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As president. Its a referendum on the economy, health care, National Security and so much more. This crowd has not given up, but they are very nervous. Im live, back to you, jim. Thank you, monica. Now to Rick Williams at trumps headquarters just blocks away in new york city at the midtown hilton. There must be a good deal of excitement in that place. Reporter that is an understatement tonight, jim. This crowd is ready for a victory celebration. They just found out just moments ago that donald trump won the state of florida. They erupted into cheers, high fiving, a lot more people putting on the red hats saying make America Great again and they are ready for that celebration. That could be imminent. There is still a lot of time left. Indeed many of these supporters have been celebrating since early this evening. Celebrating a healthy night, a very good night for donald trump beyond what many had expected and now we are watching and waiting for what could possibly be a photo finish. Now, as we also mentioned donald trump who is at the trump tower with his family and friends. He has been tweeting. We want to show you the photo he tweeted this evening one more time. Lets pull it up there. And there is donald trump surrounded by his family, his campaign, his running mate, mike pence. Watching the results. Most of them smiling. Cautiously optimistic. But donald trump still frowning. And perhaps will stay that way until the final results are in. But certainly something to smile about tonight. Back here we are continuing to watch and wait. The results still coming in. But i think its safe to say that this crowd is primed for a celebration. Once donald trump appears here at some point on that stage behind me, then we will really here hear an eruption in midtown manhattan. Back to you. Thank you, rick. I want to qualify one thing. Well, before we get into the pennsylvania numbers. Let me qualify one thing. As rick reported, the Associated Press has called the state of florida for donald trump. Abc news has not made that call as of yet. Just a few moments ago they said it is still too close to call. So different news organizations take different approaches very often. Associated press called florida. And what an important call that is. The Associated Press has called florida for donald trump. Abc news has not made that call as of this time. All right. Lets take a look at the president ial race from the points of view of our three states. In pennsylvania clinton is now ahead of trump by two points. This has dramatically closed just over the last half hour. When clinton was way ahead of trump in pennsylvania. It is now down to two points. That translates into 81,000 votes. It is getting tight. New jersey is the bluest of all blue states. It easily went to Hillary Clinton tonight. Delaware, not far behind. Well, its just at the same place. Clinton easily wins delaware 53 to 42 . The most Expensive Senate race in American History has captivated southeastern pennsylvania. The entire commonwealth. And when all is said and done pennsylvania, well, lets not even rush to any kind of a conclusion. Because democrat Katie Mcginty was way out in front, again, just a half hour ago when Hillary Clinton was way out in front of donald trump in pennsylvania. But just in the same fashion mcginty and toomey are now separated by just two points. Toomey is staging a major comeback. 77 of that vote is counted. Lets go live to action News Reporter sara bloomquist who is live at mcginty headquarters. Sara, there might have been a Party Atmosphere there a little while ago, but hold the party. Theyve got more counting to do. Reporter not a celebratory yet as you might think. Even a little bit earlier. This is a room of concerned democrats tonight. They are assembled on the floor. A lot of them watching closely as the results come in. They have been pretty quiet. At times the crowd thinning out. And a great deal of concern especially as they look at Hillary Clintons numbers. They perked up just a moment ago at some of the latest returns that looked a little bit more optimistic. Governor wolf took to the podium and said we dont mind having a long night as long as we get the right results in the end. We have been talking to some of these pennsylvania democrats who are assembled here in this center city ballroom. The mood is tense. Heres what they had to say. Its not what i expected. This is starting to feel a lot like brexit. I watched the returns come in for that and its that same feeling of we didnt expect this. And its not quite the daunting horror that everyone felt when the brexit returns came in, but it doesnt feel like we should be this worried. So a very quiet room here in center city. We know Katie Mcginty is right upstairs in a hotel suite. She has been watching these returns as they come in with her husband and her three daughters. She is still hoping of course to win this seat and overturn the u. S. Senate back to the democratic party. If she joins the senate, if she wins tonight she becomes the first female senator from the state of pennsylvania. Live in center city, im sara bloomquist, channel 6 action news. Thank you, sara. Switch now live to toomey headquarters. And action News Reporter vernon odom. Might he be the comeback kid here tonight . Reporter he could well be, jim. His crowd here is waiting nervously. Theyre very happy about these numbers that have him closing in on Katie Mcgintys lead that seemed comfortable a while ago. But those votes are coming from whats known as the t in pennsylvania, west of the susquehanna river. Those conservative votes, whether they get enough votes out of eastern to confront allegheny county, we dont know. But they are very, very optimistic because of those closing numbers. Pat toomey announced earlier this evening about 7 00 this he indeed had made up his mind in the last couple of days and that he did indeed vote for donald trump for president of the united states. Here is senator toomey explaining his vote. I had a lot of problems with donald trump. I still do. I think there are serious questions about his temperament and judgment and policy positions hes taken that i disagree with. But, jim, thats the latest situation here. We could be in for a very long night here as they continue to count votes in the commonwealth of pennsylvania. Live in lehigh county, im vernon odom. A lot of noise and confusion on the other side of the room, jim. Back to you. Got that, vernon. Thank you. Abc news just made four calls that we need to tell you. The most important one is North Carolina and its 15 votes to donald trump. I say its the most important one because North Carolina was a swing state. It was being competed for with everything that both campaigns had to give. North carolina goes to trump. California and the 55 votes goes to clinton. But this was a fore gone conclusion. Hawaii and its four electoral votes goes to clinton. Another fore gone conclusion. Donald trump wins idaho and the four votes. A fore gone conclusion. But the big prize here, North Carolina, it goes to donald trump according to abc news. We want to point out that our election ticker is running across the bottom of your screen so you can follow the specific local races that you care about in your community. Across the tristate area, specifically the lehigh valley, went to the polls in droves. Some had to wait hours to choose the next president of the united states. The lines went out the door and wrapped around the parking lot here in montgomery county. Some say they waited two hours. And new Hanover Church in new hanover township. And long lines at this polling place in coatesville. Some voters brought chairs as they waited outside the doors at Rainbow Elementary School and voters said despite the long lines it was worth the wait. This is absolutely amazing and i have never experienced this in all of the years ive voted. This is obviously very important. What i have to do to do my civic duty here, ill wait two hours. And this, the scene in northern libber if i. The line wrapped around a community center. The poll worker says they had an 80 turnout. And long lines in bucks county. Action news found voters waiting for several hours or even for the second time today. But they were determined to exercise their right to vote. I stopped in the morning, saw the line was out of the door. Gone bake to the gymnasium. I went back to work. Thinking that i would come here later tonight. And the line is still pretty long. This is actually our second time waiting in line today because we waited for an hour earlier and then had to leave. Its worth the two hours, you know. There are plenty of people who died so we all can vote. Another voter told us that if you dont take the time to vote, well, you shouldnt complain. The votes are still being counted at the board of elections in the Northern Liberty section of philadelphia. Action news was there as election judges were reading the results of the machine readouts. The officials are on hand to verify those results. Philadelphias District Attorney says there isnt a single reason the results of todays election should be called into question. The philadelphia gop says they have received more than 200 complaints of potentially illegal voting activity. District attorney Seth Williams says his Election Fraud task force fielded 95 electionrelated calls but made no arrests. Just a handful of voters called action news to report issues at their precincts. Volunteers with the league of women voters manned our election hotline all day here at channel 6. A lot of the calls were from voters who wanted to know if they could bring children into the voting booth with them. The answer . Yes. Now to the hard fought eighth district congressional seat in pennsylvania. Brian fitzpatrick sought to replace his brother, Mike Fitzpatrick who did not seek reelection. The opponent . Steve santarsiero. And right now fitzpatrick leading by 10 points with a third of the vote counted. In the statewide race for Pennsylvania Attorney general. Josh shapiro here we go. Josh shapiro leads John Rafferty at this moment. 64 of the vote in. It looks like shapiro going to a relatively easy victory. But they still have a third of the vote to count. So we certainly wont put a period at the end of this race. In the delaware governors contest Democrat John carney has defeated the republican 5839 . He thanked his supporters tonight at the Doubletree Hotel in wilmington. He promised to address gun violence, education, and state Employee Health care. And to replace governorelect carney in the house of representatives diamond state voters are sending lisa blunt rochester to washington to serve as their congress person. She is the first africanamerican to represent delaware in congress. In wilmington, the democrat won the mayors race in a landslide 8211 . New jerseyans had two constitutional amendments on the ballot. One asked whether to dedicate every penny of the new gas tax increase to the Transportation Trust fund. And do we know how that measure turned out . Yes. We do. And the answer is, yes. Close call. But, yes wins with 52 . Sorry, theyre winning with 52 of the vote. 76 of that vote has been counted. New jersey is also voting on or did on a constitutional amendment, whether to expand gambles outside of Atlantic City. The no vote 79 yes, 21 . And Atlantic City officials are breathing a huge sigh of relief tonight because if gambling had been able to do to two other counties in north jer sigh, might have inflicted more damage on the gambling industry in Atlantic City. Still to come, two Philadelphia Police officers have been injured in a hit and run. And now the search is on for the suspect. Plus some Temple University students wait for hours tonight to vote. It was a warm and sunny election day. But Storm Tracker 6 live showing wet weather heading our way. Details on the time and the temperature hits to follow in the accuweather seven day forecast. And more election coverage when action news continues. With simply right checking from santander bank, just make one deposit, withdrawal, transfer, or payment each month to waive the monthly fee. And theres no minimum balance. Youre alright with simply right checking from santander bank. Are you feeling alright, baby . From santander bank. Says it wont let up for a while. The cadillac xt5. What should we do . Tailored to you. Wait it out. Equipped with apple carplay compatibility. Now during seasons best, get this low mileage lease on this cadillac xt5 from around 429 per month, or purchase with 0 apr financing. Two Philadelphia Police officers have been rushed to the hospital following a hit and run car crash tonight in germantown. Chopper 6 was over the scene shortly after 10 00. An officer in his 40st and another in his 30s were take ton Einstein Medical Center in stable condition with broken bones. It was a routine car stop and the driver fled and crashed into the police suv. Suspect then drove a short distance before fleeing on foot. He was captured after a brief foot chase. There will be new respectives new u. S. Respectives taking over open seats tonight. Otherwise congressional incumbents won reelection to another term. In philadelphia democrat dwight evans handily beat republican challenger james jones for the Second District seat, replaceing the congressman. In pennsylvanias 16th district republican lloyd smokier smucker is leading hartman with 72 of the vote counted. So if the trend continues smucker will be the other newly elected representative. Representing chester, burkes, and lancaster counties. Joe pitts did not seek reelection. The balance of power in Congress Shapes the agenda that the president can accomplish. And the republicans have held on to their majority in the house of representatives. Makeup of the senate is officially too close to call at this hour. Head over to the action news big board and brian taff with a breakdown of the electoral map for president. Jim, in a word this has become very interesting tonight. Interesting the opt ative word. Not the word the Clinton Campaign would use. Likely we cant repeat that on television tonight. This is the current electoral map with the one caveat that the Associated Press called florida, abc news has not. But for these purposes florida is called on our map. Look at the math. 216197. Draw your attention to the still gray states where the vote is not in yet. This is the blue wall, okay . This is where Hillary Clinton was supposed to lock it up and block donald trump from winning the presidency. But take a look. Minnesota, a marginal lead. She is now surged a little bit in the last couple of minutes. Look at wisconsin, donald trump leading there. Just updated live. Donald trump leading with and be in michigan, donald trump leading there. The blue wall is cracking tonight. Even when we look at pennsylvania, awfully close, 49 47 with 82 of precincts reporting. This blue wall is turning out to be porous tonight. And that is why Donald Trumps path to the presidency just got a whole lot wider. We were using the word narrow for so long. Not so much the operative word tonight. In this scenario, if you add in a couple of states where hes expected to win and you add in a couple of states where Hillary Clinton should have won, this is the math. 269 to 274. So how does donald trump do it from this point forward. One, he pick up arizona and summers to 258. Now he has to flip blue states. Say he does it with michigan, then donald trump is the president of the united states. He could do it in any other number of states. He could potentially pick off pennsylvania. Who knows . The numbers are out there. In that case he too is president of the united states. Any of these states that i just mentioned, it is very, very close, donald trump is finding a path to the presidency tonight. Jim, in math is just fascinating and nail biting tonight. All right. Thank you, brian. Accuweather from the for the next seven days. And we do have some changes on the way tomorrow. Storm tracker 6 live double scan showing we have rainfree conditions out there tonight. But that will be changing as we head through the day tomorrow. Clouds are rolling in, though. And that is really providing kind of insulation for the earth. The temperature is slow to drop. 55 degrees in philadelphia right now. Down from a high of 69. Wilmington, still pretty mild, 51, trenton, 51. Allentown, 47. And cape may, 47 degrees. So satellite 6, along with action radar. Showing after the bright sunshine all day a pretty thick cloud deck is all here and the western half of pennsylvania is wet right now. Thats a cold front pushing in during the day tomorrow. A wave of low pressure developing along that. So what this means instead of temperatures close to 70, temperatures only in the mid to upper 50s. Lots of clouds and it will be dreary and youll need the umbrella. So future tracker showing 8 00 tomorrow morning. The clouds are in place. Some showers breaking out. Primarily north and west of the i95 corridor that it sweeps into south jersey and delaware by lunch type. And then some indications we could have lingering showers into the evening. But then its all out of here by wednesday. Or thursday, i should say. High pressure building in. Loads of sunshine. It will be seasonably cool. 57 degrees. Another cold front rolls through on friday night. What this will do is open the door for a major chill on saturday. Wind chills much of the day will be stuck in the 30s. So kind of a blast of winter on saturday. So the exclusive forecast, generally a tenth of an inch to a quarter inch. Not as much rain as we need. But some rain. Cooler and damp are lots of clouds. A high of 58 degrees. Thursday, sunny, breezy, the high, 57. On veterans day, good amount of sunshine for the first half of the day. The clouds roll in late in the day. The winds increase ahead of another cold front. 63 degrees the high. And behind that front on saturday, again, temperatures only around 50 degrees. 49 degrees perhaps. Wind chill when you factor in the winds will be near 40 degrees. Wind chill is actually in the 30s for much of the day. But that cold air really only sticks around for one day. On sunday we get a quick rebound right in time for the eagles game with a high of 58 degrees. Next monday should be beautiful. Sunny and mild. 62 degrees. And tuesday, weve got another chance of some muchneeded rain. It clouds up with rain arriving late in the day and tuesday night with a high of 63 degrees. So showers tomorrow, sunshine back on thursday. And really chilly on saturday. Thank you. More election coverage. Action news continues in just a minute. What . Is he gone . . Finally, i thought hed never leave. Tv character why are you texting my man at 2 a. M. . No. If you want someone to leave you alone, you pretend like youre sleeping. Its what you do. If you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. Its what you do. 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Reporter for some temple students, a pleasant surprise. For others, an unexpectedly slow start. I thought it would be definitively clinton. Its scary to see how many are voting for trump. Reporter at a watch party, students, many first time voters, are eager to see how it falls. Still a lot of big states to be decided. Reporter around the corner, water, food, and even power strips for phone chargers passed out to temple students waiting in hours to vote. Have you lost the excitement of this is my first time voting or trying to hold on. Hold on strong. Its gone. Makes me feel bad they have to wait for three hours with, good they are standing to wait for three hours. Reporter students say their voice is key. We make up a large part of the population. And we normally dont vote as much. A lot of us were College Students at the polls today. Reporter now regardless of the outcome for many students they say its just the thrill of voting for the first time thats most memorable. Reporting live here at Temple University, Christie Ileto channel 6 action news. Jim. Thank you, christie. California voters have approved a ballot measure to allow Recreational Marijuana. The vote is the biggest test yet for the movement to legalize marijuana. Todays decision means that Recreational Marijuana will be legal along the entire west coast. Voters in eight other states are also voting on legalizing recreational use. But those results arent in yet. Action news is on early tomorrow with a look at the Election Results and overnight updates on any undecided races. The Action News Morning Team will start at 4 a. M. Afoot and lighthearted i take to the open road. Healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. The east and the west are mine. The north and the south are mine. All seems beautiful to me. Says it wont let up for a while. The cadillac xt5. What should we do . Tailored to you. Wait it out. Equipped with apple carplay compatibility. Now during seasons best, get this low mileage lease on this cadillac xt5 from around 429 per month, or purchase with 0 apr financing. We want to bring you up to date. Abc news just projected the state of florida for donald trump. Florida and its 29 electoral votes according to abc news is now in the trump column. Were going to take a quick look at the president s race in pennsylvania. And right now Hillary Clinton maintaining a small lead over donald trump in pennsylvania. Good news for Hillary Clinton. Not so good news for donald trump. And take a last look at the Mcginty Toomey race, that is very much in lock step with the president s race in pennsylvania. And interestingly this race has followed the clinton trump race in pennsylvania throughout the entire night almost percentage point for percentage point. So thats the situation as we now have it. Abc news election coverage continues throughout the night. Action news is back on early at 4 a. M. With pamela edwards, matt odonnell, for cecily tynan, Ducis Rodgers and the entire action news team, im jim gardner. Good night. Action news sponsored by bobs discount furniture. Buy in store or at my bobs. Com. Tower, theyre getting very excited. We said conventional wisdom was wrong, and so is political science. Everyone said they werent ready for prime time, but they made the call to go

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