Transcripts For WTTG Fox 5 Morning News 6 20160826

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welcome to fox5 fuse morning. m. >> we are following breaking bre news at this hour in 11 police officers have been o killed in a car bomb at a 70 people wounded in that attack.attack. the explosion hit a checkpoint some 50 yards from the policeomp station. this happened in the southeastern town of cizre.iz it is located in a provincevi that borders both syria andyr a iraq and has a largely kurdishui pop laying.pop that is no immediate claim ofim responsibility for the attack ac but kurdish militants are suspected.spec steve. >> new detail out of italyta after another stronger str aftershock was felt this felt is morning in amatrice. the u.ssunday's quake killed moe than 260 people in central italy. since wednesday more than aday thousand aftershock have beenftr felt. today's was the strongest. strg. more than 387 people beingei treated at local hospitals for injuries suffered during that t quake. locally this morning theis big question in prin george's county how will the wlt school board fund its headoard start >> last night the board varotedt not to appeal the decision toiso yank funding from the fox5's anjali hemphill is live with the latest.t. what does this really meanth ren anjali. >> reporter: guys, ther: county now doesn't have h $6.5 million in federal moneyon to fund this head startead ta program after they voted to vedt not appeal their decision toisio take it away.y now they're still promising prog they're going to keep thisgoin program intact and at this t point it's unclear wherear w they're going to get the moneyi to do that. fox5 was at last night's's meeting. we can show you this videoth vid where it did get heated ateatedt times. some speakers even calling forar the resignation of the board's d top members. members this is of course after course t several accusations of harshar and questionable discipline byy some teachers in this headea start program here in theran county and then the federal government's decision themeth district didn't do enough ton' fix the problem. now, the board also voted last night against a motion toot t request a state and federalederl external ive what went wrong so this so t suggested to some that they're trying to handle this crisisnd behind closed doors. all 12 members of the boardle voted in favor off relinquishing those federal funds including outspoken osp member edward burroughs the third who had this message forea parents. take a listen.n. >> i want all parents whose child could have experienceder any abuse or mistreatment intm the past to come forward andwa contact cps immediately.iately and i want all school system sys staff to be reminded that they are a mandatory reporter andte a they have the responsibilityponl to contact cps whenever an incident occurs. >> reporter: now the boardr: n did decide to form their ownheio subcommittee to look intonto those problems dealing with the head start program herero hr and also what's next in theexint future for them.hem. we're live in prince george'spr county this morning, anjalinjali hemphill, fox5 local news. >> northern virginia twonia tw attacks on a popular trail in tl one week alone. alone this is a sketch of the manof tm for. loudoun county officialsntyicias looking for a man they sayey s attacked an off duty sheriff's deputy while jogging in wn leesburg. they say the man had a box cutter and attacked the woman wm around 6:30 yesterday morningng while she jogged on ahe jged washington and old dominion trail between valley view avenue and south king now it's k the second attack ono that trail in more than a a week. ek the second woman reported lastts wednesday night she was walking on the trail in theln te county when two men came outame of the woods pulled at her at clothes and tried to sexually sx assault her.sault her. >> montgomery county mon investigators identified sixntii of the seven bodies recovered from the apartment of thef explosion in silver spring. investigators identifiedied 34-year-old aseged mekonen.eged they already identified twoie children and three adults. adu detectives still working withorg the medical examiner tocal ex identify the remaining body. bod investigators say a natural gas leak caused thatused explosion back on august 10th. >> ♪ >> zip trip time, steve. >> uh-huh. >> folks out in college parkn >> not far from d.c. rightd.crig around the corner. the tucker barnes is out thereis oue taking it all in this morning.or good morning, tuck.ngtuck >> hey, steve, good morning allison, good morning, everybody. down here in college park today.da of course we're zipping allpingl morning long going to discover o college park of course,e, probably best known for thewnore university of maryland andty ofa it's move in day right behindehn me here we'll visit the campus u or at least outside of thede campus in just a minute. a mut lots more to explore inxplore i college park. we'll go up, down, all over all the place.the pl. wisdom and holly are going tooig come out and join me. we got a real nice locatione ca here and i hear rumors, steve s chenevey is going to come oute as well in the 8:30 hour so that's huge. huge. 'cause a lot of people don'tpeot think steve is actually real. r we're looking at temperatures which have gotten hot andot sweaty overnight.ea currently looking atrrtly temperatures in the 70's. 78 degrees in washington. i and again, you can see that 78 in annapolis.apolis. this is going to be the hot one. we're going to be in the midg to to upper 90's today.s yesterday we got to about 90ut 9 but you probably noticed that tt humidity creeping up yesterday. quiet this morning on satellite and radar. just seeing the first hits of m day break off to the east andt it should be a nice lookinge day although, again, very hot, h very sweaty with daytime highs of 97. 97. might be a stray storm latertr today as a weak cold front comes through. that will cool us down just aaya little for the weekend andkend d lower the humidity a little bit. we'll have the weekendha forecast. we'll look at next week as at ne well. maybe we'll do a little talk a t about the tropalics coming up.ig that's the latest.est. i'm on route one right hereer down in college please come down and say hi toah us all morning long. l we'll be here until 11:00 one1:o of our last ones. o next week is our last zip trip much let's get the latest witheh traffic with erin erimo erin good morning.or >> you're energized this're en morning tucker.morn we like it. we have been teasing steve is our surprise celebrity guestritg for the zip trip. trip. >> that's under selling big glime overdelivering.ov right now as you make your way m out in northern marylandd things in howard county i looking good.lo problem free on 29 heading and from the beltway.ay things in beltzville quiet onuio 95. if you have an early morning flight to catch at bwi, 95 bwi northbound, baltimore-washington parkway-was northbound looking good.nd l secondaries in bowie problemie o tree. a live look outside 270 as youou come from frederick we have w h congestion by the truck scaleshs adding about four extraourxt minutes to your as you pass 109 traffic backsffc up a bit.up a b getting onto the beltway weel are quiet on the inner loop ter and outer loop after the spurpu as you pass tuckerman road.oa looking goodbye river roadiv inner loop and outer loop. loo we'll switch back to our mapsurp and show you what else you're facing.cing taking a wide view still quietet on 395 inbound from therem beltway. once you get onto the 14th the t street bridge you'll see brake a lights. suitland parkway inboundar seeing congestion by south s capitol. new york avenue by bladensburgdu also backing up just a touch.ou 50 looking really niles intoto the beltway and 295 south andth northbound problem free rightemr now. we'll let you know when when that cnges you're looking good in tysonsinn and doing just fine comingg inbound from manassas eastbound.ea volume building by 234. 234. delays to vienna on the orange line because of unscheduledse track work. back to you allison and steve.te >> today is the best day ever because it is national dog day and we want to see your fourour legged friends.legged friends >> we want you to tweet photos o of your dog. use #fox5 dog day. day >> and it is a fun day right here at fox5 because mikeik thomas joins us today with his golden sid.golden s >> yes, allison and steve, it se is officially the best day ever at work at fox5.ox hey, yeah, as mentioned it isedi national dog day. day this is sid, my golden gol now, he was last here when he h was only six weeks old.ld he's now 14 months.onths. he's a big boy. and he's still growing from grog what i'm told. t hopefully not too much more. hey, again, here's the hashtag s we're using fox5 dog day, day facebook and twitter.ceboer we're going to be sharing yourgr photos of your pets at homet and your best friendt frid throughout the morning.ut t steve, allison i'll send itl sed back to you. can't wait to see those pics. p >> i just a great pic.a thanks mike fogrr sharing.ri campaign trail looking like a box ring. >> trump-clinton going head to head. fios is not cable. we're wired differently. so we wired the wagner's house with 100 meg internet. which means in the time it takes mr. wagner to pour a 20 oz. cup of coffee, tommy can download 30 songs, and jan can upload 120 photos. 12 seconds. that's the power of fiber optics. and right now, get our best offer ever. super fast 100 meg internet, tv and phone for just $69.99 per month online, cable can't offer internet speeds this fast at a price this good. only fios can. >> brazilian police chargedzi ryan lochte with filing aliht false robbery report and while most of hise endorses from dropping him one company is him giving him a h the indictment will be sent to the international olympic committee's ethics commission. . lochte could be tried in aabsentia. he lost four sponsors buts picked up a new one pinee throat drops.. >> name calling in the raceg ine for the white house this yesterday hillary clintonllclinn launched major new attack on atk donald trump calling him aling m racist.cist clinton's campaign alsoton' released a new ad featuringeatui members of the klu klux klan k praising trump as the white whie man's candidate. meantime trump is trying a newrw effort to attract african-american voters evenerse go so far as calling clinton aac bigot. clinton's speech has trump on the defensive though this morning.rng. he's accusing her of trying tory smear his he calls her comments thehe oldest play in the democratic playbook saying the pe aimed at distracting from dis questions about her family fil foundation and private e-mail use. >> this morning authorities inth omaha trying the figure outying how a suspect managed to scale s an airport fence strip down toto his boxer shorts steal astea pickup truck and then crash it d into the nose of a plane. pla police say the suspect wasct w probably either on drugs or druo suffering some sorter ofg sor mental breakdown and the fbi and ntsb are now involved. all 18 people aboard thatbod t southwest plane are okay but a flight attendant bumped his elbow one pilot suffered a suffe slight knee >> if you use uber heads up. hea the car riding service is i raising its >> find out how much more the me trip will cost you to take a tak trip after the break. 6:12. 6:12. >> back now at 6:15. bac alert for parents in princere george's county.or a water main break that you'reh seeing right here has closedse cooper lane elementary schooly h in hyattsville.ttsvle even though school justscho jus started that particular school cooper lane elementary will be closed all day because they daye don't have any water service.eri service cut off so wssc canss make repairs.eprs. cooper lane elementary schooly h in hyattsville closed today csey because of that water mainof break. >> a couple days into the school year you think they'reu relieve like hey i get ake little break.little break. >> maybe. >> nothing really going oneall yet. >> started out and go right tonh a long weekend. weekend tuck is at a bigger schoolge right now university ofrsitof maryland. >> it's move >> yeah move in day.n day. they got balloons at all the t entrances.en the great big move in will wil begin in earnest in the next t n couple hours.couple hours college park famous for allous a kinds of things but one of o them is university of maryland m and many of us are alumnilui including me. m went to graduate school hereoo h not so many years ago. maybe it was sometime ago butomt it was a great experience fore o me. university of maryland we'red we exploring college park ofg zurse i'm out zip trippingcout this morning out here in college park and we'll bee' exploring the area until unt 11 o'clock this morning.orni. but great community down here. all right, let'ser get to the weather. sunrise at 6:32 this morning. mg not quite yet but i can see s some pink on the horizon hereonh as we're getting up and and getting nice start to our day at least l from the satellite perspectiveec as we got quiet conditions out here and very warm, very humid conditions.condit i'll tell you what, thatl you wa feeling we had a couple weeks ac ago in the middle of the heat he wave it's kind of settled back in here. 78 now in washington.ngto very sweaty start to your day. d 74 out at dulles.le 72 in frederick.ri we're going to be believe itelit or not mid to upper 90's for daytime highs.ighs those incoming students arent a going to be sweating wheneatingn they're pulling all their stuff into their dormsms carrying them up those stairs. . here's futurecast.'surec 2 o'clock we get some clouds.lod we'll build some cumulus this afternoon with the hotoon conditions and then perhaps an a shower or a stray thunderstorm around 5:00 oa 5:00 or 6:00 tont i don't think it's going to be g a washout.a washout i think the nationals are atre a home against the rockies.ocki should be fine for that game. gm 97 today. little cooler drier for ther weekend. but plenty ofdr sunshine. if you have outdoor plans this weekends you're going the need'o water but it should be dry.d be that's the latest from collegem park. come out and say hi to we'll be here all morning mni long. long. wisdom and holly are on their way. i can hear traffic.raffic >> i can it too. i can i looks quiet on route one. that's good go say hi to everyone inone i college park for the zip triprkf much rig maryland frederick things tng looking good.lo just about a three minute minut delay from 70 to 109 as you you pass urbana. u live look from skyfox.m skyfox. they're over the beltway.over tb you can see the inner loop right there headlights coming towards us. backing up just a little bit b by baltimore-washingtonmo parkway. outer loop looking pretty good but once you hit 95 you'll get5g more congestion on the outer loop. something to keep in mind. mind. we'll take a live look at 66 at in virginia next.ext. back to you allison and steve.te >> all right. rig thank you very much erin.uc e it's going to cost a c dollar more, the new minimum fare is $6.35. nearly two-thirds think uber'sbe rate hike is too much and an and uber spokesperson says part of p the extra money will benefit bef its hard working drivers.ri could hackers be listening to your phone calls andphon tracking your location.ngti >> sounds scary but your i'mr i phone could be givingbe ging attackers access to your most ms private information.ormaon. details ahead and find outut what you can do today to protect yourself. >> ♪ ♪ ♪ award winning interface. award winning design. award winning engine. the volvo xc90. the most awarded suv of the century. steeped slowly in cold water for small batches with an ultra-smooth, full-bodied flavor. discover the craft of cold brew today and keep on. america runs on dunkin'. >> time for our business first we'll check theck t marketsly how are we thisee morning. >> reporter: hi. hi. flat. janet yellen speaks atks a 10 o'clock our time. o'clock o . we'll see what she says ifhe sa anything about what's going on with interrates, this wait andtt see approach all week here ine n the u.s. overseas. overs for the week however markets are down so the nasdaq looksasdo like it's going to snap ano snan something we haven't seen inwe h six and ava half years. y and really the focus of these t dog days of summer right theig end of august is really reay interest >> how the we do for thedoor t month. we talked so much about august t being deadly and brutal for brur the markets. >> reporter: right. r >> we have one more trading day, two more trading days in august. we're almost to the ehe >> reporter: right.. september -- what day is the d first day. >> today is the 26th.odaythe >> reporter: i don't knowon offhand. >> like thursday maybe.e >> reporter: but august isth almost over and honestly ity has not been a bad month.onth in fact it's been a prettyre quiet month. volume has been so light and tight. the s & p has gone about 34ne a3 days now without going 1 percent in either direction. association it is stagnantation feel continues.. >> just kind of treading water to get through the rest of thenh summer time. tmmer >> reporter: treading wateradin absolutely.lute >> let's talk about ourk about r phones, the iphone. iphon we've done stories in the past about this weirdness you talknek about certain things and allaiil of a sudden you get ads forn yod them, are people listening liste talking about.talkinout. right. >> now there's seriouser security issues. >> reporter: and i alwayster: ai assumed that apple products were not hackable. h it's not the case and maybenday our biggest clue is when an a couple weeks ago they said theyi they were going join in with the rest of silicon valley anda pay you to be able to find any issue or hackable points withntw their devices. dic remember they said that.he so you knew something was up.asu now we have it. hackers can and have gottenve tt into iphones before.ef in fact most recently they got o into a man's phone and they ande were able to look at the t contacts, the camera, turn on the microphone to record conversations happening, okay.ka so what do you do? apple ass issued an update to itsts software to the operating system 9.3.5.stem 9 you can download it to get ridet of the malware. malwa if you thought apple devices thg were completely hack proof.k that's not the case.that >> download the update and id ta guess that's the first step in cord cutting. a lot of people have been doing it. now it seems like weeo want the best of both worlds. w >> reporter: we want to seer:e a everything and not pay for it. jd power says the happiest ofapi people who stream video arevideo the ones who still have their existing pay tv so, you're happier with hulu wi and netflix and amazon andzon these other streaming video v sites when you also pay thatt exorbitant cable bill. at the end of th be month. mon it comes from jd power and honestly i'm not sure why amurem maybe it's just the option. >> i guess we're happy for hap everything except the bill wethl get. now we're paying on top off paying for that which goesoes against the cord cutting principle. >> reporter: we had tote switch cable services and iviced asked my husband what our wha monthly bill was and he won't w tell me. >> probably a good idea not to t tell you. y my own bill i don't want to know any more. m >> reporter: i'll say youor don't need all those sports.po x out those channels.osne >> it's always the sports.hepo always the guy right al,ys t a always the t >> sure is. >> thanks lauren.>> t have a great weekend. areat wee. we'll see you monday morning.yo >> reporter: you bye allison. ye bye. >> i do wish i could cut the cost. >> it's ridiculous.iculou and i keep saying i need toee stay informed so i'm going tome do it. >> i say i don't know -- i-- can't miss anything.g. >> yeah. which is the same thing as the what you just said. anyway let's check in on weather shall we.l we. >> 6:25.:25. what's up mike and sid thed si weather dog. >> hey, steve, allison. ais we're celebrating national dog day with sid all day long he'sg' going to be doing weather withgw me occasionally, tucker barnes r will be back in college parkollp in about 10 minutes.. real quick how about a trick. ak give me a shake. s how about a sit. good boy.go b send your pictures in use #fox5 dog day. d we'll be sharing them with our viewers in just a little bite bt 78 in washington, it's warms w humid steamy.humid steam 72 at gaithersburg, 74 dulles. . 72 manassas. here's your planner for ther pl day today. it's going to be a hot one. a ho get ready.ready 90 degrees and humid at 11:00nda a.m. by 2 o'clock, 95 degrees.5 degr by 5 o'clock in the afteron maybe a thunderstorm, most dot stay dry today. t hazy, hot and humid the triplepl h's are back, 96 degrees byees b the time we get to 5 o'clock 5 c later on tonight.onig we got better news for the weekend. humidity's out of here. we kee op the 90's around. but when does the heat break? ea we have 1 det gree of 80's0' coming our way on thatn that seven-day forecast. tucker will have that in just j about 10 minutes.about 10 that's a check of the weather.ct erin como has traffic on this ti national dog day. d >> i have a dream of puttingof i sid at the anchor desk in then t chair and just taking ajust tg a picture. >> i think we can fulfill that treatment. >> maybe we can borrow somebody's glasses to make him'g look like he's really lik thinking. right now we're taking a look at your me orning commute in cou fairfax. inner loop from 267 to the the legion bridge on if i'm.onf i' gw parkway from the beltway to the 14th street bridge looking really nice. n bw parkway northbound cruising r towards the beltway as welle bet problem free on your y secondaries. river road cabin john andad cabh clara let's hop on the roads for ap oa live look.oo 66 starting to see volume picke up also a you get intoo a u getn centreville.revi you can see speeds if 234 to to centreville down to 10 miles per hour. h you're parked at certain cerin points. it's just stop-and-go traffic.oa no crashes to report right now and once you pass centrevilleev you open up a bit in westt falls let's take a bit back at o at or maps right if you want to go out to youutyo canner and say hello at thelot e zip trip everyone else joiningoi him in a little bit baltimore be avenue at lehigh road trafficffc looking good despite the fact f it is move in day at the day at university there.ty t we'll have more traffic in i just a few. allison and steve. >> coming up next, a fox55 exclusive.iv did a local dnc worker gun down -- >> why the found of week leaksek offering a huge lump of cashmp f for a lead in this cold case. 6:27. 6:27 >> ♪ zip tripping college park.or crews getting ready to go working hard.gar all we need are all our great og fox5 viewers to come out and and say hello.say h >> you know they'll be there.ey >> if you see that big coffee truck in the background thatackg might bring you out. >> or that mazda. >> back after this. >> ♪ >> ♪ >> welcome back.>> w that's the college park art exchange one of the features oft that we will be presentingrentin this morning on our amazing amai zip trip to college park, maryland.maryland. don't they sound wonderful? ul uh-huh. love it. welcome back to fox5 newsew hey, it is a fry yay! y this morning prince george'sg pr program will continue despite de the government pulling pli $6 million in federal fundinguni but it didn't say where the s money to run it is going to t come from. last nightm. the school boardoo voted against appealing thealine government's decision. it also voted against a stateta and federal externaller investigation into the allegations. montgomery countynt investigators have identifiedgot six of the seven bodies now recovered from the apartment ape explosion in silver sl investigators have identified 34-year-old. now they've already identified f two children, three adults. a detectives are still working with the medicalki examiner to t identify the remaining body.ody. investigators say a naturalat gas leak caused the augus august 10th explosion. 1 take a look right now if0trf you can stop come to the tv.op c this is a sketch of a plan in loudoun county that policeolic there want to find.nt tfind. county sheriff's department is trying to find this man. he's accused of attacking taata woman at 6:30 yesterdayterday morning on the washington andhi old dominion trail. trail she got recognize this man you'ren y'r asked to call loudoun countynt sheriff's department. >> ♪ >> good morning,, i'm annie yu live in the fox5ox5 news roo last night the founder of wikileaks spoke out about theok death of a democratic national committee staff killed in theaf district. now in the past julian assangeag hinted seth rich may have beenn a wikileaks informant. yesterday in a fox news n interview he revealed evenleev more. mo in the interview assange a skirted the actual question of whether he believes seth richh h was a wikileaks informant.nfman. he would only say he was concerned about the safety ofthy any potential sources who would try to help wikileaks in its endeavors.ndvors >> we're not saying that seth st rich's death necessarily is i connected to our publication.lia that's something that has tohatt be established but if there's any question about a source of wikileaks being threatenedhrea then people can be assuredur that this organization will goil involved in some kind of o attempt to coerce or possibly pi in this case kill a potential source. >> reporter: conspiracyte theories have raged on line since rich's death becaur:seraeh there were no witnesses to hiswe killing back on july 10th.10th now, adding fuel to the fire, wikileaks offered up to as of $20,000 reward for information r leading to an arrest in thein t case but there's no evidence e to suggest rich's death whichhi was 12 days before wikileaks released a barrage of dnc dnc e-mails had anything to dog d with his job with thehh democratic party.ic par. now we should mention we sho reached out to both d.c. police and tenth rich's familysf for reaction to assange's interview with megyn kelly.elly police declined comment andommea rich's family told us "we will l not speculate or respond to unproven theories surroundingroi his murder."himurder." that's the latest. lates live in the news room annie yuae fox5 local news. >> ♪ >> time for the morning 6:33.e game four in the battle of the beltways and max scherzer wasze first inning steve pierce sit down. mark trumbo not going to a max scherzer 10 strikeouts through eighstt innings.nngs. behind scherzer's pitching the nats bats came allison now this is jayson i werth hitting a bomb to centernt you know who ended up withho end that home run ball.all. >> who. who >> our very own grant paulson. n jayson werth with that solohat bottom of the eighth murphyf thh putting one down the righte do field line for a double.ouble. bryce harper with the two run double.le. that plates werth nats win four-sip.our- tony romo hit from behindom right there and that isere trouble for the cowboys. another injury for romo.ry for hurt on the field in preseasonrn game a back injury left the the game walked off under his own power insisted that he wase able to come back in the game gm but he didn't. saying that romo wasom w asking the coach if he couldf hu get back in the game. jerry jones doesn't look sooesn good there but he said romo is good, he's not hurt. he'l we'll see what plays out in on dallas. he's had a history of notot making it through the season. so not that the redskins fans are disappointed that but you hatebt to see somebody get hurt. >> ♪ >> no flute out there.ute ou >> snow.>> snow. >> all strings. >> that's all right.hat's conductor barns is well underban way in his symphony thisis morning. >> uh-huh. >> tuck, i think you should s grow your hair really longhair quit this job and become aecom conductor full time.fu >> do you think so. s >> yes.>> y >> i need a little more.d a lile i need a little more. m come on. >> and now it's becoming thathat movie from -- what was thet s movie, al. >> one new over the cuckoo'sucks nest. >> no. well, it could go either way. wy >> what's up, tuck. up, t >> i think i'm doingoi irreversible damage to them. hey, college park youthark uth symphony are fantastic and a they're part of the college col park arts exchange out heres ex and they to all kinds of things. they do yoga, music, art so -- s by the way they are fantastic. really enjoying them for the the last 20 minutes or so and we early and hanging out with us.h we're on our zip trip thisrip th morning in college park.g coll. going to be here all morning moi long. long. already people that live int liv the community come out and say hi to us. to us. going to be a big party downbig here. wisdom and holly are on their way and steve is going to come m down and join us in a little lil bit. let's do some weather. looking at temperatures overnight.over sweaty and hot overnight lowsow only in the upper 70's. currently 78 in washington. wasi i want to mention that tha relative humidity.tive humidity. our dewpoint temperatures havete been climbing andmp it's i 87 percent. pnt. very, very uncomfortable outablo here early.arly winds out of the south andt of west at a this is going to be a hot one. o mid to upper 90's for daytime di highs today. that's the satellite and radar. going out to the national toatio watch them beat the rockies i i think you're in good shape.goha that will be an isolated storm m later today. tay. it will be hot.ot lots and lots of water fer you're performing outdoorsutdo you'll need water tay. 97 your daytime high.our little cooler tomorrow annr rr little less humid but still inti the hot department with lyles in the low 90' t we'll look at sunday and then tn early next week coming up incomn that's the latest from route rou one.on thank you, thank you, thankha you. (applause). again college park youth symphony doing fantastic.antast. let's toss to erin.rin. >> caught me clapping great job conducting. we're really impressed backed bk here. the kids did a wonderful job. unschedule track work delays toughie glen on the orange line between landovertw and new carrolton.rolton. we have unfortunately greenlyren line delays earlier malfunction at congress congres heights. delays to branch safe track surge eight does sure start on saturday so keep in kei mind that and then tonight ifoni you're headed to the nats game, nats versus the rockieski 7:05 at nats park. par give yourself extra time to time get there. metro will be crowded.rowded. let's take a live look at yourat current commute from skyfoxut over the beltway as you makeou k your way out light volumeum increasing outer loop volumeoopm over to georgia avenue. inner loop pretty quiet there. e more crowded by crowded baltimore-washington parkway.hig allison and steve. >> 6:37 right now. n a prestigious university heree in this country changing how h it handles sensitive subjectsube like rape and sexual assaultssau and we'll have those details for you coming up. now at havertys furniture, it's our labor day sale. where you can create the perfect home. from now until september 5th, you'll find huge savings on stylish pieces. get free delivery, plus an extra hundred-dollars off every thousand-dollars you spend. with havertys, your home can be perfect, even when life isn't. mom? have you see my iguana? the labor day sale is on now, at havertys. life looks good. fios is not cable. we're wired differently, which means we can fix things fferently. thanks for calling fios. this is ryan. you can't tell me this cord isn't in. i know it's in. it's in, but it's not working. i'm sending you a link to the my fios app that going to let me see what you're seeing. really? yes, mr. mcenroe... see that cord? plug it into the connector on the right. so you can clearly see what's in and what's out? oh absolutely. i like that. tech support that lets your technician see the problem over your smartphone. only from fios. >> 6:40. back on this friday withthis what's trend other web. first up it is consistentlynd ranked one of the topf t universities in the world buttis the university of chicago hastyo a warning for incoming students.stud do not expect safe spacesfe during their time at the their school. in a letter sent to the classlas of 2020 the university says "our commitment to academic ami freedom means we do not support so-called triggergg warnings. we do not cancel invited speakers because their topics tp might be controversial. ." and it's probably a safea s bet that an item that -- thishat doesn't go up for auction verytn often. of the skeleton of the dodo bird dd will be going to the highestig bidder during an upcomingpc auction in the united the dodo bird is extinct butter summers place auctions is selling what it describes der as a rare composite skeleton of this creature.e. british conservationist billst odie says he hopes the buyer b will be major museum so the public gets a chance to seat to composite sketch. it's the dodo bird ot compared to the do do bird. >> it's a caricature drawing. >> it's the real deal.real >> time right now is 6:42.w is 4 coming up after the break a pilot explaining to hisining h passengers the unusual reasonalo that there was a very longer flight delay.flig it's a bizarre story thatry t we'll share in just a minute. mn first show we're zipow we' p tripping this morning. this mor. want everybody to come outro to college park maryland thisarl morning. right on the main drag by city hall. you can't miss the pink setupk s there for the dunkin' donuts truck and the tents and the andt mazda and the crew and all thehe red shirts. hope to see you down there soon. >> ♪ steeped slowly in cold water for small batches with an ultra-smooth, full-bodied flavor. discover the craft of cold brew today and keep on. america runs on dunkin'. >> guess what day it is?t da >> it is fox5 dog day. >> national dog day.l >> and it's national dog day. d but it's really fox5. fox >> it's all about us.l abt >> i think it's about achilles. >> achilles loving his car rides.rides. pure joy. oh, my goodness . >> [laughter] >> wait a minute. superman. >> that's awesome. >> looks like superman justt walking through. throu >> great >> hi silly puppy grayson says. sa >> that's ziggi with a i. >> and a little min pin. p lil l. keep them coming all morningorng long. >> that was addressed to mike because like brought in hisn precious little on there you are.erare this is our resident fox5ox weather dog now. >> such a good boy.od boy >> keep sending in those photos and use that #fox5 dogog day and we'll share them withwi our viewers. >> love it. i >> what a good job you've done n with >> i try. so young, he's still learning. >> tucker you're missing it.youe i know you're having a good'r time out there today bute we'vw got sid in the studio today. >> i see him run argue round.oud cute as can be allison but ifut you don't have dogs to playo p with i have something else equally as exciting. ein this is jean and jean is withn w the college park community i getting that right. >> yes. >> tell me all about gardening g in college park becausege p obviously you've had someu'ad s success. >> we started this a couple ofe years ago and i think therenk te were several reasons for it. first of all, people enjoy enj growing things of course and ofa people are much more consciouscu of having organic things ton t eat these days but besideses thatol quite a lot of trees and so we e can't really grow things nears n our house so we neededee something like this.hi >> so the idea is if you liveouv in an apartment or if yount don't have property to growy tow your own garden at your house h you can rent a little spacere and then create your ownnt >> that's exactly right, yes.ach we have -- the plots are about 4-foot by eight, we pay $15 for a plot for a year and then t we gro go up and grow our own o vegetables. the city provided the space,ce, the equipment for building the raised beds and we have a a couple work nights we all gotk i out that and we got our hammers and our shovels and we shoveled earth and we built b the >> and i love it. a love this is the result. res all of this has been grown bygrw you. >> that's correct. >> i am very impressed.mpreed. what do you find the most difficult thing to grow aroundgr here. >> well, personally i haven'tavn had much luck with beans.h b >> yeah. a lot of people grow flowers,lo just flowers. beautiful to see and other people just go herbs and a starts off with nothing at theng beginning of the summer. smer. looks like a jungle now.eow >> i love that about this area. for more information where can n people go to sign up.le go >> if they are college parke residents they simply sign on o at the city hall right heret pay a little fee and we give them a plot. a plot. >> okay. >> and that's the way itt works. >> thank you for joining me. m i'm going to eat your tomatoes.toes. >> they're not washed.hey' >> i like to live dangerously.ay let's do the weather.t's we're looking at hot andokin sweaty conditions to start the morning wouldn't you say.wouldn. >> i think so.o. >> garden probably lovers it though. though. tomatoes love this weather. wear >> they do. i'm going have to go up there t and clear up some weeds later today. >> can i join you. can >> you can do it all yourself. l >> let's look at the seven day. 97 today. very hot and humid thisnd h afternoon. we'll do a littlbe week but it's stillbe going toog be on the hot side.ide. isolated chance for a shower s or storm later today and then saturday and sunday we shouldho keep it dry if you have outdoor plans lies in the lows i 90's. what was keep that heat around o into next jean if you need water isyo there a way to water your waterr garden or are you just j dependent on the storms.ent >> that's one of the problems. t we're working on getting a water line.rin otherwise we have to carry itry and college park is planning aia couple more one at the north end one at the south end so end we'll have a lot of plots ins i college park. p >> thanks for joining me.joinin. again the college parkge p community garden. g let's do traffic get it backtac inside to erin.o e this is amazing.zi >> i want a tomato mozzarella and mayo sandwich on white whi bread. looks great tucker.grea go out to college park and sayed hi to tucker, holly and wisdomio and steve will be down a little bit later to join thehe right now in prince george'srg county inner loop a little bitlt sluggish from branch avenue to the wilson bridge as you headdg t t in oxon hill.ou look at that a crash fourrash fu westbound past water street ine upper marlboro.arlbor wa skyfox over 270.r 270. this is dog days, we dos das have sid the weather dog in here and #fox5 dog day so we'll wander to see those cutee pictures keep them coming. we can switch outside to oure t here we go. you can see at 270 at the split to the spur traffic ishe flowing but it's really s heavya on the southbound side from father hurleyly down to aboutwnt tucker man.tuck man north of that point you y couldn't jest by the truckruck from frederick to the beltwaytwy leave 15 minutes early to play it safe. it safe. we'll take a look at 395 next. n that's your look at traffic. back to you. >> thanks erin.>> t appreciate it. >> of course. >> ♪ >> there it is. >> cool. >> i was waiting for the wai music. i was going to like jump in.e j. >> i know. >> good to see you guys this seu morning. >> we like to mix it up on a a friday. >> they don't even tell me.n't they're like okay you're on oka >> mixing it up.>> >> i love our crew they're mcrew amazing. by the way i have to say this.a. huge movie week and i think thi this week has been -- it's not n a great movi office-wise but there's so t many films opening up thisms o week. >> okay. >> first up is going to beis t south side with you.side with yu this is the film about the t first date between the future fe president of the united stateshu and the first lady michelle obama and president barack obama. this took place in 1989 inii chicago on their first date. d based around that. it has a lot of truth to it.rut they had their first kiss over ice cream.ic i didn't know he worked at baskin robbins for his first hit job in hawai >> what. >> i did not know that.w tt. >> sounds like allison.. i worked at baskin robbins. rbi >> i didn't know that either: : patrick sawyer place barackwyere obama. and tika sumpter playser plays michelle robinson at this this time. ti it's about their first date. d they saw spike lee's do the t right phenomenal film. fil this performances are it's all dialogue and it's and i really, really beautiful wellifl made i highly recommend seeing it's a wonderful romantic filmaf and it really does a great jobj of just putting politics aside and just telling a love story.or >> a day. day. >> one day. and they saw spike lee's doke ls the right thing.t thing. >> one day. >> for their first movie.he fir what a phenomenal. phenome i loved it. gave it a four out of five. fiv >> oh great.great. >> absolutely loved it loved i performances are amazing. patrick sawyer is so great as i barack >> where have we seen himen him before. >> he's actually born in newor i york lives in london but the t cool thing about him eels not impersonating obama. obama he's interpreting him because bc this is before his obviously obv before he is now. he ow. it's cool to see that.ha nice. ni >> good option.n. >> directed by john legend. >> john legend produced it. i slot in 17 days. >> wow. >> slot in 17 1ays. don't breathe, this movie, all,l right, it is a great film butilt i will never in my life ever watch this film ever again. aga it is one of the most disturbing relentlessly brutal horror films i've ever seen in my life and it's one of thosese movies where it's well madee shot well directed well very,l v very scary very, very v intention steven lang blind man in this film threein t people try to rob his house he has $300,000 in cash in theren e turns into their worstir wst nightmare but that prophecy, pp, there is one scene that i amt a never going to be able to ae erase from my mind and that to me it pushes it out oft out entertainment and pushes it into disturbing repulsiveness.s. i think the film is well made. m i gave it a four out of five.e. but just know that i'm kind of not recommending it does that make sense. >> fair enough. >> where do i know the young foy man from.ou >> young boy from goosebumpsoobu and the director did evil deadvd as well -- remade evil dead. resurrection rapid fire thisid s movie is awful.s awf this is best scene in thehe whole movie.. watch the trailer.triler. everything else is terrible.ribl direction is bad editing iss bad and pacing is bad. b it's the sequel we did noteid need. need the first one came out incame o 2011. not worth seeing.t wo i would just see bad boys twos on netflix. that to to me is a action movie. m i don't care about story this movie is poorly >> other options which ishich good. good >> hands of stone three out ofon five.e i'll get to that in the 8 o'clthock hour.r. >> that's the one we wanted toeo hear about.hear a it's not bad.ot b it's goo i got to mention my dogy dog national dog day.tional dog day >> hi oscar. oscar >> so my dog apparently thinksyi that our bed is now his bed. so, we got these his or herer bed sheets for our pillows.ilws >> look at this next picture.s . >> this is how he sleeps every night. that's my spot on the bed and he -- i can't sleep correctly cy 'cause his face is right thereht and he just -- jus >> you're not telling me m anything that doesn't make sense. >> when i get up to move himge he gets upset and >> i did that with a hundred hun pound dog.und dog. a little tougher to move. tou >> named after the academyfter a awards.awar love that guy so much oscar.scar >> move it on over. or. >> he's in the wedding he's he' walking down the aisle.he a >> very cool.>> great recommendations from fro kevin as far as movies this weekend.we >> got my single shot goingng steve. st >> sorry. >> telling you about someou flight delays.flht d they're nothing new.ey'rnoth flight held up though becausecae of a shouting match betweenet crew members, that's a little different and happened as an easy jet flight i was getting ready to -- i saidad easy have you ever heard of that.hedf >> yes, easy jet. >> it's a discounts carrier.rrir >> really.eally. i wouldn't have known by thatav name. it was getting ready to take tak off from london to belfast b yesterday. apparently the heated argumentrn was over unpacking water bottles. english tv personality who was w on the plane live treat hadea tweeted the whole trying to see that person'sn' face. is that person who is arguing including this picture of thefhe captain apologizing to thegizi o passengers for the delay. the two crew membersembers eventually were booted fromly w the plane.the total delay time an hour and a half.ha >> wow. not fun. >> uh-uh. >> always something.ometng >> but not that.ha >> got to give you a hug. h >> thanks guys.>> thanks gu >> appreciate it.>> appreciate . >> makes it better i >> you know what makes itw better it's nationalwh dog day y and sid is in here. >> we are all celebratingelebti national dog day.og d. good to have sid here. h this is the one trick wee haven't nailed down is himed d catching the ball yet. thel yet. let's see if he can do it.if oh, he caught it. >> yay! (applause). >> making progress on thisg pr friday morning.fridorni hey, quick check of your forecast. 97 degrees later on today. lat very hot and humid and sticky. s maybe a thunderstorm in the ftrnoon. weekend stays hot but dry. dry 9790 saturday and sunday.y and y into in this case week we go.we. we keep the mid 90's around atua least until next wednesdayednesd when a cold front will swingillg through and maybe bring usand back to the 80's by next's by erin over to you.r to >> mike right now it's 6:56. 6:5 it's friday morning. morni we have delays both directionssr due to some unscheduled trackd k work on the orange line.n e or we're back to normal on the green line regular service svi restored after an earlier e malfunction at congress congress heights. let's go ahead and take a live look outside and show you what w else you're up against thisgaint morning. also a you head out on skyfoxn y things other inner loop oth backing up a bit as you makeak your way out from the spur. t this is 270 southbound.bound. loop there. more traffic in just a few. keep it to fjuox5 new >> ahead at 7:00 o'clock thist morning did the dnc workerdid killed here in d.c. work for remains as wikileaks founderer julian assange speaks againsga about seth rich. and feds taking away moneywy from the prince george's county head start more on ho sw this will impact e program. and tick or tack hillaryhill clinton taking jabs at donalddoa trump after he called her ad her bigot on the campaign trail. t >> first though live lookli outside at our zip trip. tri we are in college park this t morning on this friday morningrg it's august 26th.26th all the crews getting there. th. sun is up. we're waiting for everything toh heat up and we invite to youe come on out and hang with our crew. ew weather and traffic coming up ou the 5's at 7:05. 7 good friday everybody i'm al soo seymour.seymou >> i'm steve welcome to fox5 news before we get our headlines weds have alert for parents in princn george's county because water main break closed cooper laneane elementary school in hyattsvil hyattsville. >> the school will be closed today because of water service that's been cut off so that wssc can make the repairs to

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