Tuss joins us live with more. Adam . Reporter guy, the back and forth behind the scenes here is starting to get very ugly. And tonight a senior Metro Transit Police officer is revealing it all when it comes down to the communication breakdown that night. Communication issues now widely known to be a problem in the Lenphant Plaza smoke episode, but those issues didnt just have to do with radios and frequencies. Tonight a senior Transit Police officer tells news4 he and his officers were offering their help facetoface with d. C. Fire officials that night but literally had a window rolled up in their face. This officer, who asked to people on the condition of anonymity, delivered these quote quotes to us saying, it was almost as if we were a bother to the fire department. And talk tact lack of communication between Transit Police and the fire department, the officer said had we played this one the way we were tryoned to do the outcome may have been different. Communication and time more specifically critically important in this case because people needed to quickly get off smokefilled trains and out of smokefilled tunnels. Todays metros interim general manager talked about the fact when fire officials show up theyre in charge. Once they are on the scene they become the incidente take orders from them as does anyone else involved in the activities that take place at that station on that train. Reporter a d. C. Sfir spokesperson on the scene that night disputes these claims saying he knows there was direct facetoface communication. Now, the metro general manager also went on the record today saying d. C. Fire changed some Communication Systems in the days before this episode and did not notify metro. Guys . Adam this confusion, the issue the problems with communication between the different agencies is very troubling to all of us who thought these problems were worked out after 9 11. And people are blaming each other. What to you make of all this . Reporter sometimes this is the way these things go in these investigations. Everyones looking to point the finger at somebody else and i can tell you where we are in this investigation right now, it is starting to get pretty nasty behind the scenes. Youve got d. C. Fire pointing some fingers, metro pointing some fingers at d. C. Fire. Meanwhile, theyre trying to figure out what exactly happened on that day. After the blame game that is definitely in full play at this point. Okay. Adam tuss reporting. Thank you. Step back doors closing. Reporter riders react to metros latest efforts to keep them safe. Derrick ward ill have details coming up on news4. We also want to follow up on the breaking news on that deadly mansion fire in annapolis. Search teams found two more bodies in the rubble this afternoon. That makes four bodies found and two still unaccounted for. A couple and their four grandchildren were in the home mobd when it caught fire. News4s Darcy Spencer is in annapolis. Well get to her with more coming up later this hour. Accused killer Charles Severance is headed to a hospital as prosecutors try to get a more complete mental competency exam. News4s julie carey was in the alexandria courtroom during todays hearing. She says he made several outbursts in court telling the judge his attorneys dont represent him. Severance has not cooperated with doctors in the past. Hes accused of the murders of nancy dunning, ron kirby, and Ruthanne Lodato over tenyear period. Maryland governor larry hogan had some welcome news for weary commuters, but a lot of parents are not happy with what they heard today. News4s chris gordon has more on his new Budget Proposal and how it could accomplish something maryland hasnt seen in a decade. Im for the purple line. Reporter there was concern that Governor Hogan might discontinue funding for the purple line linking New Carrollton and bethetsdabethesda but his budget continues funding while ordering a thorough review. Traffic is getting outrageous. I could get a train to somewhere, id rather take the train than drive now. Reporter Governor Hogan introduced a budget that is balanced right from his first full day in office. By getting spending under control, we have created a structurally balanced budget without gimmicks or sleight of hand something that has not been accomplished for ten years. Reporter the budget commits record spending for education, k through 12 and fully funds school construction. And theres more money for higher education. Maryland state universities will receive 1. 2 billion in state funds. But Public School in the largest county where is it costs more to educate each student now face a 50 reduction in the gcei the geographic cost of education. We think its going to be somewhere 15 million to 18 million in cults and it will have a tremendous impact because we cant fill that gap at county level. I have children in the Public School system in p. G. County and its already a resourcestrapped institution and so cutting any of the funds is really going to push ut from a precarious position to even worse position. Reporter Governor Hogan says the budge budget puts the state on Firm Financial footing without raising tax, eliminating agencies or ordering lay auchs or furloughs. Chris gordon news4. Wego to our website and search hogans budget. The president of yemen resigned today on twitter while being held captive by armed rebels. A senior official tells nb ss nbc news that this is an extremely dangerous moment for yemen. There are fears al qaeda could gain power there. There was a deal yesterday meant to end the standoff. He is surrounded in the president ial palace by an armed militia. Yemens government is a key u. S. Ally in the fight against al qaeda. Its one of our citys biggest annual events. Today thousands of antiabortion supporters took to the Nations Capital capital. Theyre challenging the roe vs. Wade decision that made abortion legal in this country. This years event struck a very different note. Steve handelsman is on capitol hill with details. Hi steve. Reporter backers of this new approach say its not farfetched, an alliance that they envision between antiabortion and antigun violence activists. And one man now is the face of building that kind of a bridge. A conviction that every life is a gift. Reporter it could change an institution. The annual march for life in washington against abortion. On this 41st year a giant of that movement reverend rob shank, the calling for a wider focus against gun violence. That is itself a form of abortion. Its aborting life. Reporter the school kids gunned down in newtown, the massacre at the theater in colorado, and the gun accidents that week that devastated families made shank decide his right to Life Movement has to get involved. To me it is an emergency, it is a crisis. Reporter nearby, the house debated abortion. Vote to protect life. Reporter conservatives wanted a ban on abortion after 20 weeks. Opponents disputing the claim that fetuses that young are viable. Junk science, junk science, junk science, flatout lie. Reporter and moderate gop women got the bill pulled, a loss for shank. Do you worry that focusing now on gun violence in america will detract from your message about abortion in america . I dont think so. I dont think so. Reporter marchers today are divided on that. I think the two relate because it is honestly all about the love and respect for human life. If you ask anybody here if theyre against gun violence, theyll probably say yes, but were here to protest abortion today. Reporter in a nation where the number of abortions is going down but deaths by firearm are going up. Reverend rob shank says he wants antiabortion activists to rethink guns and wants longtime backers of gun control to reconsider abortion. A man pled not guilty to chargers he had plans to set off bombs at the capitol and shoot those trying to escape. His name is christopher cornell. He was arrested last week after an undercover fbi investigation that lasted five months. If hes convicted on all counts he could spend more than 30 years in prison. I feel like ive always played within the rules. I would never do anything to break the rules. I believe in fair play and i respect the league. As the controversy grows around deflategate, patriots Quarterback Tom Brady is defending his team and his integrity. He is says he chose 12 game balls before kickoff and has no idea how 11 got deflated. Head coach Bill Belichick says he doesnt know anything about underpressurized balls and he was shocked of the allegations. Coming up well have more on this in sports including if it has any impact on the super bowl. We ask you, if the patriots purposely deflated the footballs, how should they p be punished . Youve been voting in our nbc washington flash survey. Take a look at the results pap close one but more you say this is all about nothing and they shouldnt be punished at all. This evening parents and School Officials are weighing in on the hotbutton issue of start times at marylands Largest School district starting at 6 30 Montgomery County school board will host a Second Public fornumb rockville for people to share their opinions. Supporters of those saying it should start later in the morning. News4s Jackie Bensen is at the hearing. Well have more tonight at 11 00. He was wellknown and well liked in his community. Now hes being remembered after his home went up in flames. Whats being done tonight to prevent another tragedy. The news4 iteam first uncovered potential theft by county workers. New at 6 00 they discovered more concerns inside this government agency. And check out our app during the break for the entire metro safety report. Were getting youed to the scaffolding at the capitol dome. Crews are removing the paint from the exterior. Crews have fleet completed installation of 720 l. E. D. Lights along the scaffolding so they can continue working after dark. This isnt the first restoration of the capitol dome since 1959. They expect to use about 1,200 gallons of paint. A sad night for members at a local American Legion after one of their own was suddenly and violently killed. A man in his 70s died erl through morning after a fire broke out in his home along South Randolph street in arlington. News4s pat collins spoke with those who knew him and hes live at the scene tonight. Pat . Reporter chris, you know sometimes our lives can be defined by football. Dennis lee was a huge Dallas Cowboys fan living in redskins country. And when the skins would beat the cowboys, his friends would make him walk around in a burgundy and gold shirt. He was a regular at the American Legion hall in arlington. His friends there, they said theyre going to miss him. The fire victim here 73yearold dennis lee. He was a retired oddjob contractor. He lived in this house for 30 years. Angry fire march t its way around this office. It took several firefighters to get things under control here. One of the few things untouched a jai dpangigantic Dallas Cowboys flag near the front door. Big cowboys fan. Big cowboys fan. Biggest cowboys fan in the 60s, he said for whatever reason we loved to tease him about that. Reporter he was very active in the American Legion post 85 in arlington. Hell be missed. Hell be missed. Reporter sad to go this way, isnt it . Very sad. Reporter firefighters say there were smoke detectors in this house, but its unclear as to whether or not they were working this morning. Its sad. You never like to see anyone lose their life to a fire. Its a very good time to remind people though, to check their smoke alarms make sure their smoke alarms function that they have batteries, test them monthly, and that theres one in every room where somebody sleeps. Reporter firefighters plan to go through the neighborhood and check smoke detectors in all the homes here and install smoke detectors if need be. Live in arlington, pat collins, news4 news Virginia Governor Terry Mcauliffe is home from the hospital tonight. A Spokesman Says the governor resumed his schedule of meetings and private events. The governor posted on flickr some pictures with school kids at the executive mansion. Mccauliffe broke several ribs while on a Family Vacation over the holidays. Earlier this shortness of breath and he had some fluid removed from around his lungs. Tomorrow millions of people in north texas could finally get some relief. More than a foot of snow has fallen over amarillo over the past 24 hours. Dozens of schools had to cancel classes. Government offices shut down. But crews have been out there working all day to clear the roads and they havent reported any serious car crashes. A winter storm warning is in effect there through this evening and relief is coming tomorrow because they are expecting some sunshine. This things coming our way . The exact same storm coming our way. Not like that i hope. No, not like that. Got to tell you, a little disappointing for some people. How many are disappointed here it might be more rain actually a saturday snow would be okay. Youre not disappointed or you are . Im disappointed i am. Im not disappointed. Not at all. I did a facebook poll and twothirds of you are disappointed that this next storm will be more rain than snow but a third of you are very happy about this. It is going to fall as rain and make for a nasty friday night and nasty saturday morning. Current temperatures sitting at 44 degrees, winds out of the northwest at about 5 miles per hour. Temperatures have been warm all day, 50 degrees in many areas, and were still well above average at this hour. Excuse me. 36 degrees, though the cool spot in gaithersburg. 39 baltimore, down towards manassas at 39. Winchester coming in at 37 degrees. We need the cold air if were going to get a storm and its just not here. It was nice and warm today. Plenty of sunshine. That means no rain on the radar. We are watching that storm back to the west. Heres amarillo and you can still see the snow back to the west but look at all of this moisture. This is a ton of moisture. This is a classic setup for a monster northeast snowstorm. But that snowstorm would need to make its way um just off the coast all the way towards new england. However, this one going to be making a line a little bit closer inland and anytime that happened its not much of a difference but anytime it moves that much closer it brings in a little bit of warm air and thats what we have with this storm. Future weather timing it out for us. Tomorrow no problems. I think well see sunshine, then clouds during the day, but around 6 00 tomorrow eve thangs when we start to see the rain move in. Yes, we could see a mix in some areas depending on temperatures in the area down through the south and west. If youre going out tomorrow night, din ore a movie or no matter what youre doing, a little dancing, hey, rain down through the south, snow up to the north, in the middle we have that mixture of rain snow mix. I really think it will be rain for d. C. Even though here it says a mix. I think this will be rain and all rain overnight friday night into saturday. Saturday though we do get some cold air moving back in so notice where the snow is back toward the west and then we do see some of that snow trying to get closer to the d. C. Metro area. Im not expecting a lot. Mainly rain down through the south and east huntingtown, leonardtown, d. C. I95 corridor back towards warrenton and manassas minor amounts of snow a dusting at most then back to the west moderate amounts here leesburg frederick, winchester luray. That means maybe over 3 inches of snow. Still working on the totals. We veal that at 11 00 so tune in then. This is fot going to be a big one. Theres another one on monday. 44 degrees for tomorrow for a high. Cool day. But not bad with a mixture of sun and clouds during the afternoon. And no real impact as far as weather goes tomorrow. Tomorrow evening, however, there will be an impact. Take the umbrella tomorrow night. 41 degrees on your saturday with that mix early. A mix late on sunday and then on monday i do think well see that mix change over the snow for just about everybody. Once again, though this does not look like its going to be a very big storm. What it will do is bring in much colder air for tuesday, wednesday, and thursday. If you are planning on making huge snowmen this weekend, forget about it. Still ahead, the tv son of bill cosby breaks his silence about the ongoing ak crewizations of sex abuse. After a robber broke into this Northern Virginia home and held a couple at gunpoint neighbors in this community now making some ch this not your average pet. This fourlegged friend is getting ready to make a big difference in someones life. Thank you, cable for the slower internet upload speeds. For fewer video on demand titles. Thank you cable, because if we never had you. We wouldnt know the incredible difference verizon fios makes. In Customer Satisfaction studies, fios is rated 1 in Internet Speed and reliability 8 years running. Plus, fios has the fastest wifi available from any provider. Period. See the difference for yourself. Get a fios triple play online at an amazing price guaranteed for two full years plus, get a 300 bonus with a twoyear agreement. When israeli president Benjamin Netanyahu comes to washington in march he wont be meeting with president obama or secretary of state john kerry. The white house says its due to a longstanding practice not to appear with heads of state close to their election, in this case two weeks before an election in israel. The administration also says House Speaker john boehner broke protocol by inviting a foreign leader without consulting the president. Painful. Thats how another one of bill cosbys former colleagues describes the rape allegations against the embattled comedian. Malcolm jamal warner says just as its painful to hear any woman talk about sexual assault, whether true or not, its just as painful to watch my friend and mentor go through this. He played cosbys son theo on the cosby show. More than two dozen people have now acued cosby of sexual assault. The comedian has strongly denied the allegations and has not been charged with any crime. Rescue crews are being kept out of the scene of a plane crash in florida tonight because of the threat of explosive chemicals. A small plane slammed into this building in lakeland florida, this morning. Police say it was from a local Flight School and it is likely that the instructor and student did not survive but firefighters have yet to enter the building because it houses dangerous chemicals that were stored wet to keep them from expl helping to lead the way on traffic safety. D. C. Gets a green rating this year from the advocates for highway and auto safety. Only ten other states received that rating which is based on a low number of traffic deaths and implementing safety laws. The group gave maryland and virginia a yellow rating and recommended the state strengthen some of their laws. Nationwide car crashes killed about 33,000 people in 2013 which the Advocacy Group says underscores the need to improve driving safety programs. Now to our live desk. Wendy rieger has some breaking news. Wendy . We just got a report from Saudi State Television that King Abdullah, saudi Arabias King Abdullah abdullah has died. Hes been in the hospital for several weeks now. And nbc is reporting that his successor is going to be his half brother, deputy Prime Minister sulaiman bin abdulaziz, the 79yearold former defense minister. Saudi state television reporting King Abdullah has died. More after this. Next investigators now steps closer to finding answers in a fire that brought a mansion to the ground. What the family presumed they were doing just hours before. Keeping you safe on your commute. What do changes mean for you . And a new report confirms problems inside an agency investigated by the news4 iteam. Hey guess what day it is . . Hump day hummmp daaay its hump day yeah hey Mike Mike Mike Mike Mike Mike Mike Mike Mike mike mike. Hey he knows hey guess what day it is hey camel guess what day it is its not even wednesday. Let it go, phil. If youre a camel, you put up with this all the time. Its what you do. sigh if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. Its what you do. Ok. New signs are being installed on the outside of trains to help riders find the nearest exit. Train operators will now be able to turn off the trains ventilation systems without permission from supervisors. Metro is making these safety improvements but its riders who have to live with the changes. Thats right. War ward is live at the king street metro station in alexandria. Reporter some of these changes will happen behind the scenes. They involve metro doing drills in different jurisdictions. Some will happen in engineer labs some in control centers but some riders will see every single day. Some passengers have gotten themselves off that smoky train on the day of the incident back on january 12th. They figured the danger outside the train, inside the tunnel was less concerning than what must have felt like being trapped. I think about it every day. I think about the lady and i feel bad for her family. And i just hope they do something. Reporter now metro is introducing new measures. Metro wants to have clearer signage about what to do if you have to leave a railcar in an emergency. Im not sure what affects me as a rider. I think more signage would help. Reporter metro also wanted to make sure firefighters know how to get into a train in an emergency. For instance controls for emergency door release are behind a that has to be removed via thumb screw, information firefighters outside that train had trouble conveying to passengers on the inside. More exterior signage would help there. I would hope so. It would get us out. Reporter many riders thought such things had been thought through and some are relieved at least now they are thinking about it. To know that they have come up this with something, you know. Reporter mmhmm. To inform us is good. Reporter now, these are not ntsb prompted changes, things metro found in the course of the Ongoing Investigation they think they can implement immediately to make a difference. The ntsb investigation is still ongoing. Could be weeks or even months before we know exactly what caused that accident. We are live in alexandria derrick ward news4. Derrick, thank you. Tonight theres progress in the search for six people inside a burned annapolis mansion. Two more bodies were found in the rubble today. Chopper 4 flew over the area as investigators looked through the debris. But the work there is far from over. We still dont even know how this fire started. But news4s Darcy Spencer has been looking more into the investigation and learning more about the familys final hours. Reporter searchers have found two more bodies in the charred debris. So far a total of four have been discovered. Theyre still looking for two more victims. News4 as learned the night before this tragedy struck the grandparents and grandkids had gone out together. They went to Medieval Times at arundel mills mall to buy costumes to wear at the renaissancethemed show. That was their last outing together. It appears they were at the grandparents waterfront home when it was consumed by fire early monday. There were no survivors. Family friend kevin dropped off flowers near the home. They were great people. I mean theyre going to be missed. Reporter they spend a lot of time with their grandkids . Yep. Yep. They certainly did. Reporter for the first time we are hearing from relatives of the victims who are feared dead inside this charred debris where a multimilliondollar mansion once stood. The Early Morning fire may have claimed the lives of the owner, don and sandy pyle and their four grandchildren, 8yearold lexi boone and 7yearold katie boone as well as 8yearold Charlotte Boone and 6yearold wes boone. In a statement, the family says we wish to express our gratitude and appreciation for the love and support being shared with us during this tragic event. We are blessed that so many family friends, and neighbors have come together for us in our time of need. An atf agent tells me theyre going to continue their search all weekend long even if it snows. Now, theyre hoping to wrap up their onscene investigation with a potential cause by monday. In annapolis, Darcy Spencer, news4. Right now neighbors in an upscale Northern Virginia community are discussing security changes after an armed Home Invasion earlier this week. News4s david culvert spoke with the victim in the cascades neighborhood of sterling and he explains what the community is doing to stay safe and secure. Ive been personally exhausted and stressed out and i cant sleep. Reporter thats because carolyn is still trying to process what happened monday night. As she was putting dishes to clean, her husband in another room when she looked up a masked man had a gun in her face. Then finally i just screamed because i was hysterical by that point, but my husband, poor guy, was in the next room so when he came over it was like, the fellow was saying i just want money, i need money. Reporter but they didnt have money in the home. Then he demanded jewelry. Reporter he took a watch and the only jewelry a couple was wearing. He took the rings off my fingers and while he was fumbling around to put it in his pocket i ran out. Reporter the suspect bolted too. Loudoun county sheriffs deputies say they responded within eight minutes and had Fairfax County set up a perimeter and fly their police chopper. But carolyn questions that Response Time telling me it felt much longer. Carolyns neighbors now reinforcing their own garages with Security Systems that allow the doors to stay closed and locked. Its very troublesome in a neighborhood any neighborhood that theres armed Home Invasions. Reporter neighbor annette wants more lights on the street and she started locking every door even while home. Were making sure we turn our alarm on every time were in the house, not just when we go to bed. We tradition hi used it every night but now we turn it on stoons we get in the house. Reporter she and carolyn both manually locking their garages now. In sterile, im david culvert, news4. A popular cleaning product has been put on the recall list. Why something in the cabinet could pose serious hazards. Im julie carey in arlington where Animal Welfare advocates here and across the commonwealth are applauding the attorney general for the creation of the first in the nation animal law unit. Ill tell you how it will work to combat animal cruelty coming up. And our next storm moving in during the day tomorrow however most of the day looks fine. If youre going out tomorrow evening, however, that rain and snow moves in between 6 00 and 9 00. Technology has improved our lives, in small ways. In big ways. But what about this . Couldnt this be better too . At redfin we asked ourselves the same question. Which led us to create new ways to take you inside a home or instantly schedule a tour. But we paired that with our own agents who arent paid on commission but on your happiness. And thats what makes it all work the world has changed and now real estate has too. Check your cupboard for these cleaning products. The labels say they dont contain ammonia but they do. Customers can return them for a replacement. A new effort under way in virginia to combat animal abuse and cruelty. The attorney general has created a special animal law unit the first of its kind in the country. Northern Virginia Bureau chief julie carey has more on how it will work. Reporter sofie is the picture of playful health. In her pen at Animal Welfare league of arlington, she just needs a home. But across virginia not all pups are so lucky. Last summer this was a group rescued from a puppy mill. Some had broken legs that hadnt been treated. One had gone blind. Now Virginia Attorney general mark herring is launching a first of its kind in the nation animal law unit. Designated attorneys in his office will be available to help local police and welfare groups prosecute serious cases of abuse and cruelty. Our Community Members care very deeply about Animal Welfare and would be very happy to know that their government is taking this issue very seriously. Reporter jennifer is an animal control officer in arlington. She says extreme animal cruelty cases are rare here but when they do happen expert prosecutors can make a difference. The animals already injured, suffering, somethings already going on and youve got minutes, hours to get the appropriate investigation going. So these units have to be in place prior to the dire situation occurring. Reporter toussaint says the Attorney Generals Office has already proven itself to Animal Welfare advocates and she welcomes the decision to create the animal law unit. We pride ourselves in the state of virginia on having some of the most progressive animal laws in the country. We have some very heavy hitting attorneys that know how to prosecute these cases. They do it routinely and they come to the bat for local agencies. Reporter the attorney general says policing cruelty is about more than protecting animals. It can also help uncover other crimes. Those who harm animals are also often connected to drug dealing or illegal gambling. In arlington, julie carey, news4. For most of us giving up a pet would be a difficult experience but for those who Train Service dogs its a matter of routine. This little pup is not just a pet. Shell be the key for a better life for somebody who has difficulty with the routine challenges the days bring. Sara lee is being trained as a at mark and michelles masters home in clifton. The dog will be part of the family for about a year and a half then placed in service, possibly with someone with special needs. We dont consider it giving them up. We consider it giving them to. So its a gift from us to the recipient. They always thank you and tell you how happy they are that you are doing this for them. Home trainers like the masters family are needed. If youre considering it and would like some advice or watch sara lee show off her skills visit nbcwashington. Com and Search Service dogs. Or just go there to watch the dog for a few minute ps. New information about a news4 iteam investigation. Well tell you about the big announcement after Government Employees were potentially caught stealing while they were on the clock. Narrator gas prices are down helping middle class families. But now, the white house wants to impose title ii regulations on your internet meaning new government taxes and fees. Every month youd pay more. 11 billion dollars a year in new taxes and fees. Internet freedoms can be protected with the white house and Congress Working together, but imposing new tax increases through public utility style regulations will hurt middle class families lets protect the internet we love without regressive taxes and fees. No to title ii. Nbc news has confirmed saudi Arabias King Abdullah has died. Its a country in the middle of some very serious challenges. Islamic extremists continue to have a hold on the region and the country is dealing with a steep drop in oil prices. Well have more throughout the night on nbcwashington. Com and our nbc washington app. Here at home Montgomery County has Security Problems inside its governmentcontrolled liquor warehouse. Thats right. Thats just one of the findings that came out as part of a new Inspector General report following a news4 iteam investigation into the department of liquor control. Tisha thompson is here with what the report found. Reporter last november whistleblowers told us about several problems including the countys alcohol deliverymen were allegedly skimming cases of beer and selling them on the black market. The county Inspector General just released a report backing up some of what we found in our investigation. In Montgomery County every beer you drink, every bottle of wine you dry, and every drop of liquor comes through this warehouse, the department of liquor control. And now a new Inspector General report says this warehouse has Security Problems first uncovered by news4. The reports rs directly reference our november investigation where insiders accuse county deliverymen of using a complicated scheme to hide theft by claiming cases were never loaded or short on trucks when in reality, they were on the truck and being sold by delivery crews under the table for cash. The inspect nor general found in one month alone 96 of trucks had the wrong number of cases. Checkers failed to properly inspect trucks when they returned from Delivery Routes and shorts were not tracked, communicated to staff or regularly investigated to determine the accuracy or cause. The report also says even before our story aired managers were told security cameras functioned improperly and Staff Members regularly used sticks or rocks to prop open perimeter fire doors within the warehouse. In response the county told the i. D. Its already made changes by fixing those camera closing door and changing policy to now better track and prevent shorts. The report also said since our investigation aired several employees left their positions. News4 has independently confirmed at least four deliverymen have been fired, another quit. Also noted in the i. G. Report problems with a highranking manager for hiring her husband to cater government events claiming quote, she ha not realized that to some it may appear that it is a potential conflict of interest. In response liquor control says she had no ownership in the company and did not put pressure on anyone to hire her husband. We did reach out to the agencys director for comment this evening after we got the report but we have not yet heard back. Tisha thompson news4 iteam. Great work tisha. You can watch the iteams original beer busting investigation include hough they caught employees drinking on the job. Just go to our website at nbcwashington. Com and click on investigation. This year youll have twice as much time to check out all the new cars and trucks coming our way. The 2015 washington auto show opens to the public tomorrow and it will run for ten days. Thats double the fiveday run its had in years past. Some 700 cars are already on display. Veronica johnsons going to show us some of the highlights on our drive time auto show special. You can catch it saturday morning at 10 00 here on nbc 4. So looking pretty soggy weekend coming up . Yeah especially for tomorrow night. A lot of people love to go out on a friday night. Whens the last time youve been dancing on a friday night . I like to go dancing. Dont tell anybody. Wear your rain boots if youre going out tomorrow. My Facebook Page said i just bought the snow boot can i wear those . Probably not, but it will be the rain boots for sure at least during the night tomorrow night and probably through the night through saturday morning. Taking a look outside, the evening planner, as we look out towards National Harbor and the capitol wheel. We have a plane coming in just in time. See it there . There it is right there. Theyre making the approach from the south part of Reagan National airport this evening. Current temperatures at 44 degrees, 42 at 7 00 38 degrees by 11 00. As we move on to the rest of the evening hour temperatures will cool but it wont be all that cold. 35 in bowie, 38 reston anytime we get below freezing tonight, once again we could see some refreezing on some of the sidewalks or roadways. But not a whole lot going on out there. Storm team 4 radar all clear. We look down through the south and west and see all that moisture. There it is. Once again, a classic scenario for a big east coast storm but this one will have a little bit too much warm air. Notice by this time youre already starting to see some snow up here. Not happening. All rain. And that storm is making its way our way. Future weather timing it out for us 6 00 tomorrow night, here comes the rain around quantico down around fredericksburg. It may be a mixed bag towards the mountains of front royal and winchester but d. C. Still okay at 6 00. Its 9 00 that moves in and by 11 00 everybody is seeing something. Its a rain rainsnow mix, just snow back to the north. The best chance for any accumulating snow will be well back towards the west most likely from the mountains back to the west. The blue ridge back toward the west, south and east mostly a rain event. Whos going to get what from this . Mainly rain to the south, minor amounts of snow. We could see some accumulated snow in d. C. But not much. Moderate amounts back toward the rest. Talking about amounts over 2 inch maybe over 3 inches in that area. Well continue to watch that. Not the only chance of snow though. Another chance late sunday into monday. A little better chance for accumulating snow in the d. C. Metro area monday with a high of 38 degrees. Tuesday, wednesday, and thur. Just on the cold side. 32 degrees on wednesday. More soggy than snowy it sounds like. Thank you, doug. Kai dyana is up next with sports. Shes talking about inflategate from the look of things. Air pressure on the patriots. Well see if you can tell the difference. Plus did the fans at the Verizon Center do enough to recruit nbas mvp . Kevin durant on his homecoming. Well Bill Belichick says hes shocked as us. The one person. The only one at home like yep, tom, i believe you, honey. We dont believe you there, tom brady. A 30minute tom brady press conference, the quarterback was asked everything you can imagine about the pressure of footballs, if he can feel the difference, if it had anything to do with this if he had anything to do this with this. The cleancut quarterback tried to explain that he knows nothing. Brady says he did not alter the ball in any way, even asked the ball boys if they knew anything and no one seems to have any answers. Now, the nfl, theyre investigating. But brady revealed today that the nfl hasnt even contacted him yet. Remember this was discovered four days ago. I have no nong of wrongdoing. No knowledge of anything. Im very comfortable say thatting nobody did it as far as i know. In my entire coaching career i have never talked to any player staff member, about football air pressure. I have no explanation for what happened. Thats what theyre looking into. There are lot of things that have not gone right with decisions this particular year. This is time to analyze it make sure its done right correctly and make the decision accordingly. I would hope this would be resolved by the weekend so we can focus on the super bowl. You hear joe theismann. He says you cant tell the difference. I bought these two, measured the exact psi. This is the regulation. This is the patriot way, so to speak. You decide. Can you feel the difference . I can. You can feel the difference. This feels like 11. 9 psi. Youre not that good. This is the softer one . Yeah. Easier to throw, easier to catch. You can hold it a little bit. Feels a tiny bit more infacilitated. You make a good point. Both teams had to play with it. Either way, the patriots destroyed the colts this weekend but this brings up a lot of questions and right now we dont know any and apparently tom brady and Bill Belichick dont know. Lets get a game going outside. All right. Everyones still talking about k. D. In d. C. Did the fans make him feel loved, enough to come to the wizards when hes a free agent in two years . This guy sat behind the thunder bench, really laying it on thick with the signs. Durant didnt disappoint the hometown crowd especially with this unbelievable dunk over gortat. Ive seen it over and over. He finished with 34 points in oklahoma citys overtime win. As for his future in washington . I hear the cheers and see people that ive grown up with here and supported. You know, it meaningses a lot to me. I appreciate everybody in this area. Theyve shown me so much love. I like being around my family, to so thats the most important thing when i come back here. I can hang with my family in oklahoma too. Secondranked virginia cavaliers host Virginia Tech tonight. Excuse me. Georgia tech. The cavs looking for their 18th straight win in their undefeated season nape ear trying not to look down the schedule at duke and North Carolina in a couple weeks. The key thing is focus. We try to block out all the distractions and not worry about the rankings because if we were to lose one game those change drastically. And we cant let that affect us. So as of right now, were trying to block everything out and just keep doing what were doing. And finally tonight, jeff gordon stepping out of his number 24 car. The 43yearold is step eight way from fulltime nascar racing. He says it was a difficult choice but it doesnt mean his racing days are over. Retirement means you go off to be where or, you know sit in a rocking chair on the front porch, and drink your coffee and pet your dog, not me. I dont know. That sound good. Sign me up. I know. Well miss 24 though. Yes. No pressures with on our broadcast tonight, full denial from patriots Quarterback Tom Brady and from his coach as a football inflation scandal remains bigger than the upcoming super bowl as the question remains who or what was responsible. Do not enter, the new warning tonight says certain visitors should stay away from disneyland as Health Officials scramble to get this Measles Outbreak under control. Inferno, a ferocious fire still burning over a day after it started. Hundreds of families lose everything. Why this one has been so hard to fight. And sidekicks as we hit the streets to chronicle the trend thats arrived out of nowhere and includes taking ones best friend out for a ride. Nightly news begins now. From nbc news World Headquarters in new yo

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