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And finally, the race for the senate. Would you tell a child to aspire to be like donald trump . Would you point to him as a role model . Absolutely. Has turned his back on us. We will break down the key battles state by state and the last minute fight for control. Joining me for this last meet the press before the ee lebs are nbc news special correspondent tom brokaw, republican strategist nicolle wallace, chris matthews, Savannah Guthrie and jose diaz belart. This is it. Welcome to sunday, and a special edition of meet the press. From new york, this is a special edition of meet the press with chuck todd. Good sunday morning from election headquarters, right here at 30 rock in new york city. In two days, were going to have its always been about fear. Fear on one side of a changing world and a changing america. And fear on the other side about donald trump. We have a lot to cover. We will get right to it. Here it is, our final brandnew nbc news wall street journal poll out this morning. We have a tightening race. Hillary clinton leading donald trump by four points in the fourway matchup. 44 to 40. Thats a big change from last months poll which had clinton leading by double digits, 11. That poll, of course, before the james comey email announcement. Last night in reno, nevada, trump was rushed off stage when someone in the crowd shouted gun. There was no gun. Trump did return to finish that speech. Nobody said it was going to be easy for us. But we will never be stopped. Never, ever be stopped. I want to thank the secret clinton was rallying her voters with the help of katy perry and a concert in philadelphia. You ready to rock for hillary . When your kids and grandkids ask you what you did in 2016 when it was all on the line, i want you to be able to say, i voted for a better, fairer, stronger america where everybody has a chance at the american dream. This campaigns are taking very different paths to election day. Today, Hillary Clinton and tim kaine are targeting a number of states in an attempt to try to check mate trump. Michigan, not yet lit up on our board, is suddenly in play. Tomorrow clinton and president obama and bill clinton are all going to be saturating that suddenly into the battleground state. Donald trump and mike pence have no clear path. They are throwing spaghetti at combination of new states, like minnesota, that will get them to 270 electoral votes. Of course, they still have to win the traditional battleground states, florida, ohio and North Carolina and find a couple of blue states to flip. Iowa looks good. Is it michigan . We have correspondents all over the campaign trail. We will begin in philadelphia where Hillary Clinton will be waking up this morning. Thats where we find our kristin welker. Philadelphia, whats this about . Reporter chuck, pennsylvania is a part of secretary firewall. In order to win here, in order to win the white house, she has to get large margins of africanAmerican Voters in urban areas like right here in philadelphia. That was on display during that katy perry concert here last night. Clinton has made 16 stops to pennsylvania since the dnc. A lot of those stops aimed at energizing africanAmerican Voters. Consider this. President obama got 93 of the black vote here in pennsylvania that. Shes got to get comparable numbers. Its in other battlegrounds like North Carolina and ohio where she will be joined by lebron james. And to help her make her case, she has a million volunteers stretched all across the country helping to get out the vote. There you go. Now lets go to wwilmington, North Carolina, check in on where donald trump will be with katie tor. Donald trump is visiting eight states in two days. They are taking a renewed interest in michigan where they say internal polling showed them in a dead heat with Hillary Clinton. Why . They say their jobs message is cutting across all demographics in that state. In order for them to get to 270, they believe michigan is absolutely their best path. If they do win that state, they can afford to lose pennsylvania where Hillary Clinton is they are making a surprise visit to minnesota, a state that president obama won by eight points in 2012. But the campaign does concede that in order to win, theyre going to have to find a blue state and turn it red. Check . Katy, thanks very much. Now lets go to the swing state, perhaps the most important swing state of them all, florida. Its in orlando that were going. We like to say on this show, florida, florida, florida. Reporter it looks like this ye early voting smashing all kinds of records. Just over this weekend, the democrats have started outpacing the republicans. Big reason, 200,000 more hispanic votes have been cast already this year than in all of 2012. A word of caution for Hillary Clinton. Shes behind where barack obama was in 2012. Thats why the president is coming here today, big puerto rican population. He wants to run up the score for her before election day. Democrats. This is the last day of early voting here in florida. Including most of the big population centers. Make no mistake, chuck, looking like another heartstopping election day in florida. Sure does. Thanks very much. Finally, our final stop on the map this morning, its actually usually first stop of any president ial candidate, its in the great primary city of manchester, New Hampshire, where we find our own Andrea Mitchell who has been clinton for decades. An andrea, what do you got . Reporter this is not the way Hillary Clinton wanted to finish up. Her plan to end on a positive note got upended by the fbi letter, forcing her to fight back. For the past week, everywhere we have gone with her, she has been reminding voters of every thing donald trump has said. Tomorrow night, the Clinton Campaign will take two minutes. They are paying for a commercial on nbc primetime and on cbs. Million people. It will be all about uplifting, inclusive america. They are making it as we speak. Its going to include that stronger america theme. First, of course, tonight she will be in New Hampshire where voters famously are late deciders. Clinton will be introduced by the gold star father who the Campaign Says represents the very best of america and president obama coming back here tomorrow. Thank you. As we march towards election yesterday, nearly 40 Million People have already voted. We expect the total early vote turnout to be 50 million by tuesday. There are strong indications this weekend the hispanic vote is up sharply in las vegas and along the critical i4 corridor of florida. That would be very good news for Hillary Clinton. Joining me now is the chairman of the Clinton Campaign, john podesta. Mr. Podesta, welcome back to meet the press. Hispanic turnout. But you are having struggles with africanamerican turnout. We have seen indications North Carolina, georgia, ohio, michigan, that all that turnout among africanamericans is down in the early vote. I will put up a North Carolina stat here that shows it down almost 6 from the turnout in 2012. Why do you think you are having trouble motivating africanamerican vote . Well, look, all the way through the africanAmerican Voters came out for Hillary Clinton. We expect that again now. And were working very hard to make sure that happens. She is campaigning across the country in africanamerican communities. We have had the president out for us. You know, you are comparing us against the first africanamerican president running for reelection. We think we can hit those numbers. The president is helping us do that. But we built a different kind of hispanic turnout were seeing in florida, in nevada, where we feel good. Obviously, more work to do between now and tuesday. We have had College Educated women voting in higher numbers, voting for her in higher numbers. Asian americans voting disproportionately. So were feeling very solid going into this last weekend. But theres a tremendous amount of work to do. You brought uphe i want to play for you a clip of an interview he did with reverend sharpton about motivating africanAmerican Voters to the polls. Take a listen. Michelle and i, we talk own the dinner table, we explain to our daughters, not everything is supposed to be inspiring. Sometimes you just do what you have to do. One of the things you gotta do right now is to make sure to vote for Hillary Clinton. Its not a hope and change election. I assume you would like the president to come up with everything is supposed to be inspiring . Look, were on the ballot on tuesday on the ballot in these early votes is what kind of country were going to be. As a president has crisscrossed the country, he laid that challenge to the voters on the line of what kind of country are we going to be. Are we going to build people up . Are we going to run a campaign of bigotry or are we going to run a campaign of inclusion and the right investments for people as Hillary Clinton has proposed . She has done that all her life. Thats what the cause of her life has been is to fight for family and children. And thats what we think that voters who are now i think with enthusiasm coming out and voting for her will do. Chuck, we have a million volunteers. We did 7 million voter contacts yesterday alone. Thats the kind of enthusiasm i think that shes been able to demonstrate. How concerned are you . We saw the iowa poll numbers. You are clearly behind in iowa. Likely thats the one blue state for sure that trump is going to flip. Michigan, obviously, you are taking it seriously by sending secretary clinton and the president up there. Look, if we hold on to nevada, hold on to michigan, you know, then Hillary Clinton is going to be the next president of the United States. Most people vote on election day in michigan. So our vote states in the earlier period of time. Now were going to michigan, to New Hampshire, to pennsylvania where they do it the oldfashion way, everybody votes on election day. We feel like we got a lead in michigan. We want to hold on to it. We think we can do that. Tim kaine yesterday in an interview said, people within the fbi are actively working to try to help the trump campaign. Do you believe the entire fbi announcement has been a benefit there are forces in the fbi that are actively working against your candidacy . Look, i think what mr. Comey did nine days ago was a mistake. I think it broke with precedent. I think it was criticized by democrats and republicans. Including four im sorry, two former Deputy Attorney generals who served with him in the bush administration. I think it was a mistake. Is it a mistake that should lead to resignation . Motivation. I just said it was a mistake. It broke with precedent. Theres a reason for the policy. It looked like that it was interfering in the election. I think the leaks that have been ongoing, which was what tim was referring to, is worrisome. I think the men and women of the fbi are doing a tremendous job out here across the country. But the leakers should shut up. Let me ask you a final question about wikileaks. If it being exposed the way your personal and private messages have been exposed. Explain what this has been like. You mean on a personal level . Yes, sir. Ive got a pretty thick skin, chuck. What i have worried about is to make sure that this is an unprecedented situation where a foreign power hacked my emails as working with wikileaks and assano order to maximize the damage to hillary and to maximize the help to donald trump, who has adopted essentially Russian Foreign policy and rejected bipartisan u. S. Foreign policy. So its kind of an unprecedented circumstance. Look, my job is to make sure that were doing what we need to do to make sure that those volunteers are on doors, on the phones. Thats what were going to do to win this election. For the Hillary Clinton campaign, thats all the time i have. Thanks for coming on. Thanks, chuck. Joining me now, from the other side, is former speaker of the house and a current donald trump supporter, Newt Gingrich. Welcome back to meet the press. Chuck, its great to talk to you. Let me start with reading from a memo you wrote on behalf of the rnc earlier this year. Principles for planning the 2016 general election campaign. Your first two points, bullet nt under words and ideas matter were this, the wrong words cripple or kill. The right big idea or ideas expressed in clear and simple language with the right tone can win campaigns. If donald trump comes up short, is it because he violated those first two bullet points in your in what you sort of set out there, words matter sometimes . Well, i think the reason trump is such a fascinating historic figure is he managed to encompass those points. Saying things unwise. At times he has been a historic figure. His use of large ideas, whether its make America Great again or drain the swamp, the speech he gave at gettysburg where he outlined item after item in his contract with the American Voters, his proposal for a new deal for africanamericans, which is more than any republican president ial candidate in my lifetime. So hes a funny paradox on the one hand he is one of the most brilliant seen. On the other hand for a while, he was undercutting himself. If he had not done that, he would be ahead by ten or 15 points right now. As it is, he has had to make a comeback. Go ahead. No, no, no. Your turn. I am beebemused about the sp in hispanic turnout. Could it be donald trump could lose to look back and say he lost this election on the very first day he announced when he mexicans on that very first day . Because it does seem at least so far that the evidence is that activated the hispanic vote. You know, look, the other side of that coin, chuck, is could it be that Hillary Clinton when she loses will look back and say, i shouldnt have been a serial liar, i shouldnt have totally abused National Security and i shouldnt have used the state Department Office for personal corruption . I mean, shes got plenty of stuff to look back on if she loses. She was the one who was the front runner. She was the run who represented the shes the one who spent 46 years of her life trying to become president. Now shes scurrying off to michigan. She didnt think it was in play. Shes lost ohio in addition to iowa. Thats two states that have flipped for sure. I think that she has a very long couple days here. Remember, trump brought into this election i was at a book signing the other night in georgia. 90yearold woman who had never voted in her lifetime. There are people trump is bringing into the game. Back on this election that the lack of unity inside the republican party, how much of that has been a handicap to his election . I look at a place like New Hampshire in particular where you dont even have the Senate Candidate kelly ayotte and the president ial candidate on the same page. 1,000 votes could flip New Hampshire. Thats exactly right. Thats one of the real challenges that we faced all year. The truth is, donald trump represented a grassroots populism that was furious at the republican leadership. When this campaign began, 63 of all republicans said they did not like their leadership in washington. And those are the people who nominated trump. Well, it turns out some of the folks in washington didnt particularly like having what is in effect an outsider populist hostile takeover of the party. I get that. Some of them would rather have Hillary Clinton win and have a left Wing Supreme Court and have i get that. The question for trump is, can he arouse enough voters to overcome these . My guess is he can. I think were going to be shocked how relatively few people there are who care about the never trumpers. Can i ask you quickly, you use the word let the corruption continue. Have we been too loose with some words . I say that because no. Look, theres actual corruption that is a crime and then theres sometimes we use that word to politics. Fair or not. Do you worry we have let language get too loose . No, chuck. I worry with all due respect to you as a person. You know were pretty good friends. I worry the elite media has blindly refused to tell the truth. Every foreign gift, foreign speech every one its a big charge. Its the u. S. Constitution. Theres a section in the constitution that says no one from foreigners. She has to be guilty of 70 or 100 counts just on that one charge. Then you look at the people who came into the office by the way, the interesting thing about wikileaks is they showed us how corrupt the system was. She showed us people are being told you need to get them in because theyre giving to the foundation. I think the real corruption is the lack of the media being willing to be honest about how much lawlessness the clintons stand for. Now you have gottee last sort of point here. Im trying to figure out, november 9 what do we do as a country on november 9 . It has been a rough election. I want to use your words. This is what you said in january of 2001, after another very contentious president ial election. You said the following. Most americans do not find themselves actually alienated from their fellow americans or fearful if the other party wins that was america 2001. Do you believe thats the case in january of 2017 . No. No. I think tragically, we have drifted into an environment where if hillary is elected, the criminal investigations will be endless. And if trump is elected, it twill be like madison, wisconsin, with scott walker. The opposition will be so hostile and so direct and so immediate that continuing fight over who controls the country. I think that we are in for a long, difficult couple of years. Maybe a decade or more. The gap between those of us who are deeply offended by the dishonesty and corruption and the total lack of honesty on clinton team and on their side their defense of unions, which they have to defend, i understand that, that will lead to a struggle if trump wins. Well, speaker gingrich, i wish it wasnt true, chuck. I think everybody agrees on that. Speaker gingrich, i appreciate you coming on the show. Good to be with you. Later, we will check in with our pollsters to see how sturdy this Hillary Clinton fourpoint lead really is. See who has the edge in the fight for the control of the senate. Thats on a knifes edge as well. We will talk about november 9 and have a continuing ve started with speaker gingrich. Plus, you will hear from some on air folks that were familiar to you, been around this table throughout the season. We asked them to tell us what they are going to be watching for on election night. Here is the first couple. Right away, im going to watch for New Hampshire, one of the first states we get results from. Is there any sign of life for donald trump in what has become pretty blue. Watch for arizona which used to be deep red and where now some polls indicate hillary thank you is what we say. But we mean so much more. We mean how can we help . We mean what can we do . We mean its our turn. To do our part. To serve you, for all youve done to serve us. Welcome back. Sundays dont get bigger than this. My panel is so excited, theyre handicapping things. Neither does our panel. We had to go super size. We went five this morning. Call it our spinal tap final. I take that personally. There you go. Of course, i have tom brokaw. Savannah guthrie, good to see nicolle wallace. The man who is always playing hard ball, mr. Chris matthews and my pal from miami, jose diaz belart. Welcome to all of you. Grand puba. Lets not start there. Its john podesta questioning the Newt Gingrich talking about the next four years. Ive been at this a fair amount of time. I have never seen the country so fractured. Founding fathers said we the people in order to form a more perfect union. This campaign has been we the africanamericans, we the hispanics, we the women, we the angry white males, we the wealthy, we the people who dont thats not who we are. Thats not what we can be. Newt gingrich is right, were in for a very difficult time whoever wins that. There are so many things that have not been addressed in this campaign. Its too long. Most of all, what you see is everything happens at warp speed. Bret baier who is a respectable reporter at fox the other day said he has an avalanche of evidence about to indict here. Turns out not to be true. Whether its true, its in the minds of the voters at this point. Thats not a way to run a democracy. Lets talk about the last two days of the democracy and whats happening here. Explain the trump strategy. Theyre all over the map. You keep putting it up i was going to say black and white but its in red and blue. They can run the table. They can win the battleground states which in a normal year means victory. He has to win the battleground states and flip a deep blue state other than iowa to win. Say the battleground states will take care of themselves. He is concentrating his time in the state it would take to win. Pennsylvania, chris . I was in the Democratic City Committee meeting of the ward leaders friday noon. They let me in. They dont usually do that. Thats when they hand out the street money. Its real. 200 bucks for voting division. These guys are all pros. Whats it used for . Its all professional. Its legal. You pay people to gou door starting at 11 00 in the morning. You roust them out of the house. You say, you have voted . Go back and forth. You roust them again. You make sure in these congested all democratic districts where everybody is a democrat, they all vote. You turn in the plurality of 450,000 votes coming out of the city. With the suburbs being basically 50 50, more pro hillary this time, because of professional women and College Educated women, they will win the state with that. Its very professional. I dont know what trump is he is going to carry pennsylvania . He is its his own mind. Its not going to happen. I think its the firewall pennsylvania once again. If the africanamerican vote is not animated, has the latino turnout, jose, in florida made up for that gap . I tell you, chuck, if Hillary Clinton wins this campaign, i wouldnt be surprised if she renames the states the way she should be said. Florida, colorado, nevada, thats what people are afraid of. Donald trumps america is not happy. The Latino Community comes out to stand up against something instead of for something. But against donald trump. And if she wins, it may be very much because of that 27 million possible latino voters. Nobody can say they didnt see this coming. You go back to priebus, the rnc, they wrote a document. It was supposed to be the ghost of christmas past, the ghost of in 2012. If she wins on tuesday night, is it going to be because of the Fastest Growing demographic, hispanics, because of the gender that out votes, women. . It will not be a shocker. It wont by something republicans didnt see coming. What you said to speaker gingrich was right. As a guy who is an expert brander, did he brand himself as so antimexican by calling them rapists and murderers when he came down the escalator open day one . That will be what we have unpack in the aftermath. Since that time, he has not been on telemundo. He has not been we asked him. You have never interviewed him . A couple of weeks after that announcement. Then i was thrown out of a press conference he had. What were seeing is donald trump, the one we have known in new york a long time, his ego overrides everything else, including judgment. He has mistaken those big crowds you run a general election. He thinks by showing up he is going to get people who are going to show up there at his rally. But thats 25,000. Its not 2 million he needs in every state. He is mistaken about what it takes to win. Whoever wants to jump in on this question is this. Were talking about trump and him coming up short. Clinton campaign is not just a little nervous, theyre a lot nervous here. Should they be . Theyre in michigan. The explanation is that no one voted. They need to turn out the theres no its true. Its true but theres an offensive case to make. Its a fair question. Somebody with the advantages she came in having in the sense of shes outspending two to one on the air. Shes got a map that favors her from the get go. As we mentioned, a candidate who has in some ways alienated two of the biggest demographic groups. You have to ask yourself, how is she keeping it this close . Thats not a flattering question for her. Answers . Our pollsters. We will get the insider look. The nbc wall street journal poll. If donald trump gets a larger margin in georgia than is expected, you will see a closer popular vote res this car is traveling over 200 miles per hour. To win, every millisecond matters. Both on the track racing can share critical information about every inch of the car from virtually anywhere. Brakes are getting warm. Confirmed, daniel you need to cool your brakes. Understood, brake bias back 2 clicks. Giving them the agility to have speed precision. Because no one knows like at t. When i have a headache, i dont want to put my life on hold. Ive got a big night planned with my friends. Excedrin has two pain fighters plus a booster. And for some, headache relief starts in just 15 minutes. Excedrin specializes in treating headaches. Which is why moments lost to headaches are moments gained with excedrin. [vo] wells fargo is making changes to make things right. First, all customers who have been impacted will be fully refunded. New checking, savings, or credit card account you open. Third, weve eliminated Product Sales goals for our retail bankers. To ensure your interests are put first. Were taking action. Were renewing our commitment to you. Earlier we revealed the top lines of our poll which showed Hillary Clinton ahead of donald trump. Theres more behind those numbers. We thought we would let you hear from the people that do this poll all the time for us, our pollsters. Bill and fred. Fred, i will start with you. Clinton is winning. I will let team blue begin. How durable is this foupo its pretty durable. The different between the poll we conducted a couple weeks ago and now is that trump made up ground with groups he needed to make up ground with. Republicans, white nonCollege Educated. But to me, the most important number for the Clinton Campaign and why i think her lead is durable is if a candidate in politics is having momentum, they should be winning with independents. Our poll hes losing by six points. Thats actually shocking, bill. Over the last three elections, the challenger has carried independents. The challenger has carried independents. That has to be a flashing yellow sign. What should give trump hope . What gives trump hope is we have a large chunk of people who say they are third party, they are not decided. Thats large. Its almost 8, 9, 10 . They are break even to lean republican in terms of their house preference. This race could tighten. However, in all of our data, we still have donald trump losing with White College voters. If you are going to lose without let me put up these numbers. College educated versus nonCollege Educated whites. This divide may be one of the explanations of this election. Among College Educated white men, trump is only winning by a point. Among nonCollege Educated white men, he is winning by almost 40 points. Fred . The pundits and analysts talk about the ceiling for clinton. Theres a ceiling for trump, too. I think one of the failures of his candidacy if he loses on just to get minorities but to get these white educated voters that bill is talking about. Let me ask you this. How much of an impact im going what was an important factor in deciding the vote here on clinton . Clintons use of her private server. It was 58 . It does seem as if the issues with trump were more important to voters, trumps temperament, 76 said it was important and trump on women. His negatives outweighing her negatives. Is that an explanation for the lead . We have to remember that we have two candidates of the highest negatives ever since we have had polling in the 1930s. We would all be talking about secretary clintons incredible negatives except for donald trump. But still in campaigns as much as these candidates are not liked, the person with the slightly higher negative tends to win in our nbc wall street journal poll. That gives an edge to secretary clinton. We did word clouds. We asked the first couple of from all 1,000 responders. We asked trump voters you think about Hillary Clinton . We asked clinton voters what they think of trump. Here is what trump voters think of clinton in this word cloud. Liar, dishonest, crooked, corrupt. Fred, here is what clinton voters think of trump. Put that up. Sexist, racist. A crook and a racist. How is america coming together . Chuck, those are word verbatims. Those were word clouds we could air. Im not you are right. I read through these. I couldnt believe the four letter words. My hair would be standing up if i had hair. I think the previous segments theres an election and a winner. The question on wednesday and Going Forward is what does the other side do and do we come together as a country. I think thats a big x factor. This is horrifying. It is horrifying. We also asked the question how accept this person as your president. We asked that question 2000. A week or ten days after that election was still unresolved. 60 plus of americans said, okay, al gore, thats okay. I will do that. George bush, okay, i will do that. Here today, Hillary Clinton is barely break even. And donald trump is a negative. On wednesday morning, were not going to have a grace period. There wont by a little rise. Theres going to be two people that this country is very uncomfortable with as president. Half the cry we either elected a crook or a racist. Unbelievable. Bill, fred, we keep ending every segment so upbeat. Appreciate it. When we come back, which party will control the senate . Could be a photo finish tuesday. Or wednesday. Or thursday. Or december. Stay with us. North carolina. North carolina is a state that has flipped and flopped. If it goes for Hillary Clinton its an east coast state, that will be an early night call. It means its going to be a alexa, ask kayak how much is a oneway ticket to canada. When would you like to fly . Now. [toy robot noises] roboboy 3000 to the rescue alexa, order more aa batteries. Okay. Ugh. Alexa, ask uber for a ride. Safety doesnt come in a box. Its not a banner that goes on a wall. Its not something you do now and then. Or when its convenient. Its using stateoftheart simulators to better prepare for any situation. Its giving offshore teams onshore support. And its empowering anyone to stop a job if something doesnt seem right. At bp, safety is never being satisfied. And always working to be better. Data download is brought to you by bp. We are back. Its a special edition of Data Download today. Charlie cook, were taking senate races. The nine closest senate races in the country thats going to decide control of the senate. Allocating everything so far, we have a 4645. The last nine, charlie cook, start with high confidence to low confidence. Start with illinois. Mark has the toughest job of any republican incumbent. This one, a battle of current and former senators. Ron johnson made a comeback but not enough. We have florida, marco rubio its not a landslide but rubio wins. Even if clinton carries flor i think rubio still wins. We have it here. Lets move to pennsylvania, pat toomey. Coming back towards the end but not enough. Katie mcginty. I think its too much. Its going republican. Republican, meet senator todd young. Nevada, harry reid seat . I think the democratic turnout operation is going to be too much. Democrats will hold on to senator if that does happen. The final three here. Look where we are. 4948. What do we got . I think i would push ayotte coming democratic. That puts 50. Thats 50. If clinton wins, thats control. What about these last two in burr, blunt . You are not ready to pick . Im not. Which one is more likely to be a recount . North carolina. I think where h interesting and long night. If its a big democratic night, it goes more . Yeah. There it is. Coming up, no matter who wins, our Long National nightmare, is it about to end or is it only just beginning . I will be looking at florida. Specifically, at the cuban american vote. Because its possible that they will be voting democratic for this man creates software, used by this bank, to protect this customer, who lives here and flies to hong kong, used by this Vice President , this little kid, oops, and this obstetrician, who works across the street from this man, who creates software. They all have insurance crafted personally for them. Not just coverage, craftsmanship. Not just insured. Chubb insured. They say the world does not revolve around you. But today, maybe it can. Find the perfect gift out of trillions of combinations. And working with the new York Genome Center to find treatments as personal as dna. And i am helping sesame street make education unique to every child. Hello, my name is watson. Were going to discuss november 9 on wednesday. Let me read to you what myra adams wrote in National Review this week. It may have been written for all of us. Thats depressing. How about that one . This november 9 issue is an issue. You know what . I had been counting down for the election day for so long, four more days, three more days. Then it hit me. It doesnt end with election exorcise our demons. They feel it in their gut, they feel sick to their stomach and they need their tums. I feel like americans feel that way. People who voters feel anxious about not only what is the outcome but what happens after. Theres not an institution in this country, tom, that hasnt basically been a part of this mess. The fbi is one of them. Listen to president when you have the president of the United States saying the following about our justice system, take a listen. Historically, both under democratic and republican administrations, our goal has been and should be that our investigators and our prosecutors are independent of politics, theyre not politicized, theyre not used as a weapon to advantage either i want to make sure that we continue with that tradition and with that norm. That was a tou thing to hear there. Im surprised by the conduct of the fbi not just at the top but within the ranks. The leakage going on here in the new york office, in washington and other places. One of the reasons its had such a high standing with the American People is they find something thats wrong, they go investigate it and then when they have the goods, then they go public. It does appear from the outside looking in like its highly thats a terrible commentary on where we are. Actually, emblematic. You people in the media, its happening at the fbi and other parts. I was thinking about the human carnage. I was talking to my husband about it. It wont be long before my emails are out there, knock on wood. The human carnage. The people that have been fired chipper, the institutions that have been destroyed in terms of the public trust. This had to have been a slow boil. We were talking about palin in the break. Trump didnt steal the election. He won it. The work i think is on the republican side to really go and understand why the base of our party selected him. They chose him over 16 other people. If we try to if he should come up short and we try to move on, business as usual, lets get back to our free trade agenda disaster for a generation. The work on the right has to be in piecing back together the coalitions. The democrats are to listen, too. If the election goes with hillary winning, theres a huge minority of the country, almost 50 50 trump tapped into anger. He had the message. Maybe the wrong messenger. Uncontrolled immigration, wars we shouldnt have fought. Perfect storm of anger. He addressed it. I dont know if he believes it. The fact is the democrats ought to recognize they didnt win this argument. They didnt win the argument if they win the election. They better be careful. What makes this the greatest country on ear, its for democracy, the respect for rule of law. Its this country compared to any other country in the wod. When we see on the one side you have allegations or a lot of people who believe ts corruption and impunity. Those are things we see in other countries, we shouldnt see in this country. The other thing is were not talking about the monster ithe closet. Were not talking about social media. What happens the day aer with all the sites out there who are dedicated in many instances left and right to the destruction of the opposition by whatever means necessary . They have an enormous reach. More people believe social media than believe the elected officials, quite honesty. Thats what defines who they we will see the i word no matter what, impeachment. We laugh it off. But they may begin no matter who wins. Its part of Donald Trumps closing message. He is talking about the three is, indictment, impeachment and investigation. He has his own lawsuits that would pop up. Thats what were headed for as a country. Right. It really sort of i think its crippled both candidates. You have been talking since before eit about the two most unpopular figures that either side nominated. The social media impact is a big factor. If i win, i will put her in jail. If i didnt win, it was rigged. Third world talk. Let me take a break. We will get to the end game, our Long National nightmare apparently is just beginning. Final word by the way in the election from the second best set upstairs. Please be his taxes. Secretary clintons emails. Okay. Coming up, meet the press end game, brought to you by boeing, building the future one back now with end game. Our end game is sort of figuring out, all right, how are we going to watch this tuesday night to figure out who wins or loses . I have counties im watching. Come on now. I want to fit it in. Tom, theres a way to measure the millennial turnout. Our man and our Data Department says its madison, wisconsin. They were huge for president obama. They have been stagnant this cycle. They have been. Clinton. They got taken down by madeleine albright. This is the best educated american generation, the most entrepreneurial. They have their hands on technology and they are separating themselves from the Political Institutions and from the idea of america, about how we settle these issues. Unless you can get them involved in some new fashion, i think that thats going to be a im obsessed with. Its our hometown number one, but the margin there for Hillary Clinton will matter. Is this going to be the prop 187 election for hispanic voters . Across the country. Im looking at cuban american vote in south florida. I want to see how that goes. There are many cuban American Voters who feel the Obama Administration has been giving concessions tohe castro regime and Hillary Clinton would do the same. The i4 corridor, the new voters, the biggest news is the election of a first women president. Its going to blow our minds. Its going to be a new world for young women. She hasnt run on this. The reality. I agree. Overlook the big reality. The biggest news is not we elected our first woman president because britain and germany, brazil has done it. Its that we havent elected trump. The worldwide relief you will hear i have heard it around the world that trump didnt candidate that a once and future one on the ballot. The only also ran who may have a victory speech is marco rubio. He would be the only one to give a victory speech. Thats interesting to me. He and some of the other republican senators are outperforming trump. If kelly ayotte wins. Im curious to watch marco rubio. Im obsessed wi t vote. We have talked about hidden trump vote. Trump supporters are loud and proud. Im curious if there will be any hidden hillary vote. People talking about that. I think its interesting in the final ten days, donald trump was dealt a good hand in terms of the news cycle with the comey announcement. He played that hand well. We have seen for the first time ever. In the last ten days he is at his best. He made it a tight race. If he pulls it out tuesday, we will say, wow. What could have been. All of america, people on both sides, in fetal positions right now. Saying, get it over with. I dont know what im going to do if he wins or if she wins. I have never seen the country so paralyzed. You saw it in the word clouds. Lets end on a happier note. Our friends at snl who they actually tried to end their own show on a happier note. Apparently, are covering a two. Take a look. You know what i think could help us . Lets get out of here. . . There you go. Hug it out. Come on, america. Lets hug it out. Little misty . It might be the pregnancy hormones. Its because we know they would be hugging it out if there were the election. You were great. We all have the work is just beginning. All of us have to get a tiny bit more caffeine more sleep and more caffeine. In case you didnt know it, the election is on tuesday. With that in mind, be sure to join myself and my colleagues, lester holt and two of the panelists here, savannah and tom brokaw, its decision night in america on nbc news. It begins at 7 00 eastern time. Thats all we have for today. Well be back next week when we think we will know that we will have a president elect. At least we hope we know. Because if its sunday, its Russ Feingold in the senate theres a choice you can go along with the rigged system, you can stand for something that matters. I stand with wisconsin working families. Going to all 72 counties, i know how hard you work and how wages arent keeping up. Senator johnson stands with ceos tax loopholes for billionaires, tax breaks for companies that ship jobs overseas. Ill take on the rigged system. And work to build an economy at works for everyone. Because you deserve a senator who stands up for you. Hillary clinton im Hillary Clinton and i approve this message. Vo in times of crisis america depends on steady leadership. Donald trump knock the crap out of them, would you . Seriously. Vo clear thinking. Donald trump i know more about isis th the generals do, believe me. Vo and calm judgment. Donald trump and you can tell them to go fu k themselves. Vo because all it takes is one wrong move. I dont know about you, you sure need the extra hour of sleep. Im charlie sykes

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