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And not at my home, i appreciate that. Hey, before we get going i need to thank somebody. I need to thank our guitar player, toshi, hes from japan, he went back home to japan over the holiday break, how was it . You saw the whole family . Yeah. Jimmy he brought me back a gift. One year you brought me a kimono, which was nice, i wear it to the mailbox every morning. But this year toshi, who i know you didnt expect me to mention this, you brought me what this. Shampoo. Jimmy shampoo. He brought me a bottle i guess this is special shampoo for people with thinning hair . Well yes. I use it. Jimmy so toshi gave me the shampoo. Then this was an extra thing, you stood in front of my desk and explained how to use it. Correct me if i have it wrong. You said, wet your hair, then lather on the shampoo, then rinse it off. Yeah. Massage your head, yes. Jimmy right, right, right. See, normally [ laughter ] usually when i do it, i squirt it in the air, try to get it to land on my head, then i shake it until its gone. [ laughter ] thank you, toshi. I can honestly say no man has ever given me shampoo before in my life. [ cheers and applause ] hey, while were on the subject of gifts, over the break my brother and sisterinlaw who live in kansas city sent our daughter jane, whos 2 years old, this do we have the picture . Giant 8foottall teddy bear. Cute if its not in your house. [ laughter ] so we did not want the teddy bear. They hinted a few weeks earlier they were goingn to send it. We said, please dont. Then we have this giant thing in the house. And of course it showed up anyway. It was delivered on a freight truck in a box on christmas eve. It took two of us just to get it into the house. And now its in our house permanently. And of course my daughter loves it. Its the size of a refrigerator. Its ridiculous. So i, to thank them for this thoughtful gift, i went on my computer, i went on to costco. Com, and i sent five of these bears to their house. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] jimmy maddy and jack, my nephew, they love the bears. They arrived this morning, now the whole familys trapped in the house. We tried to send a live bear but the authorities wont allow that apparently. Let that be a lesson to any of those of you out there who challenge my resolve. You send my one bear, i will send back five [ laughter ] so toshi, you massage the shampoo into the hair . [ laughter ] donald trump has been in a war of words lately with what will soon be his own intelligence agencies. The cia, fbi, and department of Homeland Security say they strongly believe and have evidence that indicates that russia hacked American Computers during the election. Trump maintains not only does he say he doesnt buy their story about russian hacking, when he goes to the grocery store, he wont even buy russian dressing, thats how hardcore this man is. But he says he knows things about hacking that other people dont know. And at some point hell give us the details. Which that is the white house equivalent of telling your friends you have a girlfriend who lives in canada. [ laughter ] the obamas are packing up their stuff, theyre leaving. The first lady is saying her final goodbyes to her vegetable garden before trump builds a kfc on top of it. Friday the obamas are throwing a fairwell party, quite a guest list. The list reportedly includes oprah, samuel l. Jackson, j. J. Ache rans, bradley cooper, beyonce, jayz. Then the end of the party beyonce and jayz will move out, chachi and gary busey will move in. J. J. Abrams is making a film out of it. People sometimes ask me what the biggest perk of being president is. Number ones the plane. Number two Barack Obamas block party its the house party of the century. But theres only one problem. Everybody having a good time . The new landlord. Wrong. You want to give me a good sendoff . Starring oprah. Bradley cooper. Samuel l. Jackson. Aint nobody cooler than you. Kid n play. And santa claus. Drop the beat. White house party. This was spectacular. Rated nc17. Jimmy all right, ill watch that. [ cheers and applause ] that looks fun. Just thinking, it must be weird to leave the white house after living in it for eight you know when you live in a house when you grow up, then move to another town, years go by, you get older, come back, knock on the door with your kids and ask if you can come in and show them around . I wonder if president families do that . I wonder if sasha and malia will come with their kids to show where they carved i love Justin Bieber on the night stand next to the lincoln bed or something. This is exciting for those of us alive which i think is most of us. A University Professor in ireland has identified a new organ in the human body. Theres one we didnt know about in there. Its a special thing when we discover an organ. It happened to me in the fifth grade. [ laughter ] and i really have to say. This one, this is a real organ. It connects to the the intestinal to the abdomen. They named it the mesentery. There it is. Its cute, right . Every so often a story like this comes around and it reminds you how disgusting the human body truly is. This is where the mesentery is located. Right between the spare ribs and bread basket there. Finding a new organ is a surprising thing considering how long weve been turns out it was hiding inside our bodies the whole time so its very clever. Hello, mesentery, and welcome aboard, on behalf of all of us. [ laughter ] [ applause ] jimmy no, no, please dont do that, i dont need it. [ laughter ] ive been shampooing all day. Remember bo bice, the guy from American Idol in like 1985 . Bo bice is in the news because of an incident that took place at a popeyes restaurant in the atlanta airport. Musician bo bice says he was stunned last friday when employee at popeyes chicken in hartsfieldjackson made a racial comment. One of the three young ladies behind the corner said, hes already got his, that white boy over there. An emotional bice says the issue goes much farther than this particular incident. And the fact that ive got to sit on tv calm down and look like a petty little brat by tweeting and facebooking this just to open up dialogue so we can have an adult conversation is ridiculous. In america you should be ashamed. [ laughter ] jimmy what did we do . I feel unfairly accused. Ive been nothing but nice to bo bice. [ laughter ] i think bo needs a friend is really what the case is. In other social media news, Kim Kardashian is back. She has returned to instagram just as the bible foretold. [ laughter ] shes been on a break from twitter and instagram and all that since october when she was robbed in paris. But after three months of sobriety, shes using again. [ laughter ] she tweeted a photo of her family. Her stepmother, this is interesting. Tomorrow mack cosmetics is releasing a new makeup line inspired by caitlyn jenner. This is the first line of makeup targeted specifically at people who just took four tylenol p. M. [ laughter ] why is she asleep . Put that up again for just a second. It looks like the funeral home did a really good job. Theres a new law in effect here in california. Not enough people are talking about it. As of january 1st, residents of this state are not allowed to hold their cell phones while driving for any reason whatsoever. Which means our prisons are about to get a lot more crowded. [ laughter ] because everyone how will this work . Where are we supposed to put it . We cant hold them in our purses, thats where we keep our dogs here. [ laughter ] youre no longer allowed to use your hands on your cell phone. Only exception is if the phone is mounted the new law does allow the driver to touch it once to activate or deactivate a feature or function with the motion of a single swipe or tap. Is anyone else getting turned on listening to this . [ laughter ] the law doesnt say anything about using your feet. You can still do that. Im actually glad they did this. I hate, i hate seeing people looking at their phones. I do it myself all the time. But i hate when other people do it. And it really has to stop. Speaking of the hazards of driving, from time to time we have fun with delivery drivers. We set up hidden cameras in a house and order things to be delivered to my cousin sal. Today sal ordered thai food and gave a thai food delivery guy i think he gave him a lot to think about. You serious . The whole thing . Yeah, thats thats hot. [ laughter ] right on. Uh, yeah, okay. Um. There you go. Sal that was excellent. Really delicious. Thank you. [ laughter ] [ applause ] sal it burns a little bit. Jimmy all right, thank you cousin sal. Sal is no longer able to have children. Tonight we have a great show. Andy richter is here, k. Trevor wilson is here. Be right back with Kevin Costner, so stick around [ cheers and applause ] hey ramirez un poquito mas rapido, no . [instrumental music plays] [wheel squeaking] hasta luego, profesor [pumping of bike tire] [pumping of hospital ventilator] [wheel squeaking] Carlos Carlos dr. Brad needs to see you in room 3. [wheel squeaking] [heart monitor beeping] tell cardio right away i need a. M ms® milk chocolate melts not in your hand. H, and it feels so good oh yeah and it feels so good enjoy your phone you too. All right, be cool. You got the amazing new iphone 7 on the house by switching to at t. What . . Aand you got unlimited data because you have directv . . laughs to self in disbelief okay, just a few more steps. Door its cool get the iphone 7 on us and unlimited data when you switch to at t and have directv. What twisted ankle . Ask what muscle strain . Advil makes pain a distant memory nothing works faster stronger or longer what pain . Advil. The full value of your totaled new car. The guy says, you picked the wrong insurance plan. No, i picked the wrong Insurance Company. With new car replacement™, well replace the full value of your car plus depreciation. Liberty mutual insurance. Jimmy hi there, we are back. You know him from conan and a new game show on abc, big fan, based on the segment we do here on our show. We got rid of me and replaced me with him. And the wonderful andy richter is here. Then a very funny guy, i saw him on jeff ross roast battle in montreal, asked him to come here. He walked, it took a really long time. K. Trevor wilson is here to do standup comedy for us. [ cheers and applause ] tomorrow night mel gibson will be with us, from the crown clair foye, music from fantastic negrito. Our first guest is a we loved actor and filmmaker, he has a shipping container full of oscars, emmys and golden globes. Hidden figures opens friday. Please welcome Kevin Costner [ cheers and applause ] jimmy how are you doing . Good, man. Jimmy good to see you. It is good to see you. Jimmy you give another awardworthy performance in this movie. Like its almost too many. [ cheers and applause ] i appreciate that. It was a story i didnt know anything about it. When it was all said and done, you know it was something reminded me like a field of dreams. You dont feel these movies coming, all of a sudden theyre out there. Hidden figures is an untold story jimmy a true story, amazing story. Taraji p. Henson was here last night talking about this story of these women who worked for nasa. You play a guy there was this moment we think we know the story of john glenn. Like it would be a joke without a punch line, theres a moment where john wont go unless the math is done by somebody with a pencil and eraser. Its this young africanamerican woman was the difference to john glenn going or not going. Jimmy its so crazy. And its even crazier that we didnt know this story in the first place. There was a screening at the white house. When was that screening . Last week . Yeah, a couple of weeks ago. Yeah, it just i also visited the africanamerican museum there. If you get a chance jimmy i heard thats great. It will break your heart into a thousand pieces but its something you should get in line for. Jimmy this is a photograph, i need to ask you about this, its you and president obama chatting. And there is okay tair yeah spencer. Whats going on . I thought at first this was a mirror. But its obviously not. Unless its some crazy jimmy hes got the jacket off. Jimmy and hes also its hollywood, special effects. Jimmy i dont know whats going on there, a picture of barack obama looking at himself in the mirror while youre looking at him there. Yeah. Hes an impressive guy. Jimmy he is an impressive guy. Did you chat . Did you get to know him at all . Just a little bit. He was very aware of my career, very aware of things id done. He reads. Have you met a lot of the president s . Ive spent some time with them. I met mr. Clinton and you know, i spent a lot of time with bush at one time. Jimmy which one . With george bush senior. Jimmy okay. I was making jfk and oliver and i probably were tired of each other, saturday night what are you going to do . I said, im not sure. He goes, im going to meet your buddy, see the white house, do a white house tour. I said, thats good, we need a break from each other. I had one of these days youll never, ever basically i got an invite to play with orioles the next day. I thought to myself, well, ill go take shortstop with cal. And his father, you know, pitched batting practice to me. I got one at memorial stadium. Now go back in the locker room, shower. Watch the game. And i get this call. Its the president. He says, you want to play golf . And i was like, gol, i was going to see somebody said, thats the president , he asked you to play golf, youve got to go play golf. I said, i dont have a car. He said, ill shut the freeway down, somebodys going to come get you. Its true. The freeway shuts down, i dont get to play with the orioles, on the freeway going the wrong way, in traffic talking on the phone, i dont have any shoes. Whats your size . What do you want to eat . Jimmy you gave the president your lunch order . [ laughter ] i had to, he was asking me. Im flying down the freeway, i got a little bold after i said tuna sandwich. And a brownie id like a brownie so, you know. We go to Andrews Air Force base. He goes, were waiting for you. I said, gee, the car can only go so fast. The press is on the 1st tee asking questions. Andre agassis playing. Jimmy he was golfing . Yeah, it was they lacked somebody. Kev. So i come up. I got the sandwich in my mouth. Im hopping. Theyd already hit. I tee off. It goals right. The secret service finds it with a bayonet. [ laughter ] we play through. We get to the 18th hole. George says to me, you know, if we win this hole, we can tie them. And i thought, no, we cant. Were not even close. Probably four holes behind. But okay. So we tied them. [ laughter ] so i had this Pretty Amazing day. Now im about to go home. He goes, do you want to go to the white house . And i said, yeah. Yeah. We get on the helicopter. We go across the potomac. The marines salute. We get off on the white house lawn. We go across. He pretends to not hear what they are saying. He says, want to play horseshoes . My pat answer, okay. We play two of three. Now hes going to have dinner. Andre was his guest, had a girlfriend, a pretty girl. And even the president commented. Jimmy oh, really. Yeah. He said, pretty girl. Im thinking my days over. He goes, do you want to swim in the pool . And i said, by myself . He goes, yeah, we got all the stuff, all those tshirts that come from the university. So im like swimming in the pool. And finally i go, im not sure about this. So i get out of the pool. Im going away. He says, document to have dinner . I said, yeah, fine, ill have dinner. So i have dinner with him. Politics is never brought up. Getting in the car he says, im going to russia tomorrow, im going to work these guys over, gave me a fiveminute thing about what he was going to do. Very concise but never talked about politics at all. The next morning im thinking about my day, oliver comes in grumpy. I go, whats the matter, oliver . He goes, you know, i went to the white house and they gave me the b tour, not even the a tour. Hes always upset about something. They gave me the b tour. I didnt get to see the pool because there was somebody in it [ laughter ] [ applause ] and i never told him till now. Jimmy oh, wow. What a day you had with the president , thats better than the bachelor. All day with him. Jimmy were going to take a break. Kevin costners here, the new movie is Hidden Figures. Well be right back theres more than one route to the top. The lexus ls and lx. Each offering leadingedge comfort, safety and performance technologies. The ultimate in refinement meets the ultimate in capability. Lease the 2017 lx 570 for 899 a month for 36 months. See your lexus dealer. With simply right checking from santander bank, just make one deposit, payment, withdrawal, or transfer each month to waive the monthly fee. And theres no minimum balance. Youre alright with simply right checking from santander bank. Are you feeling alright, baby . I do know about the atlas rocket. But thats not math. That datas not here, like you said, its classified. I held it up to the light. You held it up to the light . Yes, sir. Well, there it is. Atlas. Whats your name . Katherine gobel. Are you a spy . Am i what . Are you a russian spy . No, sir. Im not russian. Shes not russian, sir. Jimmy thats Kevin Costner in Hidden Figures which opens on friday. I will say, pbs wresident bush a little careless, some nerve asking her if shes a russian spy when weve sen what youre up to, no way out in particular. In a movie are you not playing a specific buy . No, the only character we couldnt get the rights to. The women youre seeing are referred to as computers long before the computers we have. Its interesting. No, it was made up. I came to support the movie. Im really happy to be a part of it. Jimmy you did a great job. Is a movie like that, youve done so many movies where the fight scenes, the water, the buffalo and whatnot. Is it a movie you go, thank god, i just really have to wear a white shirt and a tie and maybe a pair of glasses. Yeah. I dont actually like wearing suits. I december spice it to be honest. I dont like playing lawyer movies but ive played them. I like westerns. Jimmy you like westerns, right. What about bull durham . Would you ever do a sequel . [ cheers and applause ] if brock shelter wrote it and we saw it clearly id put myself in his hands. Westerns. You should do like a western baseball movie would be an interesting one. Right. And apple pie. Nobody ever really mistakes me for being anything other than american when i go around the world. Hes american. Jimmy right, yeah. Well, i think thats good. Thats okay by me. Right. They also know who you are, what the hell else are they going to think you . When you were swimming with president bush, did you have trunks on . I was by myself. In the pool by myself. The bodyguard guy was looking at me i thought jimmy he didnt go in . No, he and andre went into the white house. Thats why im thinking, why am i swimming out here . And oliver couldnt get in because some guy was swimming. Jimmy is it possible he smelled and wanted you to go in the water . Yeah. Jimmy you never know. Well, this is some movie, some story. Congratulations on the golden globe nominations you guys got and all that. Thank you. [ cheers and applause ] jimmy Kevin Costner, see Hidden Figures, it opens friday. Be right back with andy richter [ cheers and applause ] wahhhh. Right. In. Your. Stomach watch this . Yikes, that ice cream was messing with you, wasnt it . Try lactaid, its real ice cream, without that annoying lactose. Lactaid. Its the milk that doesnt mess with you. You have dinner on the table at 6 00 every night. Hey guys, im home of course no one said it had to be cooked. Campbells one dish recipes, designed around one pan and your schedule. Made for real, real life. Ive heard it all. Eat more fiber. Flax seeds. Yogurt. Get moving. Keep moving. I know try laxatives. Been there, done that. My chronic constipation keeps coming back. I know. Tell me something i dont know. 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Sure now, thats how you win the day. Ba da ba ba ba looks like were still a man short. Not anymore. Gus the second most famous groundhog in pennsylvania. Lets hit the ice. Whoaaa take the shot buzzer that shot was one in a million. Sos this. All the money millionaire edition, new from the pennsylvania lottery. With five top prizes of a million bucks. Its a real game changer. giggles keep on scratchin jimmy we are back. Still to come, k. Trevor wilson. You know our next guest from conan, he sits right there with him. Not tonight. We captured him and dragged him to abc. He is host of a new game show called big fan. It premieres with backtoback episodes starting monday night at 10 00. Please say hello to andy richter [ cheers and applause ] jimmy i like this, i like having your next to me. Thank you, its nice to be here. Jimmy it makes me feel like a Real Talk Show host. Thats right. Get some backup. Jimmy does conan know youre here, is this going to be a problem . No, please dont tell anyone. Im cheating on him. Jimmy everybody be very, very quiet. Weve had were still on break. Were still on hiatus. Hes off somewhere as he usually is on his time off. Returning baby birds that have fallen out of the nest back to the nest. Jimmy thats so sweet. Sounds good until you find out a butler knocks it out of the nest. Jimmy oh, no. In order for him to put it back in, yeah. He is a sick man. Jimmy tall people, thats the kind of thing they do. Uhhuh. No, we had the week off. And weve got this game show to promote. Jimmy when you have a week off, how is that different from when you are working for the week . Because your job seems to me like the best possible job. Its pretty great. Its pretty great. As i like to say, well, because its california, i dress like a toddler anyway. But on my work weeks i dont have to put on shoes. Jimmy right, yeah. So its like im a barefoot toddler. Jimmy being a sidekick on a talk show, some shows the sidekick doesnt even need to speak english. [ laughter ] i understand that. I understand that. Jimmy no offense over there. Hi, guillermo. [ cheers and applause ] good to see you. I see him at the meetings, yeah. Jimmy what did you do over the holidays . Did you travel or anything . No, we pretty much stayed here. Just, you know stayed here. Trying to get my daughter to not open presents. Jimmy what do you mean . She just was pestering us from like december 19th. Cant i open just one today . Come on just one, just this little one. Like no, no. Jimmy did you give in at all . No, they get one on christmas eve. The big one that she got, she got a new xbox. Jimmy oh. I thought we had an x box. But we so we had a new x box which just the setup for it was more complicated than my mortgage. Just to sign into the thing. And shes got mine craft on it. Which do my parents here mine craft . [ applause ] jimmy kids love it. Yeah its like its a simple graphics thing. They build their own worlds and explore it. Except she wants me to watch her do it. Jimmy do you watch her do it . No i said on twitter, i love her very much but i guess i dont love her that much. [ laughter ] jimmy does your wife . It is boring. Jimmy right. Does your wife do it . Will sarah do it . She is better at it. But she still is normally she goes upstairs when it starts. To know that like shes too far away. Im busy you know. Jimmy right. You know, shes watching something on her ipad. And im down there going like, yeah, thats great. Oh, look, yeah, another horse. [ laughter ] jimmy i think in a way it sounds like its maybe a bad parent but in a way youre actually a very good parent because like when i was your daughters age i didnt want my parents anywhere around me. Oh, no. Jimmy never mind watching me do mine craft, my kids insist maybe im good with kids because my kids i think its something that children generally have is that and you have to i think a big part of fostering children is not letting them know how boring they are. [ laughter ] they are aggressively boring. A few years ago, it was just a few years ago but a friend of my sons, we were in the car, it was a long trip, going somewhere. And he told me the entire plot of the movie rush hour in question form. [ laughter ] and then the guy . The one guy . The guy that fell in the fountain . He said to the guy . Not the guy with the gun but the other guy . He says to that guy . Why did you push me in the wait, no, it was the other guy . [ laughter ] [ applause ] jimmy im glad they didnt ask you to host a kids show. Yeah, no. Jimmy this game show were talking about that premieres monday night on abc its genesis was here on this show jimmy we started it on this show. The idea, well explain it. You know it. Yeah. Jimmy hopefully you know it. It was on now we call it big fan. On this show it was called jimmy kimmel has too much access to famous people. Jimmy was that the title . That was the title, yeah, yeah. Because its great you ratch the reel before the show what do you have on these people . Good lord. George clooney . I smelled him once, i never sat in a room with him. Jimmy he smells like heaven. Must smell like clooney. No, the idea is its a quiz show. Kind of a classic sort of quiz game show, quiz show, between a supercelebrity and their superfan. And the topic of the quiz is the celebrity. Jimmy yes. So the fan, the idea is the fan knows a lot more than the celebrity. Jimmy about the celebrity. About the celebrity, which is always fun. And i bet quite a shocker that celebrities arent really in possession of a lot of selfknowledge. [ laughter ] what a shocker, right . Jimmy youd think theyd know everything. Funny, some of them come off a little bit shaken. Yeah. Jimmy its like, where did you go to Elementary School . Bang Matthew Mcconaughey is like, that was me in the Elementary School, how do you know where i went to elementary cool . We have a clip from Kim Kardashian on the show. Kim kardashian west i should say. You should say that. [ laughter ] jimmy this will give you a little sense, a sense of how the show goes. How man care rats is kims Engagement Ring from kanye . Kim . 12. Sorry, no, its 15. We got the information from kanye. Maybe he upped the number. Jimmy she did not know how many karats were in her ring, thats something every woman knows are in their ring. My wife would know because its zero. [ laughter ] we were poor when we were married. Jimmy no carats. A tiny picture of a carat. Jimmy im very glad you agreed to do this show. I was thrilled to do it. I think you emailed me on a wednesday and asked if i could do a game show on saturday. Jimmy thats right, thats right. Which ive been in show business long enough to know, oh, i guess im the first choice [ laughter ] [ applause ] jimmy well, i have to be honest, fabio was our first choice to host. Right, right. Jimmy hes very busy. Thats another showbiz chestnut. If you cant get fabio, theres richter. [ laughter ] thats right, yeah. Jimmy where did we meet the first time . I think the first time that we actually met, we bumped into each other in a casino in las vegas. Jimmy las vegas, thats right, yeah. And chatted. But then where we actually spent the first amount of time together was i think maybe you were sort of in charge it was a scrabble charity tournament. Jimmy yes, a scrabble tournament to benefit st. Judes hospital, right. Yes, thats what it was. I just remember the scrabble. Jimmy okay. And i remember you like it was honestly it was like tiger woods going, how about a Charity Golf Tournament . Where i play with people that are on tv . Like oh, look, i won because you play a lot of scrabble. Jimmy well, yeah, i used to, im good at skabl. Its the one thing im really good at. But youre the kind of scrabble person that its [ bleep ]. Jimmy what do you mean . You have its gimmick scrabble. Its you know the fact that like a, e, o is some kind of welsh shellfish. [ laughter ] so youre always like, oh, well, no ones getting to that triple word thing. And theyre like, oh, a, e, o, yes, welsh shellfish. Jimmy you are very youre not so bad with games yourself. Oh, yes. Jimmy this is a photograph that went around online for a while. Celebrity jeopardy. Wolf blitzer negative 4,600. Dana delany 4,900. You with 39,000. [ cheers and applause ] yeah, im this head is full of a lot of useless knowledge. Jimmy wolf should have been thrown off cnn for these numbers alone. Correct . I took no pleasure in that. Whatsoever. But on the internet the internet takes great pleasure in that. Jimmy i think we all do. In a way its like you won for all of us. Yeah, yeah. Jimmy the show is big fan. It premieres monday night, 10 00 on abc. Andy richter is the host. Watch him on conan too. Be right back with k. Trevor wilson rful happens when you filter. Because when you filter out the bad. Youre left with. The good. In life. And in water. Choose the cleaner, better tasting world of brita. Choose the filtered life. Kids, juicy fruitmmmm with longerlasting flavor . Mmm zipping zipping rattling longerlasting juicy fruit. So sweet you cant help but chew and chew. New aveeno®. Dont just eat yogurt. Wear it. Daily moisturizing body yogurt. Enriched with the nutrients found in greek yogurt, intensely nourishes skin for 48 hours. Aveeno®. Naturally beautiful results®. When i was too busy with the kids to get a repair estimate. Liberty did what . Yeah, with Liberty Mutual all i needed to do to get an estimate was snap a photo of the damage and voila voila sigh i wish my Insurance Company had that. Wait hold it. Hold it boys. Theres supposed to be three of you. Wheres your brother . 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Tell your doctor if youve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if youve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flulike symptoms or sores. Dont start humira if you have an infection. Want more proof . Ask your rheumatologist about humira. Humira. Whats your body of proof . If youre gonna make an entrance. [car driving upon the water] ever tryou get hungry good, just thinking about it . At red lobsters big festival of shrimp, get your perfect pair for just 15. 99. Choose 2 of 6 new and classic shrimp creations, like bold new firecracker red shrimp. Exploding with flavor . Yeah they are. Or try new creamy shrimp linguini, and new sweet bourbonbrown sugar grilled shrimp. Flavors like these are big. And for just 15. 99, they cant last. So hurry in. [ it[ goat bleat ] by peggy lee playing ] [ crow caws, music continues ] this is gonna be awesome when it comes to buying a house. Trulia knows the house is only half of it. And with 34 map overlays like playgrounds, demographics, schools, and more. You can find the right house and the right neighborhood for you. Trulia. The house is only half of it. Jimmy hi there, were back. Our next guest is a very funny gentleman from toronto. His album Sexcop Firepenis is available on itunes now. Please welcome k. Trevor wilson thank you very much, folks. Ill tell you guys a bit about myself. I was born into an oddly religious family. And i use the term oddly religious because i was born a christian scientist. Thank you. A lot of people confuse Christian Science with scientology. They are two very different religions. Scientology is a religion that was started by Science Fiction author l. Ron hubbard. And they practice under the belief that millions of years ago, aliens were dropped into volcanoes here on earth and now their spirits roam the planet causing bad things. [ laughter ] Christian Science is much much stupider. [ laughter ] Christian Science is a sect of christianity started by a woman named Mary Baker Eddy and they practice under the belief that they dont have to go to the doctor or use medicine. They believe they can cure all illnesses through the healing power of prayer. So needless to say, most of my family is dead. [ laughter ] turns out doctors are wicked important, please go see them. Those diplomas were very hard to get. Growing up i had a nickname. My nickname was big trev. It was the most unnecessary nickname ive ever had, cuz i didnt have any other friends named trev. I was the only one. You didnt have to put a size disclaimer in front of my name. [ laughter ] you could just say trev, i knew who you meant. I get it, im a weirdlooking guy. I look like what would happen if game of thrones and duck dynasty had a baby. [ laughter ] [ applause ] thank you. No, im very aware of my appearance. I look like i recently quit a blues traveler cover band to join a mumford and sons cover band. [ laughter ] i look like i have very strong opinions about the show ice road truckers. [ laughter ] a lot of my friends tell me i look like a pro wrestler but not a good one. I look like the guys that used to lose every saturday afternoon wrestling. You might remember those guys. They were the ones who didnt have a theme song, or a nickname. They were just waiting there in the ring when they came back from a commercial break. [ laughter ] thats how you knew they were going to lose every week, they were already there. [ laughter ] theyd get the saddest introduction in wrestling, just already in the ring, weighing in at 275 pounds from scooooooooootttt [ laughter ] [ applause ] you just knew. The next person coming through those curtains was kicking the crap outta scott. Im a fat guy, its what i am. And i say fat im not one of those fat guys who makes up fake terms to pretend hes not fat. Like fluffy, or bigboned. Youre not bigboned. Do you have a big, round stomach . Yeah thats not a bone. [ laughter ] no one on this planet has a round, squishy stomach bone, thats not a real thing. I have a round, squishy stomach and ill tell you right now, this is not made out of bone. Its made out of beer and pudding. [ laughter ] i know that because i built it myself. [ laughter ] [ applause ] you cant offend me with fat. I did this to me. I wasnt in a coma being forcefed cakes through a funnel. I was awake for every delicious morsel as i mashed it into my head. If im honest, im at my oldest and my fattest right now. Ive apexed. I reached the peak. I am a bit surprised when i look back at my smallest, how far i let myself go. Because at my smallest i was 8 pounds, 9 ounces. [ laughter ] i just dont see myself getting back to that size. Thank you very much for having me, folks. [ cheers and applause ] jimmy thank you very much, very funny. K. Trevor wilson, everybody well be right back. [ cheers and applause ] sfx rain and thunder says it wont let up for a while. The cadillac xt5. What should we do . Tailored to you. Wait it out. Equipped with apple carplay compatibility. Get this low mileage lease on this cadillac xt5 from around 439 per month, or purchase with 1. 9 apr financing. Jimmy we are back. K. Trevor wilson, do people call you k or big trev . Most people call me ktrev, i have Kevin Federline to thank for that. Jimmy why did you add the k . When i joined the union there was another trevor wilson. Jimmy you cant just kill him . Ive never found him. Jimmy youll find him if hes out there. The only then i know hes done in his career is take my name. [ laughter ] jimmy in a way its like hes your wife. This is you you have a Television Show letter kenny on tv in canada. I love the title of your cd. Sex cop fire penis. K. Trevor wilson. Thank you, ktrev, Kevin Costner, and apologies to matt damon, we have run out of time for him, he will be rescheduled. Nightline is next. Thank you for watching. Good night, everybody [ cheers and applause ] this is nightline. Tonight, fighting fentanyl. A synthetic painkiller up to 40 times more powerful than hair. So toxic even inhaling or touching it can be lethal. Putting Police Officers at dangerous risk. I felt like my body was shutting down. You felt like you were dying. On the streets as they take down alleged drug labs, taking on what one dea calls a weapon of mass destruction. How can they stop this epidemic . Plus, inside industrial light and magic. This is gold leader standing by. Where special effects jedi digitally recreated a 19yearold Carrie Fisher for rogue one a star wars story. And resurrected this familiar face gone 20 years. The origi

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