Going to be quite popular. Be careful. True. And speaking of summer, today, hundreds of young people came out for a career episode to learn about jobs, summer job opportunities. It was head at arena stage. This is part of Marion Barrys summer employment program, targeting young people ages 1424. This year, the program will give 12,000 young people a paid sixweek summer job. The iti department of employment services. So great they do that. I know, it is. Yes. Coming up ahead, beyonce backlash, what pittsburghs chief of police is saying tonight about his officers refusing to work security at queen bees upcoming concert. Ripped by ex bodyguards, crazy demands, and diva antics, hes accusing the rapper of. And the next wizard player said he was denied seat on a train, all because of his race. His story now massively viral on social media. Over the Top University bang university tradition, where student will no longer be allowed to toss their caps. And men literally walking in our shoes, why group of guys decided to wear high heels to work for a day, and the painful lessons they all learn. I get it. Toeing are talking Entertainment News tonight. Talking beyonce. Police union talking plans to boycott the Superstars Concert in steel city. Some officers are refusing to work security for the may 31 concert, officers dont want to support the artist because they dont like what she has to say. Law enforcement members have taken offense to what they consider antipolice sentiment, city chief of police says the department will have enough staffing to provide security for the upcoming show. A bodyguard to the stars, former client include kanye west, is painting ugly picture whats it like to work for west. Told the sun that west behaves like a toddler, and demands staff not speak i presence. Only worked for west for two weeks, and says, he was fired after introducing himself to wests wife kim kardashian. How dare you . Maybe his children rush being off on him . Jennifer low asbestos celebrates her curves and wants fans to be proud of their curves, too. So now selling this tank that says lucky to have these curves. Along with her picture. The shirts are limited edition will only be on sale for the next two weeks. Jlo fans in a range of body types can rock the look, the shirts go up to size triple xl. Rock the curves. Lucky to have the curves. So, group of men found out walking in heals isnt assisi as we make it look. Style list magazine in great britain, put their male employees in heals. I love it. Take a look at the reaction. laughing . Nice. I think every guy should try it out. Oh, my gosh, hilarious. Are you crazy . High heal races, you know . Right. Exactly. So the video comes after a british woman was fired for not wearing heals at work. What . Ridiculous is that britain, it is perfectly legal for employers to determine dress codes, including heals for women. The woman is now collecting signatures on a petition to make dress requirement more equal for men and women. Stylist magazine made this video to highlight sexism forcing women to wear heals. Look at that. I know, hilarious. So surprised by that. That if she could get fired . Interview with governor larry hogan. Oh, my staff told me not to do it. Doctors told me not to do it. Why did you do it . So, what was it that he did do against the advice of doctors and staff . Ill let you know when my interview with governor larry hogan coming up. Ronica . Reporter well, reports that governor under federal investigation, and what is donald trump saying now about hill and bill clinton . Well have all of the political headlines you need to know after the break. And if you have a story idea for us please call fox5 tip line the number thereon your screen 202 8953000. Or email your tips to fox5 tips at wttg. Com. Vo for dominion, part of delivering Affordable Energy includes supporting those in our community who need help. Our Energyshare Program does just that, assisting with bill pay and providing free, energysaving upgrades. Its more than helping customers, its helping neighbors. Stand by me no to that face. Then we wanted more of that local flavor so betty says. Oh yeah, thats betty. Youre going to want to do this alligator thing. And betty didnt lead us wrong. A little later we passed some dancing. And who doesnt like dancing . Especially when its followed by fireworks everyones nola is different. Follow yours. Bridges georges county investigating a shooting in temple hymns. Police say man shot overnight in an apartment complex on the 4400 block of 23rd parkway. The victim was taken to the hospital where he later died. So far no word yet on suspect or motive in this case. Currently 25,000 reward for any information leading to arrest. If you know anything, police opportunity hear from you. Meanwhile, Baltimore Police officer edward nearo acquitted on all charges in the freddie gray case. Nero was the second of six officers charged in the case to stand trial. He he he faced assault, wreckless endangerment, miss con in office charges. Gray died of severe spinal cord injury, while in Police Custody last april. Today, a judge concluded nero played a little role in grays arrest, and was not responsible for the failure, by police, to buckle gray in. It has governor larry hogan announced to the world he had cancer. Today, doctors say, hogan is cancerfree. A lot has happened in a year. Governor hogan sat down with me, to recount the past year, what hes been through, and how it is affected him. I called this press Conference Today to talk about new challenge. It was june 22nd, 2015, governor larry hogan had been in office only five months. Flanked by family and with a shaky voice, he delivered the disturbing and personal news. I was diagnosed with cancer it is an aggressive bcell nonhodgkins lymphoma. Advanced cancer of the lymph nodes. Fifty to 60 tumors throughout his body. He wanted the public to know everything. Confident wanted him to keep it private. All of my staff told me not to do it, the doctors told me not to do it. To do this, why did you do it . I just thought it would come out. I can did i want to keep it a secret. I wanted to try, if this could help anyone else, i wanted to use what i was going through to help other people. Thus ghana new journey, and his biggest challenge to date. I was in the hospital five days, 24 hour chemo, up all night, then i took 16 days off, went back again. That went on for six months. He held cabinet meetings in the hospital, and when his staff wasnt there steroids kept him walking all hours. Makes you hungry, you cant sleep. Youre like wired all night. Yep. So my staff, i was in the hospital, texting, it is like one, two, three, four, 5 00 in the morning, i had nothing to do, sitting in the hospital room just wide awake, you know, all of these ideas flowing, because i was wiser on the steroids. Would wake up in the morning and say what the heck happened . Happy im back to work and they did can get to sleep. When he wasnt working he made the rounds, visiting with other Cancer Patients. You k positive, and focused, but i had to keep them pumped up, you know, at the same time. So that was your focus . Thats casino of what kept you distracted . Well, i stayed distracted with a lot of things. I stayed real positive, i tried to work with other patients, the whole time i was in the hospital. I made laps around the cancer ward, and stopped by, talk to everybody. Eventually, the kimmo took a toll. And it really does wear you down. He lost his hair, because extremely fatigue, it was the same time the pope came to washington. When i met pope francis, and had the opportunity blessed by him, i asked for his blessing for all Cancer Patients around the worlds. I felt like i was getting plenty of prayers, but other people maybe didnt have as many people focused on them. Did you at any point think were you going to die . I tried not to focus on it but certainly i mean the odds they gave me there was certainly a chance that far happening. Tomorrow night what hogan says god him through his treatments, what he credits for his quick recovery. Not just the medicine, he says. Also, does the governor have any political aspirations beyond marylands top seed . And he tells us how this experience has changed him. I also want to take this opportunity to let you know that fox5 is once again the Media Sponsor for the leukemia lymphoma societys light the night campaign. Coming up this fall if i want to start a team to help fight blood cancers, you can go to light the night. Org back slash nca. Wow. Well, virginias governor. A lot to talk about in the worlds of politics tonight ronica cleary here with the stories you night to know about. It isnt all politics for the president during this trip. The president also sat down with anthony, and hes the host of parts unknown, a travelbased show that airs on cnn. Now, he tweeted low plastic stools, cheap but delicious needles, cold hanoi beer, sitting with the president , he also tweeted that the meal cost only 6 he paid. Well, best food i ever had in viet nam. I believe it. Well, last week in a interview, donald trump accused bill clinton of rape. Trump took to twitter last week attacking bill. He said amaze inning that crooked Hillary Clinton can do a hit out on me concerning women. When her husband was the worse abuser of women in us political history. Today trump released video asking is hillary really protecting women . movie clip . I try to pull away. laughing . Cnn reported that Governor Terry mccullough being investigated by the f. B. I. For donations to his Gubernatorial Campaign that were possibly illegal. The investigation has been going on for at least a year. Though the governor has not been contacted at this point, about it. Now, i will be sitting down with governor mccullough tomorrow for aint view where i will ask him about the Campaign Contributions in question. Along with hands full of other topics. So, do you have a question that you would like me to post . Hashtag fox5 interview. Thank you, very much. So much going on. Oh, yes, thanks,onica now being bands at one university. Hear what the school says what they plan to do after the ceremony make sure students still get the classic class soda. Jim . One time they do that . All right, new focus on the nfl concussion research. Do you believe short change study promise to funds the two to 30 million. Well the feds are getting involved in that one. We will talk about that. Hey, caitlin . Jim, up 23 days, finally starts to feel like may out there. Look at these high temperatures. Three for three on the perfect 75 reagan dullos and bwi. We keep warming up with that, in fact, really, really warming up as we head to the holiday weekends. Thinking warm thoughts, have your seven day forecast for you right after this. When we come back. What are you doing . Sara, i love you, and. [phone rings] ah, its my brother. Keep going. Sara, will you marry. [phone rings again] what do you want, todd . . . . [crowd cheering] keep it going if you sit on your phone, you buttdial people. Its what you do. Todd if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. Its what you do. I know we just met like, two months ago. Yes [crowd cheering] [crowd cheering over phone] in great britain, stopping the tradition. But, is going to have graduates pretends to throw their caps in the air. And then photo shop them later seem like awful lot of work. But, really . And how injured can you get by . Caitlin, have you ever been hit by a graduation cap . Cant i save. No. But ive only been to high whom sky and college. Ive never, ever heard of that. We have to protect everybody. Keep everybody in a bubble. We do. Be very careful head out to the commencement ceremonies. Careful headed out today, weather wise, getting little rough out there. Really s and weve had a lot of wet weather out there. So, lets start off with a live look outside right there. You have had clouds and showers, even some strong thunderstorms with some small hail within them. That has been showing up on radar. Since earlier this afternoon. We finally, got some heat and humidity out there. And as a result, well, you know, we got some thunderstorms, of course wasnt a day without the rain, unfortunately, satellite and radar showing low pressure system that brought us the rain all weekend long, it is now spinning off toward our north and east. But on the back side of it cycling in enough moisture seeing the rare occurrence moving northeast to southwest across the area, usually it is the opposite case. But with the circulation of this low pressure system, that is what weve got this afternoon, and some very heavy rain at. That will as you look at whats over baltimore, right now, like i said, in our area, had some strong to severe storms with small hail reported around the area. Thanks again for all of your reports, Caitlin Roth Fox fight fox5 we appreciate the reports, and any pictures. Storm tracker radar, better view of the cluster of showers and storms up 95 toward baltimore, heavy lightning, rain there. Closing in on the dmv, seen some strong showers, with some thunder and lightning, although, no lightning over the district right now. Here is some showers, as we head up into northern dc then up into southern montgomery county, over into northern prince georges county, too. And that extends back toward fairfax, the wholear northeast to southwest. Severe thunderstorm warning act tiff for queen answer and Talbot County maryland. Thats across the bay even shore, warned for dupe to the hail thats possible since some of the storms, up by annapolis, probably, seeing decent light show as the storms rumble through the baltimore area. So, we got thunderstorms around through the evening tonight. I think by about sunset theyll start to die down. Then by 10 00, 11 00 pretty much all over. Like we showed you off the top, 75 was the high today all around the area, right now, sitting in the 60s, 69 washington, 63 manassas, 757 frederick where it hasnt cooled off yet. No storms in frederick so far. Fox future cast, as we go through the next few hours, the showers and storms dropping south, so i think you still need the umbrella through this evening, not until after dark, after 10 00 p. M. , we start to clear out. That will sunshine tuesday morning, and tuesday will be sunnier, nicer, maybe isolated story, storm, but this is really upper level low as it pulls out. So very limited moisture with that, maybe few clouds and isolated shower for tuesday, terrific weather, 70s and 80s, made it to the mid 70s today, i think we hit 08 tomorrow. With High Pressure in place, very comfortable. By wednesday, this is when were going to starting to from march weather we had over the weekend to late june, july weather, heat pumps start with the bermuda High Pressure system in place, turns hot, humid, temperatures approaching 90 degrees, also, some pop up thunderstorms are possible there. Lets get straight to your seven day forecast for you. This is what were looking at. As we go through the next few days, really starting to warm things up like i said, well into the 80s, and maybe even making a run at 90 degrees. Well have that seven day forecast for you again at 6 00 by the way. I know so quick. Look at that good looking weather team. Why . Because i wanted to get to that good looking weather team. Who needs the seven day forecast when you can have those right there. No, this is just another reminder fox5 we at the park, begins at 1 00 against the mets. We will be there teaching a lot of the dc, maryland, Virginia Area kids weather. Afterward come to the game a dollar from each ticket benefits leukemia lymphoma society. All for good cause, educational calls, and it will be beautiful day. Awesome. Yes, it will be fun. It will be great. Hope everyone and there is enough of you now i think you could almost field a team. We could, right . How many is that . Lets head over to tony and sean. Fox5 local news at 6 00 tony will be, there as well. Ill be the team manager. Yes, your number seven then, okay. Play ball. I havent been out there for couple of years, so it will be fun. Fun morning, i should say. All right, well, you guys know that some people love elaborate, creative wedding proposals. One man thought it would be great idea to parachute in, pop the big question to his true love, unfortunately, though, things did not go as about how this one ended beyond just him being caught. Then, this picture of singer lala hathaway, caused quite fire storm on social media. All because of the hat shes wearing. Runted a student outside of his high School Northwest dc. How you can help police still tonight at 6 00. Thank you. Ordering chinese food is a very predictable experience. I order b14. I get b14. No surprises. Buying business internet, on the other hand, can be a roller coaster White Knuckle thrill ride. Youre promised one speed. But do you consistently get it . You do with comcast business. Its reliable. Just like kung pao fish. Thank you, ping. Reliably fast internet starts at 59. 95 a month. Comcast business. Built for business. And we just couldnt say thno to that face. Ns then we wanted more of that local flavor so betty says. Oh yeah, thats betty. This alligator thing. And betty didnt lead us wrong. A little later we passed some dancing. And who doesnt like dancing . Especially when its followed by fireworks everyones nola is different. Follow yours. Well, the us is apparently in the midst of a dairy dilema according to the u. S. Da, cheese and butter inventory in the u. S. Reached their highest level in 30 years. Currently, the us is sitting on a 1. 2 billionpound stockpile of cheese. More than half of which is amic that surplus in milk products has led to rock bottom prices on all types of cheese. The take away here is feel free to eat more cheese if thats in your die. The if you can, got some fat in it, apparently looks like lowfat die rest bad for you. So, yes. Thats right. Experts are saying, you need more healthy fats in your diet. Maybe thats not new report says, mostly what were told about healthy using is wrong. It also accuses Public Health organizations of column identifying with the food industry, it says, eating a diet rich in full fat dairy like cheese, yogurt, lowers the risk of obesity, there you go. I dont do dari. Thats fine. So i get my healthy fats from avacado, nuts, and salmon. Yes. Do not eat ice cream . I try not to, my stomach. But i do. But i will go to town, i will go to town but no, i dont do dont put me on a soap box, because i will not stop. It is a hobby. I have a block of cheese in my desk right now, halfway through it. See the west wing, big block of cheese, every day is big block of cheese day. Cocktail party, ill eat the cheese. All right. Fair enough. All right, were going to talk right now, press pus of 80 degrees week, football. Unfortunately, not talking about anything about whats happening on the field, talking a little about congress, congress of course cant get much done today. Or any day. But both sides on the aisle seem to a greet nfl is dropping the ball when it comes to investigating and researchers cte, the debilitating brain disease affected dozens of nfl players over the years. Ct, of course, also new attention after the movie concussion came out last year, congressional, tried to cherry pick, at a study done at boston university, under the promise the more than 30 million toward the research but yanked most of it, league denies to intervene and said it will continue to support other Research Project into cte which of course affect a lot of people and a lot of interest in that of course. Meantime, eton thomas played nine of his nba seize sons with the wizards, never big star, but social media impact was quite evident over the weekends. Thomas posted this photo after woman on board a amtrak train, after she allegedly refused to allow thomas to sit next to her, but, allegedly a lot of white man to do so few minute later. Here is the post, verbatim on your screen. I asked did you just not want me to sit next to you . Were you scared, not comfortable when black man sitting next to you . She said dont pull the race card stuff with me. I date add black guy in college. She complains to a conductor about him take that picture, he says the conductor blew her off and praised him for his community work. The post has had more than 38,000 shares, 153,000 likes, we should point out that woman has not come forward to address or refute claims. Got to get both sides of the story but certainly a lot of attention paid to. That will absolutely terrifying moments in pit burying, ryan, pitcher for the the pirates at the balance, drilled in the face by a pitch from jordan lyle, 92 miles an hour, right under the advise or, we dont know if he lost consciousness, you can tell obviously some regret there. He was held by a trainer onto a cart. He was taken by ambulance to nearby hospital. But i want to show you this. This is the moment of impact when it happened. A photographer on the pit burying tribute call this angle. No word from the team on his latest condition. Should know more tomorrow. Poor guy. I dont think i needed to see that. No, im sorry. Im sorry. But dont look at this. Maybe you might sympathize. Golden state green taking it to the tender part of oklahoma sit Stephen Adams in last place. Of course, yes. It shows many angles, many different times. Here goes. Ready . There oh ouchy. Here is the problem. It happened the day before too. Oh,. Same two guys. No. Green is refuting the game it was intentional, maybe just really good shot. Sort of Natural Movement of the leg there. Apparently concerning might be suspended which could be good possible, by the way, adam said he is considering wearing groin protection for game four. By the way specially if that guy is around. Bobble head night tonight, 25,000 of these going out at nats park. Just noticed there is i tweeted it, i mean, this is not new information, but whether you see it up close, so he has two different colored eyes, down just to that. Is there a chance, could we show it . Im told hold it very still. So you might be able to see. You can. The blue and the brown right there. This commemorate his first nohitter bye was last year, last june 20th against the pirate. Second one will be handed out in august. So, yes, casino of cool. So tonight, 25,000, not look to go do stop. Sorry, sorry, maybe you should kick who knows. Ya . Thank you. Sure. Always a pleasure. All right, coming up single dad shows what it is like raising a young daughter in heartwarming comics, that story straight ahead. Stay with us, well be right back. One man is sharing what it is like to be a single dad with heartwarming comics. He shows the struggle, single fathers face dalely like him trying to style his daughters hair t says dont worry, daddy it is not so bad. Well, also one of him playing with his little girl, she is saying daddy i lover when you you hold me. And, he is thinking, if you only new how much youre the one holding me. Oh, the one who drew up the cartoon, yanik, selftaught artist and single year old girl. Owe. Very cute. It is a loft work. It is. Whether you are a mom or dad, single parent, and acknowledging, you know, that, you know, what dads go through, single dads go through, you know, sweet. I like seeing a dad like brushing his daughters hair. I think it is the cutest. But probably for him, to write out the little moments, very common for other people, and people can relate to it, too. Thank you for joining us tonight at 5 00. Fox5 local news at 6 00 starts right now. This is fox5 local news at 6 00. So, obviously, were outraged, angered, miscarriage of justice. Not guilty, reaction to the first verdicts in the death case of freddie gray. Then a violent robbery takes place in front of an exclusive dc high school. Now that metro has unveiled its massive plane to rail system, how Transportation Leaders in one part of the dmv are responding to the delays and closures. The news starts now. And it is good to have you with us, tony perkins. Look at the weather, may not seem like it, but sunny, clears skies are on the way, we promise. We had little bit earlier today. Sue palka is joining us now. Sue, we have had some storms during the last couple of hours, but we will get some sun later, correct . Later this week, for sure, tony, i think we have to deal with the storms rolling through between now and 9 00. After the sun goes down it, should get better. Sun was out earlier, helped to destabilize us, the contrast between the two air masses, firing up some pretty strong storms. Nothing severe at the moment. Straight to radar we go, to show that you were continuing to track storms moving from northeast to southwest, through the area, and you can see, those as we get in little closer here on dc. Soap, w in d. C. Still have some showers across fairfax county. But there is stronger activity to the south and east and up toward the baltimore area. So more storms coming down again from northeast to southwest. So you can see the direction theyre going to be moving. This is pretty lightningfilled storm were watching around Chesapeake Beach and prince frederick, just as we are talking, guys, i just saw warning go into effect for them. So lets see what the deal is with this. There we go. Hot off the presses, Severe Thunderstorm Warning in effect until 6 30 for calvert, charles, prince georges, and saint marys and let me tell you what it is saying about this one, big concern with this one is quarter size hail, big enough to damage some agriculture, maybe your cars, moving southwest 30 miles an hour, let me get rid of this because you can see the direction as i put this in motion with this storm moving down toward doggwen, if it holds together, that definitely going to be able to produce that hail. Not seeing hail in there right now, but could definitely

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