Pthis morning. Pbut it is much drier. Pthats the one that go front did pto us we dont have humidity pfeel today well go 74 for high ptemperature. Pquick shower tomorrow morning. Pi mean quick. Pthen High Temperatures continue pto get warmer and warmer all pweekend long. Pso i cant wait to tell you pabout the sevenday forecast in pjust a few minutes. Pjen. P keeping updated on a crash in inellas county. Pthis is a pedestrian accident phappened just before 5 oclock pthis morning along 18th avenue psouth. P21st street south. Pyou can see from this image from pskyfox, that is still affecting pthe roadways st. Pete police on pscene investigating all lanes pare blocked along 18th avenue psouth. Retty residential area not pseeing any big delays in that pspecific spot. Pwere hearing of a crash along pi4 in area of Branch Forbes proad. Pso im scanning Traffic Cameras pto let you know as soon as i pspot it. P all right jen, thank you. P there is search happening pright now for men who tied up ptwo people in their home. Pelectronic and jewelry. Ptampa police say it happened pearly this morning on uconn pstreet. Pjust south of busch boulevard. Pthe victims managed to free pthemselves from at zip tie and pcalled called for help pthankfully no one was hurt. P the woman accused of a phitting and killing a tow truck pdriver is expected to a face a pjudge in just about a half hour. Pbut todays hearing is for a pdifferent charge. Pits a petty theft charge. Pinvestigators Allison Huffman pkilled roger perez on at howard pfranklin bridge last month. Pshe drove about a mile before pditching her car, took officials pmore than 12 hours to find her. Phuffmans bond was revoke ad at pher last quarter appearance a pgroup tow Truck Drivers are lanning a rally outside the pcourtroom to promote florida pmove over law. Phighlands county teacher accused pof a sexual relationship with p14yearold student is facing pnew charges this morning. P38yearold stacy lynn hook was parrested last month. Pshes math teach area middle pschool in sebring. Pinvestigators claim she sent pinappropriate texts to a student pat that school. Pclaiming she possessed some sort pof obscene material depicting pchildren. Pbut it doesnt say what it was. Phooning hooks is on padministrative leave right now. Pits a first step in two step rocess appear people will have pchance to weigh in on a pdecriminalize ing 20 grams of pmarijuana. Pnow the purpose here is to otentially prevent some people pfrom having a criminal record pwho would not otherwise. Pfox 13s Alcides Segui is live pfor news tampa this morning. Palcides. Phow much support is this idea pgetting . P you know i really dont know. Pits going to be very pinteresting to see whats going pto happen this this morning pcouncil meeting. Pagain expected to kick off some ptime this morning i believe pabout 8 30 nine oclock this pmorning. Pbut this part of the agenda was pnot going to happen until some ptime later i believe right paround lunch time. Peither way going to happen today pand going to happen in that pbuilding right behind us. Pthe city council chambers. Pwith that said under this roposal, if someone is caught pwith 20 grams of marijuana or pgoing to get arrested they are pnot going to jail. Pinstead they will receive a pcitation. Pand then at that point, they phave a 30 days to a pay that pcitation. Pthe first time that youre pcaught is 75 bucks. Psecond time is 150. Pand then the amount increases pevery time after that. Pso if you look at the current roposal, the proposed ordinance pnow, and you put that together pwith at current state statute, pthere is significant difference. Pbecause the current state pstatute makes first degree pmisdemeanor. Pwhich means if youre caught, pyou could go to jail up to a pyear. Pyou get 1,000 worth of fines. Pit also means your drivers plicense could be suspended. Pso if you look at the proposal pand current law theres a big, pbig difference. Peither way, city officials, they pagree with this move, at least pmost of them do. Pthey think this proposal is a pgood idea. Pand how much is 20 grams . Pi guess thats the question that plot of people were asking pyesterday when we were trying to pfigure this out. Pfind zip log back the size of psandwich bag you fill that up phalf way, thats about 20 grams. Pwhen we spoke to city officials pabout this cred they were wick pto point out this new law roposed law does not earn pcourage drug use. Plisten in. P the first fine would be 75. Pthe second would be 150. Pso its almost like a traffic pticket. Pyou dont have to go to jail pwere certainly discouraging pthat behavior. P other cities across the pcountry including new york have assed similar ordinances. Pand laura you and i were talking pabout this today new york pass ptheir version on monday. Pother cities across the state of pflorida have done something pvery, very similar to that. Psome argue having a criminal pbackground makes it very pdifficult for folks to have to pfind a job. Pbecause again, it ends up being pa criminal offense on their precord. Pso Something Like this makes it pa civil penalty. Pso potential employers are not pgoing to see that at all. Pvery interesting to see what pback to you. Pyes, it will be. Pall right, alcides, thank you. P and this at 8 05 pastors pacross florida could soon be pable to refuse to marry same sex pcouples under new bill that preceived overwhelming support in pthe house. Pthe socalled pastor pro text pbill is meant to protect pchurches and other religious pgroups opposed to same sex pmarriage. Pright now if they refuse to erform ceremony they could be psued. Pif passed house and florida psenate could vote as soon as ptoday. Palso in tallahassee a bill that pwould establish strict time plimits in suspected sexual passault cases is heading to pgovernor scotts desk for his psignature. Pearlier this Florida Department pLaw Enforcement reported state phad more than 13,000 untested prape kits. Pnow under this new bill, law penforcement agencies would have pa 30 days to submit evidence. P and new this morning a push pto a slow the spike in hiv pinfections in florida. Pbill headed to governors desk pthat program would allow drug paddicts to exchange dirty pneedles for free. Pclean ones. Pthose who spots on bill say it pwas so important to get it assed because state leads pnation for new cases of hiv aids pand that number rises every year pas part bill who people who come pinto Needle Exchange huhs must pbe referred to addiction rograms. Phome sweet home after nearly a pyear in space a long flight from planding site kazakhstan extra pnot scott kelly is finally back pin houston. P he walked down the steps of a lane about 2 30 this morning to pa lot of applause. Pit has been nonstop for him. Pfirst people to greet him at the pfoot of the stairs were his two pdaughters is girlfriend and twin pbrother mark. PInternational Space station parrive back to earth early pwednesday morning kelly thanked peveryone he worked with and said plisten. P its great to be back in pon u. S. Soil. Pits just an unbelievable pfeeling to be back here. Pon planet earth back in our pgreat country and back with all pof my family and my friends. P and kelly was subject of pdozens of experiments while at pthe International Space station. Pthose experiments are part of pbig step toward a manned mission pto mars. Pkelly himself returned to earth ptwo inches taller than when he pleft. Pwhich is interesting. Pand you remember when we talked pabout this before it seems no pgravity decreases decompress the pspinal column. P right. Papparently, apparently only ptemporary. P yeah. Pbut can you imagine though . P if youve got a bad back . Pgo to space. Pit gets stretched out. Pyou know. Pway to trip to moon. Pthese temperatures that we are pexactly why we live in florida. Pgorgeous days. Pdaves back in few minutes with platest 70degree forecast. Pim taking you on one tank trip. Phow just a little gas youll pmost unique art that our city phas to offer. Pthis is something. Pat least one specific piece ive pbeen wanting to show off for a plong time now. Phey charley. Prussell, im so full. Pi cannot eat another bite. Pi dont want another bite of pfood. Pwell then again, wow. Pwow. Pthis is whats new this year. Pthis is called the a funnel cake pcookie. Pthats crazy. Pits crazy. Pstrawberry chocolate or the pchoco berry. Pits thats a cookie. Pthats a cookie. Pits the strawberry festival. Pi love it. Lant city kicks off today pdays. Pthis. Pi suggest you run here and run phome you might need to after pthis. Pthere. Pwere going to get you ready for during this extended visit from your extended family, all you want is a peaceful moment to stream your show. And you need enough bandwidth to share with a full house of hungry users. Lightning internet from bright house networks. The speed you need. And now connect to. Standard tv and 50 megabit lightning internet. Only 94 a month 3 laura 2shot qd theres especially the bay area. Weve got pthere is so much to do in pflorida. Pbushy gardens some like to pkickback and relooks on the pbeach. Psome like to see animals up pclose and personal at the pflorida aquarium. Pbut, maybe youve missed some pthe most colorful and creative psites in our area. Plet me enlighten you this pmorning with my one tank trip. Pcocoa josephine and i love phanging out that beautiful piece pof outdoor public art recently pinstalled on bay shore. Pacross academy holy names monte pcarlo towers. Pits called visual welcome. Pits by artist, now, its been pin tampa, since the 90s. Pbut only recently did it get pthis high profile address on the pbay shore. Pit certainly where intended to pbe where people could walk by pdrive by. Pits drive by art work. Pnothing to be, not appropriate pfor a museum. Preally meant to be outdoors. Phow it seems to a move as you pmove. Pwhen you walk or drive, it pchanges. Pone direction it looks like pthis. Pthe other it looks totally pdifferent. Probin is manager of tampas art rograms division. Pshe finds the art finds theed pmoney. Ublic, private and grants. Pto make public art happen in ptampa. Pand she says theres a pdifference between this kind of part and what you would see in a pmuseum. Plot has to do how youre pengaged. Phow you encounter it. Pin the public its, very harsh pconditions. Ptypically youve sun, salt, pwater. Pyouve got other kinds of pdistraction you need to watch pthe road. Plot going on. Pa long bay shore boulevard there pare several pieces of public part. Psome of them you see every day. Psome of them you may be noticing phere for the first time. Pin the museum, you go to the part. Pin public art, you stumble pit almost just comes to you. Pand art like this must be presilient. P the real intent is to always plook good. Pif it doesnt look at its best pyoure not its disservice not ponly to artist but push that pexperiences it. Pit was spruced up when he was pinstalled on bay shore. Pit looks like new again. Pit has become a part of plandscape here and thats what ublic art is supposed to be. Pwhat would it look like without pit . Pi mean if you think about t i pmean sometimes you can say you pjust miss it or just glaze over pit. Pif it werent there i think you pwould really notice it. P and an it doesnt stop there ptampa full great public art. Pbesides bay shore you can always pfind it in downtown tampa and palong the river walk. Pyou can also find out more by pgoing to city tampa website and ptype in art programs. Pjust about every city in town pwe got something to show you pfrom my home town of paris, ptexas. Pwhat . Pthere it is. Plook. Plook. Plook right there. Pis thats eiffel tower in paris ptexas. Pred cowboy hat on top p lord have mercy. Pim so proud of that. P you should be. P i love that. Pisnt that cool . P one word for it. Pwe used to have wooden one. Pthere was wooden one and blew paway in tornado so theres steel pone up now. Pwell good thing for that secure pthat forever. Pthats funny. Pthats good right in middle pwhere everybody can see it. Pout by the civic center, yeah. Pi have no idea. Pyou get arrested if you go up pthere. Phow do you know that . P i tried. P look it up. P lets go on and talk about peverything else. Pyou take it, jen. Poh, man. Poman. Pgot to go to paris texas where pyou dont want to go i4 pwestbound. Pthis crash this morning, causing psome serious delays. Pthe Branch Forbes exit. Pand take look a that crash phappened right smack in middle pof interstate. Ptechnically only inside lane is popen far right lane. Pit looks like traffic is psqueezing by on the far right pside of the roadway as well. Pexit lane. Pand then hopping back on to pwestbound lanes of i4. Lease, please remember the move pover law. Pemergency crews right in middle pof the roadway. Pso significantly slow down your pspeed. Pyoure supposed to slow it down pat least 20 Miles Per Hour below osted limit. Lease go even slower than that pand try to move over as much as pyou can to get emergency crews a psafe space to clear this crash. Pagain westbound i4 going to be psignificantly impacted because pof this crash. Pyou may want to head south and puse u. S. 92 as an alternate. Pof course walking on a psouthbound 275 crash along i p275. Pand wrecker as well fire rescue. Pit looks like camera is freezing pone lane may be blocked in this parea. Pso were seeing a big slow down phere. Psome pretty slow spots on the pinterstate this is morning psouthbound 275, westbound i4, ptwo spots youll want to avoid. Phey weve got good news. Pearlier crash in Pinellas County palong 18th avenue south is pclear. Pall lanes are back open. Pdave. P thanks jen. Ptwo tough spots, and 275. Pupper 50s in tampa at this hour. Psame for brandon, sun city pcenter is back up to 50 degrees. Pwestchase in the mid 50s. Pand yeah, steadily warming up pnow that sun has beenal well an phour, hour and a half. Pcool start and the few spots a pfront that came through knocked pour temperature back to normal a plittle bit. Pbut also dried us out. Pupper 50s Bradenton Venice pinglewood, Frostproof Haines pcity sebring. Pnice start to the day. Pwinds out northeast or east, pthey will shift back to the psouthwest later today. Pas another have fast moving pso we have the filtered sunshine ptoday. Pwell still make it back into pthe 70s. Pthis front comes through very pearly tomorrow morning. Pthis time, man, half way decent pshot of the a sprinkle or a tiny plittle shower. Pthats all the rain that we have pin the forecast for the next pseven days early tomorrow pmorning. P74 degrees for High Temperature ptoday. Ptonight, back to the lower 60s. Pmostly cloudy skies. Pquick, quick little shower, very pearly tomorrow morning then sun pcomes back out in afternoon. Pyour friday afternoon high, 72 pdegrees. Pbut look at that sevenday pforecast. Psaturday, sunday 76, upper 70s pto lower 80s russell and laura pfor next week. P okay. Robably not telling you psomething you dont know prelationships are tough. Pyou got to make them work. Pat the end of the day though psome just will not work. Pcoming up at 9 well take look pat the couples that have to work pharder than most. Pwhat they can do to bounce back. Pand in just a few minutes were pchecking out all things pstrawberry. Pfestival before some people dont like to share their wifi, but at bright house networks, we do. Login to one of our hotspots and get your code for free wifi at over 50,000 bright house wifi hotspots. Pwere following too big wigs pissues interstate the first this pweek westbound i4 Branch Forbes proad the accident right in pmiddle interstate only outside pa lot of emergency crews are on pscene a back up about 30 minutes pthis morning. Pso please give yourself extra ptime and give officials space to psafely clear out this crash. Panother slow spot this morning pis southbound 275, take a look pat the back ups. Ptheres a crash along southbound p275 at sligh avenue. Pthe right lane is blocked. Pand youre drive time this pmorning anywhere between 40 and p50 minutes from bearss avenue to pi4. Pbut if youre headed eastbound palong i4 maybe going to the pstrawberry festival. Pno problems getting there. Pso far. Pwere going to check in with pcharley belcher. Pyou are tasting some sweet stuff pright now. Pgoing to agent taste of pentertainment. Pwe put a side for a moment kicks poff today 10 oclock all sorts pafr Great Entertainment all pthroughout fairgrounds. Pbranch and dean are performing pevery day. Pevery day. P1 oclock. Pand 4 oclock. Pwhere can we find you bristol pstage. Pyall are from florida. Pmckinney, florida outside pits a little outside of pnashville. Pnow you all live in nashville. P were on the road and on the proad. Pthats true. Pyou havent been home in weeks, pa while probably. Ptell me a little bit about you pguys. P you know, were so happy to pbe home. Pfirst of all, and we tell a plittle bit of story about you pknow what we do in our calls. Pand musics intended to change plives. Pwe never knew we wrote this next psong we will changing our own plives. Psong is called the dash. Ptalking about the little line pbetween when youre born and pwhen you pass. Pwhat are you going to do with pyour dash . P ive heard this song. P yeah. Pi didnt realize it was you. Pi know this song. Pi lost a son three years ago to pcystic fibrosis he wanted to be pspokesperson for cf pdo that. Pwhen he passed acalled chapter pof jacksonville he called one pambassador pwhat an honor were very rivileged to do what we do and phelp raise money. Pand we raised a lot. Pand im with them, you know, pour part. Pand p you know. Pi tell you what, everybody we pgot one thing in common. Pwe get one breath after that pwere oh time clock. Pwe ask you guys. Phow you spend your dash. Pyou get right here in a minute. Charley will toss to shayla p p p i didnt realize these guys pfantastic song. Pfind this on youtube. Pits a fantastic song. Pim going to record it on my hone and put it on my facebook age. Pgreat, great song. PShayla Reeves youre here too. Pim going back to enjoy this pmusic. Phi good morning to you charley. Pwere live at the strawberry pfestival. Pits the first day of course pdeputies are music playing i feel pretty west side story not every cake can be handcrafted in store by skilled decorators layered with fresh berries and frosted to perfection like our publix bakery chantilly cake itll be remembered for all the right reasons. Publix. 3 russell 2shot the strawberry p florida strawberry festival pkicks off in just a few hours. Pwhile you will looking to have psome fun Law Enforcement will be plooking for anything suspicious. Pthey are increasing their psecurity. Pso you and your family can stay psafe. Pfox 13s Shayla Reeves is live pfor news plant city with whats pbehind this new push. Pgood morning, shayla. P hi, good morning to you guys. Pthis year youre likely see some pextra security. Pextra steps to make sure your pexperience is safe one. Pright knew im here with major pchad chronister with poffice. Pyoure making. Pyou guys will have a lot of pdeputies out here. Pyouve got them . Psome specific places. Plot more enhanced security a psign the time youre seeing it pacross the nation what different ptheme parks, different festivals pconcert venues so, definitely pfollow suit here at the pstrawberry festival. Pyou will now be winded down as pyoure coming in to make sure ptheres no weapons, metal pobjects that are usual consider pad weapon. Pa lot more camera angles well a pbetter birds eye view of a pwhats happening a, walking erimeter a deputies on phorseback, bicycle, and of pcourse then youll have covert pdeputies to keep an eye on, i pjust say keep an eye on more on pchildren rambunctious children pthat may frequent the midway. Pand you had some advice a little pbit earlier for parents. Pif they are going to be here pwith small children, theres psome things they can do either pthey get here. Pto make sure, they are prepared pif their child gets lost. Pvery great point. Pthose of you traveling with your pchild, children, bringing them phere to the festival grounds. Ptake a picture of them. Pthis way when you have picture pof what they were wearing. Pinstead of trying to describe to pus now we have it now we can plook at the camera send it out pto all deputies and help recover pthat child sooner than later. Pyou all have a lot of eyes out phere. Pyou have more than dozen cameras pavailable to you. Pcapturing various points around phere. Pbut youll also have deputies on pthose bicycles. Pand horseback too. Ptrying to keep an eye on parking plots and checking oh perimeter pas well. Pbut, of course we want to talk pabout, once you get inside or ponce youre trying to get pinside, there are a few things pyoure not allowed to bring. Pwe had question on facebook pearlier from viewer named andy pwho wanted to know about pfirearms. Pif you have a concealed carry ermit can you bring one or not . Pthats great question but punfortunately the answer is no. Pas any type of stadium, airport, pany type of concert venue. Pthe answer is no. Pwe have absolutely zero ptolerance. Pno, no, not allowed to bring any ptype of firearm in. Pregardless of whether you have pthat permit or not. Pand to be honest with you dont pneed it here. Pyou know were going to make psure no one has weapon here. Pnot like youre going to be out pgunned here. Pcome have a good time enjoy the pfood. Penjoy entertainment. Penjoy family fun on the rides. Pleave the safety and security up pto Hillsborough County sheriffs poffice thank you so much major pchad and joining us again in p9 oclock hour. Pand well talk a little bit more pabout safety and security and pthings you need to know if you pcome to the strawberry festival. Pguys back to you. Pall right. Pthank you, shayla. Prussell and i were juicy talking pabout a sweet to pay to pie. Pbring it. Pyou go i4 exit ramble expansion pis still not finish even though pdot officials were hoping to phave it done by now. P 2 million project will not be pbecause of this police are pasking are asking people to pavoid that inter change. Pnew this morning hillsborough pavenue will be soon safer for edestrians a new traffic signal pis set to be turned on it comes pafter string of pedestrian paccidents. Psome of them have been deadly. Pnew crosswalk signal will be pfully activated within the next pweek. Pcost 350 to install. Plocated by the entrance into peast gate plaza and meridian oint apartments. Pmost recent alli 58yearold was pkilled by delivery truck. Pthree Middleton High School pstudents have been hit there as pwell. Ptwo of them killed. Pthere will be a button for edestrians. Pbroad horizontal stripes on avement. Pa safety refuge in the middle of pthe road. Palso warning lights for drivers. Pit is 8 34 now. Punder staffing tampa irs office pcould soon be fixed you remember pyesterday on good day we showed pyou lines with dozens of people pwaiting hours to be seen. Pthis is video of lines this pmorning. Pbut they dont stretch nearly as pfar as they did yesterday. Pmany of the people coming here pin line because someone filed ptaxes in their name to get their preturn. Pin order for them to file pthemselves they now have to pverify their identities in erson. Pthey cannot do it online. Por over the phone. Pagency officials for their part pblame the extended weight times pon cutbacks not enough staff. Pnow the agency says it plans to phire more workers. Pfor now people can make pappointments online for the st. Ete office. P well, we are smack dab in the pmiddle of the race for the white phouse. Pwe are less that two weeks away pfrom big florida primary. Pif you want to see what pcandidates have to say after plast few weeks of hits and pmisses, tonight. Pand a walter allen is here with review of whats going to be panother loud passionate debate. Pit should a lot of fun to watch. Ptheres going to one less person pon stage few fox develop debate. Pit actually ben carson. Pending his campaign after poor pfinish on super tuesday. Pheres fox news correspond pencaroline shively. P with donald trump winning pmost super tuesday delegates by pfar this week, his rivals are phoping to use the debate in pdetroit to knock real estate pmogul off his perch. Pwith Donald Trump Holding strong pin first place coming out this pweek super tuesday races tonight pshow down in detroit could be pthe last chance for some prepublicans to gain traction pbefore the next round of voting. P cruz wants to get rubio out. Prubio wants to get cruz out. Pthey have got straight shot a ptrump. Pbut why should either one of pthem drop out . Pted cruz is now in second place pas as far as delegate count pthanks to three state wins this pweekend. Pwe have lost texas. Pthat would have been the end of pthe road. Pi dont think a candidate has pviable path forward. Pif you cant win your home pstate. Pmarco rubio will face that pchoice in less than two weeks. Prubio guarantees the supporters pflorida. Peven though trump is leading in pmost polls there. P please, everyone get together pso we can keep this front runner pfrom winning. Pohio Governor John Kasich will pbe on stage tonight, but dont pexpect any low blows. P im not engaging in personal pattacks, name calling or mud pslinging to become president of pthe united states. P tonights fox news debate in pdetroit has added importance pahead of delegates rich pmichigans primary next tuesday. P in washington, caroline pshively, fox news. P as russell mentioned the prace for the white house all peyes are on florida. Pas we know now, the primarys on p15th and voters are incredibly pimportant because florida a pwinner take allstate. Pearlier this week some pcandidates started flocking to pflorida now they are in the bay parea. Pjust yesterday Hillary Clinton popened her came pain pheadquarters in tampa. Pbernie sanders organizers were pworking out a home in seminole pheights marco rubio opening his poffice in brandon today. Pted cruz already has an office ptrump has been here for a while pnow. Prussell, laura. Pall right thank you, walter. Pwe need to get over to jen pepstein right now. P traffic issues today. Pi jinxed myself. Pit was 7 oclock i said oh its pso easy a perfect ride. Pweve got lot going on this pmorning take note pad out. Pyou may want to take notes. Psouthbound Sunshine Skyway pbridge i cannot tell what this pis yet. Pbut take a look. Pyouve got three or four fhp pcruisers on scene. Aramedics ems road rangeser. Pi only see one vehicle. Pthey are scanning the area. Plooking at the water im not pgoing to you know jump to any pconclusions this is it. PSunshine Skyway bridge psouthbound. Pa lot of crews on scene right pnow. Pso you might want to avoid area puse i75 morning to access pHillsborough County. Por even Pinellas County were pseeing very big delays in this parea. Pagain this is southbound on the pSunshine Skyway bridge. Pright at the peak of the bridge. Pwere seeing significant delays pbecause of this issue this pwestbound along i4 still backed pfrom earlier crash. Pall vehicles are now off to the pleft side of the road. Pso no longer blocking any lanes. Pwe will have to get through that presidual back up from this pearlier crash. Pi will give yourself an extra 15 pto 20 minutes to travel from pBranch Forbes road over to i75. Pbecause we are still seeing the pdelays from that. Pand its jammed this morning palong southbound 275. Ptheres some vehicles off to the pleft side of the roadway at pfletcher avenue. Ptheres a southbound crash along p275 at sligh avenue. Pblocking the right lane. Pso thats causing big slow downs phere. Pabout 40 to 50 minutes, thats pyour drive time. Psouthbound 275 from bearss pavenue to i4. Pi take the blame. Pyou can give it to me. Pits fine. Pmy fault. Pi jinxed it. P yeah. Plooking camera shots you can see phow that sun is filtering pthrough the high cloudiness that pwe have this morning. Pkind of like that mickey psunshine. Pa great picture over lake pmirror. Pa live shot of what lakeland pbut mid to upper level clouds pstreaming through. Pthey wont thick enough to pfilter out all of the sunshine. Pso that means weve got nice psteady warm upcoming at us ptoday. Pcurrently 58 in Tampa Brandon p59. Pclearwater touching 60. Pa little bit cool tore north. Pof course warmer to the south. Pwith winds primarily now out of pthe northeast. Phes our next weather maker. Pit really is right on the heels pof this front that came through plate yesterday. Pthis one has a little bit more pmoisture with it. Pso when you wake up tomorrow pthere may be tiny quick little pshower moving through. Pbut other than that, we dont phave any rain in the forecast pfor the next several days. Pso, well bring it up to about p74 degrees for a high ptemperature today. Pwith clouds and sunshine. Pmostly cloudy tonight. Ptheres that shower coming late ptonight or very early tomorrow pmorning. Pwith low temperature of 61 pdegrees. Pthen early shower tomorrow, psunshine returns in the pafternoon. Pboaters we do have light chop pfor you today water temperature psteadily rising now. P7 day outlook look how nice and pmild this gets. P75, saturday, 76. Psunday with potential for highs pin lower 80s much of next week. P thanks dave. P8 41. Pno secret, weve got lot of panimal lovers around here. Pand its pretty safe to say that pjen and i could turn into this pguy in the next few years. Pespecially when we when we win plottery. Ptheres this man from denver, pcolorado hes using his land to pgive elderly animals a forever phome. Pwere talking a lot of them from pall walks of life. Psteve gray. Phe currently has, listen to pthis, ten dogs, a pig, who pthinks shes a dog. Ptwo chickens two ducks, two igeons, some cats, a rabbit. Pand a pond full of coy. Pthat is us. Pwhile he may sound like hes a phoarder he really not hes palways had animals growing up phis parents let him have pcan take care of him this has pcontinued into his adulthood. Pwhat started of this love aat pleast wanted animals . Phes told website do do that one pof has is dogs died he decided pto go down to local shelter and padopt a 12yearold chihuahua pwith heart murmur and four bad pknees. Pthat dogs name was he or. Pand the the love has just pcontinued. Phe does have full time job hes pan accountant besides take care pof this mini zoo hes got, and pspeaking an animal adoptions pvery exciting update for you premember that litter of puppies pthat were dumped on the side of pthe road . Pwell they will soon be ready for padoption. Uppies are slowly recovering. Pin fact this is new video of one pof those puppies. Pthis is natalie. Pshe was severely malnourished. Pvitamin d deficiency ask rickets pwhich explains her walk. Pbut shes wagging her tail. P yep. Pand somebody is going to give pthat sweet baby a great home im pconfident. Pall right. Pfinding a job can be tough. Pbut getting one can prove to be pa bigger challenge. Pup next were going to ask a pyourself if you have allergy congestion, muddling through your morning is nothing new. Your nose is the only thing on your mind. And to get relief, anything is fair game. Introducing rhinocort allergy spray from the makers of zyrtec. Powerful relief from your most frustrating nasal allergy symptoms , all day and all night. Hasnt your nose been through enough already . Try new rhinocort allergy spray. Muddle no more the sunll come out tomorrow. For people with Heart Failure, tomorrow is not a given. But entresto is a medicine r that helps make more tomorrows possible. Tomorrow, tomorrow. I love ya, tomorrow study ever, entresto helped more people stay alive and out of the hospital than a leading Heart Failure medicine. Women who are pregnant must not take entresto. P it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. Dont take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren. If youve had angioedema while taking an ace or arb medicine, dont take entresto. The most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure. Kidney problems, or high potassium in your blood. P tomorrow, tomorrow i love ya, tomorrow ask your heart doctor about entresto. Youre only a day away. 3 finding a job can be tough. And pall right. Pif youre finding job can tough. Pif youve ever been in a trouble pit can a lot harder. Pwhat happens when you apply for pa job and you think youre erfectly qualified and things pjust arent adding up . Pthis morning we have an attorney pmark edelman to talk about pbackground checks and how they pcan hurt you when applying for pare a job. Pgood morning to you. Pthanks for being here. Pgood morning. Pthanks for having me. Phow common is this . Pdoes almost every employer do it palmost every Large Employer pconducts background checks on ptheir employees and applicants. Pbackground check is being done . Pmost of time we hope that they pdo. Art of employers legal pobligation is to provide an papplicant with a clear and pconspicuous disclosure that they pare going to run a background pcheck. Pand then get the signed pauthorization from the applicant pbefore running background check. Pyou say that doesnt always phappen. Pnot every time. Pand more instances than not pdisclosure doesnt actually meet pfederal requirements. Pthats unfortunate. Pso you say some of these people pwith these background checks pthat come out not right. Pthen they are not hiring these eople. Pwhat can the applicant do then pto amend that or change it if pthis is Standard Practice legal por not theyve got to deal with. Pyou ever bringing up a great oint number one know your prights as an advocate. Pis an employer is going to run a pbackground check and they give pyou the consent, and they give pyou the disclosure forms you pfill them out, and then you find pout you dont get the job, you pcan use your common sense and erhaps its related to your pat that point, as an applicant pyou have rights. Pthe employer is actually pobligated to give you notice pthat they are going to make a pdecision based upon the pbackground check. Pthey are required to give you pnotice to send you a letter pdescribing your rights and to rovide of background check that pthey use to make their decision. Pand how often does that happen . Pvery infrequently. Pbecause employers also required pto give you a reasonable amount pof time to fix any discrepancies pthat may occur. Pand so what is there legal precourse in that matter . Pim sure once that has been, you pknow brought up and an employer pis aware of a possibility of pwrong doing or anything, maybe pthe chance is gone. Pbut, you, i dont know. Pi just feel like a chance to pamend it for the next time paround. Pright. Pand you bring up a good point. Pnumber one, what you need to do pis make sure the employer is pfollowing the law. Pso if they have given the job to pand then they go ahead and send pyou copy the background check ptheyve broken the law. Pthey were supposed to give you ptime to try and fix it. Pbut at least now as an papplicant, you know that theres psomething on your background. Pso when you get a cop of the preport, make sure you get any pdiscrepancies fixed. Pchase down the credit reporting pagency where background pscreening company that did the preport, and make sure any errors pare taken care of so it doesnt op up again. Pso these background checks pinclude criminal and credit . P yes. P they can include both. Pand again, if somebodys rights phave been violated. Pthey have a system by which they pcan enforce those rights and our plegal system. Pwhich gives everybody an equal popportunity to equal access to pemployment you can turn around pand then sue them. Pcivil recourse. Pabsolutely. Pand a lot of times what were pfinding is people have families pthey need to support families. Pthey have bills to pay like peverybody else. Pand yeah employers are just pviolating their rights. Pand disregarding their pcredit reporting act. Pinteresting. Pmark edelman thank you so much pfor helping us understand it a plittle bit better. Pill glad to for more pinformation you can check out pwebsite. Pand again part ask a lawyer they pare answering your legal pquestions for free. Pand so make sure you take padvantage of that if you can. Pwell get over to charley pbelcher at the strawberry pfestival im so jealous charley. Pgood stuff that branch and dean psinging the their song the dash pim sorry we couldnt get more pof it on tv a busy tv morning if pyou go to my Facebook Page fox p13s charley belcher, we did a pfacebook live and then it posted pvideo there. Pyou can see song in its pentirety. Pits a beautiful song with a pgreat message. Pso go check that on my facebook age. Pright here on fox 13, good day ptampa bay continues with circus pincredible. Pmore of the incredible pentertainment at the florida pstrawberry festival which kicks poff at 10 00 a. M. This morning. Pstick around everybody. Pthrough a good day. The bigger the burrito, the bigger the fun. Dunkins new grandde burrito a breakfast burrito packed with big southwest flavor. Go grande with veggie or sausage today. Put more fun in your day with icecreamflavored coffees at dunkin donuts. Go for delicious flavors like butter pecan, cookie dough, or new pistachio. Enjoy one today. America runs on dunkin. Pgood day tampa bay. Pand welcome to plant city pflorida. Phome of the 2016 florida pstrawberry festival kicks off a p10 00 a. M. This morning. Pfun. Pit to be from food and rides and parts and crafts. Pand incredible entertainment. Pincluding circus incredible. Pand you know how its going to pincredible, you already making pmy nervous. Pall right. Pjust be careful up there, lease. Pyou know its incredible. Pbecause these folks are pwallendas. Pthats first name in circus erformance. Plyric is here doing at talking pfor us thats her husband up pthere death defying act and mom pright here next to us. Ptell me about circus incredible pa family show my husband and i roduce it. Pmy mom works with us. Pand were six and seventh pgeneration of wallenda family. Pmy husband originally from pmoscow, russia. Psecond generation. Pand grew up in moscow state pcircus in moscow. Pwere doing our family fun pshows, circus incredible. P25 to 30 minutes of fast paced penergy death defying feats. Paerial in the show. Pnice. Pthis is your first time at the pstrawberry festival . Pour first time, were super pexcited. Pgoing to be huge. Pwe almost feel like were local. Pwe live in sarasota just down pthe road. Pand were happy that they decide pto bring us in this frame. Pwere going to do a hand stand. Phe waiting for camera to appear pim not doing this, oh my pgoodness. Phow long you worry about him. Pado. Pi get im more worried about pbeing on the ground than he is pabout and then he worries about pme when im in the air. Pof course. Pnice. Phe says he has good life pinsurance. Pyoure fine do whatever you pwant. Pwhere are you prafrming lyric . Pwere almost center of the pground just on other side of pthis arena. Pwere doing three shows daily. P12 30, 3 30, 5 30. Pall 11 days of the festival. Pso please come out, catch one of pour shows our a couple. Pyeah if you like it come back pand see us. Ptell everybody about it. P i almost wore same pants hes pwearing up there today. Pi like those. Pthats just, i mean amazing to pthink hes on a cylinder between ptwo little cone things. Pyeah. Pwow. Pive never. Palways amazes me to see stuff plike this you probably traveled pthe world. Pall over. Pyep. Pdone this so many times you pcant even keep up with how many ptimes youve done it. Pentertainment world weve been pin movies weve done pcommercials. Pwallendas. Pwallenda blood line. Pgood for you guys. Phey, have fun. Pbe safe. Pcome check out circus pincredible. PRussell Rhodes you know when i psaid name wallenda you know it pwill be entertaining. Pboy. Pyou know one thing getting up pthere doing it. Pthen you got to get down. Pi know. Pi know. Pget out of it. Pyeah. Pyeah. Phes like im done. Poh. Psorry. Psorry. Pdid you hear that . Psirens. Pyeah i did. Pwell talk later. Psee you, man. Pwere finally hearing from pcommander scott kelly. Phis thoughts on the future of pthe countrys space program. Pand for the love of the game. Pone of the great one great pgrandfathers passion for pbaseball has made his family pextremely rich. Pweaver got this crazy story and pkeep it right here. 3 from one percenters to six p well, from at 1 percenters pto 6 percents. Pbusinesses that are taking more pof the profits then others pcombined. Pguess what it aint good for the prest us. Pwhen you say ado, you dont pthink of i donts. Pbut there are certain types of pcouples whose relationships will pend. Pwhat signs should you look for . Pand good thursday morning im plaura moody. Pim Russell Rhodes outside with pdave this morning. Poh, laura

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