Transcripts For WRC News4 At 6 20160705

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stands next to the woman who wants to be president to vouch for his opinion that she's got the makeup, he says, that kicks off her qualities to be an effective president just five hours after the fbi director, yes, gave her good news but questioned her judgment. >> reporter: president obama flew hillary clinton to north carolina, her campaign paying for the travel. >> i believe in hillary clinton. >> reporter: but bigger news came from fbi headquarters in washington. director james comey. >> extremely careless. >> reporter: clinton put u.s. secrets at risk using handheld devices with a private server but did not break laws on purpose and did not cover up the action so no prosecution is recommended. >> we are expressing to justice our view that no charges are appropriate in this case. >> reporter: donald trump on his way to event tweeted "fbi director said crooked hillary compromised our national security. no charges. wow!" she did not react today. >> and donald trump is simply unqualified and tempermentally unfit to be our commander in chief. >> reporter: but clinton's trustworthiness is called into question not just by trump but by the fbi. >> hillary is fit and she's true and she's in politics for the same reason i am, because we can improve other people's lives by doing this work! >> reporter: today, the question will clinton get charges seems resolved. but the questions about her judgment, jim, are back in a harsh spotlight once again. >> steve, before you go, you heard some people making comparisons between the general petraeus. how does the clinton case, in fact, differ from that of the general? >> donald trump has been at the lead saying how come general petraeus had his career ruined, almost went to jail for a long stretch and hillary clinton, in his opinion, is getting off. there is a substantial difference. general petraeus knew that he was giving classified information to somebody who was not authorized to receive it, paula broadwell, his biographer and lover. and he lied about it to the fbi. clinton, on the other hand, was careless without criminal intent, said the director of the fbi, who made a point of saying that neither clinton nor anybody on her legal team covered up. those are big differences, jim. >> steve handelsman, thank you. a developing story in northern virginia. a former guardsman is behind bars and accused of plotting an isis soil. mohamed jalloh lived in sterling and just purchased an assault rifle when he was arrested. julie carey was in court where he made his first appearance. julie? >> reporter: doreen, federal authorities had been tracking jalloh undercover for a little more than three months and were listening as he praised the ft. hood gunman and said he wanted to die as a martyr and the best time for an attack would be before ramadan concluded today. the hearing was brief, the judge informing him he was accused of trying to provide foreign support to isis. >> no comments. >> reporter: this detailed affidavit reveals that jalloh traveled to africa where he met an isis member plotting an attack on u.s. soil. he wanted jalloh to be part of it. he brokered jalloh and someone who was an undercover informant. he left the national guard after listening to lectures by anwar awlaki. he told the informant he knew how to use weapons and thought about attacks all the time. he reportedly admired nidal hasan, the ft. hood gunman, who killed 14 during a 2009 rampage calling him, quote, a very good man. and vowed to do nidal hassan type of things. and jalloh made an isis donation. in late june, he tried to acquire weapons but failed in north carolina. he tried to get a weapon in chantilly but didn't have the right i.d. and by the time he came back store was working with authorities. before he took the weapon home, it was rendered inoperable. he was arrested on sunday, the weapon sized. mohamed jalloh will be back here in court where he will have a bond hearing. bomb-detecting robots are outside of a bank in fairfax county after a backpack was left behind after a robbery. jackie bensen is in seven corners with more. >> reporter: route 50 reopened a few minutes ago. it's been causing a big problem here. first, we'll show you video taken just a short time ago. you should be able to see the backpack that police were using, a bomb robot to examine and x-ray. about five minutes ago, they opened uproot 50 and a spokesman for the department came told us that whatever they had seen led them to back off a little bit, open the road which they had closed for security precautions. the shopping center behind us remains evacuated at this time. but it looks like they are rapping things up, a man came in to the td bank and route 50 and announced a robbery and on his way out left a backpack which, as you can imagine, caused great concern by fairfax county police. there was a massive closure of streets in this area and an evacuation of the shopping center while they determined that that backpack would not pose any explosive threats to the people in the area. jackie bensen, news4, back to you. >> thank you, jackie. some neighbors thought they were hearing fireworks. they may have been. but they also heard a shootout near a metro station that ended with a transit police officer killing a man. it happened near the station in d.c. mark segraves reports that's an area seeing a spike in crime. mark? >> reporter: good evening, jim. neighbors described the scene last night as chaotic. this marks the seventh time this year that police in the district have shot someone. that includes secret service police, capitol hill police and d.c. police and now metro transit police. according to d.c. police, the suspect was standing near this rec center close to the deanwood metro station in northeast when transmit police officers arrived just before 11:00 p.m. for a call about illegal fireworks going off. police say the man displayed a gun and opened fire on the officer. one of the metro officers returned fire hitting and killing the suspect. so far this year, violent crime is up in this neighborhood. in recent months, there were two high-profile murders at the >> they are going to open a hospital right there. they are opening it right now. that's going to be even more problems. >> reporter: according to d.c. police, so far this year, within 1,000 feet of this rec center, there have been two murders, ten robberies, six of those using a gun and five assaults with dangerous weapons. there have been numerous break-ins and thefts. this long-time resident, who didn't want to be identified, wants more police in the neighborhood. >> where we're standing right here, this is the meeting area for big fights, for some reason. that curse often. we need to be better protected here. >> reporter: neighbors demanding more presence of police in this area. the last time a police officer was involved in a metro shooting was in 2015 when an officer shot and killed an ma who had a fit at the potomac avenue station. police investigated that and ruled it a justifiable shooting. that's the very latest. maureen, back to you. >> mark segraves, thank you. another metro safetrack surge begins tonight at 8:00 for a week. transportation reporter adam tuss is at braddock road. adam? >> reporter: you are forced to make a change if this is part of your normal kmunt. let's look at the platform as another train is servicing the station. no rail service on the blue and yellow lines right here. with another safetrack surge here, many are looking for alternate ways to commute. >> i work from home, usually, which is great because i don't have to make the metro anymore. >> whole companies changing their approach. >> some people are looking for other stations or metro buses taking leave. >> reporter: so called bike trains will be used. volunteers will be leading groups every day from the braddock road metro station. >> they are leaving every half hour on the half hour starting at 6:30 in the morning. >> reporter: 60,000 riders per day expected to be impacted by this next stage on the blue and yellow line. metro is already getting the equipment into position. if you stick with metro, you'll have to jump between a train and bus to complete your trip. that means you better get on the right bus as there will be multiple options. >> have you studied up which bus you need to get on? >> i haven't. it remains a total mystery to me. >> reporter: the heat is going to play a role as well as riders make their way for all of the inconvenience that these serges are causing, metro has to get its safe back on track. >> i stopped riding it for a while between crystal city and gal line. just didn't trust it. >> the third surge of 15 total safetrack surges just about to roll out. and back here new live at braddock road, if you have someo someone flying in to reagan national airport, this may possibly affect rail service at the airport for the next week. jim, back to you. >> thanks, mark. new money approved for major road construction projects in our area. federal government is offering a $90 million grant for improvements to the bridge. they will deliver the atlantic gateway project and told you about it a few days ago. they will alsoxt co-worker at a beauty salon. the crime was caught on camera. we now know why she was out for revenge. victims of gun violence making the statement now as lawmakers prepare for protests. terrorists strike on the holiest month on the islamic calendar. and temperatures today hit 91 degrees. the start of a heatwave and we'll talk much more about the chance stormsof ♪ know that at least the process of buying a new home can be clear and simple. know your investments can make retirement closer than you think know. the one word behind all the guidance we provide, tools we create, and services we offer. because when you have insight, you know. e pokers, prodders, shuckers and sniffers, [ inhales ] all giant produce is triple checked. farm, crate, and store. we're focusing on fresh... you don't have to guess. my giant. as members of congress return, the issue of gun control lingers. six people were arrested at a protest. chris gordon has our report. >> reporter: dozens of local families marched on the capitol. they called themselves the d.c. mountain dads for gun safety and now that congress has returned from its july 4th reserks they want action. >> we expect them to take up the issue and pass a bill with meaningful gun legislation soon. >> reporter: while this was going on outside, inside the capitol rotunda, there was a family members of gun violence victims held pictures of loved ones they have lost. this woman's daughter was shot and killed on south capitol street in 2010. >> because our loved ones have been stolen. my daughter was on her way to college, gunned down with an ak-47 and two other caliber weapons. this is not the america i grew up in. >> reporter: these demonstrators say they were inspired by the recent takeover by the house of representatives. ♪ we shall pass a bill someday >> reporter: by lawmakers pushing for a congressional vote on a gun bill. >> our kids' safety is at stake and the glimmer of hope was the sit-in that the house democrats did and i thought something is going to happen and this is the time and we all need to get out there now and we need to get something passed. >> reporter: the republican house speaker paul ryan says he will allow a single gun bill to be proposed in the it's a mesh thaur would allow the attorney general to delay the sale of a weapon for three days to a suspected terrorist. some democrats say this is not real gun reform or gun control and they plan to oppose it. back to you. terror attacks by suicide bombings in saudi arabia, the timing of the violence is getting a lot of attention. richard engel is reporting from istanbul. >> reporter: isis called on supporters and fighters from around the world to do the attack. from istanbul to baghdad where the death toll has risen to over 200 from a truck bombing in the center of the city and then overnight attacks in saudi arabia. this is tilely symbolic of isis to carry out an them right next to one of the most holy mosques in the world, the mosque where the muslim prophet muhammad himself is believed to be buried. it's a message to the islamic world that isis is still active, that it is spread out from its home base in iraq and syria. some attacks were demanded by isis and other ones only inspired by isis but they do steam, in both cases, to have responded to this ramadan call. one of the worst ram dan's in history as far as terrorism is concerned. ram dan is over here in turkey but there are still one more day of ramadan. richard engel, istanbul. two local police departments are getting money from the state of maryland to buy body armor. that includes laurel police and 1200 for district heights police. the spokesperson says body armor has saved 3,000 lives in the past three decades. the county's 5 cent bag tax has been in effect for five years now and it's generated more than $10 million for pollution and storm water control programs. the county recently launched an advertising campaign reminding people to bring or take the reusable bag to the store with them. a fairfax teenager critically injured in new york's central park. a forensic scene, trying to piece together the mystery of who is responsible. i'm tracee wilkins coming up on news4, an ice cream truck woman: i have a masurprise for you.are you? man: you have a surprise for me? narrator: at dominion, 1 in 5 new hires is a veteran. and when they're away, they miss out on a lot. because we cover any difference between their military pay and their dominion salary, and continue benefits for them and their families. why do we do it? because our vets sacrifice enough. "dominion. depend on us for more than energy." ♪ stand by me. it's hot and muggy out there today. doug, it's going to get worse, isn't it? >> we haven't seen a heatwave yet. why not throw one in? >> why not? we're due. >> we are due. today, a high temperature of 91 degrees. take a look outside right now, a great shot all day. still looks good. the haze is no but it's building across our region. we have some blue skies. currently seeing 89 degrees. 84, winchester. 88 in fredericksburg. look at the heat index. we'll show you this a lot in the next couple of days. 99 in fredericksburg, 99 downtown, easton with a heat index of 100. anytime you're this hot and humid, you tend to get some storms. we have a boundary down to the south down in the portions of stafford county and prince williams county, very heavy rain falling out of this one. look at this storm. this has lightning associated with it. it's moving right down towards the leonardtown area. heads up if you lived down towards st. mary's county. so heads up for those big threats and heavy rain that is going to be about it. there's the bourndary right now c you can see the storm moving out. it left a little bit of that boundary and moving back as a warm front. more of that shower activity is down to our south and it will be out of here around 8:00, 9:00. tomorrow, not much. 8:00 a.m., no problems. tomorrow afternoon, as is typical with these types of summertime patterns, a couple of thunderstorms during the day tomorrow coming through at 3:00, 4:00, 5:00. temperatures tomorrow afternoon, climbing to near 90 by noon. the heat index tomorrow with the chance of the isolated storm, a very isolated storm. 93 on your d.c. area. these are temperatures. not the heat index. 95 in fredericksburg. it's going to be moderate tomorrow. hot and humid, drink plenty of water. it's going to be one hot day. 95 on saturday, 89 on sunday. the heat index is close to 100 each day. staying warm. low we're humidity next monday and tuesday. new concerns about security after a man is shot several times in his ice cream truck. the fears from other drivers using this parking lot as police search for suspects. a montgomery county woman was sentenced to ten days in prison for poisoning her co-worker with this skin care solution. in court today she told the judge her side of the story. coming up, the victim reacts into tonight, the loudoun county board of supervisors vote on a measure that would create an bt pridelg the driver of an ice cream truck shot and critically injured on the fourth of july as police shed light on a motive. controversy over recognizing the lgbt community in one city. sentencing day for a hairdresser who admitting to poisoning a co-worker. 2 billion miles and $1 billion later, a cler the latest milestone for nasa. co-workers say they are scared to go to work. >> they are shaken up after an ice cream truck driver was shot outside of a distributor in prince george's county last night. bureau chief tracy wiee wilkins spoke with those workers today. tracee? >> reporter: they say it's very unusual for someone to be shot during a robbery and to be shot multiple times means that they are dealing with extraordinary violent suspects. >> it's very scary. >> reporter: returning to this lot is frightening after a colleague is shot here nine times in an apparent attempted robbery. >> the 26 years that i've been doing this business here, i've never seen it. >> just look at me and says i think i'm going to die. it was horrible. >> reporter: this repairman said when he heard the thought it was fireworks until he saw a familiar face collapse near the end of this driveway of the ice cream truck parking lot. >> making a dollar from selling ice cream. i mean, you can work and make money instead of doing that. >> we're trying to reach out to the community. >> reporter: today, prince george's county police held a press conference saying that they are looking for two suspects and they need the public's help. >> obviously nine times, critical condition, such a brazen robbery at that time of the day on july 4th, it's unacceptable in our community and we don't want to stand for it. >> reporter: place say perhaps increased security is a good idea. >> an incident like this where people are arguably aware that there's money in this parking lot, i would encourage additional security and obviously the police department will ensure that we'll have a stronger presence in that region. >> reporter: i spoke with berliner who is at the hospital with the victim who is in critical but stable condition. we're told by people who know this man that his wife is expecting their brand-new baby. tracee wilkins, back to you. we should learn tomorrow what kind of explosive materials seriously injured a man from fairfax county up in new york's central park. the man's name is connor golden who stepped on a bag of homemade explosives. he -- the explosive material blew up and he's in critical condition and lost part of his leg. still, no arrests tonight in the murder of a virginia father. shot and killed in alexandria on saturday, it's the fourth murder in the last year and the west old town section near route 1. we've learned the former mayor is among those trying to come up with ways to stop the violence. now to leesburg, virginia, where a farmhouse fire was so intense firefighters had to leave the building and fight it from the outside. flames broke out near the academy of equestrian sciences. part of the 107-year-old house collapsed. there was significant damage to the home. three people who live there were able to get out safely. no word yet on the cause. the loudoun county board is expe expected to vote on a proclamation that would make june lgbt month. >> reporter: holly patterson says she has seen what discrimination looks like through what her teenage son has endured. bullied. >> reporter: that's why she fully supports plans to make june lgbt pride month in loudoun county. >> i certainly believe it would help the youth feel that they are honored in some way. >> i think this is an acknowledgement that god has made us all different from each other and we need to respect that difference. >> reporter: this supervisor put forward the measure. >> that's why we're bringing forward this proclamation. >> reporter: that's a strong statement of affirmation: he says it's an overstep of the board's duty. >> when people participate in an event of their own choice and volition speaking for themselves, that's one thing. very different when a government official endorses a proclamation on behalf of their constituent. >> reporter: you've weighed in on our nbc washington facebook poll. do you support the initiative? more than half said person said, "so when are straight, christian couples getting a month? as for tonight's vote, holly isn't too hopeful. i don't hold out a lot of hope. unfortunately, that's probably just because it's been so long. >> you don't think this will pass? >> not with the current board, no. >> the supervisors are meeting right now. the vote could happen later this evening and if the measure is approved, it could take effect as early as next year. in leesburg, virginia, i'm david culver, news4. it took five years and more than $1 billion but the juno mission is setting the stage for future exploration in outer space. what virginia senator tim kaine is calling on congress to do in the face of a public health emergency. taking a look at our rockville camera, hot, hazy and humid. for the been trying to prepare for this day... and i'm still not ready. the reason i'm telling you this is that you'll never be ready for. your little girl getting married being one of them. ♪ ♪ the extra crispy colonel. my extra crispy, twenty dollar fill-up feeds a family of four. it's crunchy! juicy! and oh so tasty. kfc. it's extra crispy good. one month for today, the olympics will begin in rio. some big issues have cast a cloud over these olympics which includes security threats, financial crisis and water pollution and fear of zika outbreak. leaders in rio appear to be undaunted. they say the city is ready and they can't wait for the games to begin. tim kaine says congress has to work together to fight the zika virus. kaine also said that congress needs to stop playing politics with a public health emergency. >> it's beyond comprehension to me that a group of 535 people who have taken a note to serve as a huge and dramatic challenge that is an urgent one. >> there have been 27 confirmed zika cases in virginia but in each of those the people contracted the virus outside the country. the u.s. has a spacecraft orbiting jupiter. it took five years and more than $1 billion to get it there but the juno probe slipped into orbit around that giant planet late last night. that brought huge tears and applause from engineers at nasa. nbc's chris pallone reports. >> so we're just counting down. >> reporter: a journey of nearly $2 billion at a cost of $1.1 billion coming down to a crucial fourth of july and then success. >> juno, welcome to jupiter. >> reporter: the probe is now largest planet. >> and liftoff. >> reporter: it took nearly five years to get there and at one point traveled faster than anything manmade ever in the universe. 165,000 miles an hour. >> we hit our burn targets within one second on a target that was just a tenth of a kilometer large. isn't that incredible. >> reporter: juno is the size of a basketball court that will spend years flying through jupiter measuring gravity and magnetic fields. >> that's what we're trying to answer here, is how did jupiter get to be jupiter? how did our solar system get to be the solar system? where is all of this stuff, this amazing universe that we see, how does that work and how did it begin? >> reporter: it's success that sets the stage with other solar-powered probes in the future. chri nasa's engineer says it's incredible it might be an understatement in fact considering how far away jupiter is from here and it's not just like you throw something up in the air and you're going to hit it eventually. it's amazing science. >> and the idea that it can send back information to us. >> uh-huh. it's amazing. mind-boggling. sabotage at a luxury salon. new reaction from a woman who was poisoned from her co-worker. we'll learn the greek flavors of our mediterranean your choice of delicious chicken or hearty steak. with crumbled feta and cool, creamy tzatziki sauce. try our mediterranean collection today. subway. fresh is what we do. surveillance video shows the crime as it unfolds. a woman dumping a skin care product into her co-worker's bottled water. it happened last fall inside a salon and tonight we're hearing from a woman who was targeted. news4's meagan fitzgerald has our report. >> they were co-workers for a number of month. >> reporter: jim worked inside this beauty retail shop in gate thers ber thers gaithersburg. a co-worker drank the water and became sick. after police reviewed the video footage inside the store, lemonfield was arrested. her attorney told the judge the two women's relationship turned sour after santa cruz made an >> things deteriorated between the two of them. >> reporter: he says the two women were harassing each other and lemonfield poisoned santa cruz in retaliation. >> my client alleges the day before this incident the victim spit in her pasta. >> reporter: she denied allegations of unwanted behavior at the party. what she is saying is a lie? is that what you're saying? >> yes. >> reporter: that didn't matter to the judge or prosecutor. >> on video poisoning their co-worker over some sort of perceived conflict and this is not a way to resolve your problems in the workplace. >> reporter: she was sentenced to ten days in prison but santa cruz doesn't believe that's long enough. what do you make of the fact that she's going to be in jail for ten days? >> i hope that she learns. thank you. fitzgerald, news4. every year we're reminded how dangerous fireworks can be and today we're getting evidence of some of those risks. in houston, a 15-year-old lost part of his leg and a number of fingers as he tied about 200 spark sparklers together before he lit them. and in massachusetts, two barges carrying fireworks burst into flames and in oklahoma, an event was cut short when a fire work shot too close to the ground as it malfunctioned. here at home, ems reported to several calls for injuries last night. on aimes street northeast, a 15-year-old boy suffered severe injuries after a cherry bomb exploded in his hand. and 10-year-old boy burned his face because of debris. tonight, pbs is standing by its decision to mix fireworks from year's past into last night's live fireworks show. they have apologized for the confusion b confusion but it provided the best viewing experience. there was no scaffolding on the capitol building and social media lit up with reaction. one person tweeted, only in d.c. could a pbs show become a scandal. pretty obvious watching that on tv what was going on. maybe they could put prerecorded in a box. that would help. it was hard to see the fireworks through the clouds. >> yes, after the rain we saw last night, at least they did get off a little bit but temperatures today shot way yesterday, only 74 degrees. today, the day after, we're at 91. currently sitting at 89. that feels-like temperature, that heat index, up to 94 degrees on the hazy, hot and humid side for sure. 88 down towards the river and 90 across the bay over towards easton. storm team 4 radar tracking the storms that have developed down to the south. that's where they are going to stay. the game for the nats starts in 20 minutes. notice not a lot of lightning. there's a little bit of lightning to the south of stafford and quantico and westmoreland county. he heads up in fredericksburg, especially along i-95. we see e could see a pop-up storm. 93 tomorrow, hot and humid. 30% chance of an afternoon storm. that means most of us will remain on the dry side tomorrow. take a look at the heat index as we put this into motion. 9 97, d.c. how about in leesburg, how about up to 97 again. 98 towards fredericksburg. friday and saturday, even warmer. everybody closer to that 100-degree mark. that's with the heat index. actual temperatures in the 90s. 93 on wednesday and 94 on thursday and friday. chance of isolated storms each day. 95 on sunday. a front moves through and down to 89 and right now early next week, looking nice on sunday and monday and tuesday and possibly another heatwave setting up in the middle of the next week as this ten-day trend continues. we'll watch that for you. the heat index ending any time soon. we have sports coming up and some people are wondering whether after one of the best weeks much his life, one of the nationals has played his way into the all-star game. lester holt has a look ahead on "nbc nightly news." >> jim and doreen, we'll have reaction to the fbi's reaction not to charge hillary clinton over her e-mail scandal. is there a political price to pay? we'll hear what donald trump has to say about it as he pushes back over a tweet some call anti-semitic. and an american student's learning adventure abroad ends in tragedy. ♪ amsleep number beds with you with sleepiq technology give you the knowledge to adjust for the best sleep ever. it's the final days of the lowest prices of the season sale, with our best-buy rated c2 queen mattress now only $699.99. know better sleep. only at a sleep number store. woman: i have a masurprise for you.are you? man: you have a surprise for me? narrator: at dominion, 1 in 5 new hires is a veteran. and when they're away, they miss out on a lot. but they won't miss out on financial support. because we cover any difference between their military pay and their dominion salary, and continue benefits for them and their families. why do we do it? because our vets sacrifice enough. ♪ stand by me. so we're sitting here talking about espinoza is not going to -- >> jason thinks he should -- >> i love him. he's close to playing his way on to the all-star -- >> i will give you that for sure. >> i love the nationals. here we go. nats have three more games before they break for the mid-summer classic. the all-star game takes place in san diego and one person that probably doesn't want to take a break at all on this nationals team and th listen to these incredible numbers. in the last seven days, he's batting .423, five home runs and 17 rbis. he had a two multihomer a game including a grand slam and if that wasn't enough, home runs from both sides of the plate. >> you know, grabbing the ball and you're not missing the pitch. you know, you're getting be it as you're comfortable and that's probably the best i've ever had. really good. i had a lot of fun. being able to contribute to the wins, obviously, i felt really good. >> don't let his tone fool you, okay? he's in a great mood. espinosa is not the only one. bryce harper and how about ramos? he leads all catchers in rbi and daniel murphy, you can see the same thing about him. murphy might be the best off-season in major league baseball. let's hope they get all-stars this year. we're going to move on to tennis now. what a day for the williams sister, especially the oldest, venus williams, 36 years old. >> mait's been a while but we could see another venus versus serena gland slam title. she took care of business. venues was resurgent at wimbledon. as for her sister serena, she needed 1:13 to dispose of her opponent. she's rooting to are her sister until a potential final week. >> she's a tough opponent and obviously i want her to win so bad. obviously not in the final if i'm there. if i'm not there, i desperately want her to win. >> if they happen to meet up in the finals, we're in for it. serena and venus -- >> venus. >> you have to root for venus. something to the effect of being here and semis or whatever and venus, no, it's not exactly the first time. you forget. >> exactly. >> five titles already. >> doug, you were going to talk about the nationals. >> they are playing doubles together, by the way. they've made it to the quarterfinals as well. everybody has been talking about nba free agency. taking place right now. the capitals introduced their new player, lars eller, he will wear number 20. lars already trained in texas. his 3-year-old daughter has requested a pink room in her new home. eller takes over the third line center role. >> it's a team that i think that will compete for a cup and they have all of the pieces that is needed to, you know, to be right there. i think it's a matter of how we put it in together after that time. the experience is a lot more fun to play on a team with a winning culture than it is the other way around. >> all right. yesterday, the big news, kevin durant signed with the golden state warriors. i absolutely i think it's going to be great for the nba. >> i heard somebody say today, why not just put cleveland and okay, ready? whoa! [ explosion ] nothing should get in the way of the things you love. ♪ get america's fastest internet. only from xfinity. tonight no charges recommended against hillary clinton by the fbi, despite calling her private e-mail use extremely careless and revealing hostile actors possibly hacked her account just hours before she campaigns with president obama for the first time. the system is rigged says donald trump after the fbi news, as he zeals with his own firestorm over accusations of anti-semitism. tonight a new threat of tornadoes and floods. american murderers, police make an arrest in the death of a u.s. college exchange student just hours after arriving in europe. guilt free eating, the surprising good news for

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