Its just a rain events for us u but enough to slow our roadways. Theres your advisory. Dvisory. Now its just in southernn souer pennsylvania which is goodania news. Earlier we had it for countiesor there just off to the north ther and to the west. Es rain showers they continues. Ties heaviest of the rain southern sr maryland now pushing alongnglo lower Eastern Shore. We off to the north and west not much of anything at the moment if you look out to the west weoe have w additional showerslho develop out in westernlo vip rginia. Cold front coming through androa that will bring us periods of po rain showers this morning. Wers again it should be all liquidlld from here on out with temps ini the 40s and then well getn wet some afternoon sunshine and eventual daytime highs in theig throw mid50s. More on the weather coming upcou momentarily but again fromain fo here on out i think its justs j falling as rain which is gh i allison, steve. Allison, ste tuck thanks so mucveh. Kso m while were waking up toweeu rain here, parts of thethe midwest waking up to 10inches of snow. Ofnow. Big problems in detroit ait delta plane went off the ende we of the runway 70 people on board. Board. Just at low speed. Sed went no snowy grass after trying to turn onto a taxi tur Chicago Ohare Airport wherere there are many flight anyght cancellations already today. 33 expect even more later. Ater that system pushing east at eas this hour. Ou so check ahead if youre yr flying especially if youreeciay connecting through the midwest. Midw 7 02 lets get to the other news of this morning and theres breaking news out ofg no georgia at this hour. At thiur two Police Officers have beenerb shot while serving a search a sa warrant. This happened in byron georgiang southeast of atlanta. Anta the officers were part of a Drug Task Force. Tas now, they knocked on the door of a home around 2 30 this0 th morning. They announced themselves. Heel but when no one answered thisres went into the home and thatsth when they were shot by someoneeo inside. Inside. The officers returned fire. Cers their r conditions unknown root right now and its uncleard ite whether the suspect was hit. Wa. Last week two officers in georgia were shot respondingon to a domestic situation. Uati sadly both of them died. Mie back here locally d. C. C police still on the scene of ata deadly shooting that happened on 302nd street northwest. Orthwe the Melanie Alnwick is live l this morning with the latestng on thisthe mel. Reporter good morning, steve and allison. Eve anallison a little bit more activity macti here this morning. Re t you canhi see now that d. C. Hat d police moved back intoce moved b position here sort of mid m block there right in front of one of the homes littleittl further down here from wherefroe we were standing so were were getting a better sense ofense of where perhaps they are focusing their investigation. Esi homicide investigators first came here last night around 9 15. 9 this is15 d. C. s hawthornewthore neighborhood. Its part of the chevy chase cha area bordering rock creekordengr park, the homes here range r from in the 700 thousands to about 2 million. Million. The report came in for a shooting. There were reports a plan was as found dead on the scene. Scene police tell us the car hashe been towed away. Towedwa certainly this is a very quiet neighborhood. Neighbors here say that they enjoy block parties and the a diversity in the area and area d certainly the quiet and theiet e safety that they feel that tha they have had certainly islys something that is not common at all in this quadrant, thisans Little Corner of northwestorwe d. C. But so f again no suspects, no motive mot havent not yet identified thede man who was found dead here onre the scene. The live in northwest, im melanieme alnwick, fox5 local news. 7 03. Developing overnight as wellsel d. C. Police searching for the person who shot a man in the 1100 block prosecutor 13th street northwest. Ck pst thete shooting happened aroundd 2 20 this morning. That victim is in a local hospital. Hospital no word on his condition but b we do know hes still alive. D. C. Police also searchingrci for five people responsible for a carjack on western wte avenue in northwest. In happened about 6 20s lasts st night. Nit. The suspects were armed with aa gun. They made off way char lookedr d like this wasnt 2014 blue blu Hyundai Santa fe. It has d. C. Tags en1190. En10. So if you steep blue vehicle,ste are you asked to callp police immediately. Diat a manhunt is under way forr f this man 22yearold mohammed sherdel. Hes wanted for a shootingotin that happened on friday nighty in woodbridge. Oodbridg hes accused of shooting twootiw men, both are alive and so far Prince William countyam police havent been able to find this suspect though. They are asking for you toing give them a call if you knowou where he is. E hes. And happening thisanha morning, in rockville, anotheran competency hearing for couldou this run hoggle the woman believed to be the laste the l attorney see her two childrenhie before they disappeared twoaredo years ago. Ars ago. Shes being held in perkins Mental Health facility. Acit this past sent a judge aud determined she needs more Mental Health therapy. 7 05 right now. Time for 7 a check on yourck o forecast. Tuck is here to do that for us. 42 degrees out there. Degr i know. Not the best driving this morning. Mo no, but at least 42 degrees e so we were concerned about freezing rain off to the northnt and west overnight and temperatures sure enough were wr at or below freezing when theinh rain moved in so we did haveav some pockets of freezing rain but that has that is no n longer a concern. Er a concern. Sounds like a warmup laterkeu today. Yeah, low 50s later today. D already headed in thatadin that direction. 44 at Reagan National. T n well be a little warmer than t we were all weekend long. On dulls 40 degrees and again everybodybo with the exception ofon o winchester at last look here is above freezing. Reezg. There could be a pocket or twokr if youre off to the north and west, a valley where youre driving that you encounter eou that may still have freezing f temperatures so just be on thej lookout here if youre well y north and west. For the rest ofno us, just rain showers and the heaviest oft the vein now pushed to the south and east although we doeao have a fewugh we additional shor that which i think will whi develop over the next few hochurs. P overho by late morning, we should be sb done with the rain been earlyly afternoon well get some s clearing and partly sunnysuy skies here by late this lthis afternoon. Highs expected to be in thehe low 50s. And my advice enjoy the lowhe lw 50s because on the horizon. Izon sounds ominous. Arctic outbreak part two. This one means business. Ines when tucker finally admits am that its going to be cold youcl know its going to be cold, col right. Even i might need theghed gloves by the end of the week. Ne okay. But any precipitation to go along with it . Yeah, you know. Dont play. This is a y d very importana weekend. We if u sunday you need a littleeed a le something on top, right. , ri no. Caitlin good morning. Morning i prefer to be where thefer ice cream sunday melts. But ttohatscream just me. Not sure what that really rel meant. However, sounds like a tease. Oud wet roads thiss morning. Mor everyone going a little bit slower. We do have an accident on 29 southbound in an virginia thataha has forced a closure as closures emergency crews are on thehe scene between groveton road on pageland lane. If you usually take 29 youre yu in this more local section of virginia, 66 is your best66s yo alternate. Westbound youre fine but eastbound it is a little heavyuo there. Th and then onto east oft o centreville youve got some ont and off slowdowns from 234 to4 nutley street and taking youing into the beltway were alsoe ao seeing some heavier delays. S. From 95 northbound dale city c to the beltway your normalr nora delays right there as youu approach franconia looks like it gets a little bit heaviertt and then inside thele beltwayelw weve got some heavy delays onn 395t northbound edsall road too the 14th street bridge youre y very heavy here and youreoue most heavy from the got aboutot king street. Ki thats where the red ends andndn thats where you youve got really stacked up dela within the beltway youre very r heavy from about the falls church area, lets just sayt y the beltway to about sycamoreute street and then things loosenths up a little bit as you headas y into the district. Dis inner loop delays now building approaching the wilson bridgerig so Southern Maryland still seeing the falling rain andn a theyre also seeing a lot ofa local slowdowns two, 95 looks lo very heavy, too, northbound asbs youre heading into theo t district and then route visitout to the 11th Street Bridge on the southbound side of 295. Also 50 inbound, yeah, prettyh,e heavy. Its still raining from f cheverly into the district soics just expect it to take a take little bit longer with thoseho wet rhodes roads this morningds as long as we continues to have the falling rain. Thats a look at traffic. Allison. 7 08. He a thanks loo caitlin. Caitlin president elect donaldiden trump has reportedly made arepom big cabinet pick. P sources tell fox news thatha the president elect selectedelec exxon co Rex Tillerson as secretary of state. Of ste hell nominate him. Maureen joins us in studio with more. Joins wi proving to be a verytho bey controversial pick. Democrats are already soundingou conflicts of interest but thet e controversy doesnt stopversy ds there. Trump is also making waves bykib saying he will not necessarilyey read daily intelligencelige briefings. Yesterday he gave a rare sit a t down interview with fox news. Ew what im doing is song is s important this is a calling. Cag president elect donaldside trump made his first appearance on a sundantumyp mor political show since the election. Sitting down with chrish chs wallace on fox news sunday. Sun. And this morning sources nowourw telling fox news the head of o exxon mobil Rex Tillerson iss trumps pick for secretary of state. Stat does massive deals inls in russia, massive deals for the company no, for himself butno, for the company. Fofo hes secretary of ir t. No,of i no, but i have i hav tremendous respect for him. Espeh trump also dismissing the cias report that russiat rusa influenced the elections soio s many he could win. Win i dont believe it. Ieve i i dont know why and i thinkhi its just you know, they talked about all sorts oforts o things every week its another excuse. Couldnt traffic report to thefc reaction from other republicans, members of the senate armed servicesreactians,m committee including senator sat john mccain wants to fullynts ty investigate the claims saying sn the parties must work together. We would be working in an bipartisan basis. Rtisan basis. You cant make this issue partisan. Rtisan its two important. Iortant a fundamental of a democracyl y is a free and fair election. Lect this is a form of warfare for Vladimir Putin who is a is thug an bully, for him to be b trying to impact our elections, thats we have to there has to be hee has to be held accountable. Able the president elect also made clear hes not interestedne in having daily intelligencelige briefings. I dont need to be tolde tol chris the same thing every day y every morning same words, sir,ir nothing has changed, lets jo go over, it again. Aga i dont need that. Silicon valley elite theirher head to trump tower. Tow among those expected mark cuban will be staying at home allison and steve. Trumps former virginiamer va chairman is turning to a guno ag give away to stir up 90 hisp campaign for governor. Ai corey stewartgn announced hell give away an ar15 semi automatic rifle one of his supporters. Stewart is a current chairppmann of the Prince William countywila board of supervisors. Ervirs his republican candidate forcanr virginia governor. Overr. Stewart says the give away isys a show of his dedication to the second amendment. Ndnt. He says the win her have to havt undergo a background check. A ba breaking overnight in new orleans the man shoe whckog ov o and killed new orleans saint sai player will smith has been sth h convicted of manslaughter. Cardale hayes insisted he onlynl fired because smith was drunkask violent and grabbed a gun. Un this morning about the u. S. A. Reporting he suffered from memory loss and depression before he committed d sigh side last week. Gh s those were symptoms associateds withas cte a disease linked tolo concussions however it caner itn only be diagnosed after death da and salaams brain was not donated for evaluation becauseen of his faith and burial rituals. Salaams brother said he spoke to salaam about an hour beforefo his death and salaam seemed seee fine describing it as a positive conversation. Onrsat 7 12 now. Ow in orlando overnight a moment mn of silence at 2 02 to mark the exact time six months ago ame sx gunman started shootinging insides the pulse nightclub. Survivors staff and family fam members marked this ceremony. Rkd today a public memorial will t be held. Bl m hel the names of each of the 49 victims will be read. Ea still a lot of talk thistalks morning about the plannedabou protests near d. C. After d. C. Af donald trump takes officersrump next month. Tnext month. Coming up new details the womens march on washington. Plus , it was a nailbiter ai in philadelphia. Delphi the skins keeping theirskins playoff hopes alive. Ayoff hope we are going to to break down d their big win and take a look ahead. Join all your childâ– s sesame street friends as they discover that everything makes musc its sesame street live elmo makes music clap along when elmo makes music playing Eagle Bank Arena this weekend only tickets on sale now through ticketmaster afoot and lighthearted i take to the open road. Healthy, free, the world before me, the east and the west are mine. The north and the south are mine. All seems beautiful to me. Oh, boy. Got some traffic backed up. I blame tucker entirely. Tr thingaf tmeo tucot do. Do. I was going blame the rain butbm ill blame tucker, too, if youiy want. Want always makes for a messy. S m and slow commute. Commute. I know. Okay. Always a challenge. Give yourself al little extrae a time. Me caitlin is in with traffh t this morning. Well check in with her in a couple minutes. Still cominupg down or leftovers. Leftovers. Leftove everything is timed forhing imed perfection. If its a sunnype beautiful dayy were okay. The moment anything at all a it snowballs. Yeah. Snowball. Rain showers trying to wind down and i think they willer move by lates i t morning and l be look along the daytime highs in the low to mid50s. Id. But it looks like theres t bitter cold coming. D comin what makes you say that t steve. Im just thinking its whamha we should expect. We s make fun of the cold steved see what happens you to later this week. Let the record show i did sh i did not make fun of you. F y 44 now washington. 44 n theres a look at regionala lo temperatures im want toat mention we are locally local everybodys above freezing atez this hour which is great news. Hn we did have a freezing rainzingr advisory overnight. Ht that has been let go a little early which is good sowhich is anything that falls from herehar on out will be just rain and rad you can see on the radar that rt the heaviest of the rain is well south and east of us now. Southern maryland stillarand getting pretty good rainsg across the bay there lproweter r Eastern Shore is up next. Ext. Out to the west were not done d with the rain shower threatin here for a few more hours butrsb i think by late morning rainninr will be completely out of here e by early afternoon well geterng some breaks in the clouds with eventually some sunshine. Sh bitter cold not arriving todayno or tomorrow but look whatt happens by thursday and friday. Daytime highs dont get out of f the 20s and you see that 16. Thats our first foray intoat the teens this fall isnt it. t. Definitely. For d. C. At least. Least highs in the 20s. Hig go back to probably last january last time hsit was thato cold. Cold all okay. Yeah. It didnt change when you looked at it tnhe secont d tch. Its like what now. Somebody hand me my glasses. Y ga is it a 46 . No, its a 16. Hi caitlin. Hard to take especiallyto early on a t monday morning. Mo. All right. It is mild but you just have rain showers out there this morning but e nough ra butinwers orain showers to cause everyone to c e need to go a little bit lite slower. We have a couple accidents to report. Couple 295 northbound weve got a g crash at the 11th street str bridge. Idge 295 now jammed all the wayay back to the beltway and thennd t looks like the southbound sideud on the other side of 50 alsof 5s pretty jammed too so watch outat for that 295 northbound crash. H also staying in Southern Maryland inner loop delays branch avenue to wilsonto wion bridge. Id and it does look pretty nastytts around this area. Area. Thats where the rain i the raii believe is still falling. Falli into Northern Virginia 95gini northbound youre very heavy hvy here from dale city up to the ut beltway and then once you hitth the beltway it doesnt gett much better. 395 northbound has been heavyd h all morning long. Ng. Edsall road to the 14th streetse bridge, heaviest to about king a street. Thats where the red ends andnd then into the district youtric look a little bit better okay. Ok into virginia 29 southbound isd closed due an accident and the t emergency crews on the scene. S. This is between groveton roadn r and pagelands lane. An you might want to use 66 as an n alternate and this part of par Northern Virginia a little bitib further out towards our west ouw 66 doesnt look so bad but b then easter of centreville youtl see delays pick up on and off of slowdowns 234 to about nutley street. Street. Thats 66 eastbound pretty6 heavy. Ea 295 southbound also very heavyoy like i said earlier routeer roue visit to the 11th street str bridge. Br and weve got these normal norma delays stacking up but keep butk that in mind everyone driving di a little bit slower due those wet roads. It slo ill keep you posted o any additional accidents onccts o twitter caitlin roth fox5. Steve and allison. Llon talk about protests planned for the inauguration and the day after theaugu inauguration o of the most buzzed events isve the womens march. Mch they claim theyve been denied i a place to protest. Protest. Seems the group may haveayave that found a new location. Nd fox5s Bob A Barnard joins us js with more now. With moreow good morning, bob. Ning, reporter reporter hey, allison, ais and steve. And stev people are planning to cometo ce from all over the countryount washington. Wa yeah, guys, do you hear me all right . Loud and clear bob. Ou reporter so,d basically bal this is a gathering forg justice, the womens march on washington that has been bee planned since basically the day after the election. Leio and ive heard from thatrom people all over the countryll o that are planning coto come toot washington from northernern virginia and other parts and a you get the sense National Park service is frustrated. Ruste its all because theau the inauguration of our nextr nt president , the 45th president rei donald trump will be on january 20th. The womens march on on washington wants to have aon w rally at the Lincoln Memorial ml on the 21st but the Nationall Park Service says we have not made final plans in terms of working with the president ialnta inaugural committee on where they, the people staging thee inauguration want to holdtiant certain events. The National Park service saysis theyav permit of the womens march on washington. Wa theysh have not granted any besides what the inauguralnaural committee wants to do. It right now you mentionteed thatea the womens march onarch on washington has a new location. Oo they say theyre going to meet e on january 21st basically atly a the foot of capitol hill at third street and independencendp avenue and then march downarchon independence avenue. Denden they dont have a permit forermo that yet. They are working with d. C. D. Police on possibly other locations. Their word is to everybody whodw is interested in this in getting the word via socialvia o media to come, dont changeng your plans, well figureigure something out. Methinout. The National Park service again frustrated by the factheac that the story keeps coming upig that theyre denying permits pes has put out this statement. Tatet again, thirty three statementrt an application for use of theth Lincoln Memorial had h previously been submitted by the president ial inauguraltial committee and therefore maye an not be available, the lincoln lo memorial may not be available aa for additional permittedrmitte events on january 20s first. S t the Lincoln Memorial is among the eight sites permitted tott the committee a one year ago to stage the inaugural celebration. On. So, again, there is still some question, its nothing set initg stone in terms s of where this womens march on washington will gather on the 21st but basically its going to happen e somewhere potentially stilllytil even the Lincoln Memorial butemr its probably going to be days y or weeks still before we knowe e exactly how its going tots gog shake out, guys. Sh thank you very much. Two former congressmenhank e due court today, one for an arraignment, the other for a sentencing. Sentencing. Details next. Update on that local teen a a victim of an explosion in newne york citys central park overaro the summer. Summe he is now facing a new battleewt this morning. Ni it is 7 22. 2 once i heard i was going to be a park ranger, i got really excited. Gabes obviously really sick. And theres a lot that he isnt able to do, and makeawish stepped in. Hiker. He fell from, like, a rock. Hes been the one that has been rescued so many times. He said to me, today, i got to be the hero. avo the subaru share the love event has helped grant the wishes of over twelve hundred kids so far. Get a new subaru, and well donate two hundred and fifty dollars more to help those in need. Put a little love in your heart. 7 25. Man its been so long since weve talked about the new s bee Mgm National Harbor isnt it. T it has. Heres a live look rightookig now. No theres some weather weres so dealing with this morning. Morn. A little rainy out there alittle hazy as well. Liaz mgm by the way says everyones is welcome once again. Ga on friday and saturday the the casino asked only people who pe had hotel stress asians orasia dinner reservations make theirat way because it just got too crowded. They had reached capacity a numberea ochedf times. Imes casino literally like threeikth times the first night got capacity. Same thing on fridacapay and ovr the week. E its a new week now. Its obviously this want people to we come. A prosperity problem, pblem right. Thats a good problem in i t have. Ts a go thats a great problem inhav have. Great pha okay. I agree. Hi tuck. Hey, good morning. Good another good problem to have io dont know how im going to g tie this in, 44 degrees. 4 gree all right. Right 41 in gaithersburg, 42 dulles. 2e were looking at daytime highsti in the low to mid50s. T hey, good news everybody withehy the exception of winchester is now buffer freezing. National Weather Service haderve much of the area here north and west aunt freezing rain rai rise sorry. Everybody else getting a break. I cant promise wereybod a donn with the rain shower threathe r here for a few more hoursai. Eou we just have a few additionalita showers out to the west. To thee. By late morning we should beld done with any rain showersith ho that will fall and again itill n will be all rain for us todayod and then we should get a little sunshine thisunshinthis afternoon, turn partly sunny tus with daytime highs ashss mentioned in the low 50s. Arctic blast get ready for it. O. Thursday, friday, highs dontigd get out of the 20s. The0s. Overnight lows in the teens. The it is going to be really cold cd around here by the end of the week. That is your weather u caitlin is back thewith slowyour roads. Slow roads. T wamight want to stay home wh to en its that cold later i the week. K. Wet weather might deter fromht d you heading out. 95 northbound headlightsd headls coming at you where we had anwhh earlier accident pushed off toci thede shoulder. Sul you can see out extreme sidesee of your screen right there at Fairfax Countyscreen parkway. Arw heavy delays, jammed solid as we go to the maps well show wls you despite the fact that thatt vehicle has been moved over to the shoulder and all lanes aresa opened look at this very heavyeh delays northbound 95 atthboun a Fairfax County parkway and that stretches back to dalek to city. It was yellow last look but y now elin tlohe red and expectedc very long trip throughlong tripu Northern Virginia if you take t 95 northbound due that vehicletl pushed over on the shoulder. Ul all right. All r lets get inside the beltwayde l here. 395 northbound very heavy from the beltway to about king kg street. And then in northern marylandla youve got your normal delaysl e on the outer loop, 95 georgiaeo avenue and baltimorewashington parkway as welle awas 95v moderate dels southbound into the district. Dr all right, that is a look atk traffic. Fi 7 27. 7 and fox5 news mornin right back after this. This. With advil, youll ask what sinus headache . What stiff joints . What time of the month cramps . What nighttime pain . Make all your pains a distant memory with advil the worlds 1 choice what pain . Advil. It is 7 30 right now. Ow. D. C. Police investigating atigag number of shootings this one a deadly shooting it happened onad 32nd street northwest just jus after 9 00 oclock last night. It limited information coming fromr police right now. We do know thepo vliictim is a n no word on suspect though noug n word on a motive for thator tt shooting. Shoo virginia teenager whos foot was amputated over the summer sr from a bomb in central park an n explosive device in central parr in new york fighting his his Insurance Company now for prostatic leg. 19yearold connor golden andr g his family say the road tooado recovery has not been biz easy. United health care the company y has not helping out. Ng. The company at first refused for months to the family proved their son ther needed a prosthetic leg. Eg. The familiar still say the goodg news is, connor is back ink i college now trying to lead whatt he calls a normal life. Lif two former congressmen duesm in court today, one for for arraignment, the other for sentencing. Lets start with at rain manw for aariton shock the formermer illinois congressman expected t plead not guilty as he faces 242 counts including theft of of government funds, wire and email fraud and making falseg l statements in expense vouchers. S shock stepped down from congreso in march ofm 2015 a cover boy oo Mens Health Magazine onn allegations he misused government and Campaign Funds to finance elaborate decoration ata his office ton take lavish lavis trips. Trip happening now a federalen juing dgeno will decide the fatf former pennsylvania lawmaker chaka fattah today. Today the former u. S. Congressman wass found guilty of a long list ofoi charges including money laundering, fraud, racketeering federal prosecutors are seekinge 17 to 21 years for him. In pennsylvania for more than 20 years. Now to prince georgesto prr county where a majorge rescue k place. Ple. 11yearold boy got stuck wastes deep in mud while walking in thn woods in firefighters wereht wer called in to free him. Him it happened in hyattsville overo the weekend. Lindsay watts spoke to the boy b about this ordeal. Reporter who would ever e expect to get stuck to that t degree just Walking Around ind n the woods . This is where it happened. Back beyond the trees near near sheriff road and bell havenen drive. Iv a group of boys was paying outg here when they ended up having n very close call. Oh, i was trying to feel colc but i realized i just wanted tod stay calm. Reporter cold, wet and and halfway buried in mud, Eric E Henderson says he told himselfse not to panic. He says before this, his friendn feet got stuck here and he was s trying to help. Hel i finally got hem out becausu i used my hands and like a shovel so i could be able to geo so then i tried to do the samehm thing to my leg but it didnt dd work. Reporter he says hisorr hea friends ran through the woods tt get help for him. A Police Officer responded firsr but had to fall the Fire Department because eric was in so dope. A Technical Rescue Team was w called in. Lledn just got some shovels. Shove. Reporter they covered eric way sheet for warmth and it took about 30 minutes to dig him outt some neighbors saw the big response. Rese im just so sad to learn that this happened. Im glad that they got him out. T reporter eric says he has learned something from what whaw happened. Changed my hyped about whatot im going to be doing. Be ing make my own right decisions. Isis reporter he has this to thio say to his friends and firefighters. Thank you for helping me get out. Reporter theou only casualty today, the clothes and shoeses eric was wearing. Eang his mom says she took one lookel at how dirty they were and theyt went right in the trash. Erics family also says they are grateful to rescuers. In hay yatesville, lindsay lay whats fox5 local news. Helpless feeling when yourel stuck like that. Im glad theyre okay. Std t thanks to everybody whovery helped out. Help redskins took care of businesson in philly yesterday. Terday thats the good news. Ews but there was still some not sos good news. Ods. Wisdom joins us to break itreak down. Wisdom you have the not so goodo news part. News part. Well, heres the deal. S the. You know how we always talkingln about youre not supposed tose t root for your rival actually you were if youre a redskinsedin supposed to route for theor t cowboys yesterday. Ay. Ill tell you why in just a second. Yesterday was a rare time if you were a skins fan you would be b root fog the cowboys much hereh thaldeal. The redskins need thed the the cowboys to win they were playing the giants. Iants. That would help the redskins inn this whole wild card picture thing. Fuzzy math but you need to win o your all your game unneed help. Giants put an end to the cowboys 11 game win streak sign lensingi dak prescott and Ezekiel Elliot in very tight game in whichch dallas lost. Ost all right. Ight prescott threw for two picks. Ks. Final two minutes this pretty much seal dez bryant caught thet ball driving trying to score and fumble it. I that pretty much seal the game. M that giants win kept them aheade of the redskins. Edsks. Tampa bay also won keeping themg ahead of the redskins as well. El and now the skins theyre trying to carry that momentum from winning into next week playingyg the reigning nfc carolinaa nthehers. Here are the standing. In giants nine and four. Fr tampa bay eight and five. F theyre in the hunt. Heunt. Redskins right now thats wheree the play off line would beul redskins would be out. Woue out. So the giants and tampa baypa by would be in because the giants s and tampa bay won yesterday. The skins won so its too bad to kind of thing. Hing you got to winter rest of yourfu games. Carolina coming up. Rolina they have to win that game andge everything and hope that thee tt giants and the buccs somehow sew stumble down the stretch. S. That way the skins can back b their way into the playoffslayos because right now they do not nt control their own destiny. Esny so the best th redskins fans to do is hope thaa these two teams ahead of themfhe lose and actually probably hopep that the Dallas Cowboys keep onn winning. Sounds crazy. Razy yup. Thats just the way it is when you dont control your ownn destiny. In you got to do what you got too u do. They can control it to finish 10fiveone thats the best theb can do. T thats all you can do contror whats in front of you. T ofou. Wis, thanks much. Turn things over to tucker that. Darn tie, tucker. Tke the missed kick. The one. Hey, they put the giants last play the giants lastsas game of the season. Seaso i think they do. Th do. Sounds right. Sou well have to check. Ell hav okay. Thats good, allison. Fact checker. Ec 44 Reagan National. Iol 42 dulles. Bwi marshall 40. Al were looking at daytime highs g in the low to mid 50s overnightt we did have threat of freezing z rain north and west. That is that threat has beenn let go as temperatures now areoe above freeze fog everybody. Rydy all right. Ight rain showers south and east ofa town. Town not much happening locally. Ocaly we may see another shower here r for you think well get clearing thist g afternoon. Tern a cold front coming through ando it will bring us some cooler aie for the day tomorrow. W but today daytime highs in theii low to mid 50s. To mid 5 all right. L r thats a look at the forecast. T steve, says yes, redskins giantt last game. January, right, right afterfr the new year . New ye okay. I dont know. Im guessing. New years day. Okay. Okay all right. Still footballal season it keeps going going never seems to epp. P for better for worse, yes, lovee it more. Ore all right. Listen we have a metro update. P. Metro sounds like a better bette alternate than being out on thet wet roads all morning we have a disable train at potomac avenueu that affects the blue line soe s expect residual delays toso franconia. Conia heads if you do you take theu tt blue line there. Also, impacting the orange anded silver lines too this is, youou know, theyve already got delayy due to safetrack surge 11 but 1t because of this disable train at potomac avenue expect delays too vienna and wheelie as well. Reminder safetrack surge 11ge through december 21 youve gotv continuous single tracking on between West Falls Church andrcd East Falls Church where they run parallel to each other. Th expect crowding on orange and silver train lines. 95 northbound in have a haven ha this is a mess here. Ves a mess r earlier when i was on i talkedd about an accident off to theff shoulder. Now further southbound youved v got another accident north of no the purple heart Bridge Center e lane is blocked by the objectioi quon. Youve got the two accidents, to athis one blocking a center lae and then further northbounder nh youve got another one up on the shoulder here. Ere causing very very heavy jammed traffic 95 northbound all the nr way up into theth beltway. Beltw all right. All right. Thats look at traffic. Oo more in less than 10 minutes. In steve and allison . 7 38. Uber out with a new zestew s rules. What youll need to know becausu youre not allowed to someo some things the next time you need to know or you needn to know. Did you real dollar it . Ou rel on, baby. Lets go. Lets bring it. It keeps l it fun. Kevin you know i love le u. U. Kevin mccarthy sits down with the stars of hidden figuree include tag raji p. Henson. Heno you got me. M dont do it. So, mr. Harris, we have your fingerprints on the safe. A photo of you opening the safe. A post using the hashtag justrobbedthesafe so, what are we supposed to think . Switching to geico could save you a bunch of money on Car Insurance. Excellent point. Case dismissed. Geico. Because saving fifteen percent or more on Car Insurance woo because saving fifteen percent or more on Car Insurance because saving fifteen percent always a great answer. Rance starting today you can now fly nonstop to havana, cubahava although you can only do it frot 10 cities the closest area toste the d. C. Area newark, newk,ew jersey. Also jfk in new york. Long island looking for a quicki flight southwest is flying nonstop from tampa and nonstop from ft. Lauderdale if you can a get to one of those two airporta you can get to cuba nonstop. Ns if youre willing to do a littlt waiting for big savings freeavie shipping day is this friday. Y this happens every year hundredd of stores offer Free Shipping sn and they promise it will get get there before christmas if youtmi are a procrastinatortina december 16th is the last dayt d to do your last minute shopping and get that Free Shipping. Shin some of the participants storeso include target, toys r us, game stop, et cetera. Eter all right. I like that. I liket new rules uber wants to youo stop hitting on your driver. R the Ride Sharing Company added a flirting to the list of thingsfi which can get you banned fromneo uber. You are no longer allowed to asa the driver if theyre single or compliment their looks. Looks okay. Also, added to the list of things that can get you bannedae throwing up after drinking toonk much, leaving trash behind,d, spilling food or drink in the te ca brake break the speed limit. D l. It goes both ways. W uber driver is not allowed to ad flirt with you the passenger asg well or you can report them. Cant right. They get in trouble. But do they gethe bany ned fm driving . Drivin i guess thats need to know basis. Bas ready or not award seasonn kicking into full swing. Some of the biggest stars ofe br film and television turn out fof the critics Choice Awards and sd did Kevin Mccarthy he is as big as it gets. Amazing. The nights ama big big wis neck. Neck first a holiday message fromo a local servicemen overseas. Rss i would like to give awoul special holiday message to myssy mother terry hendricks. Ks happy holidays, merry christmas. Were back now. Ack now are we. E. We are. E ar its 7 46. 7 welcome back. Welcome bac a look at our good day guest list. Li up and coming star will be livei in the loft. He he is singer and actor tyler hilton. You probably know him from onene tree hill. Well hes fresh off of a strtins on foxs pitch great show. W this morning hilton will perforl his newest single for us. Well talk to him. Im be cool to talk to him and heara from him on good day did today. Need Great Holiday gift ideast well kick off week of goodoo days favorites thing. All about things for thehe fashionista in your life. Re. Ill finally get gift ideas for you. For exactly. Well make a list. Wel running out of time here. Ere. Less than two weeks. Ee dont say it. Say exactly. Stress level off the chart. A quick shout out to everybodyo i met saturday night you did,htd too, girls night out. Shawn yancy girls night out. Amazing. Good job, sean. Az amazing. Mazi lots of toys. I dot walk ot wk for charity. In front of people i geteoplt nervous. Rv i heard you saying my namey n and i was downstairs. Irs usual ill do it when allison im coming, tucker. Ucker and we of course then had to t i didnt want to be involve in the walk but thats whatwalkut t happened. Right at the very end. Ight a we had fun. T th we had great night. Withing to shawn. Hawn lets get to it. I lots of weather to talk about. Speaking every it. Okay. Steve energized this morning. 930 club walk all the way. T. s theres only one. Is this iggy azalea. The first time iggy has beenas b played in 20 months ever on anyy medium. Youre welcome iggy as sail la. Lets do the forecast. As we got lots to talk about a here. Weve got this is on thethise horizon not today but by the ene of the week bitter cold. It is on the way. S on t way. It will be the real deal coldd daytime highs by thursday anddaa friday i dont think we get out of the 20s get ready for real r cold air. Ir not today. Tod today were starting withtig w temperatures in the 30s and 40s4 thats good news. Ew these numbers are actually upacu from where they were 24 hours ago. And overnight here the reason im focused off to the north and west we had freezing rain issuee off to the north and west thists morning. You can see temperatures in frederick now in the midn see s as well as hagerstown 34 degreee above freezing which is great. Is all right. Rain showers pushed off to the o south and east. East most of its winding down here. R i cant promise we wont see a few additional showers in then next couple of hours. H. Heres your front system a coldd front coming through an area ofa snow up into new england. Eng were not going to get any of ay that but we may get a few additional showers. Showe we should start to clear out clo this afternoon highs in the low 50s. Were going to be in pretty goo shape little later thisape le afternoon as that front comesn t through. There you go. Hat theru and again, dry. Cool tonight. I want to give you a quick heada up tomorrow. Orro weak area of low pressure, let e me show you future cast here. Reh a few more showers. A more showe. Here we are at noon. He we are a. Most of the shower activity jusv for you guys in southernn sther maryland and then well clear ie out overnight, and we should be in pretty good shape. Tomorrow, weak area of lowow, wa pressure off to our south andsod east. Ea may kick up a shower a sprinklel or maybe even a few snow showero for parts of the area looks like the best chanca e will be to the north and then well get arcticc front through here wednesday ane look at your daytime highs thursday and friday. A frida bottom leap lot going onn weatherwise. Weherwise. Keep an eye on the forecast thec next couple of days. Xtple of thursday 49 day daytime highsmeh dangerous cold, highs in the hig upper 20s, overnight lows in the teens even in the city. Coldest air so far this year. Getting close to the first day y of winter. Inter arent we caitlin. Ai when im sleeping in everyin morning at 7 45. 7 you mean the walk. Alk. The walk. People get up early to watchh that, caitlin. Tlin. Okay. O i guess. Iuess all right. Show it again. Ut, too, i tls nightall o think thats one time iveti ie actually seen you freeze. Reez when theyre like tucker comekem and on. He has to do his walk live. Boy, reel guilty studio settingi with two other people. Peopl all right. All right. Lets take look life look jammem on the outer loop 95 to georgiaa avenue here it is right belowhtl the bridge where youre accessing colesville road righto there. Just normal delays volume atmada this moment. Havent had any weather related accidents but still just heavy a volume again 95 to georgiaeo avenue. Thats where youre jammed. All right. E ja all right. Also jammed branch avenue to thh wilson bridge on the inner loopl you can see very heavy traffic f headlights coming at you there. E lets get to our maps and show s you a couple other trouble spote out there this morning. Northern maryland thats just at wide view of it. Iew i but you can also see 29 is,9 there are you go headingea southbound into the beltway. Bel also very heavy jammed up there. 295 southbound route 50 to the t 11th Street Bridge very heavy and 295 on the northbound sideds in Southern Maryland by the wayw also very heavy. Inside the beltway 395tway northbound all the way up intop the district and 66 jammed solis eastbound within the beltway tol the district. St thats a look at traffic. Ic steve and allison . . Thanks, caitlin. 7 00 have you. Ave lala land was the big winner at last nights critics choicehoic awards taking home eight trophies the fm stars emma stone and ryan gosling both strugglinl to break into the entertainment industry. It won best picture and best anb director it will hit theaters tt nationwide on friday. On fr i think they need to ban ty d hollywood movies about hollywooo because they always win. Every time theyre out thereheyt they win the award. Rd its an and cidar thing. Hi a nod to the golden age ofo n hollywood. Llood. People love ryan gosling. G some of the nights other bigts b winner best im saying hesih very popular. Ar i love it. Best actor wept to casey afflecf manchester by the sea. Ea. Expected to do really well. Wel. Were looking for kevin in thefn crowd. He was at one of the hot hes right in the middle of yourcrcreen. Kevins back right there kevik and lauren sitting with the dead pool cast. C how does this happen . We need e full explanation. Kevin get on the phone asap. A thats dead pool winning big, bg best comedy Ryan Reynolds wonnos for best actor in comedy alsoso awarded the entertainer of the e year prize how kevin got to sitt with them at the table at thet critics Choice Awards i have noo clue. Probably the same thing theyg were asking. Skg. Later this morning nominationsoo for the 74th annal wal golden gl globes will be announced. Es w a among the five expected to t take in numberhe of f nods lala land, moonlight and fences, tv t side hbo west world would be inn for big morning Merrell Streep r may add a 30th nod for heries resume. Streamed live online 8 20. The show january 8th hosted by jimmy fallon. They helped to launch johnh j glenn into space. Ce timing is perfect. Ct. Kevin mccarthy sat d these roles including taraji p. Henson has catherine g. Johnsons who won the president ial medalll of freedom. I had the crazy mon nor of ta going to the president ial medald of freedom at the white house in 2015 where Catherine Johnson wan being honored at that moment ini time, i had no idea who she was and i generally feel bad about a that when you saw the film i goi teary eyed at the end andnd knowing what these women had had done. Before the movie im sure youve been asked diss dunk anythingnkh about them whatsoever. Oer. No. I thought it was historicalrica fiction. The help was historical fictioni and since we had never heard h these stories its not a part oo any of our history in writ tepp history. I thought it was fiction. Fti by the time i got the scriptp ted had already told me that, mt you know, this is a true story,y and the first thing i wanted tod know is catherine still alive. V. Absolutely. Shes very much once the ink tried on myrin my contract i had to go meet her. Tr i had to go and meet her. T i mean you talk about 90 9 something. Meg. Like i have to meet her now. Yeah. You know, and, um, shes just amazing her humility. She never said i. She never said were. Er in fact she kind of looking like what is all the fuss about . Bo . Hmm. I was just doing my job. Yob im a huge nerd about howow movies are made i cant get alll over your rupping sequences. Nc. Yeah. Im genuinely curious howiouh much running you had to do too get those shots and also ls a lot. The chalk writing all you. Y the chalk righting is all mel brilliant. Thank you. Would not allow a handd double. I asked. Actually jim parsons get her aer hand double. Hand dou what are you doing. Oi why are you learning this stuffu and i was like ted doesnt want to use a hand double. Ou i get it the way he shot it. The ladder there was no way toay fake that. Ket and so. S the running just like all dad long just running for takes. Tas when you read it it reads like one scene. Scene you were cold because had too have warming tents. T i had to run in the rain. R thats crazy. Tha one day i had to run and be b wet all day and then it was like two weeks later were filming mm actually going into the bathroom im running again. Again i thought we did this scene ce she kill it. No, but you have to go into the bathroom. Th thats where youre rune bath t. I was like oh. Continuity. Youre dry, i got to be wetbw again today. Make sup. Cant wait to see it. An t family affair. R. Perfectly timed now. Ow yeah. H of course with ith bittersweet. Lets check in with tucker once again check before we get t end of this hour. Our that was so cool seeing kevsk at the party. The cant wait to hear about it. Andto lauren. D. C. Film girl. If they were actually hisua seats. Se he probably snuck up there. Au 45 in washickngto un. Temperatures well above freezinz thats great news. That clouds out there at this momentm we did have some rain showersnwe move through overnight wet oight roadways for you as you head morning. Ing. Might be an additional showertio here this morning and thenen gradual clearing daytime highsmg in the low to mid 50s so it will feel like a warmer day than wene had around here this weekend. Glancing at the seven day focusc on thursday and friday. Da daytime highs thats an arctic i blast. Highs in the upper 20s in i december. Cemb relatively unheard of. Tively get ready for some u real coldol around here by the end of the o week but today 54 with afternoon at least partial sunshine. Unin caitlin is back with anotherh ar look at roadways. 16. We close to any record lowslo anywhere. I have to look. You better get on thatt hat tucker. Let us know. Metro update. Metrda disable train on the blue line at potomac avenue. Venue. Expect residual delays on the blue line to franconia also impacting orange and silverr disable train so expect delaysel to vienna and wheelie all safetrack surge 11. Ge 1 another reminder through theh t 21st of december impacting theag virginia side of the or raffle and silver lines. Silv lin continuous single trackingg between West Falls Church andhu East Falls Church. Falls crch. Expect crowding on and silver trains. Ra all right. Monday morning wide view a lotng of read out there especially ini Northern Virginia. 66 eastbound and 95 northbound n lot of issues but the biggestig one a closure due to an accident. 29 southbound this is still closed betwe enthbo gunroveton road andro a page land lane. L due to that accident so take 66 as your alternate but look how heavy it is eastbound all thelle way out west of the 234 throughu centreville and then really alll the way to the beltway one longe line of incredibly jammedamme traffic to nutley street. So, yeah, youll need patience p out there this morning justis m about everywhere. Orabouerywhere. Thats look at traffic. sk at t fox5 news morning will be rightr back after this. A t think of your fellow man. Lend him a helping hand. Put a little love in your heart. Take a good look around. And if youre lookin down, put a little love in your heart. In your heart. avo the subaru share the love event is happening now and will have given ninety Million Dollars to help real people like these. He gets a lot of compliments. He wears his army hat, walks around with his army shirt looking all nice. And then people just say, thank you for serving our country and im like, thats my dad. Male vo no one deserves a warmer welcome home. Thats why were hiring 10,000 members of the military community by the end of 2017. Im very proud of him. Male vo comcast. Z26i0z z17vz y26i0y y17vy afoot and lighthearted i take to the open road. Healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. The east and the west are mine. The north and the south are mine. All seems beautiful to me. This is fox5 news morning. Good monday morningoonday mg everybody. Im allison seymour. I im m steve chenevey. Cheneve thanks for joining us thisshi morning. 8am on monday december 12th. Heres whats on the fox5 news morning menu. First up did the russianst try to puss h the ut up. S did. T election e toward donald trump . U. S. Intelligence Officials Say yes. S donald trump says well welll w have to coming up in life report. And a quiet dc neighborhoodo becomes a crime scene after anen Early Morning shooting. Shootin one person left dead. Fox5 live on the scene as the investigation unfolds. Muss deep trouble forusep t 11yearold boy in princeprin georges county oh my goodness why does he have to be rescuedes by firefighters after going forf a walk in the woods . Oo first off, though, live l outside. Outs it is a rainy start to your worr week and this monday morning. Lets get a quick check ofck of weather and traffic tucker andur caitlin standing by first tuck, good morning. Allison, rain showersin swers overnight and in some casese ces freezing rain well north andll a west just rain at this hour. S and most of it its winding down pretty quick. Qck go right to radar show you sho y quickly give you further weatheh update by late this morning m early afternoon we should benoon looking at some clearing and cle daytime highs in the low to mid 50 few more hours of showers ans well clear it out this afternoon. Caitlin has your traffic. Ourf no accidents to report ascide this hour. R is hou we have had are few earlier forr now its your normal mondayl moa morning commute. Heavy delays 66. Southbound 270. Nd 270 northbound 395 the worst isound going to be in nor 3thern virgii where we have a closure on southbound 29 use 66 eastbound u or westbound as your alternateat in that section of northf nor rgrginia. Like i said no accidents toid report right now. Port right now. Well keep you posted on twitter. Caitlin roth fox5 as we go as wg through the rest of the morning. Steve and allison . . Caitlin, thank you president elect donald truml pushing back against reportsts that Russian Hackers tried torit influence the us election in his favor. This comes as trump is abouts to name his pick f tor secretare of state. Fox news correspond doug luzader from the latest from here in washington. Good morning, doug. Reporter good amongng. Amon we know that secretary of statea will be Rex Tellerson the ceo oo exxon mobil. Meantime, these russian hacking allegations continue to be ancoa issue and they have put the president elect at odds with the cia as well as with some memberm of his own party. President elect Donald Trumpr coming off a busy weekend attended the Army Navy Game gam refusing to pick sides. When it comes to the cia andia a reports that the agency believee russia tried to help trumpru within the election, he was,e w blunt. Im not sure they put it out. I think the democrats areocra a putting it out because theyau suffered one of the greatest on defeats in the history frankly i think theyre puttingi it out, and its rid ridiculousd reporter its true thereshe uncertainty here. Unce fbi, for instance, according to the washington post, is i unwilling to go as far as the cia and concluding that the that hackers who gained access toso emails from the democraticemra National Committee and hillaryly Clintons Campaign chairman werr trying to tilt the field inn traumas direction. Ti but president obama is askinging for an inquiry and some som republicans on capitol hill plaa on joining democrats to mount t their own investigation. Stigaon we would be working in a bipartisan basis. Basis. You cant make this issue partisan. Partis its too important. Mptant fundamental of a democracy is a free and fair election. Reporter its a real testel for donald trump just as hes ah poised to name a secretary ofo s ste. E. Widely believed to be exxone xo mobil ceo rex tiller son. S to me a great advantage he knows many of the players and hh knows them well. Wel he does massive deals in russia. Does he massive deals for thema company not for himself but forr the if he gets the gig and g confirm as secretary of state, a one of the first things he mighg have to deal with is china whici over the weekend expressed its i anger over the fact that trump u is defending the phone call thaa he had with the president of taiwan. Iw back to you guys. Uy all right. Chain nan russia headlinesa l couple big deals. Thank you very much. Co thank people planning to come from all over the country to help celebrate and protest thehe inauguration. Inauration. One group called gatheringroc for jualstice getting the mosthe attention. Ntio theyre a group of women who w plan to march downtown inow protest of trump they want the t rally on the Lincoln Memorial to happen but the National Park service says they haventyaven finalized their plans for thatto location. The womens march says theyll the meet at the foot of the capitolp and march down independencee avenue. Avenue. Arctic blast hitting parts b of the country. La theount lets head to the midwest right now. Oh, my goodness this is massive pipe up in michigan on saturdayr it involved at least three three semi trucks, crash shuthu down multiple lanes on i75 forf several hours. Hou in detroit run away plane this land diagnose not get a 10. Passengers relieved to be on th ground after the delta planehe a nearly skidded off the runway aa Detroit International airportpo laig night. Pilots say it was rough landingi because of the snow coveredhew o runway. In chicago airport starting to n pick up the pace ohare sayshes its been able to clear most ofr the snow from the runway and geu people where theyre going. 1200 Flights Canceled at ohareh this weekend. 170 more canceled at chicagosho midway airport. So theyre still working out some of those cancellations iff unique today, check ahead and ad make sure youre not involved in that. A lot of great Football Game yesterday. That game in buffalo. Falo buffalo had a lot of snow. No green bay had little. L i like it when it snows i sno feel like somebody is going tont do a theissman on their leg. Yeah. Pouring rain in miami. Ouring did you see all the buffalo s game all the pellets on thetsn field when they tried to clear the field they got like rubber r pellets all over the place. Ill see if we can fine theaf video. Vi show it to meme lets go to the forecast. Oking at actuallyuay improving forecast around here h morning rain showers give way to afternoon sunshine and temps ant will top out in the low to mid 50s 10 degrees 10 too 15 degrees warmer than what we had around here this weekend. 42 up in baltimore. Re Reagan National 45. Nal 4 42 dulles everybody aboverybo a freezing that freezing rainzingn advisory we had earlier this morning has been lifted. Its expired. Its Storm Tracker radar trackingrain showers most of it is east ofs s the bay and the south of the bay. Ba salsbury, ocean city up nextpex with that band of heavy rain. Vyr we have a few additional showere that will develop i think latert this morning and then by afternoon we should get breaks in the clouds and perhaps someom mid to Late Afternoon sunshine n again with temperatures in the 50s. So end join your monday. Youron gus whwhat . What . Temperatures will not that be warm later this week. S wa nrmo. Lat in fact they wont be aobovee freezing later this week. Nger t now i wish wash i hadnt said what . Oh, okay. Thas he answered. T he just being honest. Nt. As is tucker. Hi, caitlin g morning, how is traffic. C. Good morning. Busy morning with wet roads. Ros im surprised its not worsets than it is. Th with that being said if yoanu ao in one of the trouble spots likl this one behind me 95 northbound youre in it for the long haul l trying to get to work thist to morning. Morn two accidents on 95 northbound. This one has the center laneentl block just north of purple heart bridge. Brid you can see the flow of trafficf being directed around that blockage in the center lane andn then further up along 95 we havv another crash. Well show you as we go to mapsm and that is going to be one long stretch of traffic basicallyly anywhere from about dale city d all the way up to the beltway because we have that one northon of the purple heart bridge but then additional one by fairfax f county block way not blocking bn any lanes still you can imaginei with the two crash sites a lot a of issues on 95 northbound. Ortho newest crash to come ine eastbound dulles toll road righg at 123 so just inside the t beltway youve got the rightig lane blocked there. Block. Were starting to see delays day build back on to 67. O the dulles toll road. L so a little slo of virginia. Very very slow 66 eastbound a jammed two throw 34 to sycamorem street. Traffic goingof traffic going to take you quite some time on 66 east this morning. Mni thats a look at traffic. Ic eve . E . Happening right now h 8 00 oclock dc police still oan the scene of a deadly shootingon it happened on 32nd street see northwest. Northw shooting happened just afterd 9 00 last night. Ast night and our Melanie Alnwick is live this morning with the latest ont this investigation. Anything new, mel . Reporter steve and allison a we can tell i was few moments mn ago the forensics Crime Scene Investigation van did pull up pl here going through the crime tape area and weve seenveee detectives gathering. Ng. Now, dave will push in a littlee bit. Bi it looks even though police tolt us it was the 6900 block of o 32nd street theyre focusing fos on this home right on the cornec of 32nd and wind dale. Dal and it looks like they were doing some peeking around in tht back area of this house wherere theres you can see it rightt now theres a Swimming Pool bacb there. So we dont know at this point exactly where this car we weree told was found. Fou so it was about 9 14 last nightt when police were called here tot the scene. Ce and our information is that is there was a vehicle that perhaps adult male was found dead d inside. Si we dont know if that vehiclet e was parked in driveway. Dve we dont know if that vehicle vh was just in the middle of thehe road somewhere. Ew. Really have no indication atatio this time what happened but youy can see Police Taking someg some photographs of other homes asphf well. Were trying to get a bettergett sense of exactly where thiss happened and how it all wentt down. Down but very Little Information froo police at this point. Lice at th this is calisled p toihe hawthon neighborhood much its part ofop the Chevy Chase Section of d. C. Bordering Western Avenue ande ad Rock Creek Park as well. El very quite. Qui rather pricey homes here. Er most people we talk to ak t couple people in this neighborhh said theyre absolutely shockedc that Something Like this wouldeu happen and everyone really rll hoping for little bit moree information. As we get it, of course, wellrl bring it to you guys. Brinit to live in northwest ill melanieae alnwick fox5 local mel, thanks. S. D. C. Police searching forole the person who shot aar man in e 1100 block of 13th streett northwest at twoly 20 00 thiss morning. Mornin that victim still in a localocal hospital knowledge word on hisnl condition but hes alive. Dc Police Searching for five people responsibleg ffor carjacking someone on north of a northwest. It happened about 6 20 last20 ls night. The suspects were armed with a h gun. They made off with a 2013 bluebl hyundai sante fe. I nte fe. It has dc tags en1190. 90 if you see this vehicle you area asked to call police immediately. In Prince Georges County a couple of kids waking up tonce o pretty happy moods this morningr after dealing way messy m situation yesterday. Yesterday First Responders had to come to the rescue of two kids 11id years old both of them who gotot stuck in mud. They sang some soft mud near a march she area in landover. Ve Eric Henderson says he tried tod help his friend before he he realized he was stuck, too. I finally got him out becausc i use i could be able to get him out. Umhmm. U so then i tried to do theo same thing to my legs but itt didnt work. Aww it took about half anutf hour to get the boy out of the mud. Mud. They remember wet and muddy bute uninjured. They saidr we that somebody kind of with them rent went to try too t fine help. They found a Police Officerof nearby and thank goodness they were close. It all work out. Weret yeah. Still ahead this morning well l switch gears. Swit gea golden globe nominations will bs coming out a couple of minutes. T well be live from beverly hills. Oh yeah. Holidayidear must have toy but its not easy to get oh your hands on one. Hatchimal hunters are targetingi one big retailer in hopes of scoring the seasons most soughu other gift. Other gi theyre targeting the retailer, get it . I get it. Targeting. Theyre not k marting. Theyre targeting. Heyretheyre. Fios is not cable. Were wired differently. That means incredibly fast 150 meg internet for the holidays. In the 3. 7 seconds it takes ry watson to beat the local sled jump record, fly, gary, fly. His friend can download 13 versions of the perfect song. His sister can live stream it. While his mom downloads how to set a dislocated shoulder. Get 150 meg internet, tv and phone for just 79. 99 per month online for the first year. Cable cant offer that. Only fios can. 44 degrees live look atdegr cumberland they had the worst o the precip because it was aau ws little icy earlier. Er. Yes. School delays out there and dely right, they had freezing raininr issue overnight. Rnht it did snow yesterday. Esteay yeah. Yea frost burg got. 70 of an inci of snow yesterday. Esrd thats significant. Hatsign damascus got a coatingcugot yesterday morning. Morni but everybody should lose it now right because were ending thend rain and warming things up . Hi still in the low to mid 30s s well off to the north and west. D mid 40s. More on the weather momentarily. You know what warms us up about this time everynow mornir we need it, right . This is double trouble. S fox5 photo ofis the day doube cuteness, everybody. Verybo i love the shirts. Shis. Thats awesome. Threeyearold landon. Earold okay. And his baby brother thats the big guy landon and baby baby brother carter. Car carter has like a adult facee already. Ady. Look at them holding hands. N thats so cute. Oute i can. This picture can make me cry ify i look i at it long enough. No carter is two months old. Hs o look at his little oxford. Xf so well dressed. So well dres do you know how small thatlla thing if you tucket off its it doll size. Dolliz if you had a little one nowen with cell phones how could you d not not take 10,000 pictures. Ics i feel i would be superup obnoxious. Obnos. Yeah. Not landon and carter. Nd i cant get enough. H. Thats great one. O. Carter wakes up his mommy every morning at 6 30 just to jt watch us here at fox5 news. Landon gets up and joins them. Its a family affair. Oinsffa. Greatest picture. Tu they watch until 11 00 eachac morning. Theyre watching now. I hear the boyheys hi guys. Ys watch the ladies the most al. Hey, good morning. Guess who theyre waitingaiti for . For . Allison . Aison santa. Anta. Jolly old saint nick. Aiic santa will be visiting lessis than two weeks. Tow dont have to wait foronh me. They do have to wait for santa. A please send us your childs d picture go to our Facebook Pagep fox5 d. C. C landon and carter we love your l pictures. We hope youre watching yourselh right now. Cute overload. Lets do some weather. Teetsmps in the mid 40s we de mentioned that freezing rain advisory overnight off to thefft north and west. That was let go early thisrly morning. Temperatures have been rising sn thats great news. s greew still leftover showers looking o at a few there. Re. Calvert county, southern an a rhawn dell county getting a fewa showers Southern Maryland as m well we will see a few a few additional showers later thisatt morning as our frontal systemals continues to work on through. Tu although i think the heaviest o the rain is now east of us, and by afternoon at least partialstr clearing so we should get someoe sunshine with temps in the lowhe to mid 50s. 50s so actually decent afternoon. On tomorrow looks interesting. Ertig there might be a little perioder of a little mix across northernh maryland and then arctic frontcf on wednesday. Look at thursday and friday fday highs in the 20s overnight lowsl in the teens. Ee well have Single Digits byigit friday morning north and westnds with wind chills near zero. Ea z so get ready for serious cold. Eh. Well leave it at that. Unspoken grunting. Eh. Eh [ laughter ][ laer ] san tan the reindeer love ite hi, caitlin. In. Good morning. Good he they do. M polar weather to get you into the spirit. Ather right . Right. Trying to get into the spirit get monday morning. Ning dark and gloomy and wet roads wr from earlier rain unfortunatelya this is a live look at northbound 95 in virginiairnia earlier accident has the centerr lane blocked just north of the purple heart bridge. So east occoquan thats wherese youre seeing very jammedyam traffic along 95 northbound. That continues basically up toao the beltway theres an additional accident on theon acc shoulder by the Fairfax County t parkway. Parkway. Lets go to our maps and maybe a we can show you that furthert fr detail. 270 southbound jammed now in n maryland from 27 all the way t down to the spur so thats just volume. Volume everyonet due to those wed wet roads. Northern maryland lets startsta with 95. Not too bad weve got some g southbound delays approachingppi beltway and outer loop heavy h from Georgia Avenue or 95 too Georgia Avenue. 295 looks moderately movie botht northbound and southbound as yoy leave the district. All right. Ht. Northbound 395 thats been anben issue all morning long and nowoa basically all the way in the district youre stack up. rst 66 east on and off very heavy h the whole stretch. Ole stret all right. All thats look at traffic. Well have much more coming atun in less than 10 minutes. Ines steve and allison. S a thanks very much. Happening right now tppini nominations for the 74th annual Golden Globes will soon l be a nounsed in california. Take a live look, shall we . Hw exciting right. This is from the beverlym bel hilton hotel lets see whatsha going on. Going well get there in just is he can. Don cheadle, laura dern and Anna Kendrick will be a announcing the nominees this morning. Dustin owe halleran for lion hans zimmer Farrell Williams and benjamin wall fish for hidden figures. Ooh. Or inorrformance by an act a supporting role in any motionn picture. Ali for moonlight, jeff bridgesg for hell or high water, Simon Gill Berg Florence fostere fo jenkins, dave patel lion, Aaron Taylor Johnson nocturn animals. Ooh. What were going to do wellw continue to show this on our Facebook Page life go to fox5 dc pace book page continue totinuet watch she just walk away from the microphone laura dern and ad don cheadle making ae mang a announcement youll be able to watch on our fox5 dc facebookaco page see all the nominees. Om we can tell you matt correctr me if im wrong that merrillm wr streep has won the cecil did he mill lifetime achieve ma award. Different this year with the nominees without having kevinnt going yes, awesome thi wit. Ho ah, amazing. In lala land expected to do really good. Od. Well sewh hosted by jimmy fallon. Flo in january. Okay. Back to news now, man, out in tennessee folks are reallyarrea really hurting residents in gatlinburg pick up the piecesces after fire destroyed dozens ofdf homes and businesses volunteersn from across the country dug through cash and rubble to help residents find anything leftingt behind anything they could any salvage. Some organizations say theyll be gatlinburg for the next few w weeks. We authorities charged twothor itieteenagers for the wildfire a killed 14 people and destroyed y or damaged more than 2400 buildings. Bu federal investigators sayve they have wrapped up their workr at the scene of a fatal warehouse fire out in oakland, california that killed arthritii people. The blaze happened during aaze r dance party back onbackn december 2nd. Ernd officials still looking foring possible electrical problem pbl here. Meanwhile, Funeral Services have started for some of the victims. Bill cosby apparently tryiny to cop plea deal so hell not n having to prison for 11 sexex crimes. Es. Disgraced comedian asked hised atto the case instead of heading toe trial for the andrea con stan sa sese. Cosby accused of drugging andggn raping her over 10 years ago. Criminal trial alreadylrdy scheduled. Its been set to begin in juneun of next year. Meantime arc federal judge j also in pennsylvania will decidi the fate of former pennsylvaniaa lawmaker chaka fattah today. Tay the former u. S. Congressman wasw found guilty of a long list of t charges including money laundering, fraud and racketeering. Raeeri federal prosecutors are seekingg 17 to 21 years in prison. N he served as us representativerv in pennsylvania for more than 20 years. Ar uber and metro working together to bring you bigouig discounts. Well tell you about it nexdit. All right. This is one big baby. Bab the Oklahoma City zoo showingwi off its new addition a six dayix old giraffe standing tall. Aww. And proud. A aro wow captain justin of springfield v have a want to say hi to my family back home my mom, dad and cav sistehars far maddie as well as the slack tont and degrees zen family and go hokies. Ocean city looking wet this morning, isnt it . Not exact al good beach day. That doesnt even make sense what you just said. Always a good beach day. Wishful thinking for the summer of 2017 perhaps. It . Taking ogonnt evwh a touatr ya the area. Un the a we were justrea. In maryland and western maryland then eastern ee maryland and now lets go to tho mid section of the country. This is in oklahoma. Theres a new addition to the Oklahoma City zoo i love it. T. We just talked about giraffesafe now being on the endangered list. List. Right. Heres the zoos newest a baby giraffe. Ff. Baby is already standing tall and proud during its debut dut yesterday. Just six days old. Did you know know baby giraffese are called calfs. Call i did not. Did it has been in a barn, he hae been inside his barn since his birth because it was cold. S it look like,. It lo lik , they dont play the cold. H. Get out plane. La baby giraffe was 5 feet talltall when born. B look at that. It their kind of bizarre andnd really sweet. That particular zoo had art baicby giraffe pass away two yey ago shortly after birth. Birth so nice to see that theyre having another new addition nown all right. Check in with our own never mine. Al calf. Tuck, take it away. Uck, little cub. I got to say. Guy. Birthing a giraffe woulding a probably be a challenge. For a giraffe. Af ter to you. We dont know. Lets go to the forecast. Go to h 45 now no washington. E foshgton. Leftover rain showers across the area but we shall get clearing this afternoon. This ano highs expected to be in the low to mid 50s milder than what weha had this weekend. Nd. Leftover shower east side of the beltway. Right along the western shore oo the bay. Bay. And a few additional showers swe here in West Virginia with our r front again this will slideillie through and we shall dry it outt this afternoon partly sunny. 50s around here later today. T quick look at the seven day. N d. Well revisit it momentarily,ri but heads up. But hes up thursday, friday thats bitter e cold here as we get closer tose our christmas holiday. Caitlin is back. Caitlin caitlin is here this morni yay. How is traffic . Raffic . You know, considering all ofi the rain earlier this morning ii feel like it could have beenulde worse. With that being said, live looko here at 95 northbound whered whe were still following this crasa north of the purple heart bridgb center lane is still blocked. Traffic being directed around. Ro as we go to maps we can show shw that you delay still on 95 on northbound. So it has been pretty stacked up earlier crash has cleared that was further north by the fairfaf county parkway youve got delays from the occoquan down to dalede city. City outer loop crash now blocks thek right lane before Georgia Avenue on the top side of the beltway. Already delays there so expect c them to build even heavier. Er thats a look at traffic. Ic steve and allison. New study getting a lot oftit attention this morning on sociai media. It claims to have found the keyy to happiness. Ness. Cant wait to hear what thatw is. Redskins fans may have founa the key to happiness in winning. Beating the eagles. What the win means now in theowe race for the wild car. Its 8 27. 8 27. Just press clean and let roomba from irobot help with your everyday messes. Roomba navigates your entire home. Cleaning up pet hair and debris for up to 2 hours. Which means your floors are always clean. You and roomba, from irobot. Better. Together. Stronger is rebuilding a newborns heart. And restoring a fathers faith. Stronger is being a typical kid. Despite a rare disorder. And not giving up until you find them. Because we dont just want kids to grow up. We want them to grow up stronger. With your support, we can find more answers faster. Make a gift today at childrensnational. Org givenow afoot and lighthearted i take to the open road. Healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. The east and the west are mine. The north and the south are mine. Following breaking news coming out of the georgia this morning a man who shot twollow in of Police Officers earlg y ti morning has died. Hasie now the officers were part of a Drug Task Force serving avi warrant in the middle of thehe f night. Ni Officials Say they knock on theo door of a home around 2 30 this morning and announced themselves when no one answered they went w in and thats when they werethey shot by somebody inside. E. The officers returned fire andda that person inside the house died. As for the officers one wass one treated and released the otherth officer had to undergo surgerygr still waiting on condition there. 8 30. New overnight the man who shotgh and kit lled retired smith following a traffic crasha last april has been convict cvi evidence manslaughter. Te car dell hayes is his name he hh insist the he only fried fired f because smith was drunk he sayss he was violent and haye had he h grabbed a gun. Hayes faces up to 40 years in in prison. Pr hell be sentenced mid february. Turning now to sunday nightt football. Ll. The one game the redskins fansif needed the cowboys to win thoset darned cowboys they done messed up again, al. You cant count on them. The. They fell short against the giants. Giants. Dak prescott whose been amazingw allho year through for 165 yards and two interceptions. The final minute a fumble by dey bryant sealed the game and the giants within this 110 to seven very low scoring game. Ng g unfortunately that means thethes giants maintain their hold on the nfc wild card spot the skins need. The skins did their part theyy took care of business in phillyl completing a season sweep of th eagles. Team rallied past philly lastyas night yesterday afternoon iyestr should say 27day 22. Desean with a n touchdown there. Re skins sevenfiveone eagles ares out of it five and eight. Eight skins still behind the giants i the bucks in the wild card racee all righty. New this morning a study thattuy has many of us talking andalng sharing on social media. Media the question is, what is it that makes you truly happy . Iss it money . Ey yes. Yes. Is it health. Yes. Is it familiarly . Yes. I a combination all. Bi all. Maureen is back in studiotu with some of the answers. He ans hi, mo. Hi,. Youve heard this before givr me million bucks id be happiesi person alive. I. Sure. You probably said it yoursels before. Is it trubee does more money mae us happier if it does, whatha really does . Here it is. Is. Turns out happiness depends on two thing. Your health and your friends. Ds. Yes. That is according to two newg to studies from the london schoolon of economics. Of eno the studies look at responses ro from 200,000 people around the e world and they gauged how different factors impacted theig wellbeing. Llbeing so suffering depression orssiono anxiety hit people the hardest. T while saw the biggest increase ine i their happiness. Es on scale of one to 10 the0 the doubling of someones pay only l raised their Happiness Level by. 2 points. 2 poi having a partner saw happennesss raised by sixpoint sick pointss being depressed or anxious saw happiness dip by poach sentoacht points. Unemployment saw the sameploy sw reduction in points. Pnt okay what does this all mean . A whats the bottom line . Here it is. Things that matter most to our happiness or misery are our relationships and our mental ann physical health. Al heah. Now the studys authors did alld this to say that the studydy demanded a new role from the state focused on well beingfocue creation and not wealth creatidi again if you feel good, you are good. Money doesnt always matter. Doubling does make it happier. It did that. Thei would like to win lottery multi million jackpot jp and ill let you guys know exactly if this holds true. All kinds of new friends, fri right . Ght . Its st we just ran a study last week,t, that if you dont have a lot ofo money for health care preventivt health care. Care youre mice rabble. You the health and wealth are kind of connected. Ealt. Depression had leads fromleaf that. Give me health thats for sure. Me hre. Given next week well have h new study that says the exacthet opposite. As i sai d university if youre listening ill take that lottere let everybody know how happy i i am. There you go. Thanks maureen. Uber is considering a partnership with metber ro to ss rider ms. Money. Heres how it would work. How i uber riders who take uber poolbo thats where you share rides shs with other riders two or from to or from select d. C. Metro rail service would receive 70 ec off of their trip. Ofof their t that would be 3 for a 10 tript also metro would let them use kiss and rides as well as taxi t stands at more than 40 metron 4m rail station. Tati basically if you share a ride, d to a metro station, you can savn a good chunk of change. E. Yeah, but then youre sharing a ride. But youre saving a good goo chunk of change. Nge cant stretch out. t sch o all right. Furnace is to blame for a fire f that displaced nearly 70y residents in Fairfax County. Nt the fire broke out at the woodlawn Garden Apartments in a alexandria on saturday night. Ig. Officials say the fire startedtd in the attic. Aic no serious injuries. Iur red cross is helping displaceded residents. All right. 8 35. Ght. S check in with Tucker Barnes and we hadk in w witet so the morning. Ni. Yeah. How does it look now. Ow does. Good news i think most of the rain is out of i h tere. Ere. And some milder temperatures loe to mid 50s later this afternoonn with a little im doing the g hand thing today. I dont know why. Oday often we speak with ouri dona k hands. Its not a problem. Ablem with afternoon sunshine. Sun. Lets do the forecast. That was a cheer at the end,d al. Success. 45 right now in washington. Ig hold on to those coldol temperatures off to the northurh and west. W of course weve been talking b about the snow over the weekend off big cities off to our northr and west. And overnight we did have freezing f rain issues. Those have eased here ase a temperatures are now in the midm to upper 30s. And with daytime highs in thehsi low 50s actually be afternoon. Afrnoon. Rain showers continue annapolisl deal, parts of prince georgesig county there, Southern Marylandd lower Eastern Shore doingsh showers and we will see a few af additional showers here throught the Morning Hours and then tn gradual clearing and as and mentioned daytime highs aboutiga 10 degrees warmer than dr yesterday. 10 t o 15 degrees warmer thanha yesterday. Yestery 54 your afternoon high temperature. At hey, wind chills near zero. Theres on the seven glareheen g really . Yeah. Tucker,. Not excited about it. T. This weekend we have a major we have sidneys sweett 16. Aww. Right . Igndoors, but people have to get theree all right. As long as we dont have anyh freezing stuff. Tuff saturday. During the day . No. Who has a sweet 16 during the day . Y . I dont know. I dont know the rules. Well talk. Shes a nighttime partier,ar, tuck. Well talk. Isnt caitlin. Can you teach this guy how th lift up a little bit, caitlin. Most important vol steve andt i been invite. Anbeen invite. We havent. Whaven chaperones. Ros. Oh,h, no. Chaperones . [ laughter ] i maybe a guest but chaperones, really . Reay . Chaperones, no. C not a good idea. A good idea the more uncles the merrier. R you know what, i hope yourer not busy and saturday. Y. Allison youre so diplomaticp thank you. Uncle tucker and unclenk y se to sweet 16 birthday party. Ar stay in the add dull area. There will be barricade irici hope. Thats right. Tght all right. Cold weather headedht our wet weather this morning wet roads and outer loop door report. Ror overall it seems like peopleeope took heed dense with the wethe t roads and going slower on rampn to Georgia Avenue is closed dued to this outer loop crash you see right here approaching georgia g avenue you cannot access that tt onramp due to the crash onrash sight. And then youve got delays allg the way back to 95 as a resultal of that. T no accidents just volume 27070 southbound jams jammed 27 allndj the way down to the spur. Spur. One long line of very heavyeavy traffic thats typicalypal gaithersburg to germantown too rockville and beyond. Eastbound dulles toll road we ra crash there. That has been cleared but delayl due linger this is just inside s you can see some of those delays along the beltway although it looks like were clearing beyond the beltway on the dulles tollsl road. All right. Thats a final look at traffic. Raffic steve . Steve . Certainly nothing new. Ertaint are women as capable ahis mngene it comes to combat in the military . Next a controversy doesa cors continue, though, as many stilli question the role of women inomi the military today. 8 38. 8 38. Do you know wha wait a minute. Come back. Know use a ome panda they never listen to us. O u there we go. W wait. Byebye. There we go. Weo. We thought wed give you nicn view of the pandas this morning because its kind of rainy andmo cold and just kind of a december blah morning. Morng i kind of wish pandas weree friendly and cuddly wouldnt itt be a great little snuggle buddyd ill be honest al i neverer tried to cuddle with one. O dont do it theyre not. Yret ive heard theyre not. E he dont do it. They may be. Okay. O there we go. The we sit down here and chew on my my bamboo snack. Sck are those floors comfy . Um, pandas have a lot of a lf padding, right . G, rig . With all the fur and with ald everything. A lot of junk in there. Ot o f right. We dont know. We thought it would be cute. Good morning. Ht morn a monday morning. I from the panda cam on rainy monday. Monday. New this morning a rider for the fede mralistor is making the case that women are not ready r for combat. For even though the president thot gave women the right to fight io the military. Tary. According to travis scott hess using science to argue thatrguea women are not as capable of menm in combat. Now, scott says, men and womennd are made differently. Re he says men have stronger bonese than women and greater musclecl mass. He also says women are more m prone to injury compared to iur their male count parts. Pts you know there is going to be a lot of opinion coming out in oui response to this story. But thats the latest comings s from the federalist. Okay. Lets find out about the latest for good day d. C. Becausc the big show is coming up ing i just 18 minutes. Ut heres wisdom and maureen. Esisd hi, guys. Good morning. Straight ahead on good day the redskinght sah nail biter is win they got that part done. On so what does it mean for theor e playoffs . Thats the big that question. Well talk with grant paulsen at 9 15am. Surviving the stress of thest socalled most wonderful time ol r. E year. We have the tips to help you from reaching your tippingpi point. Point. All new at 10a taraji p. Henson sits down with devinit dv mccarthy what she has to says t about her new movie hidden hid figures. The exclusive interview youll only see on good day dc. Brace yourself dmv its ourts good day d. C. Favorite thingsng ek. K. Ready really . Eall sorry auntie o. We kick it off fox5 fascinationn at a tam lee with her 12eeith favorites thats happening at 10 50am. Live in the loft you know him from onehe l tree hill the new w show pitch actor and singerin tyler hilton is here. Is her hes going to perform as well. W hmm. Mm looks like a young randy travisa are right. A little bit. Just a little. Yeah. Must watch monday. Ch monday jam packed good day d. C. Justus moments away a dont do that ever again. A you asked. Sorry auntie oprah for the second time. Im shes my aunt because she mayhem leave me some money in her will. Back to you guys. All right. Ight. 8 43 right now. 8 43 no new year means newnsew resolutions right and weve gotn the scoop on new health trendshn that could do your body good. G plus big winners last nights critics Choice Awards. Wa if you look closely youll sees somebody that you know. 8 43. 8 43. my hero zero by lemonheads zero really can be a hero. Get zero down, zero deposit, zero due at signing, and zero first months payment on select volkswagen models. Right now at the volkswagen sign then drive event. Sing along with Furry Friends and stomp your feet to a sesame street beat sesame street live elmo makes music clap along when elmo makes music playing eaglebank arena this weekend only tickets on sale now through ticketmaster soggy white house thisgy w morning on monday morning. Little breeze out there too. The flag onhion m the. To building and actually it looks likes theres a securityeg oinconvention going og n tanhef ght now. W. Look at all those folks up there. Little morning meeting maybe. I think it is. Ling iittle briefing. Titl well check in with tuckere barnes right now. You saw the rain this morning. Hn you probably felt the rainin. R. The question is, what about theb rest of the day, al . I say we w get to tucker in, oh, lets say, 10 seconds. All right. Lets get down to business. Thats your big headline for the week. Bitter cold. It is on the way, and this is the real deal. Get dobig the i mea n the d waytiremeal higeahs blya and friday i dont think wellhw get above freezing here for he couple of days as we get into the end of the week here. End not the case todayof. Today. Actually warmed up overnight. Rn 45 now in washington. To 45 at quantico. Leonardtown to you at 45 and and doing 30s here to the north andd west still a couple of spotsfts were holding on to the freezinn temperatures, and it was well wl off to the north and west wend were concerned about freezingcen rain earliered a. Arer good news is, precipitationtion north and west we appear done d with it so that threat is waninn hardy early this morning. Y thisg leftover showers you can see s those just offho to the south ad east. Lower Eastern Shore kind of gett out of of your way down towardss salisbury and ocean city gettint pretty good showers as well. Oosw not quite done with yet. H whats happening we have a coldc front coming through. As that flys east perhaps fewerf additional showers. Ad i think by mid afternoon welldm get break in the clouds andudsnd daytime highs in the mid fiveeid tees today. Tees low pressure off to the norththh and west. Anwest and that brings winter weathertr we were talking about that all t morning long here to some of tho big cities off to the north and we have. Off thats your forecast for this f afternoon. Temps in the 50s. 50 want to mention tomorrow thatrot there may be a little bit ofy bl mixed precip and then by then bt middle and end of the week, round two of arctic express ere arrives and it is a real deallea here. It will be even colder than thet first round. Daytime highs in the 20s0s thursday and friday. Fy overnight lows in the teens, ana im afraid our wind chill bydll early friday morning may beay flirting with zero even here inr the city. Th so well be ve ery very cold cod around here by the end of the week and a bit of warmup nextpex weekend maybe a mix to some rain next saturday. Satda 54 this afternoon. For the most part were donetren with the rain showers should bed partly sunny later today. Latery thats the weather update. Eathet steve, allison, ill toss itlli back over to you. Thanks, tuck. 8 48. Beat the theut the fox romantic musical lala land alss getting a lot of buzz. B last night in california film took home the critic choico awards highest honor bestor b picture and also best director. Lala land won a total eightalig award last night hit theaterss nationwide on friday. Fday the big award show last nighg lets check out other big o b winners best actor went to casec affleck for his role as lee chandler in the drama manchestem by the sea. By look for to to do well at the wt awards this season. S sean. Natalie portman right thereht recognized for her portrayal ofl former first Lady Jackie Kennedy onasis in jackie. Acki thats Kevin Mccarthy and his as wife with their backs to theac camera right there sitting withg Ryan Reynolds at the awards last night. Night. How awesome is that . Right upiu front. Cant wait. Dead pool won the critics cti Choice Awards for best com deeme ryan ren follow won best actoroe in comedy for that role. T r he was also awarded thethe entertainer of the year prizer i hopefully he took kevin and and lauren out afterwards tord to celebrate. W cool is that. S t i cant wait to hear whatrha really went on at that table. Ab tomorrow im sure well geteg the entire scoop. Op well if you are allowing youu appetite this Holiday Season tot just run wild dont worry, wry thereal good friend dr. Shilpir. Hi agalwar joins to us talk about o the top trends in health for 2017. 20 well get her take whether or not you think its a winner ori not. Good to see you as always. Ays. Hello. H good morning. El its interesting w ge heaoort trends. Tr a lot of people try to get a hia of the trend instead of following the 10. Lling youll help us as far asas something we should go for inhor 2017 and then some we can just j safe our time. Our te. You heard it here first. All rightt here. The first these look likei spices. Ices antiinflammatory foods madem a big way on the scene. Mawaon t but specifically this cominghig year well see them as a trend e to be put into things. Tng so use as a spice. Pi a boost in your shake or in thet form of a drink we see theyrehe sold with drinks that you cans just get at the supermarket anda then also recipes are being boosted more that have thesee te antiinflammatory spices. Pi things like turmeric, sue mack,c very Good Properties for healthh in terms of helping prevent pve cancers also helping preventvent chronic inflammation. Lamm a good thing for people whofe dont like to take supplementsle like myself. F tr by working these into ournto foods that we might already bely eating are you fan of that orhat not. Not. Absolutely. This is definitely something thats backed by research and we know that its very easy to incorporate its not going to bo some huge process that you havev to undertake. Ta add a dash to your smoothiemohi especially because some of theme are stronger in taste. As sue mack adding on to your foods flavoring got a tangy taste. Super foods of 2017. 201 for sure well see them. Them i was m whats this. S. Next one Plant Protein a lott of times we see people aresee pp trying to increasele protein inn their diet and thats a greatat idea. Helps keep you full and helpsd h with weight loss. Eight ss. We see that way protein and casc scene are the big ones lot ofot times heard about. Tis heard abo. But the reality is, that those o can actually be hard on the digestive system make peopleeope have gas, you know, get uncomfortable by having a lot of way protein. Pte plan protein are the new wave of 2017. Definitely see a lot. Ot pea protein and hemp protein. Theyre much smoother, easier to digest. Di same amount more of protein one scp steve you dont have to be dt gas see. Gas well go with this instead. Ite ill look for it under the tree with a bag from allison. As thank you very much. You very muc okay. This is collagen. Im only thi familiar with colln implants is it pour this on n my face. My yes. What does it do in this formf i have to tell you guys i wai wary of this. Of this sounds very gimmick key. K. But i looked at the research ana it is true. Drinkable collagen is going toig be the new thing. He n thi instead of instead o stotop it. Injecting wait a minute. Studies are saying tudi stop. Y we took the dummy entire er segment on whatever this is. R th im really serious. Erus we will. Totally talk about that. Abo what does it do. Wdoes what it really is supposed td help hydrate you from the insidd out and so when skin remains hydrated thats what helps toelt stop the ringling. Ringlin you no longer necessarily have v to go and do all of the botox and the fillers if you can doo some ounces of prevention. Evento stop, stop,. Top,. Does it work. Studies are saying that it does actually wesor ak. Rek. What . After its eight weeks ofer taking this c ionsitsstently yoy skin will look more h here, al, mix it with wit turmeric. Turm you take this. Tak t ill take that. L ta ill leave all of these. Of t. Sue mack and collagen shake. E thats a groundbreakingki thing for me. Absolutely is. A i will tell you allison at firsi i did not think that it wasas legitimate. Gite yeah. I look at the data in theatit journal of dermatology. Togy very reputable source. Ou do you have to drink it evere day. Steve, this is important. , th i want to get through w aneverything. You would need to. All right. What dovet dove you s we have here. Drinks in general we as a big trend fortified beefed uped beep drinks. These are different healthh tonics and elixirs that are tt going to promise instead ofad o having to take the supplements you were saying and all these other pills coffee for energy ee its all in one. O. Got some herbs, i will say about this one be very careful becausb herbs do have property that ispi can mess with thing like blood o pressure medication made your md heart rate go faster. So its vericyheart important e youre actually drinking for this. Im a little on the fence abouta these drinks with the elixirs and the tonic. Tonic a talk to the doctorhe dto conversation. Ersation. Absoluty. Medication, et cetera isnteter something that miter have beente sold off the back of a bandf aad wagon. Yes. No youre not wearing the white coatt we today. Coat for good reason. Im im not. So the other big trend well see in 2017 is this thing calledled aglee sure. Eure. Its clothing that can actually be worn at the office but then e translates so that you can thent wear it for your y workout. For me this is aglee sure typeet of top. A little bit on the casual sided for me. But i will say, it can reallyeay double as just, you know founo youre excuse is i can go c because i dont have time toi dt change and do the whole shabanga this is an easy way to just putp that top on in the morning and i then you just change gone to tht gym. Girlfriend i was going to sa if you told me that i could c drink some collagen and wear and this and it would work out for me at the same time, then youru about to be my new best friend. Spoiler alert wearing theng clothes will not get you in thei better shape. Exactly. Youll look good. Oul thank you dr. Shilpi ass alysys. Hatchimal hunters zeroing in ong the latest toy this Holiday Season. Coming up. P stay tuned. Let me taste this. Well, is it ever possibler pe theres just too much christmas cheer . Cheer . Nope. According to one new york ner city lawyer, yes, there is. S nick wilder is a man who livesaw on the Upper East Side of thef t new york city and he is fed upeu with his neighbors festive andta noisy display. Pl as you can see the display features figure rocking out to the holiday music so wilder who also a lawyer isyi playing the role of scrooge. G suing his neighbor because he be doesnt want to hear the Christmas Music 24 7. Okay. Tough call. You dont want to be distractedt dont want the noise but its nb the holidays. Thlida its like three weeks. Hreeees its the holidays. Starting today one hottestdae toys speaking holidays will be b available again. Probably follow for long. L target restocking its shelvev with hatchimals. S. You want one you can go to to target. They say that they will be one o strict limit on purchasing themm each customer will be allowedll two. They also will not be sold onol the website. Th so if you dont already knoww hatch malls are interactive eggs which require new chering andnd patience before they hatch intoa magical surprise. Is stores started selling out as oa early as black friday. Get one those ninten target, too. Et, good day is next. 8 57. 8 57. Fact. People spend less time lying awake with aches and pains with advil pm than with tylenol pm. Advil pm combines the number one pain reliever with the number one sleep aid. Gentle, nonhabit forming advil pm. For a healing nights sleep. Lips appear to age faster than other skin. No worries now theres chapstick total hydration. Its 100 natural, agedefying formula is clinically proven to provide healthier, more youthful looking lips. Chapstick. Put your lips first. Ahead on good day at 9a,ta, watching and waiting. President elect donald trump ses to make his pick for secretaryec of state. Of but its already causing moresim controversy for hisr administration as he weighs in on concerns hacking helped givev him an election victory. Victory i think its ridiculous. Thii i think its justdi acun excuse. Just in time for the holidays, old man winted n wi barreling in across much of them united states. The snow is nice for about a month. Moh

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