Transcripts For WTXF Fox 29 Morning News At 4a 20140930

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last day of september. >> i know. >> crazy. >> it felt like summerrish last weekend and then changed again, that pattern where nothing is you can count on, otherwise. >> change of season. temperatures take a roller coaster ride during the course of the week. today we have a moisture and dense fog advisory. so far it is just for lancaster county but you will encounter fog moving through your morning. many of us did on the way in. we have a little bit of the missing data here as we looped in our satellite and radar picture here but last gasp of the weak storm coming through down to the southwest yesterday and then stepped up into our area but showers that we have seen, are not impressive. it is just rate drills will. new castle county delaware and jersey shore and delaware beach as well. temperatures walking out the door in the bad. not that much different from yesterday. 66 degrees in philadelphia 53 in mount pocono. and 57 until will allentown. down to millville is 63. at the shore 64 degrees in both atlantic city and wildwood. mid 60's in wilmington as well. mostly calm wind which encourages formation of fog and wind will blow the area around and dissipate that fog but even with the clouds we have got to 76 degrees yesterday with the average high being 73. we were above average. we should get to 77 today. clouds, some sun and a few spotty showers this morning. that is your weather authority forecast. so we have made it to tuesday. let's see how traffic is early this morning and we will start off on i-95 northbound the off ramp to the blue route, there is construction there that has the right lane block. also, on route 202 between 401 and 252, there is construction that has the left lane blocked. and then out on 422 westbound at route 363, trooper road there is construction there. kerry? >> sue, thanks. 4:02. breaking news out of north philadelphia, police getting a clue to the light night shooting. it happened in the 7700 block of verona avenue. an unidentified male was shot three times and listed in critical condition at temple university hospital. police say they recovered, 11, ak-47, casings and six, 40 caliber round bullets at the scene. 4:03. developing overnight oakland raiders are now looking for a new coach. >> they fired coach dennis allen four games in the season, his third with the team. the move comes one day following the team's tenth straight loss, and date to go last season. allen's eight-28 record is worst in the franchise history since before 1963. and they just lost their new rookie quarterback, so tough times there. if you care. we are focusing on the eagles here. consumer alert here, a possible data breach, at acne grocery stores in pennsylvania, new jersey and delaware, they may put shoppers at risk a lot of people shop there. fox 29's steve keeley is live with some of the tea tails on this, steve. >> reporter: thinks a in i will thing. we have had a story about this at home depot and before that, tj max and marshals. every time though figure out how to stop this those high tech criminals find a new way to break through and steel customer's credit card numbers and even their expiration dates on their cards and everything else that they need to make duplicate cards and charge on your account. the latest victim acme and they are not sure how bad the problem is. they think they got it pinned to just a couple of lanes and in would be chain in minnesota but they cannot be sure. they are putting out the warning on the web site here. acmes all around philadelphia, delaware and here in new jersey, all affect by this and what happened was in july they had this happen and then again between august and mid-september they had this happen. so they are saying hey, check your accounts for suspicious activity, and plane english that means look at your bills or see if your credit card has been maxed out because criminals don't spend 50 bucks and let it go and then you don't see that or notice it. they max out your credit card and your credit card company calls you when they see a lot of charges in one day or a couple of hours and that is usually what happened. another trouble spot here at acme and what will they do? well, they said just to be sure they will give you a years free of credit monitoring which is good to take even if you don't think you were affect. so a lot of people can't remember when they bought their groceries to a specific day, so, in the times listed between june and mid-july and mid-august and mid-september, that is a lot of weeks covered if you shop at acme anytime or one of those people like me that goes to the different grocery store like me, you might want to call that number on their web site and get that credit monitoring. you can't lose for that deal. anything free these days goodies when shopping at all these stores and then there is a threat of your credit cards being stolen. chris and kerry this is making you feel like to go back to the all days and do all cash and worry about old time criminals will holding you up and picking your pockets. >> always a problem, steve. 4:06. happening now investigators think they have a suspect accused of killing a pennsylvania state trooper contained to a small area in the woods. sources tell us there were signs of eric frein's campsite with his personal belongings were found over the weekend. investigators are also trying to figure out if the man spotted in the wads by a local police officer might have been frein. police are focusing on an area near his parent's home in the area. frein ace accused of killing brian dickson september 12th in an ambush in pike county. a second trooper was also wounded. this is scary stuff for parents. parents in mercer county are demanding answers after a preschooler died from an undetermined illness, last week. >> yeah, concerned community packed the auditorium of yardville elementary school in hamilton township last night, many of them are angry that the school isn't closed until tests determined why a four year-old boy died suddenly at his home on thursday. half of the student stayed home on monday, amid fears that the boy died from aggressive entero virus. >> no, but for something like this which is a little bit more serious, it is just terrible for the family, they don't close schools. >> we were trying to balance protecting the privacy of the the family and child, long with the fact that we didn't have a lot of information. >> township health officials say their initial tests show the boy did not die from the flu but they are waiting on the cdc to decide if he had entero virus. meanwhile they insist the school is clean and safe. updating a story that we reported yesterday, police recovered the suv involved in the hit and run in mantua on sunday and they would like the driver to turn himself in. laura maclean suffered a broken foot and ankle with cuts and bruises when she was hit by that car near forty-second and penns grove. police described the driver of the vehicle as a black man in his mid to late 40's with facial hair and gray in his beard. 4:08. wal-mart respond to actor tracie morgan's federal lawsuit why the company is putting the blame on tracie minister again and his friend the the night of the fatal accident. and our jennifer joyce is live this morning after a mother is killed in philadelphia, jenny? >> reporter: that is right, kerry police are trying to find out who would kill a mom of four execution style and why, we will have the very latest on this strawberry mansion shooting coming up we have a lot of moisture in the air f you are leaving now or if you are driving out in the country, or out in lancaster county perhaps you might run into some dense fog. there is quite a bit out there but dense fog advisory for our area only includes lancaster county. lets check those visability. well, it was warranted because we have zero visibility in lancaster county this morning. reduced visibility in allentown and mount pocono .3 of a mile. 4 miles around fort dix there and down in south jersey it is in the so bad but reduced visibility in wilmington. it may slow you down a little bit, mess of the dense fog out there to the west of philadelphia. you will see our loop over the last couple of hours of precipitation and it shows most of the rain we have had and you cannot even call it rain it is just showers is on the way out if you you see a sprinkle or two that is probably all you'll see if you are in new castle county delaware you probably saw sprinkles in the last hour or so if you were outside in the the dark and same for cape may county and delaware beaches. future cast shows some room for sunshine today. it may not be as glummy as part of the day was yesterday but we still cannot rule out a sprinkle or stray shower. it is unlikely in most places. if you do get one it won't be until evening and we will get ready for next storm system to come through on wednesday, that will see increasing clouds during the the day tomorrow and possibility of a shower or two but none of these showers looks to be a really big deal. it is just a tiny bit on the unsettled side over the next day or two. that within today or tomorrow. so, that is what we have got coming up, friday will be a very bright, beautiful day, thursday as well. going county by count which our temperatures, 55 in layton and 59 in bethlehem. further south limerick has 60 degrees. sixty-one warminster. sixty-six in philadelphia to the south of us 63 in bridgeton, millville and 66 in cape may. so, things are comfortable this morning, temperatures more forward to 77 degrees depending on how much sunshine we will get there will be clouds, some sunshine and cannot rule out that spotty shower here and there. there is your weather authority forecast. lets get to the roads. is there always something going on, we will start off on the pennsylvania turnpike, northeast extension, this is southbound side just past quakertown, we have construction with the right lane block. out on the turnpike extension approaching, 276, there is some construction with the right and center lanes blocked and i-95 northbound approaching island avenue and platt bridge a disabled vehicle there but it is on the right shoulder so everybody is getting by, kerry. >> sue, thanks. philadelphia police searching for gunman who shot and killed a with man walk ago long the street in strawberry mansion. >> police say mother was targeted in this killing. fox 29's jennifer joyce live at philadelphia police headquarters with the very latest, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, chris and kerry. this investigation is ongoing. police are trying to figure out who would target this mom of four and why. police say 42 year-old catherine berry of the strawberry mansion section of this city was gunned down execution style on sat take night, around 8:30. police say berry was shot in the head in front of her 13 year old daughter, the family dog was also with them. they were walking home from the corner store when a man jumped out in the street and started firing. it happened on morris street near 33rd. woman's child was in the hurt. police are reviewing surveillance video to put the the pieces together. >> it is like boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, just like that. my son ran out. i said are those shots. he said yeah. >> it is an execution. we don't know what this is about. we do have video. we do see her walking down the street. then this male appears and he goes right for her. he doesn't shoot at the daughter. he just shoots at her nine or ten times striking her several times and killing her. >> i'm shock. she was a good person. out of all people for that to happen, i'm just shocked. >> reporter: berry's oldest son was too upset to talk on camera with you said his mother was devoted to their children. their dad passed away. she worked as a home health aid. police are in the giving a motive at this point but believe berry was targeted. suspect is described as a heavy set black man in his 40's with a gray and black beard, kerry and chris. >> jennifer gist live at police headquarters, thanks. 4:15. fall out from pennsylvania's top judge. chief justice ron cost steel says that there are allegation that is judges were a among those exchanges pornographic material with members of the attorney general's office. if that is true, it could result in a conflict of interest and that could lead to appeals in previously decided cases regarding this. the the state attorney general reported three dozen current and former employees sent or received pornographic material in office e-mails from 2008 through 2012. a nasty argument between two philadelphia police officers is under investigation. police say it involves a male and female officers from the 18th district. according to the internal a affairs investigation report the officers in uniform and on duty got into a physical confrontation that ended, with the female officer injured. >> it will be investigated in a very serious way. >> the female officer reportedly suffered a injury to her face. there was in word whether the male officer was injured. that male officer has been removed from the 18th district and assigned to headquarters honorary strict duty and his gun has also been taken away. wal-mart is blaming tracie morgan and his friends for not wearing a seat belt when one of the tractor trailers plowed into the comedian's limo van back in june. >> so this is revealed in the company's response to morgan's federal lawsuit. crash happened in june along the new jersey turnpike a friend and fellow comedian was killed. minister again and two others suffered severe injuries. reported by federal transportation officials says that the truck driver was driving 65 miles an hour before hitting minister again's vehicle. lets take a look at other national headlines for you now, man who jumped the white house fence earlier this month made it much farther in to the building then previously revealed. by building we mean the white house. the washington post reports omar gonzales, sprinted through the front door, overpowered the secret service officer and ran through much of the main floor before being tackled in the east room. the secret service claimed gonzales was quickly detained but the main entrance. post says the the alarm box near the front had been muted at the request of the usher office. test results are expected to come back for patients in texas who showed signs of the ebola virus. patient being kept in isolation at a dallas hospital. now this is the late's monk such cases impacting cases in the u.s. over the weekend a doctor was taken to the national institutes of health after being exposed to the virus while working in sierra leon but it has in the been confirmed whether he has the disease or in the. four other doctors or aid workers have been treated in the u.s. hospitals for ebola after working in countries in west africa. more than 3,000 people have died so far from ebola in that region due to the latest out break, kerry. new to the latest on the danger in the middle east. is his is continuing to advance in syria despite u.s. led coalition air strikes. yesterday coalition carried out eight air strikes targeting towns and villages in northern and eastern syria controlled by these militants. one of the strikes hit a grain silo killing two civilian working there according to activist. u.s. officials say that was used by militants and they found no evidence of civilian casualties. meantime another strike overnight hitting the entrance of the syria's largest gas plant, but did in the damage facilitate itself. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu equating threat from isis with the danger that his country perceives from iran declaring all islamic extremist to be part of the same poisonous tree. netanyahu told u.n. yesterday their goalies global come nation, they in the for all of islam. >> they believed in a master race, militant islam believe in a master faith. they just disagree who among them will be the master of the master faith. >> israeli prime minister went on to say iran is where militant islam could r its ambitions and to leave iran is a potential nuclear battle toys win the battle but to lose the war. pro democracy protesters in hong kong set a wednesday deadline for a response, from the government. they want government to meet their demand for genuine democracy. they also want the city's chief execute turf step down, demonstrators say they will announce new civil disobedience plans on wednesday which is also a national holiday inn china that means enlarges crowds are expect. 4:21. sue serio, good morning to you. >> it won't be a bad day today. we have had some showers around this morning mostly we have not been disturbed by any of that. if you have seen any at all, little bit of fog around but a few showers and some sunshine and it will be a mix of sun and clouds throughout the rest of the day so not necessarily an umbrella day at all like i said if you see a shower it is not a big deal. 77 degrees is our high. 6:45 is our sunset time this evening. that is your weather authority forecast, it is traffic time. to i-95 northbound at route 130 north, national park exit, there is construction there that has the left and center lanes block. that is of course in new jersey. chris. sue, thank you. stewart speaks out for first time since his car hit and killed a fellow racer his words for that driver and his family. good morning, i'm howard eskin. eagles still trying to figure out how to get their offense going. though have lane johnson back from the suspended list from sunday's game but what happened in santa claire a against 49ers was ugly offensively. chip kelly says his offensive line is not good enough. nick foles is having more trouble making plays. a accuracy not good. fans started the rumbling why did chip kelly not make a change at quarterback on sunday. >> position of quarterback obviously is the one that gets the focal point when things are struggling on one side of the ball it is easy to say to take him out. but i have never been that way. i don't think you can pin all this on nick. there is plays he wants back. is there plays i want back. there is block up front that guys want back there is plays that everybody wants back. so i don't think that is a issue that came across my mind. >> and next sunday eagles play st. louis at the link and they are a seven-point favorite. that is sports in a minute. i'm howard eskin. all right. 4:25. for the first time nascar racer tony stewart opening up about last month's accident that killed fellow racer kevin ward junior. >> those comments, come less than a week after learning he would not face charges but stewart remained shaken by this crash and says he doesn't know when he will return to racing. >> this is a healing process for me. it makes you think about a lot of things other than driving race cars but the one thing that has helped me more than anything is being at the race track and being around my racing family and you know, remembering that i have a a passion for what i do. >> so stewart says he won't retire at this point. he is only 43 years old. as you can see here, on this video right before kevin ward junior is impacted by kevin stewart's car. he was struck august 9th when ward got out of his car. still questions remain why word got out of the car but toxicology shows ward was under the influence of marijuana at a high enough level to impair his judgment and still got behind the wheel of that car. unbelievable. >> it is a song some people just can't get enough of, turn down, for what. >> the way you sold that. >> turn down for what. >> nor what. >> all right. this weekend, john, i sold that. >> yes. >> anyway, he had to show the crowd how he gets down when that crowd comes on the stadium. mlb shared the video. o yeah, baby gets serious on the field when these guys are at work. when your jam comes on, you go for it. >> can you imagine steve carlton doing that back in the 70's or 80's. >> it looks like he has a condition. >> williamson. >> turn down for what. >> okay. >> he walks up to led zeppelin, songs that i know. >> unexpected, former philadelphia sports personality don tollefson why his fraud trial ended before it even began. woman is targeted in a execution style murder, plus what police say what could be the clue that cracked that case for detectives check your credit and debit card, another data breach if you shop at acme anytime in the past year. and, there has got to be something so nobody else child will get killed here. plus, a mother's plea for justice after she loses her daughter in a horrific accident, what the family believes happened when a septa bus took the life of a young mom. such a sad story we are following for you on this tuesday, september 30th, 2014, thanks for being with us. >> 4:31. time for weather and traffic on the one's with sue. >> we will take you west, to philadelphia, it seems like the further west you go the more dense fog you will find, so lancaster county is under a dense fog advisory until 9:00 o'clock this morning, and that extend out to the west of us as well. through to the state capitol of harrisburg. so for us right now we are looking at satellite and radar picture it has on it some precipitation but it is not much and what we are getting is not a big deal what we have had down to the south has started to dry up and there is a little bit of rain in northeastern maryland and parts of the new castle county delaware as we zoom in closer around maryland that part of the i-95 getting rain this morning but not a big deal and hardly a spotty show you are in cape may county, new jersey. what you are seeing on radar isn't even making it to the ground. 60 degrees in pots town and in lancaster. sixty-five in wilmington. sixty-four in dover. wind are calm. that is why it is foggy or part of the reason. the no wind to move the air around and 3-mile an her breeze down in dover delaware. largely a cloudy day yesterday as we predicted and we got up to 76 degrees. didn't make it to 80 but still a very pleasant day temperature wise and a little bit above average. seventy-three is the average high. today's high 77 with clouds and some sun and spotty shower here and there this morning. that is your weather authority forecast. lets go back to new jersey, to 295 northbound between 168 and 42 freeway, we have construction there with two lanes block. that will slow you down between now and 6:00 a.m. also on the pennsylvania turnpike eastbound between fort washington and bensalem construction there has left lane block. on 295 southbound approaching route 33, there is construction that has the left and center lanes, blocked, this morning, chris. sue, thank you. lets get to breaking news where police are piecing together clues to a late night shooting that happened in the 7700 block of stern avenue. police say an unidentified male was shot three times, and victim is listed in critical condition at this point. he is at temple. police recovered 11, ak-47 casings and 60, 40 caliber round bullets at that scene. quite a shoot-out, my goodness. shoppers are wear, a possible security breach may put your card information at risk. >> this time lets turn to fox 29's steve keeley live, with the very latest on this first target and then home depot and now acme, steve. >> reporter: chris, you might be like me and, one of those people rarely carries any cash and doesn't even use cash but also like me might be one of those people who think i better go to the all cash lifestyle real soon because this kind of thing keeps happening. super value now has a lot of acme customers super worried after it got a second summer time attack on the credit and debit card swipe payment system this warning on acme's web site comes less than two months after it learn of the first date breach earlier in the summer. it is very common as viewers of this show as learn and heard us warn them about stolen and hack credit card numbers, for millions of shoppers, at some of the biggest store chains in the country in the past year. home depot recently. target before that and tj max and marshals before that. so now new age high tech crime phrase, data breach goes with the new high tech, crime weapon malicious software as is more commonly known in high tech shorthand malwear. acme says that the two times from mid-june to mid-july, second from mid-august to mid-september. so chris and kerry, it is offering a free year of credit monitoring for anybody who is worried and they have a even if number on the web site to call and figure out how to set that up which is usually easy and that will make sure all your credit cards and debit cards are only being used by you, and that can be a little reason to rest easy but in these days your numbers are never safe it seems, anywhere you shop with every chain it seems to be hit, constantly as we constantly get a new one every month. who will be next? who knows. until we go back to all cash this is going to probably keep happeningy will get you a money clip for christmas, steve keeley, we will carry cash so we are not victimized by these thugs. >> thank you all right my buddy, thank you. 4:35. police cautioning people walk or exercise, on philadelphia's excuse me on philadelphia's trails to be on alert this warning is in response to a recent attack of the 51 year-old woman in wissohickon park. this happened friday afternoon at 4:30. police say a man approached her from behind and demanded, of course, money. whether he she didn't have any the man attacked her. after a ten minute struggle she broke free and ran and called police. those who run, walk at night know how vulnerable woman can be. >> i usually have my head phones on and in the zone, anybody could come up from behind or anything. >> security groups such as friend of wissohickon are warning members to be smart and to call police if they see anything unusual. good point about the headphones, stay vigilant out there. suspect in this attack is described as a black male between # 25 and 30 years old, 6 feet with a large build, short curly hair, last seen wearing a red pull owe shirt with white writing, tan pant and a baseball cap. 4:36 right now. happening right now, autopsies are planned for president and ceo of cooper university health care and his wife. john and joyce sheraton died after a fire in their somerset new jersey home. the crew as arrived and fire was confined to the couple's upstairs bedroom. the cause of the death and fire remains under investigation. court date scheduled today in connection with the case involving an assault of the gay couple, who was attacked in center city. last week three suspects were charged in that attack. here they are right now. at a status hearing it will be held for philip williams, kevin harrigan and kevin rot knott. victims says the group hurled gay slurs at them and beat them when they passed on the street on september 11th. one of the victims suffered serious facial injuries during that attack. 4:37 is the time on a fuss morning. storm in arizona causes so much damage it shuts down a school. what the students did instead of sleeping on their day off, it is really inspiring. then some people choose to tip badcally when their service noise good but one family decided to go, in the opposite direction. why they say that their server deserved it, even when their service wa time right now is 4:40. if you are looking at the picture of the screen that is platt bridge right by the airport. clean up underway in phoenix area have a a fierce storm ripped through over the weekend. >> that storm caused so much damage, schools were canceled yesterday but instead of playing on their day off, some of these students rolled up their sleeves to pick up the destruction left behind. the strong wind toppled settled trees and down power lines, tea brings is every where but students participating in this clean up effort say that they warrant todd organize, and do a little bit of good. >> summer just ended. it is already snowing in colorado. so far it is expect to be heavy at times and motorist should be prepared for icey driving conditions and state is hit by severe weather conditions. denver area is experiencing heavy rains, wind, and hail. >> you know, it is not uncommon at least in the mountainous areas have of colorado and utah but snow starting in early to late august and upper elevations. >> that is right, then next day it will be 60 degrees. >> exactly. >> that is how it is, in that part of the world. we don't have any of that in our forecast and we went for a while, how much we will get over the whole winter remains to be seen, but there are some indications we could have an interesting winter coming up. in the meantime we have to deal with dense fog in lancaster county this morning. that dense fog advisory in effect until 9:00 a.m. here is your planner for the day and plan on comfortable temperatures, lower 60's in the city, throughout the morning and maybe, a sprinkle or a shower or two but mostly it is just clouds and some sunshine for the rest of the day and a high temperature of around 77 degrees. sunset at 6:46 p.m. let's check traffic for you. we will go to i-95 southbound right at the commodore barry bridge, exit, construction there has the left and center lanes, blocked, kerry. >> sue, thanks. 4:42. a recent giving a little respect to her fellow divas and adele is not the only artist that she's paying tribute to. good morning, welcome back. it is 4:44. detective are hoping you can track down two robbery suspects, police say, that they are seen here in surveillance video holding up a 49 year-old man this happened last week in the 3,000 block of third street in philadelphia's fair hill neighborhood. victim says he was approached by two hispanic men and one demanded his wallet while shots were fired at him. police say victim was hit in the arm and treated at temple hospital. family and friend coming out to remember victim of the deadly septa bus accident, vigil was held to celebrate life and memory of sheena white last night. twenty-nine year-old mother was killed by a septa bus crossing the street with her young son and another pedestrian on friday. her mother addressed the crowd. >> i'm trying to be strong but without a baby to be strong for. once again, everybody, thank you, thank you so much from the bottom of your heart, my daughter thanks you, my grandson thanks you, the rest of my family thanks you. >> vigil was held ate 15th and washington in south philadelphia. that is where the accident happened. the septa bus driver was off-duty when it happen. family members believe they were in the driver's blind spot. the philadelphia zoo is investigating a deadly accident involving one of the workers. sky fox over the scene right before noon time yesterday when the employee was found underneath a golf cart. the zoo says that the employee was a mechanic who work at golf carts used to get around the zoo facility. how the accident happened is in the clear and zoo still has in the released the worker's name. former local sportscaster don tollefson could be looking at jail time after pleading guilty to stealing thousands of dollars. prosecutors say tollefson defrauded, 200 victims through bogus travel packages to the super bowl and other sporting event and that he kept more than $300,000, meant for a charity. his trial is set to begin just before he decided to plead guilty, but for his victims his admission is in the good enough. >> it takes a pretty low person to pray on a dead officer's family and then go and rip off everybody. >> i think they are relieved but they are ready to exhale until mr. tollefson is sentenced and i don't blame them. >> tollefson's attorney says his downward spiral was a result of an addiction to alcohol and painkillers and dependency he says, he is now kick. meanwhile sentencing could happen for 60 days. tollefson is a former fox 29 employee. former philadelphia police officer once hailed as a hero no longer faces trafficking and sex crime charges. the district attorney's office announcing there is not enough evidence to proceed to trial on those charges against richard decoatsworth. he was accused of sexually assaulting two women at gunpoint last year and forcing them to take drugs. prosecutors say that he still faces domestic violence charges though. he was shot in the face while pursuing a suspect in 2007. he left the force on disability in 2011. there is a proposal to save the trump taj mahal casino from closing in atlantic city but there are major strings attached to this potential tiehl. billion air karl icon says he will spend hundred million-dollar to save the venue but he want big tax breaks from atlantic city and 25 million in fund from a state agency. in his letter from his attorney the billion air says he would consider bailing the casino out if the debt he is owed is coverted to equity giving him ownership, atlantic city's mayor says that is a deal the city just can't afford. the taj is slate todd close in november. we will keep you posted. outcry for an increase in minimum wage across pennsylvania. a statewide coalition rally with mid ten cities for a vote pennsylvania a raise day this group gathered in center city before heading to the governor's office to protest. call is for hourly rate continue on crease to $10.10 an hour a boost of three bucks an hour. they say that a lot of businesses are taking care of themselves and in the their employees. the the last minute mum wage increase passed in pennsylvania was back in 2006, the current rate in the state is $7.25. a new legal deal may help pennsylvania same sex couples become legally married. >> the proposal would move their wedding anniversary to may 20th, 204, the the day pennsylvania gay marriage ban was overturn. the couples married prior to that date with licenses giving out by a montgomery county official. this deal still needs to be approved by a judge. it is coming up, on 5:50. actress amanda binds binds was arrested sunday for suspects of driving under the influence of a drug. police stopped the 28 year-old after they say she stopped in the middle of the interest section around 4:00 in the morning. she was released on $50,000 bail and remains on probation for a dui that happened in 2012 where she clipped an l.a. sheriff's patrol car. aretha franklin is paying her respects to some diva artists. >> ♪ >> that voice, my gosh. there she is, of course, covering adele a's rolling in the deep, and the queen of soul driving her own album, of covers, of popular music, popular diva music. the album is called aretha franklin sings the great diva classics and coming out on october 21st. who else does she cover you may ask. she covers barbara industries an, alycia keys, ita james. >> same group. >> yep, yep. >> ridiculous. >> yes. >> you know they always say on american idol don't do something that somebody else did, so distinct i havely. >> unless you are aretha franklin then you can getaway witt, wow. yeah, she killed that song. well, we have a dense fog advisory in lancaster county and that is until 9:00 o'clock this morning but really further west you go from philadelphia a lot of moisture in the air. you will run into some fog you can see no visibility in lancaster this morning. that will slow you down. it is in the great in reading either, .8 of a mile. .3 in allentown a lot of fog around this morning. mostly today north and west of the the city. yesterday we had it in new jersey but not too bad with that today. as we look the at ultimate doppler, one remaining area of rain right here in new castle county delaware and parts of the northeastern maryland. cloud cover for the rest of us but we will see some sunshine once that fog burns away down at the jersey shore all that rain has left and it wasn't a big deal to begin with. as we look at the the future cast the rest of the day does look like we will see some sunshine at times but is there a slight chance of the pop up shower or sprinkle towards evening and maybe in the overnight hours and into wednesday, as well but even then, whatever we see it shouldn't abe big deal. we will cool down a little bit as we get toward the the weekend. here's our seven day forecast, clouds and showers today, 77. 74 degrees tomorrow with some showers, probably in the morning and then on thursday, that looks like a ten, sunny and nice with a high of 73. some showers late in the take on friday, lasting into saturday morning. this is a stronger cold front and that means by sunday our high temperature will only be 66 degrees for the eagles verse the rams at the link. that is your seven take forecast. lets check out traffic for you and see if there is any on this tuesday morning. i-95 northbound approaching island avenue the the platt bridge that is near the airport, a disabled vehicle on the right-hand solder there, chris. >> okay sue serio, thank you. within family gives a big tip to the server who really didn't do a very good job, why they say they offered up big bucks for a bad experience. they are thing is what. >> yes. we have a dog story for you. dogs in southern callus exchanging a walk in the park for sometime in the water. man's best friend is in huntington beach this area weekend for sixth annual surf sit dog competition. each doggies judged by their skills, duration of their ride and i'm positive they were enjoying the ride. that is pretty cool. look at that going backward. >> is what the tiehl with dogs by the the way. i took my dog to a local creek. they get out of the water, why do they have to shake right next to you have time. >> i don't know. >> can't they do it over there. >> they are marking their territory. >> they do that every time. >> and shook every time right next to me. >> you shouldn't play fetch. >> never again. >> 4:56. a waiter getting an unexpect pick me up. way couple out on their sixth wedding anniversary didn't have the romantic night that they expect. their waiter, whom they say was friendly was clearly tired and over work. >> so instead of leaving him a lousy tip they had something entirely different they lift him a hundred dollar tip and on a 66-dollar bill. they left a note saying we have both been in your shoes paying it forward. couple once waited on struggles and struggled to make end meat they are showing off their successful and by in the good graces of his lady. >> that is very cool. >> they have been married for six years. good graces parties over. >> it is the seven year itch, they are still good for another year. >> expected, seventh year things get kind of dicey. breast cancer break through a promising drug extending lives but at a very high price. a local preschooler dies from a mysterious illness, in the even the cdc knows what happened, why parents are really nervous to send their kids back to school. all right. 5:00 o'clock, before you head to work today check your credit and debit card statements, acme latest company hit by hacker. white white house intruder got further then we first thought. now it

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