Transcripts For WTTG Fox 5 News Edge 6 20160221

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across the we have a frontal system there much it's gradually going to start to slide its way to the to south and you can see the wetet weather associated with it. a lot of heavier rainfall to areas across lower southernn maryland. it's starting to move out. eventually we'll start to see it tapering off. in the meantime, our highs h today, well, a far cry from they were yesterday. temperatures in the upper 50s 5s and mid 50s, but we should really only be in the mid 40s. so a little bit of a treat withh a mild day from mother nature. your current temperatures at this hour, we are at 51 in the nation's capital.. 52 at gaithersburg, dulles at 54. a little cooler to the north, northwest. 46 at hagerstown and 53-degrees5 at culpeper. so here's a look at your planner, anticipate those showers kind of off and on herer but they will gradually end, ase i said. tonigh st we'll see by the 9:00 hour, it will be about 48, 47 by the 11:00 hour. so it's not too bad i cooling down. as we look at tomorrow, some good news, the sun returns. we'll be back with some dryer conditions and brighter skies. i'll let you know what to expect and i'll have the details in just a about it. > we're looking forward to that, gwen. in prince george's county wheret firefighters have figured oute i the source of a carbon monoxidem leak inside of a church. church goers went home sick. and one person went to the hospital. they figured out that the carbon monoxide was leaking from a faulty heating and gas station. they responded and workers were there trying to fix the leak. we're following a disturbingg attack in fairfax county.x police are looking for a man whw broke into an apartment in mount vernon yesterday morning, then secretariesly assaulted a womann who was asleep inside. fox5's alexandra limon life in mount vernon tonight for us with the details. alex. >>reporter: ? well, lauren, this is a very scary situation indeed. police say was sexually assaulted inside her mount vernon apartment earln in the morning saturday. police say an intrude ergot inside her home while she was sleeping around 3 in the morning saturday. he threatened her and then sexually assaulted her. after that, the man fled.d. now, the victim did call policeo and she was taken to the hospital. now, what's scary about all of this isn't just the attackk itself, but the fact that that suspect is still on the loose. fairfax county investigators sas they canvassed the area by ground and also by air with a police helicopter, but they had no luck finding or arresting a suspect. so at this point they're still asking for information.mati now, neighbors in the area tell us that they're honestly surprised by the news of this attack because they say they normally feel very save living here. it's a little terrifying just to hear that when somebody had to t deal with something like that, to that but for the most part, i still s feel like it's a pretty save community. it's just unfortunate that that would happen to anybody. > now, this attack happened on black inship street here in h fairfax county in the mount m vernon area. at this point police have only a very vague description of the suspect. but they say, however, they do plan to have a composite sketch made and they may have that ready as soon as tomorrow possibly. after that they plan to put it on some flyers and distribute d those through this neighborhood with hopes that somebody will have information because one bec other thing that the victim told them was that the suspect seemed familiar with the so there is a possibility he could be from this neighborhood. reporting life in mount vernon, alexandra limon,, fox5 local news. > now to michigan where six whe people are dead after a gunmen went on a five-hour shooting streak. police in california ma zoo say the shootings took place inn three different location,ca including at a cracker and a car dealership. eight people were shot.e s this was totally random. the suspect identified as jason doll ton has no criminal recordl and authorities are trying to figure out some motive. >> we have no understanding of the motive, what had prompted the suspect, jason dalton to commit these really heinous acts and our heart really goes out to the families of these individuals who are just out enjoying their life. l it was interrupted fatally byy this individual. > uber has confirmed dalton was, indeed, a driver forth company. police are investigating his facebook post allegedly made by the fiance of passengers that dalton picked up between later on we'll have a report from michigan on the ongoing investigation.inve > one day after the nevada caucus and the south carolina primary, all of the candidatesai are assessing where exactly they stand. am of them appeared on thed on sunday talk shows this evening. we get the latest from fox's caroline shivly. >> no one could have summed up the presidential raise better b than donald trump did in his south carolina speech. he takes that ten point within to nevada.evad we started off with 17 people. i've been hit from 97 different angels and now we're down to, i, guess, five and we'll see what happens.ens. trump leads most polls in nevada by at least 20 points, doubling the support of mark owe rube owe and ted crews who like in southh carolina are basically tied for second. the screaming you hear now from across the potomac is the washington cartel in full terror that roots are rising up. former florida govern generalovr bush dropping out of the raise r saturday is putting pressure on lower candidate tears to dropout as well. form are secretary of state hillary clinton is fundraising in california today. i am so, so thrilled and so greatful to all of my sporters out there. some may have doubted us, but w never doubted each other. i believe that when democrats assembled in philadelphia in july at that convention we are going to see the results of one of the great political upsets in the history of the united states. democrats vote here in south carolina on saturday. it's an important state in most polls. we are nine days away from the reel price on super tuesday wheh about third h of the delegates get divvied up. > former florida govern jr.over bush announced last night thatht he is suspending his cam page after another poor showing inpor the raise. we're going to have much more later in our broadcast. b > still to come on fox5 local news, tonight there is devastation after asslike clonec ripped through part of the countriment the fallout of the oil spin in virginia. how virginia and regulators are holding the company responsible. > we are going to talk to a man who has just written a booka bo talking about the history of the negroes. we're back after this. fungi. i do everything on the internet. but, it's kind of slow. my friends say i should get fios because it's the fastest. i just downloaded 600 photos in 60 seconds. that's seriously better. (husband) we're out of 2%! i wonder what else could be better around here? (husband) i heard that. switching to better internet is now easier than ever. only fios has the fastest internet available, with uploads up to 5x faster than cable. plus tv and phone for just $69.99 a month online with no annual contract. switch to better. switch to fios. the island of fuji as people there try to disrecover from a devastating cyclone. winds were clocked at 175 miles an hour. the storm is to blame for at least six deaths. australian's prime minister is offers her support to the people of fuji. i have been in touch with my counterpart and i have offered australia support and we have in place prepositioned supplies and food that are available. authorities say the like clone l was the strongest storm ever recorded in the southern hemisphere. most of the island remains without electricity and people are told to stay indoors for their own safety. > back here in our area, the mother of two missing children of montgomery county isery scheduled to be in court tomorrow. police say cart ryan hoggle was the last person to see her twowo children sarah and jacob back in september of 2014. hoggle who is diagnosed with schizophrenia has not said wher the children are. la was not competent to stand trial. she is being held at a state hospital for treatment. tomorrow a f hearing is expected to be held on hoggle's competency. the controversy continues over d.c. mayor's bowser to build homeless shelters. the goal of the mayor is to create some new space and shutdown the homeless center over at d.c. general, but not everyone likes the idea. tomorrow they will have a meeting to talk about the plan. it will start at 6:30 and is expected to last just a couple of hours. meantime domain onvirginia power is being held responsible for the oil spill earlier this month. the company has been given a notice of violation. it could, in turn, lead to civil penalties, and reimbursement for the cleanup costs. dough monday onsays they t responsibility for the spill. it blames the former failure for the at this time more than 95 percent of the oil has been recovered.d throughout february, fox5 is honoring black history month.ry tonight we are taking a closer look at a collection of artifacts dating back hundreds of years. overt racism visible in everything from artwork tork serial boxes.. a high school teacher collectedr the items show our country's shameful past so it won't be for gotten. photo journalist chip basinna gives us a look at theli artifas we're looking at over 10 with a metal top. really not only a cane, but it's for whipping slaves. i am jacob johnson, and i have been the conservator and the appraiser collection. this is an auction of american history specializing in black ba america from slavery to civil war, reconstruction gym crow. the collection originated in east orange, new jersey. it originated with the howard wolver ton who is a history teacher for predominantly black students in the high school there. this is the american history that people deny. there are items that i have a difficult time dealing with, the shackle les, the branding iron. i have a difficult time with wit those things. and it's important because that's american history.tory it's the dark side of american history that am people would not accept and want to forget, but guess what, it's part of history. we should be proud of our history. we're americans. she's working.she' i think i emotions. i see people who almost it draws tears. when you see how somebody was shackled and it brings tears to some people's eyes. can you imagine being branded with a branding iron? it's horrific.horr yes, there are those people who don't believe that these thingst should even exist any longer. and there are those people who will buy them to destroy them. it's very significant that we remember who built the country,, how it was built and it's our his mri it's everybody's history.stor it's just not black people's,s, it's american history and we w cannot deny it. we would not be where we are a today if, in fact, this cultureu the sub culture were not illustrated through this collection. black history month is a good time to present these things. however, this is year round.und. taught to our children. different sub cultures. i don't care if you're black, if you're white, sub culture italian, sub culture jewish, whatever. it's significant because we're all american.n. and we continue your discussionr of black history month, to look at some sports legends, namely the men who played in the new grow lesion.. author duane renal syms is a very good friend of mine and he spent a lot of time studying thg league and it's star players. >> thank you for being here with us. >> my pleasure being here with t fox. you you founded the neglect grow legend haul of fame back in 2003. what was the whole purpose. >> the whole purpose was -- was actually in 2000 i never heard of the league.gue. it's very interesting being raised in the nation's capitalal and we never talked about the greatest teams.grea i know you're a pittsburgh fan, great. and then the other piece was that they were integrated, caucasians, cubans, hispanic,ni, everybody played america's game. i'll call it american history, baseball, even though we're celebrate can black history, baseball is america's game. g everybody played, tall, short, small, it doesn't matter what size. > right. >> many these players, as a fan, of the game, the stats and the history, these are players that would have absolutely document n nateed the major leagues had they been integrated. >> i met tommy look sort owe anr we met him down at congress wher they honored jackie robinson's wife with the medal on the conscious award. tommy said i used to play against the negro league players, but i had a little game, too. i was just laughing because wese don't get to hear those stories so that's why i got involved. we have photographs that you brought of some of the teams. which is actually where howard hospital now. this is from the american museum , smithsonian actuallylly owns these. i went to them with my curiosity and they ended up doing a deal, actually allowed me to publish a book. this is such a rich history, but you also use it as a teaching tool. >> yes. i think what's important, whenoa we talk about sports and i was never really a sports fan at the beginning, but i learned the educational component is most of the knee grow league players, they went to school, they always talked about education, theytion always talked about family and they also talk about their commitment serving their country and those are the words we don't hear. we usually hear about scores and homeruns and what happened, butt they audit committee about the o relationship and also giving back in the community.nity you brought some items here. h >> i brought you some goodies. this is living history on the >> yes, this was signed by 40 some and that was in 2003, i did an induction ceremony and i had the kids from marlboro elementary school. the school i attended. i'm a 1968 sixth grade graduate. and i actually had the honor society in 2003 do my initialal induction ceremony with over -- actually 50 players there.s th actually most of them i never met. what about this baseball bat? this is amazing with all the signatures on it. >> hold it up. it has signatures of players that lived up to be 10 # yearsrs old. buck i wallace and then locally james till man actually played for the home state grade and guess who took his place, mr. >> josh gibson. > than then we don't hear noar more about james till man, buta, we hear about the great legacy of josh wallace. if you take a look athe side you can see not quite as typical as what the players would have today.uld this is from the 1940s. >> correct. this is what my godfather, frank evans, and actually he was the reason why i did this. i said, this is unbelievable. so i got an opportunity to go to birmingham, alabama, which is also -- we talked about will i mace. he also played in the negro league. we have the book right here. h duane once again we really appreciate you being here withwh us. >> i hope you comitatus, calvers county. we are doing autograph signing.s i want to mention i have a buck o'neill signed ball and a book. he's long gone. he was a great fan of mine. > thank you very much. >> this is my foundation and it has the story of jackie robinson.bins > lauren, back over to you. >> great stuff, guys. > i heard somebody say recentln you have to remember the good with the bad that we continue to learn with the the fight between apple and the government over the san bernadine owe's iphone is abouts to escalate and you may witnessy part of it firsthand if you plan to go to an apple store this week. we will explain. >> also coming up one man nearly paid dearly for trying to take a shortcut at the train station. what was he thinking? stay with us. > protests are being planned in cities across the country this week. it is in response to the fbi's request that apple make it i easier to unlock an encrypted iphone.ipho that request was made in ordera to gain access to information inside the phone belonging to a gunman in the san bernadine owee mass shootings. the internet group, fight for f the future is organizing the protest as a way to back apple. demonstrators plan to be outsido of apple stores on tuesday, not just in the the us, but also ini the uk, hong kong and germany. a protest will also be held at the fbi headquarters.eadq well, on this sunday we reallyy didn't see a whole lot of it, i but you got to take the good with the bad. we need the rain.. absolutely.ab get rid whatever snow line is laying is there still some in your neighborhood. >> yes. we don't want it anymore, right. > we had a little bit of a bet day today, but the good news is the sun is coming right back tot the beginning of your week. y a life look outside and some of you still seeing a few showers those showers just kind of hanging around a little bit into tonight, but before long they'll start to get out of the picturep and we'll just have a few clouds. but overall not bad, it was still a fairly mild day, too. here's a look at radar for you. we have this frontal system that's going to sync it's he ahe way to the southeast.outh we've got all this rain, r primarily most of it as you can see across areas to the south and there's still a little bittl of it to the north and northwest. atrazine this front starts to come throughfr we can still seea few more passing showers. today actually wasn't so bad temperature wise, but a lot cooler than yesterday. we were into the low sixties. we actually hit 61 at reagan national. but we hit 67 at both dulles and at bwi thurgood mar thankful. you can see we're a little bit on the cooler sigh. however, we should really only be in the upper 40s. temperature wise it was still fairly comfortable out there. so here's a look at what it's right in the nation's capital.a. we are at winds are from the north, northwest, very light at 6 miles an hour.r. so overall not too bad. elsewhere, our temperaturesres we've got 54 at dulles, the same at fredericksburg, 52 at gaithersburg and at baltimore and 48 at frederick, 46 at hagerstown, 50-degrees at cumberland. for tonight we'll continue to t seat clouds. the winds will be very late. the showers will gradually start to taper off and give way to just mainly cloudy skies. we have a ridge of high pressure building in for tomorrow and a that's what's going to set us up for some sunshine.ine. overnight low, 39-degrees overcast, just a few showers and here's your sunshine forecastre for you. by the time we get up early in the morning at 7:00 a.m. it will be about 50-degree, not all bad. plenty of sunshine at 6:51 bright and early. here's a look again at the temperatures.te expect to see a little bit of a roller coaster once we get intoe the week and we've got more wet weather ahead, but we'll get a dry el tell you about the two storm systems we're keeping an eye on in just a about it. >> it is february. sunshine tomorrow.hine that's all i heard. > that's the important part. >> focus on the good.oc > thank you,us gwen. >> take a look at this video. in the battle between train and the person, the train is going to win every time. yet that didn't stop one man in australia from risking his lifef you see him go across there. he's daring to cross the tracks, doesn't realize there is a train approaching in the other direction. look at as he goes down, the train comes. he sees it, turns around at the last second, makes it back okay. narrowly escaping being hit h after a spike in similar near misses the video was release as a warning to commuters there. >> apparently that happens ay th lot, people trying to cross. you figure -- unlike the metro where you have the island down the middle where you don't have to cross tracks to get to the to other side, a lot of places ar they have steps, elevators.vato you also have eyes to see wherew those trains are. >> it was coming around.d. tricky. on the way tonight, there's some new developments in the bill cosby sex we'll tell you what happenedned late last night which could impact that investigation. also coming up the latest from michigan where an uber driver ir charged ongoing on deadly hooting spree. the allegations are he did all this while picking up fairs. i do everything on the internet. but, it's kind of slow. i just downloaded 600 photos in 60 seconds. that's seriously better. (husband) we're out of 2%! blips blips switching to better internet is now easier than ever. only fios has the fastest internet available, with uploads up to 5x faster than cable. get 100 meg upload and download speeds. plus tv and phone for just $69.99 a month online with no annual contract. switch to better. switch to fios. > and welcome back, the lateste now on the deadly b shooting in michigan from last night.ight police at this hour still trying to figure out exactly why a manm shot and killed six lee people.l jason dalton was arrested. he'll go before a judge tomorrow. fox's mike tone inwith a report. >>reporter: my heart goes outo to the family of these individuals who was out enjoying their life and it was interrupted fatally in michigan. a community stunned after a shooting spree. 45 just so we're clear old jason dalton drove around the area of california ma zoo shooting people in three different locations. >> as far as i know it was completely random that mr. dalton had encountered those folks in the parking lot and a just began shooting at them. a father and his eight year old son were there is no clear reason why he started the rampage. there wasn't a fight. he seemed uneffected by what was going on and they found obviously pretty surprising. dalton's neighbors say they t would never expect he could be capable of something like this. he mainly stuck to him himself. living here for the last years i've never seen any stress go objection to the form members of the community say it's hard to phantom what happened without at clear motive.ive. this was so random. if this was gang violence, there's ways and interventions and things to work on. when a random individual decides to be evil, i don't know how you stop that.t. the uber company confirms that dalton was one of their drivers, but not confirming what's beenh' out on social media, that he was working on the night of the shootings > lawyers for blip's wife havei filed an emergency motion to postpone her deposition which is scheduled for monday. contact million cosby's deposition should be delayedd be because she has had noo involvement with the facts or allegations underlying this case. her lawyers argue mrs. cosby'scb testimony would create an unnecessary media circus. it was the friday that the judge ordered mrs. cosby to answer questions under oath in a defamation lawsuit by her husband by seven women saying he sexually assaulted them decades ago. an nsa whistle blower would like to come back to the unitednite states, snowden. he spoke to people via skype. he said he would be willing to return to the us if the federal would agree to have a fair trial. he left d.c. effaces charges. he could be put behind bars for 30 years if convicted. back now to the raise for theor white house and the field is is deni after a poor showing in south carolina jeb bush announced he is suspecting his campaign. fox's garrett teddy with more. >>reporter: a distinct fourthtc place finish in south carolina wasn't strong enough to keep jeb bush in the primary raise.. >> the people of new hampshire, south carolina and iowa have spoken so tonight i am suspending my campaign. the one-time front runner was never able to bounce back from his early struggles. he struggled to gain traction with voters. when his campaign decided to turn things around by going after long time friend mark rubn ohio it backd fired. mark ohio when you signed up for this, this was a six-year termm and should be showing up to work. you can campaign or just resignr and let someone else take the job. the only reason you're doing iti now is because we're running for the former florida governor hado a huge advantage. his super pack raised more than $150 million by the end of last year, far more than any of the other gop candidates, but the fundraising success never translated into votes or enthusiasm. it gets back in the business of creating a more pieceful work. despite his campaign and super pack spending more than $80 million on ads over the past nine months, again more than any other gop candidate, bush came in sixth place in iowa, in fourth place in new hampshire. south caroline what as his last chance. the burb family is extremely popular. but it wasn't much after fourth place finish, the former front runner is now out of the raise. in wash attorneys i'm garret kenny, fox news. > the raise for the white house has been fears and no doubt about it. it's gotten a little masty. y election look like if everybody got along. you no longer have to imagine thanks to fox's the simpsons. take a look. i know it looks bad right now, but try to visualize another america, a one where donald trump and they all get along. this is an issue where bernie and i are in complete agreementt how sweat it is to be loved by you. how sweat it is to be loved by you. don't slap me. just trust me. > that's a little too much. that was awesome. >> you kind of miss the days of decent political discourse. it makes you wish for those ability. >> that's true.t' > we can all dream. >> as we've keeping it interesting. >> the simpsons bringing us altogether. > all right. there is beat al> mania and thn there's a whole other level. find out what fan paid for a lock of john lennon's hair. > we have highlights anthrax from today's daytona 500 which had as close as a finish as you can possibly get. we're back after this. what happens when an all-encompassing brain scan is followed up with an all-embracing hug? what happens when the world's latest surgical technology is combined with caring for the world's newest mother? what happens when you match cutting-edge clinical trials with a gentle touch? you get extraordinary medicine and remarkable care. are proudly partnering to bring better care to every patient. dead pool deaminates at the box office, the superstar movie took in $55 million. $ kung fu panned da 3 came in second. the risen debuted at number three. the raise, the movie about owe limb pi and jessie owens six place. > this is a four inch lock of o hair from john lennon's head that someone at an auction.on that person was tony perkins. >> no, it wasn't. he would like something like that. he may think about it. a trim that lennon got on theo set of a movie of how i won the war which was release back in i 1967. also sold at the auction an unused ticket from the bands' first concert in the district. d that went for $35,000. > big money. we know some people shell out ot big bucks for a piece of celebrity. others are fine letting famous people bunch them in the face. this weekend actor shia labeouf spent 24 hours in an elevator. e students took turns getting into an elevator with leboeuf. one student asked him to punch him in the face as part of his own social experience. at first leboeuf didn't want to do it. i but the student egged him on until leboeuf eventually fellvet for it. what happens >> you grow up to say leboeuf punched him in the face. > he lived to tell about it. i was in the elevator with shyh leboeuf and i got him to punch me in the face. it has been a something i sunday so the question of the workweeke looms.lo do you feel like you or your friends are too self absorbed? there is a test to see if you have a gradios view of yourself. we're going to tell you about that next. > ever get the feeling that people around you are becoming little more self-absorbed? >> no. > all the selfies. there's a big reason why, probably social media. fox's linda schmidt with more. >>reporter: are you a naturee cyst c well, theres is a test you can take online to see if you are. gnars cyst am which is having a gradios view of yourself and you thinking you're better than everyone is increasing in the us. >> i think epidemic is a reasonable term because it is something that is growing and it's something larger than we can expect. social media is playing a role, but it is not creating gnarsgnar cysts. in it is a platform for gnars cysts who display their self absorbing. psychiatrist lenox lobber is with lenox hill hospital. people spend one over facebook, one hour a day on twitter. it's a chance to post pictures of themes. both doctor lobber and professor gamble sansars cyst many is caused by your up bringing, you, parents constantly telling you that you're better, prettier and smarter than everyone, creating a feeling of entitlement. social media then acts as an accelerant. 30 years ago a 12 year old or 13 year old didn't have thesehese opportunities for self promotion, for posting pictures for everybody to see. now, with facebook it's almost fueling little different as. it's just fueling these young children. > and constantly promoting yourself instead of helping others has damaging consequence essay cording to the experts.. people can start relationships,o but they have trouble keeping them going. they have trouble maintaining relationships. you have people who are good at maybe promoting themselves and getting jobs, but when they' there they come across as too entitled or too self-centered to keep the jobs. >> that's always eye opening. > were you guys saying something? >> i'm sorry, i was taking a selfie. > the thing you didn't see about ten seconds before that i pulled my phone out. it's part of our culture. we tell your people to pull your phone out and check the weather. >> fox5 a's weather app. >> it's actually a great app. > some rain tonight, but the t good news,on the sun is coming back tomorrow. everybody is when is the sun sun coming back. we only had rain for one day. > the temperature has been great. let's take a life look outside and tell you what you can expect for the week ahead because wesew have some changes, a lot happening, lots to choose from on the weather buffet. rain showers today, but kind of here and there. not a lot of heavy, steady rainfall at least. areas tot the south, a different story. they have seen some of that. we're still going to have a few lingering showers tonight before when we will actually start to see a little bit more of a break across the area. but some brighter skies as far as monies concerned. we are actually going to see a fair amount of sunshine before it's all said and done. d it's not going to be too bad att all. actuallies the 60s are going to be out of the way. we're going to see warm conditions, just start to cool down just ever so slightly. a couple of storm systems toms talk about april it will bee cooler by the time we get into the later part of the week with the temperatures dropping. here's a look the radar. you can see around lower southern maryland. here's the frontal system that' going to move its way down to the south.the so still a few showers across the area as a result of that. you know, just keep the umbrella handy because if you're heading out anywhere tonight you'll definitely feel the effects of it. our highs today not as high as they were yesterday. upper 60s elsewhere, but we actually aree above the seasonal should only be in the upper 40s. a far cry from that. 52 at d.c. right now, the sameae at gaithersburg, 54-degrees at dulles, the same at manassas, 53 at frederick burg, 48 at frederick and 46-degrees at hagerstown this hour. lowe's tonight expected to be in into the 40s.0s. it's going to be cloudy skies and overcast as a result of that system. so for tonight we are talking the showers.wers that system will move its way to the south, but still as i said on the mild side.ide. behind all this we have a ridge of high pressure building that's what's going to hold us sted for monday. plenty of sunshine as a result. we're also going to see some cooler air that's going to start to get a little locked intod i place and the timing of thatg getting out of the picture is very, very crucial buy weigh have a couple of storm systems. this one is going to be oure tuesday system.yste it looks right now that's going to move more to the west and it also looks like that colder air will be out of the way by the t time it heads through. so we are about this as a rainstorm, the question of track and how strong it's not going to be quite as strong.rong but it loose like it's going ting a little more to the west.. right now, what it looks like with the models is that most of this cold air will be out of the picture by wednesday, so this t also becomes more of a rain event.ent. we could see a little bit of a mixed precipitation over thetion hire elevations, blue ridge,, alleghany front. right now it looks like we're just talking mainly rain. here's a look at your futurecast, early morning hours. look at this, it's going to be coming in pretty heavy, an inch and a half. we're going to see this prettyy steady once it starts on tuesdat and right through into tuesday night. so this is even the 5:00 hour. not very good for that eveningng commute. but for tomorrow, plenty of sunshine. you don't need the umbrella at all. 47-degrees by midday. by the 5:00 hour 45-degrees under mostly sunny skies with the light winds. talking 45-degrees for your overnight low. tomorrow, 50-degrees park mostly cloudy. it's going to be pretty nice. here's a look at your seven day forecast. the temperatures all over the place, all couple of days where the umbrella has to be kept handy and then we're back for some dryer conditions towardson the end ofdi the week. w > not too bad.> thank you, gwen. coming up in sports, the maryland terps return home to a rematch against michigan.ichi >> and the daytona 500 comes down to mere inches in the closest finish of in the history of great american raise. > it only takes a daytona 500 to make driving an excitingitin sport. >> sure. yesterday i had to do a little sports and i had no idea what ii was talking about. so i'm glad that you're heree talking about it. sometimes pretending is just as good as the real thing. sports biggest raise, daytona 500 and today's 58th division first a little baseball.all. bryce harper hanging out before he reports to spring training. bryce elliott, he was leadingdig for the first three lapse, but on lap 19 spinning out and sliding toward the infield grass, the car nose dived and he finished with 30 lapsshe to go. it was not a pretty site out there. dale and i heart jr. running six, losses control, the same spot that elliott did. he goes out, ashrams into the t wall in the infield grass. he finished 36th and this is the first time he did not finish in 3 # raises. you didn't think that didn't disappoint the legions of earn heart jr. fans. she goes for a wild car, a car,a is going to go a about it abo airborne and then the nose of the car is heavily patrick finished 35th. > rough there. rou one by one they went down. raise for the checker flag, tensely will drop back, ham line on the outside, martin jr. onari the inside.e ham line is going to win in the close finish in raise history, just one hunt create of a second. joe gibbs wins his a 500 victory. toyota finishing, one, two, three. my teammates did an amazing jobj all day working together. all the toyota, this is a prouda moment at everyone at toyota. fed ex, getting all those sponsors and that's the important part. thursday's setback at minnesotae really the worst of the year and today maryland was back home looking to exact some revenge against michigan who won the first meeting january 12. 50 alums on hand front and center. head coach gary williams. let's go to the game action and early on in the first half fir maryland would take control going on a 17 and one run. jed nickings, there ing whys from the korner. he's going to hit the three-pointer. the terps build up a 16-point lead. as they get to the break, the lead whittled down to six points. michigan would take a 78 to 75 lead. in the end, the terps answer, robert carter spin spin movepin down the lead. maryland holds to win 86-82. the next game is saturday at purdue. meantime gw and foggy bottom hosting lasalle and today mikee longer began could relax. always good. go first half patrice ohio, check out, joe mcdonald to tyler kavanagh for the lay in. he had a game high 22 points. sixth time this year, 20 points, in the game. this time gw in the half court offense, mcdonald skips the pasl inside to guarino. guarino works his way in and gets the dunk, 19 points. with seven and seven from the field, the colonials crews to 90 and 50 victory. 13 and 2 alen at home.e. george mason with a road test, umass. they rallied in the second half. mason cut the deficit three points.ints with two minutes ting umass dan take you, gets the lay in, george mason loses, though, 70 to 64. in women's action brenda freeze and sixth ranked maryland on the road at rutgers. and walker-kim prohad it walking down the lane, pivots and that's two over 22 points. the terps also getting another big performance inside present brianna jones. she gets thebr rebound. shings up, she goes in. she gets the lay in. 14 points and 11 rebound, maryland prevails 73 to 58. winners of 13 of its last 14as games.mes. mets opinion a out of the game. he really upped the game. this year he went full mountain man, major growth there. i wonder if jason werth is still rocking his weird.rock we're going to see him. they all report this week. the beard game is always interesting. at least it's not the yankees where you're not allow to havee any face hair. > interesting stuff. > gwen, a quick word on weather. >> a quick look at that seven day forecast. we have some sunshine on monday, not quite as warm as it has been, however, but at least it will be dry and the rain comes much more for you coming up at 10. we'll see you then. again! again! again? again! again! general mills is removing artificial flavors and colors from our cereals. so you can love cereal... again! (singing) i just can't wait to meet you, sweet child you're on the way, i'm filled with expectation, and you're growing everyday... (instrumental) here in vineland, home of progresso, we figured out how to get rich ingredients like bacon into 22 light soups, so if you want 100 calories or less per serving without giving up rich flavor do what we do...make it progresso. look at this sweet face. so sweet. ok, we're going to need a napkin gooey, flaky, happy. toaster strudel. d'oh! (tires screeching) (grunts) ♪ homer: d'oh! ♪ ♪ tonight, tonight ♪ i'll win at cards tonight ♪ my flushes will be ♪ straight tonight ♪ lenny's gonna dominate tonight ♪ ♪ carl's gonna be a little late tonight ♪

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