Transcripts For WPVI Action News 20150328

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being pass add rounds by phone and not only does that cause obvious social calamity it happens to be against the law friday night and big story is emerging school scandal in montgomery county. live in lansdale is "action news" reporter dann cuellar and dann you have the details jim this is now a police matter and you to men sing police confirming this matter is jointly investigated by them in montgomery county d as office students telling us boys were posting nude and i'm eye nude pictures of girls on the internet. >> students commenting tonight on the scandal that rocked north penn high school. the north penn school district made the revelation earlier today the matter was being investigated. students are telling us that several high school boys were involved. it originated as group chat where boys would trade nudes like pokemon cards. they were posting pictures of classmates and doing this on drop box accounts it's an app that allows you to take all the items on your computer you with you on mobile device. >> there's a lot of tension. this is all anybody has been talking about all school day for the past two or three days and people are upset about it. >> other girls at the school are upset as victims. they called a walkout on monday for two reasons showing they're outraged boys responsible would do this and 2 to ensure the school does not try to sweep this under the rug. >> how do you feel about that. >> i think it's a good idea. they're taking a stand. >> school district officials would not speak on camera and issued a statement on the web site. it says in park know nps d and local law enforcement officials are working together on this matter and take alleged activity such as this seriously. >> now one of the victims tells us off camera these girls have been exploited and dehumanizeed and wanted us to emphasize this. the situation being investigated by you to men sing police and montgomery county d a office. life in lansdale. dann cuellar "channel 6 action news." >> thank you, two teen aim rerz in custody tonight that in wake of rain and robbery in the port richmond section of philadelphia. it happened last night in the 3900 block of richmond street the 19-year-old victim was walking home from a gym when she was assaulted by alleged suspects ages 16 and 1 4 she was forced at gun point to this remote location on train tracks where she was sexually assaulted. >> investigation into the copilot that crashed germanwings nreen a mountain is uncovering new information tonight. the media is germany is describing andreas media is germany is describing andreas lupitz as a man with psychological issues and a falling out with a girlfriend. they removed material from his apartment in d useldorf today and aviation officials explore what happened inside and outside the cockpit of the ill-fated plane. lupitz locked the pilot out and set autopilot from 38,000 to 100 feet. new pictures today show him as healthy, athletic man and searchers found documents that pointed to existing illness. they did not specify physical or psychological. meanwhile authorities also found a doctor's note that should have kept lubitz off work tuesday the day he brought the plane down and killed 150 people. but the note had been torn up. >> there are several developments tonight in the new york city building explosion as we get to see the moment of the blast for the first time. video will aid investigators who at this moment believe natural gas explosion was cause. but they also say there's a possibility somebody improperly tapped the gas line which was locked after it failed up inspection. number of injuries rose today from 19 to 2 and even worse at least two people railroad still missing nicholas figueroa was on a date at the sushi restaurant where the blast happened and is a worker there and one of the reasons more people were not harmed is that the apartments above were mostly vacant. three buildings in total collapsed during the 7 alarm inferno. >> somerset county >> somerset count lawmen say the deaths of john and joyce sheridan were schrouded in mystery since september 28. he was ceo of cooper university state system and former state transportation commissioner and leader in the effort to revitalize camden. report today by the prosecutor is being emphatically challenged by shar i dan's four grown sons. in a statement today they said, quote, we will not allow our father to be convicted based on guesswork. resulting from an inadequate and incomplete investigation simply because he is not here to defend himself. >> philadelphia police arrested 19-year-old zachary pitchard for stabbing death of mother. his grandmother was city being his grandmother was city beingly third in the attack. officials state home and 2800 block of reynolds street in bridesburg was in deplorable condition with fee feces all over the floor. >> two more women accusing bill cosby of sexual assault. margie shapiro and suxt ny wells say they were drugged and assaulted by the comedian in the 19 70s when teenagers. more than 30 women made similar claims against crosby all of which he denies philadelphia police want to get the drop on trio of puring lars that broke into storage units as surveillance cameras were rolling. video shows one man climbing down from a hole cut in a roof and letting his accomplices in and another man and woman steel 35 guitars and 10 amplifyers and various electronic equipment and vinyl records and children's toys and one of suspects was in a musical mood stopping several times for dance break during the height. this happened at the public store on the 2300 block of castor avenue northeast at 9:00 wednesday night. >> and the low price grocery chain aldi announced it completed purchase today of former bottom dollar stores. aldi plans to open 21 of those locations in the tri-state. it's still evaluating what to do with another 24 bottom dollar sites locally. they may be sold off. aldi predicts the overall expansion plan nationally the next three years should create more than 10,000 new jobs. >> a philadelphia family is very grateful for the kindness of strangeers after their adventurous 4-year-old named annibel slipped out of her bed and set out on septa bus for an overnight treat. 3:00 this morning a man flagged down driver of septa bus in tacony to tell the driver there was a little girl trying to take the bus alone. moments later annibel gets on to the bus and takes a seat. as the bus driver called authorities annibel tried to explain herself to stunned paerm. >> she had a mind-set i know what she wanted you know. >> what did she want. >> all i want is a slushy. >> that's all she said. >> police arrived and took her home. mom and dad reconfigured the logs on their doors and say this will be and i bells last solo adventure for a long time. >> nev has a party crasher been more welcome than a guy by the name of joy d egulio in fact he would be number one guest at a bachelor party in philadelphia tomorrow night. "action news" reporter sharee william was live at the big board, sharee, this sounds like quite a yard. >> this is quite a story joy d egulio traveled from seattle to attend "the bachelor" party of jeff maneti in philadelphia. joe we was never originally invited. his last name is similar it a friend of the groom. so it was a typo in e-mail address that led to an unlikely friendship. fresh off the plane joy d egulio is finally in philadelphia. >> it's amazing time. >> he flew in town for this couple bride and groom jeff maneti and amy lee. he never met them before and how them came to know each other is even more intriguing and it all started with a simple e-mail. jeff maneddi was planning his bachelor party when he accidentally included joy on the party chain. >> hi no idea who he was it was entertaining i thought i would stick on it and not say anything at first. >> i told him come we would love to you have and told him he was invited to the wedding joy set up go fund me page it pay friday travels from seattle to philadelphia. only needed $10 0. he exceeded that. >> the money kept pouring in i thought let's do something cool for bride and groom. right now we're above 8,000 and will raise money for the hope moon. >> wearing bachelor crashing sweatshirt it's time to finally meet the lovely couple he traveled 3,000 miles for. >> amy. >> welcome. >> welcome. >> greating him with a philadelphia staple, tastykakes. strangers now connected by a simple mistake in an e-mail. >> yeah i said today so many times. city of brotherly love and any and all are welcome. >> it's great we're looking forward to having a wonderful weekend we can't wait to show joy the city. >> no longer a party crasher by friend. after thousands of dollars raised for couple all because of stranger. >> it's touching. touching. >> touching is right. the couple plans to use the money to go on their honey noon italy. this is joy's first time in the northeast. bride and groom took joy to dinner tonight and tomorrow is big bachelor night out on the town and jim, they plan to ride the ducks, of course, bar hop and explore philadelphia. >> thank you sharee. great story. still to come on "action news" tonight a year in space will see the astronaut hookup tonight. ten minutes ago this came in amanda knox speaks out after her murder conviction is again overturned in italy. and my one-on-one sit down with pennsylvania's new governor tom wolff. tonight we're not talking policy but personal experiences and yes, that is tom wolff cecily. >> the weekend is here and now get ready for an unwelcomed visitor winter is making a come back. i'll explain in the accuweather 7 day forecast. >> and ducis rogers with a career performance by a sixer star rookie. when "action news" continues tonight pass >> an eight year ordeal over for amanda knox her sentence overturned conviction overturned. she served four years in prison for conviction in 2009 two years late area quitted and last year convicted again. could have face aid new trial. a short time ago she spoke from her no seattle. >> i'm incredibly grateful for what has happened. >> for justice i received for the support that i have from everyone from my family, friends, to strangeers to people like you, it -- you saved my life and i'm so grateful. >> when asked about what she would say to the family of marry death kercher roommate killed shed is "i'm the lucky one." >> and liftoff. >> these are the very last seconds that astronaut scott kelly will spend on earth in the next year. he rumbled into orbit fora history making mission in space. just oaf an hour ago their capsule docked at the international space station. scott kelly is a twin, with brother mark, who is also an astronaut. during scott's yearlong stay on the international space station nasa will monitor both known compare how their bodies and psyches are differenting and it's meant to give nasa insight into the consequences of the longer term exploration necessary for a manned mission to mars. >> senate democratic leader harry reid said he'll retire next year. he's 75 and suffered broken ribs and facial fracture on january when he says he fell off a piece of exercise equipment. reed immediately endorsed new york senator chuck shumer to takeover as democratic leader. president obama said he would stay clear of the race for minority leader. >> and we continue my one-on-one interview with pennsylvania governor tom wolff at 6:00 tonight we talked about policy and govrping and now it's about tom wolff brilliant student at mit and nov nis harrisburg. we have seen creating and rescuing companies and most of us have not seen tom wolff as add less wept a shock of dark hair or future college javelin thrower playing college hoops in backyard wolff may seem like a nerd to some but the fact he was something of a jock in college and then came a decision that changed his life the peace corps. >> you were undergraduate at dartmouth college and interrupted studies to go to peace corps. what did you learn with that experience that should making you a better governor today. >> i think it made my a better human being. >> thank you very much. >> i'm not good at a out of things but when you're by yourself in remote village in indian and things happen you to that never happened in your life and you'll learn that life is interesting and has a lot of dhevrpings and those a lot of things at you and you do bobbing and weaving and i think those are the things that helped me throughout the life thereat was not anything that really floored me and said can i not do that. i'll figure something out. >> what was most important day in your life. >> there were a couple. of course my marriage. personal things most important. i think you know -- you said forgive me your marriage. do you remember what do you remember from your wedding day. >> i remember a lot of i remember marrying the love of my life and we're still married and celebrating our 40th wedding anniversary in june and that was one of the bet days of my life another of best days is two days my daughter was were born. those are important things. the rest of the stuff you know, you do your best. you work hard. and you try to do everything you said you were going to do. but what's really important is family. >> wow finish a sentence for me? if i don't accomplish, blank, i will not deserve to be reelected for governor. >>fy don't make pennsylvania the kind of place made for entrepreneurs where good jobs family sustaining jobs are created left and right, where schools are on the road, if we're not making progress to that kind of pennsylvania i don't deserve to be reelectd governor wolff would want us to keep him to his word the entire interview is posted at let's get the weekend accuweather forecast from meteorologist cecily tynan. >> we'll hold you to your word. >> i bet you always do. >> it's not going to be horrible weekend. but it's not going to be warm weekend. it's going to be chilly. stormtracker 6 double scan showing we still have a few sprinkles over cape may and dover. and even a few flurries by pottsville and we're live right now on sky6. take a look at center city sky line. this is view from temple university sky6 and we have clouds upstairs. but the real thing you notice when you step outside is temperatures. it's getting cold out there. allentown, 35 degrees. reading and millville 37. philadelphia 43. trenton 40. and wildwood 41 degrees. satellite 6 and action radar finally the showers that were happening by the shore for the bulk had moved off. if you look out to the west you can see some breaks in the clouds. and also some snow showers. and that's upper level disturbance moving through tomorrow afternoon and that could kickoff a sprinkle or flurry. future tracker showing tomorrow morning 9:00 in the morning whipped chills across the board will be in the 20s if you head up to the poconos for skiing the ski resorts are still open and the wind chill, 10 degrees at 9:00 and future tracker showing the best chance of seeing sunshine will be in the morning. 9:00, showing some sunshine west of philadelphia. fillederd sunshine to the east. as we head to the afternoon the upper level energy and the fact that the sun will heat the earth a little that causes instability of cold air higher up. that will create bubble-up clouds with sprinkles here and there and maybe even snow showers, flurries by the late afternoon. so all in all it will feel like winter tomorrow. 40 degrees, lots of clouds sprinkle or flurry. you factor in the winds wind chills in the afternoon in the 30s. feels like wimentner morning and feels like winter in afternoon. heading into sunday, high pressure will build over us and that means we squeeze moisture out from atmosphere. lots of sunshine. not as chill limit still 46. that's 11 below average. temperatures kloym up to seasonable levels by next week. the exclusive accuweather 7-day forecast lots of clouds tomorrow, flurry, sprinkle in average. high 406789 wind chills in the 30s. sunday prettier day. lots of sunshine. still chilly, 46. we get milder on monday. partly sunny breezy, 58. tuesday looking good. start with sunshine. increasing clouds. late day or evening showers. 56 degrees. on wednesday april fools day. no kidding it will be pretty nice. mostly sunny seasonable, 58. we bump up to 60 on thursday with clouds and showers and good friday more clouds, 62. looks like a pretty decent start passover at sundown. looks like next weekend easter weekend is going to be another cold one. so enjoy temperatures in the 60s by end of next week. >> all right. thank you, cecily. >> philadelphia students will get an extra holiday this coming fall thanks to the pope. it's not a day off for relimb us reasons but logistical reasons. street closures for pope francis visit to philadelphia will make it too hard to goat class friday september 25. one and a half million people are expect totd con verming on the city to see the pontiff . 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[ jake ] uh... khakis. she sounds hideous. well she's a guy, so... [ male announcer ] another reason more people stay with state farm. get to a better state. ♪ ♪ >> flyers skating conundrum. they beat the best teams in the league like the blackhawks earlier in the week. >> when you're beating better teams it tells you you're capable of it. we know we have a lot of good pieces here and we need to keep things rolling forward and find ways to get better on a daily basis and whatever we can do in the summer we'll try to do. >> in ncaa louisville and gone saturdays amoved on to elite 8. fran dumbfy coaching them up. they're in finals in madison square garden. owls won nit games on average by twelve points. coach sees this team improving by this run. >> they ghaind confidence and ghaind poise and experience and so we're feeling good right now and we know we have a great challenge in front of us with miami tuesday. >> once again. >> ducis rogers. >> "action news" continues at 5:30 a.m. for cecily tynan ducis rogers and the entire "action news" team i'm jim gardner. have a good night and great sss >> dicky: from hollywood it's "jimmy kimmel live!" tonight, president barack obama. and sean penn. with cleto and the cletones. and now, take it easy, here's jimmy kimmel! >> jimmy: hi, i'm jimmy. i'm the host of the show. thank you for watching. thank you for coming.

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