Transcripts For WPVI ABC World News Tonight 20140831

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could this happen? good evening on this sunday night i am rebecca jarvis. we do begin with the severe weather battering holiday weekend plans more than 40 million americans looking to the skies tonight. the storms putting a damper on the start of college football season. the florida gators' game not just delayed but postponed to a new day because of dangerous lightning. rain washing away records in louisiana, nearly eight inches in a day. the forecast for the nation in just a moment. first abc's linzie janis with the wet start to the weekend. >> reporter: tonight, millions of americans in the southeast are cleaning up, after devastating floods damaged homes and cars. in alabama, mississippi and louisiana, heavy rains triggering flash flooding. neighbors wading through streets to help each other. this man in the process of fixing his lake charles, louisiana home from a flood earlier this summer must now start all over again. everything inside this man's garage now saturated. >> enough damage here, you can't have anything in your garage. >> reporter: these children are the only ones smiling here. splashing around in the flooded streets. but in florida, gators' fans trying to make the most of torrential rain, as they waited two hours and 40 minutes before lightning forced officials to postpone saturday night's game. and tonight from kansas city to minneapolis, and from d.c. to nyc, severe storms expected to pack damaging winds and heavy rains, as the extreme weather moves north. here in new york city, a severe storm has already passed through, with more behind it. the rain bringing relief from the heat, temperatures flirted with 90 degrees today. rebecca. >> so many of us looking forward to that relief. linzie janis, thank you. meteorologist jeff smith of our new york station, wabc is here. jeff, where should we look for that severe weather? >> we are tracking a couple zones. one of which is over the plains from kansas up through nebraska, iowa, up through minneapolis. we're talking strong winds, large hail, potential for tornadoes in that orange zone. a small area from washington d.c. to new york city. strong winds and flash flooding the main threats. a lot of destabilization occurred in the atmosphere during the day. tomorrow that shifts kansas city up to peoria, chicago and detroit. another situation where you could have strong winds and large hail. >> when it comes to labor day monday forecast, it's a tale of two countries. >> it's a dichotomy between east coast and west coast. check out the weather across the west, nearly perfect. the only fly in the ointment a couple showers. otherwise sunny and nice. again, severe weather over the midwest. just general showers and thunderstorms up and down the east coast. >> hoping everyone stays safe. jeff smith, thank you. and we turn over seas to that stunning video out of libya tonight. three years after america helped take down moammar gadhafi, the country is in chaos. islamic militants are celebrating. celebrating. >> reporter: a swan dive, plunging into the pool at a u.s. embassy. the celebration for this group of militants, who in their words today have secured this american residential annex in tripoli. empty since diplomats evacuated end of july. libya descended further into chaos. on twitter, the u.s. ambassador said it appeared the embassy building itself is still guardeo town for two months the militants had trapped some 15,000 members of a minority group there. the un feared a possible massacre. new us air strikes cleared the way for iraqi troops and the pentagon says american planes dropped more than 100 bundles of food, water and medicine. abc's senior washington correspondent jeff zeleny joins me. jeff, what does this mean for u.s. action in syria, where isis is also gaining ground? >> reporter: good evening, rebecca. the white house and pentagon say there is a significant break through with the air strikes in iraq. but one u.s. official tells me it's like putting out a brush fire in the broader fight against isis. the question still facing the president, whether he can make the case for expanding military action in syria. congress of course is very skeptical. and even members of his cabinet are divided over whether limited military effort could be successful here. but this is a top agenda item as the president travels to europe for a nato summit. he is trying to build a coalition in the region for possible expansion of the military fight in syria. rebecca. >> a lot on his plate. jeff, thank you. and that isis threat is fuelling a refugee crisis in the region, millions of syrians fleeing their country. many of them to camps in lebanon. our cameras are right there, david muir and our team on the syrian border, where children board pickup trucks taken to work in the fields supporting their families at just eight, nine, ten years old. they come from middle east, middle class families. their parents once teachers, lawyers, and now they are the ones supporting their families. much more of david's reporting and a sliver of hope he discovered this week on world news tonight with david muir. we turn now to a potential game changer for some 5 million americans, who suffer from congestive heart failure. news of an experimental drug so successful, that they stopped the study early finding the drug reduced the risk of death and hospitalizations due to heart failure by 20%. abc's senior medical contributor dr. jennifer ashton is here. jen, 20%. that is sizable. what makes this a breakthrough? >> it's a combination of two drugs, that really target the root cause of the problems that plague patients with heart failure. which is namely fluid overload. it kind of works like a one two punch against the hormonal domino effect. all over the body as well as the heart muscle function better. this study saves lives and improved quality of life all with acceptable side effects. if this drug is approved, it would be the first new oral medication for heart failure in almost a decade. >> there are caveats, you want people to know. >> absolutely. first of all the study was funded by the maker of the medication. it needs more study in african-american patients who are disproportionately affected by heart failure. experts are still calling this a break through. but it comes with a hefty price tag it could be as much as $7 a day. >> some hope. dr. jennifer ashton, thank you so much. now to joan rivers. her fans around the world pulling for her tonight. she remains hospitalized in new york city in serious condition. doctors keeping her sedated and under close supervision. on thursday, rivers suffered cardiac arrest during an outpatient procedure, daughter melissa is by her side. today she thanks everyone and said quote, we are keeping our fingers crossed. to a developing story from the nfl, 49ers defensive tackle ray mcdonald arrested on domestic violence charges. and it comes just days after the league imposed harsh new rules signaling violence against women will not be tolerated. aditi roy has the details. >> reporter: tonight, 49ers defensive end ray mcdonald is making waves off the field. the 29-year-old starter is out on $25,000 bail, arrested early this morning on felony domestic abuse charges. the incident comes just three days after nfl commissioner roger goodell announced harsher penalties for players accused of domestic violence. under the new guidelines mcdonald could face at least a six game suspension. the decision was prompted by ravens runningback ray rice's arrest on assault charges in february. rice was caught on camera dragging his then fiance unconscious out of the hotel elevator in atlantic city. >> i let my teammates down. i let so many people down. >> reporter: the 49ers released a statement saying the team takes such matters seriously. and is not commenting further without more information. the nfl said in a statement, it is aware of the incident. and it is looking into the matter. abc news's attempt to contact mcdonald's attorney have been unsuccessful. mcdonald is a critical part of the 49ers defense, his arrest comes one week before the team kicks off its regular season. rebecca. >> aditi, thank you. nascar superstar tony stewart is back behind the wheel tonight. three weeks after his car knocked a young driver to his death in another race. the investigation into that incident is underway. and gio benitez has the latest. >> reporter: tonight, tony stewart is back on the track. officially racing for the first time since august 9th, when his car struck and killed 20-year-old kevin ward jr. speaking out just this friday sending a message to ward's family. >> every day i am thinking about him and praying for them. >> reporter: this weekend has in some ways been business as usual for the nascar champ. placing in the top 20 in two practice sessions, just this saturday racing as the cloud of an investigation looms over that track. a racer considered a legend, also known for his explosive temper. even the president joked while honoring stewart last year on the south lawn of the white house. >> i was also hoping he would give me some tips on the media. because he's got that quiet reserved personality. >> reporter: now as stewart gets in his car, number 14 to race at the atlanta motor speedway, some question whether now is the right time to return to the sport he loves. >> it seems to me the best thing would be for him to wait until the investigation is complete. and then come back to the sport. >> reporter: that investigation expected to last another two weeks. so far stewart has not been charged with a crime. and investigators tell abc news they have not found evidence to suggest he intended to strike and kill ward, rebecca. >> thank you so much, gio. and a reminder, you can catch tonight's nascar race at the atlanta motor speedway on our partner network, espn. still ahead, the mystery flight, a small plane that caused a big scare over washington. fighter jets in close pursuit. what happened to the pilot midflight? the investigation tonight. and take a look at these swimmers. about to become shark bait. they didn't see it coming. someone else did. we're going to show you what happened next. this is kathleen. setting up the perfect wedding day begins with arthritis pain and two pills. afternoon arrives and feeling good, but her knee pain returns... that's two more pills. the evening's event brings laughter, joy, and more pain... when jamie says... what's that like six pills today? yeah... i can take 2 aleve for all day relief. really, and... and that's it. this is kathleen... for my arthritis pain, i now choose aleve. get all day arthritis pain relief with an easy-open cap. you may know what it's like to deal with high... and low blood sugar. januvia (sitagliptin) is a once-daily pill that, along with diet and exercise, helps lower blood sugar. januvia works when your blood sugar is high and works less when your blood 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blood tests before and during treatment to check your kidneys. if you have kidney problems a lower dose may be prescribed. side effects may include upper respiratory tract infection, stuffy or runny nose and sore throat, and headache. for help lowering your blood sugar talk to your doctor about januvia toda tonight the mystery of a small plane that caused a scare near washington d.c. before plunging into the ocean. what happened to the pilot? why did he stop responding? abc's clayton sandell with that story. >> reporter: the coast guard is suspending the search for a small plane that took off saturday from wisconsin flying to virginia. but instead of landing, it continued on through restricted air space around washington d.c., when the pilot no longer responds to radio calls, two f-16 fighters scramble. they can see the pilot appears unconscious. about 50 miles over the ocean, the plane runs out of fuel and goes down. >> what a horrible feeling for these air force pilots to watch this airplane obviously flying out to its demise out to sea. and not being able to do anything to help. >> reporter: the pilot identified as ronald hutchinson. it is not clear why he passed out. >> there are all sorts of things that could go wrong. you could have problems with the airplane, if you fly too high and don't have oxygen, you become hypoxic, your brain runs out of oxygen. and ceases to function. >> reporter: that's what happened in 2008 to the crew flying a small jet. >> unable. to control. altitude. >> we think he has hypoxia. >> reporter: this crash comes at a time the federal government and pilots who fly planes like these are dealing with a safety record, that is far more dangerous than flying commercial. last year, nearly 450 people died in small plane crashes, just today in erie, colorado, another crash. three people did not survive. adding to a deadly total, that pilots and the federal government agree is flying far too high. clayton sandell, abc news, centennial, colorado. >> our thanks to clayton sandell. when we come back, just when you thought it was safe to go back into the water, what is that lurking so close to these swimmers, how they got away in our instance index, coming up next. she inspires you. no question about that. but your erectile dysfunction - that could be a question of blood flow. cialis tadalafil for daily use helps you be ready anytime the moment's right. you can be more confident in your ability to be ready. and the same cialis is the only daily ed tablet approved to treat ed and symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently or urgently. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcohol in excess. side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. to avoid long term injury, get medical help right away 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people started screaming trying to warn them. >> a big hammer head. get out of the water. >> get out of the water. luckily for them that shark was more interested in a stingray giving the swimmers time to make a run for it. it was supposed to be about making an entrance, two sky divers landing on a football field in ireland hosting penn state and central florida. here is how it was supposed to go down. this sky diver from penn state landing on the field with that game ball. but let's just say it didn't go so well for the other stunt man from central florida. he missed the stadium entirely and ended up on some nearby train tracks. we are told he's doing just fine. but his ego might be suffering a bit. still ahead, it started with a few dresses wait until you see what this north carolina mom created with her sewing machine. it was stitch by stitch, how she saved her family and so many others in her community. when your favorite food starts a fight fight back fast with tums. relief that 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but my mom got migraines, so she knew this would help. excedrin migraine starts to relieve my pain in 30 minutes. plus, sensitivity to light and sound, even nausea. excedrin migraine works. you know.... there's a more enjoyable way to get your fiber. try phillips fiber good gummies. they're delicious and an excellent source of fiber to help support regularity. mmmm. these are good! the tasty side of fiber. from phillips finally tonight on labor day weekend. a mom who turned to her sewing machine during tough times and turned all of those stitches into a multimillion dollar business. she is helping others get back on her feet, too. tonight she is america strong. >> here is where the creations come to life. >> for stay at home mom brandy temple, it was this mother's day gift from her husband that changed everything. >> he is like, if i buy you this will you use it? now he says it's the best investment he ever made of course. >> first making dresses for her daughters. then the great recession hit. her husband's work dries up. but brandy has an idea. why not sell those little creations on facebook. >> it was that aha moment of almost hitting the jackpot. >> in 30 seconds, they are completely sold out. lolly wolly doodle is born. in 18 months moving from brandy's garage to this. now $11 million in sales a year. landing brandy on the cover of inc magazine. it's not just her life changed. where do you think you would be if not for this job? >> probably the homeless shelter. >> she's my guardian angel. >> her employees, her neighbors, in lexington, north carolina. a textile town ravaged by unemployment hitting 14% during the recession. lolly wolly doodle one of the biggest employers in town. from brandy, advice to anyone else with a dream. >> when you lay your head down at night, to be able to do that, knowing you did everything you could. >> a business and a community built one dress at a time. that is america strong. know that you did all you could. an american jobs creator for you on labor day weekend. good morning america first thing tomorrow morning. david muir back in the seat tomorrow night. have a good night, a great safe labor day. good night. bergeron: here's a sneak peek at tonight's "afv." we dare you not to laugh. woman: oh! [ screaming ] [ laughter ] [ indistinct conversation ] [ screaming ] man: ooh! welcome to... and now here he is, the host of "afv"... tom bergeron! [ cheers and applause ] thank you very much. thank you. thank you to jonathan and oliver for that wonderful introduction.

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New York , United States , Louisiana , Alabama , North Carolina , Erie , Colorado , Florida , Virginia , Wisconsin , Tripoli , Tarabulus , Libya , Syria , Lebanon , Washington , District Of Columbia , Kansas City , Kansas , Mississippi , Florida Beach , Lake Charles , Iraq , Nebraska , Iowa , Ireland , Chicago , Illinois , Americans , America , Iraqi , Syrian , Syrians , American , Clayton Sandell , Aditi Roy , Gray Mcdonald , Tom Bergeron , Ronald Hutchinson , Roger Goodell , Guardian Angel , Tony Stewart , Jeff Smith , Moammar Gadhafi , Jennifer Ashton , Rebecca Jarvis , David Muir ,

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