He sits on the board of new york university. I mean, two of our most prestigious universities, hes very active, everybody takes his money, im real baffled by the whole story in the first place it, seems, with somewhat of a political do you feel targeted specially by that association with the clintons, where she often says things about being target in the could it be something well, ill be honest with you, if i was sitting in the private sector, i dont think this would have risen to the level, listen, it is okay, you get in this business, you open yourself up. Im fine doing that, were confident havent done anything wrong. Well, governor mccullough went ton say that hes not even sure hes met the man who made those donations, he called this investigation the price of being in politics today. Now, later in tonights five news we will will answer those other questions, more of the interview, would governor mccullough like to be in Hillary Clintons cabinet, if she becomes the president , and does he think Bernie Sanders should just get out of this race . Thos back to you. In Montgomery County Police Officer has been removed from his job as School Resource officer after allegedly using Excessive Force at a prom. Physically taking Sherwood High School girl to the ground during a argument, and pink her arms behind her back, all of it captured on camera. Montgomery county Police Say Investigators received several complaints about the officers conduct, and confirmed the same officer has twice been arrested in recent years for driving under the influence of alcohol. Fox5s paul wagner joins us live tonight, from Sherwood High School with the story. Paul . Reporter well, laura, sarah, the camera that captured this incident sin side the lobby of a hotel in bethesda. I talked to the father of the girl today. He says hes seen that video and in his opinion that officer did use Excessive Force. He says it shows the officer moving in on his daughter, putting his knee into her back, taking her to the grounds, and pinning her arms at this. , mauriceio vague a the office here is involved in this is still on the street, at this. But has been removed from his job here at Sherwood High School. The father, also told me today, that the officer was wearing a body camera, but for reasons that he is unclear about, it did not record all of the incident. Sherwood high school. That School Resource officer, mauriceiovega, produced, on friday, may 13, vega accuse the of man handling senior girl in the lobby of this hotel. Where Sherwood High School is holding it prom, taking the teen to the grounds. According to her father, police were checking student for alcohol use, when an argument broke out and officer vega moved in. Prosecutors are now reviewing the case. According to police, in court records, officer vega was taken out of patrol, given the job at sherwood high after pleading guilty to a charge of driving alcohol while in his police cruiser. But, it is not as simple as that. According to this court document, vega consumed ten glasses of wine over four hours, while drinking in the green turtle restaurant in olney. According to the manager, vega was hammered. When he left the bar, got into his cruiser in august of 2014, and later crashing the patrol car into a light pole and telling the arresting officer he was a good officer, and deserved preferential treatment. Just a few moments later there is photo shows officer vega taking part in a Alcohol Awareness Program at Sherwood High School. And thats not all. This photo allegedly showing the officer pointing what appears to be a taser at another persons head, is also part of the ongoing investigation. As of this report, officer vega has not had his Police Powers revoked, and still a working member of the Montgomery County police department. Officer was arrested for dwi in 2012, but i was acquit in the that case. Today, i spoke on the phone with captain paul starks, spokesperson for Montgomery County police, and i asked him how can you still be a Montgomery County Police Officer having pleaded guilty to a charge of dwi, especially, a case in which this officer refused to take a field sobriety test, and also, refused to use a breathalyzer. Officer starks, captain starks, i should say, told me that he was investigated by internal affairs, and corrective action was taken. Live outside Sherwood High School, paul wagner, fox5 local news. In Fairfax County tonight, a teenager is behind bars, charged with the accidental Drug Overdose after fellow classmate. 17 year old Alex Ya Springer died back in march, an autopsy revealed she had morphine, oxycodone and anxiety drug and alcohol in her system. Fox5s Marina Center Ville High School with more on this story, marina . For the past three months it has been a criminal investigation, and finley, just last week, there was an arrest in the case, Alexia Springer student here at center Ville High School. She was found dead inside her home back on march 1. Now, police initially said that it was due to a heroin overdose. Her family immediately and vehemently denied that, said that it was instead just a Drug Overdose that was a lot of back and forth, and finally, the autopsy came out, and it was revealed that she had a cocktail of drugs in her system including oxycodone, which is of course an opioid. Now, at this. Police saying that last week another student from center Ville High School, 18 year old david evers turned himself in. Hes now facing a slew of charges in connection with what may have led to alexias springer death, but facin during, selling, distributing, and possess ago controlled prohibited substance, of course, this all remains under investigation, but finally, some sort of closure for the springer family. Live tonight in center ville, marina morocco, fox5 local news. We had another messy commute on metro this morning. Riders ran into major delays on the red lion. Another insulator and power cable problem at the Medical Center stop. Metro is forced to single track between the grove nerve and Friendship Heights station. That caused 45 minute delays during the height of the morning rush. And riders we spoke with say theyre pretty frustrated by it. Not what i expected. I wasnt ready for this at all. The problem at the Medical Center resolved, rider still running into delays on several lines because every continuing track work. Tonight after a public outcry, complaints from congress, big shake up in metro police policy. Just hours ago metros gm ordered metro police to publicly report Violent Crimes immediately. The move come after a congressional hearing aimed at improving metro safety turned into a grilling of metros gm over why an alleged rape on red lion train last month wasnt revealed to the public until just yesterday. Fox5 Tom Fitzgerald live on what went down there. Hey, tom. Reporter good evening, there was some puzzled reaction frost members of congress today, when metro gm, paul, said that the reason metro decided not to publicly disclose alleged Sexual Assault on the red lion, back on april 12, was that because, quote, the suspect was apprehended literally a hours in that it was solved in hours. Now, keep in mind, this alleged incident happened more than 40 days ago, it was only revealed when suspect got court appearance, in fact, after the hearing, defend metro decision not to publicly disclose this information, but fox5 asked him how that fits into repeated promises of transparency. Was that a major mistake not to tell people that somebody got raped on metro . Again, we captured the person in hours. And youre commended for that. That was a good arrest. I will take a look. I mean, if we need to report every day, well report every day. You know, literally things happen every day. If we want to put out a daily, you know, again, i am not hiding anything about it, it was something that was dealt with, thats what we did. What they are doing now as for this house hearing, if you are looking for congress to solve metros operational problems today, women, you would be disappoint the. Lawmakers essentially solved nothing today. One congressman gave the gm a certificate for firing about the florida congressman wondered why metro doesnt run as well as disney world monorail. Still another, by 17 miles to the capitol this morning to avoid those red lion delays. But, 2 of the dmvs own delegation, democrat, eleanor homes north on, teaming to up make it Crystal Clear they were not satisfied with the gms explanation of why the public was not told tore more man a month of an alleged rape on the red lion. I raised it as i mentioned because saw the concern and i had the concern myself because so announce it . I think so, thats why i raised it. The crime has occurred, and this is what were doing about it. You dont keep it from the public. Reporter now the suspect in that case, 39 year old john hicks, of dc, is being held in Montgomery County tonight on no bail. He is charged with fst degree rape. We are told by metro police that from now on all violent incidents, if they do not hinder the investigation, will be reported to the public immediately. Were live on capitol hill tonight, Tom Fitzgerald, fox5 local news. Coming up bill cosby in court. Up ahead, hear what came out of todays appearance that caught some people by surprise. Flip shops are sure summer staple, but you may have heard they are ruining your feet. Parents just another excuse to not buy your kids a hoverboard. One girls new toy spinning out of control. The situation, women it, only gets worse. Sue . Thats rough to see. Laura, sarah, i know it looks like im here but i am really not, im in weather heaven right now, it is so great out here. Low humidity, warm temperatures, and the first 80 degrees reading weve had so far this month of may. You have to go all the way back to april 26 to find a warmer day. So, in the run up to our memorial day consideration we keep this streak going . We will have a first look at your forecast when we come right back. But before we go, how about a peak at the ocean . Youre looking at ocean city boardwalk. I bet it will be a little bit packed this weekend. Weather looks fantastic there, too, few people taking a stroll on the board walk, looks like the beach is groomed and ready to roll as the unofficial kickoff to the Summer Season rolls into town this weekend. Well be right back. Looks like we finally turned the page. Just makes you go ahh, were here, lets state here for a little while please. 83 and sunny, are we going to stay here for awhile in this fabulous weather . We are going to stay here for awhile, and it has been a long pull to get here, and feels so fantastic t makes us more grateful and you appreciate a day like this when, first of all, very low humidity, these warm lovely breezes, it is just a joy to be outside. So, now, dont leave while the five and 6 news are on, but get outside, get back in by 10 and well continue to tell but the fantastic weather were having. As i was mentioning before the break, we hit 83 at five. This is the first time weve been up and over 80 since april 26 when we hit 84 degrees, and first 80 degrees day this month, in april we did have four days that were at least at 80 if not higher. It is 82 in frederick, 82 for dullos, that seems to be the popular number right now, also, foremen as is, frederick burying, 83 coal pup err, but check out this 24hour temperature change. Now 14 to 20 degrees warmer, around the region, jeds rain, thunderstorms that came through did cool us off little bit but those temperatures have bounced back nicely. Speaking of the rainmaker, and that persistent area of low pressure, now plaguing new york and boston, as it has been slowly spinning up the coast, but far enough away that the only clouds were seeing here are just across portions of northeastern delaware, and across new jersey. So, there is the center of the area of low pressure, you saw the arrow there, great night for baseball, nationals will be taking on the mets, 67 05 pitch. By 6 inning, 7, a you dont need the jackets even at ten, 73. By the way tomorrow is weather day, x out there for the 1 game. One dollar of every ticket purchased will go to leukemia and lymphoma society. We would sure love to meet you out there. Hey, lets take selfie together and enjoy the nice weather. Meanwhile overnight, only falling to about 64 mild, our wednesday will start on warm note. Fox news morning will be down live at the stadium, ill be down there joining tucker and everybody else from the weather department, early on, so, were excited that it will even be a warmer day, take your sunscreen if youre headed out and joining us at the game, often when we go out for weather day we actually have weather. This year will be exception. So looking forward to nice run, of course, it is a very big weekends, a lot of are you going to make it a three day weekend from the looks of traffic i saw today, some of you are taking the whole week off apparently, well focus on memorial day weekends and a look at the beaches coming up with full Weather Report just little later, sarah, lawyer, a hard once again to come in today. Yes, beach time. Wow. Beach time. Ocean city here we come. Really truly, thanks. You bet. Talking about this in our health news right now, we have eight got warning for those of how like to sport the flip flops in the summer months. According to Health Experts the popular shoe flip flop can have damaging effect on the body. It doesnt mean do you have give up flip flops entirely doctors say you should monitor how long you wear them. Health expert say if you wear flip flops all day can cause your arches to collapse, cause physical stress to your body makes your ankles more vulnerable to strains and may make your knees turn in, causing pelvis miss alignment and poor posture, entirely makes you an entire hot mess. Like it does everything. It makes your hair fall out no, something i feel like i really need to think about with my kids, because, you know, as their legs are growing, they need to wear more supportive shoes. I just get lazy, they want to wear their flip flops all the time. And i need to get them in good supportive shoes. So, okay. This will prompt me to do that. I feel like i cant talk. High heal shoes. Exactly. Think about your march stall status for a second, apparently it is affecting your waistline. New study shows it could impact your eating lab glitz so researchers say divorce actually impacts mens diets, more than womens diets. The study measured thousands of patient, diets, by the amount of fruit and vegtables they consume. Now, foremen, whose marriages ended, their daily consumption of fruits and veggies dropped by 25 . Their diet also became less varied. I have a funny feeling i know why, because the ladies arent cooking theyre not taking care of . For divorced women their changes in their diet werent statistically significant. So goes along with what i was saying. All right, heres something. Parents, another reason not to leave your kids alone with a hoverboard apparently. Not sure this is the right video were talking about here, dont believe that it anyway, we are talking about hoverboard, ill give it a second here. Do we have the hoverboard video . Do we have the video . There you go. Okay. So, back it up here. Another reason not to leave your kids alone with a hoverboard here. Watch as this girl gets stuck on hoverboard that will not stop spinning. She starts oh, no. I cant stop. When her sister tries helping her off, things take another turn for the worse. The board then swings around in a bigger circle and slams her into the wall. You see where, you know, that wall was pretty heavily damaged from that. Oh so be careful with the hoverboard. Yes. Poor little girl. Okay. Just keeps going and going and going and there she goes, right into the wall. Oh, okay. I thought they stopped selling those things. Oh, no. All right. The right to rescue, and over attachment to cell phones are who of the big topics that are stirring up debate on social media tonight. So we want you to sounds off. Should it be someone elses car windows to save a dog thats inside . And did a west. Cadet caught on her cell phone during a graduation march cross the line . Tweet us with the hashtag fox5dc to weigh in on this. Well take closer look at those stories that are really causing outrage. And we will get your comment, too, coming up in just about 30 minutes. Meanwhile, next, bill cosby stumbled into court. Why the actors unusual behavior has some worried he may be having problems with his eyesight. And get ready to strut. Whoopi goldberg now bringing a trans gender modeling reality show to network tv. And if you were wondering where the obamas will move to after they leave the white house, well, we have the answer. Were going to tell you which dc neighborhood the first family has their eye on. And the sun engliss never virginia beach, live look on this tuesday afternoon. Isnt that a beautiful side . Well be right back. Back. The Sexual Assault case against Comedian Bill Cosby will now go to trial. A judge near philadelphia made that decision today. Cosby arrived at the courthouse in norristown this morning and received cheers from some people in the crowd. Take a listen. chiefs cheers . Get them, bill. Cosby accused of drugging and molesting Temple University employee andrea, said the sex between them was concentual, he seemed disoriented though, almost like he was having trouble seeing when he walked into court today led by another man. Judge heard part of the statement con stand gave to police, on crossexamination, cosbys attorney questioned the fact that she continued to see cosby, and even returned to his house to meet with him 78 year old faces up to ten years in prison if convicted of the charges. Whoopi goal berg produce agnew project that challenges gender and beauty stereotypes. Called strut. And the oxygen tv series will follow a group of transgender models trying to become household names in fashion. The models featured on the show are part of slay model management. The worlds first exclusively trans gender modeling agency. The series will premiere on oxygen later this year. Well, with just months left in president obamas 2 term, the first family is already identifying it next home. According to the national journal, the obamas are staying in d. C. And they plan to rent a home in the neighborhood east of massachusetts avenue northwest. The first family is staying in the dc area so that president obamas youngest daughter sasha can finish high school. President obama will be the first president to stay in d. C. After his term since Woodrow Wilson back in 1921. Casino every wondering out of here, right . After all that time here. Yes. The clintons went i think to new york, but then came back and bought a home in the neighborhood, as well. Took some time away. Big president ial hang out apparently. Neighborhood party. Coming up i would sit in the hospital and sometimes cry reading them, tears of joy, though, i mean not, you know, wow, this is incredible. And it made me feel like im not going through this alone. Maryland Governor Hogan reveals what it was that made him cry in the hospital in the midst every his grueling treatment. And what he says his new calling is. Part 2 of my he can clues i have interview Governor Hogan coming up. Jim . Hall every fame baseball family sioux Tobacco Industry over the Major League Baseball stars death. And, also, the maryland mens and womens lacrosse teams are philly bound, not the bridges inspiration to the squad. Ill tell you why coming up here on fox5. Includes supporting those in our community who need help. Our Energyshare Program does just that, assisting with bill pay and providing free, energysaving upgrades. Its more than helping customers, its helping neighbors. Stand by me they go ooh ooh. Hey they go ohoohooooh. Sitting, watching, waiting, wishing. I tell you one thing, you never knew it. At the back of the bus there is so much to give, so dream big. Yeah. And when they screaming get out, get out. Ll i wanna hear is t down, get down. Yeah. And when they screaming get out, get out. Ll i wanna hear is t down, get down. Get down, get down. We have more from the governors interview. He said he would consider it but not sure it fits his personality. He also said he has no running in running for the u. S. Senate, as for Bernie Sanders staying in the president ial rales, fox5s political reporter ronica asked if saunders should fight until the fin english let me be very frank. He is entitled to gori the ends. I would be the biggest hipocrit in the world if i sat here today and told you that bernie should get out. Because in 2008 when i was chair of hillarys campaign, we went all the way to the end t has gotten little ugly the last few weeks, in frank necessary i would rather not see that. But at the end of the day, after our convention, dow believe our party will be unified. He has every right. And further explained he cant tell sanders, as he allude dollars to, he cant tell sand tears get out of the race because he didnt tell clinton to get out back in 2008. Five rounds of chemo, three surgeries, spinal taps, following five month of grueling cancer treatments, governor larry hogan announced back in november he is cancerfree and in remission. His maintenance treatment isnt over, but one year since his initial di remission. He sat down with me to talk about his past year. And while medicine is more advanced now than ever before, the governor believes it was more than just the treatment that helped him recover. Diagnosed with an advanced and serious form of cancer, only five months into his governorship, larry hogan let the public in on everything. He chronicled his journey on facebook, and wasnt afraid to attend press conferences, and public events, despite his changing appearance. All the while, as aggressive as the cancer was, he was as aggressive in fighting it. Did you at any. Think were you going to die . I tried not to focus ton. What he did focus on were the thousands of get well letters he received. His staff put together binders of them, from president obama, from other governors, heads of state, even strangers. And i would sit in the hospital and sometimes cry reading them, tears of joy, though, i mean, not, you know, jus and it made me feel, you know, like im not going through this alone. It had a lot to do with me getting better. I believe in the power of prayer. What the governor particularly loved was meeting others in the same boat he was. It was the kids that were really special. He told me about one in particular. Five year old andrew who had some advice. He said governor, i know youre going through chemotherapy. Ive been doing it for two years. So i wanted to give you some advice. And he gave me a list of the top ten things. Make sure you have your hugging person, and the funniest one he said make sure you get the numb numb cream before they give you the pokey. So i guess they rubs something on you. I went to the doctor the next time, hey, doctor, i dont get any numb numb cream. Does it make you look at politics in a different way in terms every putting things in perspective . Makes me realize that there are things that are much more important. You know, i had conversations with speaker of the house, and the president of who we sometimes have tough battle w they were both very nice, the battle i was going through on a personal basis. And i said all of the things we sometimes squabble over or having this disagreement over, arent that important when you any it. With 71 Approval Rating in recent polling, Governor Hogan is now the 2 most popular governor in america. How much do you think your health has contributed to your popularity . I dont think it is really the health, i think maybe it is the people seem to relate to me because they think im a regular person, and i tell it like it is. Within five months of his first treatment, Governor Hogan was back before the public again with another announcement. I am one hundred cancer free and in complete remission. Now the governor continues with what he calls his tuneups. Ive been feeling great. I am actually happy to have had the experience to go through it, and i appreciate every day more than i ever did. You know, i wake up every day trying to make the most of it, like im closer to my family andri people more, and i think there are other things more important than the daytoday, you no, none sense that you have to deal with in politics. Do you have aspirations beyond governor . No, im just really focused on trying to solve the problems we have in maryland. But he tells me he now has a new calling, to take on cancer on a larger scale by raising money and spreading awareness. There are incredible breakthroughs that i think were very close to reaching. And Governor Hogan has met with Vice President joe biden to discuss bidens cancer moon shot initiative. Said hes very glad hes been so trans par bent his health. Several people told them they watched that press conference 11 months ago, and that theyve found similar issues, theyve gotten them checked out, and they, themselves, have been treated for cancer. His only complaint he tells me now is that he says he wants to get in shape, the weight gain is a result of all of the steroids and the treatment that hes been through. Oh, he wants to do is take a little time off. He deserves it. He has not take answer day off. And he continued to work through his treatments, sometimes 18hour days. Wow. So hes a bit of a workaholic. So he is hoping to take some time off in the near future. I do like he is so real and authentic, thats why people relate to him i think no matter what your politics, are he seems like generally good guy and a fighter. Yes, he is a fighter for sure, for sure. New tonight the family of former baseball star tony gwen is suing the Tobacco Industry over his death. The lawsuit claims years of dipping, caused gwens cancer. He started using chewing tobacco as college freshman. He died of cancer of the salivary grand at the age of 54. He had said in the years before his death that he believed the cancer was from chewing tobacco. And, hey, he used a lot in the big leagues. That will was the thing. Thats one of the reasons so many of cities have outlawed chewing tobacco at ballparks, mentioned it is happening in boston, la, chicago, they are considering it in d. C. Curt schilling, been in the news for other things, but last year endorsed the citys initiative to ban chewing tobacco altogether because they dont want the kids to get the wrong idea about it. Legends, sad to see him go at 54. Remember the chew, big league i remember t i took a big glob of that a while ago playing softball, ugh. All right, were going it talk about another story of inspiration, a lot of inches inspiration from Governor Hogan, but lets talk about lacrosse. Why it ties in together. This weekend philadelphia will be turned into termaldefhia they play for the Third Straight season, the mens team is drawing motivation from very special monday or area teammate. Ho mens team Riding School record 15 game winning streak, the terps havent lost since march. Last saturday they beat syracuse to advance to the final four against brown. Maryland seeking it first title since 1975. As for the women, jug err knotts, senior class led by two time playing taylor comings has not lost since march of 2015. Last week they dominated umass 18 to 3 to advance to their 8 straight final four. Will face syracuse the women are in pursuit of Third Straight title. Really good positive energy, from the mens and womens side, right now, and were both looking forward to just getting up to philadelphia, and, again, competing as hard we can to represent the university of marl will. The surprise me they have so much success, what they are doing every day to make it happen. But to do it with them is great. Were pulling for them all the time. Welcome five year old thin kim inches to the lacrosse program. Thin was diagnosed in june 2014 with accute lymphoblast i can leukemia. Hell continue receiving treatment until october 2017. Hes joined the team at practices and games but last week, the team showed their support for their honorary captain by shaving their heads and thin got to see it firsthand. His courageous fight has really put everything into perspective. To take just some of that self esteem away maybe, that confidence of that hair, and just shave it down, and make a guy smile, let him know were behind him. To me i was really proud of they get it. I thought it was great to see him experience what we were doing for him, just let him know that he is part of our team, part of our family, so definitely seeing that i think was awesome for a lot of guys. Made a lot of guys really happen. I he has this crazy thing called cancer that casino of like shocked us all, touches us all in some way. And with him, hes like, he is in so much pain, but so happy, so positive. So this weekends th first, winning both lacrosse titles and the man with inspiration from thin. Head coach john tillman says thin who lives in kensington plans on being there saturday or monday if maryland advances to the title game. Wow. Thats awesome. This kid, guys to look up to, these guys im sure looking up at thin for his battle. Yes. Works both ways, exactly. We need that. Yes, we do, thank you. Coming up california consideration a bill to allow window smashing, to save dogs from hot cars. And did a west. Cadet caught on her phone during a graduation march cross the line . Tweet with the hashtag fox5dc to weigh in. Taking your comments and just ten minutes right here. But first, sue, looking good outside . Yes, thats hard to do with gloves on, too, isnt it, jim . You know what, youre right. It is a beautiful evening, and definitely make plans to get outside. Look at these temperatures. You know the pools are opening over the weekend. 71 degrees at 11 tonight. That will will help to keep those pool waters little warmer. People taking advantage of the atomic on this beautiful afternoon, too, we see a lot of boaters out. Oh, there goes my boat right now, and there is tony waving, or is that the stern . Okay, it is not my boat, well be right back. Now at havertys furniture, its our annual memorial day sale. Which means its the perfect time to create the perfect home. Now through may 30th, take an extra hundred dollars off every thousand dollars you spend. Plus, enjoy 36month, nointerest financing. With havertys, your home can be perfect. Even when life isnt. Sfx nocking. Were early the memorial day sale. From classic to contemporary. Havertys. This is great. So we yanked sue from outside and said you got too much of this, it is our turn this is awesome. Can i come and join you the next time, maybe just set up a picnic table . Several people were saying come on, go outside. Theyve got some pull. Yes, a lot of people Walking Around northwest Friendship Heights, beautiful day, ill cue the bus, should pull up any second. Right . Thats when it get loud. Very squeaky breaks, you cant hear what were saying, enjoy your time out there ladies, ill give everyone a little update, start with the weather headlines because wow what beautiful mild night we have ahead enjoy it, talking about warmer day, which is weather day, ill explain why tomorrow is weather day in just a moment. The humidity is low today. It will be comfortable tomorrow. It will be sneaking back in on thursday. So, be ready for that. And then, few late week thunderstorms, not wash out, but just typical thunder time fair, start getting into the 80s. 83 degrees today, first time this month, weve hit 08. Now, we hit it few times in april. But his is the warmest day weve had since back on april 26 when we g dullos, bwi at 82, check out these current temperatures, all across the region, so, just glorious tonight, and again, with the low humidity, the casino every days we just dont get enough of, here in d. C. , High Pressure is going to be sliding over to the coast, it keeps the southwest winds going, but our skies will stay clear, it will be mild, and it is a nice start tomorrow morning, which we are thrilled about. High pressure will continue off the coast. Which means, that warm direction of the winds is going to be in play all week long. So, the humidity will start to get noticeable, as we get into thursday, with that increase in humidity on thursday, one or two thunderstorms could be roaming around in the afternoon, nothing widespread, not necessarily severe either. But hey, i mentioned weather day in the weather headlines. Here we are in our Trading Cards wearing winter jacket which we will not need tomorrow. We are going to be out at the ballpark, doing weather presentation for kids tomorrow morning at ten a. M. Our temperature then about 77, if you are going to be among the schools that are out. We cant wait to see you. And after the presentation, for the game, one fitch pitch, 82 degrees, bring the sunscreen, you definately will need it. We want you to come out and join us if you can play hooky and get out of work, every ticket sold, one dollar will be donated to leukemia and lymphoma society. Tony perkins will be out there, too, honorary weather man, a lot of us from fox5. So right now, were expecting temperature to top out at 86 tomorrow. So three degrees warmer than today. And were looking at memorial day because we know thats what you want to know and what is going on for our memorial day weekends, saturday looks like the best of the 3 days. On sunday, 83 degrees, we added chance every thunderstorm, ill tell you right now, very slight chance, but any time we expect a lot of people to be outside and we think there is a chance, we will add it to the forecast. Still, few scattered thunderstorms on monday, memorial day itself, 5050 chance of you seeing one of the thunderstorms. Last stop tonight before we look at the 7 day, looking good at the beaches. But the temperatures for hatteras, but add thunderstorm, very small, possibility, in on sunday, and as we look at the local beaches, you can see, ocean city and rehoboth also looking at maybe brief interruption with some thunderstorms, sunday, monday, but still worth getting down to the beaches. Your fox5 accuweather 7 day forecast, look temperatures pushing 90 on saturday, 8 an as we talked about for sunday, and even as we look at next tuesday, maybe couple of more thunderstorms roaming around with temperature of 78 degrees. That is your weather forecast, and we will be right back after this brief break. Were doing little social media sounded off. Jim is back here to help take a look at some of the top turns stories. Some people talking about things today, californias considering a bill making it legal to smash out someones car windows in orders to save a dog thats in a the bill has a lot of support in california, but some are concerned people might take the law too far, and smash windows when an owner is stepping away for a couple of minutes. So that is a thought right there. You know, whats interesting, ive seen that before, too, see dogs in cars. Ive left nasty notes. Oh, you have . Like your dog is in the car it is too hot or too cold or one way or the other. But the thing is like i just you shouldnt leave them in there. Not at all. At all. But i guess, unless the windows are crack or something, but when it is too hot they say not even the windows cracked is acceptable. But i liked idea you should be able to rescue a dog, but like smash the windows open, but other possibility, ramification that is go along with this. Im interested to see what people have to say about this. Lets check in with laura in the news room. Whats your reaction to people on social media . A lot of mixed reaction to. This think about it, dog cant sweat like we can. So, you know, we can cool ourselves off, but a dog cant sweat. So it happens quickly, it heats up real quickly in the car. Comments people are weighing in with. Alex says can the window breaker sue if the dog startled hot and covered with glass attacks the heroic animal savior. So, you know, couple of questions about that, so this isnt advancing but ill read about this. Jimmy says absolutely agree, if you leave your pet in a hot car, the least you deserve is a broken window. Right . Exactly. So, why leave your dog in the hot car to begin with . Your pet . And then ray says without appropriate Good Samaritan law rescue is done at risk as people who trap their pets are petty enough to sue. So, lets go back, i know we have another hot topic. Thats causing a lot of buzz too on line. All right, snow video stirred up outrage, west. Cadet precisely marching during graduation ceremony, except, for she doing . Yep. Cell phone in hand. I am really surprised by that. That would you do that, so is it unprofessional, disrespectful, or is it no big deal whatsoever . Now, when you talk about west. , you talk about the naval academy, those are institutions, so steep in tradition, it is a military institution, so really she should have been passing and actually graduating. It it take effect . Whats the text . Really, texting about a situation like that . Good. Im trying to think they they finish l g up . Are they really just finishing up the ceremony . Is it her parents saying we have a table at dennys. No one else is doing it. That makes the big difference. Where everybody has a comment about same phone use in our society. Ya. Put it away, jen. Yep. Coming up meet steph the powerful message she has whether we come back. Meet the baby the internet has dubbed stuff curry. Urr this guys act l ultimate name iceland on. Ic his mom says the nickname was originally used to poke fun atfn her babys weight but she chosee to embrace it. Isnt he so cute. Just a kitty so much for joining us. Fox5 local news at 6 startst 6 right now. Ri this is fox5 local news at 6. Right now at 6 a High School Student advertise under arrestrs and facing charges stemming from the deadly extent accidentalacci overdose of a fellow student. Ill be honest when the news broke yesterday i had a lot of people say to me that you why aring to cancel this in a fox5 exclusive. Im carrying on my schedule as governor. No one has alleged ive doneve anything wrong. We went one one on one virginiai Governor Terry mcauliffe following reports the fbi is investigating him. Vest he didnt shy away from our investigation. Also, caught red handed. The news at 6 starts right now. We begin the 6 tonight withtoni breaking yous. Thanks for joining us im shawn yancy and im tony perkins. S that hesd right. Hes the news coming to us out of orange county, virginia, a incorporate s l engine plainat crashede about 90 minutes ago. Were told right on the street. Were told this is near a town called roadsville in orange in county. Were also told that two people on the the plain were killed. Theres no word of any injuries to people on the ground. Federal and state investigators are heading to the scene tocene figure out what exactly happened. We will bring you the latest developments as soon as we getet hem. In other news today a teenager has been arrested in connection to the accidental Drug Overdoses

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