tore prey on the fears of people. The president ial president ial candidates also weighed in. Thats got to be loud and clearar and tell his supporters that violence at rallili is not what americas about. Een the rally ohio wasnt completely free of iidents, one protester was escorted auto. Trump is scheduled to hold a rally in westbrook tomorrow and will local 10 news will be there. The florida primary is only three days away but thousands of ballots have already been cast becacae of early vote, which closes today. Morehan 63,000 voters last two weeks in miami dade, and palm beach could you tell, nearly 40,000 ballots already cast. We have everything you need to know about vote early, where to go, what to bring and more here on local 10. Heres a live look at our Hollywood Beach contaminant 79 degrees on thises beautiful day. It was very nice, i had the come indispoors come to works, do the things we love. So far, so good. I was out grilling this afternoon and i did the same thing. I was likes, time to go to work already. Hope youre enjoying your saturdayment tomorrow it will be a little dififrent but this saturday everything, a few clouds overhead. We have plenty of sunshine. And eastbound, a ltle bit of haze out there in the sky but temperatures managed to climb up to the low 80s today. Tomorrow will be warme around 84, and for now ke west to west palm beach. Were going to introduce a 40 percent chance of thunderstorms for tomorrow. But today we were near our normal. 81, miami, key west p one above at 79 degrees. And t torrow well go up to 84. Currently seer were sitting just shy of 87. Wind is out of the t utheast near 15 Miles Per Hour p one gust being reported at home stead at 20. The forecast will stay in the mid 70s and look at that rain chance. It stays low, well talk about what could be a wet day tomorrow. Now to a tug boat tragedy ininew york. At least one person is dead and two others are still missing after the vessel crashed into a construction barge on the hudson river. Workers werent hurt. Sinnabling, sinking , spilling fuel in the water. Reporter believed that tug boat is about 40 feet below ware. Governor cuomo says state litigationre using sonar equipment to locate those two missing crew members snieflt a headon collision caught an camera in albuquerque. Watch as that car crosses the median into oncoming traffic and knocks down a light pole before slamming into a bus. Panels on board rush in to check on the driver,. Amazingly no one w w hurt. Witnesses say it was an elderly man who appeared to be i intoxicated. Officers did test the drivererhe was not arrest or charged. A California Home left crushed be amassive tree. Taillight 80foot sigm recess forced to topple over by strong winds. Luckily no one was the tree also took down several power lines in the area. The house, a total loss. Parts of the missing malaysia cororl flight 370 may have been fouou in africa. Thats the same place one other man also found debris that washed aashore last week. This the pas tueueay marked two years since the plane disappeared with 240 people on board venezuela las opposition launched protest today. Thousands took to the streets demanding at the president resign amid theountrys economic crisis. In the meantime the government countered with its own rally protesting the u. S. s decision to renew sanctions there. Its almost time. Tomorrow all the food, the fun, just hours away and local 10, we will be there. We have a pee view of what thousands of people tomorrow. South there are, guy ocho is just hours away. Eighth street is getting ready for all that people looking fun. You have food, highs and i go dancing. D of course its a south florida tradition they grew uptake part in my entire life. Local 10 newsp reporter is live in Little Havana with a look ahead at torrows big event. Liane. Well, whether the its a tradition of yours or whether its your firsrs time youre bound to have a great time. And theyre already preparing. Take a look behind me. Mcdonalds crews getting ready the put together this exhibit. Itsheir annual tower full of music. This is the set up right now because its not blocking the street, but if you take a look flowing through today. Later on tonight is when things will close up, and youll see things like this. Of course, this is the 39th year organized by the can a in this club. Hundreds of thousands of people are expected to be here for the evenen tomorrow. It will be filled with music, dancing, lots of delicious food. 10 stainless of music, and of course a special performance by the king of cornual, miami himself, ay garcia. Famous for his folkloric costumes. The can i with club is also trying to make a record of signaturesn if you take a look a block away from where we are, just a block west, that is where local 10 i i going to have its booth. Of course it will be set up tomorrow morning, ready and open for you when the doors open at so just a reminder, all of thanks that will be closed at 11 30 tonight so that all thehe big preparations can start happening. At 11 30 tonight between 27th avenue and eighth avenu is where the closures will take place. To of course we will all be there, members of local 10 team. I know well lose sleep tonight. We have a new we have a first timer, so we have to feel take her around. All right. Liane, thank you. We got you, dont worry. Local 10 news will b b there but were going to be between 15th and 16th avenue. Come out and neat meet us. 11 00 a. M. To 1 30, and from1 30until four well have others. T. And then physical examination, come out and say hi to the lovely jc birch. And remember you can finds us between 15 expresident 16th. All right. You guysave a lot of fun tomorrow. And as far as the rest of the weekend we have changes on the way. Thunderstormsstarting tomorrow. Well walk you through that break. Ugh. I really shouldnt. No, you know what . I should. Anani will. I deserve this. Im a bogo findin, weekly ad flippin, mastermindnd whos saving big time . This girl can i helplpou . Indeed. This queen of savings deserves a reward. A cannoli, please. The weekly ad, bogos and coupons. Three easy ways to save at the same plac you love to shop. I have a weather map. I cant wear green. Thats true. Ill try the wear a green undershirt, maybe sox, to. But one thing we can see, that is a great view are from the miami tower cam. It is sunny and warm. Lets newspaper to the view of mt. Sinai tower cam. Pu cloudsstarting to filter in as were watching a frontal system that will approroh florida and that will bring a better chance of rain for tomorrow. Right now the radar is quiet. All the way up through Palm Beach County and you canan see the clouds beginning to filtet in. Mostly those are high level clouds and as we go through th next 24 hours, were going to see our temperatures go up. Tomoow well be up to 84. The winds that are out of the southeast now will push the mperature and humidity up and you can see everyone with wind ten if 15. Tonight well fall down to 72 along the coast, some areas in the outlying areas could hit the mid to upper 60s tonight. Key west, mararhon, 68, 67 degrees. Area of High Pressure still in control for us. As this frontal system begins to develop, thats chance of rain. Tonight that heavy rainfall is the northern parishes of louisiana, and the rain ends around best of myirmingham and montgomery. Watch the clouds start to turn to the south here. Couple of showers, brief butot out of the question. Watch the focus here. It looks like with that southern wind f. We see these thunderstorms develop in the afternoon, they will develop in the northern parts of miami did and movement will be off to the north solve i think broward has a higher chance tomorrow than miami dade. And by monday afternoon, still about a 30 percent chance of a shower, but right now all indications are tomorrow we could see that chance. Some strong thunderstorms in the afternoon with those temperatures in the mid 80s so boboom line. We started often gorgeous. Winds will be out of the south but were going to keep those warm conditions in the forecast. So looking ahead, as wind gust 40o 30 percent chance of rain over the next two days, and towards the week, rain chance comes down until saturday, where thunderstorms creep back in the forecast. Clay. Trent, the back court steps to the forefront. A fantastic night from the heat guards gives them optimism headingnto tonights big game. Thats next in spos. donkey sound elephant sound thers a big difference between making noise tapping sound and making sense. elephant sound when it comes to Social Security, we need more than lip service. Our next president needs a real plan to keep Social Security strong. elephant noise hey candidates. Enough talk. Now local 10 sports with clay. It is a big game for the heat tonight and duane wade is expected to give it a go again despite playing an injury. He did admit that bruise was indeed still there, and you can tell he wasnt quite himself last night and with that going on, the heats other guard leading the way from miami with a season high of 26 points p rookie Josh Richardson scoring a career high of 22pois in that ballgame and he is looking like a much improved player in this, his first year out of tennessee. Be able to come out and have an opportunity to play, its been great. Its like a knock down shooter. But thats all the work that hes put in. Its really nice toss him, because you know that hes working hard and im enjoy thing moment as well. Meanwhile it will hur wait to see where they will play in the nca tournament. We were really anxious to start the game p we. Planned on doing. Dug ourselves a hole. We turned the ball over, we had 16 turnovers for the game and thats just not like us. A little sprang training baseball. The mar schins red sox b barry bonds December Troy this is pitch out of the field. A 5run fifth inning for the fish in this one. Thirdde should say. And they also bring the gloves to the party. How about this the play by justin maxwell. Right off the shoe tops, final scsce of 11 to eight. On the ice, the panthers hosting e fliers kafnlt i cant tonight. Forget about the debt, the Living Legend knows that win over ottawa still leads to a lot we lost three straight and next we have philly. And one final note from football, the dolphins announcing the number of free agents coming. As of now none of them has a deal. My mouth hurts. Yeah, do they havea full time dentist . Goodness,. In a half hour with baseball on tv in background with Heart Failure, danger is always on the rise. Symptoms worsen because your heart isnt pumping well. water filling room about 50 percent of people die dog whimpering within 5 years of getting diagnosed. But theres mething you can do. Talk to your doctor about Heart Failure treatment options. Because the more you know, the more likely you are. d whimpering boaters spot a desperate man. The story is crazy. How he managed to survive until his miracle came along. They said that they were out. He just learned theyre out of chocolate doughnuts. Bad news the moment he got something so much better. Its smooth sailing until a motorcyclist makes a classic mistake what it wasashat wiped him out. And posing on slippery rocks can be risky. You dont say. See how her glamor shot goes south. This has happened to me mexico. We can see some people on a boat and theyre waving at somebody. Someone out there. They are saying dont worry, well rescue you. Calm down. The story behind it is crazy. That what happened . Hes currently enjoying a meal of t tt bird. This guy was shipwrecked and has been drifting at sea. Apparently he set off from acapulco. As he comes up, you can see how sun burned and how skinny this guy is. They reach down, they grab his hand and they lift him into the boat. They just asked him, how did you catch the bird

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