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P you tell me. Pi will in a few minutes. P okay. P all right. Pdave see you then. Plets check roadways in meantime p9 oclock straight up were in inellas county a couple pincidents to talk about. Pnew crash reported at gulf to pbay boulevard in u. S. 19. P1 westbound lane is blocked. Pbut you can see were dealing pwith both eastbound and pwestbound direction delays in pthat area. P also, sticking here along the pu. S. 19 corridor in pinellas pcounty traffic signal work pscheduled to start right now pintersection gandy boulevard. Pso well have what were hearing inellas park police directing ptraffic in that area as crew dos psome work and so you could see psome delays throughout the day. P we continue to follow this pnews alert at the pinellas pcounty courthouse on 49th street pin clearwater. Pand this is the scene here. Pthis a live look. Psheriffs office is confirming pthat several suspicious items phave been found outside of the pcourthouse. Pright now the building has crime pscene tape around it weve seen pa lot of deputies at the scene. Pwe have been able to pinpoint pand they are zooming in on it pnow. Pyou can see the aluminum object. Pthe cylinder of some sort on the pground next to that pillar. Pseems to be wrapped up in sort psilver metallic tape we will pcontinue to bring you updates oh pthis developing situation. Pstay with us breaking this hour pa shot in the line of duty in pjacksonville. Pthat officer is in the hospital pright now. Phis injuries are serious. Pwere still working to sort out pthe situation. Pbut Authorities Say there are pmultiple scenes involved in pthis. Erson suspected of shooting pdetective is alive. Pwe will continue to monitor this psituation and detectives pcondition updates on the fox 13 pnews at noon and on pwww. Fox13news. Com. P local news no tense moments povernight when hillsborough pcounty deputies got calls off pwrongway driver in riverview parea. Pbut it wasnt a Standard Driver pthat was under the influence. Ptheres lot more to this story. P good morning to you laura. Pand very scary night for several pfolks that were travelling on p301 near gibsonton drive. Pa person who was driving pliterally you see her car going pleft to right on the screen. Pon the opposite direction going pright to left coming into on pcoming traffic. Pthis happened late last night. Pthankfully several people called p911. Pthere was deputy nearby. Pthat deputy began to parallel, pfollow the suspects pick up ptruck from the proper lane with plights and sirens in an effort pto alert on coming traffic. Pwrongway driver drove straight pthrough several red lights that plasted for some time theed pdriver crossed median back on to pnorthbound lanes where deputies psay driver began throwing things pout the window. Pafter the chase investigators pwalked canvassed this area did pnot find anything. Pi got to tell you deputies fell pback in that chase. Paviation unit followed from pbehind. Pnot too far behind. Pthat only last ad short time. Pon to on coming traffic. Pagain, thats when deputies read pthey had to do something they ut stop sticks up. Ick up trucking front right ptires were deflated. Pbut this guy just kept ongoing. Pand according to investigators, pintentionally started driving ptowards the path of on coming ptraffic. Pmaneuver. Pthis guy lost control of his ptruck but it wasnt over yet. Pdetectives say he tried to pescape in the process of doing pthat rammed several patrol cars. Phe was arrested. Pder remember wayne hide. Phes 20 years old and facing a pslew of charges. Pincluding aggravated battery on plaw enforce the officer. Pthis guy has been arrested pbefore by several law enforce pthe agencies. Pyou can see the number of mug pshots he has right there. Palso, investigators found a plarge bag of unknown white owder inside that pick up ptruck. Pit was similar to narcotics. Pthe substance was sent off for ptesting. Pthey are not completely sure if pits drugs or cocaine. Pinformation on that once that ptesting is revealed. Pin Hillsborough County, alcides psegui, fox 13 news. P a 27yearold man is dead pthis morning after he raise ad pgun a Hillsborough County pdeputies. Pit all started about 11 oclock plast night when deputies say the psomeone called 911 to report pthat jeffery was screaming and pwaving a gun. Pdeputies arrived at the within pwood Oaks Apartment complex and pdiscovered can sell armed. Pwere told they tried punsuccessfully to talk him down pand the exchange ended in pgunfire. Pfour deputies are now on padministrative leave. P a polk county woman has parrested yesterday for dui pmanslaughter after she caused an paccident that left a 28yearold pwoman dead. Pdeputies deputies tell us p30yearold Susana Baldwin pcrashed into bachmans car just pbefore midnight on winter lake proad in winter haven. Pnobody involved was wearing a pseatbelt. Pkelly mccain was m passenger pseat of car that was hit she pdied due to the impact. Pbeen released from hospital pbaldwin will make first pappearance in court later this pafternoon. Palso in polk county a winter phaven man in extremely critical pcondition this morning. Pafter 17yearold driver hit him pon u. S. 27 in dundee last night. Pwe apologize for that. Pdeputies tell us 34yearold penrique maldanado was riding his pmotorcycle about 8 30 when his pwife dropped something in pintersection of dundee road he pstopped to look for item and pwalked into the turn lane. Pthats when the teen driver pstruck him. Pspeed and alcohol at this point pdo not seem to be a factor. Pthe investigation is ongoing. Prussell. P you know starting to look plike republican race for resident is down to two man prace. Pafter big night for donald ptrump, he increases his lead in pdelegate count. Phes got 458. Pted cruz has three 59. Peven though Ohio Governor john pkasich did well hes still in plast place in delegate count 54. Pnot pick up any delegates last pnight. Pstill hes in third place with p151. Pit is getting down to the wire pin so many ways in this. Pall eyes are on florida and the pohio right now. Rimaries are tuesday and they pare winner take all. Pcraig patrick is back on phone pwith us right now to talk a plittle. Pyou can feel it in the air, you pknow, you can feel it on the pair. Pads are coming from everywhere, parent they . Pwere going to bombarded for the pnext six days through tuesday. Pyou have all of the candidates, pall four republicans and both pdemocratic candidates in the pstate of florida because we have ptwo debates heading into ptuesday. Pboth on wednesday, this day for pdemocrats on thursday for the prepublicans. Pthe democrats Bernie Sanders and phillary clinton will be in tampa pbay on thursday. Pand expect to have all the prepublican candidates with the ossible exception of kae sich pwho bearing down on ohio to pcrisscross state throughout pweek. Ptalk to you a little bit about pmarco rubio for a minute if i pi found this piece 5 38. Pits headline is marco rubio pnever had a base. Pa lot of the National Media is palready written him off. P well i think that rubio is pgoing write himself off if he pdoes not win florida he says pwhoever wins florida primary pwill be nominee. Phe cant keep going by way of prhetoric or otherwise if he does pnot win the state of. Pand youre getting that kind oof pnal sis in National Media. Phere in florida because, look at pthe poll numbers. Plook at the numbers in florida. Pyou have one poll which may be pout liar down opinion other oints. Pand weep a mind a lot of vote pmore than third of votes have palready been cast. Psouths not as if rubio would phave to close 20 point gap he pwould have to close much more pthan that. Prapidly overtake donald trump. Pand if you look trajectory pmomentum rubio does not have pcoming out of michigan, pit leaves him with a very tall pup hill battle on tuesday. P yeah. Pand then there is i want to talk pto you a little bit about mitt promney robo calls. Hone calls. Pand mitt romneys big speech plast week. Pdont vote for anybody but ptrump. Pif i were one of these pcandidates i might say yeah, you pknow lets not talk any more pabout this, okay. P this is a year of disrupter. Pa year nonpoliticians the year pof outsider and romney may not prealize his era of influence may phave passed him by even robo pcalls could backfire. Pbecause, whats driving trump pinto lesser extent ted cruz, preally both of them is an poutsider wave. Pyou have base republicans who pfed up with establishment wing pof their party nobody represents pestablishment perhaps more than pmitt romney himself. Pmore he punches the more in peffect it could helping donald ptrump. Pand i want to ask you about pbernie and hillary for a second. Pi mean i know Bernie Sanders is pnot an outsider but he talks plike an outsider. Pyes . P were not winning. Pthats the Common Thread between pdump and Bernie Sanders. PBernie Sanderss case is that we phave money has a choke hold on pthe lekive process and you can ptrace action and inaction in pwashington even state pgovernments to the flow of pmoney. Pthat is a big part of his pappeal. Phis concerns not income pinequality. Pthe choke hold that wall street phas elected process. Psanders. Pnow its very different in terms pof remedy. Pbut lets look a whats fueling pdonald trump hes self funding phis campaign lobbyist big money pinterest making the case are not pdriving him. Pthats where there are in fact psome interesting Common Threads pbetween sardz and donald trump pand Republican Party politician pare very, very different, and we psee Bernie Sanders making hey, plast night in michigan. P craig we got to run. Pgo g. To talk to you man. Ptake care. Pbye. P we learned yesterday of nancy preagans Funeral Plans today pwere learning who will attend. Phillary clinton will take time pfrom campaign trail to pay her prespects to former first ladied pand Michelle Obama will be there pas well. Phowever, her husband president pobama will not be attending the pfuneral. Pinstead he will be at the south pby southwest music and film pfestival in houston where he pscheduled to be the keynote pspeaker there. Resident obama by the way also pdid not attend former first lady pbetty fords funeral in 2011 or pjew it is scalias funeral last pmonth. P beatles first big hit in pengland. Pthanks to the a musical genius pof their producer. Pand its what w. Sad harts pgeorge martin has died. Pthis, the original version of pthe beatles played was slower ptempo. Pmartin said it was dreary. Phe changed tempo. Psped it up. Pobviously it worked so did pmartins 13 other album there is pa he did with the beatles. Pmartin was classically trained pand brought in different sounds pclassical stroo meants to the pband. Pmartin taught the members of the ptechnical side of music. Psxo told them to think outside pthe box. Pthis he was 90 years old. P watching Solar Eclipse from pa jet plane. Pcan you imagine the crazy story pof scientists who got an airline pto change their schedule just pfor the eclipse. Pand the lady and an officer. Pone womans fight to live and pfollow her dreams, this is why pshe is our extraordinary pordinary. Pwhat a story she has. Pand then charley is a new prestaurant with old roots. Pand mainly for russell. Pbecause laura youre so, what . Pyoure not nearly as aged as psome of us. Pbut russell im going to p aged . Paged . Pyou know sometimes i just talk pand stuff just falls out. Pall right. Pim going to have a sound for pyou russell going to bring back pmemories. Pall right. Pwhen . Pmemories to you . Pi fell in love with you heart pand soul. Pi just like to fool madly. Poh, no that sounded like heart pand soul. Pthats driving across the thing pat the gas station isnt it . Pfull service gas stations. Pyou look like tom hanks for a psecond there. Pthats where i went. Pback in the day, you would hear pthat sound and maybe i am aged. Pand there was a little kid my pmom they are going to wash your pface now. Pthat was, that was a thing. Pit was a thing. Pnow you hear that sound fords pgarage it means youre pulling pup to curb side carry out you pget burger to go. Pstick around were not going to pin on into one day youre enjoying rides, events, and upclose Animal Encounters at seaworld. The next, youre having fun at aquatica. For a limited time, you can buy a seaworld annual pass and get a year of aquatica for free. Kick your feet up at aquaticas sandy beaches, and plunge down ihus breakaway falls. Then experience the ultimate thrill with mako, orlandos tallest, longest, fastest coaster, surfacing at seaworld this summer. Get an annual pass, and play all year at both parks. 3 russell wipe live pix we continue to follow a news alert at the Pinellas County courthouse on 49th street in pwere continuing to a follow pstory a suspicious packages ackages that has been found at pthe Pinellas County court hours. P1 on 49th street in clearwater. Ptold that Hillsborough County pbomb team is over there right pnow to try and figure out what pthis thing is. Pi did a story a while back i pknow she share resources across pcounty lines and things like pthat. Pthere that is robot that they phave. Pim not seeing it right there. Pmarie just told me. Pthey will use that probably to pgo up to whatever this thing is. Plook at it closely. Ptheyve got cameras on that pthing where they are in truck pthey can look at whatever the pthing is and decide if it needs pto be blown up. Pand it can blown up. Pit surgeons out it may not be panything dangerous they may blow pit up anyway youre seeing it pbehind that sheriffs line tape. Phas been more than one item pfound or just the one . Pdo we know . P we dont know right now at pthis point i guess. P several, several items found panne marie just told me. Pyou saw that one looked like pwrapped in duct tape metallic plooking plooking you take Something Like pthat very seriously especially pwhen it shows up a government pbuilding like this one has. Pand were following it. Pwell on it. Pas long as we need to be. Pand they are looking into it pright now. P better to be safe than sorry. P true. P look at this, yesterday we ptalked with nasa about the total pSolar Eclipse in southeast asia. Pthis is what it looked like. Plisten to this story. Pand astronomer from new york pamerican museum of natural phistory called Alaska Airlines plast fall and said that one of ptheir flights would be in a erfect position to catch the pdarkest shadow of the moon assing over the sun. Pbut, that flight was a half hour ptoo early. Pso guesswhat . Pthe airline switched their pflight delaying it by 25 pminutes. Pafter it did that, this pastronomer along with dozen pother astronomers booked the pflight just to get a front row pseat to the big show. Pand you can see by this map that lane would intersect eclipse in pmiddle pacific, 700 miles north pof honolulu. Pthis was taken by the flight pattendants. Pyou can see the dot of the moon pover the sun. Pthat is amazing. Pand then this one is from morgan pfrom komo news. Phe tweeted this out from flight ptoo. Pthats neat. Pthats neat. Pnow we look forward to 2017. Pi got to be honest kind of pgeeked out this morning. Pi spent time on the internet phits. Ptrying to figure out where the peast coast is Perfect Place so i pcan book a cabin or hotel to see pthis in 2017. Pyou try to keep this a secret p im not telling you. Pi know you will book it ahead of pme i will be shut out. Pall right. Pbut youre going . Pim, yeah im going. Pi have to go. Pi mean this is once in lifetime pdeal for us. Pbecause it wont happen for 45 pmore years after this. P yeah. Pyou and i have to go. P 70 degrees in tampa. P70 in lakeland. Pas charley pointed out im aged. Plook a good cheese. Psoutheast winds 10 to 15 miles er hour. Pi tell you a little breezy. Pbut it is gorgeous as we start pthe day off. Pmix the clouds in. Pwith that southeast wind were pheading back up to 82 degrees. Pbreezy, it will be warm. Ptonight overnight lows near 65 pdegrees. Pand then for tomorrow back to p83. Pcontinued warm. Pin fact i dont see a huge pchange second half of the pweekend, High Pressure system pfinally breaks down. Pallowing front to come into the pstate. Pthat will bring us a 40 percent prain chance. Pand dont forget to turn those pclocks forward when you go to pbed saturday night. P all right thank you. P9 20 the time task going through olice academy and becoming an pofficer certainly not an easy pone. Pshe did it with grit and grace. P i had to i guess fight for pnot only my life, but i had to pfight to stay in the game. Pand i think i will continue to plive by that. Pandrea has quite story to tell. Pdoesnt matter how hard you hit, pits how many times you can get phit and keep moving forward. Plets start a chapter one ever psince she can remember she pwanted to be a Police Officer. Pi just wanted to be a part of phelping the community, chasing pthe bad guys and just making peverybody safe. Pshe had been an employee with pusfpd for number of years and pheld a couple of different ositions like rookie dispatch. Pher passion and dedication a puspd and offered andrea spot on pacademy. Pin a position as an officer when pshe graduated. Ptrue. Puntil a couple of hours into her pfirst day at the academy. Robably around 10 oclock in pthe morning, yeah. Pthey told me i had cancer. Pi was devastated. Pi was thinking that my dream now pbecause of physical rigors of pbecoming a Police Officer some pthe doctors told her she should ut the dream on hold. Pthose in academy said she could phit pause button at any time and pbe welcome back when shes pcancer free thp this pextraordinary ordinary was going pto turn this into another pchapter in the book of andrea pinstead of an ending. Pwere running pts and doing push pups sit ups were fighting pnobody is to feel sympathy for pme. Plot of people call me warrior or phero super he ror whatever. Pand i, i dont see it. Pbecause, to me it is just, to me pit was perfect distraction. Pwhile there are many blank page pthat is lie aandrea passes on pher story to others now shes pgraduated and is an officer for puniversities of south florida olice department. Ptry to preach this to other eople. Pyou have the choice to either pgive up give in or give it your pall. Pwhen i do apprehend bad guys per pse. Eople ive arrested even pthanked me for you know just pthem. Pthats andrea new mission pbesides being cancer free which pshe is now getting checked every psix months to make sure it stay pthat is was also wants people to premember triumph over what could phave been tragedy and not to pjudge cancer on cover but see pthe courage on inside. Pif i could leave any type of plegacy behind i would want to pleave a courageous one at that. Pand show them that im not going pto give up. Pshe has decided to give back she pstarted an event hats for cutie pthose that a lost their hair pgoing through chemotherapy we phave interesting for on her pwebsite for us if you have an pidea someones storied ordinary pfacebooking page. Pdeflategate certainly has gone paway for tom brady he may get phelp from seventh grader. Pthat may prove brady was telling pthe truth about deflated pfootballs. Pbasic burgers that will drive p good day tampa bay. Pim im Charley Belcher in pbrandon today, causeway pboulevard just south of the mall pat fords garage. Pbrandon. Pwere in the Assembly Line if pyou will at fords garage. Pjen Operations Manager here. Pwere seeing magic behind pburgers. Pthey are going on a little ride pright now. Pyes they are going conveyer. Pand what that does it allow us pto cook a thousand burger a day pand give you great ticket time pand juicy burger. Pthe smell back here fantastic. Pburger smelling grill. Pthey go on the grill they and poff conveyer drop down chute and pwe put them on grill to get pcheese or up cooked everyics pcooked to your liking to ptemperature. Pnice. Pwhat do we got going on over pthere . Pthree burgers going on right now pfor our carry out. Pwe have a jiffy burger which has pamerican cheese on it a ford psignature which Cheddar Cheese pand southwestern which is pgrilled jalapenos and jalapeno pcheese. Pfrom there what are we doing . Pim in the way. Pon this side. Pready to come off . P they are ready to come off. Pit has lettuce on bottom nine phouns patty Cheddar Cheese two ieces of bacon put it in the pwindow and the expo person will p i just wanted to do that. P then we have our jiffy pburger. Pwhich is again a nine ounce atty. Ptwo pieces of bacon the kicker pof this one jiffy because it pgets lots of jiffy Peanut Butter palso known a derek jeter burger. Pthat is derek jeter burger. P order up. Porder up. Pthere you go. Pthen we have our, i just want to psay that. Psouthwestern burger again pjalapenos, pepper jack cheese. Pi may. Pyou can. Retty impressive. Pi like how ford garage is fords pgarage p in brandon, that whats i was ptrying to say. Pgo ahead. Pwas ant job . Pi will mess this one up peventually. Pthank you very much. Pi appreciate it. Pi appreciate it. Pif it is ford garage right on pnear Brandon Town Center road. Pso kind of south next to, arent pwe like a walmart. Pacross street from walmart. Pyeah, there you go. Pyoull find it. Pburger smell. Pyoull come right here open pseven days a week. Pfun place to hang out still want pto know how agotten graved bench pout there i do have my own pbench. Pwhen you come here really crowd phave a seat on Charley Belcher pbench and have good day. Psomething else. Pall right charley, thank you. Pnfl still says tom brady lied pabout deflategate but he may be pgetting some help proving his pcase. Pfrom a seventh grader. Retty brilliant one too. P3 3 russell live pix were continuing to follow the news alert out of pcontinuing to follow it out of inellas county. Pthere are two suspicious ackages were told at the pjustice center in clearwater. Pand the hillsborough bomb squad phas arrived to help out. Pthat is the ront anne marie that pwere seeing . Pwere seeing, its story with pchad and they came here to pbuilding and we demonstrated to pthey work. Pthey got cameras on that thing. Pbut the crew in the truck far paway can see what the thing is. Pand if need be they will blow it pup. Pand from what we understand they pdid, well we saw earlier, this ackage wrapped aluminum foil or psilver duct tape. Pabout foot call robot detonated pat least one of those packages. Pso we still dont know what it pis, right . Pthey might detonate something peven it turns out it wasnt pdangerous. Pbut just, just to get it out of pthe way. P we hear they detonated one. Pso, so, oh, i didnt realize pthis. Pcourthouse not been evacuated. Pstill open for business right pnow. P any way were there. Pweve got crews at the scene pobviously anything else happens pwell let you know. Pquite a scene playing out. P from courthouse to be sure. P 9 33. Pwe continue to follow this pdeveloping story out of seattle pa natural gas explosion has pinjured nine firefighters. Pthis blast and subsequent fire poccurred in greenwood pneighborhood firefighters presponded to a report of a pnatural gas leak. Pabout 40 minutes after they pexplosion rocked the area. Pall of the injured firefighters pare being treated for minor pwounds a local hospital. Pcrews have also evacuated people pthat are living in buildings pnear the site of the explosion. Pno word of any injuries or panyone missing dogs are being pused now to go through the prubble just in case. P South Carolina state senate phas overwhelming pass ad measure pthat bans abortions 20 weeks of regnancy. Pthe new law defines 20 weeks as pthe time that a fetus i viable. Pthe bill will allow exceptions ponly if the mothers life is in pjeopardy or a doctor determines pthat fetus cannot survive poutside the womb. Pthere will be no exceptions for prape or incest. Pafter a final vote in the house pbill heads to governors desk pfor signature. P to Pennsylvania State supreme pcourt will review a law designed pto make it easier for gun owners pand groups like the nra to pmeasures. Poverturned law not before dozens pmunicipalities repealed gun pcontrol measures pennsylvania a pstrong tradition hunting and pgood gun ownership. Pa democratic mayors have a ushed gun control measures to pcombat violence. P chipotle has temporarily pclosed. Pin massachusetts. Pafter four employees called out psick one of those workers has a pconfirmed case of a noro virus. Ptwo other haves suspected cases. Pchipotle decided to voluntarily pclose for a full cleaning pyesterday. Phealth department will inspect prestaurant later on today. Pchipotle still working to precover a series foodborne pillness include a separate nor pro Virus Outbreak a boston pchipotle. Pand take look at this. Onies on the loose near florida pturnpike. Pthey were first spotted near pi75 about an hour ago. Pthis playing out this morning. Pno one know exactly where ponies pcame from. Pwe just learned florida highway atrol has corralled animals, pand taken them to safety. Psweet things. P glad everything is okay. Pthey dont know. Pthey dont know. Pjust out running. Pbut know animal story surprises pme in florida now. Pnot really. Pwe are in the comfy time of the pyear, right . Pyes we are. Pwe kind of got rid of a lot of pwinter chill. Pand were not into the extreme pheat of summer yet. Pwe just get this little period. Plast couple weeks. Pokay. Pnow it is pretty nice. Pin fact today i think were back pup to 82 degrees with breezy pnorth. Ptomorrow 83. Pafter dropping morning lows into pthe 60s. Pthis is going to be big problem pto our west. Pshreveport, houston, dallas. Prain. Pand continuing to funnel its way pin from the gulf. Pand because our weather pattern pweather pattern is not going to pbreakdown. Pthats why there is going to be pbig time flooding in this area. Pas you look at the rainfall pforecast basically through pfriday at noon time. Pbetween today and friday at noon ptime. P5 to 7 inches of rain. Por more. Pin many of these spots. Pbermuda high just hanging tough. Pthese above average temperatures pfor us. Pyet that means they are locked pin that stormy pattern for a few pdays as well. Pwe just mentioned getting back pup to ye degrees breezy, warm ptonight. Pwe are in mid 60s again. Pwith tomorrows High Temperature pright around 83 degrees. Pso cant complain about that. Pboater a little cho in few spots poverall seas running two to pthree feet. Phigh tide by the way, at 2 30 pthis afternoon. Pnext 7 days you will see rain pchances move in but not until pthe second half of the weekend. Pso we stay dry through early psunday morning. Pturn the clocks forward sunday. Psmoke can Carbon Monoxide pdetectors. Pcouple first birthdays to pass palong to you today. Pa couple of cutis in fact. Pwere going to start with oh, plook at this turning one today. Pshe likes to sing and listen to pmusic and her Favorite Song pright now is hello by adele. Pshe also loves to give kisses. Palso turning one today. Pwe have sun jie she loves pwatching sprout and giving her psisters kisses on their pforeheads to sweet adorable plittle girls. Phappy first birthday to both of pyou. Pdeflategate it does not go away. Pmarred tom brady super bowl win. Pcritics say brady somehow took psome air out of footballs to pmake them easier to catch during pafc championship game. Pbrady has always said he was pinnocent in this thing. Pnow he may get some help pimproving his point. Pthanks to breath brilliant pseventh grader and science fair preporting the storyits just too pgood to pass up meet ben. Pthere he is right there. Pseventh grader from saint pious pmassachusetts. Phis science fair project was to psee what happens to footballs in pextreme weather. Phe took properly inflated balls, pand then exposed them to snow, pto windchill cold and ice. Pevery time, the psi which pounds er square inch dropped by 2 si. Pby the way bens experience won pscience fair. Psecond straight win. Pbut he did admit that he wanted pto prove that brady was pinnocent. Plisten to this. Pthe kids last name . Pgoodell. Pbut, were told no relation to pthe nfl commissioner roger pgoodell. Pgot to love that. Pall right. PMichael Phelps getting ready for pthis summering Olympic Games in pcertain hes in top shape. Pnew ad shows off just how hard pand disciplined Michael Phelps pis, when you work more tribute pto great oh olympian of all time prather than than an ad. P heres a little of it. Pwere in awe of his work ethic pin pool weight room. Pat the table. Pshows that phelps didnt get to pbe the best alone. Phe did a lot of work. Pand at the end the ad says its pwhat you do in the dark that uts you in the light. Pi like that he will be phelps pfifth and final olympics. Pwow. Pwhat . P that puts you in the light. Pits great. P still ahead a taste test of pthis homemade beer. Pthe final product that weve pwaiting for and watching all pmorning long. Pbeer all now at havertys furniture, its our spring home event, where you can create the perfect home. From now until march twentyfirst. Youll find huge savings on stylish pieces, plus youll save an extra one hundred dollars, on every thousand you spend. And, were offering twentyfour month, no interest financing. Come in today for storewide savings. With havertys, your home can be perfect. Even when life isnt. [thwack] the spring home event. From classic to contemporary, 3 remember this picture. It created quite a stir. Rapper, 50 cent posted it shortly pdo you remember this picture pcreated quite a stir rapper p 0. 50 posted this you can see psitting on ground instead of pbroke with piles of cash. Ptoday hes going to head to pcourt to explain. Phe says it was fake money he phes not hiding any assets and pfiled for bankruptcy after jury paward ad woman 7 million pclaiming rapper released sex ptape. P how about this movie, parmageddon. Pstar bruce willis live tyler and pben afleck. Psome oil driller sent into space pto save world ben and live play pthe young couple in this action laque apparent will shes pfeeling a little bit nostalgic pearlier he she posted candid icture messing around onset. Pyou can see, enabout is playful pbiting her forehead. Pshe said in previous interview pshe was glad afleck was cast as pher Love Interest because they pknew each other but she said he ptreated her like big brother two pof them would tart giggling when pthey had to do kissing scene. Pthink about this movie came out pin 1998 and was shot when will pwas 27. Pof beer week3 jen were back with lisa colburn and her partner p we are back with lisa and pher partner rob larson. Pthey have been brewing beer all pmorning. Pweve busy. Pcan you believe this guy . Pwere just a couple steps away pfrom the fermentation process. Pit smells better not that it psmelled bad you you can smell pfinal product is near. Pright . P yeah. Pthese are our tasters why is peveryone here . Pbecause they will be tasting. Pfirst we are, weve done the pcooling process. Pdown to 80 degrees. Pand now, the last step is to pfermentation process. Pright . P you know what im talking pabout . P i think so. Ptell us what you need to do now. Pwe need to take the work here pwhich is preferment beer put in pa sanitizer per ferment area pbooed grade bucket and then pwere going to pitch these, so ut yeast in there. Pyou can do it as youre talking. Pso i ask like cant you just pgrab your bucket from your pgarage. Pno dont do that. Pbecause it will explode. Pyeah thats what this part is pfor. Pletting out, yeah. Pi got you. P yeah. Pso co 2 is escaping. Pright. Pso its going to once we ptransfer it over there. Pyou put the yeast in, what about pyeast do . Pgoing to convert sugars and pwhats essentially a syrup right pnow into alcohol. Pif you dont know anything else pabout this process. Pand then, so, the fermentation rocess, after two weeks, it pwill be ready for what . Pit will be a ready to carbonate. Pbe fermented another two weeks pto carbonate after that its pready to drink. P we may be here four hours. Pand an its it, its nice pbecause you dont have to risk pafter youre done keeps the psurface. Pi was wondering. Pvanessa, maybe like good day pgourmet. Pwe only have 30 seconds left. Pwe cant that too syrup they pbrought chocolate stout this is pwhat it will taste like if we pdid it krefkt pl you want to pop pit. Pthis one has higher alcohol pcontent than most beers it psounds like. Pyes. Pwere talking what 11, 12 ercent . Pthink 8 or nine. Poh. Pyeah. Pthe one in there. Pwhole kit to do this whoaing. Pwhat kind of price tag are we ptalking. Pcheap ohs an expensive as you pwant to. Pyou can start out with a regular pkitchen kettle i would recommend pnot cooking anything else. Pweve got to go. Pim interested to find out pwhether or not you think p our boss says we cant have pwhole thing. P i like it. Pactually. Pthat i like it. Pthat is good. Pgood day very smooth finish. Pchocolate. Pyeah tampa bay week here to talk pabout it p. M. We have all pinformation on seen on tv psalute. 3 laura wipe live p were going to back out to pthis developing story that laying out right now in inellas county. Pthis is a live picture from the inellas county justice center. Pfrom the courthouse there. Pseveral suspicious packages were pfound about 7 oclock this pmorning. Pnow Hillsborough County bomb psquad was called in to help. Pthey have detonated at least one pof the packages. Pand we understand that they are ackage. Pand again were going to pcontinue to update the story as pwe learn more. Pwe will let you know more. Pdow is up 55 points. Pand lets get to lauren psimonetti to talk about whats pgoing on in the Business World pthis morning. Pgood morning. Pworld. Pfirst of all happy birthday. Ps p and the dow and nasdaq are pcelebrating 7 years today since pthey cratered at the march 9th, p2009, basically right when the pfinancial crisis ended. Premember that day . Pi do. Pyou know how far weve dow is p10417 points. P159 percent just saying. Pyeah. Pso we certainly have come a long pway. Pand markets are up again today. Pno reason to be down if youre plooking what we look at on wall pstreet. Pchina no bad news there. Pso the fundamentals are this pcould be an up market today. Plets talk about amazon, pcontinuing to forward, you know pmove forward. Ptake over the world . Ioneer. Pthey are launching the daily pfashion and beauty show online pnow, right . Pyeah. Pits started a 9 oclock last pnight. Pevery night for half an hour pstyle code live will be the show pthat you can watch on the pcomputer. Pand you can see the latest in pfashion. Platest in beauty. Ptogether . Pwell amazon wants you to think pof them as place to buy your pclothes. Pyou can see what you like on the pshow. Pclick on it and buy it. Phow convenient also think pbeauty. Pyou go into a store, a physical pstore to buy your lipstick, your pcover up because youve got to ptry them on if amazon can pconvince you to do that on their pwebsite they decimated another pindustry. Pgot to go. Ptalk tomorrow, okay . Pall right. Pbye. Pcant complain about this. Plower 80s expected all the way pafternoon. Psunday evening. Pthat rain chance 40 percent. Pthat will do it for us today pwednesday, march 9th. Pit is my parents 43rd wedding panniversary. Phappy anniversary. Pi just remembered that. Pgot time to do something about pit too live with kelly and pmichael coming up next followed pby Wendy Williams and fox 13 pnews at noon. Pas always you can get latest on pfacebook. Psee you. Pcompany. Pet moments are beautiful, then your eyes may see it differently. Relieve both your itchy,z watery eyes and congestion. Can say that. Complete allergy relief or incomplete. Let your eyes decide. Flonase changes kelly its live with kelly michael. Today, from the Live Television called the passion, trisha yearwood. And star of the new drama, underground, christopher meloni. And if you have a comment or question, send it in to Kelly Michaels inbox. All next on live. [captioning made possible by disneyabc domestic television] and now, here are your emmyaward winning cohosts, kelly ripa and michael strahan

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